Gotham City

Scarecrow tilted his head up away from Nightwing and towards an unfamiliar voice. He was greeted with an equally unfamiliar figure, but rose up to match him. The man in front of him was solid and fully masked, just as he was. A face-to-face encounter with no faces. Crane was sure that there was symbolism there, but then, he'd never held much interest in literary intricacies. All he knew for sure was that neither of them could read each other's expressions.

"A doctor of what? Dentistry? Podiatry?" Crane asked, eying him sideways and not really expecting an answer. He followed the fellow's movements with his eyes, but gave little indication of interest. Crane had never been one to trust offers without understanding motivations. "And what use might I have for your business? What use might you have for me, doctor? Do tell."

Ronan smirked from under the mask, this man was smarter than he originally thought. "To keep things simple, I'm the equivalent of a agent of Death. And my offer? Life. Obviously your quite alive, so your probably curious on what I mean." He began pacing back and forth in front of the Scarecrow guy, "I'm searching for a contestant. A contestant of life, and I'm unfamiliar with Gotham, so I ask for your service."
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"A contestant of life," Crane repeated, skepticism clear in his voice. This "agent of Death" was sounding more and more like a quack by the moment. But he seemed entertaining in his quackery at least. Pull a few more strings and he might spout more nonsense or merely fall apart.

"You seek a fountain of youth of sorts?" he asked, words dripping condescension. "Quite an ambitious idea if that's so. But who am I to question such a brilliant mind? Tell me, what services might you need in this little project of yours, whatever it is?"
Ronan decided to stop rambling, he hated rambling. He was more of a cut to the chance guy. "I thought  speaking in nonsense would help your metaphorical mind wrap around this concept, but I was wrong." He stopped pacing, and turned facing Scarecrow. "I'm looking for a contestant, someone who would be a good canidite for a second chance at life, and I'm offering you payment to help me. It's a simple yes or no?" He pulled out a pistol he had in his trench coat, and looked down at it casually, "Maybe some motivation might help?"
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Crane had to laugh then. A good contestant for another life? In Gotham? Lazarus Pit magic garbage no doubt. But then, where was the harm in giving this oddity a helpful nudge towards his own undoing? Especially if he was only set to gain from the arrangement.

"If you believe you'll find anyone worthy in this city, then you'll find yourself sorely mistaken," he said, shaking his head. "But then. I might have a few ideas for whom would be a fine candidate." His eyes drifted down in Nightwing's direction. "And given financial incentive... Color me interested, doctor."
Harley was sitting on the fire escape where she had been for a couple hours.

Dangling her feet off the edge, watching them swing.

Everyone has disappeared but there was a while lotta noise coming from inside. 

She yawned and stretched and starting walking down the fire escape, humming as she went.
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Dick shook his heard "It's not real." he said trying to convince himself, he turned himself onto his side, avoiding looking up.  He didn't wan't to think about what he just saw again.  Instead now he looked into the shadows.  They seemed to stretch out and at the end there was a large screen.  ""No" Dick thought once more shaking his head.  He seethed in struggle, this vision was different, the first actually happened, this was a complete lie.  Standing before the screen was his mentor, Bruce Wayne and butler Alfred, shortly behind them a slightly older Dick Grayson in his old Robin costume, they were looking at the files of Oswald Cobblepot, the Penguin.  Everything seemed to be normal, until a formation of blobs appeared on the screen, the three didn't take any note of it only Nightwing could see it.  He didn't know what this pattern was, what it mean't... but there was a feeling of foreboding that came with it.  And then he heard a tick, and another tick, by the time he realised what was going on the screen exploded, sending the three flying back.  He couldn't see them anymore but he knew that they were dead.  Once again a nightmare forced upon Nightwing, he was helpless to save them. 

He let out a grunt of pain as he smacked his own head off the floor, grinding his teeth, he rolled onto his hands and knees. "Its not real...  none of this is real." Dick began to repeat in his own head, he began to hear voices once more.  One of them was the Scarecrow, but there was another... who else was there?  He didn't recognise the voice and it was impossible to tell how it exactly was they were talking to each other.  With no way of knowing if he was friend or foe Dick would have to be prepared to fight them both.

