Gotham City

Meanwhile Charlize was scanning to see what car would be best. A police car? No it was too small. She continued to scan the premise. Until she realized the S.W.A.T truck. She went inside and started to hijack it. She sighed at the crazy idea she thought of next. She drive the S.W.A.T into the wall close to where Croc and Harl was. She rolled down the window before saying."Get in." 

As the others got in. She lifted Batgirl over her shoulders and put her in the back. Though she was petite, she had more strength than most expected her to possess. 
Her entire body ached.  It took all her effort just to keep the darkness from claiming her.  She tried moving her arm but it hurt too much.  She tried lifting her head off the cold concrete floor but couldn't.  "Hhh...haf to get uhhhh..."  Through bleary eyes, she saw Croc kneeling over Harley.  "Uhhhh..."  All of a sudden, she felt hands, light and feminine yet very strong, wrap themselves around her and lift her up.  Slump her over a shoulder.  She tried to fight but she was so out of it.  Her arms dangled like a rag doll's as she was carted out and dumped into the back of a... She didn't know what it was.  All she knew was that she landed on something cold, hard, and metal.  She groaned, barely able to keep her eyes open.

"Save us?" He asked. "I...guess...c'mon, get up. I think we're leavin'. Don't want to stay here any longer."

Croc smiled as he watched strange and unknown woman pick up Batgirl and put her in the back to the SWAT van. A little revenge would be due. He would have killed a hundred people to see Batman's face when he learnt of this.

He climbed into the back of the van, and sat down. The vehicle lurched slightly, but fortunately nothing else happened. It would be bad if it was crushed beneath him.

Harley climbed in the van and then Croc climbed in after. she almost fell over when the vehicle tipped under his weight, but she caught herself in time. She watched as Batgirl was put on the floor, she glared at her and started kicking her in the side, rambling about how much she hated her and how she was going to get her revenge for her Puddin. She finished off with a kick to the face. "Goodnight Batfreak!" She yelled kicking as hard as she could. 

"You know what I'm in the mood for? Some waffles with powdered sugar and a lots of whipped cream." She said aloud while looking at her left arm. 3 nicotine patches that was losing their affect. She got into the driver's seat  "So where do you want to take you hostage? I know an abandon warehouse near the docks if that suit you. I can tell we'll get a lot of information out of her and probably a piece of batman when he finds out."

Harley looked over to where Charlize was sighed. "I don't know ,take her where-ever" She wasn't really feeling herself right now. "I just wanna sleep" she climbed into the passenger seat and slumped down, resting her head against the window.
"You know what I'm in the mood for? Some waffles with powdered sugar and a lots of whipped cream." She said aloud while looking at her left arm. 3 nicotine patches that was losing their affect. She got into the driver's seat  "So where do you want to take you hostage? I know an abandon warehouse near the docks if that suit you. I can tell we'll get a lot of information out of her and probably a piece of batman when he finds out."

Harley climbed in the van and then Croc climbed in after. she almost fell over when the vehicle tipped under his weight, but she caught herself in time. She watched as Batgirl was put on the floor, she glared at her and started kicking her in the side, rambling about how much she hated her and how she was going to get her revenge for her Puddin. She finished off with a kick to the face. "Goodnight Batfreak!" She yelled kicking as hard as she could. 


She heard something about an abandoned warehouse and then all she knew was pain.  With each blow to her side, to her rib cage, to her stomach, a new flash of agony flared throughout her entire body.  Through gritted teeth, she managed to look up at the grinning, kewpie doll face of Harley Quinn just before her vision filled with a foot coming at her face.  There was one more intense flash of pain and then everything was blackness.
"Sleep huh?" She said before turning on the sirens and driving off into the sunrise. She liked being behind the wheel, probably what her father felt while he was in his blue uniform. She let that slip out if her mind whilst turning to Harley. "We better not have any chick flick moments, where we magically realize we could be friends or some sh*+."

