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Finished [Grand Duchy] Summoned by this Goth Boy and his Fairy Not-Girlfriend, now we're on vacation?!


Chaos Incarnate
Roleplay Type(s)
This RP takes place in the Grand Duchy, following after I Summon Thee. The group of Deliverance, Ninelle and Qzioah have travelled on a trip to the Grand Duchy in order to take a little vacation break to a vacation location somewhat close to the capital of Aslan. With other goals in mind such as working on Alternate Identity spells so they can go other places that they want without getting into trouble, as well as to just vacation a little and take a break. Maybe something else interesting will unfold hmm yes yes I wonder what could happen, what sort of hijinx and shenanigans could occur.
This RP is currently closed to new joiners probably unless I say so, but I'd probably rather keep the RP to a lower person count for the moment so ask first for permission (asking on Discord would be easier to get an answer). I'll post whenever I feeeeeeeeel like it.
(See SilverFeathers SilverFeathers you said that one time that you clicked on one of my narrations and got jumpscared by all the text in bold and thought you'd have to read it? See I made it NOT bold this time see how I remember like that one random thing and nothing else ever again)

Qzioah ( Femboy Femboy ): Relax, enjoy her time. Help Deli and Ninelle wherever possible. Also help learn Alternate Identity and transformation stuff.
Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ): Understand Alternate Identity... I... I don't know- has this guy taken a day off in his life? Does he know if he's doing anything else here or...
Ninelle ( SilverFeathers SilverFeathers ): Help and spend time with Deliverance and try to have a cute wholesome moment with him? :3 yesno?yes?
It was Qzioah's original suggestion to take a vacation of some kind, based on a random whim at first. Though soon enough, it seemed like a direction that the small group of three would take on where to go next. In a small search of cool places they could go and visit, Qzioah put in a little research and found a great place that was newer on the map. A location named 'MAGE MANOR MAGNIFIQUE', in the Grand Duchy. Specifically, entirely capitalised. She didn't see an instance once where it wasn't for wherever she looked. It was a little distance away from the capital Aslan, but wouldn't prove too troubling to travel to. According to what she had read about anyway, it had everything that they would probably want. Libraries, magic demonstrations and events, leisure and entertainment areas, places of stay, relaxation facilities, more books, because for heavens' sake she'd probably assume Deli would need a freight-train's worth of books in order to get him to even look in the direction of it. That boy was surely a uber-serious nerd.
But anyway, with the fact that it'd have everything that they'd both want (and everything she'd want), she hoped that this would be the best vacation that she's... well, the only one she's ever been on, but still a high point for her first experience of being stuck with Deli and Ninelle.
She would've hopefully convinced them with advertising how perfect it was for mages, and how encompassing it was for other stuff that didn't relate to magic. It was a win-win for all of them, and would surely help benefit Deli in his work.

The trip to Aslan, to here? Was not that difficult. The entrance was quite big, giving the impression this wasn't a random fluke. A lot of the people around appeared to be tourists, or those who looked like they had something to do with magic or alchemy or another thing of the sort. Multiple people, with luggage and possessions among other things appeared to be heading over past the fountain to where the entrance likely lay. Though it'd be hard to see where they were going to because-

"Oh, oh! Not as vibrantly colourful as I was expecting, quite an old architectural feel to it, but I like it. I'm sure this place'll be great, and we'll have all the greatest fun in the world! Come on Delio-boy~! You will end up feeling right at home, and it'll make all your work feel all the easier. Plus imagine what other cool stuff and things you could learn and find here, it's like a big nerd convention, and a cool vacation resort, you should be, like, foaming at the mouth and stuff" Qzioah said with a grin, looking to Ninelle.
"You should enjoy it too, you and Delily'll be able to have a great time, your bond as comrades and friends in linked arms would be able to grow exponentially if you spent a little rest and relaxation together~!" the girl grinned, putting a lot of weird emphasis for no reason in her words. Though, she found her teasing little gesture interrupted by a much louder display.

Over by the big crowd that was the actual thing blocking sight towards the entrance, was some sort of elevated stage near the fountain. Clearly, they had some sort of 'star attraction' trying to arise excitement amongst those in the arrival courtyard.


"Hm, what's that about? Probably like a magic show or something... or an advertisement spiel... schpiel? Shpeel? How do you say that, chpiel?" Qzioah rambled briefly.


"See, guessed it. I researched it beforehand. Does that concept excite you Deli-Darling?~" she asked with a smug grin, before looking to Ninelle.
"I'm only kidding, I get it. No touching the moody blonde, I will leave the honor of that to you, my dear friend. I am here to make sure you both have a good time, and get along well~" she hummed with a smile to her.​


Elysia Wentworth from Shiei no Sona-Nyl ~What a beautiful memories~
Mentions: Qzioah Femboy Femboy | Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

After travelling to the Grand Duchy from having just been in the capital of the Grand Duchy (it was a far journey indeed), Deliverance would arrive at whatever place Qzioah had brought them too. Honestly, Deliverance was rather sceptical about the usefulness of going on a 'vacation' of all things. That said, if this would teach him Alternate Identity, which would in turn help him help Ninelle, it would be a worthwhile endeavour.

“Is it just me, or does the capitalisation of this place's name suggest it might be rather obnoxious?” He'd question his travelling partners along the way. Something about it just felt off to him, before having even gone there or seen it.

He stared at Qzioah with near-dead eyes. “Delio-boy..?” How did she even get to such an odd nickname? Was he supposed to just get used to it... actually, yeah. He should. It'd be better for his own sanity if he got used to it as quickly as he could. “I'm not sure what a 'nerd' is, but I have no desire to convene with strangers.” He'd refute her statement.

The next bit she stated made him wonder. “I'd not be against testing out some of the ways of linking mana that you suggested previously, so long as it is with Ninelle.” He answered. That was what she was talking about, right?

The loud-mouthed men instantly annoyed him. That said, when he heard the mention of spells that seemed to change one's age, gender, appearance... He raised his hand. “If you are willing to teach use this magic afterwards, I would not mind volunteering.” He stated. How often did you walk into a place and instantly get a way to succeed with your goals there shouted right into your face? He'd nod to Qzioah, misunderstanding her entirely. “I must admit, it is rather well-researched and exciting when we get to complete our goals here immediately upon our arrival. Most times, it takes a lot more effort and struggles. Perhaps we won't even have to spent more than a few hours here.” He stated, as he'd head up for the shouting man to get the job done.
Ninelle (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

"How pretty." Ninelle hummed at the sight, enjoying the quaint and peaceful academic atmosphere. As a fae hero, she had ventured and stayed in more resplendent places, like crystalline palaces or glowing wonderland-like groves, yet there was something about the serene simplicity of this place that relaxed her mind more than anything else. Deliverance's words did strike a chord though. "It does, but here's hoping we can avoid the worst of it." She chuckled with a sigh, slightly worried, yet not wanting to discredit Qzioah's first chosen destination in this new world.

Still dressed in her typical white robes, Ninelle softly giggled at Qzioah's teasing towards Deliverance, unable to imagine him 'foaming at the mouth' from excitement at all. As the succubus' playful remarks turned to her however, the obvious emphasis of certain words made her blush. Deliverance's consequent stone-faced statement did not help either, for a moment desperately wanting to make them both just stop talking, or just crawl up into a ball in a hidden flower somewhere. Or both.

Fortunately however, her mask hid such outward emotion. Though the trio had seen her maskless, what with the unintentional undo of her transformation previously, she still felt uncomfortable out in public without her mask to hide her half-mechanical skin.

Ninelle initially only half-listened to the elaborately wordy and booming welcome speech, but the latter mention of a magic demonstration and volunteer quickly piqued her attention. Though hers were a little less direct, her thoughts ran similarly to Deliverance, nodding at him with a funny smile. However, seeing how quickly he walked up and volunteered himself made her heart churn. "Be careful."

What if something went wrong? Perhaps it was misplaced, but she had experienced even less likely things suddenly go south out of the blue. She fidgeted with her hands subconsciously out of worry, resting a hand on her ire bracer just in case...
Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Qzioah was glad that Ninelle already seemed more open to the entire trip, though with Deli's interest in the premiering act that it may give him a way to figure out what he wanted to know in such a short time made her feel like he was truly trying to speedrun his vacation and that he just wasn't getting the whole 'relaxation' thing. Sighing softly, she added on in brief mention.
"It's okay, Delilah~! We'll have plenty of enough time to get all that sorted and figured out, there's no need to try and get it all done at once. We only just got here after all" she hummed with a small grin, rolling her eyes when he insisted that he would mana-link with Ninelle if anything.
"Yes, yes, I'll make sure that you and Ninelle get to link mana with eachother. Don't know why you're so insistent but that's up to you both, y'know~".

"Come on, surely there's no need to be suspicious of every little detail, I mean come on at some point some of it is just marketing or something. If you're really that scared of a vacation place, then just take a look around yourself and make your own opinion based on the place rather than the fonts or grammar they use. Who'd put this much effort into something just to trick you?" Qzioah asked as she gestured to the place, not really getting why they were so cautious of something that felt like it posed no threat.

