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Graceling parabatai

"Fair point... Shall I go inside and change now?" She asked.

The idea to see the kingdom's peasants was a creative idea for a date, and she wondered how and why he thought of it.
"or the bushes... Or the stable... The barracks or up in a tree.." he smiled the smile of someone making an inside joke "where ever your most comftrable really "
"I'll stick to the walled indoors," She said with a smile, and then disappeared inside and into the nearest bathroom. She took off her clothes and then took the new ones out of the package and put them on and pulled her hair up into a bun with some hair still hanging out of the sides in a messy, yet stylish way.

(Can I see a pic of the clothes she's wearing?)
She came out a while later, wearing the clothes. They were still a bit baggy, though they were basically her size.

To make the pants fit better she had rolled the waist up a few times so it was tighter around her and fit better. She rolled up the sleeves once or twice so they weren't down to her knuckles.

"Well?" She asked when she came back out, expecting a snicker or some form of laughter at her appearance.
"passable... Except for your hair. Here...." Julian took a hat he had hidden under his arm and stuck it on her head so that it hid her bun of hair "now all you need is some dirt and you'll look like a proper street urchin. Sad to say all I see around here is grass... I guess you do for now. Shall we?" he asked
He gave her a wink and wrapped a tattooed arm around her shoulders leading her not to any of the gates in the wall surrounding the castle but to a tall tree in a forgotten corner that was just high enough to spill ofer the wall. "your not afraid of heights are you?"
She gave a small smile of amusement at his wink, but walked with him silently until asked a question.

"Heights? Not really, no, why? Are we going to climb the tree?" She asked, looking up at it.
"it's easier than evading questions at the gates. Ladies first, I'll give you a foot up" he said and and kneeled one knee on the ground at the base of the tree to give her a boost "step on my knee first and then my shoulder if you need to"
"Ok..." She said, then while having one hand on the trunk she quickly and carefully stepped onto his knee, lightly on his shoulder, and she was up. She climbed up a bit and then called down to him, "Can you make it up by yourself?"
"I'm a Lienidian. We can do everything short of flying like a bird... Even then there's actually someone working on that. you keep going I'll meet you where it overlaps the wall" he said with a rakeish grin and jumped for the lowest branch and pulling himself up. It didn't take long to catch up to her "so... You climb here often?" he asked
She climbed up a few more branches and he was behind her soon after she began moving. "Well, my siblings and i would climb this when we were younger. But we never went very high. Me especially, they were scared I would fall and get them all in trouble," She smiled at the memory as she kept climbing.
"That was when I was little, I don't think I'll fall," She replied with a smile as well, and kept climbing until they were at the wall's height.
"nobody is perfect princess if to do not practice you are more likely to mess up" hesaid and climbed up next to her to drop a coiled rope he had left there over the other side of the wall. The rope had knots in it at regular intervals to make climbing it easier and was tied to the a branch well enough that you'd need a knife to loosen it "down you go. Careful now."
She nodded curtly and turn around, gripping the rope with a hand firmly. Climbing down the rope was a little difficult, but she made it safely. Then she was just waiting for him, meanwhile gazing around.
Julian made it down the rope easily enough after all he did this all the time to get out of the castle back home and managed to hide the rope in the shadows on the wall "now to find some dirt." and with that he wrapped his arm back around her shoulders and guided her to the nearest animal pen. "the smell might not be pleasant... But you'll get used to it in a few minutes and it will hide your perfume. The common people notice more than you think ... And Perfume on a boy is never unnoticed. So go and dirty yourself up. The less people that notice you the better."
"So you're saying I have to put dirt like.. all over me? Even on my face?" She asked, sounding lost.

She wrinkled her nose, disliking the smell greatly.
"I'm not covered in dirt because I want to be. It's so your people don't recognize us. For our safety. Have you noticed yet we don't have any guards watching over us? This is necessary. And I arranged that we could bathe here on our way back if that makes you feel better..... I'll ride a pig if you will." he finished with a smile giving her a more fun reason to get dirty
"A pig eh?" She grinned, imagining him doing that.

"Alright, I'll get dirty..." Then she turned around and went over to a spot that didn't have any grass. Slwoly at first, she rubbed her hands in the dirt and then closed her eyes tightly, held her breath, and rubbed her hands all over her face. Eventually it was quite dusty and she did this a few times to get the dirtier effect. Then she rubbed some on her clothes, and finally turned around to face Julian again. "I feel dirtier than a pile of dirt." She declared, her nose scrunching with distaste. She didn't know if she ever wanted to get dirty again.
He smiled at her at her willing ness to do this and at her discomfort about it "your back is still fairly clean... I think the pigs will take care of that though. They are over here." he said and guided her to the pig pen "remember you have to ride one too if I do it"
"What? That's crazy!' She exclaimed. "I will make dirt angels, but I will not ride a pig. You said if I got dirty you would ride one.," she replied with a grin.
He laughed "that's not what I ment. I ment i would ride a pig if you would ride one too. But I'm a patient man I can wait for you to work up the nerve. So long as I am present to see it done" and with that he was over the fence and trying to catch a pig to ride. They wouldn't even go near him.
She laughed at his attempts, and then offered, maybe you should try corning one."

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