She drive up to a hotel and stepped out of the car. "Already everyone out. We'll start the interrogation here." She found a large garment bag plus batgirl inside. "That should do it." She walked to the front desk and leaned over the counter with a smile in her face as if she owned the place. "Presidential suite please." The woman looked up looking at the odd group. "And what name will it be under."  "Madame Rouge." She placed a band full of dollar bills on the desk. "Keep the change." She nudge towards the rest to the elevator prior to realizing Croc's weight. "Perhaps we should take the stairs."
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"Sleep huh?" She said before turning on the sirens and driving off into the sunrise. She liked being behind the wheel, probably what her father felt while he was in his blue uniform. She let that slip out if her mind whilst turning to Harley. "We better not have any chick flick moments, where we magically realize we could be friends or some sh*+."

She drive up to a hotel and stepped out of the car. "Already everyone out. We'll start the interrogation here." She found a large douchebag plus batgirl inside. "That should do it." She walked to the front desk and leaned over the counter with a smile in her face as if she owned the place. "Presidential suite please." The woman looked up looking at the odd group. "And what name will it be under."  "Madame Rouge." She placed a band full of dollar bills on the desk. "Keep the change." She nudge towards the rest to the elevator prior to realizing Croc's weight. "Perhaps we should take the stairs."

(Croc is Afk right now) 

Harley side eyed Charlize for putting the sirens on. She huffed and rolled the window down staring out at the passing buildings. 

When she heard Charlize's best friend comment she laughed. "I already have a best friend thanks." 

Harley would never be friends with her. She thought about where Red could be right now. 

The car halted and she looked in the back noticing Croc was still asleep. She sighed and climbed out . "Charlie, Croc is out, we ain't waking him up."

Harley followed her around. Too tired to make many jokes
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"I guess we'll just wait till he wake up." She handed her one of the cards."Heres the key to the room. I guess you can rest in there." She thought about handing her the garment bag but she knew it would b  too heavy for her so she put it in a suitcase carrier before wheeling it over to Harley. " I'll be upstairs soon"
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"I guess we'll just wait till he wake up." She handed her one of the cards."Heres the key to the room. I guess you can rest in there." She thought about handing her the douchebag but she knew it would b  too heavy for her so she put it in a suitcase carrier before wheeling it over to Harley. " I'll be upstairs soon"

Harley took the card and held it inbetween her teeth, using both hands to push the carrier into the lift. 

She pressed the button for her floor and leaned against the wall, trying to keep her eyes open. 'Really Harley?' she heard a familiar voice say. 'The Joker is dead you can be free!' Her eyes shot open and she looked around, no one was with her. The voice almost sounded like ... herself. "Shut up" she muttered. "I don't wanna hear it."

 She closed her eyes, she felt herself fall forwards and the shock woke her up , then she realised she was on the right floor. 

Harley dragged the carrier out, not really having much strength. When she finally got to the door, she used the card and then gave the carrier one big push so it was just inside. She shut the door then quickly found the bed and flopped onto it quickly falling asleep.
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"I guess we'll just wait till he wake up." She handed her one of the cards."Heres the key to the room. I guess you can rest in there." She thought about handing her the douchebag but she knew it would b  too heavy for her so she put it in a suitcase carrier before wheeling it over to Harley. " I'll be upstairs soon"

(Croc is Afk right now) 

Harley side eyed Charlize for putting the sirens on. She huffed and rolled the window down staring out at the passing buildings. 

When she heard Charlize's best friend comment she laughed. "I already have a best friend thanks." 

Harley would never be friends with her. She thought about where Red could be right now. 

The car halted and she looked in the back noticing Croc was still asleep. She sighed and climbed out . "Charlie, Croc is out, we ain't waking him up."

