Gotham City


Ivy kept looking at him, a look of utter disdain on her face.  God, she hated this man.  Again, she listened to his proposal.  She sat in silence as he talked, but looked at the screen he was showing her.  Ivy never really felt the need to keep up with social media.  There were way more important things that needed to be done.  Still, though she got up and knelt down in front of the coffee table, taking a closer look at what this guy was talking about. 

She clicked on the followers of the fan account and scrolled through them.  Her fans definitely had a "type."  Pastel hair, nose piercings, dark lipstick, and unhealthily pale.  Die-hard, feminist looking women.  What did they call themselves?  Social justice warriors?  Honestly, Ivy felt that all these bogus bohemian babies hadn't the slightest idea how to protest.  Crying online definitely wasn't going to work, and that's all most of them did.  Still, though, young women's minds were malleable.  If any one knew that, it was her.  It would be easy enough to appeal to them.  There was just one thing.

"You might be on to something, Cobblepot, but I don't think you've worked out one tiny detail."  She closed the laptop, looking him straight in the eyes  "Once, I've appealed to all these misandrists, how do you expect me to get them to vote for you?  Even if I just casually mention that I'd be voting for a corporate man like yourself, all that will do is make me look like a sell-out.  No offense, but you'd be about as appealing to them as an over-ripened banana."

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"Oh, no offense taken!" he assured her.  "Insults have a way of just rolling off me!  They're nothing but pathetic little jabs made by inferior, jealous little worms!  And I must say, Ivy," he responded teasingly, "I'm shocked that you would think I would overlook a detail, no matter how tiny!  You should know me well enough by now to know that details are my forte.  My bread and butter.  I collect them like other people collect lint!  And you're absolutely right!  The people you would be appealing to would no sooner vote for me than as you so colorfully described, 'an over-ripened banana'.  Unless...they thought I was under your control!  That you were using me, like a pathetic little tool, to further your own agenda.  To sucker those pompous, over-bloated male buffoons into voting for someone who was wrapped around your lovely green pinkie!  Oh, believe me, they'd like nothing better than to think that they had the GREAT Oswald Cobblepot under their thumb!  BUT I'LL SHOW THEM!!!"

He hyperventilated.  Had to take a quick gulp of water to calm himself down again.  "Apologies.  Sometimes I get a little carried away.  Ahem...where was I?  Yes...under your control.  You might even insinuate, ever so subtly, that you used your pheromones to bewitch me.  Of course, we both know that I would take precautions against this.  Most assuredly, even now."  He reached into the breast pocket of his coat.  Pulled out a slim silver case.  Removed a business card,  Placed the very expensive white paper stock on the table.  Used his finger to slide it over to Ivy.  Embossed on the card in shiny black numerals was a phone number.  "No need to make a decision now.  Think it over.  Get in touch with Harley.  And call me within the next 24 hours if the two of you are interested.  Thank you for the water.  Good day!"  He picked up his umbrella and hobbled to the door, letting himself out and closing the door softly behind him.

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Babs was suddenly alarmed as a thin tickle of blood streamed down the girl's lips.  "Alfred, quick!  I need your handkerchief!"  She gently wiped off the blood.  Had the girl just bitten her tongue?  Or was it something more serious?  Internal hemorrhaging?  Maybe even poisoning of some sort.  "Floyd!  Stay with her!"  She got up, looked around for Bruce.  Seeing him just walking in from the garden, she quickly cornered him.  By now, she figured that they had created quite a scene.  No doubt everyone in the room knew that something was amiss.  She didn't care.  All she cared about was Liz.  "Bruce, something's wrong with Liz.  I think it might have to do with her...serums.  You still have medical facilities in the Batcave, right?"  Babs knew that the best place for the sickly, pale girl right now was deep underneath Wayne Manor, where the most advanced toxicology tests available could get to the bottom of what was ailing her.

