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Finished [Rotian Lands] The Freeze is coming! Go, go, go!


| DarkKitsune DarkKitsune [Recruits] |

With some personal training, Baharius would find his efforts fruitful as the swordsman recruit was getting better at managing his posture and strikes. There was still plenty of room for improvement, sure, but the lad certainly was on the right track thanks to him. The saurian gave a proud smile as he gave a satisfied grunt of approval. "Very good." he said with a nod, "Keep it up and you'll become a fine swordsman yet. Carry on lad."

With that he plodded off and continued overseeing the rest of the recruits. Eventually his gaze turned to another struggling recruit, this one focusing on hand to hand combat. The saurian grumbled gutturally as he approached him, mounting his greatsword atop his sail as he changed fighting tactics. Just as he was experienced with a blade, he too knew a two or thing about melee combat.

"You're slouching." the saurian announced bluntly as he inspected the man's posture. He then rose a fist and made a motion to sock at his chest with powerful force, only to stop just inches from the recruit's chest. "And you're leaving your full frontal body exposed. Really, your whole stance is unbalanced. No good."

Baharius recoiled his fist and would stand next to the recruit's left. "Watch closely." he ordered, as he began to get into position.

His right clawed foot stepped back to position his legs at roughly shoulder length of his body; one foot facing forward and the back one at a 45 degree angle. His weight was pushed towards the back of his body and placed upon his heels with his knees bent. He had a more upright posture, being lowered to the ground thanks to his bent knees to keep his profile better protected, and had his body facing at a more right side angle instead of directly forward. Both of his burly fists rose up - with knuckles to the sky and elbows down and in close to the body - while his head tucked underneath his chin between them. Ultimately he intended to demonstrate a classic boxing stance, again keeping his tail raised to better align with the humanoid anatomy.

"Posture yourself like so." Baharius explained before letting out a one-two jab and punch as an example, "Be light on your feet and distribute your weight to keep yourself balanced. Guard your face, torso, and other vitals. Your arms should be relaxed yet firm, like a coil ready to spring. Sturdy enough to block and ready to strike a quick and powerful blow. Follow my lead." He'd ensure the new recruit would understand what he was attempting to show him, like how a proper yet fair general should.

V nodded with satisfaction. It would seem to be going smoothly. His memory base slowly picking up on what his old combat mechanics were. "No ⠎⠑⠇⠋ doubt?" a quiet whirring ringed from the construct's head. "Let me ⠛⠊⠧⠑ ⠊⠞ ⠁try"... His words trailed off while his focus went entirely back to his training partner.

The rook was indeed able to pick up on Jane's hints well enough. His fist movements were still relatively slow, but they slowly picked up on technique. Slow, yet powerful strikes began to flow into each other cleanly.

V continued to throw punches, slowly mixing in kicks. His technique would begin to solidly lean towards solid chains of powerful strikes. The brawler in the making stopped for a moment. "Still ⠝⠑⠑⠙⠎ grappling..." After the quick realization, V also added throws and holds. Simple ones, yet focusing on the strength behind it. Rear chokes, guillotines, arm bars, ankle locks, hip tosses, leg takedowns, back breakers, and a couple more out there ones.

He kept at it with the grabs and throws for a few good minutes before standing and turning to Jane. "Slow, ⠽⠑⠞ strong. ⠺⠕⠥⠇⠙ that work?"
♫ New Lessons ♫

Strength - E
Precision - C
Intelligence - C
Vitality - D
Speed - D
Character Grade - D

[Isekai] [Born for This] [Mundane] [Healer] [Blossom Seeker] [Mother Hen] [Bugged] [Caster]

Aedrianna Belmonte
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Hikari blinked as the spell fizzled out, the small ball of light and darkness barely making it past her fingertips before sputtering into nothing. Her lips pressed together in frustration. That was… disappointing. She had been sure it would work, that the magic would just listen to her. But instead, it barely made it a few feet.

Her gaze flickered to Demetrius as he took down a few more monsters with his ice darts, her chest tightening slightly at the sight. He made it look so effortless, like magic was just another limb he could move at will. She barely had time to feel bad about it before he started explaining—power levels, spell balancing, the strain of casting multiple things at once.

So that was the problem. She had tried to cast something just as powerful as the barrier, without realizing her body couldn’t handle that kind of output. It made sense, but it still stung.

She shifted her weight, looking down at her hands before flexing her fingers. “Right. So, smaller spell. Stronger focus. Got it.”

Her stomach flipped slightly at the idea of trying again. There was a tiny, stubborn part of her that wanted to prove she could do it the first time, that she wasn’t as helpless as she felt. But she swallowed it down. No point in being reckless.

Her thoughts were cut short as Arthur called out, saying the repairs were almost done. Just a little longer.

Hikari let out a breath, squaring her shoulders.

Okay. Just a little longer.

She turned back to the creatures, swallowing down the last of her hesitation. No more holding back. She let her magic rise again, this time more controlled, more measured. If she couldn’t overwhelm them with power, then she’d focus on precision.

She adjusted her stance, magic curling at her fingertips once more.

“One more time…” she murmured, steadying herself before launching the spell forward.