Though at least he was taking interest in something, and Ninelle wasn't being suspicious and untrustworthy of Qzioah's presence. The lady turned her attention to the one speaking aloud who had clearly noticed Deli step forward in offering as a volunteer. With the approach, the visage of the speaker would become clear.

"OHOH, A VOLUNTEER? THIS DOUR LOOKING DUDETTE IS WILLING TO BE A MAAAARVELLOUS CANDIDATE!" the person who could only be assumed to be Malakai had given a wide smirk as he gestured to Deli. He had a cloak that was tightly wrapped around him, of which he appeared pretty conserved not wanting to move it too much. Though, the sword at his waist was still noticeable. It seemed like any actual magic gestures or casts he would be doing would be kept a secret however. How he was elevating the volume of his voice still wasn't very clear.

"COME ON, COME ON UP, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO. OUR FIRST TRICK WILL BE A BEAUTIFUL ONE, ONE TO PUT A CUTE LITTLE SMILE ON YOUR FACE, BLONDE SIR" he announced, lightly moving forth to grasp Deli's hand and encouragingly lead him on stage too. At this point if Deli didn't want to be here, he shouldn't have put his hand up. The man said nothing about showing how to do it afterwards, simply going on forward with his routine.

"HM, MAYBE I'LL GIVE YOU A NEW... HM, WHAT ABOUT A NEW COAT OF PAINT?" Malakai first suggested, doing some sort of thing underneath his cloak as a cluster of magical starry particles had swarmed around and surrounded Deliverance. Soon enough as they cleared, he and onlookers would find his clothes a bright pink with a deep purple hair. Malakai hummed and chuckled softly, amused by putting him in such flatteringly bright clothes. There were smiles and even some laughs in the audience.

"OKAY OKAY, THAT WAS JUST A SIMPLE LITTLE ONE, BUT NO PROBLEM. LET'S GIVE HIM A LITTLE BIT OF CHANGE OTHER THAN SIMPLY SOME NEW COLOURS... " he had went on, the magic clearly fading as the colours had slowly all dulled and faded back to how they normally were. It clearly wasn't a major change, just a little temporary one.

"HM... I COULD TURN YOU INTO A GORGEOUS LADY, BUT I THINK YOU'RE ALREADY PARTLY TRYING TO DO THAT YOURSELF. INSTEAD, HOW ABOUT I DO SOMETHING A LITTLE MORE SURPRISING? SAY, WHAT IF I TURNED THIS SUPER-SERIOUS BROODY MAN... INTO JUST A FEEBLE AND CUTESIE LITTLE BABY?" he amused, trying to entertain his crowd as much as possible. Though Deli probably wouldn't want to be treated so, he had already volunteered and signed his fate. The actual casting was concealed under Malakai's cloak, as Deli would feel magic come from the man as well as rising up beneath his feet. Soon enough, he would he surrounded by the starry particles and left to the mercy of the transformative spell...

Which soon enough, when it cleared, Deli would find his vision... way, way lower to the ground. His intelligence, voice, clothes and everything all remained the same. Except for one thing, he'd quickly notice his stubby little proportions and tiny self. The crowd would clap, with mixes of laughing and awwing at the spell, of which Malakai simply revelled over the attention and applause.

"WHY, AREN'T YOU IMPRESSED BY MY RAW TALENT? IMAGINE ALL THE POSSIBILITIES YOU MAY EXPLORE AND EXPERIENCE AT OUR WONDERFUL MANOR~" he continued on with his whole thing, not even paying much mind to Deli. It wasn't obvious at all what his spell even was or how long it would last.​

Mentions: Qzioah Femboy Femboy | Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Unaware that his future fairy-wife was already going on full-alert, he'd kept heading for the demonstration. This was his chance to speed-run a vacation, after all. Enough so for him to ignore the fact she kept saying his name wrong, for some reason.

The man kept being extremely loud and obnoxious. “Right..” He mumbled, as he was led onto the stage. That said, he was genuine surprised when he saw his clothes and hair had changed colour. “How peculiar.” He stated, checking himself out in his new colours. It was awful to look at, other than perhaps his hair colour, but the magic was interesting.

One thing confused him. “Why would I be turning myself into a lady?” That was genuinely confusing him enough to wish to ask about it. Which was saying something. “What would the practical use be of such a trans...” His question was cut short by being transformed.

Considering he was rather tall, it was a long way to down to shrink to his new levels. Considering his clothes remained the same, he was also pretty much drowning in them, seeing how they'd be way oversized. He tired to keep sanding, but realised his newfound balance was just awful, falling on his butt. “This is... highly impractical.” He stated.

“As much as this is a stunning display of transformation magic, one I'd wish to learn myself, I must admit that this current form is highly undesirable. Please turn be back into a more appropriate form immediately.” He requested. Having his hair colour change or his clothes shift didn't matter. Turning female probably wouldn't matter much either. Yet having such an uncomfortable and useless body to work with was definitely not his thing. He didn't even want to think about the possibility that this whole transformation might've changed up his insides as well as his outsides.
Ninelle (#54d1b0)

"You're right. But... I really can't help it sometimes." She smiled carefully back at Qzi's admonishments, slowly loosening and lowering her grip on her ire bracer. Though she nodded along with her words, for Ninelle, it wasn't anything really to do with this place in particular. It was just a habit. Though her constant paranoia has its uses, its also partly why she is always so easily stressed. Now that she thought about it, it did take a lot for her to be able to properly wind down and actually put her nerves and thoughts to rest.

When was the last time she was truly relaxed? She couldn't remember.

The first spell fortunately, was harmless. Despite the gaudy pink cloak, the sight of his hair slowly fading into a lovely purple colour that almost matched her own was quite fascinating. Her heart felt oddly itchy at the sight, feeling that the vibe he gave off just felt a little... different than usual. Maybe it was the transition from super light to suddenly dark hair that made her feel that way.

Clapping gently with a small smile, she cautiously watched the next spell, slightly unnerved again by Malakai's dramatic build-up. When Deliverance disappeared from her view, replaced only by the fluttering of his empty clothes, her heart dropped.

Anxiously, she immediately flew on over to the fallen pile of clothes without a second thought, deaf to the cheers and awws around her. "Deli? Deli! Wait... eh?" She visibly paused at the sight, suddenly as still as a statue as she took in his new pudgy little form.

"Wah, how cuteee!!" She exclaimed after a moment, fluttering around the baby elf excitedly. "Is this what you looked like as a baby? Though..." Her gaze quietly roamed his roughly scarred and artificially shaped ears, still present despite his new innocent form. "...I don't think it's quite the same." She smiled again, replacing her bitter contemplation with excitement once more. Without much thought, she summoned a couple of vines to wrap the newfound baby in his cloak, just in case he got sick, before suddenly recalling where she was. "Eh? Oh wait, I'm so sorry for interrupting Malakai. This is my companion so I got a bit overly excited." She bowed hurriedly yet genuinely.
Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Qzioah came and joined alongside Ninelle in order to come and check out Babi Deliverance. He was indeed a smol little guy and it was very amusing to look at. Lightly pondering to herself, she believed this Malakai person must have been very impressive to turn oh-so-serious Deli into a teeny tiny little baby who struggled to even stand. Unable to contain a smirk, she looked to baby Deliverance and cooed.
"Ooh~! Whose a cute wittle baby, is it little Deli-Weli? Oh it was worth coming here just for this alone. From the sound of it, this must be a special occasion to get to see him like this" she cheerfully spoke, seeing as Ninelle had too been overly excited by the feat turning the serious man into an unserious little bean.

Malakai briefly looked their direction, his smile falling off of his face for a moment as strangers had went up on-stage. Though, he soon enough rolled his eyes and put his smug grin back on his face. He didn't even seem to pay much attention.
"Ahah, I am too the same. Your magic is pretty impressive, I'd love to know how to do something like that ~" Qzioah chimed in, though the magician clearly wasn't giving much mind at all as he just simply rather revelled in the attention he was getting. That was until the crowd clearly has started ceasing their applause, and that he'd require another act.


For Ninelle, she'd find herself... in a form very familiar yet very weird. Clearly not in the form of a tiny fairy, they'd find themselves in the appearance of their own dear Deli. The adult, tall one. Not the baby one.

As for Qzioah, well she would be turned into something technically befitting yet something she wouldn't have wanted to be.
"W-what? Why do I have to be this, can't I just be Deli too? I didn't sign up for this!" Qzioah contested in her new serpentine form. Malakai ignored them as he smirked from the attention, before looking back at Deli.
"OH, DON'T FRET! I HAVE A NEW ONE FOR YOU TOO!" Malakai cheerfully mentioned as he sent another transformation this way. Positive was that he wasn't a feeble little cutesie baby anymore. The negative, or possibly another positive...