@Birdsie @LoneSniper87 @Gabriel97 @ByTheChesapeake @Lunarcat @Ilikepie @Lancelot @rikunobodyxiii

Bruce Wayne

Bruce looked at Barbara, a worried look on his face, "Getting her out will be a problem, have Alfred cause a distraction, have them sing happy bithday." He said, then walked around, quickly chatting with guests, who were still oblivious to Liz. @BrainyGrrrrl @Birdsie

Alfred nodded and said "Very well, Master Bruce." then looked around for Damian who was chatting with one of the guests. He dragged the surprised, confused boy to the stairs and quickly, loudly proclaimed. "May I have everyone's attention?" as the guests in the hall turned their heads to see what Alfred was about to say. "I believe we owe Master Damian a happy birthday song, do we not? Let us sing, everyone!" as most of the guests started singing together with Alfred. Alfred hoped it would be an adequate distraction.

in the old arkham building Frank stands in front of an powered down computer monitor attached to a massive pod like machine."It needs a more stable power source." He would say to himself. "Parhaps a few extra power converters, and a bit of plutonium." He would say grinning menacingly. No response can be heard but he would respond as if one had been heard. "Yes I am sure that is all I need, why do you ask suck questions." He would respond to the imaginary voice "Once I have the machine ready I can go and get your parts, then you will be back and we will be together again." He would gently set his hand on the tank sitting beside the monitor, floating in a greenish fluid inside of the tank is a partially frozen woman's head. Her skin is the same grayish tinge as Frank's, but less worn and decayed. The ice had done a good job of preserving her. 

Frank would walk out of the room in a hurry. "It may be a while don't wait up." He would say over his shoulder to the empty building as he slipped on his hooded brown raincoat and pushed the hood over his head. It was nighttime, the only time when he could venture out. The innocent feared the criminals, and the criminals feared the bat. Sure he had a few run ins with some of them, a few henchmen here, a cop who sees him as a monster. He has yet to meet the batman but everything happens in time, and he had plenty of that. 

After about an hour or so of walking down the streets of Gotham, he finally made it to the university. He walked to their robotics building and tryed the door only to find it locked. Frustrated he shattered the glass doors and proceeded forward. Alarms filled the air and two guards approached with their guns drawn shouting "DONT MOVE" and "FREEZE." 

"I'm sorry gentlemen, but I can't do that." He would reach out his hand and clasp it around the closer of the two guards forearm. The other guard fired several shots into Frank but they simply sink into his flesh with little effect. Frank yanks the guard who's arm he grabbed up into the air, slams him onto the tile floor once with a nasty crunch, and flings the limp guard at the other one. The other guard didn't have much time to process this as Frank lept onto him, grabbed him with both hands, and tossed him out of the broken doors and several dozen yards outside the building. After bouncing a few times the guard stops and doesn't get back up. 

Frank proceeds into the robotics lab and quickly smashes a robotic arm attatched to a conveyer belt, removes the power converters, and picks up a few more things. Once he gets back outside he would set the pieces of machinery down in his shopping cart and cover it with a tarp he found in the lab. As he pushed the cart down one of the back alleys of the campus a police officer would find him and ask him to stop. As the officer nears Frank would wrap a massive hand around his mouth and lift him off the ground. One slam into the brick wall and the officer stops struggling. "I am sorry, you should have just left me to go about my way." He would say as he pushed his cart around the wounded officer and off the university grounds...

(I figured the bat family would be interested, also green arrow and his associates. @LoneSniper87 @Birdsie @ByTheChesapeake @Smoaki @The Great Catsby @ReverseWells @Lunarcat @Lancelot @BrainyGrrrrl )

Steph smiles at Tim. "Thanks and Cassie says hi and that she is going to be the new leader of your little team soon". Steph notices Cass and walks over to her gives her a big hug. "How is my Bestest BFF in the whole world feeling today?" she asks Cass. Steph notices the problem going around in room but acts like nothing is happening. Steph later sang the happy birthday song in way in mocking tune at Damian. "Happy eighth birthday Damian!!" she says with a smile to annoy him.

Wow.  Short and to the point.  Okay, so that sucked, but he had all night right?  He could talk to her later.  He looked around the party, just kind of trying to stay out of sight.  But then he started to notice something...

First, it was Babs.  Babs looked like she was looking for something.  No, someone.  And, she seemed to find just that person when she came across Bruce.  Bruce then started talking to Alfred who then pulled everyone's attention to Damian, so they could sing happy birthday.  Though that might have been normal other places, something definitely seemed off.  Babs had looked distressed, and Bruce looked the same way.  He wanted to know what was going on, but he just knew no one was going to tell him.  

