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Finished [Greystone - Ryke] The Howling Depths


"T-that sounds h-orrible." Aqua whispered to herself as she listened to Garel's story. She couldn't imagine the fear he felt running from something he didn't know, all while hearing the screams of people he knew as they got swallowed into the earth. She unconsciously pets Shadow a little harder in an attempt to comfort herself.

"I-I'm sorry you experience that, i-it must be frightening." Aqua said to Garel as she handed him another bottle of the same concoction, there's no reason for her to do it other than wishing him to recover. "P-please get well soon."

Aqua gave Garel one last bow before shifting her attention back to the group, her petting of the cat finally subsided as she got calmer again. Aqua had her staff, her alchemy stuff, her artificer kit, the rations, the medicines and the rope. She wasn't exactly traveling light and she didn't plan to drop any of it, so simply nodded at the notions for taking a rest for the night.

"See you tomorrow, Shadow. I-I will try preparing something for you, okay?" Aqua put the cat down and briefly put a string around the cat's neck. She took note of the length and nodded to herself.

Excusing herself from the group, Aqua retreated back to her room in the guild's inn and sprawled her artificer kit on the table. She still had several trinkets that she bought in Aslan so should be able to make something for Shadow. She spent several hours tinkering and carving runes into the crystal and tied it to a makeshift cloth band to make an improvised crystal charm.

1) Use Artisan - Artificer D to craft a light armor D (Protective charm in the form of a small cloth collar with a white pearl-like gem attached to it. It can expel a magical force that helps the user launch themselves out of harm's way)​
The hour was late as Yuki finally made her way into Ryken. "I hope I'm not too late..."

She dashed down the streets, eager to get to the Adventurer's Guild before it closed its doors. As soon as word reached her of what happened to Greystone, she knew she had to go see for herself. She knew a great many people there and was worried out of her mind for their safety.

She burst through the guild hall's large doors and immediately leaned on her knees, laboring for breath.
"Is this.....where I sign up.....to investigate Greystone?" She looks around the unfamiliar hall, praying it's not too late to sign up.
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The Cat

Shadow’s ears flicked as Aqua set him down, her fingers working deftly to tie something around his neck. He twitched uncomfortably at the slight weight of the string, pawing at it briefly before stopping. It didn’t feel restrictive, but it was... different. His golden eyes shot up to Aqua, narrowing in silent judgment as she gave him a quick pat and a soft word of reassurance.

When she stepped back, he shook his head, the string shifting slightly but refusing to come loose. Resigned, Shadow let out a low chirp and padded away from the girl, seeking food in this late hour.

The guild hall was quiet in the late hour, its cobblestone paths faintly lit by the warm glow of torches. Shadow moved through the alleys, his sleek black form blending with the deep shadows cast by towering stone walls. His ears twitched, catching the faint scuffle of claws against stone. Prey.

He lowered himself, his body gliding forward without a sound. The scent of a rat lingered in the air—a bold one, likely scavenging scraps left near the guild’s side entrance. Shadow’s tail flicked once before he sprang, his claws finding purchase as the rat let out a short squeal. The hunt was over in seconds.

Shadow carried his catch to a quiet corner of the alley, placing it down to inspect his prize. The string around his neck shifted slightly, but he ignored it now, focused on the satisfaction of his success. As he crouched to eat, his ears remained alert, listening to the faint sounds of the guild, always ready for the next movement in the night.
Aureus Albion

Aureus reflected Adelhein's amicable smile. Seeing as his teacher was being quite supportive in whatever the elf thought. His words were very motivating, as a matter of fact. "Are mage's families always that... complex?" Aureus wondered aloud yet again. As Adelhein's situation sounded as complex as blue blooded families, from what little knowledge he had, at least.

"Oh! Yeah... That does sound like something I should avoid. Thank you for the reminder." The elf was quick to respond to the warning. He certainly didn't need to get in Gilgamesh's bad side in his life. "Luck or else. I am glad to be on their side."

From there, the elf retreated once again, letting the others speak with the witness of the tragedy. Simply paying close attention to the details. Things remained uneventful for him, as no one asked for an input of his, which lent itself for Aureus to simply think and follow the rest in silence. They seemed to be quite done for the day anyway.

"Tomorrow is gonna be quite the day..." He threw the words in the air, not meant for anyone in particular.
Maxxob Maxxob | Adelhein
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scarlett
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Rev IX Rev IX | Aureus
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Aqua
Crescent King Crescent King | Cat
Bartre Bartre | Yuki

The sky above Ryken dimmed into inky twilight, guild torches flickering to life one by one. Guildmaster Edvar had just finished barking a final round of orders at his staff when the heavy doors of the Adventurers Guild swung open once again. In rushed a figure—Yuki—her breathing labored from her dash through the city.

Edvar’s eyes narrowed at the abrupt entrance, but his scowl relented when he recognized the desperation on her face.


“Let me guess,” he rumbled, voice echoing across the nearly empty hall. “You’re here for the Greystone investigation. Quartermaster’s over there.” Edvar gave a curt tilt of his chin, gesturing to the far corner.

Guild Quartermaster.png

A moment later, the elven quartermaster—tallying names, supplies, and wagons on a worn parchment—looked up at the newcomer. His usually aloof demeanor softened when he saw how winded she was. Sliding the parchment forward, he handed Yuki a quill.
“Sign here. We leave at first light.”

Within minutes, Yuki’s name joined the rest under the newly registered group, Magno Sapiente Victori, as an auxiliary member for the Greystone mission. Word quickly spread among the guild staff that another volunteer had arrived, and they began working to shuffle wagon assignments. By the time Yuki stepped away from the quartermaster’s table, a guild attendant informed her that she’d be sharing a wagon with Adelhein’s entourage—Artoria, Gilgamesh, Demeter, Scarlett, Aureus, Aqua, and of course, the mysterious cat, Shadow.

Night passed more swiftly than any of them expected—some found fitful rest in guild bunks or local inns, others toiled over late-night preparations and tinkering. Soon enough, dawn’s gray light crept through Ryken’s mist-shrouded streets, casting long shadows across the paved roads. At the main courtyard of the Guild, the caravan assembled: a half-dozen wagons lined in a row, each loaded with gear, rations, and determined faces.


Guildmaster Edvar stood near the lead wagon, arms folded over his broad chest. His voice echoed in the chill morning air:
“All right, this is your last chance to check your supplies. Wagons will roll out in ten minutes!”

Stablehands rushed about, tightening harnesses and offering quick instructions to those who’d never traveled with so large a convoy before. Drivers began taking their seats, while adventurers climbed into whichever wagon they were assigned.

Adelhein, Artoria, Gilgamesh, Demeter, Scarlett, Aureus, Aqua, Yuki, and Shadow ended up in a sturdy wagon near the middle of the procession. Its thick wooden sides bore fresh scratches, as though from minor skirmishes in the past. The interior was spacious enough—barely—to seat everyone, though it was a tight fit once supplies and personal belongings were stowed.

The driver, a lanky human with a perpetual worried crease in his brow, eyed the companions warily. “Ready?” he asked, voice shaking. He looked like he’d seen better days—possibly more used to ferrying safe cargo than a party of heavily armed adventurers.

Moments later, a Guild horn sounded, and the caravan lurched into motion. Wooden wheels clacked against cobblestone, the wagons rolling out of Ryken’s gates in single file. As they left the metropolis behind, the city’s sprawl of buildings gave way to rolling farmland and winding roads. Pale sunlight painted the scene in gentle hues, a marked contrast to the grim task ahead.

For the first half of the day, the caravan moved steadily. Occasional chatter broke out among the drivers: some boasted of prior heroics, others worried about the unknown horrors awaiting them. Gusts of chilly wind whipped across the open fields, rattling the canopies overhead but revealing no immediate threat.

Around midday, the wagons stopped for a brief rest. Drivers watered the horses near a shallow stream, and adventurers stretched their legs, rummaging through supplies or grabbing a quick meal. In the distance, a dark cluster of forest crept closer, marking the outskirts of the Greystone region. At the far edge of that forest, faint wisps of smoke hung in the air—a silent reminder of lost homes and unsettled mysteries.

Nothing overtly hostile had disturbed the journey so far, though a few travelers swore they caught sight of shapes flitting between the distant trees. Had it been real movement, or just nerves playing tricks?

Whether the caravan remains untroubled for the rest of the journey—or if some lurking peril decides to pounce—waits to be seen. One thing was certain: by sundown, they aimed to approach the outskirts of Greystone, standing on the threshold of whatever swallowed the village whole.

[Roll to avoid the encounter failed]

The afternoon sun hung low as the caravan advanced deeper into the rugged outskirts of Greystone’s territory. The group’s wagon creaked in protest over uneven ground, the road’s condition deteriorating with each passing mile. A mild tension settled over the convoy—no one spoke much, not after glimpsing occasional shapes flitting between gnarled trees.

