Gotham City

Mara snarled, leapt for the window, but her knives scraped uselessly against the metal bars. She roared, growled and shouted, but nothing happened.

Eventually, the gas got to her, and fell to the ground, unconscious.
Mara snarled, leapt for the window, but her knives scraped uselessly against the metal bars. She roared, growled and shouted, but nothing happened.

Eventually, the gas got to her, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Just after Damian got to the entrance of the Manor, he succumbed to the gas he previously breathed in and fell down onto the floor, unconcious. Alfred saw this on camera and opened up the main door, then rushed to take Damian to the batcave, where he would heal the boy of his injuries. He had no option but to wait for Master Bruce or someone else to arrive. Alfred knew little about fighting, and Master Damian wasn't able to, because of his current state. Alfred took Damian to the batcave and started healing his injuries, while the young Master was unconcious. Alfred said "The two of them are still above our heads." to the unconcious child. He wasn't completely sure what to do. No one responded yet.
Bruce Wayne

Bruce was already on his way, he answered, "I'm in my way now, stay put." He spoke calmly focusing on the road ahead. When he arrived he parked the Batmobile and ran around the Manor to find Damian. "What happened?" He asked Alfred, walking back into the Batcave, at first not noticing the two. "Is he ok?"
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Bruce Wayne

Bruce was already on his way, he answered, "I'm in my way now, stay put." He spoke calmly focusing on the road ahead. When he arrived he parked the Batmobile and ran around the Manor to find Damian. "What happened?" He asked, helping his son up and letting him lean against him as they walked to the Batcave.

Damian didn't respond, with his eyes closed. Alfred said "He's unconcious, Master Bruce. There are still intruders on the upper floor, in your office. I believe both of them are unconcious, as Master Damian dealt with them. One of them was armed with gas, so the young Master threw a pair of scissors at the tank. As a result, the gas filled the room affecting everyone inside. He proceeded to jump out the window as he ordered me to lock down the room. I did so, unfortunately he is now injured and the gas laid him unconcious." as he bandaged the boy's chest. "I have allowed myself to analyze the substance. It appears that it causes the victim to experience intense nightmares for 10 hours, then they wake up. The nightmares are guilt-driven, but I believe your son has no such thing, sir. However, the substance causes fear nonetheless. He is currently having what is most likely the worst dream of his life."

Alfred, after he was done patching Damian up, turned to Bruce and said "Not to worry, sir. I have started synthesizing an antidote for this. It should be ready in several minutes. Meanwhile: I advise you go to your office and check inside for the intruders."
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Bruce Wayne

"Fear toxin..." He said to himself really, he put on a gas mask, looking back to Alfred, "Did you catch sight of the intruders?" He asked. After Alfred answered he walked too the elevator, heading up to the manor, walking to his office, he let the lockdown shut off and opened the door, letting the gas dissapate.
Bruce Wayne

"Fear toxin..." He said to himself really, he put on a gas mask, looking back to Alfred, "Did you catch sight of the intruders?" He asked. After Alfred answered he walked too the elevator, heading up to the manor, walking to his office, he let the lockdown shut off and opened the door, letting the gas dissapate.

Alfred said "Both are female. One looks to be a part of the League of Assassins, while the other brandishes a peculiar mask similar to the European Plague Doctor masks." then showed him the feed from the cameras in the Batcomputer, but saw that Bruce was already leaving. Alfred sighed and said "Always in a hurry." as Bruce was lifted upwards by the elevator.
"Huh?"  She was awoken by a gentle nudge against her shoulder.  Barb opened her eyes to see Dex leaning over her.  She smiled.  They were here.  Gotham Memorial.  So, this was where Tim had been taken.  She and Dex entered Emergency.  Found her friend, the one that had messaged them.  Dr. Indira Patel.  "How is he?"  "He'll be fine.  Miracle considering everything he's been through.  Says he was mugged.  I don't buy it.  What kind of a mugger beats a kid to a bloody pulp like that."  Barb bit her lip, didn't say anything.  The emergency room doctor continued.  "Tough kid.  He'll pull through but he'll have to stay for a couple days at least.  He's in Room 105-West Wing if you want to see him, Babs.  Has a friend with him."