Instead of waiting for directions, he quietly made his way up to his old room in Wayne Manor, the one he had stayed in while his father was in a coma.  Everything still looked the way he left it.  It was very weird, but he moved past it, going over to the police scanner on his desk.  He tuned in, trying to see what might have been going on.  For a minute everything was quite, but then:

"We have two 211A at U of G Franklin Robotics building.  Requesting back up."

"10-4.  I'm on my way."

There was a 5 minute silence

"Responding to the 211A.  We have two 10-53s."

Okay, so what Tim had gathered was that there was a break in at the University of Gotham robotics building and there were two men down.  He doubted that this was what Babs had been talking about, but honestly, anything to get him out of this party.  He walked back down to the party, looking for Bruce.  He looked around everywhere, but he finally found him.

"Bruce," he started.  "There's something going on at the University of Gotham Robotics building.  It sounds serious."

Bruce Wayne

"What is it" Bruce asked. He looked around to make,sure everyone left, then brought Liz to the Batcave, injecting her with an antidote. He came back up five mimutes later, "Continue." He told Tim.

As soon as he was going to try to elaborate, Bruce left... What?  It kind of annoyed him a bit, but whatever.  He stood around for a few minutes until Bruce came back and asked him to continue.

"I'm actually not sure."  Well that was slightly embarrassing to admit, but he continued anyways.  "I was listening--,"  He stopped himself to make sure there were no listening ears.  Still, he spoke a bit softer.  "I was listening to the police scanner.  There are two men down, and the third never responded after he found them.  I think it has to be something serious.  Everyday criminals wouldn't be breaking into the robotics lab.  There wouldn't be anything of value to them, you know?"

He looked around at the party going on.  This sure was a shit time, that was for sure.  "I know it's Damian's big day, but we probably shouldn't let someone who can take out two, maybe three people get away.  If you want, I can go track the perp and call you, Dick, or Babs if I need back up."

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He made his way from the university to the nuclear processor. It took him almost two hours but then Gotham was a big place. He stuck mostly to the alleyways. Occasionally taking the subway tunnels. 

Eventually he made it to western Gotham, and the nuclear processing plant sat in the horizon. "Soon my dear." He would mutter to himself but his thoughts were disturbed by a whimpering sound and several low voices jeering and laughing. 

Following the sounds Frank winded up in an alley across the street. On the ground in the alley is a young girl, couldn't be more than 14. There are three guys there each seeming to be in their early twenties. The little one looked terrified and the guys were laughing and trying to hand her something. Frank sighs as he heads into the alley and one of the three guys points him out. The others start to walk to him leaving one standing by the girl. "Hey man you lost? This is a private par-" the first mans sentence is cut short as Frank grabs him by the throat and lifts him off of the ground with one arm. 

The other man would shout "HEY!!!" and then pull out a switch blade and repetitively drive it into Frank's side to no effect only to widen his eyes in horror as Frank crushes the first mans throat and tosses him aside. Then he turns his attention to the man with the knife and sends him flying into the wall spinning with a powerful backhand. He hits the wall with a loud thud. And slumps to the ground breathing but unconscious. Frank then begins walking towards the man sitting with the girl.

The he man with the girl stands up and draws his pistol firing three shots at Frank, one misses, one hits Frank in the neck, the other in the cheek just below his left eye. The mans eyes widen as he sees Frank not even slow down from the gunshots. "What are you?" He would say terrified. 

"A monster." Frank would say as he quickly grabbed the screaming man and holds him still before delivering a slow but powerful hook dropping the man and cutting his scream short. Lastly he would turn his attention to the girl, and in as terrifying a voice he could shout "GO HOME!!!" Send in the petrified girl running out the alley and bawling her eyes out. 

Frank would step over the groaning men and continue down the road, pushing his cart towards the plant.

@ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87
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Jean Paul, who had been standing with Alfred awkwardly, was startled by Barbara's sudden call for water. He watched Barbara and Liz with concern, then sprang into action the moment he say blood. While he was only an orderly at the clinic, he had been picking up a lot about first aid from the doctors and nurses, and had been told he had a natural affinity as a healer. The part of him that wanted to truly be an angel had liked that.

He hovered around Liz till Bruce had her moved down to the Batcave, and stayed with her as Bruce left.

"What happened?" JP asked Liz as if kept an eye on her vital signs.

@Gabriel97 @BrainyGrrrrl


Cassandra continued to watch Deadshot with suspicion. She had a personal...problem with assassins, thanks to her father. She might have tried to confront dead shot if Spoiler hadn't come over. She resisted the hug for a split second, but then hugged back. Spoiler's signs of affection could be sudden, but never unwelcome.

