Gotham City

"Don't.  Don't tell me to calm down," she told him through gritted teeth.  She crowded over him, her hand still on his shoulder.  Listened as he tried to explain, no, weasel his way out.  At his revelation, her eyes widened in surprise.  Not that Liz was the Sleep Reaper but that Damian had found out.  She squeezed his shoulder harder.  Pushed him to a secluded corner.  "I know.  Now, you listen to me.  You think you know everything but you don't!  That girl's been through a lot and I don't you need making it worse.'re gonna keep this to yourself.  Am.  I.  Understood?"



Lawton walked after Barbara, a grin creeping up as he watched he expression, but then quickly faded as het set a gentle hand on her, "Hey, calm down, please." He said in a worried tone. "Look, I know the kid probably is getting on your nerves, but please. This is a party, beat the shit outta him after, ok?" He said quietly, waved at Damain, and walked away, heading to a wall to lean against as he sipped the wine he grabbed from a table on the way back.

Damian regretted giving up his weapons to Alfred and Bruce at this point. "No. Father clearly told her to stay away from this place. I'm telling him. What happens after is up to his judgement, not mine. Want to fight me? Fight me here? On my birthday? Well, go ahead. And to think I wanted to apologize for fighting you a week ago. I was stupid." then just when he was about to push his way through her, he saw Lawton arriving and talking to them, leaving afterwards.

Damian ignored Barbara's requests and Lawton's chit-chat and tried to push his way through them, to find Bruce and inform him about the peculiar visitor on the party, the Sleep Reaper.
Elizabeth, in the meantime of Barbara's conversation with Damian, got out of the bathroom. She grabbed her purse from the door's handle and walked outside, as she put a scarf around her neck. Her throat hurt from all that puking, and coughing was a huge pain. She slowly walked to Barbara and smiled meekly at her, "H-hey." She mumbles under her breath, not being capable of speaking properly after what happened in the toilet. She noticed that she was about to beat up Damian, and shook her head, "T-there's n-no need to..." She says again with the same tone as before, as a cough exits her mouth and she holds her throat with one hand in pain.

@BrainyGrrrrl @Birdsie
The brat was about to shove his way past so he could tell Bruce when Liz walked back out.  Barb immediately forgot all about the boy, rushing over to the girl.  "What's wrong?" she asked, concerned, leaning in close.  The girl was clutching her throat.  She appeared to be in some pain.  Babs quickly looked around, found a chair, and helped the poor girl into it.  "Sit.  Don't say anything.  Just rest and take it easy."  She yelled out for Alfred.  "Quick!  Bring some water!"  She turned back to Liz.  Spoke tenderly.  "Hey.  You're going to be okay.  I won't let anything happen to you.  I promise."

@Birdsie @Gabriel97
The brat was about to shove his way past so he could tell Bruce when Liz walked back out.  Barb immediately forgot all about the boy, rushing over to the girl.  "What's wrong?" she asked, concerned, leaning in close.  The girl was clutching her throat.  She appeared to be in some pain.  Babs quickly looked around, found a chair, and helped the poor girl into it.  "Sit.  Don't say anything.  Just rest and take it easy."  She yelled out for Alfred.  "Quick!  Bring some water!"  She turned back to Liz.  Spoke tenderly.  "Hey.  You're going to be okay.  I won't let anything happen to you.  I promise."

@Birdsie @Gabriel97

Elizabeth, in the meantime of Barbara's conversation with Damian, got out of the bathroom. She grabbed her purse from the door's handle and walked outside, as she put a scarf around her neck. Her throat hurt from all that puking, and coughing was a huge pain. She slowly walked to Barbara and smiled meekly at her, "H-hey." She mumbles under her breath, not being capable of speaking properly after what happened in the toilet. She noticed that she was about to beat up Damian, and shook her head, "T-there's n-no need to..." She says again with the same tone as before, as a cough exits her mouth and she holds her throat with one hand in pain.

@BrainyGrrrrl @Birdsie

Alfred heard Barbara's call. Water? "Very well!" Alfred informed her back, then with haste made his way towards the kitchen. It wasn't running, but it wasn't walking either. Rather something in between, but he got to the kitchen in seconds anyway. After filling up a glass with water, he carried it back to Barbara and Elizabeth, still very hasteful, but not as much as before, in order to avoid the water spilling out of the glass. "Here it is." he said, handing them the glass of fresh, crystal-clean water.
Elizabeth smiled at her and let go of her throat. She sat on the chair and breathed in slowly. Almost everything was painful now and Elizabeth was scared. Would she go to jail? Will Batman kill her? But she was almost sure that Bruce Wayne was indeed the Batman.  But this didn't matter now. She stayed silent, as she couldn't speak at all. But the pain was slowly going away. Elizabeth then clutched her hands together and sighed meekly, looking at the party going on around them. Why did she decide to become...The Sleep Reaper? Right. Grief, depression and rage. The only three things that mostly keep her going. She smiled at Alfred and as she grabbed the cup she said, "T-thank you..." In a really low and meek tone. She chugged down the water slowly and felt a burning pain down her throat.

