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Graceling parabatai

Riva glanced around. They couldn't just exit from the doors in here, but she knew another door out. He probably didn't know though.

"Follow me," she stated, and then quickly left the ballroom, and winded her way through the first floor of the castle. When reaching a grand staircase she turned to him and said, "wait here, I will try to be quick." Then she turned once again and hurried up the stairs to disappear around the bend.
Julian obeyed the princess and followed glad to be out of the stuffy ballroom and waited not so patently for her return
She entered her large, spacious room and then went into the huge walk in closet. She quickly chose a simple dress; light blue and above her knees. And then she grabbed some silvery grey flats and began to change. It took longer than she would have liked because of her first dress, but eventually pulled it off and let it lay on the ground. She quickly put on the blue dress and shoes, and then went downstairs to meet Julian. It had taken 5-10 minutes for her to get back.

"Sorry," She said shortly.

"Alright," She said, and then walked past him. She led him through a few hallways until coming to a huge kitchen. She could hear some of the cooks talking nearby and motion for him to be quiet, and follow her quickly.

A few moments later she was at a small door on the other side of the kitchen, waiting for him until she opened it and led him outside. There were garbage cans around them, and she quickly got away from them.

Now she was standing in the open.

"Alright, now what?" She asked him.
Julian did as he was bid and as soon as he was outside he took a deep breath of fresh air and grinned "is there a place that we can run freely?"
Riva paused, thinking. "The castle gardens perhaps. There is a chance a few people may be there though." She said with a small shrug. She didn't normally run like Julian probably did, so she didn't know many spots where they could do so.
"are the gardens open?" he asked. "is there a lot of space between the beds of flowers?" Julian thought back for a moment "there is the area where the palace guards train... I was told I was welcome there when I arrived. Surely they would not turn away their princess?"
"Yes. Yes, there are paths and stuff." She replied to his first two questions.

"Probably not. Let's go. If you want to," She said.

(Gonna go to bed. Ttyl)
"then lead the way princess, you know your castle better than I do. I figure which ever place we go people will stare if they are there." Julian replied he honestly didn't care where they went as long as he could stretch his legs. If they went to the gardens maybe he could climb a tree, or spar with a guard if they went in that direction
Riva began walking in a seemingly random direction, and eventually they ended up on a cobblestone path. Soon enough they reached a building with a large, spacious green yard surrounded by a black, metal fence. "This is where the guards train," She explained, gesturing with a hand at the land. The yard was for training, and inside most the guards lived.
"hmmm" he muttered "this is workable" then he proceeded to take off his shoes and Lienid traditional style dress shirt. His pants were lose fitting and perfect foe exercise all he needed to do was roll them up a few times. "the first activity is yours to chose as long as you allow me to warm up a little first." Julian told her, actually crouious as to what she would want to do
She glanced over at him when he suddenly didn't have a shirt or shoes on, and than looked back at the guard training area.

"Well, to be honest, I don't normally do this type of thing...You can pick," She spoke, expecting some kind of teasing comment from him, since he seemed much more active.
"To be honest princess I've never seen anyone but another Lienidian do what I can do. If your not careful and practiced enough you could get hurt in many ways... And I don't want you getting hurt on my head so I suppose we can stick with the simple things." he said very factually but he did manage a jab at her in his words, a challenge. He really didn't want to be responsible for her getting hurt but he just couldn't help it "a race perhaps?"
She listened, staying silent. She couldn't help but feel a little offended in some ways, but knew it was only truth that she probably wasn't as fast or strong as him.

"A race?" She questioned, hesitating over the idea. "Well... Sure, but I think we both know who will win," She said, giving a small smile and speaking in a slightly joking way.
Julian thought on this a moment "the pick your champion, princess, to race in your steed." he offered "you have a house full of your best guards right here, just pick one."
"Are you sure you'd like to race a castle guard?" She inquired. She wanted to try racing him herself, but she figured she would let one of the guards go first so it would tire him out, and let her see how fast he was.
"I admit I may not be the fastest person on flat ground... But put me on a roof top and I can beat any man any day" Julian bragged
"On a roof hmm? Interesting," she said, curiosity in her tone.

Glancing toward the guards' building again she saw a group marching across the area. She waved one of them over and asked him if he'd like to race for her. He replied with a small bowl and a 'yes' and then she turned to the prince. "OK. So where is the finish line?"
"the finish line is where ever you'd like it to be, princess." Julian replied to Riva. And then to the guard he said "it might be wise to take as much weight off your person as possible. It's easier to fly that way" and by fly he means run but to him there isn't much of a difference especially when he's on roof top
The guard nodded his head and spoke, "Thank you your highness."

Riva had looked ahead of them, and then spoke, "see that tree over there? There and back to where I stand will be the course."

The guard listened while he stripped himself of everything but his pants. They looked tighter then they really were, but they were easy enough to run in.

"Ready?" Riva asked
She gave him a playful grin and then while the guard readied himself, Riva began speaking, "On your marks, get set... Go!"

The guard shot off, his long legs propelling him forward. He wanted to win for the princess.
Julian was hot on the guards heels only a step or two behind him all the way to the tree. On the way there all julian did was talk to the guard "maybe next we could race to the top of the barracks? I'll even give you a head start just to be fair. You know this it kinda like those tournaments you people like to put on. Competing for the fair madiens hand." he laughed a little at that last bit and he wasnt even winded yet. They reached the tree. as Julian approached he jumped up to grab a low hanging branch. As he swung froward from the momentum of his speed when running he let go of the branch at the swung's zenith and flipped himself around grabbing back onto the branch. As he swung back in the direction of the princess he let go again at that swung's highest point and did a backflip before he landed and a forward roll on the ground to keep his balance. Once out of the roll he broke out into a dead sprint. The whole stunt lasted maybe five seconds but that was a five second head start for the guard... That was quickly cut down as Julian passed him less than half way back to the princess
The guard was getting annoyed, but didn't respond so he could save his breath. The prince won and the guard stepped away with a dip of his head at Riva, "Sorry your highness."

Riva had watched him and when he won, a smile was on her face. She was impressed, to say at the least.

"Good job. And you you should give yourself more credit, you are very fast."

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