Gotham City

Bruce Wayne

Bruce took the knife and put it into an inside coat pocket to save the time of walking it up to a drawer or other thing. He eyed Damian suspisciously, then decided to believe him. "We won't have any problems, right? No attacking the nice guests who came, ok?" He said. He glanced at his watch, "Guests should be here any minute, look like this is the best day of your life, Damian. You're 13 now, congrats." He added.

Damian nodded and said "Yeah, yeah. Best day of my life. What else? Should I call everyone by their names? Should I be charismatic? Maybe you want me to apologize to Gordon for trying to kill her?" with a hint of sarcasm. "I'd be more happy if you didn't make a huge deal out of this. Alright, though. I'll act like it's the best day of my life." and smiled brightly. It was extremely hard to tell if the smile was forced or not, and it seemed genuine, but anyone who knew Damian enough knew that inside he was 'suffering.' "How's this?" Damian asked, wanting to know if the smile was believable.
Bruce Wayne

"Laying it on a bit thick, but passable." He replied, noting the sarcasm. "And best to not speak with Barbara about that today." He said, putting his hands in his pockets, "Be the less deadly you, to put it into perspective." He said, a hint of jokingness in his voice, but also a serious undertone. @Birdsie
Bruce Wayne

"Laying it on a bit thick, but passable." He replied, noting the sarcasm. "And best to not speak with Barbara about that today." He said, putting his hands in his pockets, "Be the less deadly you, to put it into perspective." He said, a hint of jokingness in his voice, but also a serious undertone. @Birdsie

Damian said "Got it, Dad. I am dying to know what people bought for me." with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, already trying to get in role.  He looked around the room, seeing all of the decorations, furniture and food that was prepared. "Gee Dad, you really put lots of money into this. Like you didn't put it into anything else." with yet more sarcasm in his voice. "Well. I'll stop being a douche now. I got it out of my system." Damian said, turning to Bruce again.
Bruce Wayne

"Wait until you see what's in store for your 18th birthday," Bruce said as a joke. "Quite flash-y" he said with a grin. "Got anything you wanted in mind, like a new sword, an exotic knife collection? Or perhaps something normal like an Xbox or football? Paintball I heard is fun."
Bruce Wayne

"Wait until you see what's in store for your 18th birthday," Bruce said as a joke. "Quite flash-y" he said with a grin. "Got anything you wanted in mind, like a new sword, an exotic knife collection? Or perhaps something normal like an Xbox or football? Paintball I heard is fun."

"18th Birthday? Flashy? Can't wait." Damian said, hearing his question he rolled his eyes and thought. "Well. Paintball sure would be fun, but I know how to handle a reeeaaal gun." with a prideful voice, trying to remind his Father that while he looks like a child, he is mentally and emotionally above childhood, at least for the most part. "Well. If I was to say I wanted anything specific I'd be lying. All I could really hope for was some sort of new gadget for the Robin, you know? I wouldn't mind a new, shiny, ornate sword to cut stuff with. I don't know. Pretty much anything to make my life easier would be good."

Damian thought again, and remained quiet for a few seconds. "Hey. About one week ago. I was thinking maybe I should apologize to everyone I know during the party? I don't think there'll be a better occassion anytime soon."
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Babs finally drove up to Tim's house.  She hoped the boy wouldn't be mad at her for being 15, er, 20, okay, half an hour late!  Well, it wasn't her fault.  First, she had passed that mugging on the way.  Two creeps knocking over an old lady with groceries.  Then there was that attempted mob hit at Johnny Tratorro's restaurant.  All of it happening, like, literally, right in front of her as she was driving.  Honest!

She had just managed to change out of her crimefighting clothes (stuffed in her bag and stuffed into the trunk) and back into her normal clothes just as she rounded the corner to the Drake residence.  You try changing clothes while you're driving and see how easy it is!  She pulled up, parked, and got out, now wearing a black cardigan, white tee, and dark jeans, what she considered her 'librarian' attire.  She rapped on Tim's door (on the noise level scale, it was somewhere between 'timid next door neighbor' and 'obnoxious pizza delivery dude') and waited.


