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Active [Grand Duchy] Summoned by this Goth Boy and his Fairy Not-Girlfriend, now we're on vacation?!

Ninelle (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
Femboy Femboy

"...that's a rather nice way of looking at it." Ninelle blinked and murmured softly, processing Qzioah's words about her appearance almost in disbelief.

A worthy battle scar. She... had never thought of it that way.

Whenever she looked at herself in a reflection, that side of her had only ever been a painful and ugly reminder of the past. So stark and jarring compared to what she once was. Faintly, she recalled that construct she once met, Ingenium, thought herself fascinating and wanted to dissect and investigate her anatomy. But as much as he helped her marvel at the feat of nature and technology she had become, she still thought of herself as an oddball. Inorganic. Something not meant to exist.

Qzioah might not have meant anything that profound or kind, but a part of the little fairy suddenly really wanted to cry.

Biting her lip, she held herself together, fortunately diverted by talk of Qzioah's odd abashment towards her simple compliment. Giggling gently, Ninelle curiously wondered if she was a newer or younger succubus to get embarrassed or shy so easily, before Yz started working her strange magic alterations again.

'Extra actions' and 'health being shared' was certainly not great to hear from a team standpoint, but a competitive game was always more fun than a stomp. She didn't care too much about winning too, as much as the cards were fun to absorb herself into.

Punches, rain, getting spat on and finally getting exploded on. As much as it was a phantom mirage and not super real or painful, Ninelle was still left sprawled out on the desk counter in momentary but drenched misery. The little cyborg fairy had to admit, she absolutely hated the feeling of liquid leaking through and sloshing around her metal insides. As much as it magically dried off only a moment later, it was very uncomfortable-feeling.

Crawling back up to a sitting position slowly, she forced a smile and looked up at the succubus. "I'm fine. I've been through worse." She hummed reassuringly, before carefully listening in on her partner's game plan and nodding. "You have a good point." Drawing their new cards, she kept Qzioah's cautious advice in mind, before noticing what had been drawn and suddenly raising her arms in an excited cheer. "Wow, what are the chances!" Matching the succubus' fingerguns with little ones of her own, she giggled almost in disbelief.

Immediately, she returned to poring over her cards, quickly trying to get the gears in the mechanical half of her brain to turn. "Hm. Think I'll stick with my original plan." Her eyes gleamed with both glee and excited machinations. "I'll play Double-Doomin' and Lingering Horror on the Wizardy Alemental."
Elvario Elvario
18 (A)
A bit taken back by Deli's rather odd reaction to meeting her, she wondered if the man could be awkward about social interaction or just found something so suddenly terrifying about her. Momentarily hesitating in order to give him a chance to recuperate and answer, of which she was then hit with the rather overly formal way of talking of which she expected him to act in the first place. Even a little bit silently wondering if she should have made so much sudden conversation with him in the first place, though hearing out his question about the book she was holding. Looking at a moment at the cover, she looked back to him.

"Well, yeah, I suppose it does contain some things on summoning and such to do with ethereal beings. Like, what? Ghosts? Fragmented sentient energies, or cosmic beings and other higher sorts from different planes? I believe it probably has some stuff on it, though it's not like I can really part with it right now. It's been a big assistance in my own work and I do still need it. I didn't get it from around here, buuut it is a big place, maybe there's something that'd be worth giving it over for, or maybe a library or something around here has another copy. I mean, I could've sworn I saw another person around here with the exact same book, so it can't be that rare. Maybe the maker of it is around here somewhere or something... It's like a collection of other peoples' work for teaching purposes and stuff" Au-Gh asked softly, meanwhile the draconic man at the stall was rather just going into explanation and answering questions of others of which weren't things that would be much of interest or things that Deli wouldn't have already known beforehand. Au-Gh looked around for a moment, before back to Deli.