Soon enough, the lead wagon rounded a bend, only to come to a jarring stop. Shouts rang out from the front of the line, followed by urgent calls for backup. By the time the rest of the caravan caught up, the reason became painfully clear.

A section of the narrow forest road had collapsed, forming a fresh sinkhole—much smaller than Greystone’s, but no less treacherous. Jagged rocks and broken earth yawned in the path, preventing any easy crossing. One wagon sat tilted at the edge, its front wheels trapped in the cracked earth. Its driver, pale as a ghost, was calling for help.

Suddenly, a howling wind rattled the trees overhead. A chorus of shrill, high-pitched screeches echoed from below the fractured ground. Moments later, from the dark maw of the collapsed road, four unnaturally large, insect-like creatures scrabbled into view.

Monstrous Bug.jpg

They were vaguely reminiscent of overgrown beetles crossed with scorpions—each had a chitinous shell glistening in the fading sunlight, hooked mandibles clacking with unnerving speed, and tails that ended in wicked stingers.

Surprise! - Bardify

A mercenary from the front wagon cursed under his breath and raised his blade.
“Everyone, to arms!” he bellowed. “Defend the caravan!”

The creatures fanned out, scuttling across the rock. Their shining black carapaces blended with the damp earth, and each hissed in eerie unison. A driver further back in the convoy whipped his horses into motion, trying to pull away—but in doing so, he nearly collided with the wagon carrying Adelhein’s group. Chaos erupted as people scrambled for weapons or dove for cover.

The caravan is stuck—penned in by the sinkhole and the forest. Anyone looking to flee would need to risk pushing past the thrashing insects. The only clear path was to stand and fight, or find a way around the creatures to free the trapped wagon and repair the road.

With the commotion building, the adventurers in Magno Sapiente Victori’s wagon could see the four monstrous bugs closing in. A row of trembling horses threatened to bolt at any sudden movement. If not managed, the entire convoy could turn into a stampede.

How will they respond to the threat, and will any new dangers arise from below? The tension in the air promised the unexpected.


T = Trees/Forest
W1 = Front Wagon (stuck at the sinkhole's edge)
W2 = The Party Wagon
S = Smaller sinkhole in the road
MB# = Monstrous Bugs
The distance between each square is 5ft

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At some point during the trip, the relative quiet and soft rumble of the wagon had lulled Demeter into a slumber.

A good night's rest wasn't enough to defeat the power of a cozy ride, after all. And her head would slowly find its way onto Aureus' shoulder as the wagon continued forward. It wasn't until she heard the sound of shouting that her eyes slowly began to open. The sensation of the wagon coming to a complete stop got her upright. And, soon, the group found themselves surrounding their wagon; enemies en route and threats rapidly approaching.

A few months ago, Demeter might've frozen up in a situation like this. But she was getting used to having to make quick decision, and she'd been steadily developing her abilities to make those decisions just a little bit easier to make. Top priorities at the moment were saving the caravanners and surviving. Saving the wagon, itself, and defeating the insects came second. With that, the decision came easy to Demeter.

And she would make use of all of the skills that she'd cultivated up to this moment.

"Aqua? Aureus? Make the ground in front of us as hazardous as possible."

Demeter extended her senses out 100ft in every direction; peering through the walls of the wagon up ahead and catching sight of everyone hidden away within.

"Everyone else? Attack. Don't worry about the wagon up ahead. I've got our people."

Then, she threw her hands forward and cast a spell split into three parts. Two of those parts were centered below the insectoid hostiles. Root spikes would erupt from the earth below each of the four insects, seeking to skewer them all where they stood, whilst gracefully weaving around anyone else who might've found their way into the radius of her spell. Little more than offensive support for those who had more potent spells to launch at their attackers.

And, in that same moment, the last part would reach the wagon up ahead. A teleport spell that would fill the wagon, extend past it, and warp their allies to a space 5ft just behind Demeter and her party, leaving any hostiles behind. She wouldn't bother trying to move the entire wagon, itself. People were much easier to move reliably. And, she could get their allies out of that precarious situation and into a better position, then the party could pour all of their efforts into exterminating these insects without concern.

And we would see if the confidence that Adelhein had placed in the little green bean was starting to bear any fruit.

HP: 6/6
Heavy Armor: 1/1
1). Resilient F (Surprised)
Actions (3/3):
1-3) Cast
[Wilt & Bloom: Snatch and Stab] to move her party's allies out of the wagon and provide supporting fire to anyone who might've gone on the offense. Attack spells are centered at D3 and G3 and only target the insects, selectively. The Teleport spell is centered at E1, within the cabin and only targets the party's allies within the caravan, selectively.
[Wilt & Bloom: Snatch and Stab]- Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic School E, Super Sense [X-Ray Vision] E (1), Perception E, Feature [Darkvision], Teleport E (1) Indirect E, Blight [Bludgeoning] E, Continuous E, Incurable E, Magic AOE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Targets F (1 [Multifunction]) Magic Range [Metamagic] E- Demeter sacrifices a bit of attack power (in the form of a lost Deflect affinity) to simultaneously move herself and/or allies around while attacking enemies with pikes of poison root. A tactical spell great for combat situations where Demeter has powerful allies who can handle most of the damage dealing, leaving her to pursue other objectives.- 3 actions- 5 targets max- 100ft range- 100ft teleport range- 100ft sensory range- 15ft AOE- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Crescent King Crescent King Bartre Bartre

It didn’t take too much effort for Adelhein to understand what Scarlett meant. “Your worry is justified, I’ve encountered my share of undesirable rabble back in my homeland. Profiteers of magic, scourge simply put. If we come across any of the sort, we will simply ‘dispatch’ them at our judgement. Someone has to keep a semblance of order, after all.” The young magus said, gaze sliding towards both Gilgamesh and Artoria, who didn’t seem even slightly against what he had just proposed.

“Indeed, they are.” Answering Aureus, Adelhein chuckled briefly. “I suppose even the unimportant magi families ended up with their own share of internal complexities: power grabs for whatever insignificance they might have.” Shrugging, that kind of dynamics felt nothing, but natural to him. After all, he was someone born and adopted at a young age into those complex webs.

With everything done for the day, it was time for the rest until the time for departure.

Adelhein found no problem sleeping, despite the amounting mystery behind whatever might be happening in Greystone. Dealing in mysteries is how magi usually spent their lives, after all, trying to bring clarity and truth behind whatever appeared to be mystical or poorly understood.

Soon, came the morning and Adelhein, with the grumpiest of faces, was ready to embark in this journey, along with both his Servants.

“How wonderful! Truly, travelling by wagon, in a crammed space barely enough to fit us, was how I imagined my debut in this world.” Sarcasm dripped from Gilgamesh’s words, and the Sumerian King was not all too pleased with the methods of travel. Leaning towards Adelhein, who was seated beside her, her golden armor touched his shoulder. “The sacrifices I do for you… regardless, it will be worth it…” Her words were accompanied by her face slowly being brought closer to his.

For a moment, Adelhein looked a bit expectantly, the current mission vanishing from his mind momentarily. Far from ideal. However, that all came to a sharp stop, thanks to a known voice.

“As if you do anything that won’t benefit you in some manner.” Artoria, up to that moment, not appeared bothered by the less than optimal travelling conditions. But she clearly was now. “Master, don’t listen to her. Being focused in dealing with this request takes precedence.” The corrupted knight, who sat at Adelhein’s opposite side, placed a guantleted hand on his shoulder, giving it a tentative squeeze, while simultaneously shooting a nasty glare towards Gilgamesh from over the young magus’ head.

“Uptight as always, you are no fun.” Gilgamesh mocked her counterpart, before whispering to Adelhein. “Do this well enough and… who knows.” Giving one knowing grin, her attention finally shifted, this time towards the arrival unknown to the group up to that point: Yuki. “Mmmm? Seems like we have a new face among us.” The quality of her crimson gaze shifted, just like back in the guild, appraising the girl in front of her, assessing both her value and possible danger.

Artoria did the exact same, focusing her golden gaze on the girl.

“I’m lord Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer, a pleasure to meet you.” Deciding to lead with the introductions, the young magus took on a more diplomatic stance for the moment. “These are Artoria and Gilgamesh.” He motioned to each of the Servants in turn, allowing the other members to introduce themselves as and if they pleased. Raising a single finger up in the air, and doing a circular motion to refer to all of them, he continued. “We are the [Magno Sapiente Victori]. Who might you be?”

While he waited for the possible introduction, his mind went back thinking of what could be waiting for them at Greystone.

However, suddenly several high-pitched screeches reached his ears as well as shouting from the outside.

The expression of his Servants’ faces changed to serious almost instantly.

Artoria was the first to exit the wagon, her Excalibur Morgan already drawn from the sheath. “Be careful, Master.”

