Gotham City

"Yeah iv've been listening in on the deal kiddo about time you ditched salad clothes hahahaaa!"  He said taking no time to insult Ivy knowing she couldn't hear he didn't care if she could hear to be honest. "Well dollface don't waste my time what do you need to speak to me for?" His tone was calm. He could practically feel the puzzle pieces going together in his plan, he didn't need the authorities catching on to his doings.

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Harley laughed along with him at his joke about Ivy, she had really missed hearing her Puddin's jokes.

"Well Mistah J, since I ditched the Doc." she scratched her head, although it didn't relieve the itch in there, it was the worst. "I need ta find the pit myself, do ya  know where it is?" She asked nervously, as she didn't want to ruin his plans. 

She saw the hideout in the distance, finally she could get out of this rain.


He sighed.  He hated thinking about it.  He knew sooner or later Batman wasn't going to need him around anymore, and he felt his heart sink.  He knew if he wanted to strike out on his own like Dick did, it would be an option, but he didn't feel half as prepared as he should be for that transition.  Especially, if it happened sometime soon.   He laid back on his pillows and looked up at the ceiling.   "You have no idea."  Hopefully, just hopefully, Bruce and Damien would never find out about this.

He snapped back to reality once Babs mentioned Nightwing.  "Don't worry.  He came to find me.  He was talking to your dad for a little while.  He seemed no worse for wear."  He turned his head to look at Babs.  "He was about to come get me when the Doctor showed up, or I'm guessing it was the Doctor.  He had an inkblot mask.  Anyway, they talked, Dick checked his texts and then attacked him.  The Doctor tried to knock him out, but Dick was too fast.  The Doctor ran off, and I told Dick to go after him, and that was the last I saw of him."


There was a nervous knock at Tim's door. A worried looking Jean Paul stood there in his civvies and carrying a large duffle bag that contained his costume.

"Hey, I just got you message." JP told Tim apologetically. "Was on call at the Clinic for a while. You okay?"

As he came in, he gave Barbara a shy smile.

@ByTheChesapeake @BrainyGrrrrl

He looked over to the door.  "Hey!"  Tim was actually pretty surprised to see Azrael here.  He figured he'd be too busy working with all the chaos that went on tonight.  "Yeah.  I'm alright.  They fixed me up, so I should be able to go in maybe two days.  Hopefully two days." 

@rikunobodyxiii @BrainyGrrrrl
Dex took a little while to get the coffees, trying to give the kid and Barbara time to talk, but eventually he decided that they wouldn't like their coffees cold.

When he returned to the room, he handed Barb her coffee, and put Tim's on the table beside the bed, and ignored the new arrival. He had no doubt it was another vigilante, so he wasn't worried.

Then he just returned tiara ding by the door, being silent and sipping his coffee.
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"Damnit!"  The Doctor was much too dangerous for Nightwing to go after on his own!  She pulled out her smartphone.  She hated to do it but she needed to let Batman know.  She fired off a text.

TXT: Bruce.  This is Barbara.  Dick went after the Doctor on his own.  Location unknown but I'm sure you can track him.  I'm tied up.  Personal business.  Need you to go after him.

She finished just as Tim got another visitor.  And a welcome one at that. 

"Jean Paul!  Am I glad to see you!"  She thought about taking off after the Doctor now that Azrael was  She needed to be here with Tim.  At least for a little longer.  She owed him that much.  Dex returned with their coffees.  She took hers with a warm smile and settled in for the time being.

@rikunobodyxiii @ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87 @Rathalosa
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Elizabeth was lying on the ground, as the gas slowly faded away. She had her eyes closed, her head pointed at the ceiling. Was this her final moment? Her last instance of life? And if she died...she'd knew what she always wanted to know. But...

It wasn't fair. She had to have revenge, for what they stole from her. She got up and took out the blade from her shoulder, grunting in pain. She leaned on the wall and waited for whoever was coming in the room to show themselves, better die fighting than live with remorse.
Elizabeth was lying on the ground, as the gas slowly faded away. She had her eyes closed, her head pointed at the ceiling. Was this her final moment? Her last instance of life? And if she died...she'd knew what she always wanted to know. But...

It wasn't fair. She had to have revenge, for what they stole from her. She got up and took out the blade from her shoulder, grunting in pain. She leaned on the wall and waited for whoever was coming in the room to show themselves, better die fighting than live with remorse.

Damian's changed voice, muffled by the gasmask came shockingly through the room, as he remained by his Father's side.. "You want teeth. We want answers. Who are you, and what do you want?" mimicking the voice of his Father, knowing he was much more intimidating. The tone was threatning, it would cause anyone below normal will to feel fear of the Batman and submit to the question. Knowing that the two were next to unseeable next to the door and the darkness, he was capable of telling that she wouldn't be able to recognize who's lips were moving unless she had nightvision, or some sort of supernatural, or peak-human perception. He hoped that his Father wouldn't interfere with newer questions until she answered.