Tim looked down at his watch.  Babs was pretty late, but really, he wasn't in any hurry to get there.  He grabbed the present that was sitting on his desk and found his way downstairs t the kitchen.  He was about to grab a bottled water from the refrigerator when he heard the knock on the door.  He heard his dad get ready to get up to answer it when Tim shouted, "I got it!  It's for me!"  He walked over to the door, opening it to see Babs standing there.

"You know, I could have walked and been there by now."  His voice was serious, but his face gave away the fact that he was joking. 

"You know, it's still not too late, smart-ass," she smiled, ruffling his hair.  "Let's get going, we're late enough as it is.  Mustn't keep Master Damian [SIZE=11pt]waiting[/SIZE]," she mocked in a Bela Lugosi voice.  "By the way, I really like your shirt.  Very stylish.  I bet Steph would just LOVE it," she teased him as they headed to her car.  She opened the passenger door for him, knowing that he was still recovering.  She hadn't missed the way he was still favoring his side or the concealer around his eyes.  As she turned to head to the driver's side, when she was sure that he couldn't see her, her face lost its smile, replaced with a look of sadness and guilt.  But as soon as she got back into her Honda and turned to look at him again, the cheery smile had returned.

She knew the boy couldn't fail to notice the black lacquered, very expensive looking Japanese sword case taking up both back seats.  Nor the small gift-wrapped package resting on the passenger seat.  The boy would have to pick up the latter before he would be able to sit down.  "Don't worry," she explained as she turned the key and started off  "That case in back.  Got it at a yard sale for like five bucks.  You can already see that some of the paint is already peeling off and the brass hinges are turning green."  And in fact, upon closer inspection, this was indeed the case.  "Yeahh...didn't spend a lot of time worrying about what to get that little brat.  Unlike...that package in your lap.  That's yours.  A little gift from me to you."

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Tim smiled when Babs ruffled his hair which he tried to straighten out again as they walked to the car.  "Right," he responded.  He yelled a last "Bye, Dad!  I'll be back later," before closing the door.  He turned back to Babs when she complimented his outfit.  "Thanks," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.  He could feel a little blush spread across his face.  "... Do you think she would?"  He could have opened the door himself, but he knew that Babs probably still felt bad abut everything that happened.  He figured if it helped her feel a little better, he wouldn't protest.

He was about to get into the car when he noticed the present on the seat.  He picked it up before sitting down, placing both his and the other package in his lap as he pulled the seat belt and buckled up.  He saw the sword in the back of the car and nodded in his head.  Not a bad present idea really.  He held the shoulder strap out a bit so it wouldn't rest on his rib cage, and when Babs got in the car he listened to her explanation of the sword and the other present.  "Aww, Babs.  You already got me a birthday present this year."  He moved the shoulder strap behind his back as he looked at the present.  "Seriously though, you didn't have to do this."  He began to carefully unwrap the present, wondering what could be inside.

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"It's a Batarang," she stated the obvious.  But not like any other the boy had probably seem.  It was simple steel.  Without any special coating.  None of the polycarbon laminate that Batman was using now.  It was rough, like it had been hand-tooled on a grinder, which it had.  "It's one of his first ones.  When he was just starting out.  I don't know if he has any left, probably does.  But not many.  He gave me that one on the night of my first solo patrol.  A graduation gift of sorts.  I guess it was his way of telling me that I was ready.  That I was good enough.  And now...I'm giving it to you.  I know it's not as good as coming from Bruce but I hope until that time comes, which it will, Tim, I hope its good enough."


Tim held the Batarang in his hands, looking it over, while silently kind of geeking out over it.  He remembered when he had studied Batman before becoming Robin that he used these kinds of Batarangs, and though he had seen them in the Batcave, they were for decoration/emergencies only.  It felt a bit heavier than the ones he used, but to have something from Batman's early days in crime fighting was pretty awesome.  "It's more than good enough,"  he replied, with so much awe in his voice.  This was so amazing, but something felt a bit wrong about all of this.

He looked back up at Babs.  "Thank you, Babs."  His enthusiasm seemed to wane.  He was very appreciative, but at the same time, he felt sort of guilty.  This never would have happened had he actually done his job.