"Thanks Indy."  She hurried to the room, Dex trailing behind her.  Tim was resting in his bed.  It looked like he was asleep.  Sitting in a chair by his bed was a thin boy with a shaggy mane of brown hair, wearing a pair of yellow-tinted goggles.  Barb looked at him for a moment.  "Impulse?  Hey, don't worry.  I'm a friend of the family.  Mind if we stay with you?" she asked.  Barb pulled a chair up to Tim's bed, sat down, and waited for him to wake up.

@Rathalosa @ByTheChesapeake
Dex stood by the door, not wanting to get inbetween family business, and to make sure there were no unwanted visitors.

He couldn't miss the bruises the poor kid had taken. That was too far, especially for a mugging. Dex was actually getting mad from just the sight of it.

The other person, the 'Impulse', looked sort of funny to Dex, but now was not the time.

After a few minutes, Dex couldn't stand it. He felt useless just standing by the door, watching over a beaten, sleeping kid. It sounded creepy just describing it, but he still suppressed a laugh.

"I'm getting a coffee." He muttered, and then asked, "Anyone want one?"
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Ivy looked at Harley, her arms crossed and her eyes rolling.  "Harley, it's 3am.  Can't the Joker wait until tomorrow?  He'll probably sill be in there tomorrow. "  She looked over to the plants on the desk and then followed the clown into the elevator.  Their would be a surprise for the CEO tomorrow morning, but for Ivy, she was done with surprises, she was done with this wild goose chase, she was done with "Mista J," and she was done with this night..  She probably wasn't going to follow her much further than this.  Though Harley seemed determined to bring the Joker back, Ivy was done being an enabler.  The threats outside weren't threats anymore, so she had nothing to worry about.

Harley grabbed her mallet before getting in the elevator, she shook her head at Ivy. "Look Red, I'm gonna do this right now whether your coming or not." She picked her hat off the elevator floor whoops, she forgot she took this off earlier. She was sick of waiting, this way taking way to long. She would do this herself, maybe Mistah J would be proud of her.
"So, sorry Red but I got things to do" She sat down on the ground again, as the elevator travelled down. She looked up at Ivy.
"Did the Doc, say where this pit is?" He may have mentioned it, but she musn't have been listening. 


Tim was so tired.  After having x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and eventually a chest tube, he was finally able to catch some sleep.  He had told Bart that after he had dropped him off he could go home or at least crash at his place for the night, but the speedster insisted he'd stay until they at least Tim's dad got here.   Honestly, he wasn't surprised his dad hadn't gotten the call yet.  He was a pretty heavy sleeper, and honestly, he didn't want him to see him like this anyways.

He slept lightly, not wanting to fall too deeply asleep in case something were to happen.  He heard nurses come in and out, checking the ECG and walking out again.  Bart was entertaining himself with some sort of video game so at least he had something to do.  Then he heard the familiar footsteps, and then 


"Oh, hi!  Oh!  You're a friend of Tim's?  Name's Bart.  Nice to meet you!  Here, take a seat.  He's not doing much.  Had a bunch of tests done.  Kind of just laying around now."

And then he heard an unfamiliar voice.  "I'm going to get coffee.  Does anybody want some?"

Coffee sounded so good right now.  He peeked through a half-lidded eye, before speaking up.  "One.  Please and thanks."

@BrainyGrrrrl @Rathalosa

Ivy sighed, her arms still crossed.  "Fine.  Do what you want.  I can't help you after this anyways."  Well, she could, but she wasn't going to help her.  She didn't want any part of bringing the Joker back.  Not even a little bit.

