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Graceling parabatai

As Julian and his brothers scrambled out of the carriage he longed to stretch his limbs out they way he usually does back home, by racing down the streets on the roof tops of the village surrounding the family castle... He knew though that would never be acceptable here. He'd have to wait for nightfall first when less people would be out and about. He did how ever ask a near by guard where he might be able to work out in his free time here and was given directions to the outdoor track where the palace guards worked out and that was good enough for him. He followed his family into the palace a few steps behind everyone else. It wasn't hard to notice he was the only blonde one in the group and there for a misfit of sorts so it only seemed fitting that he hung back
Riva was in the ballroom when the royal families began entering. The king, queen, and their heir were called out as they entered, and Riva's parents insisted that she was friendly and smiled and curtsied to everyone that came up to her and wished her happy birthday.

Riva's brother and sisters were roaming around, mingling with the growing number of guests.

Riva sighed, scanning the ballroom with little interest.

Suddenly the Lienid royal family entered, and Riva watched. They had a lot of kids, and she wondered how being one of them would be. Crazy probably.

Suddenly she saw two blondes near the back of the pack, and wondered why they looked different. Then Riva remembered something about the queen having two kids that didn't belong to the king. She smiled lightly at them when she began to approach her.
When they got introduced to the princess Julian bowed with his brothers and his sister curtised politely but he wasn't interested in plesantries. All he wanted was to be outside and his gaze often diverted to the great windows in the room that showed the outside world. His sister had to repeatedly elbow his side to keep his attention where it needed to be
She curtsied to the King and Queen and smiled politely. "Thank you for coming," She said in a clam, polite tone. Her mother had drilled her for at least two hours on how to act and what to say.

While they were saying happy birthday and such, Riva glanced over to some of their kids and noticed a redheaded girl elbowing the blonde boy every now and then. She found this amusing and struggled to keep a calm, straight face.
As soon as the family were dome with greetings and such Julian made a beeline for a window knowing it was as close to outside as he would get for tonight. His sister hung near him but otherwise left him be. She knew he wouldn't be much fun tonight and she wanted to make the most of tonight
Another royal family entered, and then some nobles or family friends. Eventually Riva had permission to finally move though, and gladly did. She edged to an area near a corner where not many were hanging around. There was a window nearby and Riva didn't notice the blonde boy there.
Julian saw the birthday girl heading his way but for the life of him couldn't recall her name to say hi. Just proves to show he doesn't belong amongst royals. So instead of trying to talk to her he just put his head against the window, a little harder than he had ment to, and watched the guards make their rounds around the castle, the birds in the trees and the movement of the clouds in the sky longing to be outside
Suddenly a little man came up to Riva and grinned and took her hand. "Happy birthday your highness!" Then he grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it, then after winking, whisked away cheerily. Riva couldn't even say hi, and just sighed, rolling her eyes.
"it's such a hard life, being loved by everyone, isn't it?" julian asked the princess seeing what he thought was annoyance in her eyes from his place on the window sill. If it was one thing he hated, his one pet peeve it was royals or other famous people who didn't care or were annoyed by their fans or subjects
She turned her head to the Lienid prince and uncertainly was on her face. "I don't know... I'm normally not the first one to get all the attention..." She had only been annoyed because the man she didn't know came and went before she could even say hello. Otherwise she had just been a little awkward feeling.
"it would be easier if you knew some of them. You will have to eventually." Julian commented "starting a conversation helps with that." the boy kept his eyes on the land outside not really caring if she had been offended by what he had said. If he got in trouble at least he could be cooped up and miserable on his own instead of having to hide it from a hundred other people in the room.
She glanced at him, wondering if he was just grumpy, or if this certain prince was always like this. "I'm not the type of person to walk up to people and blabber on and on about myself and them." She explained calmly, watching him.
"neither am I but I'm talking to you." Julian finally decided to look up at the girl and saw her expression "I'm sorry it's just been a long ride here. Sharing with thirteen siblings and all.."
"Thirteen?" Her mouth was slightly ajar. She couldn't believe someone could have so many brothers and sisters.
He shrugged "seven sets of twins." he clarified "all but my twin sister are boys... It gets a little hectic " he said with a grin "but my parents love each other. Most royals would stop after two... Some go to four... But that's because most royals have arranged marriages, they don't have time for love just making themselves a few heirs. Lienid doesn't have arranged marriages for the royals or anyone. We marry strictly for love."
"I have three siblings. A brother and two sisters. I'm the youngest." She replied, listening to his words with curiosity and interest.
"well then your one of the lucky families I suppose. Your parents got along well enough to have the four of you. Are they still friendly with each other? If not... At least you have your siblings@
"They do love each other. I don't remember if they were in an arranged marriage though." She explained with a small shrug.
"well that's good. Makes life at home better." Julian turns his attention back outside "do you think anyone would be mad if I went for a walk... Or actually I'd probably start running.... But still I can't just sit here forever"
She glanced out the window and then gazed around. "I don't think anyone would notice... And I would ask to come along, but I can't exactly run in a dress." She gestured with a hand at her outfit.
"you could get changed... But this is your party dont you think people would miss you?" he asked "you could just enjoy the view from here." he was grinning at her now and was making his way to the nearest door out of the room backwards keeping his eyes on the princess
"It's more of a social gathering for my parents. I only had to greet people... And this dress is harder to get in and out of then what meets the eye." Sh explained, watching him go.
"I Can imagine" he gestured playfully at the dress his mood lightening at the thought of going outside. "but it's not like I have the power to stop you here.... Heck if you wanted me to help you out of the dress I'd almost have to. Birthday girl's orders after all." he gave her a mischievous grin at that
She pursed her lips and a tiny bit of color came p her cheeks at his comment to help her. " uh no... I wouldn't ask u to do anything like that... But would you min waiting a few minutes for me?" She looked at him, expecting hesitance or a no.

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