Harley followed her around. Too tired to make many jokes

Nothingness.  There was nothingness.  No dreams.  No nightmares.  Just a pitch black void.  It felt like she was buried alive.  She could still hear.  Still feel.  But whatever words, noises got through sounded like they were muffled by layers and layers of cotton plugging her ears.  Whatever feeling she had in her limbs carried with it the tingle of numbness.  She had a sensation of closed-ness, like she had been packed inside some confining, clinging package or space.  She was being jostled, bounced along.  But it was something she sensed more than thought since she couldn't really form true thoughts in her state.  She lost even that perception as she sank into unconscious insensibility once more.
Croc woke grumbling. This van was uncomfortable to sleep in. Then he realised the van wasn't moving, and opened the doors to get out.

"Where the hell am I?" He muttered.
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Harley took the card and held it inbetween her teeth, using both hands to push the carrier into the lift. 

She pressed the button for her floor and leaned against the wall, trying to keep her eyes open. 'Really Harley?' she heard a familiar voice say. 'The Joker is dead you be free!' Her eyes shot open and she looked around, no one was with her. The voice almost sounded like ... herself. "Shut up" she muttered. "I don't wanna hear it."

 She closed her eyes, she felt herself fall forwards and the shock woke her up , then she realised she was on the right floor. 

Harley dragged the carrier out, not really having much strength. When she finally got to the door, she used the card and then gave the carrier one big push so it was just inside. She shut the door then quickly found the bed and flopped onto it quickly falling asleep.

Croc woke grumbling. This van was uncomfortable to sleep in. Then he realised the van wasn't moving, and opened the doors to get out.

"Where the hell am I?" He muttered.

As soon as they had left the lobby, the desk clerk picked up the phone.  Her name was Judy Bennett.  22 years old.  Blonde.  Blue eyes.  Perky Midwestern attitude.  She had left her family farm in Nebraska four years ago.  Moved to Gotham.  Life on the farm aged you.  Her mom and dad were barely in their fifties and they looked like they were eighty years old.  No way that was happening to Judy.  But the cost of living in Gotham was high.  And good paying jobs were hard to come by.  Especially for someone, like Judy, with only a high school diploma.  But fortune shined on her.  She happened to luck into this gig here, concierge at the Gotham Arms Hotel.  It was a great job and the pay was even better.  And most importantly, it afforded her the lifestyle she always wanted.  Yes, it was a great long as you were willing not to ask any questions and look the other way.

"This is Judy at the Gotham Arms."


"Harley Quinn and Charlize Sinclair just checked in.  They drove up in a SWAT van."

"Interesting...How do you know it was them?"

"Their faces are plastered all over the TV.  It's them."

"I see."

"They're staying in the Presidential Suite."

"Is that the penthouse?"


"Good.  I need you to get that van off the street and disable the LO-JACK.  Are you able to do this?"

"The bellhop, Jimmy, he was, he is, a car thief.  The best."

"Very good.  Did any of the other guests see them?"

"No.  And even if they did, our...'clientele' aren't ones to go to the police."

"Heh-heh, this is true.  How many guests you have staying there?"

"We're at quarter-capacity.  About 50."

"Okay, this is what we're going to do.  We're going to start bringing our people in, a few at a time, quietly.  Switch them out for your guests.  Are you armed?"

"I have a shotgun under the desk."

"Know how to use it?"

"I grew up on a farm.  Yes."

"It shouldn't come to that but just in case."



"Sinclair was carrying a garment bag.  There's a body inside."

" do you know this?  Did you see it?"

"No.  But I could tell by the way she was carrying it and the shape."

"Was the body inside moving?"

"No, dead weight.  Dead or unconscious."

"Okay, we have an idea who that might be.  Okay.  Judy.  Are you listening?"

"Yes, sir."

"Business as usual.  I cannot emphasize this enough.  Business as usual."


"And Judy?"


"You can expect a sizable bonus in your next paycheck.  Don Falcone remembers his people that do him a service."