@Hammy, @ReverseWells
Ronan glanced at the man on the ground, tucking his gun away. "Good. And I defiantly agree with you, I don't give a damn about this city, but my finest protégé came from here. And he was related to this man, which leads to my next question. I'm going to need to infiltrate his life, and I need your cooperation with me. I'm going to beat you up, but in return I will find out information about the Bat, whatever you want to know." He removed his fedora, setting it by the man on the ground, if Scarecrow would cooperate he would remove the mask.
Harley was sitting on the fire escape where she had been for a couple hours.

Dangling her feet off the edge, watching them swing.

Everyone has disappeared but there was a while lotta noise coming from inside. 

She yawned and stretched and starting walking down the fire escape, humming as she went.

Was that the sound of...humming?!?  The brick pile stopped moving.  Hopefully, Croc or whatever would get it through that thick head of his to just stay down.  Barb glanced up to where the humming was coming from.  "Ha, well, whataya know."  Actually, this day was turning out to be not a total disaster after all.  A smile spreading across her face, Batgirl took one of her last remaining batarangs and aimed it squarely at the clown girl's crazy head and let fly.

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Crane let a harsh breath through his nose. His scheme made sense. Getting close to the enemy was the most sure-fire way to exploit its weaknesses. It wouldn't be pleasant to take a beating for the sake of realism, but then, he'd taken much worse from the Bat. Crane glanced down at his forgotten briefcase.

"Find his history, his motivations, what makes him tick," Crane requested immediately. "That is the most valuable information anyone could have on the Bat."

"I'd be most appreciative if you could keep my work safe and hidden in the meantime," he said, gesturing down at his forgotten briefcase. "But if it must stay with the filth at the GCPD evidence room for the time being, I won't be terribly disappointed."

With that, he nodded to the doctor and stood up straight, taking on a defensive stance. "Do avoid my arms, I need those," he warned before nodding his approval.

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Ronan nodded, slowly walking over to the briefcase, and opening it. He pulled out the viles, tucking them away in his coat. "I'll return them to you once you get out, you can use this to contact me." He tossed Scarecrow a thin piece of metal, like a buissness card, with a number on it. "You will not recognize me, but if you tell a soul any detail of my face, consider yourself dead." He removed his mask, displaying his face. He had vibrant blue eyes, tossed brown hair, and a weathered face from work. He tucked the mask away in his coat, hearing the young man stir behind him. 

He sent a hard punch into Scarecrows gut, holding hind still with his other hand, delivering more punches similar to the first.
Crane took the card and pocketed it before taking in the man's features with disinterest. He was quite plain as far, as Crane was concerned, and not far from his own age. Nothing of note to be told to anyone, really.

He tensed before allowing himself to be grabbed and struck and beaten. He was going to bruise, he knew it. Yet somehow it didn't seem as much a debilitating experience as an annoyance. A fly in his lab, a misheard order, a punch to the gut. Funny that. Now and again he yelped, but otherwise kept quiet, more to preserve his pride than for lack of pain. Making a fuss would have been highly undignified, not to say that the situation wasn't already undignified.

Once the doctor was done, Crane allowed himself to crumple to the ground, breathing hard. Oh, yes, he was going to be very sore for long a while after this.
Was that the sound of...humming?!?  The brick pile stopped moving.  Hopefully, Croc or whatever would get it through that thick head of his to just stay down.  Barb glanced up to where the humming was coming from.  "Ha, well, whataya know."  Actually, this day was turning out to be not a total disaster after all.  A smile spreading across her face, Batgirl took one of her last remaining batarangs and aimed it squarely at the clown girl's crazy head and let fly.


Harley hopped and skipped down the steps, she stopped to look down at police on outside the building "Oooo looks likes there's some party" she leaned over the railing for a closer look.

She noticed Bratgirl and a batarang flying towards her head. "WOAH!" She leaned back as far as she could, luckily she was very flexible,although it cut off a chunk of hair .

She ran back up the stairs and into the hotel again. 
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Harley hopped and skipped down the steps, she stopped to look down at police on outside the building "Oooo looks likes there's some party" she leaned over the railing for a closer look.

She noticed Bratgirl and a batarang flying towards her head. "WOAH!" She leaned back as far as she could, luckily she was very flexible,although it cut off a chunk of hair .

She ran back up the stairs and into the hotel again. 

