Gotham City

Croc may not have heard the SWAT van coming very elk, but he could hear it. His body felt much better, thanks to reptilian regenative abilities, and he was able to stand up.

"C'mon!" He yelled. "If you think you're good enough!" 

He he braced himself, and put his right shoulder forward to stop whatever vehicle was coming, or at least lessen the impact. 
Croc may not have heard the SWAT van coming very elk, but he could hear it. His body felt much better, thanks to reptilian regenative abilities, and he was able to stand up.

"C'mon!" He yelled. "If you think you're good enough!" 

He he braced himself, and put his right shoulder forward to stop whatever vehicle was coming, or at least lessen the impact. 

"Yeah, I am."  Batgirl slammed the accelerator to the floor and the multi-ton missile struck Killer Croc full force.
Dex opened the front door to the hotel, and was immediately met with a familiar face. Dexter raised his gun at the gangster.

"Dex!" The mobster exclaimed. "I heard you were out! Why are you aiming the gun at me?"

"Hello Paulie. You let Jerry shoot me." Dex explained. "You betrayed me. Where's my money?"

"Aw, Dex, Don Falcone took most of it. C'mon, we're friends."

"We were."

The gunshot would have echoed throughout the hotel, had it not been drowned out by the sound of a wall being broken down. There was a massive crash, and when the dust cleared, Dex saw a scaly body. It was Croc, and the monster was moaning in pain.

"All hells broken loose." Dex muttered, and walked back out the door.
The roads of Gotham were busy as always, riding the Wingcycle Nightwing weaved in and out of traffic, destination set for the Gotham Arms Hotel.  His mask was quite a handy thing, it not only kept his identity hidden but it had a nifty little radio built into it.  One that could pick up transmissions straight from the GCPD itself, so when crime was afoot Dick would be able to respond.

There was reports of a type of gas and for that reason Dick also wore his respirator to avoid any inhalation.

Dick made it to the Hotel in good time, before any signs of GCPD at least, he parked the Wingcycle in a back alley a good few buildings away from the hotel itself, carefully hidden he began to climb a ladder onto the rooftops, while climbing he switched on his nightvision, he would scout the field before engaging, the last thing he wanted was to be caught off guard.  With his escrima sticks on his back and grappling hook in hand he began to make his way towards the roof of the Arms Hotel, making sure to do a few flips and manoeuvres along the way of course, to warm himself up, and for his own amusement.

Nightwing stopped at the building directly next to the Arms Hotel, relaxing himself before entering the fray, he took time to look around, unexpectedly he saw what seemed to be a SWAT van being ran into something...  And a man seemingly running in the opposite direction of it.  He would deal with this now, the others inside could wait till later.  Nightwing began to run along the rooftops once again, only this time chasing down this man, once he got closer to his target it was clear to who it was.  The Scarecrow, no wonder there was reports of gas if this guy was around.  Nigthtwing took out a handful of windings, his own smaller shuriken like version of the batarang.  He waited for the right moment to begin his descent, a somersault off the roof throwing a barrage of wingdings towards Scarecrow.

Dex opened the front door to the hotel, and was immediately met with a familiar face. Dexter raised his gun at the gangster.

"Dex!" The mobster exclaimed. "I heard you were out! Why are you aiming the gun at me?"

"Hello Paulie. You let Jerry shoot me." Dex explained. "You betrayed me. Where's my money?"

"Aw, Dex, Don Falcone took most of it. C'mon, we're friends."

"We were."

The gunshot would have echoed throughout the hotel, had it not been drowned out by the sound of a wall being broken down. There was a massive crash, and when the dust cleared, Dex saw a scaly body. It was Croc, and the monster was moaning in pain.

"All hells broken loose." Dex muttered, and walked back out the door.

The SWAT van hit Croc and kept on going.  Barb, the van, and Killer Croc all crashed through the lobby of the Gotham Arms.  Just as the reptilian villain went down for hopefully the final time, Barb's eyes widened as she saw a man with a 10mm in his outstretched hand gundown a helpless man before him!  "NO!"  She rushed out of the van and ran toward the downed man.  There was a gaping wound in his chest.  She checked his pulse.  "Dead."  Gritting her teeth in anger, she turned to find the hitman walking out the door.  He thought he was getting away.  "Not a chance!"  She took off after him.
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As Crane ran and the noise behind him, grew quieter, he figured he'd made a clean getaway. Excellent. It seemed that the hotel had been more active than he'd anticipated. A shame. It had been an excellent, quiet spot for getting work done and their eggs benedict hadn't been half bad. Certainly better than most anything Crane could have cooked on his own. But it was a sacrifice he had to be willing to make.