After she heard the click on the other end, Judy Bennett hung up the phone, a smile on her face.  She was thinking about that new sports coupe she had her eye on.  And whether she wanted it in red or black.  "Jimmy!"

A few moments later...

Jimmy picked the lock on the door of the SWAT van.  Pig cars were the easiest.  He hopped inside, slammed the door shut, and got to work on hot-wiring the ignition.  Suddenly, there was a growling from the back.  The bellhop's/car thief's eyes bulged when he saw who it was!  Luckily, the first thing Jimmy learned when he became a car thief was how to be fast on his feet.  "Gotham Arms Hotel!" he answered in response to the muttered question.  "Valet service! I'm here to park the car, ah...sir!"
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Crocs eyes widened in surprise as he found himself face to face with a...normal person. Then he started laughing heartily. After a minute, he stopped.

"Sorry, you met the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm hungry, after all, they don't give me any living animals to eat in Arkham."

Croc lunged towards the unfortunate human. It had been too long since he ate human.
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Crocs eyes widened in surprise as he found himself face to face with a...normal person. Then he started laughing heartily. After a minute, he stopped.

"Sorry, you met the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm hungry, after all, they don't give me any living animals to eat in Arkham."

Croc lunged towards the unfortunate human. It had been too long since he ate human.

Judy watched on the security monitor as Jimmy 'jimmied' (Judy couldn't help herself) his way into the SWAT vehicle.  Everything was quiet for the next couple minutes and then all of a sudden the van started rocking violently!  A few more minutes later, Judy's eyes widened in shock as Killer Croc exited and started making his way toward the lobby!  Judy gripped the shotgun fixed to the underside of the counter and tried to act as calmly as she could as the animal that just ate Jimmy walked inside!
The woman at reception was pale and looked scared, but Croc couldn't care less. Whatever was up, it wasn't his problem.

"Where'd they go?" He asked gruffly. "The clown-girl and the...where'd they go? And what is this place?"
The woman at reception was pale and looked scared, but Croc couldn't care less. Whatever was up, it wasn't his problem.

"Where'd they go?" He asked gruffly. "The clown-girl and the...where'd they go? And what is this place?"

"Uhhh...uhhh...Gotham Arms Hotel."  Judy had a decision to make.  Her hand tightened on the shotgun's grip.  But then she remembered what she was told.  Business as usual.  She thought about her new car.  More importantly, she thought about what would happen to her if she crossed Don Falcone.  Her grip on the shotgun loosened.  "Uhh...Presidential Suite.  Top floor.  Just press the 'P' button on the elevator."  She pointed with her free hand to the bronze-plated elevator at the end of the lobby.
"Uhhh...uhhh...Gotham Arms Hotel."  Judy had a decision to make.  Her hand tightened on the shotgun's grip.  But then she remembered what she was told.  Business as usual.  She thought about her new car.  More importantly, she thought about what would happen to her if she crossed Don Falcone.  Her grip on the shotgun loosened.  "Uhh...Presidential Suite.  Top floor.  Just press the 'P' button on the elevator."  She pointed with her free hand to the bronze-plated elevator at the end of the lobby.

Croc nodded his head, and took the stairs. He didn't want to chance the elevator. That could be fatal.

Once he reached the Presidential Suite, he was mildly surprised by what he saw inside. Harley was gone, probably asleep, and the bag with Batgirl in it was still there. He smiled and walked over.

"I almost feel sorry for you." He said to the bag. "You will be tortured, your identity will be revealed, and then you will die. And it will be slow. You will suffer."

The reptile then picked up the bag effortlessly, and walked it over to a wardrobe, which he shoved the bag in. Once closed, Croc rooted around the suite for something to tie the wardrobe shut, and made do with some rope he found in the utility room. Convenient.
Croc nodded his head, and took the stairs. He didn't want to chance the elevator. That could be fatal.

Once he reached the Presidential Suite, he was mildly surprised by what he saw inside. Harley was gone, probably asleep, and the bag with Batgirl in it was still there. He smiled and walked over.