Well, Deliverance was a crab now. And the one casting said spells was ignoring the victims- I mean volunteers. As he received praise and applause for his talents, his eyes caught notice of something as his expression faltered a little.

"T-THAT'S IT FOR NOW FOLKS, I TRUST YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR TIME HERE AT OUR GORGEOUS MAGICAL LOCATION! THERE WILL BE MORE ACTS OF TALENT AND MAGICAL FINESSE LATER, BUT I AM NEEDED ELSEWHERE!" he quickly answered as he waved to his audience, appearing like he was in a rush to leave. Holding to himself close under his cloak, he gave a look to his audience before hurrying off the stage having not even changed back or paid attention to the three. The crowd would slowly start to dissipate, leaving a crab, snake and Deliverance on a stage.

"Uhh, Deli, you have a spell or something riight? Or like, one of you knows how to dispel this kinda thing riiight?" Qzioah asked, looking to 'Deli'. The tall one, not the crab one. The Ninelle one in the Deli body Deli.

Malakai had left to make way for the entrance, seemingly in a rush to get somewhere.​

Mentions: Qzioah Femboy Femboy | Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

He looked at Ninelle with clear confusion. “I have no memory of what I looked like.” Why would she even ask him? Did she really expect him to remember looking at himself in the mirror while he was baby? She should also know that he wouldn't have any paintings or stories from that time. It made him wonder why she said it wasn't the same next. “All I know is that it is rather inconvenient.” Getting wrapped up in his own cloak was.... something. He didn't understand the 'why' of it and feared they might break and tear if he'd grow back to full size, but for now he'd have to deal with it, it seemed.

“Please don't speak like that.” He stated, instantly annoyed at whatever weird and obnoxious speech pattern Qzioah had taken on.

He looked at the purple snake... and himself. “That is... discomforting.” If Ninelle was him, she'd probably also feel or find his scars. Even though she'd seen some of them, he still felt highly uncomfortable with the idea she'd be having them on her own body now. Or that she'd figure out just how many there were or how deep they went. “Turn us back!” He called out, at this point actually annoyed, if not outright angry.

Instead he got turned into a crab. He didn't mind it as much, obnoxious as it was, as he minded Ninelle being him. He sighed, hating the fact that Ninelle had to deal with his body now. “If I had, it'd not be here to learn this magic.” He sighed, using Magic Appraisal on himself, Ninelle and Qzioah to figure out if it'd help him figure out the spell in order to undo it.

Magic Appraisal B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Appraisal E, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
Ninelle (#54d1b0)

"Eh-" Before Ninelle could even comprehend Malakai's booming, magnificent speech, she felt her visage suddenly transform, her body warping in a way both familiar and unfamiliar. At first, she wandered if he had somehow found and activated her human transformation, but then she realized she was bigger and taller than usual. Blinking her now gold eyes confusedly, with a long blond fringe covering one eye, she was still processing when her attention was quickly diverted by her companions.

"Well, let's all calm down a little first." Ninelle commented quietly, an uncharacteristically soft expression on 'Deliverance's' face. Her thoughts were focused on the now crab Deliverance raising his voice for the first time, feeling she was lucky to be the only one that was transformed into a functioning humanoid body right now. Feeling the crab casting an appraisal spell of some kind on them, she shook her head at the snake. "I'm not sure. But let me know what you find Deli." She stated carefully, looking up and noticing the dispersing crowd.

"We should get moving." Without much thought, she moved towards her companions and reached down to pick them up, only stiffening when she felt odd aches wrack her body. Wincing minutely, she recovered quickly with a small smile, picking up the snake and crab in either hand. The realization itself was more painful than the scars, but she hid her thoughts by focusing back on the fleeing figure of Malakai.

Without another word, she immediately started sprinting after him, surprised by how much distance she could cover with her newfound height. "He seems to be running away from something?" She commented slightly breathlessly, wondering if she'd be able to catch him, or maybe at least throw one of the other two onto him. As much as they could try to unravel the magic themselves, might as well try and make the original caster do it if they could right?

Deliverance's magical Appraisal would help him understand that the spells cast on them were definitely strong Transformation spells, though the animalistic ones cast on Deli and Qzioah were also very different and alike to that of Polymorph. Very strong in fact, for it was clear that grades of B's and C's were being used in terms of Magic and other skills utilised in it. What would become very clear was how Malakai, some random magician whose name they had only learned today, had the capability to just freely use such power at will as they so pleased. They must have been very capable to do something like that.

"Well well, at least you found someone who can teach you about all you want to know, but quite frankly I am already sick of being trapped in these forms and you don't even understand how HARD THIS IS" Qzioah answered in frustrated complaint, the once purple lady was now furiously attempting to squirm around with their limbless noodle-creature body. Adapting to having no arms and legs was a ridiculous ask that became simpler when 'Ninelle' had picked up her and the crab.

"I guess relaxing is gonna be quite impossible like this, what is with people... he better be rolling out the red carpet or something" Qzioah the snakey-pink-noodle muttered, forcibly along for the ride since it wasn't like they could do anything else.

Onward on, Ninelle... as Deli, holding Deli who is a crab and Qzioah who is a noodle, would soon enough be able to catch up to Malakai who appeared to be stuck at the front desk. They seemed to be quite nervous, and a little bit in a rush.

"Oh come on man, you know me, who here doesn't know me? I just need to get to High-access Storage in the private observatory, come oooon you know I have the right to go there, right? It's on the East Wing no problem, so if you'll give me access and stuff there'll be no trouble. Haha, don't want to risk your time and job now, right?" Malakai spoke with a struggling smile to the person sat at the desk. Instead, an unamused orc just looked back at him.
"If you have access to these locations then you should have been designated said equipment or identification to travel into these areas, and you will have to put in a request for replacement if you have lost them-" the orc began speaking rather boredly, of which Malakai tried to hush and cut him off.
"Yeahyeahyeahyeah I know but I uh- simply forgot it and just need this quick favour come on, you know I work here. Look, I'll even throw in like... a tip, a little ecomomic convincing, or such when I get to it, you just have to slide me this one favour. It'll be, no problem" he answered, huffing what was supposed to be some sort of smug little laugh but it came off as desperate and nervous. The orc silently eyed him for a moment before responding.

"If you have access to these locations then you should have been designated said-" he began, a small smile on his face as if he was enjoying it. Malakai very clearly was not, and the magician hadn't even noticed in the slightest the following Deli and his animal friends that were coming to get him to change them back.

"Looklooklook, what do you want? Money, a raise, good word, good looks, what? I can do that all with real, genuine talented magic, you just gotta do this one thing for me buddy! Seriously, I am the last person you want to mess with, do you understand who I am? What I'm capable of, who I know?? This is your last warning, I don't want to even consider what unsightly response of magical torment I might unleash your way if you continue wasting the Masterful Malakai's time once more!" Malakai answered, gritting his teeth and slamming the desk. He looked and sounded on the verge of doing something bad, the orc not flinching or thinking anything of it as he waited for the masterful magician to finish talking. After a period of silence, he gave his answer...

"If you have access to these locations then-",
"Oh, shut it, you big hairless ape, you don't even know what I was doing as mere magic tricks! You're at death's doorstep for testing me-" Malakai answered as he was tapped on the shoulder by a stranger.

"Excuse me, how long are you gonna take? There's a line waiting you know" the stranger behind him answered, rather peeved that they were being held up.
"I KNOW there's a line, but I am VERY BUSY-" Malakai answered in frustration, only becoming even more infinitely aggravated when the orc sat at the desk spoke again with a small smile.
"There's a line waiting you know" the orc added, clearly just trying to annoy the magician at this point.

Meanwhile all of this shenanigans of a show would be happening in front of Deli and Animal Frens, a most unusual of... well, not really sure if people defines it, or even a character, or what, but... a floating rock appears.
No no, it's truly just like a floating rock. Not even a big one, like you could probably hold it in one hand. It was just nonchalantly floating around and stopped once it neared Deli- I mean Ninelle. It slowly turned itself like it was looking with eyes that it didn't have, the floating rock looking down at the animals in the guy-girl's grasp for a moment before back up at him-her.

" cooll craeb" it answered in a rather default female voice, looking back down at the crab and lightly touching it on the head with its... well, it doesn't have hands. With itself, I guess.

"pat pat pat de crabe, gud craeb" the rock answered joyfully, before looking at Ninelle.

" who is u, u crab colector? das a snek, snaek is not a crab, is okae i also mix dem up 1nce" the rock pointed out as it looked to Qzioah, who seemed rather zoned out.
"First I get summoned to somewhere far away, then I lose my limbs. Now, I can hear rocks. What next on the road to insanity... " she muttered.

