Gotham City

Bruce Wayne

he set his hand on her shoulder, a comforting gesture. "Why do you want to find him? Why can only he help you?" He asked waiting to see if he should tell her.

"They took him from me...they threaten to kill him if I don't do what they say...' she murmured in a sad tone, while her throat-pain was completely gone.
Jean Paul let out a sigh of relief as he turned into the drive way for the Wayne Estate. Cassandra was snickering again.

"Hey, I'm still not use to using roads to get places." He explained again. "The Order used Hover craft to get around and we usually go by rooftop."

"Should have...gone by rooftop." Cass said, smiling.

Turning a little red with embaresment, Jean Paul couldn't help but agree. There was one turn off he drove past twice because no one would let him over. Made him actually long for the Azrael way of doing things. 

After reaching the end of the long driveway, Jean Paul parked near the front door. Both vigilantes got out of the cards carrying their bags with them. This was a safe place, but they were more comfortable with having their working clothes close by. They made it to the front door, then stopped. Cass gave JP a questioning look.

"um, are we suppose to just go in or knock?" He asked, rubbing his chin.

Cassandra wasn't sure, which she communicated with a shrug.

Alfred opened up the door and said "Master Jean. Miss Cassandra. Please, do come in!" invitingly, pointing his hand inside in a welcoming way, and bowing his head down a little, in respect to the both of them, whilst flashing them with a friendly smile in a mixture of happiness and kindness. "Should I get anything for you, or will you handle yourselves?" Alfred asked them, to make sure if they required any service, just like any good butler would do. 
She sighed.  She should have expected this of him.  He was being defensive.  But she was beginning to see through it now.  It was just a reflex he had, a mechanism to push people away.  The honest truth of the matter, he was afraid of people caring about him.  Thought it weak.  A sign of inferiority.  Then again, that's exactly how he had been programmed.  By the monsters that raised him before Bruce got to him.  He was all set for her to reply with something as equally mean, spiteful.  Instead, she rested her hand tenderly on his shoulder.  "Actually, I was going to tell you, that even though you're trying so hard to hide it, I believe that there's a good, decent boy hiding deep inside of you.  Maybe even a hero"


Damian's eyes widened when she said that. His mouth closed completely. He looked confused and surprised. No, he looked genuinely shocked. "What got into you?" he quietly asked himself, unable to properly say the words out loud. He stared for a few seconds and put himself back together, then said "Well. I mean... obviously. That's what I was made for. I don't know how you can question it." clearly saying all of it under pressure, trying to save himself desperately. You could tell it very easily. "I-I have no idea why you would think that, but-" he wanted to mutter out a 'thank you', but couldn't. After a moment of silence, he put himself back together and reinforced his thoughts with a deep breath. He turned his face towards Barbara and looked her straight in the eyes. "Thank you... I guess." he said genuinely.
She didn't say anything.  Just looked him in the eyes and smiled, giving his shoulder a warm squeeze.  Staying would be awkward so she left him alone.  Giving him space to work things out in his head.  Bruce and Liz appeared to be deep in conversation, on a verge of a breakthrough, so she didn't want to intrude on that either.  She noticed that Cass and Jean-Paul had arrived.  She waved at them, thought about going over, but again, it looked like they were comfortable just the two of them.  Didn't need ol' Babs going over and sticking her long schoz in their affairs.  Tim?  She found him off to the side.  "Making the moves on Steph.  You smooth operator, you!"  And she didn't know where Dick was.  That left...Lawton.  She sighed...then smiled.  "Why not?"  She lifted two flutes of champagne off a platter and sauntered over to him.  Trying to look as sexy as possible in her frumpy (classically conservative!) librarian attire.