"I almost feel sorry for you." He said to the bag. "You will be tortured, your identity will be revealed, and then you will die. And it will be slow. You will suffer."

The reptile then picked up the bag effortlessly, and walked it over to a wardrobe, which he shoved the bag in. Once closed, Croc rooted around the suite for something to tie the wardrobe shut, and made do with some rope he found in the utility room. Convenient.

Judy breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the crocodile man was gone.  Her hand eased off the shotgun.  "You Judy?"  She jumped!  She had been so intent on staring at the stairwell door that Croc had just gone up that she didn't even notice the man standing right in front of her!  "Whoa, hey, didn't mean to scare ya!"  The man had a too-slick suit and an ugly scar running down his right cheek.  "Yeah, I'm Judy."

"Our mutual benefactor sent us."

At the mention of 'us', Judy looked behind him and saw that he wasn't alone.  There were maybe sixteen men with him in the lobby.  "Hey, Killer Croc's with them!  He just ate my bellhop!  He was trying to hotwire their van and that animal just ate him!  Oh...the van's still out there.  I don't know whether Jimmy had a chance to disable the LO-JACK."

"No worries.  RICKY!!!" he yelled behind him.

"Yeah boss?"

"Go out there and move that van!"

"Sure thing, boss!  I'm on it!"

Scarface turned back to Judy.  "Crocs,  Bats.  We got it covered.  We're ready for all them freaks!"  As if on cue, a few more men appeared, wheeling a trolley heavily laden with olive crates.  FGM-148/JAVELIN-EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE.  That's what was stenciled on the side.  "So much for doing this quiet," Judy thought, wondering what she had gotten herself into.

BANG!  BANG! BANG!  Johnny Ratello didn't have time for this sh%&!  He and the rest of Falcone's gunsels were on the fifth floor, clearing out the guests.  Four floors down, six to go after this one.  The lowlifes and scumbags that infested this flea-trap were moving out easy enough.  A shove there, a gun to the belly but easy enough.  But this one!  5C.  The f^%*er was in there, Johnny could hear the little weasel breathing!  Was the f%$#er deaf?!  BANG!BANG!BANG!  "Get your A$$ out here or I'm breaking down this f^%$ing door and beating it!"


"Uhhhhhh...."  Consciousness slowly returned to Batgirl.  Accompanied by a pounding headache.  At least she wasn't tied up.  Small favors.  She even had her utility belt.  "Dumb---es."   She reached into it now, taking out a batarang.  She used her thumb and unfolded out a wicking looking blade.  The thin vinyl of the garment bag slit like rice paper.  Kneeling down, she examined the door to the closet.  Peering through the thin crack between the folding doors, she saw that the handles had been secured with a thin piece of clothesline.  Snikt.  The cut ends fell to the floor.  She did a quick inventory of what she had left.  Three batarangs, rebreather, smartphone, baton, tear gas.  No gas mask though.  She thought about calling Batman.  Forget it!  She didn't need him saving her a-- again!  No, she could handle this on her own!  No way of telling what was waiting for her outside the closet.  Better play it safe.  Batgirl snapped her baton open and crouched, quiet and listening.
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Doctor Crane had had his mind on a set of calculations in his notebook, revolving around the chemical make-up of Venom as compared to his own toxin. Venom, he'd found from his minimum sampling, was a rather crude mixture. It looked as though it had been thrown together in a garage lab, which may not have been far from the truth. The bonded components were less than stable, constantly pulling at each other. Perhaps a good thing if one wanted possible inhibitions of the senses, but certainly not desirable in his own creations.

His train of thought was interrupted by a sudden uproar in the hallway. Or perhaps even not in just the hallway, but below as well. Gunshots. Banging. A banging on his door. He could discern very much from merely the auditory information around him. Not a good situation for him. He was largely isolated from his fold here, by his own volition. He was vulnerable. Or he would have been had he not prepared.