"wer is u goin crabi babi colector? ar dere craebs in de area, can i helpl? plsplspls!!1! y is ur clofes so dark and edgeeies. edgies like,s harp blaed, shaerp crabclaw blaed, woaa".​
Mentions: Qzioah Femboy Femboy | Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

It was rather odd to keep looking at himself. With how often he looked in a mirror, he might already have been looking a himself more than in his whole life total thus far. He did wonder if he always looked like that... expression-wise. Yet he wasn't the greatest judge of that, so perhaps he did? Either way, he tried moving his limbs and just ended up wiggling back and forwards, then clacking his claws. “I'd be a lot more calmer if this form wasn't so awfully unfamiliar and difficult to utilise.” He ended up answer. Though his bigger worry was Ninelle being 'him' right now, something he figured he'd leave unsaid.

Considering he'd risked becoming food even in his previous form, he wasn't particularly more scared of becoming it right now. That said... “I do believe crabs are considered a delicacy, which would be another good reason to wish to return to a more normal form sooner rather than later.” He did not want to relive such trauma's again, especially after what it had apparently done to him during the summoning lessons.

Being picked up by Ninelle... by himself? Being picked up in general, was extraordinarily odd as well. That said, he had to focus his on keeping his weirdly formed and many legs from not wiggling too much and falling off of Ninelle's hand at this rate. “Perhaps, yes.” He'd comment on the idea of their 'host' running off.

As for what he learned about the spell. “The spell seems to be transformation, as expected. Though our animalistic ones are more akin to Polymorph magic, it seems. I'd say the level of transformation is among the top possible for those that haven't surpassed their natural limits yet.” He finally added. “That's all I'm able to learn from it, I'm afraid.”

He would've glared at Qzioah if he had the eyes to do so. “I do believe it was your idea to come here in order to learn this. I'll admit that we saw great examples, but this is indeed highly uncomfortable and I'm not even sure if this man would be willing to teach these tricks. If it's even his own, as I feel like he might've used an item. Perhaps his cloak. I didn't seen any obvious chanting, components or even a catalyst, after all.”

“Excuse me?!” He called out to Malakai. “If you wish to prove that you really are a competent mage, the least you can do is change us back!” He called out, still rather annoyed with their current situation. He also didn't care about waiting lines or barging into an ongoing conversation. He just wanted to be changed back.

As he suddenly got bopped on the head by a floating rock, his claws would snap in anger. “Whatever you are, refrain from doing that. Make yourself useful and help us convince the man over there to turn as back into our normal forms. Or find someone else who can do so.” He spoke to the rock, already being absolutely done with just about everything that happened here.
Ninelle (#54d1b0)

During the chase, Ninelle briefly glanced down at Crabverance as he mentioned the spell being of a 'top-level', contemplating the dangers in her head. To coincidentally meet and be entangled with such a powerful person in a mere educational resort was rather unfortunate. It seemed relaxation might have to wait a while.

Finally catching up, she took a moment to catch her breath as she surveyed the scene. Though bewildered by the passionate exchange they had overheard, and the steadfastness of the orcish receptionist, Ninelle hurriedly approached the two without further thought. Quickly wrapping Qzisnek around her neck and shoulders, she grabbed onto Malakai's arm firmly in case he tried to run off again as Crabverance made his request. "Excuse me Malakai, I hate to interrupt, but could you please change us back? We'd like to get started on hopefully enjoying our holiday here." She added on a little more gently and sheepishly to Crabverance's words, though her grip remained carefully tight.

Originally a little overly focused and wary of Malakai, it took a moment for her to register Crabverance being patted by a... floating rock. Carefully moving him away from the... rock, she gave a confused if friendly smile. "Erm... hello there, sorry but my uh, little crab friend here doesn't like being touched." She apologized gently, before moving onto the sudden barrage of questions. "I don't erm, collect crabs. My friends here were just transformed into a snake and crab, and I'm carrying them to help move them around. Erm, I'm here to talk to this person here. I-If I see any other crabs in the area you can collect I'll come let you know...?" She explained cautiously, not sensing any malicious intent, but finding her mind a little blank from how odd the whole situation was. Amidst all this, she was still firmly holding onto Malakai, not wanting their chance to transform back slip by.
SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Elvario Elvario

Qzioah looked back at the Crabverance who pointed out it was her idea, she would roll her snake eyes if she could.
"Well how was I supposed to know this was gonna happen? I've never even heard of a 'Malakai' guy so he must not be that great and marvellous. Besides if anything, you were the one who ended up volunteering and turning yourself into a teeny liddle widdle baby to lure us all on-stage. Whatever, surely if we just point it out to someone then it'll be fixed. Maybe you should learn to both do things like that, and then also learn how to undo things like that. It's sure as anything gonna be impossible to relax stuck like this" she answered back. She had also not noticed how he was casting said things, wondering if Deli was indeed right about using some other sort of item to perform the spell. It would have been hard to tell since magicians usually don't reveal their secrets, after all.

Otherwise, Qzioah felt a little discomforted and slightly squirmy for a moment once 'Ninelle' had placed them around her neck, for it wasn't simply an everyday thing that someone wraps you around them.
"I think you had it lucky becoming a crab, Deli... " she murmured, finding the whole position entirely weird to grasp the concept and feel of. Qzioah turned her focus to the floating rock, and to Malakai, to see if their problem was going to get fixed and what the deal with the floating rock was.

The floating rock gave a literately blank expression in the direction of the crab who had talked back.
"angy crabe do b angy, ok i no pat de craeb but dont angy snappi at me mister crabb . u r only a smol litl craeb u do not gets to angy snapl at a me mister crabyo " the rock answered back in disapproval, shaking its non-existent rock head which pretty much was just it lightly shaking itself as a 'no' before turning to Ninelle. Hearing them both out, the rock held in silence for a moment before nodding and speaking again.
"o ok i get it, is fren not craeb and snek, yesyesyes me get it . u talky to fren person and he help, ok ok i get it me help i can help yes mister craeb i can help " the rock answered to them both, Qzioah only wondering why they were communicating with a literal rock and how it was supposed to help in any regards. It felt like it was someone's lost pet rock or familiar or something at least in her own opinion.

Having heard both Deli and Ninelle complaining that they be turned back from their current transformations, Malakai sighed and huffed as he turned to the one grabbing his arm.
"Don't touch me" he answered in a frustrated and spiteful tone, forcefully pulling his arm away to free himself from Ninelle's hold. Glaring back at the person in front of her, and the animals in thier possession, it took him strangely long to recognise that it was the people who had volunteered outside that he had just abandoned. Sighing, he rolled his eyes.
"Look, it'll wear off or whatever, I don't care and I'm very busy and limited on time, go take them elsewhere for the time being. I have way more important things to do right now than- " Malakai began speaking, before he was interrupted by a floating rock which floated above Ninelle's shoulder.

" helo frens " the floating rock added in a lightly cheerful tone, much to Malakai's apparently expressed discomfort on his face as he noticed the rock. The rock looked amongst everyone before to Malakai.

"wow u can turns peopl in to crabes? das so kool, how do taht? can i do dat too ? " the rock questioned, Malakai clearly appearing a lot more nervous before being able to respond.
"Uuh, that's weird, a talking rock! Well, I best get going right? Wouldn't want to waste your time, I'll just, be out of here and... " Malakai answered, wanting to hesitantly back away before the rock looked up at something.

"MALAKAI LOOK A VAMPIRE" the rock quickly spoke, somehow making the magician quickly turn his attention to the recesses of the ceiling in hopes of noticing wherever said vampire was. The rock cheerfully floated over and used itself to pull off Malakai's cloak revealing some sort of dull, empty magic glow in his hands. When he realised and looked back, he clearly panicked and held it behind his back.

"T-there was no vampire, anyway, I'm just holding this for a friend y'know? Anyway, I'm a bit exhausted from all my great acts today, so I think you'll just have to let the spell wear off you know?" Malakai grinned as he faked a yawn. The rock sighed, before answering again.

" is oke , i wud hate for ur fren to not get ther thingy back, u shud go and deliver it!1" the rock insisted, Malakai nodding and hoping to take his leave. Before Ninelle and co. could make an option to disagree, the rock lightly planted itself on top of Ninelle's head as it watched Malakai pick up his pace to leave elsewhere.

"It's okay to leave him be, he is no use in solving your incorrect body problem, if you really want petty revenge or something silly-o like that you can do it later. That man is a desperate apprentice if anything. I recognise his artifact, it's stolen from a private storage here, though he clearly burned it out. Shame, though I know he's not gonna go anywhere or get far. Or maybe he'd figure out that trying to put it back would put him in more trouble... why would he want that anyway just to use it for some silly show? That guy is too prideful and never learns anything, yet he's been here longer than I can remember... well, I haven't been here for long so that's not saying much. I know he spends a lot of time in the research labbies and stuff doing whatever silly projects he's doing. You'd think he was some sort of tinkerer or artisan rather than a mage. No doubt he'll show his face later since he loves showing his face to everyone - I love publicly foreshadowing but anyone here could probably foreshadow that guy being somewhere to boost his self-image. I'll deal with him later, he probably still thinks he can put it back where he found it. So, who do I have le pleasure of de talking to?" the rock asked, clearly speaking in a much more intellectually structured way albeit still being a talking and floating rock. Meanwhile, the line could finally move on as planned without the interruption of Malakai as he had left elsewhere with dull orb in hand.