"So I'd only suppose you probably don't know anything to helping my own matter, which is a shame. Maybe if you could figure out how to summon something draconic in nature I'd consider, but I suppose your next best luck is to just go looking for another copy" Au-Gh mentioned with a small nod of her head, turning her attention back to the man who was finishing up his discussions on the two summoning types he'd mentioned prior.

Likely unless Deli could think of an answer to her offer, or something of interest to trade, he'd likely be out of luck and have to look around elsewhere. He'd still have the options of the other booths and stalls to look at, or go somewhere else such as her given suggestions.
"Are there any further questions on anything, before I continue on?" the man had asked, of which Deli would have a chance to ask anything if he wanted.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
15 (B)
Giving a soft smile to the fairy before concentrating on whatever her own play was going to be, Qzioah was not really aware of the positive impact she may have had on Ninelle with what she thought was rather just a simple compliment. Still quite embarrassed by Ninelle's giggling at her partial fluster over compliments of beauty, the tone was rather reset after Ninelle was bombarded and soaked by game-related damage. Hopefully the smell of it all and the stickyness was enough to bare before it would disappear, still not really sure what to be prepared for other than trying to make a larger play for Ninelle's perk to be back up again.

Qzioah hesitated for a moment, before just deciding that her plan to use Preplanning was pretty much the only real play should make here whilst saving her Free Action card for the next turn. At least she had two Targetted Beams, and that they'd hopefully be able to do a whole lot of damage next turn.
"Yeah, I'll just go with Preplanning, no need to try to do anything else here... " Qzioah murmured as she went ahead and played the card. She had only recently remembered she had a usable perk of her own, of which would be useful to use next turn as well.

The use of Qzioah's Preplanning wouldn't need much explanation, disappearing into nothingness as its' effect would come into much bigger use next turn. Ninelle would end up playing even more damage against the sloshy wizard that opposed them even without the benefit of Ominous Aura at the current moment, Double Doom would do an initial 14 damage and count as another Dread card. Lingering Horror would then add on to do another 4 damage, and count as yet another.
"Ooh. I wonder how next turn is gonna go... you know, things were simpler when I was a rock and didn't have limbs. Then again, I'm definitely much prettier as a not-rock. Oh, the difficulties of choice, guess I'll worry about that later... SLUSHY AND SLOSHER, IT'S YOUR GO, GOGOGO, GO NOW" Yz softly spoke to herself rather off-topic, before suddenly turning her attention to the two alementals who were even a little surprised at her sudden rushing. The alemental was clearly making little bubbling sounds trying to console the wizard friend who was getting so harrassed by all the damage, the two of them clearly being such good slushy friends as they went on to play their turns.

With his two turns, the Burly Alemental would first go on to play Drinking Party on his Wizard friend, giving him a decently sized 28 health shield to help protect him temporarily. He'd then also add in another Haymaker targetted at the fairy who was causing so much trouble yet again for the entire 30 damage that it could do. Things were visibly getting more unlucky. With the end of the Burly Alemental's plays, he would also draw a card due to his perk and give both him and his friend an additional 2 Shield.

Drinking Party (Guardian/Savant)(X1): Give a Shield of Spirits to either yourself or an ally, granting them 15-30 shield until the start of your next turn. Then, the targetted person draws a Non-Savant or Guardian card from your deck (of their choice).
Haymaker (Guardian/Destroyer)(X1): Wind up a hard-hitting punch that deals 20-30 to a single enemy.

With the Wizard Alemental following up what he played after, he would first play a card along with the Free Action that was going to occur. He had first fired a Fireball Shot directed at Qzioah which hit for 27 damage. Then, a Free Action repeat of Unstable Ciderspew would activate and would end up doing 18 damage to Qzioah. As for the random outcome, it would end up restoring the Wizard Alemental for 2 health.