The plant woman sat on the terrace of her new apartment, overlooking the city.  There was something really calming about just being able to lay on a lounge chair, surrounded by plants, soaking up the sun.  After the whole ordeal with the Doctor went down, Ivy decided to take the diamond she had stole, sell it for a good sum of money, and upgrade to a nicer apartment.  So far, the investment had been working out her her. 

Everything seemed quiet.  She had tried to stay out of the spotlight for a while now.  The diamond was definitely a help when funding her "projects," and they had kept her occupied.  She hadn't heard from Harley since they parted ways outside of Wayne Enterprises, and she wasn't sure where the clown had run off to.  She knew she had to be okay though.  She always seemed to turn up fine in the end.  Her only real worry was if she actually managed to revive the Joker.

Though, she tried not to think about it, waving it off in favor of basking in what sunlight was left.  It was honestly too perfect, like nothing could go wrong.   
Jean Paul adjusted his dress shirt to look a little better in the mirror. He wasn't much use to modern styles, so kept it simple with a dress shirt and pants for Damian's party. He didn't know Damian well, but he seemed to interact well with Azrael. A little insulting, but the angel didn't seem to care. If birthday parties were as fun as Barbara said, he would have to try to throw one for Cassandra. Speaking of.

"You ready, Cassandra?" He asked, leaning to see around the mirror to the door to her room.

The door opened to reveal an uncomfortable Cassandra in a simple, functional dress. The extra mobility was useful, but there were other draw backs. She gave JP a questioning look.

"Sorry, Alfred said so." He replied, correctly interpreting her look. "He's just trying to help us be normal."

Cassandra's look indicated that normal might be overrated in this case. Jean Paul wasn't sure he disagreed, but they had to try. They both never had a chance for a normal life before, so any semblance of it was desirable.

"Though not too normal." He thought as his eyes wondered to his duffel and Cassandra's back pack, where they stored their work clothes. 

He jolted out of his thoughts by Cassandra's hand on his shoulder. She always seemed to know about and sympathize with his internal struggle. While not entirely the same, they both had similar pasts and problems. That's what helped the, understand each other. That's why they were partners. That's why they were family.

"Alright, let's go." Jean Paul said, grabbing his duffle and heading to the door.

Cassandra grabbed her back pack and followed Jean Paul out. In a small garage, they got into a small Sedan, with Jean Paul as the driver. They pulled into a tunnel that opened up a few blocks from their warehouse, then headed to the party.
After what had to be the shortest drive ever, they pulled into the Wayne estate.  Barb parked the Honda on the gravel driveway but didn't get out.  She turned to Tim.  "What is it, Tim?  Actually, I have a very good idea but you can't keep it bottled up inside.  It'll eat you alive.  Believe me, I know."  She rested her hand lightly on his arm.  "I know how desperately you want Bruce's approval.  How you think that he doesn't value you.  Especially with Damian around.  It's just Bruce, grrrr...  Do you know what calcification is?  it's when calcium builds up in your body, causes everything to harden.  That's Bruce.  Not set in his ways exactly.  More like his view of everything has hardened.  His focus has narrowed to where he forgets about the ones closest to him.  How they're feeling.  What they're going through.  You know he wasn't always like that."

In fact, when Barb had been his protege, oh so many years ago, Bruce had been more open, more giving, more hopeful.  But the years of fighting crime, of seeing his worst enemies come back over and over again had done something to the man.  Then again, he had always been a bastard.  Taking these boys, these children, and making them worship him.  Making them do anything to earn his approval.  Like the boy sitting next to her.  Just like a cult leader.  The Cult of the Bat.  Luckily, she had been older than the others when she had found him.  Or he had found her.  Hard to say which.  Been able to see through his mind games and BS.  But not these boys.  Not Tim.  "Damn you, Bruce."

"Please, Tim, talk to me.  Tell me what's going on.  You know, we don't have to be here.  I could care less about Damian or this stupid birthday party.  The only reason I came was to back you up.  So you didn't have to walk into the lion's den by yourself. to me."

And speak of the devil.  Glancing out her windshield, Babs saw the little demon boy staring at them from just outside the Manor's front doors.  She glared at him and turned back to the boy seated next to her.  The one she cared about.