"I am a rock as you can see. It's a cool spell I've been not working on but I did on accident. I have to go back to my workplace, I have a cool workplace here in this big ol' buildy-buildy-buildingding. You seem like a totally normal and not suspicious group of characters who seem to strangely stand out from the rest of the random strangers going about their lives mainly because I watched you guys outside get turned into said things. Everyone has a reason for coming here, I mean I'm here because I know a guy, and to toy around with magic stuff because I get to do that, though I don't work here or such I'm just... helping, like volunteering or something I guess. Anyways, who is a yous? Are yous a here for business or pleasure? Or... maybe... " the rock paused, looking down at the group as it turned a little to the side as if trying to do a cute pose that a rock was able to do.

"Me~? Blink blink, eyelash fluttering, little smirk, faint blush" the rock added on, yes to the rock actually saying said other things.

"Well, we were here to relax and take a vacation and such, until this happened. Something like a massage or a hot spring or something sounds great to me right now, but it's not like I can really do anything when I'm like... this. I'm Qzioah, though I don't know why I'm talking to a rock... it's rather odd that these two came for transformation stuff and that's apparently all I'm being forcibly dragged through experiencing. I guess I'm kind of just here for the ride, since it's not like I have the limbs or capability to do anything like this... " Qzioah spoke in disappointment, at least if she was a crab she'd still be able to do stuff. Or pinch people.​
Mentions: Qzioah Femboy Femboy | Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Being moved away by his fairly lover, whom was looking exactly like him, whilst he had taken on the form of a crab that was being petted by a floating rock, was definitely something he didn't exactly imagine happening. Yet here they were. “I for sure hope there aren't more people altered into becoming crabs.” He'd state, as this being a serial issue would be even more troublesome.

“By researching the place you'd have us go to before going there.” He simple answered Qzioah's question on how she was supposed to know. It wasn't that difficult, so far as he knew. “I volunteered to get the job done, expecting you'd have brought us to some better establishment than this.” He countered her next argument. “I can at least agree that being like this is extraordinary stressful.”

He scoffed at having it 'lucky' according to Qzioah. “I'm already worried they serve seafood here. I think three of my legs are already cramping up as I have no idea how to move them or stand normally on them. My eyes are itchy, but I once heard this creature's claws are so imprecise that they might rip off their own limps or something, so I don't dare touch them. I'd estimate being more comfortable in your situation.” He also wouldn't mind Ninelle wrapping him around her, but that was another matter.

As for the rock... “Could you at least speak normally? It would improve our ability to communicate a lot.” He asked, rather sick of whatever damage this rock had. Then again, he was talking to a rock. Perhaps he'd been the one with brain damage.

“Wearing off isn't good enough. Undo the duration. It should be simple.” He stated, knowing duration magic well enough to know it couldn't be hard whether it'd been an item or his own skill that he'd used. Why the hell would they need to wait on the cancellation rather than having him just cancel it right now?

“Cancellation of a spell doesn't take any energy.” He countered the man, getting awfully suspicious and annoyed by what was going on. “Do you enjoy forcing us to continue like this?” He asked, as some bad nightmares of 'games' that were played by his former owners surfaced. Was this that kind of person, that enjoyed someone's discomfort?

“So it's indeed an item, as I suspected. Though it should still be easy to have it cancel its duration. Have him hand it over. Even with these claws, I should be able to make it work.” He stated to the rock, or to Ninelle, or anyone.

“As much as I appreciate your willingness to talk more sensible now, I'm still not eager to introduce myself so long as I remain in this rather unfortunate form.” He replied to the rock. “I'm not interested in relaxation, especially now. I would be interested in you, or learning how you turned yourself into a rock, but my current form would be most suboptimal for learning new magic.”
Nindeli (#54d1b0)

"Calm down you two, stop fighting. It was really just an unfortunate and unlucky turn of events." She comforted tiredly, growing a little weary of the two continuously bickering from her left hand and neck. Belatedly noticing Qzisnek's squirminess with her new position, she also quietly apologized. "Sorry Qzi..." She had moved somewhat subconsciously and without thinking, simply deciding that to free her right hand she should wrap the long purple noodle around her neck and shoulders. She somewhat forgot that mentally, the snake was not actually a snake.

The response to interruptions can be quite telling of a person. Nindeli merely narrowed her eyes minutely at Malakai as he tore out of her grip, plastering a facade of a smile on her now elven face. Though surprised by the rock's seeming authority over the magician, she subconsciously still sought to chase him down as he ran off, but forced herself to still at the rock's words.

"It doesn't seem like he'll cooperate either way. And I don't think I should chase down and attack a member of staff here, as uncomfortable as this whole situation is." She sighed dispiritedly in response to Crabverance, glancing upwards as the floating rock continued her whole spiel.

Suddenly hearing extensively about Malakai's backstory was both surprising, bewildering and fascinating at the same time, yet she didn't hate it. "I see, I'm sure we'll have quite the reunion later then. I'm Ninelle, but I've oddly enough been transformed in to the original form of my crab friend here. I'm originally a fairy." She greeted and elaborated calmly. For someone that did not work here, she seemed to have quite the intimidation factor on Malakai despite being a mere 'volunteer'.

"We're here for... erm..." Nindeli's words completely trailed off into nothingness as the rock... flirted? With them all from atop her head. "I'm sorry but I don't think we knew who you were here until just now..." She explained a little stiffly, before moving her gaze back to the other two, also on top of her, as they responded. It was only now she really realized she was carrying everyone in this conversation right now.

"Don't be such a downer Qzi, I thought you loved transformation magic stuff." She teased gently, booping her snout as she recalled their prior conversation at the academy. "You make it sound like snakes are useless creatures, when they're such excellent hunters for a reason." Turning to Crabverance, she moved to hold him with both hands so that he could stretch and move his limbs a little easier. She didn't trust herself to clean his eyes directly, but she blew on them lightly to hopefully clear away the dust or itchiness.

Happy, Nindeli focused back on their new rocky companion. "What's your name? And er, if Malakai's not the solution, how do we resolve this incorrect body problem then?"
Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Qzioah huffed and grumbled at the crabby crab that was giving back crabby attitude. Again, she never specifically asked to be summoned by him in the first place, so he could at least have the patience to endure being a crab. She would have raise an eyebrow at his mention of seafood serving if she even had any in her current form, giving a disappointed stare in his direction.
"Well thanks for reminding me about their advertised dinners, now I'm stuck as a hungry snake. But at least I'd doubt they would want to eat a talking crab, especially one which'd probably end up criticising how they were seasoning him" she answered, being readjusted by Nindeli and trying to settle their placement.

"It's okay... sorry for arguing, but you can't blame this one on me. I'm not psychic, or have protagonist perfection... " Qzisnek added, not wanting to receive blame for the kinds of things that had happened to them. Looking to Ninelle, she was a fan of transformation magic although this was not what she had in mind in the slightest. Though manipulating others with transformation was an interesting idea.
"Hm, I guess... I don't care what snakes can do, they can't walk or have functioning hands. Do you know how impractical that is for me? Go ahead, tie up your arms and legs and try to get around and do stuff. See how practically helpful that is" Qzisnek pointed out, wondering how being a crab was even perceived as a bad animal to be turned into.

The rock cheerfully hummed as it perched on Nindeli's head, giving a little wiggle as it responded.
"Hi Qzioah, hi Ninelle, hi Not interested in relaxation. It's okay if you don't want to tell me your other name that you're referred to, if you're really feeling like a Not interested in relaxation at the current moment then I'll make sure to call you that. Just make sure to give me a reminder if you're not especially feeling that name anymore, friendo. I'm a rock, but usually I go by Yz. Yz is pronounced Is, like Is, like saying Yz is Yz. Anyway, that magical item thingy he has won't actually do a thing with helping you remove said adorably funny forms since it only applies them. It's more like a polymorphic curse than anything, I mean I was taking a little look into things of the sort and that's how I ended up in this little doozy of a pickle. So I went outside and spent the past 8 hours among my other rock brethren contemplating deep internal thoughts and greater of questions of life in this higher ascended form. And my findings? Limestone does not taste like lime, and it's very disappointing. So anyway, about helping with your little transformy thingy-" the rock spoke on and on with a clear excited drivel like it simply couldn't help but want to talk more and more about complete nonsense. The rock looked to the talking crab intently, wiggling itself a little in joy.

"Awwe~! You want me? Well since you said it so nicely, and I was spying on random individuals as a rock since I had absolutely nothing better to do, sure I'll help! In fact, I already got a cutesie little antidote all sorted out, you'll just have to come to my thingy-place. I got a special room lab thing where I get to mess around, it's pretty cool. I'm working on a whole bunch of stuff, maybe you can help me with some of it in return for turning you back to normalsies!" the rock spoke as it hovered itself off of Nindeli's head, lightly rotating in the air and starting to fly off in a direction.