@Birdsie @LoneSniper87
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Deadshot / Bruce Wayne

Lawton watched as Barb walked over, he propped himself of the wall to meet her, "Hey." He said with a grin. "How's it been?" He asked. Meanwhile Bruce stood up, motioning for Liz to do the same, "Mind walking with me so we can talk in private?" He held out his hand.
Elizabeth used Bruce's help to get up, then standing on her own and following him. She was a little bit scared. What would he do to her? She walked behind him, as she could only wonder about what was coming next.
"Hey, Alfred." Jean Paul greeted as he stepped inside. 

Cassandra followed him in, giving the butler a warm smile and wave.

"I don't...think we need anything, right?" JP answered, looking to Cass for confirmation, who agreed with a nod.

After both depositing their bags by the door, Cass broke off from Jean Paul and went to find Spoiler. Jean Paul looked at the gathering rather hopelessly, then gave Alfred a smile.

"So, what happens at these things?" He asked, feeling a little lost in the situation.

As she mingled through the party, Cassandra caught sight of Deadshot, causing her to tense up. What was the assassin doing here? 
"Hey, Alfred." Jean Paul greeted as he stepped inside. 

Cassandra followed him in, giving the butler a warm smile and wave.

"I don't...think we need anything, right?" JP answered, looking to Cass for confirmation, who agreed with a nod.

After both depositing their bags by the door, Cass broke off from Jean Paul and went to find Spoiler. Jean Paul looked at the gathering rather hopelessly, then gave Alfred a smile.

"So, what happens at these things?" He asked, feeling a little lost in the situation.

As she mingled through the party, Cassandra caught sight of Deadshot, causing her to tense up. What was the assassin doing here? 

Alfred was suddenly reminded of Jean Paul's lack of knowledge about social events, so he explained. "Well. People enjoy themselves, talk to each other, bond with each other and celebrate a particular event. It's Master Damian's birthday that we are celebrating today." and closed the door after Cassandra and Jean entered the building, then picked up a tray with drinks and walked off to serve them to different guests.
Bruce Wayne 

Bruce walked out toward the expansive garden in the back of the Manor, taking in the smell of wildflowers. "So why did you think I am Batman?" He asked, hands in pockets.
Bruce Wayne 

Bruce walked out toward the expansive garden in the back of the Manor, taking in the smell of wildflowers. "So why did you think I am Batman?" He asked, hands in pockets.

"...It's been six months since I follow a lead...which led to this assumption. The most obvious thing...nobody saw you and the Batman together. Then, we fall into details...which are too much to say., this is my lead." She says, taking out a small folder from her purse and handing it over to Bruce, her pale skin getting even paler. The fear faded away. Bruce was nicer than she expected. After all...he went trough something similar to what happened to her. As they spoke, the sun set into the distance and the blue sky faded away, leaving the place to stars and the blackness of space.
Bruce Wayne

Bruce took the folder and looked through the contents, surprised as too all the evidence proving it, but it was all circumstantial, he noticed. "Quite the file, but it isn't sound." He said, handing the folder back. "If this were true, who would you tell?" He asked
Bruce Wayne

Bruce took the folder and looked through the contents, surprised as too all the evidence proving it, but it was all circumstantial, he noticed. "Quite the file, but it isn't sound." He said, handing the folder back. "If this were true, who would you tell?" He asked

"M-myself..." She said. It didn't look like she was lying, as she wasn't lying at all. "I don't want to tell anybody..." She then added, putting the folder back in her purse and looking back up at Bruce. The darkness of the garden and the birds slowly stopping their chirping slowly raised a relaxing atmosphere.
Bruce Wayne

Bruce nodded, taking note of this. "Ok, that is good to hear, for him of course." He was still going to keep the secret a secret from her, for now. "What caused this? I'm curious." He wanted to gauge where she was to see if she was worth helping.
Bruce Wayne

Bruce nodded, taking note of this. "Ok, that is good to hear, for him of course." He was still going to keep the secret a secret from her, for now. "What caused this? I'm curious." He wanted to gauge where she was to see if she was worth helping.