"Oh, for Pete's sake..."  Batgirl picked up the perp, still bound at the wrists and ankles, and shoved him at one of the cops.  She took a flying leap and grabbed the lowest rung of the fire escape.  She quickly ascended the ladder, catching up to Harley.  "You're not getting away that easy!" she announced, climbing through the window that the clown girl had just disappeared through.
"Oh, for Pete's sake..."  Batgirl picked up the perp, still bound at the wrists and ankles, and shoved him at one of the cops.  She took a flying leap and grabbed the lowest rung of the fire escape.  She quickly ascended the ladder, catching up to Harley.  "You're not getting away that easy!" she announced, climbing through the window that the clown girl had just disappeared through.

Harley looked back at Batgirl and kept running. "Back off Bratgirl." She tried to traverse herself around the hotel, but she had no idea where she was going. She somehow managed to find the stairs and pulled open the door, and began to run down.
Harley looked back at Batgirl and kept running. "Back off Bratgirl." She tried to traverse herself around the hotel, but she had no idea where she was going. She somehow managed to find the stairs and pulled open the door, and began to run down.

Babs kept chase with Harley as the villain led her on a wild goose chase through the hotel.  Finally, she stopped in front of the door to the emergency stairwell, disappeared inside as the metal door banged closed behind her.  Barb reached the door, opened it, and saw that her quarry had already made it down three flights.  "Enough's enough," Batgirl uttered with irritation.  She threw her baton at Harl's feet, hoping to trip her up and send her tumbling down the stairs.
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"Enough's enough," Batgirl uttered with irritation.  She threw her baton at Harl's feet, hoping to trip her up and send her tumbling down the stairs.

Harley yelled as she fell down the stairs, by the time she reached the bottom she had already knocked her self out. 
She had blood coming out of a cut on her head.
Harley yelled as she fell down the stairs, by the time she reached the bottom she had already knocked her self out. 
She had blood coming out of a cut on her head.

Barb made it down and leaned over the unconscious woman, checking her vitals.  She was fine.  Just knocked out.  Batgirl would have been surprised if there was anything that could hurt that bonkers head of hers.  The cut to her forehead was already coagulating.  See, fine.  Babs quickly secured Quinn's hands behind her back with a pair of flexcuffs.  She then began to slap the clown girl across the face to wake her up.  "Come on, come on, wake up," she snapped.
Barb made it down and leaned over the unconscious woman, checking her vitals.  She was fine.  Just knocked out.  Batgirl would have been surprised if there was anything that could hurt that bonkers head of hers.  The cut to her forehead was already coagulating.  See, fine.  Babs quickly secured Quinn's hands behind her back with a pair of flexcuffs.  She then began to slap the clown girl across the face to wake her up.  "Come on, come on, wake up," she snapped.

Croc lunged out if the rubble around him, and set his eyes directly on Batgirl. She was standing over Harley. And Harley was lying on the ground, unmoving.

Waylon roared and charged towards Batgirl.

"I'll rip you apart!" He snarled.

Dex let the GCPD officer lead him on a bit, then he made his move. He looped his cuffs around the officer's neck, and started to pull. Before long, the policeman fell to the ground, unconscious. Dex picked up his gun, which the officer had been carrying, and shot off the cuffs around his legs and wrists. After that, he holstered his gun, and started strolling away, while whistling tunelessly.
Croc lunged out if the rubble around him, and set his eyes directly on Batgirl. She was standing over Harley. And Harley was lying on the ground, unmoving.

Waylon roared and charged towards Batgirl.

"I'll rip you apart!" He snarled.

Dex let the GCPD officer lead him on a bit, then he made his move. He looped his cuffs around the officer's neck, and started to pull. Before long, the policeman fell to the ground, unconscious. Dex picked up his gun, which the officer had been carrying, and shot off the cuffs around his legs and wrists. After that, he holstered his gun, and started strolling away, while whistling tunelessly.