“Hmph! Fools choose to waylay the caravan in which the King of Kings travels? A lesson needs to be taught.” Gilgamesh followed behind her.

“Let’s check what is happening outside. Get ready for anything.” Adelhein warned the group, before also exiting the wagon.

Outside, the young magus saw the chaotic scene happening: the wagon in front of them in the brink of falling into the sinkhole, the mercenaries and adventurers already moving, trying to get their weapons and prepare from combat. And, most important of all, the gigantic, monstrous bugs.

“Bugs…?!” He was surprised by the sudden sight, never having seen anything like it. He almost asked if that was common around these parts, but decided not to: it didn’t change the fact that time was ticking, and they had to deal with these things.

Artoria was quick to act. Kicking up dirt, she would move from (H8) to (G4), charging against MB4, her desire for battle barely contained. After stopping right in front of the creature, she would rise her obsidian blade. “Dark Excalibur Nova!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, slashing her blade, brimming with darkness, in a full arch around her. After it, she would follow up with a thrusting motion against the bug.

Gilgamesh would walk over from (F8) to (F6) with sinuous, measured steps. “Ugly monstrosities like those have no place being in my presence.” She declared, raising one arm. Mana would quickly begin to gather behind her, taking the shape of various armaments. And, aiming towards all the bugs (MB1, MB2, MB3, MB4), she would lazily flick her wrist, firing a salvo towards each of them. “Disappear!”

Adelhein began concentrating, gathering his own mana. First, he decided to extend support to Artoria. Raising one arm towards her, the surrounding prana began bringing forth metal. “Spatium Inordinatio!” Partially, the metal would shoot towards his Servant, covering her with it, before teleporting Artoria from (G4) to (E6), right in front of Adelhein.

"Compedes Ferreae!" Next, the remaining metal began swirling behind him, rapidly. And, forming four different chains with spear-like tips coated with mercurial poison, it would shoot towards the bugs (MB1, MB2, MB3, MB4). They would first attempt to skewer the creatures, before wrapping around their limbs to try and hold them in place.

Lastly, Adelhein concentrated once more, aiming at the same target as Artoria (MB4). “Gladio Terrae!” A singular, metallic appendage would shoot towards the creature, slashing against it.

Both Master and Servants were going full out on these creatures.

1 - Spatium Inordination - Magic E + Magic Range F + Teleport E + Energized E + Affinity Elemental [Metal] - Teleport a target, up to 30ft from Adelhein, to a distance up to 90ft of their original location - Grade E 0 Post Cooldown
2 - Compedes Ferreae - Magic D + Magic Range F + Blight[Poison] F + Magic Targets F + Selective F [Targeting only the Monstrous Bugs] + Tangle F + Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - Adelhein targets up to 5 targets in a maximum distance of 30ft, possibly creating a 3HP tangle and dealing extra poison damage - Grade D 2 Post Cooldown - INT(A) 6 + CAT(B) 5 + ABL(D) 3 = 14 Base Effectiveness
3 - Gladio Terrae - Magic F + Magic Range [Meta Magic] F + Affinity Elemental [Metal] + Energized F - Adelhein targets 1 target in a maximum distance of 30ft - Grade F 0 Post Cooldown - +1 vs MB4 = 15 Base Effectiveness

CDs: D 0/2

1 - Move from H8 to G4
2 - Dark Excalibur Nova III - Fighting Style [Voidstorm Vanguard - Sword] D, Penetrating F, Area F, Selective F, Blight [Darkness] F - With her corrupted sword embiued with darkness, Saber Alter slashes a 5ft deadly arc around her - Grade D Cooldown 2 - STR(C) 4 + WPN(D) 3 + ABL 3 = 10 Base Effectiveness against MB4
3 - Basic Attack against MB4 + 1 = 11 Base Effectiveness

CDs: D 0/2

1 - Move from (F8) to (F6)
2 - Gates of Babylon - Magic E + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F - By using her mana, countless copies of legendary weapons, made out of mana, materialize above Gilgamesh. With or without a lazy flick of her wrist, the weapons are launched towards up to 5 enemies at the range of 30ft - Grade E Cooldown 0 - INT(D)3 + CAT(E)2 + ABL(E)2 = 7 Base Effectiveness vs MB1, MB2, MB3, MB4

CDs: E 0/1
Yuki settled into the corner of her assigned wagon with a group of adventurers. They seemed to be familiar with each other, sharing space easily.

'That's ok. I knew I would be an outsider on this journey. I'm familiar with this feeling.'

Yuki focused her thoughts and worries on the kind people that helped her all that time ago. Are they alright? How bad was this disaster? Is there anything she can do?

The land rolled on by and the sun sank low. Eventually Yuki's attention turned to her companions. She wasn't sure if it was confidence or callousness, but they didn't seem to be taking this as seriously as Yuki herself.

The Fae's head fell onto her companions shoulder, succumbing to slumber.

'Are...are they flirting?'

Yuki watched in disbelief as a golden haired woman came tantalizingly close to kissing her neighbor. She was stopped by a silver haired knight next to them, much to Yuki's relief.

As if sensing Yuki's gaze, the golden haired woman turned to address her.

'So I'm finally to be acknowledged, am I? I suppose the better part of a day isn't too bad'

Before she could gather herself to respond, her partner jumped in to introduce himself.

'Oh my god, a Lord! Be careful with this one...'

Yuki gave an approximation of a curtsy, the best she could manage seated in the rolling wagon.

"I am Yuki, my lord Breyer. I'm an apprentice tailor from a small village outside Ryken."

Before the conversation could get any further, the wagon came to a jarring halt.
Someone called the caravan to arms, and she scrambled out with the others to see monstrous bugs poised to attack.

"Bugs?! They're disgusting!"

"Everyone else? Attack. Don't worry about the wagon up ahead. I've got our people."

Following the command of the more experienced Fae, Yuki stretched her hands to the sky. Her cloves glowed with a pale blue light as moisture coalesced in the sky, freezing into countless chunks of ice floating above the creatures.

Yuki brought her hands down and the hail followed suit, pelting the insectoid monstrosities with chunks of hail the size of a human heads centered around E2.

Immediately afterword, she grabbed her bow and fired an arrow at MB4.

Action 1: Hailstorm E- Magic E, Magic Range f, Ice Element Affinity F, Magic Area of Effect F - Chucks of Ice rain down in a 15 ft area up to 30 ft away, damaging all who are caught in the area. Cooldown: 1 post. Int D(3) + ABL E(2) + CAT E(2)=7 base effectiveness vs MB1, MB2, MB3, MB4

Action 2+3: Aim and fire a basic attack with my bow. PRE E(2) + WPN F(1)= 3 base effectiveness vs MB4
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"Shadow... look what I got for you." Aqua smiled as she pat the cat before replacing the string from yesterday with a hopefully more comfortable cloth collar, the white crystal at the center of it shone brilliantly as it greatly contrast the cat's black fur. Looking at the end result, she wonders whether it would be better if the center piece was something like a bell instead of gem. That would probably looks more cat-like, but this would do for now.

As the convoy started their journey, Aqua sat at the corner of the wagon enjoying the scenery they're passing. This would be the first time she was in such a large convoy. The sight of so many adventurers traveling together made her quite pumped up for the challenge ahead.

"I'm Aqua, n-nice to meet you Yuki. M-my house is in the Ryken's outskirt, so w-we might actually be neighbor." Aqua greeted their new companion while trying her best to give her warmest smile. The more the merrier right? Unfortunately the journey didn't go as smooth as she thought it would be as not long after the wagons in front of them were attacked by several gigantic bugs coming out of the ground. Raising her staff, Aqua nodded at Demeter's instruction and then Aureus.

"Let's do this, let's make a moat to deter the bug from coming to us." She waited for Artoria to come back to their side before began chanting her spell, the crystal on her staff glow in a bright blue light before she swung it from left to right. Heeding her command, the ground within [F4, G4, H4, F5, G5, H5] melts into a pool of sizzling acid. Another swing of her staff sends four bolts of acid hurling from the pool towards each of the 4 bugs.

1) Gives Shadow Light Armor D (Protective charm in the form of a small cloth collar with a white pearl-like gem attached to it. It can expel a magical force that helps the user launch themselves out of harm's way)
2-3) Acid Pool Eruption - Magic E, Magic School F: Alchemical Seminary, Transmutation F, Alchemy F, Water Affinity F, Blight (Acid) F, Indirect F, Incurable F, Vorpal F, Magic Range F, [Metamagic] Magic Target F, Magic AoE F, Selective F, Magic Duration F - Transmute up to 15 ft radius of ground into acid pool for up to 1 hour. The acid pool would then shoots acid bolts up to 5 different targets within 30 ft from the caster - E Grade - 2 action - 1 turn cooldown​
The Cat

Shadow had spent the morning wandering
through the guild hall when he encountered Aqua, offering her a soft chirp as she replaced the string around his neck with a jeweled collar. He scratched at it for a moment before circling around her legs in gratitude.