"Good." Cass answered her friend. 

After that, they were suddenly singing to Damian. A happy birthday song. Not knowing the words, Cass remained silent, though tried to make up for it by smiling.

"Happy Birthday!" She called out.

Feeling lost in this social situation, Cass noticed Batman and Robin talking. Robin was tense, like something was happening. Cass walked over to the Dynamic Duo, raising an eyebrow to show she wanted know what was happening.

@Ilikepie @ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87

Jean Paul, who had been standing with Alfred awkwardly, was startled by Barbara's sudden call for water. He watched Barbara and Liz with concern, then sprang into action the moment he say blood. While he was only an orderly at the clinic, he had been picking up a lot about first aid from the doctors and nurses, and had been told he had a natural affinity as a healer. The part of him that wanted to truly be an angel had liked that.

He hovered around Liz till Bruce had her moved down to the Batcave, and stayed with her as Bruce left.

"What happened?" JP asked Liz as if kept an eye on her vital signs.

"I don't know either..." Elizabeth uttered meekly, sitting on the small couch where they put her. She stared at Azrael with a curious look. She quickly moved her hand over her mouth, as she felt like she was going to throw up, again. She closed her eyes quickly and squinted them, tensing all over her body, as she felt a weird torpor all over her body.
Harley was watching tv in her pyjamas , not there was anything good on at the moment. She sighed it had been boring since she got back nothin but petty crime, she hadn't even gotten to see Mistah J yet. The thugs were going on with there daily routines, same old same old.
Harley yawned, when that familiar pain returned to her, she shot straight up knowing exactly what was happening.
She smiled as she listened to him, she headed over to her room. "Yes Mistah J~!" She twirled around her room. "I'll be there soon, I just gotta get dressed first!" She picked out her costume and started getting ready. "Can't wait to see ya Puddin" 


Joker grinned, Harley was loyal to him no matter what he put her through. He cleared his throat "Now Harl I'll be needing you to help load the party supplies in the van parked outside the hideout!" He paused and let the information sink in before continuing "The thugs should be done almost so get in the van and bring whwt you can carry with you we're paying someone important a visit hahahaheehaa!"  He couldn't help but laugh as he pictured the face of his soon to be victims. Joker decided to let Harley know about his metamorphosis "Well Harl you know it's been a while since we've seen eachother and i've had a makeover, so don't act like I didn't tell you!" He said in a light-hearted yet warning tone. The last thing he needed was Harley cheesing out on his plans again. Now he had to get back to work, he was loading a second van with some thugs, he wasn't lazy and would work without ask. He needed to send some invites to those who might want to watch a little gameshow he put together underground. A lot of people would enjoy rich people tearing eachother apart in his twisted labyrinth.

Harley nodded as he talked making sure to listen carefully to his plans, she didn't want to disappoint him again. If that happened they might be separated for even longer and she couldn't take anymore time away from him. "Yes boss! As soon as I get ready I'm on it!" She pulled on her cowl and starting applying her lipstick in the mirror. 'Whaaat the boys were already getting stuff ready!? and they didn't tell her Mistah J was plannin' something. Someones getting an earful for this' Normally she'd consider beating or even killing whoever kept this from her, but she was to happy to care. Once she was done getting ready she walked to her closet looking for all her toys. "Can't wait to see what'cha got planned Mistah J, your always full of surprises!" Rummaging through her weapons she thought about what it could be. Torture the mayor...kidnap the Comish, she liked the sound of the last one. 'I just have to tell him about how I met Baaaaabs! Maybe we could kidnap her too!'

Harls picked out her mallet, the rubber chicken, a whoopie cushion, bang gun, and an arm full of other gag weapons. "Huh, a makeover! Bet ya look even more handsome than before, can't wait!" What could it be, new clothes ? New hairdo? Mmmm knowing Mistah J its probably more extreme, she couldn't predict it if she tried... ANYWAYS  "TWO OF YOU GET YOUR BUTTS IN HERE!" Two of the boys ran in and she handed them most of the items apart from the mallet, which she carried over her shoulder. "Thank you ~ Now lets get going boys" She gave them a smile then starting skipping out the back to the van.
"See ya soon Puddin. Mwah!"


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