Ivy leaned her elbows against the handrail inside the elevator, looking down at Harley.  "He said something about bringing him across the pond on the phone, so probably England somewhere."
"I'll have one too.  Black.  Thanks," she told Dex smiling, appreciation in her voice.  She turned back to Tim.  "Hey," she said softly.  "How are ya doing?"  Looking at him, wires and sensors everywhere  bruises all over his face, she broke down.  Started crying.  "I'm...I'm so sorry, Tim.  Can you... ever forgive me?"  She wanted to say more but she was too overcome, the tears streaming down her face.

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She sighed. "Yeah yeah Red."  She replied when Ivy said she wouldn't help her. "England?! Holy crap Red theres gotta be another one round here." There better be another pit or Mistah J needed a plan B. 
She crossed her legs and put her head in her hands. Why was this so difficult?. Hmmmm maybe she could call in some Joker thugs to help her dig the body up. 
That would helpful since Ivy wouldn't help. She'd ask Mistah J once she seperated from Ivy. 

@ByTheChesapeake @ManyFaces

He gave a small smile when she asked how he was doing, but then she started crying, making Tim glance up at Bart.  Bart looked confused for a moment.  "What's wron--?"  He glanced over to Tim, "Is she--?"  And that's when it clicked.  "Oooooooooooooooooooh.  Yeah, I think I'll crash at your house tonight, and wake up early and head home.  See ya later, Tim"  And, he was off before Tim could even say goodbye.

Tim's attention focused back on Babs, a frown on his face.  "Babs, I know it wasn't your fault.  You didn't know what were doing.  And, honestly, I should have been more prepared."

Alfred made his way through the batcave, towards the laboratory. He put on his safety goggles, then two white, translucent gloves on his hands. He entered the laboratory and looked at the antidote to the fear toxin that was just about to finish synthesizing. He took a small flask with the light blue liquid in it, then picked up a sterile syringe in his other hand. He put the syringe in the flask and filled it up, then made his way out of the laboratory and walked back to Damian. Alfred injected him with the contents of the syringe and put it down, then waited. After several seconds, Damian opened his eyes up and said "I don't feel so good." to which Alfred said "Perhaps you're feeling your sins crawling on your back." Damian looked at him and said "Watch it, Pennyworth. Your sense of humor isn't adequate." Alfred smirked and said "My sense of humor is inadequate, Master Damian? Then perhaps the tea you receive each morning is inadequate aswell? I am certain that both are made by the same person." Damian said "Are you threatning to spice my tea with something disgusting? Your sense of humor is disgusting after all." Alfred shook his head and said "No, I am not threatning you. I am stating the fact that the only reason it's disgusting is because you see it that way."

Damian got up from his chair and said "My senses are above average, you can count on that." and walked over to the armory, but then stopped. "Where's Father?" and Alfred said "Upstairs, with our guests of honor. Perhaps you would like to go there to grace them with your presence? I believe it served them just as well as it did to everyone else." Damian spoke quickly in response "Now. That was disgusting. Bite your tongue next time." and left towards the armory, to suit up and gear up. Screw the broken arm, it was slowly getting better anyway. Damian put on his repaired and cleaned Robin suit, then put on his utility belt.

He put on his gasmask and walked upstairs to meet his Father. He caught up to him and looked into the room, then said "Try and tell me that Drake, or Todd would have enough neurons to plan and do this." looking at his Father afterwards to see his reaction. Damian wanted to know his Father's opinion on the tactics and plan that he made. All of such intel would be appreciated and helpful to Damian, as to improve his techniques. "What do you think?" he asked a few seconds afterwards.


She stood with her hands across her chest, and shrugged.  "Honestly, this is the first time I'm hearing about such a place, and honestly it seems impossible."  She kept her sight on the ground, not wanting to look at Harley.  This was quite possibly the longest elevator ride the plant woman had the misfortune of taking.

