Roleplay Artist

"Looks like the signs are pointing toward something capable of using magic being involved at the very least then...or at minimum capable of creating catalysts." Scarlett nodded in agreement based on what they had collectively discovered, as well as hearing what Adelhein had to say on the matter.
"Even if it's definitive we should consider that whatever we may encounter could have tried performing the ritual you mention..I mean it is possible this was a a total accident best case scenario to be honest..either way better to be safe than sorry, so let's nip this thing while the trail is still hot."
"And..yeah nice job Aqua." She gave a thumbs up toward Aqua after Demeter complimented her.
Then there was the matter of the cat, Scarlett shrugged. Before giving a nod. She wasn't particularly hung up on it, she had only even really noticed because Aureus decided to bring it up anyway.
Scarlett having some more skills in close quarter combat than some other of the magic users there, would also stay closer to the front near Demeter, still letting her take the lead with her sight advantage, as well as admirable undeniable power.
"I mean if they come I'll crush e'm but I feel like I've seen enough bugs.." Scarlett added in agreement.
Then they got to a point where there was a choice of paths. She listened to Demeter and the others make their points. "Tch, personally I'm pretty confident in Demeter and Adelhein's abilities to help us not get killed if the worst happens, so why don't we just take the right path, and make good use of that vantage point if we can."
"I gotta say though on the off chance I end up falling to my death, I will be haunting whoever fails to catch or teleport me, that's a promise." She'd give a bit of a playful grin toward the currently more powerful duo of Magno Sapiente Victori.
Scarlett could only imagine what her mother would be telling her right now if she saw she was agreeing to go take the arguably less stable path, but she wasn't there and what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her right?
Regardless she was ready to head wherever the group ended up going, moving as unified front would be safer. Hopefully Artoria wouldn't be too annoyed about It all either, Scarlett would prefer less attitude and more action if possible on that end of things, already imaging she was going to get more than enough of it from Justin-sama.