"Follow meeeeeee!~" it cheerfully spoke as it floated, before stopping and turning around.
"Wait, this waaaaaay, rocks don't exactly have eyes, everything looks the exact same. It's this way, trust me, I know things" the rock added as it settled on a new direction to float on deeper into the building as it had invited the trio to follow... or rather Ninelle to follow and bring two said companions too.

The orc running the desk had eyed the floating rock, before speaking out.
"Do you have access certification for where you're planning to go?" he asked, eyeing the floating rock.

Yz the rock just looked in his direction.
"Bro I'm a rock" Yz answered, the orc only giving a small smirk and shake of his head like he was used to said shenanigans.
"Alright, I'm just checking, wouldn't want yet another incident from you".​
Mentions: Snakoah Femboy Femboy | Nindeli SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

“Right...” He replied to Nindeli when (s)he told him to stop fighting with Snakoah. He'd try to tone it down for now. “He seems more like a trouble-maker than a member of staff, but I get your point.” He'd reply. As Ninelle was carrying the group as well as the conversation, he was thinking for a bit. “At the very least we'll know what to avoid, next time.” He tried being optimistic. As she was giving him more wiggle room, he tried to move his legs a bit more crab rave crab rave crab rave crab rave hoping to alleviate the numbness and cramping. Having his eyes blown on was a rather weird experience and the fact that he couldn't blink from it made it... not ideal. Now it went from itchy to... itchy again, just from another reason. Guess that happened when you put an on-crab in a crab body.

Having promised to try not to argue, sort-off, he ignored a fair few things of what Snakoah was saying. Or rather, straight-up everything, as he felt like the moment he'd open his mouth to reply to her, it'd just be starting up another argument again.

He sighed at the rock's responses. “Call me Deliverance, if you wish.” He responded to the first bit. “You're saying it [Duration] magic that cannot be cancelled somehow? That seems rather broken and in high need of fixing.” He stated, rather unhappy. “You were capable of tasting that form of yours?” He asked, not really interested, but surprised enough to ask regardless.

Seeing how playing into this rock's antics might help them, he'd agree. “Yes, I want you... to help get us back to our original forms.” He added, after a pause. Was that the type of jokes this rock would want? He was horrible at them, but perhaps it might speed up their progress at returning to their normal forms, so he was willing to attempt it.

The 'another incident' from the rock bit seemed highly discouraging. Yet... well... there didn't seem to be another option. “It's odd. I didn't think I'd ever miss having hands. Or eyelids. Or just two legs.” He mumbled, surprised by how many things one could be grateful for after they were taken from them.
Nindeli (#54d1b0)

"You have a tongue? How did you taste Limestone?" Nindeli spoke up almost at the same time as Crabverance, her face almost a visible question mark. Moving her gaze briefly between the rock and the crab however, she couldn't help but sigh softly to herself, almost inaudibly. Why did it seem flirtatious females liked to orbit Crabverance, even as a crab?

Subtly, she chose to ignore the sight, focusing her attention on Qzisnek. "You're fine, I don't blame you for anything. If anything I thought the vacation choice was quite thoughtful despite how new you are to this... area." She thoughtfully paused, not wanting to reveal her otherworldly origins if she didn't want her to. Smiling funnily at the purple snake, she continued. "On that note, if there's anything you're curious about here, or want to know, feel free to ask." She stated, knowing that Qzioah knew the basics of the second continent, and this nation being called the Magic Duchy, but any more than that she wasn't sure.

"I'm no expert, but snakes can climb and hide pretty well. Who knows, it could be a valuable skill set later. But I understand you. I don't think either of your forms are easy to get used to. One has too many legs, one has none. One has no hands, one can only clip/pinch stuff. But as much as it's a nightmare, at least I'm humanoid right? If you need or want something, you can just let me know. Can you imagine if I was also a seal or something?" She chuckled positively, hoping to slightly appease their mindsets.

Nindeli was somewhat suspicious of the fact that Yz conveniently had an antidote ready just in time for them all. But even if this was some sort of elaborate prank, she supposed it was their only lead right now. She tried to look more positively on things, wondering what sort of alchemical or magical help they'd get up to. "Thank you Yz, and be careful. Even as a rock I can't imagine colliding with something would be pleasant." She pondered, wondering what it would feel like to have parts of your rocky surface break off. Scary stuff.

Following quietly behind the directionally-challenged rock. It looked like it might take a while to get to their destination, but Nindeli didn't mind taking the opportunity to see the sights of the resort in the meanwhile.
SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Elvario Elvario
The rock Yz sighed and shook in disagreement, looking in the direction of Crabverance over the matter of duration.
"No no, nononono crabby-pants. The thing that Mala-who used doesn't have a way itself to cancel it, it only applies it. Obviously it can be dispelled and counteracted,  duh. It probably wouldn't even last a full day, but since you're in such a rush to not become a crab anymore we'll get to removing it in no time. Sheesh, for coming here you would think you'd understand a little how magic works. Who or what thing is gonna suddenly turn you into a crab forever? Sheesh" Yz spoke on as they had distracted themselves with conversation as they nonchalantly floated along, leading the other three with them.

"Of course I don't have a tongue, I'm a rock. You never seen a rock? Also all I did is  taste the limestone, not that hard to understand y'know. I just go and taste it, just like that. No biggie, no problemo" Yz added. Looking to Nindeli on the matter of being careful, the floating rock joyfully enjoyed its ability to freely rotate in the air.
"I became a rock, what part of you thinks that I'm not careful? Y'all being judgy over here and I'm being the nice one".

Despite Ninelle's attempts to talk about how cool and capable snakes are, Qzioah didn't entirely see the point of trying to justify her being a snake. It wasn't like she was ever gonna wanna do this again, but spent the time as they travelled along looking around at everything they were passing and missing out on in this little distraction. There were many different workrooms, magic-related workshops and classes all along the way, even massage parlours and bathhouses amongst them. There were directions listed on wall-mounted signs, so clearly a lot of other stuff was elsewhere in the building. Passing by observatories and storage rooms, they went deeper and up stairs into more private areas passing strangers and staff the entire time since leaving the entrance desk. After getting far enough, they reached a door of which Yz used their physical self to open with only a minor struggle as it was clearly had been left unlocked.

Inside awaiting was a large room that you would expect a researcher would live in, albeit a bit of an untidy mess. Yz floated in freely as it was clear nobody else was here.
"Welcome to my room that is all mine, you can close the door behind you. Let me see if I can find le leetle antidotey, as cool as being a rock is, I should probably return to my normal self... hmhmhmm~" Yz said as they floated along the room to a desk with a bunch of alchemy supplies and stands for brewing things. They looked amongst the bottled liquids already there before to a bottle contained with a bright yellow liquid. It would smell horribly awful if smelled, but Yz... after being unable to remove the cork keeping the bottle sealed, made the elegant decision to just smash their rock self against the top of the bottle to break it open.

"Now all we have to do is take a sip of this and we'll be fine... " Yz assured, not addressing the matter of how they were supposed to sip as a rock but instead just lightly making contact via dipping themselves into the antidote like dipping a chicken nugget in sauce... but it's a rock in stinky liquid. After a short time of waiting for it to take effect, dispersing mana particles were visible emitting from the rock as the waiting stone soon enough transformed into their much more vibrant regular visage. A rather extravagant 5' jester of sorts with their face concealed by a mask. Yz giggled, picking up the same bottle they had broken the top off and offering it out.


"Ah, that's better, now me can be a me! Yz as simple as dat. Your perfectly normal and amazing neighbourhood best friend Yz to put a big, big smile on that cutie little faces of y'all-yours easy-peasy-lemon-greasy. Anyway, hellos friends, take a little sippy-dippy-doo-da of this stinky-dinky-bizniz and you'll be all back to normals so I can take a gander at whoses' pretty ol' faces I should really be seeing. It's not fair to not shaaaaare~, theeen we can talk the bizzy-bee buzzbuzzbuzz details since I know you'll have a one-hundred-and-one coolio little questions to question little ol' me" Yz gleefully hummed and chimed to the three.​
Mentions: Snakoah Femboy Femboy | Nindeli SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Whilst Nindeli might not blame Snekoah for this, Crabverance did. That said, he was wise enough to keep his crab mouth shut about it. As for questions, he heard Nindeli's offer and figured he could try to make things a bit more cordial. “If you have questions pertaining to magic, you'd be free to ask me as well. Though this current situation defies all norms, I do know the basics of what is regular magic, outside of this nonsense.” He felt the need to clarify the last bit.

The next bit that Nindeli stated was... making him wonder. For as much as it was a nightmare? So it was that bad for her to be him, was it? He feared it would be, but to actually hear it was even worse. Clearly that's what she meant and nothing else. As for her being a seal... “That would be more unfortunate.” He stated, hoping she at least thought the same. All he could think, however, was that he'd rather have this fixed earlier rather than later. There was, however, one thing he'd started to wonder about. “Do I always look so... tall?” He kept having to look up to.. himself. Which was straining his nearly non-existent crab-neck. Was that why Ninelle kept fluttering in front of his face instead? It made a fair bit more sense now.