@BrainyGrrrrl, @Birdsie
Damian kept looking around for Bruce, his father. To inform him about one of the party's attendants who just happened to be the Sleep Reaper. Damian was afraid that Elizabeth would try to mess with his Father's office again, trying to find evidence. The identity situation was very bad as it was, and Elizabeth just by showing up at Wayne Manor clearly had suspicions high enough to break in and enter, so she at the very least suspected Bruce Wayne to be one of the main candidates for being Batman. Enabling her to get any more leads wasn't an option.

Bruce Wayne

Bruce saw Damian looking for him, so he walked over. "What's up? You seem to be looking for me and nit enjoying the party," he said. He put his hands in his pockets, "Is it about that girl, Elizabeth?" He asked, hearig about her sudden sickness, he already had his theory about the girl, but he chose to hear the boy out.
Dick Grayson

Dick had appeared to have gone from the most popular guy in the room to loner in quick succession, not having enough time to speak before Damian and Tim split off Dick now stood there awkwardly, he looked around the room to see if anyone had noticed.  It seemed most of the bat family was here but there was a few odd faces, some were complete strangers to him and another was... well the number 1 assassin in the world, he had no clue why Lawton was here.  Dick sneakily shuffled to the bathroom, he would have a quick toilet break before making his re-introduction, perhaps he would introduce himself to some of the ladies that found themselves at the manor tonight.
Bruce Wayne

Bruce saw Damian looking for him, so he walked over. "What's up? You seem to be looking for me and nit enjoying the party," he said. He put his hands in his pockets, "Is it about that girl, Elizabeth?" He asked, hearig about her sudden sickness, he already had his theory about the girl, but he chose to hear the boy out.

Damian inched in closer to his father, and then quietly spoke, like a meek whisper. "Yes. Father, she's the Sleep Reaper. She's the one who broke in here a week ago. Gordon is just her friend. I hope you understand that this puts your identity at a serious risk. She was trying to discover the truth before. What if she's here to do the same?" he tried to be the voice of reason in here. Damian was very aware that his Father had some sort of split off... judgement system that Damian just couldn't understand. Why? He didn't know. It didn't matter. Damian was aware of the fact that his Father was more intelligent in many forms, but he had to keep a clear mind and sternly remind him about what's going on. To be the voice of reason. "It's your choice on what we'll do. I will be loyal to your superior will, Father, and your superior will only. But keep in mind - She's a danger nevertheless."
Bruce Wayne

"she is somewhat a threat, but not letting her attend would tip her off, making her leave would do the same." He replied, taking his hands out of his pockets. "Do not confront her about this. You do and she will no doubt know, play it cool, act like this is your first time seeing her, just don't tip her off, ok?" He asked. He knew better than to force her to leave if on the off chance she would try to find out. "Besides, the place has camera everywhere we need them to be, right?" He reassured.
Elizabeth, at Bruce's sight, gasped in fear and clutched her throat in pain. She looked at Barbara, with a pretty scared expression. She didn't want to do anything anymore. The only remote thought of seeing him again was too good to be true. She looked down at her knees and pressed her hands against them, as tears ran down her cheeks.

@BrainyGrrrrl @Bird @Birdsie 

For a moment, it looked like Liz was getting better.  Then she suddenly clutched her throat and began crying!  "It's okay, it's okay," she pleaded with the girl, "I won't let him hurt you.  I swear to you I won't."  She placed her hand lightly on the girl's shoulder.  "Don't go anywhere.  I'll be right back."  She left the girl.  Walked straight up to Bruce and Damian.  "He told you that she was the Sleep Reaper, didn't he?"  She stared daggers at the boy.  "Bruce, she doesn't mean any harm.  She's just a scared little girl.  She needs our help.  I want you to come with me.  Right now.  Talk to her.  She needs to know that you're not going to hurt her.  That she doesn't need to be afraid of you."