Fireball Shot (Chaos/Destroyer)(X1): Not named for being a literal fireball, this magically-enhanced concoction fires an alcohol projectile at a single enemy and dealing 18-33 damage to them. As an alemental, this takes part of ones' being to cast and deals 1-3 damage to the user. If the user is shielded however, then no self-damage is dealt.
Unstable Ciderspew (Tranquility/Dread/Jester)(Free Action): Spew out an unstable burst of alcohol, either dealing 10-20 damage to an enemy or 5-12 healing to an ally (chosen effect and target is entirely random). After, one of three random outcomes occur: On your next available turn, gain a Free Action for Non-Jester or Dread cards, give someone else entirely at random an Unstable Ciderspew that cannot replay this outcome (this outcome is replaced with 'Do Nothing'), or Restore 1-6 Health. Signature Enhancement: Whenever this card is added to an enemy's hand, draw a Non-Jester card. If the drawn card cannot damage enemies, restore 1-4 health and gain 4-8 shield.
When their turn rolled around again, Qzioah felt quite overwhelmed like their good-going streak was starting to hit them back and very hard too. Not expecting too much out of drawn cards to show any luck, she was just hoping they'd be able to make it out of their predicament considering how low it appeared they were starting to get.
"This is starting to become rather close, maybe we should've taken it a little more cautious prior... hopefully we can do a lot with our turn now to make up for it" Qzioah softly spoke, wondering if Yz's tinkering had really risen the difficulty so much so suddenly.

Ninelle would end up drawing a, get this, ANOTHER Combat Tickle card. Meanwhile, Qzioah would end up drawing a Rainbow Beam.

She wasn't sure what Ninelle had in mind for her turn, but she concentrated on what was in her hand to try and put something together as she whispered to Ninelle.
"So, I have two actions plus a third if I use my perk so I can do three actions in the same turn again. If you're doing your perk, I might as well use both of my Targetted Beams and then maybe we can do enough damage to outright defeat the Wizard one. I can play Targetted Beam twice for 120 damage... oh, but it'd actually do 140 damage because, that's how they work apparently. Oh, and I have Steel Your Fears usable for free too, so maybe I'll play the Timeout one or something else. To be honest, I feel like I could've maybe been better prepared for this turn... I guess I too could just try to play Dread cards to help" Qzioah awkwardly mumbled, giggling a soft nervous giggle as she looked to Ninelle.

"Uh, any thoughts before I make a mistake or do something stupid?" she asked the little fairy.

Turn 6:

202/300 HP
One Action (Plus one Free Action for this turn)
[No Nonsense](Focus Perk)
: At the end of your turn, if you performed 3 or more actions during that turn, choose a Focus Card from your deck to add to your hand. Give an ally of yours a free action next turn.
[Big Thinks](Signature Perk): Manually Activated (Two Turn Cooldown(Ready for use!): Choose a card in your deck, the next card drawn is guaranteed to be that card. Gain a free action for this turn, and heal 5HP to all allies (can Overheal).
Qzioah's Hand
Targetted Beam (Focus/Savant)(X2):
A not-very-nice beam that deals 30-60 damage to a single target. The Minimum and Maximum damage is then increased by 10 for each additional Targetted Beam card being played by you or an ally this turn.
I Like That One (Focus/Dread)(X1): Choose a Non-Focus card in either yours or an ally's hand and transform this into a copy of it at the end of the turn. It can be played as a free action.
WAITWAITWAITTIMEOUT- (Guardian/Jester)(X1): Gain 20-30 shield until the start of your next turn. If any damage is taken, the shield persists indefinitely until broken.
Freaky Friday (Chaos/Jester)(X1): Choose an ally. Draw a card from their deck, they draw a card from yours. Cards that the ally draw from your deck are all equal chance to be drawn. (Note: This card totally does not have the side-effect of turning Deliverance into a crab again. Trust me. - Signed, Yz)
Steel Your Fears (Guardian/Dread)(X1)(Free Action Playable): Give 0-7 shield to either you or an ally until the start of your next turn, as well as Ominous Aura until the end of your next turn. Then, draw a card. This replays once more at the start of your next turn.
Rainbow Beam (All)(10%): An aggressive beam of angry rainbows that angries at an opponent to deal angry damage. Deals 40 damage to a target enemy. If a total of three or more Rainbow Beams are played by you and allies all targetting the same target, the target receives an additional 20 damage per Rainbow Beam and excess overkill damage is dealt to a random adjacent enemy. Taste the rainbow.