@Birdsie @ByTheChesapeake
After what had to be the shortest drive ever, they pulled into the Wayne estate.  Barb parked the Honda on the gravel driveway but didn't get out.  She turned to Tim.  "What is it, Tim?  Actually, I have a very good idea but you can't keep it bottled up inside.  It'll eat you alive.  Believe me, I know."  She rested her hand lightly on his arm.  "I know how desperately you want Bruce's approval.  How you think that he doesn't value you.  Especially with Damian around.  It's just Bruce, grrrr...  Do you know what calcification is?  it's when calcium builds up in your body, causes everything to harden.  That's Bruce.  Not set in his ways exactly.  More like his view of everything has hardened.  His focus has narrowed to where he forgets about the ones closest to him.  How they're feeling.  What they're going through.  You know he wasn't always like that."

In fact, when Barb had been his protege, oh so many years ago, Bruce had been more open, more giving, more hopeful.  But the years of fighting crime, of seeing his worst enemies come back over and over again had done something to the man.  Then again, he had always been a bastard.  Taking these boys, these children, and making them worship him.  Making them do anything to earn his approval.  Like the boy sitting next to her.  Just like a cult leader.  The Cult of the Bat.  Luckily, she had been older than the others when she had found him.  Or he had found her.  Hard to say which.  Been able to see through his mind games and BS.  But not these boys.  Not Tim.  "Damn you, Bruce."

"Please, Tim, talk to me.  Tell me what's going on.  You know, we don't have to be here.  I could care less about Damian or this stupid birthday party.  The only reason I came was to back you up.  So you didn't have to walk into the lion's den by yourself. to me."

And speak of the devil.  Glancing out her windshield, Babs saw the little demon boy staring at them from just outside the Manor's front doors.  She glared at him and turned back to the boy seated next to her.  The one she cared about.

@Birdsie @ByTheChesapeake

Damian stared at the car with a smile. The smile looked quite genuine, but anyone who knew Damian enough knew that it was fake. Anyone who knew Damian would be very aware that the smile was just because Bruce asked him to pretend he's really happy today. You could tell that underneath the white, shining, pearly teeth... there was suffering of a person that doesn't want to put up with their own birthday party. Damian walked back inside, acknowledging the new arrival, but knowing that Barbara and Tim knew perfectly well how to enter the building he did not bother to approach them. They could talk later, during the party.

As Damian walked inside, he bumped into Alfred who was tying up the last decorations. "Watch it, Penny-" he started, as Alfred turned his head around to see who walked into him. Damian cleaned his throat, whilst putting his hand up to his mouth. "Excuse me." he said, then looking up at Alfred. "I apologize for my tongue." then walked past Alfred, as the butler spoke "Certainely." in response.

Damian searched the manor for his Father, to inform him that the first guests have arrived.

@ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87
Elizabeth was in her room, of her house. After the Batman threatened her of...whatever that was, she didn't put on the Reaper's mantle since. She held a book in her hands, which was open on page 394. Then, she sighed and picked up her phone, putting down the book. She dialed a number pretty quickly and pressed "call". She waited for a response, and then...

"Babs? You there?" She muttered in the phone softly.

Tim looked over at Barbara, his face completely straight.  She was absolutely right. [SIZE=14.6667px]"I know,"[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] he said.  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]"Bruce is difficult, and he always has been.  I don't know if I agree with you about the part where he doesn't care about our feelings, but he does do his best.  That being said, I don't think he understands what kind of pressure is on me right now."[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  He looked up through the windshield to see Damian smiling at him.  It was so disingenuous it actually made him feel a little uneasy.  He watched as he walked away before speaking again.  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]"Like, what was he thinking taking Damian in as Robin so quickly?  He doesn't even know how to interact with people!  He's getting better, I'll give him that, but he still has a lot to learn."[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  He felt himself getting worked up, but stopped himself, cupping his face in his hands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"That's not really what's bother me though.  Well, it is, but..." [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] He looked back up at Babs. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] "I know you're doing this because you're feeling guilty about what happened.  You're not fooling anyone.  Don't get me wrong, I am really grateful for what you're doing, but I don't want you to beat yourself up about it.  I might be young, but I know how to fight.  I might not be the best fighter out of the Bat Family, but I can handle myself."[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  He gave a slight smile.  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]"I knew before I threw that Batarang that I had a slim chance of coming out of that fight unscathed.  I just--  When I made that call, I didn't take into account the effect it would have on you."[/SIZE]

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Before Tim could respond, her phone vibrated.  Seeing who it was, she turned back to Tim.  "Sorry, I need to take this call.  It'll be quick, I promise."  She placed her hand on his shoulder to prevent him from leaving.  She answered, speaking softly.  "Hey, Liz, I'm here.  What's up?"


