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Graceling parabatai

"yeah yeah..." he said and climbed up on the fence walking along the top until he managed to catch a pig that was unaware of him and jumped on it's back and held on tight as it squealed and jumped and ran around until the master of the house came out to shoo them away.

Julian let go of the pig and landed in the mud face down and scrambled back over the fence and out of the masters reach "run" he said and grabbed her wrist with a muck covered hand sporting a devilish grin the whole time
She ran, casting a glare of distaste at his hand touching hers. "This can't get any dirtier, right?" She huffed quietly, though she was amused by his attempts to ride a pig.
"I could hug you?" he said laughing and stopped them once the owner of those pigs gave up on chasing them. He sat under a nearby tree and wipped the mud off his face as best he could
"Ahah, I don't think so." She said with a playful grin. "At least not in the state your in right now."

She stood near by, watching his attempts.
"aw but it would be fun especially if you run. Well fun for me at least" he said witha shrug and didn't push the subject further. He finished his attempts to clean his face a little leaving finger smears chris-crossing over his cheeks
She rolled her eyes and smiled. Riva eyed his muddy face and then said, "Hold still." Then she got closer and brought a finger up to his cheek and drew a small smiley face in the mud on his face. "Perfect," She would giggle, pulling away again.
Julian grabbed her wrist before she could get away and pulled himself up into standing "so she does have some humor" he said pulling her closer "and an artist too, even better." he knew he was probably freaking her out a little but that wasn't his intent it was just who he was "I think you deserve a hug for that. A big messy muddy bear hug" he said and spines her around by the wrist he still held in his hand and hugged her from behind getting her back good and muddy. 
"there. A proper street urchin"
She was somewhat freaked out at first, wondering where he was going with that. Her answer was given a few moments later when she was spun around and hugged from behind. "No!" She playfully squealed.
"perhaps a deeper voice princess, you are playing at being a young man." he teased and released her turning serious "now some ground rules. Out on the town dressed like that, you are not a princess. Don't expect anyone to treat you like they do at home. You are now a gutter rat, a pig farmer's son, so don't look at anyone the wrong way. If it ever at anytime should come to a fight and I tell you to run you run and find the nearest palace guard to take you home. Got it? Now pick a new name for yourself. A boy's name and don't forget it."
"A deeper voice? I will just try not to talk as much." She stated, and then listened to the rest of his 'how to survive in the city,' talk.

"A name?" She was silent, racking her brain for something. "I got nothing. Care to help name me?" She asked.
"it's just this way.." Julian muttered and pulled her through a few shady alleys until they stopped at a lively looking inn. Music and the smell of good food flowed out into the streets "this is how much your people love you" he said and ushered her inside where the band was singing praise of her and her family and a giant birthday cake lay half eaten on the bar where the bar maid is serving drinks as well as generous slices of the cake
She stepped in curiously, and a smile came across her lips. It was obvious she was happy to see this.
She smiled, "Thanks." And then watched him walk away. She stepped closer to the cake, examining it curiously.
"would ya like a slice, sweetcheaks? Made it meself wif love" drawled the bar maid. She was a pretty woman if you could see past the beer stained dress and apron. She was all curly hair and curvy body
"Uh, yes please," Riva said, trying to deepen her voice at least somewhat. She eyed the woman, wondering if other people were like this... She hoped not.
She went silent, feeling awkward, and took her cake and then walked away to eat it. It wasn't as rich as the castle's cooks would make it, but Riva enjoyed the taste. While eating it she glanced up occasionally to check on where Julian was.
Julian was still at the bar talking adamantly with the owner of the place. He seemed to be talking more with his hands than anything else. He had also deserted his Lienid accent and took up the accent of the poor people of this kingdom.

Then out of nowhere he pointed directly at Riva and pressed a coin in the other man's hand with a grin and slight wave to her. Sketchy behavior for anyone to be doing but the other man look bewildered and bowed his head to her in a descret sign of respect and marched off with his shinny new coin
She had seen the coin pass and him point at her so her face fell into a confused expression. "What was that?" She asked when he got closer. She still had some cake on her plate.
"nothing treasonous, I promise. The owner, his name is Bren if your curious, is a very respectable man who is very interested in his customers. I know him met him a few years ago back home. I can tell you all about him later..... Um try not to scream like a girl." he said and then the taverns bouncer, a halfwit man named Hordor, picked Riva up with no effort at all and Julian stood on the bar effectively silencing everyone in the room

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