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She shook her head.  Refused to allow Tim to let her off that easy.  "I should have known.  I should have KNOWN, Tim."  She wiped the tears with the back of her hand.  "Should have prepared better.  I was stupid.  So stupid.  I let Ivy use me like a puppet.  Like a fucking puppet on a string.  Used me to hurt you.  I don't deserve your forgiveness, Tim.  I really don't."

She pouted, Red was always negative when it came to Mistah J. The elevator dinged as it reached the bottom, finally the awkward ride was over. 
"Do ya think there are any Bats down here." She crept out looking around carefully, Harley walked over to the window where she had broken into in the first place. 
She pulled her hat back on and peered out. Theres was only the light of the street lamps on the sidewalk, no sign of anyone...but Bats are sneaky. 
She peaked her head back in. "Well Red I'll be seeing ya." She said hopping out the window. waving her free hand.
Harley took off down the street, heading towards the hideout again, she just needed to get away and speak to Mistah J. 

@ByTheChesapeake @ManyFaces

The frown was still prevalent on his face as he sat up, the tube in his side, making it feel a little awkward.  "Seriously, Babs, I don't blame you."  His voice was a bit raspy, but understandable.  "Like, at all.  There's a reason they keep her in a dark, plexiglass cell in Gotham.  She's powerful and dangerous.  Don't beat yourself up over this."

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"Hey, hey, lie down!"  She very gently pushed him back down, adjusting the pillows underneath him.  She winced at the sight of the tubes in his side.  "Okay," she gave in, not wanting to agitate him any further.  "You win."  She dried her eyes.  "Thanks, I guess you're right.  You're so smart, ya know that.  Smarter than me.  Always have been"  She smiled at him.  "Okay, I won't beat myself up if you promise to get better.  Deal?"

@ByTheChesapeake @ManyFaces @HarleyPuddin
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She looked around outside.  "I think you're safe.  I think most if not all of them left when Batgirl and the pint-sized brat were done."  

She exited the building giving a salute to Harley.  "See ya.  If you need me, you know where to find me."  She walked away from the girl, back to her apartment.  She had been away for such a long time.  Surely, her babies had to be hungry.  

Tim furrowed his eyebrows as Babs tried to push him back down.  He actually hated this.  He just wanted to get up and get back out there.  He couldn't help them out if he was stuck in ICU.  But then again, he knew he couldn't get better and complete his end of the deal if he was too hasty with everything.  Instead, he slouched back down in his bed again.  "Deal."

He noticed Babs looking at the tube in his side.  "Don't worry.  I'm pretty sure that wasn't you.  It was one part Deadshot moving me, and one part me not wanting to stay locked in an interrogation room."  He gave a slight smile, hoping it might do something to help.  "I don't need surgery.  It's just a concussion, two broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a broken nose.  I feel like it could have been a whole lot worse, honestly."  There were also the things she said, but no.  He wasn't going to let that get to him.  That's when another thought popped into his head...

He was quiet for a moment, knowing what he wanted to say, but the words not really coming out.  "Does--... Does Bruce know, yet?"

Harley stopped running and caught her breath, "Damn gotta work on the cardio Harls" She started walking again, dragging her mallet. It felt heavier than usual. She wasn't too far away from the hideout now.

"Puddin~ Are ya there?" 

Her heart sank as he ran over the seemingly endless list of his injuries.  The thought that Lawton had a hand, however inadvertently, in his injuries infuriated her but she let it slide.  She would deal with that later.  Then the boy mentioned Bruce, obviously distressed.  She gave him a knowing smirk,  Tried to put him at ease.  "Relax, kiddo.  You told me not to tell Bruce.  So, I didn't tell Bruce.  Trust me, I know how overbearing he can be."  Her look turned sombre.  "Must be difficult.  The whole situation now.  With Damian.  So yeah, don't worry.  Batman doesn't know anything.  Besides, he's got his hands full with this Doctor character."  She paused, thinking.  "Oh, by the way, what happened to Nightwing?  I sent him to the GCPD to find you.


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