"Not much to be honest. Can we meet somewhere? It's...kinda urgent." She says in the phone with an apparently worried tone as she rubs her finger on the sofa's fabric. She looked at her outfit, hanging in her closet and bit her lower lip. She walked up to the closet and closed it quickly.
"I know he doesn't understand, Tim."  She turned away for a sec, exasperated.  "But you should try talking to him, telling him how you feel.  Ugh..what am I saying, this is Bruce that we're talking about ."  Then he started talking about Damian.  "In all fairness, he is Bruce's son."  She couldn't believe it, she was actually defending Bruce here!  And even more unbelievably, she was about to defend that little hellspawn himself now.  "Don't be too hard on him," she said through gritted teeth, "he's only a kid.  And all the sh...all the stuff he went through growing up, its no wonder he turned out the way he did.  So, you should give him a chance."  she paused for a moment.  "Maybe we both should."

But then Tim brought the conversation around to her.  "HEY.  This isn't about me," she stated with some resentment.  "You think that I'm doing this because I feel guilty?.  Is that what you think?"  She forced herself to calm down.  "I care about you, Tim."  She let that hang in the air for a minute.  Was just about to get started again when her phone vibrated.  Saw who was calling.  "Sorry, I need to take this," she said in annoyance.  She answered.  "Hey," she said, her voice soft.  "What's up?  Are you alright?"

@Gabriel97 @ByTheChesapeake
Owl-Girl was walking around on her university campus. It was still light out, which mean no owl form, not yet at least, not without drawing suspicion. She wore thick sunglasses to protect her eyes from the setting sun, ever since she got her owl powers, she had become more sensitive to sunlight, you win some you lose some she supposed. She had been working ahead on her online classes, just in case Batman or Batgirl or any of the other vigilantes contacted her, but it had been over a week and nothing. Owl-Girl didn't let it bother her however, in fact she was kind of enjoying the time off, sure school was' blah' (she figured it would be until she entered her masters program, zoology for the win!) and had also been working out more at the gym. It was hard at first, except for the arm exercises, her arms were pretty toned from all her flying. The legs were a different story, but she ran on the treadmill, did her sit ups and so on. She knew this probably wasn't the usual 'superhero' exercise, but it was all she knew. And, of course, every night she went flying. Some nights she almost didn't feel like it, but the moment she stepped onto her balcony it was like the wings came in by themselves. Flying was the only time she felt self assured, the only time she felt free from her self-anxiety. 

But right now, it was daytime, well.... sunset really, and she was walking back from her nearest makeup store. Today her lips were green and so were her nails. She always made sure they matched, the lipstick and nail-polish was as much a part of her costume as the mask was. Her headphones were playing some upbeat techno music as she walked down the pavement. 
There was worry in the girl's voice.  She wanted to meet somewhere.  Babs thought for a moment.  "Listen, I'm at Wayne Manor.  Meet me here.  We're celebrating (hardy-har-har) Damian's birthday.  Nonono, it's alright," she quickly added, anticipating the girl's reaction.  "I'll smooth things over.  Just put on a dress or something and meet me here.  I'm sending a taxi over to pick you up..  See ya soon."  She hung up and turned back to Tim.  "I'm bringing some company," she offered as way of explanation.  "So, might as well get this over with," she sighed, opening her car door.