Crane shut his book and made short work of putting away his mobile lab. Within a moment of having to listen to some brute shout at him from the other side of the door, he had his mask on, his suitcase closed, and an odd little grenade in his hand. He approached the door and nudged its handle until it came loose. As it creaked open, he flicked a switch on the device, allowing a stream of fear toxin to slither out into the air.

"Volunteering for my experiments, I see," he hissed at the man behind the door as the toxin seeped out into the hallway and into any unprotected airways in the vicinity. "Excellent choice."
Croc growled when the sounds of gunshots and banging reached him. His teeth bared, and his eyes narrowed. Someone was coming.

"Harley!" He shouted into her room. "Somethings going on. Get up!"

With that done, Waylon opened the door to the suite, and started walking. Someone was going to die.
Doctor Crane had had his mind on a set of calculations in his notebook, revolving around the chemical make-up of Venom as compared to his own toxin. Venom, he'd found from his minimum sampling, was a rather crude mixture. It looked as though it had been thrown together in a garage lab, which may not have been far from the truth. The bonded components were less than stable, constantly pulling at each other. Perhaps a good thing if one wanted possible inhibitions of the senses, but certainly not desirable in his own creations.

His train of thought was interrupted by a sudden uproar in the hallway. Or perhaps even not in just the hallway, but below as well. Gunshots. Banging. A banging on his door. He could discern very much from merely the auditory information around him. Not a good situation for him. He was largely isolated from his fold here, by his own volition. He was vulnerable. Or he would have been had he not prepared.

Crane shut his book and made short work of putting away his mobile lab. Within a moment of having to listen to some brute shout at him from the other side of the door, he had his mask on, his suitcase closed, and an odd little grenade in his hand. He approached the door and nudged its handle until it came loose. As it creaked open, he flicked a switch on the device, allowing a stream of fear toxin to slither out into the air.

"Volunteering for my experiments, I see," he hissed at the man behind the door as the toxin seeped out into the hallway and into any unprotected airways in the vicinity. "Excellent choice."

"About time," Johnny Ratello sneered as the door cracked open.  He grabbed a corner of the door, all set to slam in the little twerp's face, when a canister was shoved in his face!  "Huuck...uuck...uuuuhhh..."  Some sort of GAS!!!!  His lungs filled with the vile stuff!  He slammed the door back.  "I'll gonna kill AHHHHHHHHHH!!!"  IT WAS A GIANT SPIDER!!!!  Hairy arms the size of pipes!  Fangs dripping with gore!  But it was the eyes!  THE EYES!!!!  Blood-red.  Eight of them staring back at him!!!!  He started screaming and screaming and SCREAMING!!!  He collapsed to the ground, trembling, holding the sides of his head, and went on screaming.

"WHAT THE %$#@ WAS THAT?!!!" Scarface shouted from the lobby.  First, one ear-piercing scream and then a chorus of them began shrieking from the upper floors.  Scarface had worked for the Falcone crime family since he was a kid.  He had seen everything, done everything.  Nothing scared him.  Except for now.  Just as terrified, his men looked to him to tell them what to do but their scar-faced leader just stood there, frozen.

Barb heard the screams first.  Then she smelled it.  The distinctive odor of rotten eggs mixed with other chemicals.  "Oh dear god.  Crane!"  And she didn't even have her gas mask!  She looked around the cramped wardrobe.  Saw a pile of bed linens.  Ripping a long strip, she tied it snugly around her nose and mouth.  It would have to do.  Despite her feelings towards the GCPD and their feelings towards her, she didn't have a choice in the matter.  She picked up her smartphone and made the call.  "This is Batgirl!  I'm at..."  Just then, she realized that she didn't know where she was.  She had been unconscious and stuffed inside a bag.  Quickly looking around, her eyes again fixed on the bed linens.  She immediately recognized the monogram that had been sewed on the corners.  "I'm at the Gotham Arms Hotel!  Possible chemical attack!  I repeat, possible chemical attack!  Fear Toxin!  Evacuate and cordon off at least a five block perimeter surrounding the Gotham Arms Hotel!  Do not engage!  I repeat, do not engage until I've taken out Crane!  Batgirl out!"