The cat jumped onto the same wagon as Aqua, spending most of the ride perched on the edge, inhaling the scents and admiring the scenery. Shadow didn’t often leave the city, so it was a refreshing change to be out in the open.

The sudden attack caught him off guard, and he stayed close to Aqua, his fur bristling as he hissed at the large insects.


Threaten the bugs.
Scarlett Ashford

Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Bartre Bartre Rev IX Rev IX Crescent King Crescent King Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Scarlett smiled a bit and nodded Adelhein's way, if who they were taking out were criminals it would be fine either way, as those were the sorts who she was assuming would be undesirables.

Scarlett had felt pretty good about the start, the group gaining some new faces from the looks of things between the cat and Yuki, the night had been fine enough for Scarlett from the looks of things. The procession they were part of seemed reasonable given the large number of adventurers, and thankfully the Ryken guild at least provided transport for adventurers places particularly in mass incidents like these from what Scarlett could tell at least, being more familiar with the Magic Duchy rather than Ryken frankly.

However Scarlett was used to far better transport, less primitive and more luxurious, "I find it curious they don't bother taking into consideration some of us are nobility.." She'd comment quietly, the comment not intending to be snobbish or better than thou, but more so an observation of why wouldn't the guild want to give something a bit nicer to nobles from other nations, as surely doing so would be good for business would it not?

She smirked a bit at the back and forth between the summons being somewhat entertained by their back and forth.

Small basic transport aside thankfully it had been relatively smooth sailing so far for a good portion of the day.

Upon Yuki being acknowledged she'd give a nod her way. "I'm Scarlett Ashford of House Ashford from the Duchy of Roran, it's a pleasure to have your acquaintance Yuki, I look forward to working with you." at least she would presuming Yuki was able to pull her own hopefully. Scarlett would have given approximate curtsey as well.

Unfortunately there wasn't much more time for discussion with the monster insect shrieking sounds which Scarlett hadn't been expecting at all, her face tensing and looking determined.

"They're about to be some very dead bugs too." She spoke matter of fact after Yuki's Exclamation.

Hearing she had the green light from Demeter to attack Scarlett got herself ready. "Right!" , listening to Demeter and Adelhein carefully as she headed out and saw the chaos around her, truthfully it was a bit overwhelming, not used to being on a proper battlefield before like this, sure there was training, but this was real, with real consequences, it wasn't her fighting against a golem or a familiar in a closed space one on one, people could seriously get killed and be put in an unrevivable state if they weren't exacting.

Thankfully everyone else got right to fighting unleashing their attacks. Scarlett Still didn't feel strong enough yet, but that wasn't going to help her from trying.

Seeing what Yuki was doing, Scarlett decided she'd assist with a team up, focusing on using her wind magic alone to add to the power of the ice chunks, going for a team up on the bugs she could with her wind magic casting.

During the casting Scarlett Focused, speaking in Terran again and moving her gem catalyst around once more in her hand, before forcing her hand outward. Presuming the cast was successful a stronger than usual current of wind came shooting out from her hand holding the catalyst.

"[Venti!]" she'd call out.

Scarlett Actions:

Attempt Team up on bugs she can hit with Yuki using:

1. Gale!- E- Magic E, Magic Range F, Wind Element Affinity F, Magic Targets F- A gale wind is released from Scarlett battering up to five enemies up to 30 ft away Cooldown: 1 post.

F: No
E: Yes (1 round)
Aureus Albion

Night flew by quickly, with Aureus taking full advantage of the chance he had to rest before what was surely a long and arduous day ahead.

He was quick to hop into the wagon assigned to the team, and take his seat in silence. While Adelhein took part in his now usual strange chats with his summons, and also in talking with the one stranger in their wagon, Aureus started to exercise his mind. He closed his eyes, and focused on controlling the flow of his mana. Making it take various shapes while being careful of not let it slip out accidentally.

Minutes on top of minutes passed by, and he was still silently rehearsing his spells. And that's when he felt some weight delicately dropping on his shoulder. His motions stopped, and he opened his eyes to find Demeter sleeping on his shoulder. For a moment, he felt unsure of what to do, so he paused to think. The biggest feeling that came to mind was that he felt flattered that Demeter felt so comfortable next to him, so he opted to act with her comfort in mind. Aureus sat still, and opted to train by making a gentle flame appear. Dim, yet warm enough to push away the morning cold. A longer while went by, and the elf ended up falling asleep too. With his head softly resting on top of Demeter's.

The loud crash made the elf's brain to immediately jump to action.

His mind now fully focused on the threat ahead. Very much like Demeter, which asked for his and Aqua's help. Seeing as the blue haired mage had already put a hazard for the massive insects needed to cross to get to them on the right, and that he trusted Demeter to manage to help their comrades ahead, he went for the left. "I got the other side" he called out to Aqua

Standing still as a statue, Aureus took a deep breath, and clasped his gloved hands together. Standing still, he made a sweeping motion with his left arm, open palm facing the ground, once the motion came to the front, his palm raised to point forward. "Alfom Ignae Perofum!" He said with authority. Causing a shallow flaming pit to grow (C4, D4, E4, C5, D5, E5) in conjunction with Aqua's acid pool. Carefully thought to not spill and therefore tamper with Aqua's side and tall flames to compensate for the fact he couldn't take a more active approach with this spell at the moment, other than to focus whatever damage it can cause to the four ugly bums on the other side.


1- Use Scorching Blanket Pit- Transmutation F, Fire Affinity F, Earth Affinity F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Within established magical parameters of the ability (15ft AoE, 30 ft Range, 4 Targets (MB1-MB4)), user creates an area of burning surfaces with tall flames that only scorch the intended targets - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

E - 0/0 x
Maxxob Maxxob | Adelhein
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scarlett
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Rev IX Rev IX | Aureus
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Aqua
Crescent King Crescent King | Cat
Bartre Bartre | Yuki

The air was thick with tension, broken only by the deafening screeches of the insectoid monstrosities emerging from the ground. With the caravan’s forward wagon teetering on the brink of the sinkhole, the team was forced into immediate action.

With her spellcasting prowess, Demeter took the reins, shaping the battle around her. Her Wilt & Bloom: Snatch and Stab spell erupted beneath the monstrous bugs. Roots, thick and venomous, shot out from the ground, aiming to impale the creatures. MB1, MB2, and MB3 were immediately targeted by the roots as they struggled to react. The toxic spikes sought their vulnerable underbellies, skewering the monsters as venom dripped down into their chitinous forms. In tandem, teleportation was a success, pulling the occupants of the sunk wagon safely out of danger and depositing them behind Demeter and the group, just outside the immediate range of the insects and other hazards.

The insectoid creatures recoiled as the roots wrapped around their limbs, pulling at their stingers and legs in an attempt to hold them down. The poison coursed through their bodies, adding a sting of agony to their futile wriggling. However, the damage wasn't enough to incapacitate them—yet.

Meanwhile, Artoria leaped into action, charging toward MB4 with Excalibur Morgan drawn. A scream tore from her throat as she unleashed the powerful Dark Excalibur Nova, her blade slicing through the air with blinding force. The wave of dark energy tore across the ground in an arc, ripping through the air with a bone-shaking force. The attack slammed into MB4, cutting deep into its chitin, leaving it stunned momentarily before a follow-up thrust with her sword pierced the creature's side. The bug staggered, but it was still very much alive, albeit badly wounded.

Gilgamesh, ever composed, took a more methodical approach. She stepped forward with measured grace, barely moving her arm as she used her Gates of Babylon. The mana-make weapons flooded the air before being sent hurtling toward all four insects. MB1, MB2, and MB3 took the brunt of the barrage, their bodies pierced by numerous blades and armaments. However, MB4—the most dangerous of the lot—seemed to weather the attack better than the others, its massive body deflecting several strikes.

As the battle raged, Adelhein focused on supporting his Servant. With a flourish of his hand, he cast Spatium Inordinatio, teleporting Artoria from the thick of battle to a safer position near him. His next attack, Compedes Ferreae, summoned chains tipped with poison-coated spears that flew toward the insects. The chains lanced through the air with deadly precision, targeting MB1, MB2, and MB3, wrapping around their limbs and holding them in place with brutal force. The poison seeped into their wounds, exacerbating the damage done by Demeter’s roots and Gilgamesh’s assault.

The last of the chains flew toward MB4, but it seemed to have prepared itself for a defense. The beast lashed out in fury, managing to break free from the chains, but not without suffering more damage from the sharp tips of Adelhein’s attack.