She blushed lightly. Speaking about this caused her sadness and embarrassment, so she wouldn't tell the truth immediately, but she had to. "A group of criminals...a pretty...err...large gang...once hijacked a school bus from Metropolis and in it there was...someone I care very much about. It's been at least 4 years and I am still searching for why not ask the World's greatest detective for a hand?" She spoke clearly, smiling at him.
Bruce Wayne

Brice looked a Liz, 'So she is looking for someone she loves.' He thought, he stopped in a garden square, the center having a big and ornate fountain in the center. Bruce sat on a bench, motioning for her to sit as well. "Ok, so I have to tell you something." He said.
Bruce Wayne

Brice looked a Liz, 'So she is looking for someone she loves.' He thought, he stopped in a garden square, the center having a big and ornate fountain in the center. Bruce sat on a bench, motioning for her to sit as well. "Ok, so I have to tell you something." He said.

She sighed, still looking at him. She sat down besides him, not too near, looking at him. She was curious. 

(Well, I'd get why he would do that. He lost his family because of crime, the same thing kinda happened to her.)
Bruce Wayne

"I'm so you know what I'm about to say... So yeah, It's true." He said, leaning back, back resting on the arm of the bench.
Bruce Wayne

"I'm so you know what I'm about to say... So yeah, It's true." He said, leaning back, back resting on the arm of the bench.

"R-really?" She said with a gasp, staring at him in excitement and shock. Did he really...confess? She expected him to be harder to break, but she was good. "...W-what now?" She asked then, still looking at Bruce.
Bruce Wayne

"I'm so you know what I'm about to say... So yeah, It's true." He said, leaning back, back resting on the arm of the bench.

"R-really?" She said with a gasp, staring at him in excitement and shock. Did he really...confess? She expected him to be harder to break, but she was good. "...W-what now?" She asked then, still looking at Bruce.

Damian cut in and said "I hope you're right about this, Father." standing in the doorway to the party. The light from the insides of the manor cast a shadow onto the ground. Damian moved a few steps forward until he was much closer to the two. "Your judgement surpasses mine, but in the very least I hope my advice was adequate to you and you put some thought to it, instead of discarding it immediately."
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Bruce Wayne

he looked to Damian, "I took your words into consideration." He then looked to Liz, "Well I'm here, tell me your woes, Liz."
Bruce Wayne

he looked to Damian, "I took your words into consideration." He then looked to Liz, "Well I'm here, tell me your woes, Liz."

"S-shouldn't we talk about a more private place? Anyone could be eavesdropping..." She specified, then adding, "His name is...Thomas Jackins...he was kidnapped about 5 years ago..." She said, sadness twisting her chest. She grabbed a small photograph from her purse and handed it to him. "He looks like this."
Bruce Wayne

"Everyone is enjoying the party, they won't bother us," he said, taking the picture, studying it. He handed it back. "This isn't much to go on... Maybe we can talk another time?" He said, standing.
Bruce Wayne

"Everyone is enjoying the party, they won't bother us," he said, taking the picture, studying it. He handed it back. "This isn't much to go on... Maybe we can talk another time?" He said, standing.

She got up too, looking down at her feet. "S-sure..." She murmured to herself, grabbing the purse from the bench and looking up at him once again. "T-thanks..." She says slowly, heading back inside the house, looking for Barbara.

Bruce Wayne

"I'm so you know what I'm about to say... So yeah, It's true." He said, leaning back, back resting on the arm of the bench.

She got up too, looking down at her feet. "S-sure..." She murmured to herself, grabbing the purse from the bench and looking up at him once again. "T-thanks..." She says slowly, heading back inside the house, looking for Barbara.


After Elizabeth walked away, Damian sat beside his Father and said "Maybe you were right after all." and stopped, then looked down at his feet with an apathetic face. He stared forward, to the Manor and described his experiences with the party so far. "I find this social event to be... adequately enjoyable. I'll see you inside, Father." then made his way towards it.

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