@LoneSniper87 @Birdsie @Gabriel97
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Bruce Wayne

Bruce listened to Barb, "I know she means no harm to us, that is a part of why she isn't gone." He walks over and kneels down next to Liz, smiling lightly. "Hey, Elizabeth right? I'll call you Liz since Ms. Gordon here refers to you like that. I heard of you're stomach problems, is everything ok? Anything I or Alfred can get you?" He asked, looking genuinely concerned.
Bruce Wayne

"she is somewhat a threat, but not letting her attend would tip her off, making her leave would do the same." He replied, taking his hands out of his pockets. "Do not confront her about this. You do and she will no doubt know, play it cool, act like this is your first time seeing her, just don't tip her off, ok?" He asked. He knew better than to force her to leave if on the off chance she would try to find out. "Besides, the place has camera everywhere we need them to be, right?" He reassured.

Elizabeth, at Bruce's sight, gasped in fear and clutched her throat in pain. She looked at Barbara, with a pretty scared expression. She didn't want to do anything anymore. The only remote thought of seeing him again was too good to be true. She looked down at her knees and pressed her hands against them, as tears ran down her cheeks.

@BrainyGrrrrl @Bird @Birdsie 


For a moment, it looked like Liz was getting better.  Then she suddenly clutched her throat and began crying!  "It's okay, it's okay," she pleaded with the girl, "I won't let him hurt you.  I swear to you I won't."  She placed her hand lightly on the girl's shoulder.  "Don't go anywhere.  I'll be right back."  She left the girl.  Walked straight up to Bruce and Damian.  "He told you that she was the Sleep Reaper, didn't he?"  She stared daggers at the boy.  "Bruce, she doesn't mean any harm.  She's just a scared little girl.  She needs our help.  I want you to come with me.  Right now.  Talk to her.  She needs to know that you're not going to hurt her.  That she doesn't need to be afraid of you."

@LoneSniper87 @Birdsie @Gabriel97

Bruce Wayne

Bruce listened to Barb, "I know she means no harm to us, that is a part of why she isn't gone." He walks over and kneels down next to Liz, smiling lightly. "Hey, Elizabeth right? I'll call you Liz since Ms. Gordon here refers to you like that. I heard of you're stomach problems, is everything ok? Anything I or Alfred can get you?" He asked, looking genuinely concerned.

Damian said "Yes, Father." and as he was about to go away, and pretend he's enjoying the party once again, maybe actually enjoy talking with Grayson... Barbara Gordon came up to them and started her talk about how innocent she is. Afraid of him? Wasn't that the point? Fear is an excellent motivator for criminals after all, she would surely stay away from both Batman and Bruce Wayne if he didn't do anything. Whatever she was doing, it wasn't acting. But was revealing his identity really the best idea? Some humans could betray others easily. He noticed that Babs was staring daggers at him as if he did anything wrong. "What?" he asked nosily, unsure what she meant by the stare. All that he did, in his eyes, was doing what was most responsible. Informing Bruce about the general status of things was the responsible thing to do. He heard her speech, and didn't talk. There was nothing to argue, debate, disagree, or agree with in there. He chose the apathetic way and stood aside.

Whilst his Father talked to Elizabeth, Damian looked at Barbara and said "You're annoying, but I find your moral sense adequate enough to distribute justice. But let me tell you one thing: For as smart you are? Hanging out and allying yourself with criminals isn't very responsible."
Bruce Wayne

Bruce listened to Barb, "I know she means no harm to us, that is a part of why she isn't gone." He walks over and kneels down next to Liz, smiling lightly. "Hey, Elizabeth right? I'll call you Liz since Ms. Gordon here refers to you like that. I heard of you're stomach problems, is everything ok? Anything I or Alfred can get you?" He asked, looking genuinely concerned.

"Mr. W-Wayne!" She gasped again, looking at him. "N-no...I'm...fine, thanks." She whispered in a rough tone, massaging her throat. She then lowered her tone even more. "A-are you B-Batman?" She asked with an innocent curious tone, almost craving for that information. She didn't want to use it for her own benefit...let's just say she needs something.

Okay so if anything was for certain, it was that things in the manor were tense.  Deadshot was here (that was weird), Damien wanted to throw someone out (Who would even want to come to this party anyway?), and then...

There was Steph, making a grand entrance as always.  He smiled, despite the whole blown superhero identity thing.  He figured, there probably weren't that many people here that didn't know who she was at this point anyway, so he just chose to ignore it.  He turned to see Barbara give him a smirk, and he took a deep breath.  This was going to be an interesting night for sure.  He set the present on the gift table.  He walked over to Steph with a small smile.  "Hey. Um, I like your dress."  She did look really nice in it.

Bruce Wayne

Bruce almost laughed a bit at the girls question, then shot a glance to Barb, "No, but I do know that you broke into my Manor awhile ago, care to explain?" He asked, with no hint of threat or malic, just pure curiosity.
Hanging out and allying yourself with criminals isn't very responsible."