Then, Yuki unleashed her Hailstorm spell, a barrage of ice chunks pummeling all four insects. The hail battered their chitinous exteriors, though it did little to slow their advance. Following that, she quickly nocked an arrow and fired directly at MB4, her aim true as the arrow sunk deep into its armored shell. The creature’s movements slowed, but its threat was far from over.

Scarlett, feeling the weight of the situation, took a deep breath and focused her attention on the battle at hand. With Demeter’s command clear in her mind, she stepped forward, her hand moving to her catalyst. Her voice cut through the chaos as she uttered the incantation. A gust of wind tore from her outstretched hand, rushing toward the bugs with surprising force.

The wind amplified the impact of Yuki’s Hailstorm, sending the ice chunks slamming into the insectoids with greater velocity. The combined force of the two elements battered MB1, MB2, and MB3, the icy projectiles crashing into their exoskeletons while the wind further unbalanced their footing. The creatures struggled to maintain their ground as the gale force disrupted their movements, but the attack alone wasn’t enough to bring them down.

However, the wind itself left MB4 vulnerable, whipping around it and momentarily disorienting it. It was clear that while Scarlett’s magic didn’t deal the direct damage the bugs needed to finish them off, it played a crucial role in stalling their advancement and amplifying the damage from her allies.

Aqua, seeing an opening, responded by casting Acid Pool Eruption. The ground beneath the remaining insects dissolved into sizzling acid, with the caustic liquid splashing onto MB1, MB2, MB3, and MB4. The acid burned through their thick exoskeletons, dissolving chunks of flesh as it ate away at them. MB4, already battered by Artoria’s dark sword and Adelhein’s chains, howled in pain as the acid ate through its defenses, slowing it further.

Aureus, not to be outdone, cast Scorching Blanket Pit in tandem with Aqua’s acid. Flames rose from the earth, licking at the exposed limbs of the bugs. The heat intensified as the two hazards—acid and fire—blended together in a lethal dance. MB1, MB2, and MB3 were consumed by the intense heat, but MB4, struggling against the combination of effects, was still standing—its movements were sluggish, but it was still a dangerous force on the field.

Shadow, from his perch, watched the chaos unfold. Despite his usual disinterest, the presence of such enormous, hostile creatures seemed to rile him up. Though not a combatant just yet, his presence would be felt—if only as a distraction to the enemies. Shadow arched his back, tail flicking as he hissed fiercely, trying to disrupt the focus of the bugs.


  • MB1, MB2, and MB3 are heavily injured, struggling against the poison, acid, fire, and roots. They’ve suffered a great deal of damage but are not incapacitated yet.
  • MB4 is near death, with multiple attacks weighing it down, from Artoria’s Dark Excalibur Nova to the Compedes Ferreae chains and Aqua’s acid pool.
  • The caravan’s immediate surroundings are dangerous, with a combination of Acid and Flame creating hazardous terrain for anyone not careful.
The Bugs' Counterattack
Surprise! - Bardify

Monstrous Bug.jpg

A harrowing silence fell over the battlefield—just for an instant—before the monstrous insects began their counter-attack. Their legs scraped the dirt, mandibles clacked with disturbing speed, and stingers dripped with caustic venom. Though battered and bleeding, the creatures fought with desperate fury.

Monstrous Bug #1 (MB1) – D2​

  1. Scuttle Around the Wagon
    The first creature scrabbled sideways across the broken earth, avoiding the fire squares to its south. Its eight-legged scuttle took it around the wrecked front wagon at E1-F1, trying to flank from the north. Given its Large size and 40 ft. of movement, it lurched to C1 and then to D1, remaining close to the wagon’s rear. This precarious path kept it out of the immediate flames but didn’t bring it into striking range of the party just yet.
  2. Lash Out at Nearby Survivors
    Its scorpion-like tail whipped forward, but there were no adventurers close enough for a direct strike. Instead, it reared up menacingly, mandibles snapping at the air. Anyone watching from the caravan would see the sheer size of the beast as it loomed near the half-toppled wagon. Though it failed to find prey this round, its positioning threatened to cut off any attempt to retrieve or reposition the wagon.

Monstrous Bug #2 (MB2) – G2​

  1. Charge into the Acid
    The second insect, maddened by pain and the stench of blood, rushed headlong toward the closest threats—Artoria and Gilgamesh—who stood near the middle of the battlefield. That meant crossing through G3 and into the acidic bog spanning F4–H4 and F5–H5. The instant its massive forelegs touched the sizzling pool, a violent hiss erupted. Steam curled upward as acid gnawed at its exoskeleton, melting fresh gouges into already-weakened chitin.
  2. Tail Strike on Artoria
    Ignoring its own injuries, MB2 lunged at Artoria in E6, its scorpion-like tail lashing out in a desperate stab that just managed to reach across the acid pit. Venom dripped from the stinger as it aimed to impale her armor. Whether it connected cleanly or deflected off her dark plate or sword would still be determined—but the monstrous bug’s rage was undeniable.

Monstrous Bug #3 (MB3) – D3​

  1. Retreat from Fire, Then Advance
    Trapped between Demeter’s thorny roots, Adelhein’s binding chains, and the fire squares at C4–E4, MB3 jerked violently side to side, trying to tear free. The combination of illusions, continuous damage, or tangling effects might slow it, but the creature forced its way forward with an ear-splitting screech, dragging charred roots behind it. Lacking an easy route, it veered northwest, moving to C2, then B2, attempting to skirt around the conflagration.
  2. Spit Venom
    From its vantage near the trees, MB3 arched its back. Instead of closing for a bite, it spat a glob of sizzling green venom toward the nearest visible adventurer—Scarlett at D7. The venom splattered in a long arc, threatening to coat anyone in its path with corrosive spittle. Upon reaching its destination, the spit would reveal its 15ft area of coverage.

Monstrous Bug #4 (MB4) – G3​

  1. Desperate Strike
    Gravely wounded and half-buried in acrid slime, MB4 refused to die quietly. Its entire carapace rattled as it let out a warbling hiss, fixating on Gilgamesh at F6, whose barrage of legendary weapons had torn into it. Summoning its last reserves of strength, MB4 lunged forward (G3 → F4), crossing into the acid pool. Acid ate further into its abdomen, but it lurched on, single-mindedly swiping at Gilgamesh with its hooked mandibles.
  2. Tail Whip
    Fueled by rage and pain, the monster tried to follow up with a wicked tail whip, venom-laden stinger aiming to strike Gilgamesh’s flank. However, the extra damage sustained by the acid pool would make it collapse, in a screeching noise, not able to carry on what it intended.

Some bugs are likely near their breaking point, but adrenaline and primal aggression keep them lethal. The party must contend with these vicious counter-attacks while ensuring none of their allies or wagons fall victim to stray venom or a final, desperate sting.


  • MB1 is now flanking around the northern edge, potentially blocking salvage efforts for the front wagon.
  • MB2 waded into the acid in an attempt to impale Artoria, taking further damage.
  • MB3 circled northwest to avoid the fire, spitting venom at a distant target—Scarlett—and may be partially entangled by leftover roots and chains.
  • MB4 has fallen.

T = Trees/Forest
W1 = Front Wagon (stuck at the sinkhole's edge)
W2 = The Party Wagon
S = Smaller sinkhole in the road
MB# = Monstrous Bugs
Red = Fire
Green = Acid
The distance between each square is 5ft

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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Crescent King Crescent King Bartre Bartre

With the first assault having been an overwhelming success, the battlefield took a chaotic look. Even more with the impromptu hazards that had been created, both infernal fire and corroding acid. Adelhein only hoped that both of them didn’t end up escaping Aureus and Aqua’s control.

“Keep on the pressure, don’t stop!” Adelhein said, as he concentrated for his next attack. He watched tentatively was some of the gigantic bugs were… retreating? Or at least, that is what it looked momentarily, until one of them stopped, nipping at the air, while the other was preparing for something.

His attention quickly changed towards the two who began approaching the group rather than retreating.

With MB2 readying itself to try and impale Artoria with its tail, the corrupted knight was quick to answer and, instead of trying a defensive block or parry, she would launch a counter-attack. Raising her sword, she would once more concentrate the biting darkness in its edge. “Dark Excalibur Nova!” She would below once more, slashing with prejudice against the insectoid. And, afterward, she would slash twice against it, with a horizontal cut followed by a thrust.

Meanwhile, Gilgamesh watched with a mix of disgust and humor as MB4 began scuttling towards her. However, before it was able to do anything, it ended up claimed by the acidic pool. “Hahahahaha! An ending fitting for a vermin!” She mused, looking at her counterpart, currently engaging against one of the monstrous bugs. “Mmmmm… I suppose I can spare you a single weapon.” Saying, as if she had convinced herself to ‘help’ Artoria, one hand was raised and a single double-axe, made out of mana, had been conjured. And, with a quick flick of her hand, it was sent hurling towards MB2.

