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Fantasy Grand Ultima

"Yeah, I guess I am in" He said as he saw that this girl was being more impatient. He can't let his guard down here. A fight can happen anytime so he prepared and tried not to show any hostility. In case a fight really happens, he has one spell up his sleeve for he does not intend to fight. "The elf, where the elf go?" He asked and is looking like he is ready to do something... fast.
"Splendid." She said as she approached him, grasping his shoulder lightly but with a grip difficult to remove. "Enhance both of our bodies with the wind magic and we'll be off." She said with a hint of excitement in her voice. She would prank the elf hard on her own, with an accomplice, this would be something for the books. The elf would never know what hit her. "When we get there, just follow my lead."
"Hey, are you sure about this? Everyone I've tried to enhance with wind speed magic can't control themselves. They bump into trees or walls, they suddenly slide and fall because they're too fast, some even fell off a cliff." He asked because he doesn't want this girl getting hurt. She does not have a wind core like him or even a speed enhancing magic.
"Mana infusion into the body produces a lesser effect, it would take exactly one minute for me to adapt." She said confidently. Pure mana was the jack of all trades for cores, and also the master of none. It was still doable to be empowered by another, as all effects could be reproduced by pure mana, albeit to a lesser extent, she would still be able to control it. "Don't worry, it's not like I haven't done this before." That was not necessarily false. She was in fact empowered by an ice element once, and to say the result was, cool both literally and figuratively, would be an apt description.
"Don't worry, it's not like I haven't done this before."

It was obviously a lie to make him use his buff on her, wow, what an impatient girl! Rika thought so. He was in a hurry to see the elf too anyway. "Ok, stand there." Rika concentrated and the wind started to bend again around him but this time it seemed like the wind was pushing him towards his direction of will. Instead of enhancing his body with wind, he instead used the wind around him by means of releasing wind mana to control it. He only used Mana Forming for offensive techniques and some other magic. Rika also did this method to the girl. A method not familiar to many mages. He first touched her shoulder and did the rest. "There, try and move" Rika confidently said.
She did, moving about a few inches from her intended target. "Not too hard." She said before she began to jump, more than a few feet than regular before landing with an ungraceful thud. She still managed to stick the three-point-landing (look it up) though. "Well that's interesting, through lets see if we can fly with this thing." She muttered as she willed herself upwards with another jump and held herself aloft, pushing in every direction. The pressure was slightly unconformable, and she was not used to flying like this, she used platforms made of mana herself, but she did it. "Come on slow poke, this way." She said as she darted towards the elf's direction, or five meters from it for space allowance.
Oh come on! That was not Mana Infusion, he thought. It seems like he can't underestimate this girl. He dashed faster than the girl so he could position himself at front and headed towards their direction aiming for the elf.
"So this is fun, but it isn't Mana Infusion isn't it?" She asked over the winds as they were flying quite quickly. "It's much simpler it seems, though I don't know if it does anything for the curability of the person affected by it. If anything it will speed up anything coming towards the user, making hits harder. A simple application, but inevitably a double edge sword, no wonder it was easy to control in the first place." She chided him gently. "There she is." She said, stopping a few meters above the elf, catapult at the ready. Oh she was going to enjoy this.
"This girl has been studying too much... Although I did not know that this was a simpler method." Rika muttered to himself. Study of magic is relatively hard because of the need of real experiments. And yes she was right. "Ya know, I could redirect the wind anytime in any direction" Rika said as he wants to make sure the girl really trusts him. Then they found the elf. "Oh! There she is! I can finally see one."
Eli pops out of nowhere and stands a few feet behind the elf, he pulls his hood over his face as he scans the area. His sword visibly swinging from his hip
Meanwhile, Ferena got chills, maybe because people are talking about her "guhhh....When will I get to my destination?" she muttered.

She also felt a really cold stare behind her which really creeps her out.

As she is walking further and further the more she becomes curious...about the nasty aura and the chills she gets.

"Oh! There she is! I can finally see one." A loud voice from a boy

"huh? where did it came from?" she sensed someone and looked up

It was a girl aiming for her at high speed. The girl was so fast that she's gonna crash on her in no time.

She Decided to use the vines/trees/earth...wahh anything for cushion!!!
She stopped a few inches in front of the elf, an overconfident smile on her face before she raised her hand, and flicked her on the nose. She could not help but laugh, as she looked at the scared elf, really it was hilarious. She did not need to see the surprise or relief on the faces of the boys behind her, and that only made her laugh even harder. Really, the set up was perfect, she could not have planted any more hostile and misleading signs before coming out as totally playful. She was not just going to assault an elf just because she cut in line, no, she would just flick her on the nose.
Rika was just standing there like.... Whaaa? This girl is really weird. And here he thought she would interrogate her or something. And this guy, near the elf, from earlier. What is his purpose here too? He looked shady. As things got awkward, Rika decided to do something. "Guys, since we're stuck here deep in the forest, why not introduce ourselves? I'm Rika, Rika Styfr from Gale." What was that? Where did that come from? He just saw something with these guys that might be fun.
"Ehh~...I'm Ferena Skai nice to meet you~!" she said while ignoring the Girl beside Rika.