A thump behind him broke his optimism. He'd been followed. Not entirely surprising, but very frustrating. He was tempted to slow down by his instincts, to look at who it was behind him, but he resisted in favor of And then, out of seemingly nowhere, there were sharp pains in his back. That wasn't right. He wasn't that old yet. Bat.

Crane let out a yelp, but the pain only spurred him on to run faster. An appropriate harnessing of his flight instinct. He dared not look back as he had a goal and he didn't need the Bat, if it was the Bat, discouraging him from getting where he wanted to go. His hand migrated down to where he kept his gun, for all the good that would do.

Scarecrow was taking off even faster than before, Nightwing would have to pick up the pace if he was going to try and launch another attack, and so he began to chase him.  Grappling hook now in hand he began to aim it "this should give ya a fright Scarecrow." Nightwing thought.  He fired the grappling hook aiming for Scarecrows left shoulder, if it landed successfully he planed to yank him backwards.  Hopefully with enough strength that it would ground him, Scarecrow didn't seem like he would be that tough of a fight, he relied more on his toxins than his physicality so he didn't want to waist any energy on him that could be used for later.

Crane felt the hook clamp down on his shoulder and winced against it as it pulled him back. Despite the hold, he still had his gun hand ready and available. He grabbed the pistol before allowing himself to be yanked back. From there, he whirled around and raised his pistol. It wasn't the Bat at all behind him, as it turned out. No, it was one of his little cronies, one he was all too familiar with. The boy who was all grown up now. Wonderful.

Crane lined himself off and fired off three shots, one at Nightwing's face and two at the grappling hook itself.
Nightwing grinned as the grappling hook connected and he managed to pull Scarecrow back, although satisfying it felt a little too easy, and Nightwings scepticism was soon answered as Scarecrown whirled around with pistol in hand aiming at him.  "Ah crap". 

As three shots were fired Nightwing had little time to react towards this surprise, even so with years of crime fighting under his belt already he had some experience with guns and avoiding their bullets, although in those years he wasn't alone.  Nightwing swiftly moved his head out of the way to avoid the bullet, but found that shortly after doing so his grappling gun was shot straight out of his hand.

"Quickly" Nightwing thought thinking of a plan, he quickly took out a smoke pellet and threw them on the ground below him, as the smoke thickened he made his attempt to hide almost forgetting that he had just lost his grappling hook, his eyes opened wide and in a rush he ran up the wall and reached for the scaffolding in an attempt to climb.

Crane's mask shielded his lungs from the smoke, but it did little to help his vision. Either the boy was running or he was preparing to attack once more. Or, even worse, calling in reinforcements. Crane wasn't interested in being where he was any longer either way. If Nightwing was around, chances were he wasn't alone, and safety wasn't far off.

He fired off one last shot in the direction Nightwing had taken before turning around and sprinting in his original direction. It was bad enough that he'd been delayed, he wasn't going to let himself waste any more time struggling with fools who had no respect for his work.
Luckily for Nightwing, Scarecrow didn't seem interested in sticking around, otherwise he could have found himself in quite the pinch.  Even so Scarecrow seemed to fire off another shot for safe measures.  

In hopes of stopping the criminal from getting away Nightwing quickly moved along the rafters in an attempt to keep up with Scarecrow, though his speed was hindered from trying to remain hidden he struggled to keep up with him like he had done before.

Nightwiing extended his right arm towards Scarecrow before he fired the stun gun that was located on his gauntlet, hopefully connecting with the man and give him enough time to get in close.

As he made his way towards the street, another sharp pain ran through Crane, this time from his shoulder blade down. Electrical charges, intended to immobilize him. It wouldn't be the first time he'd experienced it. He couldn't do much to keep his muscles from seizing up or his nerves from going haywire, but he could determine where he landed. With that in mind, as he twitched, Crane made the effort to shift his briefcase in front of him, dropping his gun in the process, and deliberately fell forward on top of it as he collapsed. Keeping himself at least partially out off of the ground would help him recover faster.

As he lay on the ground, Crane fought the numbness in his hands to unlatch the case below him. If this bird wasn't going to quit, perhaps he needed a little incentive. Scarecrow just needed a little time. Just a moment of hesitation.

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As Scarecrow fell to the ground from the effects of the stun gun Nightwing wasted no time and jumped from the scaffolding.  Now back on the ground Nightwing began to sprint towards the criminal, now out in the open he had to make it in close before Scarecrow recovered and started shooting again.  As Nightwing closed in he prepared to give a strong kick to the ribs of Scarecrow, hopefully with enough strength to wind him or even just make him flinch giving him the opportunity to continue his attack.