135/300 HP
One Action
A Matter of Time (Dread Perk):
After you and allies have played a total of 20 Dread cards, gain an additional action (permanent). Then, draw a card. For every 8 further Dread cards played by you and allies, draw a card. (Dread Cards Played: 14/20)
Optimistic Outlook (Signature Perk): Manually Activated (3 Turn Cooldown(Ready for use!): Ninelle has a magical way with success, and promotes success within her team. Her and all allies gain 10 shield until the start of their next turn, and all random-outcome values for her and allies until then will always be at their maximum (for example: Dealing 10-50 Damage will guaranteed be 50 Damage).
Key Effects
Ominous Aura:
While you or an ally is affected by Ominous Aura, all enemies take an additional 1 damage whenever they are hit. Ominous Aura lasts until the end of your next turn. Gaining Ominous Aura while already having one will apply an additional Aura and refresh previous ones into lasting until the end of your next turn.
Ninelle's Hand
Good... For Me (Tranquility/Dread)(X1):
An Ominous Aura surrounds you or an ally of your choice. At the end of your next turn, that target is healed for 15-20 and loses the Ominous Aura. This replays a second time as a free action on your next turn, healing 2-8 to the same target.
Combat Tickle (Tranquility/Jester)(X3): Magically tickles a target with sparkly little magic ghost hands, because that's what happens. Deals 1-60 damage to a target enemy, or 5-20 healing to a target ally (can Overheal).
Peaceful Violence (Tranquility/Destroyer)(X1): Bring peace to the world by violently beating your enemy. Magical fists appear to pummel your enemy, dealing 8-12 damage three times. This Card also counts as having the Card Types of all other cards being played by you and allies this turn.
Steel Your Fears (Guardian/Dread)(X1): Give 0-7 shield to either you or an ally until the start of your next turn, as well as Ominous Aura until the end of your next turn. Then, draw a card. This replays once more at the start of your next turn.
Joyseeker (Tranquility/Jester)(X1): Restore 8-14 Health to an ally. Then, choose a Non-Tranquility Card from your Deck to add to your hand. It can be played as a free action on the turn after the next (that turn only).
- Free Action (Double-Doomin' - Chaos/Dread): Deals 10-20 damage at the end of the turn (targetting Wizard Alemental).

Burly Alemental

315/500 HP (+7 Shield)
Two Actions
Guardian Resolve (Guardian Perk):
After reaching 50% health or less, gain 100 shield and a free action on the next available turn only. This can only activate once per combat.
Happy Hour (Signature Perk): At the end of the turn, if you played a Destroyer card this turn, draw a card. If it's a Guardian card, give yourself and all allies 2 Shield.
Burly Alemental's Hand
Unknown Card(X7):
The amount of unrevealed cards in this opponent's hand.

Wizard Alemental
227/400 HP (+2 Shield, +28 Shield until the start of your next turn)
One Action
Invoke Destruction (Destroyer Perk):
After you and allies have played a total of 20 Destroyer cards, gain an additional action (permanent) that can only be used for Destroyer cards. After you and allies have played a total of 40 Destroyer cards, all Tranquility, Guardian and Chaos cards now also count as Destroyer cards for you and allies for the rest of the game whilst you are alive. Whenever you reach one of the milestones, you or an ally (your choice) can draw a Destroyer card from their deck of their choice. (15/20 Destroyer Cards Played)
Djinn of Tonic (Signature Perk): At the end of your turn, if you played no cards that can damage enemies, draw a damage-dealing card of your choice and restore 1-4 Health to either you or an ally.
Wizard Alemental's Hand
Unknown Card(X7):
The amount of unrevealed cards in this opponent's hand.​

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