Naturally, Adelhein’s first thought had been to support his Servant. His plans would quickly change, as one of the bugs who had skittered into the wood line, at MB3, suddenly spit a glob of toxic green near his general direction. “Counter-attack!” He said in a hurry, not really wanting to wait and find out what that was all about. Concentrating on his mana, he quickly began forming the metallic chains once more. “Compedes Ferreae!” However, this time, it didn’t seek to tangle the bug and instead was more focused on attempting to break the toxic spit and slash against the creature. The spell would also target the MB1 bug, sneaking through the air while trying to hit it.

After his stronger attack, the young magus would use, in quick succession, two of his weaker magic, uttering “Gladio Terrae!” twice in a row. The spell would make two metallic appendages spurt from follow up on the attack, attempting to slash in a whip-like fashion against the monstrous bug MB3 specifically.

1 - Dark Excalibur Nova II - Fighting Style [Voidstorm Vanguard - Sword] E, Penetrating F, Area F, Selective F, Blight [Darkness] F - With her corrupted sword embiued with darkness, Saber Alter slashes a 5ft deadly arc around her - Grade E Cooldown 1 - STR(C) 4 + WPN(D) 3 + ABL(E) 2 = 9 Base Effectiveness against MB2.
2/3 - Basic attacks = 9+2 = 11 Base Effectiveness against MB2.

CDs: D 1/2, E 0/1

1 - Gates of Babylon - Magic F + Componentless F - By using her mana, a single of a legendary weapon, made out of mana, materialize above Gilgamesh. With or without a lazy flick of her wrist, the weapon is launched towards a single target at the range of 5ft - Grade F Cooldown 0 - INT(E) 2 + CAT(F) 1 + ABL(F) 1 = 4 VS MB2

CDs: E 1/1

1 - Compedes Ferreae - Magic E + Magic Range F + Blight[Poison] F + Magic Targets F + Selective F [Targeting only the Monstrous Bugs] + Deflect F + Affinity Elemental [Metal] F + Energized E - Adelhein targets up to 5 targets in a maximum distance of 30ft, possibly dealing extra poison damage - Grade E 0 Post Cooldown - INT(A) 6 + CAT(B) 5 + ABL(E) 2 = 13 Base Effectiveness vs MB3 (-1 to opponent stat), 13 Base Effectiveness vs MB1
2 - Gladio Terrae - Magic F + Magic Range [Meta Magic] F + Affinity Elemental [Metal] + Energized F - Adelhein targets 1 target in a maximum distance of 30ft - Grade F 0 Post Cooldown = 13 + 1 Base Effectiveness = 14 vs MB3
3 - Gladio Terrae - Magic F + Magic Range [Meta Magic] F + Affinity Elemental [Metal] + Energized F - Adelhein targets 1 target in a maximum distance of 30ft - Grade F 0 Post Cooldown = 14 + 1 Base Effectiveness = 15 vs MB3

CDs: D 1/2
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Demeter glanced back at the people she'd pulled from the tipping wagon; a grin spreading across her lips.

The wagon, itself, was the last of her concerns; something to worry about after the battle. She turned her sights forward once again to survey the battlefield. A field of acid to the right with one dead insect and one almost-dead insect dissolving inside. A field of fire to the left, driving the other two monstrous bugs to have to flank around to reach the party. A plethora of magic attacks thrown in harmony that had left their attackers heavily damaged. Seeing the team work together so effortlessly put the young fae in a great mood and raised her hopes for this adventure. And, to that, Demeter only had one thing to say to her party.

"Now that's how it's done."

With the wagoneers safe, Demeter could focus her efforts on offense. So, with a chuckle, she would throw a hand forward and cast [Root Eruption].

Fields of spikes would erupt from the earth in 4 different locations, simultaneously, blanketing the field with her spell's effect. One, a 5ft-wide wall of roots closely grouped together, would rise from the ground just in front of Demeter to intercept any acid that might've splashed towards her and
counter the spitting bug's attack. It was immediately fortified by two more [Root Burst]s to properly counter the creature's attack.

A second field of spikes would erupt from the ground beneath the acid-spitting bug, itself, and seek to skewer the insect a dozen times over from below. Moss would form over the trees near the bug directly north before roots would rocket outwards from the new growth to impale it from multiple sides. And, finally, one last field of root spikes would rise up from below the pool of acid to drill into insect flesh and help to finish off both of the monstrous insects caught in Aqua's acidic mote.

The magically generated plant-matter would crumble shortly after her attack, and Demeter's eyes would scan the battlefield to see what remained of the enemy.

HP: 6/6
Heavy Armor: 1/1
1). Resilient F (Surprised)

Actions (3/3):
1) Cast
[Root Eruption] to counter the AOE attack from MB3 and simultaneously attack MB3, MB1, MB4 and MB2, selectively sparing anyone else in the radius of her attack. AOE/Targets centered at B1, D1, D8 (to counter the AOE), and F5.
2&3) Cast
[Root Burst] twice to combo with her own counterattack and raise it's effectiveness against the attack from MB3 by 2.
Root Eruption- Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic School E, Deflect (1) E, Indirect E, Blight [Bludgeoning] E, Continuous E, Incurable E, Magic AOE F, Targets F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range [Metamagic] E- Demeter summons roots spikes from a solid surface to impale foes. These spikes can be summoned from the earth, walls, ceilings or even her own body. Each root is coated in a poison that simultaneously acts as a blood thinner and anti-coagulant; effectively causing a target to hemorrhage an unnatural amount of blood from any wounds taken from this move if not properly treated.- 1 action- 100ft Range- 15ft A.O.E.- 5 Targets Max- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Int D (3) + Ability E (2) + Componentless E (2) + Deflect E* (2) = 7(9)* Effectiveness on MB1, MB2, and MB4.

Root Burst- Magic F, Componentless Magic F Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption lacking area of effect that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.

7(9)* + 2 Combos (2) = 9(11)* Effectiveness on MB3.
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"Gross, gross, gross, gross..."

Yuki repeated the word like a mantra as she aimed her bow at MB3. She let another arrow fly, then moved back to H8, away from MB2.

Action 1+2: basic bow attack. PRE E(2)+ Bow F(1)=3 base effectiveness vs MB3.

Action 3: Move from H7 to H8
CD: E 1/1


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Aqua smiled as she watched their teamwork paid off and sent the bugs running in different directions. Some tried to charge through the acid pool while some others positioned themselves further. Aqua chanted another spell, unfortunately she wouldn't be able to hit the far ones without straining herself so she focused her attacks on the bug in front of Artoria. A burst of bubbles popped on the pool's surface as her magic caused some reaction under the water before three icicle spears emerged from the bug's surrounding, threatening to impale it from three different directions.

1-3) Tricicle Acid Burst - Magic F, Magic School F, [Metamagic]Magic Range F, Ice Affinity F, Indirect F, Blight (Acid) F, Incurable F, Vorpal F, Focus F, Energized F - Impale a target up to 30 feet away with icicle spear made with frozen acid - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness = 4(INT C)+3(EQP D)+1(ABL F)+2(COMBO) = 10 BE on MB2)
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Scarlett Ashford

While it was nice to see the moves going off well, the battle field was still rather chaotic, even as some of the bugs were looking critically wounded, even some meeting their end and Scarlett didn't really have any sort of ranged attacks which she could use a the moment, with her being unable to cast her magical ranged attack again this soon, not possessing energized. The field looked hazardous too and with so much magic flying around, the risk of getting injured was high for close quarter combat.

Instead of opting for an up close attack and risk getting caught in friendly fire, Scarlett used move actions to move back the number of spaces needed at minimum to try to avoid the Acid splash, getting herself behind Demeter and the cover she was creating ideally.

Afterward she'd go back to focusing and start to grip her gem catalyst once again moving through the magic in her head which she wished to cast next, looking around alert at the scene before her.

The inability to act in a more helpful way at the moment left her wanting, far from pleased. This felt like her only recourse at the moment, she couldn't very well just punch through the acid and be fine at this stage..so moving was what she was left with, as much as she'd rather keep up the pressure as Adelhein had told allies to do.

I just gotta get stronger... a lot stronger She'd grumble to herself. Transformation magic..would open up so many more possibilities, I'd be able to get in there no problem..

Scarlett Actions:
Use as many actions needed to move behind Demeter out of range of acid splash via moving Down D.
Maxxob Maxxob | Adelhein
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scarlett
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Rev IX Rev IX | Aureus
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Aqua
Crescent King Crescent King | Cat
Bartre Bartre | Yuki

The monstrous insects lashed out in a desperate bid to drag the caravan’s defenders into oblivion. Acrid spit flew through the air, stingers snapped, and heavy bodies scuttled across the flaming and acidic earth. But the party responded with a devastating, coordinated assault—each member leveraging their strengths and covering one another’s weaknesses.