As Nightwing came in towards him, Scarecrow managed to open the case just an inch and slip a hand in, prodding for a particular item. He knew his briefcase layout like his fear toxin formula, inside and out, and he knew exactly what he wanted. Long fingers and spindly hands were useful every once in a blue moon. He just barely managed to get a stiff hand around the little rounded syringe full of a bright orange liquid and pull it out before Nightwing came in to kick him hard in the ribs.

It was painful, and several of his ribs may have broken in the process, but it turned Crane over and gave him a much needed jolt. Adrenaline began pumping through him once more, reinvigorating his muscles to move and move fast, and his breathing picked up. With that, he followed his immediate instinct and lunged at Nightwing, making to shove the syringe into the meat of his thigh.

As Scarecrow rolled over after Nightwings kick connected, Nightwing shifted into a defensive stance, but even though he was prepared he was once again caught off guard, Scarecrow moved much faster than anticipated,.  Even more so after the blow that he just dealt to him, as Scarecrow lunged towards him Nightwing moved to grab one of Scarecrows arms and begin to apply some pressure on it.  However as he did so he felt a sharp pain in his thigh, with his other thigh Scarecrow had managed to shove a syringe straight into Nightwing.  

He didn't even have to see the liquid to know what had just been injected into him, he had gotten too comfortable, he took precautions to protect himself from inhalation but he had completely ignored the possibility that he would be injected.  Hurriedly and in panic Nightwing thrust-ed his leg out hopefully kicking him away.  Meanwhile Nightwing himself had thrown himself off balance with the kick and was falling back onto the ground.  As Dick looked up at the buildings and now saw a platform, with three familiar figures standing upon it.

Ronan had arrived in Gotham that morning, and had taken care of some buissness through out the day. But now was his time to really do some work. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, he was wearing his signature costume, well he was The Doctor now. Nobody in the city would know him, unlike in London where he couldn't get shit done without a police noticing him. He felt the cold Gotham night air blow through the open window, as if it was running its hands down his back. He put on his fedora, and made his way to the open window, pulling out his grappling hook on the way. Jason had told him of other criminals, and past family members of his, and tonight he planned on meeting one of the two. 

He fired the grappling hook across the street, soaring through the air, but suddenly the quiet night was intrurupted with gunfire. Finally. He began to head in the direction of the noise, knowing he'd find someone who can point him in the right direction for business. But when he arrived, he noticed a very grueling fight taking place. At least he wasn't the only one playing dress up tonight. He decided to watch the fight from the rooftop he stood on, and would talk to whoever won.

Scarecrow let out a bark as his arm was twisted and took the second kick. He crumpled back away from Nightwing, but the deed was done. Fluid toxin tended to set in faster, being a direct, calculated dosage. He would have sighed with relief had he had any breath to spare. Not to mention that it would have been unbecoming of a master of fear.

"What frightens you, boy?" Scarecrow hissed as he shakily hauled himself to his feet, leering over at the fallen Nightwing. He didn't have much time to waste, but it was always fun to see the Bat and his fellows writhe under the weight of their own psyches. It would be a shame no to watch for at least a moment.

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Even though Scarecrow was standing over him he was able to pay little attention to him, his figure was blurring and image distorting "What frightens you boy?" he heared Scarecrow say.  While the images far above him became more and more real the ones of reality faded out.  Above him on the podium stood three people, the flying graysons, his mother, father, and himself.  He was reliving the moments that started it all.  No matter how much mental preparation one had, the fear toxin always seemed to find a way to overwhelm.  And as his father began to grasp the rope and leave the podium the heart of the older Dick began to pound in his chest, a cold sweat forming on his forehead.  His father made it back safely to the podium where the young Dick joined his father in the performance, he watched as the rope loosened, even though in the vision there was nothing to loosen from, only a void that was formerly the sky, yet he remembered exactly how it was on that day.  As the young Dick made it back safely to the podium and hugged his mother he new what was coming next.  His mother and father joined and once more swung out, and then... the rope snapped, with the young and old Dick watching them fall, both equally pained.  

Dick reached out his hand in a foolish way, almost as if he was trying to catch them.  "What do I fear...?  Failing those who I love."  Dick thought as his arm fell back to the floor helplessly.

Scarecrow beared down over Nightwing, tilting his head back and forth as he looked in the boy's eyes. They were distant and far off, as would happen on occasion. Severe hallucinations were common enough, but generally accompanied by similarly severe convulsions and reactions to those hallucinations. Only occasionally would a patient freeze completely. He'd have to make a note of this. Perhaps put in the effort to experiment on Nightwing further in the future.