He sighed at the rock's words. “A most unfortunate item indeed, in that case.” He grumbled in reply, insofar as his crab mouth could even grumble. “Turning someone into a crab forever is possibly. High level polymorph magic, applied together with an inhuman level of duration magic, should suffice to make it last longer than their natural lifespan would.” He counter-argued the rock. The fact his magic knowledge was called into question didn't land well with him.

Being offered to drink something smelling so horribly awful after it had just been used as magic-rock bathwater was not the most appealing thing, but it was still far more appealing than staying in crab form. Upon being offered the bottle... he couldn't do much. Snipping his claws, he'd make that much clear. “I'd love to accept it and take a sip, but I'm afraid I lack the hands to hold it and do so. If someone would...” He didn't even mind whether it was going to be this jester or Nindeli, he just wanted someone to help him drink this stuff so he could return to normal.

Deciding to at least be as friendly as he could muster to the one who offered them a cure, he tried his best to come up with a compliment. That's what people did, right? When trying to be nice? “It's nice to meet your real form, miss Yz. Also, your outfit is rather well colour-coordinated.” That seemed the most appropriate and closest-to-meant compliment he could give her. Otherwise she just looked and sounded like someone that was gonna be a headache to him. On the topic of being a headache... “You claim to wish to see our faces, but aren't you hiding yours? I do not believe that'd count as sharing, especially as you've already seen mine.” He'd point a crab claw to Nindeli to prove his point. Honestly, he was mostly sort-off curious to see the reaction he'd get.
Ninelle (#54d1b0)

Walking through the hallways, Nindeli peeked in whatever rooms they passed by, raising up her little animal companions so they could get a better view too. The whole resort was so strange yet interesting, mixing academia with a vacation resort. She felt like most would want to get away from books for a holiday after too much studying, but she supposed exceptions always existed. Like Deli.

"You've always been tall. Even for the me in my human form." She laughed in response to Crabverance's sudden little comment, looking back down at his beady little crab eyes just as they reached Yz's research lab. Looking around briefly, she tilted her head to take a gander at some of the scattered papers littering the floor before Crabverance's plea reached her ears.

"Ah, I've got you. I should probably put you both down first though." She chuckled, not exactly wanting to get herself crushed by the combined weight of both of them on accident. It was a little difficult to find a clear area, but she placed them both on the floor before moving to help them drink the potion.

Crabverance was difficult. She had fed glowbeetles and the like before, but that was when she was a fairy. Her hands felt too big for such a precise task, and she might have accidentally spilt more than what he actually managed to drink. For a moment, she just looked at him... and the shiny liquid covering his adorable little crab face. "..."

"...I'm so sorry."
She apologized genuinely, trying to wipe his face a little bit with her thumb before he disappeared into magic particles. Moving to Qzisnek, she knew she had a bad track record right now, but fortunately the purple noodle was much easier to manage. Snakes can open their mouths pretty wide after all. If she still missed, she'd probably need to go crouch in shame in a corner or something.

With a sigh of relief, she booped Qzisnek on the head before she too transformed into shiny magical particles. She wouldn't lie, she was a little bit sad that she'd never see her cute animal companions again. It brought back fond memories of simpler times.

Without much more fanfare, Nindeli pinched her nose and drank some of the golden potion herself, leaving a little bit left in the bottle, just in case. Though it was a little different than usual, she had transformed to and from her human form plenty of times by now, so it didn't feel too jarring to return to her tiny half-mechanical form.

"Thank you Yz." She bowed politely, before shaking her head at the mention of a hundred questions. Ninelle didn't particularly feel a need to pry into all the ins and outs of this resort, especially since the problem was pretty much resolved now. That, and they were due to relax and do vacation-y things. "I don't really have any questions. Apart from, what would you like help with as thanks for helping us?" She smiled, feeling a little too lazy to fly straight away, choosing to just meander on the floor for a bit.
Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Yz cheerfully hummed and nodded to Deli's compliments.
"Why thank you, I designed it myself and stuff. It's nice to see that some people can appreciate hard work when it's right in front of them" Yz answered, hearing out his point about showing faces and pondering for a moment with a light tap on her masked cheek. Thinking it over, she shrugged.
"Oh silly little crabby-boyo, sometimes the mask is a truer representation than whatever lies beneath it. Plus it's not like you have any need to see what's more than already here, unless that's the kind of thing a nosy little crabbo like you seeks for in his quest, you silly little billy-boyo you" the jester commented as she let them drink of the antidote.

Qzioah didn't find it all too hard at all to drink from the antidote, albeit recoiling a little at being booped on the head by the one of superior height.
"Hey-" she briefly answered to the booping, moving her smol snake head away as she awaited for the effects to return her back to her normal self. She soon enough found herself standing back on solid ground with her own two normal legs that were once gone, glad that she was no longer reduced to that of a scaly noodle.
"Ah, that feels much better, although I'd question if Deli really needs to stop being a crab. You know, he's kind of cuter that way, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he was turned into a crab more often" Qzioah giggled as she turned to look to the jester, also a little curious what it would be that they would ask for help with. It would probably be the least they could do, then they could get back to doing actual important and relaxing things... hopefully if Deli's detour into magic research didn't distract them all too much.

"Ah yes, the thing you can do to help, right, it's very shrimple. Well it's not, but it'll hopefully be shrimplies with due time. I need to test a new coolio-beans magical thingy I'm making, but my little testing area is a bit faulty right now since I'm missing a few key little thingy-mabobs to make it worksie all epic and cool. Hm, ah, oh well, nonsense schnonsense, I'm sure I can improvise a little bits and bobs to make it work all fine. Just magicy crystals and stuff, that's how things work or something-or-other. I'm working on a funny little thingy, you could see it as a game in a way. I wanted to give people the chance to experience the wonders of... well, magic I suppose, in dangerous situations without the actual pressure of being in danger or being rushed to make significant life-or-death decisions. Plus I thought it could help as a team bonding exercise because, everyone loves team bonding" Yz spoke, thinking for a moment.

"There's probably some other stuff that you could help with, but one thing at a time. I'm sure we could give this a little bit of a go, now where did I put... literately everything in relation to this... " Yz mumbled, looking around the room trying to find what she was looking for. After a while, she finally found what she was looking for and put it on a non-empty table in which she had so casually shoved literately everything off in order to empty it.
"Ahah, okay, if you three would be so kind to come over here please. Actually, I don't think I've got this all figured out enough yet for three people. So, perhaps if the bright glowing pinkish-purple one could sit this one out, that'd be helpful~, maybe I'll let you play along later once we're all set trying this little thingy I've cooked up" Yz asked, Qzioah softly shrugging.

"Well okay I guess, hopefully this won't take too long to sit and watch... " Qzioah mumbled.

"You twosies, if you'd be so kind as to come over here, I've got some cute little mystery gifts for you and a special orby to touch! This little orbie-dorbie-dorables ballo-boyo here is kinda like those orbs you see in cities and stuff to check that you're not some crazed evildoer, but it's a little bit altered and doesn't actually do that and isn't actually the same thing but it's just kind of like that" Yz said, gesturing to an orb they placed on a stand on a table, as well as multiple little hand-sized boxes with different words on them.

"Alright, I don't know if any of you are used to this kind of thing since... none of you seem like the type to have any flying clue what I'm about to walk you through, but I have some cool and neat magical cards for you to have for this test once you do some little things. I need you to pick some words that feel right to you, and them give a touch to this orb so that they may get all aligned and rightio, and that it'll let you get a better understanding of yourself at your own will" Yz, spoke.

There were two separate groupings of little boxes of words in them.
"Just take one from each group of little thingies, whichever feels like it truly vibes to you most. Or don't, take whatever doesn't vibe to you. Just pick whatever sounds coolest, don't let me convince you".

In the first section, read different boxes with the words:
"Chaos, Focus, Tranquility, Guardian".

In the second section, different boxes read the words:
"Dread, Destroyer, Savant, Jester".

"Y'know, just one from each. No need to think too deeply, and then touch this nice orb, and you'll find yourself getting a bunch of cool little cardy-bois and other whateverses. Then I'll give a little explanation for what I'm forcing you to endure in repayment for that antidote, capeesh? What's capeesh, where does that even come from?... " Yz asked, rambling off a little off-topic.​
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Nindeli SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

“I see. I didn't think it'd look like this.” He mumbled, upon being told he'd always been tall. As he was put down, he waited for the potion. Only to get more than he bargained for. “Gfrmumr blegh” he sounded, as he was crabby-caterboarded by a foul potion. He really hoped it'd at least work...


Which it did. Feeling his familiar form again, he sighed. “Much better.” He said, as he was slowly checking himself. “I never realised the ability to blink is such a luxury.” He said, closing his eyes for a bit and enjoying the feeling. Even the familiar and aches and pains of his old wound that he felt as he stretched his limbs and checked if all his fingers and toes were there, were somewhat soothing, in their own obnoxious and slightly painful manner at least.