MB3’s Spit, Interrupted (D2 → B2)​

Demeter and Adelhein focused their combined efforts on MB3, which had retreated behind the trees only to gather a mouthful of sizzling venom aimed at Scarlett.

  • Demeter conjured another wave of writhing roots—this time using them as both offense and defense. Some of the roots jutted upward near her and Scarlett, weaving into a rudimentary barrier that intercepted splatters of the glob. Others stabbed out from the earth below MB3, unleashing a forest of spikes that pummeled the struggling creature’s underside.
  • Simultaneously, Adelhein shouted “Compedes Ferreae!” as metallic chains speared through the air with lethal grace, slicing into MB3’s thorax and deflecting its toxic spit. The bug’s acid attack splashed uselessly against twisted roots and metal shards.
  • Before it could rally, Adelhein cast Gladio Terrae—twice. The conjured metallic blades struck with whip-like ferocity, tearing fresh gouges in the creature’s carapace.
A final arrow from Yuki whizzed past the roots, thudding cleanly into MB3’s skull-like plating. The insect reared back, its mandibles clacking wildly. Then, with a rasping hiss, it collapsed—dead before it hit the ground. Thankfully, Adelhein, Demeter and Yuki counter-attacked the venomous spit. Had they used defensive, non-area actions instead, Scarlett, Shadow and Aureus could have faced a difficult situation instead.

MB2’s Last Stand (G2 → F4 Acid → E6)​

On the other side of the battlefield, MB2 had charged through Aqua’s acid pool and closed in on Artoria, intending to impale her with its dripping stinger. Yet the party converged on it with ruthless efficiency:

  • Artoria met the monster’s charge with another Dark Excalibur Nova, the black blade carving a searing arc of corruption that bit deep into MB2’s exoskeleton. She followed it up with two quick slashes, each blow finding its mark.
  • From a short distance away, Gilgamesh summoned a single legendary weapon through her Gates of Babylon. A double-axe formed midair, then launched into MB2’s flank, embedding itself before dissolving back into shimmering mana.
  • Seizing the moment, Demeter extended her Root Eruption beneath MB2 as well, spikes of bludgeoning plant matter erupting from the ground, battering the creature’s torso.
  • Aqua then channeled her Tricicle Acid Burst, causing three spears of frozen acid to erupt from the acidic pool beneath MB2. They impaled the insect from three sides, sizzling where icy shards met chitin.
  • Not done yet, Demeter’s continuous root effect twisted around MB2’s legs, preventing any last-second lunge for Artoria. The creature shuddered under the combined assault, venom drooling from its mandibles as it attempted one final, pitiful strike—only to crumble under the onslaught.
With a final shriek, MB2 collapsed into the acidic ground, its shell dissolving under the combined might of steel, magic, and nature’s wrath.

MB1’s Flanking Maneuver (D1)​

MB1, having skirted behind the wagon to the north, found itself caught in another coordinated strike from Adelhein and Demeter—the same Compedes Ferreae that slashed MB3 also sliced into MB1. At the same time, Demeter sent a secondary root cluster through the ground beneath the bug’s position, cracking its already-weakened shell.

The massive insect reared up, mandibles clacking in furious panic, but the onslaught proved too much. Its legs spasmed; acid burns, metal chains, and searing roots combined to sap its last strength. With a hiss that tapered into silence, MB1 lurched to the side and lay still, its flailing limbs curling inward.

Scarlett’s Retreat​

While spells and steel ravaged the insects, Scarlett found herself in a precarious position—too distant for melee, and lacking the immediate capacity for another strong ranged spell. Acting cautiously, she backed away behind Demeter, beyond the reach of any toxic spit or wild stingers. Though frustrated at her limited options, she kept her resolve, vowing to strengthen her arsenal in the future.


The sudden battle ended as quickly as it began—four monstrous insects lay dead or dissolved, the ground scorched and sizzling with acid. Across the field, the freed wagon passengers thanked Demeter and the party profusely for teleporting them to safety. Horses snorted and whinnied in agitation at the stench of burning chitin, but the caravan remained intact.

With the battle against the insectoid ambushers ended, the caravan came alive with renewed urgency. While a few mercenaries hastily dug splintered bits of exoskeleton from the damaged roadway, others rallied around the front wagon, still tilted at the sinkhole’s edge. Worried faces mingled with relieved murmurs—the entire engagement had lasted only minutes, yet it nearly spelled disaster for half the convoy.

Guildmaster Edvar was not present here, but a senior mercenary captain took charge. Barking commands, he directed teams to secure ropes around the wagon’s axles and harness the horses to the rear wheels. Over the course of a tense quarter hour, the group heaved in unison, faces flushed with effort, until the wagon’s front wheels finally lurched free of the collapsed road. The damaged rim groaned as it settled back onto somewhat stable ground.

A smattering of cheers and shaky laughter rippled through the gathered adventurers. Someone offered passing thanks to Demeter and her group for teleporting the wagon occupants to safety—a few harrowed survivors wiped away tears, murmuring gratitude as they climbed aboard other wagons or found seats beside old friends.

Repairs and Recovery​

The caravan paused long enough for a quick damage assessment:

  • Broken wheels on the front wagon needed makeshift repairs. A skilled carpenter among the mercenaries hammered boards across the cracked spokes, declaring it “good enough” for a slower pace, at least until they reached a proper town.
  • Aqua’s acid and Aureus’s flames continued to smolder, though both mages could easily dispel or let them burn off safely as the convoy readied to depart.
  • The surviving horses were skittish, eyes rolling white, but a few gentle words and a respite away from the acid pits soon steadied them.
All around, the battered road told of the struggle—scorch marks from flame, a melted swath where bug shells were still dissolving. An acrid tang clung in the air.

Resuming the Journey​

Even with a partially broken wagon, the caravan pressed on, wary of losing the daylight. Drivers gave the party a wide berth now—after seeing how swiftly they dispatched the monstrous insects, they held Magno Sapiente Victori in higher esteem (and, for some, a touch of fear).

  • The freed passengers climbed into the remaining wagons, or joined the mercenaries on foot, unwilling to separate from the protection of skilled fighters.
  • Voices rose and fell in cautious optimism: “If that’s the worst out here, maybe the sinkhole itself won’t be so bad.”
Under shifting skies, they continued deeper into Greystone’s territory. The farmland gave way to craggy hills and patches of dense forest. Occasionally, a distant howl echoed from the ravines—unnervingly similar to the stories told by Garel. No further ambushes came, but the sense of unease grew with every turn of the wagon wheels.

Arriving at Greystone’s Outskirts​

By late afternoon, the convoy crested a ridge overlooking what was once Greystone’s outer edge. Where a modest village had stood, only warped earth and splintered rubble remained. Wooden beams jutted from the crater’s rim, the remnants of houses lost to the catastrophic sinkhole. In the center, a gaping maw of darkness yawned—larger than any chasm most had ever seen. Even from a distance, it was clear the pit reached staggering depths. An unsettling chill crept across the wind, carrying the faint echoes of something…howling below.

A makeshift camp sprawled across a relatively stable patch of ground near the sinkhole’s edge, where a handful of tents and hastily constructed barricades formed a small base of operations. Adventurers of various stripes—some battered, others stoic—moved about, hauling gear or tending to a few shaken survivors. At the far end, a towering noticeboard displayed crude maps and scribbled warnings:

Several individuals stepped forward as the caravan approached, wearing Ryken Adventurers Guild emblems. They eyed the new arrivals, relief evident on their faces. A human woman in leather armor, likely the camp’s field coordinator, stepped out to greet them.

“You’re the next wave of help, I assume,” she said, her voice level but tinged with exhaustion. “Welcome to what’s left of Greystone…”

She gestured behind her at the vast, ragged hole. Smoke wafted from pockets along the fissures, lending a sulfuric tang to the already stale air. Bits of half-collapsed architecture clung to the rim, precariously perched over the abyss.

What’s Next?​

With the caravan halted, repairs paused, and the camp’s watchful eyes on the new arrivals, the stage is set for Magno Sapiente Victori—and any other willing adventurers—to take a closer look. The pit beckons. Its secrets lie in the darkness below, echoing with moans of wind and possible horrors.

Will they coordinate with the field coordinator to plan an excursion into the depths? Investigate the partially collapsed buildings on the brink of the sinkhole? Or assess the camp’s battered defenders for more clues about what lurks in the blackness? One thing is certain: the true mystery of Greystone is about to begin.

The Cat

Finding a perch atop a fallen crate, Shadow sat, wrapping his tail around his paws as he surveyed the battlefield. His gaze was unblinking, sharp, as if already plotting his next move. For now, the dangers were past, but the journey was long, and Shadow’s vigilance never waned.