In a move he might have thought better of, Scarecrow reached a hand out and put pressure on Nightwing's chest. He was curious to see if physical stimulation would make any difference in Nightwing's reaction. Not the most formal of experiments, but he wasn't going to waste the opportunity.
Dex turned around to the sound of yelling, and saw some masked vigilante running after him. Batgirl. That was a surprise, seeing as there were worse people making trouble, but not that frightening.

Dex raised his pistol towards Batgirl, and spoke softly.

"Don't get yourself hurt, girl. I don't have any trouble with you, but I will kill you if I have to. I'm doing this city a favor, killing these scum."

He stood there, pistol raised, and waited for a response.
Ronan sat on the rooftop, watching one of

the men fall. What he had gotten so far was that one of them was Scarecrow, probably the man who was dressed as one, and who was winning. The other guy was still an enigma though, he looked similar to a man Jason described as his older brother, but Batman's favorite. But he still wasn't sure. He contemplated leaping down, but it looked like a fairly important moment for the two. 
Dex turned around to the sound of yelling, and saw some masked vigilante running after him. Batgirl. That was a surprise, seeing as there were worse people making trouble, but not that frightening.

Dex raised his pistol towards Batgirl, and spoke softly.

"Don't get yourself hurt, girl. I don't have any trouble with you, but I will kill you if I have to. I'm doing this city a favor, killing these scum."

He stood there, pistol raised, and waited for a response.

The response came in the form of a batarang.  Aimed right at the pistol.  Followed by her fist to his face.  "Pointing a gun at me was the absolutely worst mistake you've ever made in your life!  Especially after the day I've been through!"  She was ruthless and efficient.  The punch was designed to send the creep reeling to the ground.  After that, an arm-lock wrenching his arm behind his back, causing excruciating pain.  Her knee on the back of his head, keeping his face kissing the pavement.  Just a fraction more pressure on his shoulder and the arm would break.  "Stop fighting or I'll snap it!  Do you understand?"  She would.  She really would.  She was in that kinda mood.
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The response came in the form of a batarang.  Aimed right at the pistol.  Followed by her fist to his face.  "Pointing a gun at me was the absolutely worst mistake you've ever made in your life!  Especially after the day I've been through!"  She was ruthless and efficient.  The punch was designed to send the creep reeling to the ground.  After that, an arm-lock wrenching his arm behind his back, causing excruciating pain.  Her knee on the back of his head, keeping his face kissing the pavement.  Just a fraction more pressure on his shoulder and the arm would break.  "Stop fighting or I'll snap it!  Do you understand?"  She would.  She really would.  She was in that kinda mood.

Dex laughed, even though he was pinned to the ground.

"Go on then. You'll be no better than me. Hurting people, now that sounds like a criminal. Go on, show the world your true colours."

Dex wasn't particularly afraid. A broken arm would hurt a lot, but it could heal eventually and he suffered worse. 

Something caught Dex's attention. The sound of rumbling, like something was climbing out of rubble. And a certain growling followed. He let a grin spread across his face.
Dex laughed, even though he was pinned to the ground.

"Go on then. You'll be no better than me. Hurting people, now that sounds like a criminal. Go on, show the world your true colours."

Dex wasn't particularly afraid. A broken arm would hurt a lot, but it could heal eventually and he suffered worse. 

Something caught Dex's attention. The sound of rumbling, like something was climbing out of rubble. And a certain growling followed. He let a grin spread across his face.

"Grrrrr..."  He was right.  That was the worse part about it.  So, now she was being lectured on morality by a scumbag.  Terrific!  Could this day get any worse?  As if on cue, there was the sound of broken bricks tumbling down from behind her.  Followed by a low, throaty growling.  " have GOT to be $%#@ing me!!!"  She turned back to her perp.  Padded him down for any other hidden weapons.  Found a cellphone and wallet.  Tossed them on the pavement several feet in front of him.  Keeping his wrist bent back in a submission hold with her left hand, she reached into her utility belt with her right and pulled out a pair of flex-cuffs.  With her knee still on his head, she yanked his arms together behind his back and bound them.  She eased off him for just a moment.  Had a thought, bore down with her knee again, and secured his ankles with another pair of cuffs.  Just in case.  She eased off him.  "We'll continue this discussion in a minute."  She smirked at him.  "Don't go anywhere."  She got up, weary but ready to face whatever was coming out of that pile of bricks.
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Noticing the fight was losing its momentum, he saw the Scarecrow man rise as victorious. He would speak with him then. Leaping down off of the building, he landed gracefully behind the man, tucking his hands into his trench coat. "Good evening, I am the Doctor, and I was wondering if you'd be intrested in some business?" He patted his breast pocket, where a wad of cash sat waiting if this man was intrested.

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