"Says the little psycho boy who likes killing people."  She gave him such a scathing, dismissive look of disgust.  Then she left him, walking back to Liz and Bruce.  Bruce had his issues but he was nothing like Damian.  And for that she was grateful.  She stood behind the pair, silent, and allowed them to talk to one another.

@LoneSniper87 @Gabriel97 @Birdsie
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Bruce Wayne

Bruce almost laughed a bit at the girls question, then shot a glance to Barb, "No, but I do know that you broke into my Manor awhile ago, care to explain?" He asked, with no hint of threat or malic, just pure curiosity.

"I...Need to know who Batman is..." She said meekly, clutching her hands together again. "Only he could help me..." She murmured again, with the same tone as before. "I desperately Need to know..." She continued, as Memories rushed in her mind.

"hey, did anyone ever tell you that you look really nice?"

"n-not really.."

"Well, someone just did."


"And did anyone ever tell you..."


"Ich Liebe dich."


"I love you, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth came back to the Real world, and her eyes got watery.
"Says the little psycho boy who likes killing people."  She gave him such a scathing, dismissive look of disgust.  Then she left him, walking back to Liz and Bruce.  Bruce had his issues but he was nothing like Damian.  And for that she was grateful.  She stood behind the pair, silent, and allowed them to talk to one another.

@LoneSniper87 @Gabriel97 @Birdsie

As Barbara tried to walk away, Damian extended his right arm to hold her left, to stop her. He looked up at her with a frown, then said. "At least the little psycho boy who likes killing people takes advice from those around him. Advice such as: Do not kill. And he takes it to his heart. And he's sorry for trying to kill you a week ago." Damian paused and looked away. "Will you take my advice, though? I'm not sure, but I hope you will. For the sake of this city." then let go of her arm, and walked away to talk to Alfred out of boredom. He surely didn't want to talk to Tim, or Stephanie. Anyone was better than them, but Grayson was nowhere to be found, even after a quick scan of the room.
As she stood behind Bruce and Liz, listening to them talk, she thought about Damian's words.  His apology to her was...out of character.  It wasn' him.  She wondered whether she had been too rough on him.  Let her emotions get the better of her.  "It wouldn't be the first time, Babs"  After Bruce and Liz had their tete a tete, she planned to find Damian again.  They needed to have a one-on-one of their own.
Bruce Wayne

he set his hand on her shoulder, a comforting gesture. "Why do you want to find him? Why can only he help you?" He asked waiting to see if he should tell her.
As she stood behind Bruce and Liz, listening to them talk, she thought about Damian's words.  His apology to her was...out of character.  It wasn' him.  She wondered whether she had been too rough on him.  Let her emotions get the better of her.  "It wouldn't be the first time, Babs"  After Bruce and Liz had their tete a tete, she planned to find Damian again.  They needed to have a one-on-one of their own.

Damian looked at Barbara with a face that lacked much impression. He looked apathetic, lacking any sort of emotion. At first, he didn't speak. He wanted to know what she wanted to tell him first, but then he spoke up and said "Are you here to call me a brat? Or a psycho? Maybe bloodthirsty? Strike me with it, go ahead. There's lots of synonyms that I'm going to hear from you, aren't there?" he asked, somewhat in boredom, somewhat in sarcasm.
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She sighed.  She should have expected this of him.  He was being defensive.  But she was beginning to see through it now.  It was just a reflex he had, a mechanism to push people away.  The honest truth of the matter, he was afraid of people caring about him.  Thought it weak.  A sign of inferiority.  Then again, that's exactly how he had been programmed.  By the monsters that raised him before Bruce got to him.  He was all set for her to reply with something as equally mean, spiteful.  Instead, she rested her hand tenderly on his shoulder.  "Actually, I was going to tell you, that even though you're trying so hard to hide it, I believe that there's a good, decent boy hiding deep inside of you.  Maybe even a hero"

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Jean Paul let out a sigh of relief as he turned into the drive way for the Wayne Estate. Cassandra was snickering again.

"Hey, I'm still not use to using roads to get places." He explained again. "The Order used Hover craft to get around and we usually go by rooftop."

"Should have...gone by rooftop." Cass said, smiling.

Turning a little red with embaresment, Jean Paul couldn't help but agree. There was one turn off he drove past twice because no one would let him over. Made him actually long for the Azrael way of doing things. 

After reaching the end of the long driveway, Jean Paul parked near the front door. Both vigilantes got out of the cards carrying their bags with them. This was a safe place, but they were more comfortable with having their working clothes close by. They made it to the front door, then stopped. Cass gave JP a questioning look.

"um, are we suppose to just go in or knock?" He asked, rubbing his chin.

Cassandra wasn't sure, which she communicated with a shrug.

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