"Great.  What have you gotten yourself into this time, Babs?"  She couldn't hide any longer.  She kicked the doors to the wardrobe open and leapt out.  She pulled out her baton, her hand fisted, ready for anything.
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Crane let out a laugh as he was surrounded by screaming. He really did wish he had time to bask in his work, but it wouldn't be long before someone noticed what was happening, given the poor sound-proofing of the building. Best to make himself and, more importantly, his work scarce. With that in mind, he stepped around the writhing fool in front of him to make his way towards his exit.

He made a break for the window at the end of the hall, leading out onto the fire escape behind the building. Crane had made careful note of the emergency exits in the place when he'd first checked in and indeed this was an emergency. He had a limited amount of toxin in the grenade he held and it was shrinking by the moment. Fortunately, by the time he was well on his way, there wouldn't be anyone in the building mentally coherent or competent enough to track him down.
Croc didn't see the fear gas before he breathed it in. If any sane people were still around, they would have been treated to quite a show.

Croc roared and growled, claws swing wildly and jaws snapping.

"Bats, get here now! I'm going to rip you apart!"

It wasn't Batman he then ripped into, but one of Falcone's men. Blood spattered, and Croc still roared.

"Damn you Bat! I'll bite your throat out!"
Croc growled when the sounds of gunshots and banging reached him. His teeth bared, and his eyes narrowed. Someone was coming.

"Harley!" He shouted into her room. "Somethings going on. Get up!"

With that done, Waylon opened the door to the suite, and started walking. Someone was going to die.

Crane let out a laugh as he was surrounded by screaming. He really did wish he had time to bask in his work, but it wouldn't be long before someone noticed what was happening, given the poor sound-proofing of the building. Best to make himself and, more importantly, his work scarce. With that in mind, he stepped around the writhing fool in front of him to make his way towards his exit.

He made a break for the window at the end of the hall, leading out onto the fire escape behind the building. Crane had made careful note of the emergency exits in the place when he'd first checked in and indeed this was an emergency. He had a limited amount of toxin in the grenade he held and it was shrinking by the moment. Fortunately, by the time he was well on his way, there wouldn't be anyone in the building mentally coherent or competent enough to track him down.

Croc didn't see the fear gas before he breathed it in. If any sane people were still around, they would have been treated to quite a show.

Croc roared and growled, claws swing wildly and jaws snapping.

"Bats, get here now! I'm going to rip you apart!"

It wasn't Batman he then ripped into, but one of Falcone's men. Blood spattered, and Croc still roared.

"Damn you Bat! I'll bite your throat out!"