(thinking)"I bet she's another overconfident jerks." *smirks*

"So...why are you here~?"
"Personally, I'm just getting back at you for holding up the line a while ago" Amelia said with a smile, almost apologetic as her hand was also offered to any who would take it. "Amelia, Amelia Elysium, nice to meet all of you formally." She turned to the guy, the yellow who tried to attack her earlier, falling for her trap. "Oh, Blood's here too, did you just want to come and watch what I might do?" She asked mischievously, a sly twinkle behind her large glasses.
Elija lets off a wry smile as he extends his hand to great them "Hi there, the names None Of Your Business, though you may call me Black Cat, my alias"

It was simply unacceptable! The tourist guide had said that, due to how LONG it was taking them to finish the scheduled track, he would have to stop explaining the local flora. What a sham! She had only collected 22 specimens! And she was missing one of the plants he had described: an orange berry that was said to induce sleep easier than most conventional sleeping pills! Think of the possibilities...sleep grenades, sleep pills, sleep...coffee!? A sleeping pill that you drank with coffee!?

Elena shook her head. Nothing would stop her from obtaining the Slumbrange Berry. NOTHING. She decided to split from the group. The forest was vast, but the tree holding said sedative had a few defining characteristics. Its branches all had orange thorns, its trunk always seemed to be heavily covered by moss. You could tell you were near one because of an amazing amount of orange leaves at its bed: it constantly shedded leaves and grew new ones.

She cut through the forest (and cut her cheek on a vine accidentally, hurray for first aid!) peeling her eyes for the telltale signs of her pray. Until...yes! YES! A Slumbrange tree was in plain sight, its berries taunting her from above. She couldn't climb that, but who cared? And who cared for the people talking near said tree? Although there seemed to be elves, and hooded swordsmen. Scary...somewhat?

But this was in the name of science. SCIENCE!

She decided that, as much is at dismayed her, it was barrier shard time. Shooting a barrier fragment, she easily severed a thin branch holding a pack of berries, and they fell neatly into one of her plastic bags. Taking out her marker and thermometer, she jotted down the temperature and name, as per usual.

That being said, she could come across as hostile to the people around her, so perhaps an unwanted introduction was in order?

"Hey. Sup. I'm Elena and I'm grabbing berries on a bag, what are you guys doing away from the group?"
"Pshh, None of your business seems to not be in the mood of introducing his name." Rika disapointedly said. Then suddenly a woman appeared near them and introduced herself. "This Woman has more attitude than you!, wait.. YOU!? When did you get here!? I thought you were with the group." Rika surprisingly said.
"...I was getting these." Elena raised a bag full of Slumbrange Berries. Before carefully stuffing them into her bag. Given the tour guide wasn't giving her any more info, she didn't know if it was wise to just return or anything. She could come tomorrow and nag the next guide for the specimens she hadn't asked about today. By the end of the week, she could have a small book of about 50 or more species. Which was par for the course for a small Aurele handbook.

"The guide got bored answering my questions about plants. Literally all I'm doing is gathering plants. Research subject." Hopefully they wouldn't need much more info. She wasn't one for conversation, and she had only introduced herself to reduce the chance of misunderstood hostility.

"I'm heading back to the hotel, given I won't get more info for today. Dunno if anyone's willing to tag along?"
"Oh I will, it's afternoon now, the sun is orange. The Forest tour is probably going to end in an hour or so." Rika said as he yawned wanting to rest. There has been a weird turn of events since this tour started. Suddenly, a small quake happened that lasted for 2 seconds only. "What was that?" Rika nearly fell and worrily said. "I think it's fine, is it?"
Elena adjusted her glasses, that had almost fell to the ground due to the sudden quake. She faltered: she was lacking too much data on the local geography to make an accurate assessment.

"Well, although I lack the data on tectonic plate movement in this particular region, it is safe to conclude that we've suffered a small quake. Given that this is an exotic location for me, I cannot confirm if such events are a common occurence. Perhaps we could consult with the guide? Yes, consulting with the guide is a logical course of action."

She wouldn't call it conversation. Rather, she was just spouting her analysis of the situation out loud. That way, no one would question her when she started walking back to the group. And she hated having to repeat things she had already went through in her mind.

"Feel free to follow".
((State your final pre-tragedy lines! Its gonna happen after Naula our female elf joins the Adventurers of fate. ))

Rika suddenly grabbed Elena and one of her berries. He is AGAIN for some mysterious reason, or maybe a gut feeling, sweating heavily, trembling like he is sensing something. His instincts is alerting him something, what is it? What is it!? "Elena... Don't. Stay here. Everyone. That quake wasn't normal. Stargazer arc isn't even known for small quakes." Rika's voice is shaking while talking. Rika's instincts are strengthened twofold when danger is near. The sky grew dark and the normal forest breeze died out. What... Is happening... Rika thought in confusion and fear.
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"Sorry kid, I've got much better things to do than follow a younglings instruction" He strolls off from the group, his sword still swinging at his side.
"You're right." Amelia said flatly, her tone once more serious. "This place in not known for quakes, or natural disasters of any kind,which is strange of an island in the middle of the ocean." Her mana was strangely still for one moment, no longer trying to forcefully expand her reserves by applying constant and ever increasing pressure on the core's 'walls' and ceasing to fuel the wind enchantment placed on her. She felt, strange, like something bad was about to happen, and very soon. She needed all the strength she could muster, and all the wit she had. Something was coming, and when it came, she would have all her strength, and then some. "We need some rest, I'm following the botanist." She said quietly as she followed Elena's steps, as efficiently and carefully as possible.
Elija sighed, masking his face and exclaiming in an exasperated tone "guess i'm following along then, why not" he trudged behind the others, carefully making sure to keep his distance at all possible times. Though he had dismissed the boy's words, his right hand was under his cloak, grabbing the hilt of the backsword tightly, he felt something... just something that was ever present amongst the air, gently muttering to himself "looks like I wont be able to fulfill my contract... sorry, old man" He keeps moving with the others however, remorse and regret dancing on his face, yet being over shadowed by the darkness, formed by his hood, his alias, his persona; the one who brings bad luck 'Black Cat'

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