˚♩*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*♫* . °•★♪|•°∵ ♚ ∵°•|♪★•° . *♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*♩˚

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Develius Develius Rev IX Rev IX

1. Starblade: [Magic] D, [Magic Range] F, [Selective Magic] F, [Magic Targets] F [Light] F, [Shadow] F,- Grade D; Post Cooldown=2 Post. Character concentrates their mana into a blade like shape, and hurls it at a selected enemy.
The adventure comes to its conclusion, Baharius goes on to teach some more of their newest recruits, V-CXI learned more about fighting from Jane in a way that would hopefully become beneficial to his future, and the combined efforts of Demetrius and Aedrianna would result in the elimination of the Pewchui monsters, the energy of her barrier now ebbing away into nothingness as Arthur finishes concealing the hole in the wall keeping monsters out more successfully now, Griffin, August, and Marriane would complete their supply runs. Everyone would meet back up at the base, some may leave and others may stick around to help continue the preparation for the freeze in the nearing winter. However, as it stands now with the help of everyone there was a job well done.

Develius Develius Rev IX Rev IX Moonberry Moonberry
1. Narrators Involved
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

2. Narrator Standing
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - C grade standing

3. Summary of the Roleplay
Griffin helps students from the Ethereal Luminary named: Demetrius a Lizard Beastkin, Marrianne a Fae and Charlotte a human piloting their fullerwho have volunteered to help Rotia’s Hornbach prepare for the up coming freeze, they are joined by Baharius, V-CXI and Kōmori. On their way to the small village of Myathevale. On their way to he village they found Aedrianna who nearly died again from hyperthermia and take her to a medic named Jane. After everything is put into order the volunteers leave in the fuller while Nicholas who is overseeing everything takes those from Myathevale on horse. On the way to Hornbach they get attacked by Theops. Demetrius keeps a barrier around the fuller to prevent it from sustaining damage, Charlotte takes control of the Machine’s guns and everyone works together to fight the monsters off, which comes as a success at the cost of Kōmori who is rendered paralyzed. On the way Baharius, Griffin and Aedrianna or ‘Hikari’ discuss potential explanations for Aedrianna’s situation. V-CXI gets his voice sort of repaired. Once they make it to base everyone splits off into groups by a cat beast named August, group 1: Baharius, Jane, Charlotte and V-CXI get put with the trainees Baharius and Charlotte help new recruits learn how to fight V-CXI gets trained by Jane. Team 2: Hikari/Aedrianna, Arthur and Demetrius get paired off to defend while Arthur makes repairs to a hole in the wall around Hornbach. Team 3 Griffin, Marrianne and August go for supply runs a

4. Goal Achievement
Develius Develius - Baharius: gather some form of mentor or leadership reputation (dependent on grade)
Rev IX Rev IX - Model V Unit CXI: (Priority) Relearn how to fight, (succeded to a degree) Regain the Ability to talk, (succeeded to a degree)learn an alternative function then combat (failed)
Moonberry Moonberry - Aedrianna: ???
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Griffin: gain postitive reputation in Rotia, help Protect Rotia (succeeded to a degree, Depends on grade)

5. Criminal Acts Perpetrated

6. Lore to Establish

A small temporary settlement that is abandoned during the winter season and repaired if needed for occupation during the warm seasons. It acts as a temporary port during the end of fall.
Art by Darkkitsune

Art by Darkkitsune
Large man eating frog like monsters. Likely a distant relative to dire animals it attacks with its large pointy claws and tongueto consume other races. They travel together in large packs. They are a D grade level threat.
A type of fire monster that takes on the appearance of a golden retriever with red fur beneath its eyes and long exaggerated ears with black markings down their side and large black eyes. These creatures are surprisingly adorable and able to fool the most ignorant of adventurers - E grade threat

7. Partial Participants
saxon saxon Kōmori Fukitsu: N/A

8. Partial Participant Invaders

9. Full-Time Participants
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Griffin
Develius Develius - Baharius
Rev IX Rev IX - V-CXI
Moonberry Moonberry Aedranna

10. Characters with Point Boosters

11. Recommended Titles
Aedrianna- Optional title [Who Am I?] - This character begins their journey of rediscovering themselves admist the confusion
Baharius - optional title [Militia Teacher Stand in]- This character has successfully stood in as a teacher for military trainees. They may be treated with respect or have a higher chance of their advice heeded.
V-CXI optional title [I can talk!] - This character has regained their voice making commumication easier

12. Assets/Titles Roleplayed For
everyone rp’ed for some form of positive rep in Rotia in this rp.

13. Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles

14. Hunters' Involvement

15. Special Skills or Assets

16. Transactions Performed

17. Rules Utilized
Advanced rules

18. Character Sheet Oddities
None spotted but recommended that Dev upgrades Baharius’s equipment before he does break something.

19. Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates
Potential lore may be updated as more rps in Rotia occur

20. Narrator Bonuses
Closest thing if F grade fighting style for V-CXI other wise N/A

21. Additional Notes
this was pretty smooth sailing if not a little drug out. It could’ve been done better. Things to note is that this rp begun BEFORE proper fullers were proposed and ENDED before said fullers were added into the system.
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