“Your manner of speech is unpleasant.” He told Yz straight to her mask. Whatever her rant about the mask was, he had missed most of it due to being annoyed by the weird way in which she was speaking of it. Somehow he'd hoped she'd make more sense after un-rock-ing, but apparently not.

He scoffed when Qzioah talked about him staying a crab. “I've been trying to to keep my comments more cordial, for the sake of the peace, so I'd appreciate it if you refrained from such comments.” That might be the best response, he figured, as he didn't want to argue again and refrained from telling the snake form suited her better.

Once more, Yz was giving him a headache. So many words, so little sense. How difficult was it be to just speak plainly and to the point? He silently watched her ramble and prepare, until she told them to move over. He looked at Ninelle, then back at Yz... Ninelle had promised they'd help, so he should probably just go along, shouldn't he? He sighed. This was gonna be terrible again, wasn't it?

“So... I pick a word and then touch the orb?” He asked, that at least sounded simple enough. He'd pick [Focus] first. That one was easy. The second box was less easy. He wanted to pick 'savant' at first, but he believed more in hard work than he did in natural talent or aptitude. Deciding that, whatever this was, it might work better if he picked something else. So he picked [Jester] second, considering there was one in the room with them, it might as well be his pick, right?

He sighed, looking at Ninelle. “Let's hope this will be better than turning into a crab.” He feared it would be worse. Somehow. He'd wait for Ninelle to pick her cards as well, then touch the orb around the time she'd be ready to do so as well.
Ninelle (#54d1b0)

Ninelle never thought she'd miss her body, but she had to admit it had grown familiar to her now. The return of her companions' appearances was comforting too, even if the succubus did immediately jab at the elf. Focusing back on Yz, although Ninelle tried her best to listen patiently, a lot of things definitely just went in one ear and out the other amidst all of the jester's rambling. Fortunately, the general gist of things seemed simple enough.

Fluttering over to the wooden table, she landed carefully beside the first four boxes and peered inside. Chaos embodied her life, yet she detested it. Focus was not easy for her, as she was easily distracted by overthinking and paranoia. Tranquility was her deepest desire. And Guardian was the title thrust onto her that fateful day, which she abhorred. Without much more thought apart from those brief thoughts on first look, she used both hands to drag the Tranquility card out to her side of the table.

The second little group of boxes made her dwell in thought for a moment, her expression and demeanour growing a little more subdued and sombre. It was not that it was a hard choice. The other three were not really relatable to her in the slightest. Still, she quietly dragged the Dread card beside her Tranquility card,

"Sorry, I think too much. But yes, me too." Ninelle smiled back up at the tall elf, silently wondering how he bore his scars on the daily, before touching the orb with Deliverance, an elven hand on one side, and a tiny fairy's hand on the other.
SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Elvario Elvario
9 (Part 1, will post multiple times this turn. No need to post this turn if not needing to, I need to get to finishing the second part of this when I can)
Peacefully waiting for them to pick their cards, she answered back to Deli.
"And your manners in general are highly rude, I'd guess that is why your amount of friends maximises at the count of two. But you know, I'm sure you could've freed yourself from being a crab at any time, don't mind me fussy-pants. With someone as powerful of you probably having knowledge and control of all the natural elements, and that with your vibrant personality you most seem to vibe and represent the element of Earth, I'm sure the last thing we'd all want is for you to soil yourself from anger" Yz answered, watching the blonde pick the words [Focus] and [Jester]. Humming softly, Yz spoke in a cheery tone.
"Oh oh, focusing on Jesters are we? I thought you despised me, but it sounds like you can't help but keep me in mind. I'm touched, but I'm not so sure if I'm interested in your advances, silly one. Anyway yes, touch the orb and things'll probably make a little more sense or something y'know. If you feel a weird tingly thing in your head like it's trying to get you to think about what matters to you just... think of something or you know whatever, it's not that important" Yz nonchalantly added as Deli was touching the orb.

(For a basic understanding on how turns will work, by default each player will have 1 Action per turn and 300 total health. Manually Activated abilities do not cost an action. Players will automatically draw 1 card each turn, up to a maximum hand-size of 10 of which will be unable to draw more cards. Decks don't run out or have limited amounts of each card, you will simply draw cards at random based on chance. Each turn, allied players will all take their turns at the same time unless Cards/Perks define otherwise and all played cards will take effect at the end of the turn. Non-specific amounts (for example, 10-50 Damage Dealt, will be random))
(Check the tab for the Deck and other small choices to make)

Deliverance's Focus/Jester Deck
Perks (Select 1 Deck-Type Perk, and 1 Signature Perk)
No Nonsense (Focus Perk):
At the end of your turn, if you performed 3 or more actions during that turn, choose a Focus Card from your deck to add to your hand. Give an ally of yours a free action next turn.
All The Nonsense (Jester Perk): Manually Activated (One Turn Cooldown): Choose One Upon Use - One Jester Card in your hand can be played as a free action this turn, or an ally of yours can play a Jester Card in their hand as an additional action either this or next turn.
Study Break (Signature Perk): Manually Activated (Five Turn Cooldown): Deliverance is immune to all damage and healing received for the current turn and cannot use any other Manually Activated perks or additional actions, until the start of the next turn. Deliverance then draws two cards, heals for 30HP, and can play one of them as a free action for that turn only.
Big Thinks (Signature Perk): Manually Activated (Two Turn Cooldown): Choose a card in your deck, the next card drawn is guaranteed to be that card. Gain a free action for this turn, and heal 5HP to all allies (can Overheal).

Cards (The percentage is how likely the drawn card will be that card)
Targetted Beam (Focus/Savant)(10%): A not-very-nice beam that deals 30-60 damage to a single target. The Minimum and Maximum damage is then increased by 10 for each additional Targetted Beam card being played by you or an ally this turn.
Combat Tickle (Tranquility/Jester)(10%): Magically tickles a target with sparkly little magic ghost hands, because that's what happens. Deals 1-60 damage to a target enemy, or 5-20 healing to a target ally (can Overheal).
Surprise Party (Focus/Jester)(10%): Throw an epic surprise party, with confetti and joy and everything! Deals 7-20 damage to all enemies and 7-20 healing to you and all allies. Minimum and Maximum amounts are increased by 2 for every other Jester Card being played this turn by you or allies.
Giftcard (Guardian/Jester)(22.5%): Choose One Upon Use - Draw a card from one of your Deck Types at your decision (Focus or Jester). Choose whether to add it to your hand or an ally's hand. (Cannot draw another Giftcard card)(All cards of that type are equal chance to be drawn)
Battle Focus (Focus/Destroyer)(8%): Enhanced focus on combat and battle improves your damage output. Your damage dealt this turn is increased by 10%.
Preplanning (Focus/Savant)(7.5%): Next turn, gain a free action for that turn only.
Freaky Friday (Chaos/Jester)(8%): Choose an ally. Draw a card from their deck, they draw a card from yours. Cards that the ally draw from your deck are all equal chance to be drawn. (Note: This card totally does not have the side-effect of turning Deliverance into a crab again. Trust me. - Signed, Yz)
Rainbow Beam (All)(10%): An aggressive beam of angry rainbows that angries at an opponent to deal angry damage. Deals 40 damage to a target enemy. If a total of three or more Rainbow Beams are played by you and allies all targetting the same target, the target receives an additional 20 damage per Rainbow Beam and excess overkill damage is dealt to a random adjacent enemy. Taste the rainbow.
I Spy (Chaos/Jester)(5%): Reveal three random cards in an enemy's hand.
WAITWAITWAITTIMEOUT- (Guardian/Jester)(5%): Gain 20-30 shield until the start of your next turn. If any damage is taken, the shield persists indefinitely until broken.
I Like That One (Focus/Dread)(4%): Choose a Non-Focus card in either yours or an ally's hand and transform this into a copy of it at the end of the turn. It can be played as a free action.
Yz's Joker (Chaos/Jester)(0%): Draw a random card from either yours or an allies' deck (equal chance for all cards to be drawn), it can be cast as a free action. After it is played, draw a Non-Chaos card from your deck (equal chance for all cards to be drawn). This card (Yz's Joker) can be played as a free action.
Yz's Manipulation (Jester)(0%): Choose a Card Type. For the rest of combat, ALL of your played cards also count as that card type. After you've played this card four or more times in total, gain an additional action (permanent). Cards played with this action count as All Card Types.

Yz cheerfully hummed.
"You get all that, smart guy? It's a lot to take in, but I'm sure you can figure it out. This stuff is designed for children, if a smarty-pants like you can't understand it then I've clearly went super-wrong somewhere. You understand games for kids right? You know how to play games? Right, okay my pretty little fairy friend, it's time to check in to see if you've got everything in place. Nice word choices, an interesting combination too, lets just give the orb and the cardsy-thingies a little moment to work their magic and then we'll see what we're working with... " Yz chimed in, giving a little wait.​
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