The only reaction that Barb allowed herself was a 'blink and you'll miss it' scowl and then she was all business.  As Croc charged, she deftly unclipped her cape, threw it over the rampaging reptile-man and somersaulted over him.  Hopefully, he would crash into the brick wall in front of him.  Or even better, trip over Harley and THEN crash into the wall.  Her perp was getting away.  Reaching the downed officer, she removed his taser gun.  She aimed and fired, sending out three prongs with 50,000 volts each at the fleeing felon's back.
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As Nightwing rise finally, he heard what appeared to be a scuffle between the Scarecrow and the mystery man, still disorientated from the injection Nightwing struggled to keep his balance but he managed to stay on his feet, he took one of his escrima sticks off of his back before he sluggishly whirled round to face the two of them.  To his surprise the Scarecrow was already dealt with, crumpled to the ground and struggling to breathe.  Nightwing looked at the man who had saved him, he didn't look like much, but then again not all heroes did.  He owed him now.  Nightwing put the escrima stick back in its sheath and Nightwing began walking towards the two men with a limp, his head still spinning and causing him to almost stumble.

Nightwing opened up one of his pouches on his gauntlets and took out some rope. "Scarecrow... your going back to where you belong."  Nightwing would then try to turn Scarecrow onto his back before binding his arms with the rope.

@Hammy, @ReverseWells
Ronan finished his beating, and gave a small pat on the back to Scarecrow, before shoving him onto the ground. He heard the young man get up, and spun around to see the dazed, but sturdy man. "A thank you would be nice. At least Jason had a little manners." He said as he walked over, picking up his discarded fedora. He decided to not wear it, due to it looking better with the mask. 
The only reaction that Barb allowed herself was a 'blink and you'll miss it' scowl and then she was all business.  As Croc charged, she deftly unclipped her cape, threw it over the rampaging reptile-man and somersaulted over him.  Hopefully, he would crash into the brick wall in front of him.  Or even better, trip over Harley and THEN crash into the wall.  Her perp was getting away.  Reaching the downed officer, she removed his taser gun.  She aimed and fired, sending out three prongs with 50,000 volts each at the fleeing felon's back.

Croc started to stumble forward, unable to stop himself. He realised he would trip over Harley at the last second, and jumped voluntarily into a brick wall. Suffice to say, it hurt.

Dex saw the taser coming, and deftly moved sideways to avoid the paralysing shot. He raised his gun, and shot the pavement directly in front of Batgirl.

"I'm serious. I don't want to hurt you, but you seem intent on it. Please, back off! Otherwise, something bad will happen."
Croc started to stumble forward, unable to stop himself. He realised he would trip over Harley at the last second, and jumped voluntarily into a brick wall. Suffice to say, it hurt.

Dex saw the taser coming, and deftly moved sideways to avoid the paralysing shot. He raised his gun, and shot the pavement directly in front of Batgirl.

"I'm serious. I don't want to hurt you, but you seem intent on it. Please, back off! Otherwise, something bad will happen."

He could have shot her.  But he had intentionally shot the pavement in front of her.  Maybe there was something to this man.  Still...he had witnessed him shoot a man in cold blood right before her eyes.  She threw her last batarang at his head.  She aimed it precisely so that it would narrowly miss him, just close enough to send a rush of air breezing past his ear.  "Consider that a friendly warning as well.  I don't want to hurt you either so why don't we both save ourselves the trouble and you let me take you in."  She was just stalling him.  That last batarang was a very special batarang.  In fact, it was a boomerang.  And at the moment, it was silently hurtling it's way back on a course to impact the back of the man's head.
He could have shot her.  But he had intentionally shot the pavement in front of her.  Maybe there was something to this man.  Still...he had witnessed him shoot a man in cold blood right before her eyes.  She threw her last batarang at his head.  She aimed it precisely so that it would narrowly miss him, just close enough to send a rush of air breezing past his ear.  "Consider that a friendly warning as well.  I don't want to hurt you either so why don't we both save ourselves the trouble and you let me take you in."  She was just stalling him.  That last batarang was a very special batarang.  In fact, it was a boomerang.  And at the moment, it was silently hurtling it's way back on a course to impact the back of the man's head.

Something hit the back of Dex's head. Hard. The ground rushed up to meet him, and he outstretched his hands to soften his fall. Still hurt. He looked up, saw Batgirl, and raised his gun. He shot three times. Each bullet swept past Batgirl, missing her narrowly and deflected off a scaly hide. Croc was unharmed.

"Dammit!" Dexter cursed weakly. His head hurt. "It won't die. Batgirl, behind you!"

Croc swung a massive claw aimed straight for Batgirl's head, mildly annoyed someone tried to shoot him. But no harm was done.
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