The suite was deserted.  And frankly, she didn't have time to go hunting for Croc, Harl, and Sinclair.  Scarecrow was a bigger threat than all three combined.  She pulled out her smartphone again.  It had a build-in gas spectrometer.  It would detect Crane's fear toxin, trace the surrounding air for greater and greater concentrations until it led her to the initial release point.  She followed it to the fifth floor.  The air was noticeably thicker with toxin.  She clutched the makeshift linen filter around her nose and mouth tighter.  There!  At the end of the hallway!  A glimpse of Crane making his exit through a window onto a fire escape.  Yes!  Out in the open, the toxin's effectiveness would be greatly reduced!  She headed toward him when the sudden sound of agonized screaming and growling reached her ears! "Croc!"  She knew what kind of cilentele the Gotham Arms catered to.  Drug dealers, mobsters, scum of the earth.  She should let Croc at them.  He would be doing the world a favor.  Damnit!  She pulled off the rag around her face, reached for her rebreather, bit down on it.  She had ten minutes worth of clean air.  She hurried through the worst of the gas, made it to the lobby.  Taking out all three of her tear gas pellets, she threw them directly at Killer Croc's eyes.
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The suite was deserted.  And frankly, she didn't have time to go hunting for Croc, Harl, and Sinclair.  Scarecrow was a bigger threat than all three combined.  She pulled out her smartphone again.  It had a build-in gas spectrometer.  It would detect Crane's fear toxin, trace the surrounding air for greater and greater concentrations until it led her to the initial release point.  She followed it to the fifth floor.  The air was noticeably thicker with toxin.  She clutched the makeshift linen filter around her nose and mouth tighter.  There!  At the end of the hallway!  A glimpse of Crane making his exit through a window onto a fire escape.  Yes!  Out in the open, the toxin's effectiveness would be greatly reduced!  She headed toward him when the sudden sound of agonized screaming and growling reached her ears! "Croc!"  She knew what kind of cilentele the Gotham Arms catered to.  Drug dealers, mobsters, scum of the earth.  She should let Croc at them.  He would be doing the world a favor.  Damnit!  She pulled off the rag around her face, reached for her rebreather, bit down on it.  She had two minutes worth of clean air.  She hurried through the worst of the gas, made it to the lobby.  Taking out all three of her tear gas pellets, she threw them directly at Killer Croc's eyes.

Waylon felt pain, and suddenly his vision was gone. He roared in pain and rage, and started charging towards where he thought Batman was. Instead, he heard a crash as he smashed through a window.

Croc roared while falling, and with a massive crash, he fell right on what must have been a car. His body was in a lot of pain, but Croc knew he just needed to wait for it to wear off. His body would heal much quicker than that of a normal human. Still, it hurt, and he could only writh in pain. He didn't even notice them an with a 10mm handgun walk past without glancing at him.
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Waylon felt pain, and suddenly his vision was gone. He roared in pain and rage, and started charging towards where he thought Batman was. Instead, he heard a crash as he smashed through a window.

Croc roared while falling, and with a massive crash, he fell right on what must have been a car. His body was in a lot of pain, but Croc knew he just needed to wait for it to wear off. His body would heal much quicker than that of a normal human. Still, it hurt, and he could only writh in pain.

"It's Batgirl!  GET HER!"  So much for gratitude.  Barb tore them apart, leaving the surviving gangsters groaning and unconscious on the ground.  She headed out to where Croc had fallen.  Which, btw, was directly underneath the hotel's fire escape.  She could kill two birds with one stone.  Well, figuratively kill.  Despite everything that had happened to her already, Batgirl couldn't help but grin.  She made it to the parking lot and saw Croc moaning in pain.  He was already coming around.  And then Babs saw it.  Her grin got wider.  "EHHH!" The inside of the SWAT van was like an abattoir.  "No time to get squeamish, girl."  Sitting down on the driver's seat squishy with Johnny bits, she had the thing hotwired in under sixty seconds.  She revved the motor and drove the heavily armored SWAT tank right at Croc.
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Crane flinched as a huge, roaring body fell at the side of his escape route and landed on the blacktop with a grunt. Killer Croc. How...? No, no questions, he needed to remove himself from this situation and quickly. He had reliable territory not far from the hotel and he could hide himself among his sheep there.

As he hopped down the metal ladders, Crane spotted car lights coming on not far from him. He dared to glance and found that a van had come on and was now being revved up. It wasn't hard to guess what was about to happen. He may not have been a target or even noticed yet, but still he was potentially in the way. Not a good position.

Crane let go of any inhibitions and hopped over the railing from the second floor. Damn the consequences, it would save him time. He landed first on his feet before stumbling forward. It hurt a bit, but it wasn't debilitating. Thank God he hadn't fallen behind on his physical exercises. With that, he hopped up and took off in the opposite direction from Croc. Given the size of the van, he could lose it and its driver by taking an alleyway route. Up close conflict was not desirable.

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