@ByTheChesapeake @Gabriel97 @Birdsie
A buzz came from Owl-Girl's iPhone, and she suddenly remember something very very important.... Today was Damian's birthday! And she almost forgot! Apple began running towards her apartment. Shoot shoot shoot! I'm gonna be totally late! she thought. She was still mad at damian, but she figured that they got off on the wrong claw. Maybe this could be like an olive branch, after all, it takes two people to fight, and she was part of that. She had bought him the books 'Life of Pi', 'Watership Down' and a stuffed elephant. Those were good books for 12-13 year olds right? Plus maybe the elephant could be like... a friend to him? Or at least something he could yell at besides a real person. She went up to her apartment, grabbed her bag of books and launched herself off her balcony in her owl form, deciding flying would be quicker than taking a cab, especially in the city. She had gotten used to flying with bags back in Llyn and this was no different. She spied Wayne Manor in the distance and flew towards it. 
"T-thank you." She whispers in the phone, as she hangs up and puts the phone in her purse. Elizabeth then quickly jumps up on her feet and walks to her room, putting on an elegant black dress. Then she moves to the bathroom, making up her hair as quick as she could. "Well, guess he was right. This dress fits me pretty well..." She muttered to herself with a saddened tone, as she put on a necklace and looked at herself in the mirror. She then grabbed her purse and walked outside, seeing the taxi. She waved her hand in the air and quickly ran up to it.

Dick Grayson

Dick rolled a ball on his desk, but this ball was not just any ball!  It was a navy blue stress ball, with a miniature Nightwing mask wrapped around it!  A gift for Damien on his birthday, although later he was going to give him the passenger cart to the Wingcycle, Dick never really used it... like at all, so he guessed Damien could find some use for it, maybe a new bed for his pets or something...?

Dick wasn't exactly good with times as of late, the past two times he absolutely needed to be somewhere, he was just a tiny bit late.... The Gotham Arms Hotel, the GCPD.  But this time was different, this time it was a birthday party!  Dick wrapped his gift in a Christmas themed wrapping paper, he was as resourceful as always.  This time when he left it wasn't on the Wingcycle, just a regular motorbike, he rode to Wayne Manor as fast as traffic allowed him to, birthdays always had him excited no matter who's it was, okay maybe there was some exceptions.  But that didn't really matter, what mattered was Dick had arrived at Wayne Manor and was now standing at the front door.  He gave it three sharp knocks before standing with his hands behind his back in a posture straighter than a steel ruler, expecting Alfred on the other side.

@Birdsie, @LoneSniper87, @Gabriel97, @ByTheChesapeake, @BrainyGrrrrl, @Lunarcat
Dick Grayson

Dick rolled a ball on his desk, but this ball was not just any ball!  It was a navy blue stress ball, with a miniature Nightwing mask wrapped around it!  A gift for Damien on his birthday, although later he was going to give him the passenger cart to the Wingcycle, Dick never really used it... like at all, so he guessed Damien could find some use for it, maybe a new bed for his pets or something...?

Dick wasn't exactly good with times as of late, the past two times he absolutely needed to be somewhere, he was just a tiny bit late.... The Gotham Arms Hotel, the GCPD.  But this time was different, this time it was a birthday party!  Dick wrapped his gift in a Christmas themed wrapping paper, he was as resourceful as always.  This time when he left it wasn't on the Wingcycle, just a regular motorbike, he rode to Wayne Manor as fast as traffic allowed him to, birthdays always had him excited no matter who's it was, okay maybe there was some exceptions.  But that didn't really matter, what mattered was Dick had arrived at Wayne Manor and was now standing at the front door.  He gave it three sharp knocks before standing with his hands behind his back in a posture straighter than a steel ruler, expecting Alfred on the other side.

@Birdsie, @LoneSniper87, @Gabriel97, @ByTheChesapeake, @BrainyGrrrrl, @Lunarcat

Alfred opened up the door and upon seeing Dick invited him inside. "Ah, Master Dick. Do come in." stepping aside and giving Dick a polite smile, and gesturing inward with his arm, invitingly as he tilted his head in a bow. Atop his head there was a triangular party hat with green and blue stripes. There were several tables inside of the Grand Hall. One to the left for the gifts to be left at, and one to the right filled with snack foods and drinks that the guests may eat. Both tables were covered in stainless white table setting. Both tables were fairly long, in fact one may think it is hard to believe to get them inside the hall. The ballroom was filled with more tables similar to the ones in the hall, however they also had antique chairs and on one of the tables there sat a huge cake with several floors and 13 candles atop of it. All of the Manor was complete with fancy birthday decorations of all sorts. Party hats were available everywhere, in all colors and forms. Balloons and paper cutouts in different shapes were neatly hung up on railings of the second floor and floating tied up to different places on the main floor.

In other words: everything looked very prepared.

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