As repairs and other things went on around him Shadow padded through the aftermath watching as some fixed wagons and others moved fallen supplies. He sniffed one of the intact insect bodies and turned his nose up, sneezing out the putrid scent. Unfortunate that he did not deem them edible.

As the journey continued he had made his way into a separate wagon closer to the front, gear to see where the caravan was headed as he sat watching the trees go by.

It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination and Shadow departed from the group for a moment. Heading off into the destroyed town to sit at the edge of the sinkhole, peering down into the depths. His animal instincts flared like alarms in his head, something terrible lurked below.
Aureus Albion

One moment of dissociation from the elf, and that was it for the battle. His mind lost touch with his surroundings after sending forth a wave of flames at the massive insectoids. Once he had returned to his senses, people were already preparing to continue their travel. Aureus felt blood flushing his face. Thankfully, he was aligned with an extremely capable group, so nothing serious came from his mistake.

And yet... He buried his small fire pit with sand. Burying it and effectively putting out the fire.

Once the caravan was in motion again, Aureus sat silently in his spot. Shrunk down and with his eyes pinned to the floor of the wagon for the rest of the trip.

By the time the caravan reached the pit's rim, Aureus stepped out, and took a look around. Settling on the haphazardly made signs. "Hmmm..." He put some thought on the warnings, ideas slowly brewing about the next step to be taken. Should any Magno Sapiente Victori members approach him, he'd say "I think I can lend some help with that... I think" Stable rock platforms sound simple enough, but he'd prefer some input instead of acting entirely by himself.

Demeter was in a pretty good mood when the party arrived at Greystone.

A combination of newfound confidence in her group, warm words from the caravanners they'd been travelling with and plenty of rest left her positively glowing when she stepped out of the wagon. And, when the seemingly exasperated woman came to greet them, the young fae would walk up and extend a hand.

"Demeter," a brief pause followed her introduction; likely an opportunity for the woman to introduce herself, "And yeah, that's why we're here. I'm ready to start making my way down into the pit right now."

She glanced over at Aureus, who'd had his eye on some signs that she couldn't read. Though, given the imagery, she could piece together that it was some warning to not fall... as if anyone here needed that. She nodded to the elf, then turned to her team; a bit more attention directed towards Adelhein than most.

"We probably shouldn't go down there with too big of a group. More people means more weight, more space and more noise. And that means that we're more likely to draw attention to ourselves or have someone fall. The good news is that we should have a pretty safe way to descend if we take our time."

After training with everyone hours Demeter had a pretty good idea of what everyone was capable of. And in her eyes, so long as everyone synergized down in the pit as well as they did on the way over to Greystone, the abilities of one member of Magno Sapiente Victori were a strength to them all. And that made the journey ahead seem relatively simple in Demeter's eyes.

At least, for now.

"We've got ropes, torches, shovels and a compass just in case. But the way I see it? I can see clearly pretty far into the dark. Adelhein should be able to make platforms for us anywhere where we need them as we descend. I can move the whole group a pretty good distance without breaking a sweat. And Aqua and Aureus can clear any debris we need moved out of the way. So, as long as we take our time, making our way down should be fairly straightforward and safe."

A brief, contemplative pause. Anyone who disagreed could object if they wished.

"But I wouldn't mind taking one more person with us. Not just a body for a body's sake, though. No point in that. Someone strong. Someone strong who's already been down there and who might actually be a big help to bring along."

Then, Demeter turned back to the woman who'd first greeted them upon their arrival.

"You got anyone here looking for a party to descend with? Someone who's good at crushing skulls and who's been down there once already?" Demeter asked the woman, "My party and I are decent in a fight and we're well equipped to make the journey down. I could even say that we can offer safe passage to one more. But I wouldn't mind some extra muscle to help in a fight if we do find one down there. Or magic... or guns, if that's what you got."

HP: 6/6
Heavy Armor: 1/1
1). Resilient F (Surprised)
1) Try to convince the coordinator to direct Magno Sapiente Victori to a strong warrior who could accompany her party down into the pit.

Standing D(3) + Ryken Adventurer E(2)= 5 effectiveness for persuasion(?)

Once the battle ends, Aqua instructed some other adventurers to drop the corpses of the other fallen bug into the acid pool, letting the chemical dissolve the bodies to prevent it spreading disease or attracting other bugs before she canceled her spell, transmuting the acid back into its original state as soil and buried all the dissolved insect remains. Looking at the restored ground, she wonders if she can use this principal to do something else, like quickly make fertile soil or something like that. That would be a good side project once she returned to the academy.

As they finally arrived at Greystone, or what's left of it, Aqua marveled at the sight of the biggest hole she had ever seen. It reminds her of an anime she watched in her previous life where a bunch of kids suffering as they descend into the abyss. She agreed with Demeter's points about them having a good team composition to explore the underground, but of course having an experienced digger with them would be very beneficial. She left the others to deal with it though as her curiosity pulled her towards the edge of the hole. The girl stared into the deep darkness below and for a brief moment she wondered what would it feel to just jumps into it. That thought scared her, she found her chest tighten and suddenly she felts it was harder to breath.

"S-shadow, there you are." Spotting the cat not far away, Aqua approached him and gave him a few strokes. The soft furs calmed her mind back and gave her mind some clarity.

"Does the darkness doesn't scare you, Shadow?" She asked the cat as if he can talk back to her. "O-of course not, you are Shadow afterall. Me? I-I'm good, its just this reminds me of something unpleasant in the past. Ehehehe,"

"Wanna help me looking for anything suspicious?"
Aqua dusted her clothes as she stood up and beckoned the cat follow her. She didn't know what she's looking for but the scent of sulfur in the air made her suspicious. Did an explosion occurred here? Was the ground corroded by acid? Or built above a magma reservoir? She curiously followed the fissures and used her appraisal to look for extra clues.

1) Use Appraisal E & Alchemy F to look for clues, especially regarding the chemical activity around the hole​
Scarlett Ashford
Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Rev IX Rev IX Crescent King Crescent King Bartre Bartre Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Thankfully for Scarlett the battle ended not long after that, so she still go to feel like she had been actively contributing for a good part of it. Not only that but it looked like they had on hand what was needed to actually go about repairing and getting the Caravan going again, between the horses being calmed down and them having someone who could repair it, not to mention Demeter's handy teleport skill.
Better yet the rest of the journey was relatively uneventful which was plenty good enough for Scarlett, they had already had one more fight than she would have like ideally before reaching their destination so not to run into any others was a good sign.

What was less good was that what the survivors had described was far from an exaggeration, the place had been pretty sufficiently devastated from what Scarlett could tell, just by looking around at a surface level. Warped earth and splintered rubble of what used to be a village.

Not to mention a giant chasm sink hole type deal right at the very center of it.

Between the wind, and ..what was that sound, howling? Was that howling coming from below? The whole situation gave her bad vibes, whatever had done this was at least relatively powerful whether it was a single entity or group of them, it was all problematic..as far as she was concerned when it came to their activity resulting in the through destruction of a village.

She also took note of the make shift camp as well as the warnings that were posted.

Regardless after looking around at what they were dealing with there was the camp field coordinator looking lady to deal with. She'd curtsey a bit after Demeter introduced herself and would do the same, "Scarlett Ashford, of House Ashford from the Duchy of Roran, at your service, here to help get to the bottom of what happened here."

She then listened to Demeter's plan nodding every now and again.

"I think that Demeter makes some good points, we have most of the people with skills needed descend safely into the chasm already if we're carefully,, additionally we have support tools, If it's possible, I definitely think it'd be a good idea to bring someone down whose already been like she says, having more in combat situations in riskier areas isn't a bad thing either.
Outside of that I don't think there's a ton more we need except maybe asking some questions to see what the going theories are based on what people have seen, those who have already been down there would be particularly helpful to ask some questions, as that might inform if we need to do any more modifications in our prep...or strategy while we're here."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the going thought for what caused this..and if you had any advice, are there anything(s) that groups who have tried going down there have found to be particularly useful?" She'd try asking the field coordinator.
Yuki stood there, staring at the destruction Magno Sapiente Victori had caused. Lord Breyer and Demeter were especially domineering, their plant and metal magic ending the fight almost as soon as it began. She thought her ice magic would be helpful, if only to hold any foes in place while her companions attacked. She could see now that this group did not need such abilities.

"You're all quite powerful....I have such a long way to go"

After the group resumed their journey, she used the time to reflect on what she saw. Could she replicate some of those effects with her own element? Perhaps instead of holding a person in place, her ice might tighten its grip into a crushing force. Such thoughts consumed her attention for the entire duration.

Her heart sank when Greystone came into sight. How could such a massive hole appear so suddenly? What happened to the kind couple who hid her from her pursuers?

She tried to get Demeter's attention as the fae began negotiating for their immediate descent.
"Demeter, could I have some time before we go down? There was a couple in Greystone that helped me once. I'd like to search for them."

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