Damian's changed voice, muffled by the gasmask came shockingly through the room, as he remained by his Father's side.. "You want teeth. We want answers. Who are you, and what do you want?" mimicking the voice of his Father, knowing he was much more intimidating. The tone was threatning, it would cause anyone below normal will to feel fear of the Batman and submit to the question. Knowing that the two were next to unseeable next to the door and the darkness, he was capable of telling that she wouldn't be able to recognize who's lips were moving unless she had nightvision, or some sort of supernatural, or peak-human perception. He hoped that his Father wouldn't interfere with newer questions until she answered.


She gasped at the mimicked voice of the Batman. She walked back and bumped into the wall. "...I'm...The Sleep Reaper...I came here to find out if Bruce Wayne is the Batman..." She spoke firmly, as she held onto her mask. Her pale skin was clearly visible in the darkness.
There was an eerie quiet in Harley's head, the kind that would give you chills down your spine. The silence was broken by the sound of harsh breathing and finally words. "Gregory can you come see me, I know you're a team player and I need to demonstrate a little something..."  Joker's voice was eerily calm but his words were spat out sharply. A second voice could be heard "Sure boss what is it ya need me to do?" asked one of Joker's thugs. "Just stand still and let me grab a hammer... and some nails"  He said picking up a hammer and some nails and coming back to the thug. "Ya want me ta build something boss?" The thug said suspiciously. Joker didn't reply and advanced towards the thug. Suddenly Harley could hear the sound of the man screaming and the crack of his bones as Joker drove the nails into his knees and elbows and bashed parts of his arms and legs breaking them he swung into the man's organs but never at his face he wanted him just barely alive. "B-but boss... here... what did I do wrong?" The thug wheezed and coughed up blood. Harley could hear dragging and the sound of someone being thrown out of whatever room Joker was in and laughter from Joker. She could hear other thugs trying to help their comrade who only whimpered in agony. "Now Harley unless you want to end up worse than Gregory... YOU'LL EXPLAIN HOW YOU PLAN TO FIX THIS RIGHT NOW!" He shouted into her head.

Harley felt very uneasy as the Joker grew silent, uh oh, that wasn't a good sign. The silence sent shivers down her spine. She jumped slightly when he spoke again. 
The blonde listened as the thug spoke although it was quite hard to make out. Her eyes widened as she heard the screams echo through her head, Harley winced as she heard the cracking of bones and desperate crys from the man. She knew that would be her if she didn't figure something out. The Jokers laughter rung in her ears, Harley threw her hands up to her head when he shouted, the sound was defeaning.
"I'm sorry Mistah J! its just he wasn't... and I..."  She scrambled to find words. "Well... can't we just find another pit or somethin...?" Harley's voice was shaky, she didn't mean to ruin his plans. But it wasn't her fault...well not really, or maybe it was, she was always ruining his plans. Tears started welling up in her eyes as she reached the front door of the hideout. 

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Owl-Girl flapped her powerful wings as she soared over the town, ever since she got in with the batman crew she had switched more of her classes to being online, easier for a night owl to handle anyway. She had been reading up on old newspaper clippings and such about batman's greatest foes, and while she was somewhat scared of them, she was also somewhat fascinated by them. Two-Face, Riddler, Scarecrow, Joker, how does one man end up with so many enemies? Or maybe it was just this whole town, this whole city. Owl-Girl supposed she should feel more frightened, but all she could feel was raw animal instinct bubbling up inside of her. This place was no different from the Amazon rain forest, just new predators and newer prey. She decided to check in with her partner (partner? Was that the correct word to use yet? Perhaps she meant more like teacher or mentor...) Batgirl. 

"Batgirl? It's me Oowl-Girl, sorry for not being around lately, I've been school, heh... I've been school... Anyway, need anything from me? If you ever dooo, you know tooo just call right? Of course yoouu dooo, of course you.... n-nnever mind, anyway, hope everything is going ok with yoouu, I'm keeping one eye out for baddies...." 

Bruce Wayne

Bruce looked at the girl as she stood, clutching her mask. He walked over and lifted her by her neck, "You're lucky I found you before one of Mr. Wayne's 'assosciates' came and gunned you down for breaking and entering. I will jive you a chance to leave, but you must actually leave, got it?" He said sternly, dropping her, counting that Damian would have his back.

Tim took the cup of coffee from Dex.  "Thanks" he replied, taking a sip of the coffee.  After all that happened today, the cup of coffee, this shitty cup of hospital coffee, made everything feel ten times better.  He looked up at Dex.  "You must be a friend of Babs."  He recalled only seeing him briefly before at the police station, but they didn't get a chance to introduce themselves.  "I'm Tim.  Nice to meet you."

@Rathalosa @BrainyGrrrrl @rikunobodyxiii
As Tim began chitchatting with Dex, she heard Owl-Girl's voice come over the earpiece she was still wearing.  It didn't matter how far away the avian hero was, the signal got patched through her smartphone's wireless network so she could communicate with her anywhere in the city.  "Hey," she responded, speaking through her phone.  "Everything's okay on my end, thanks.  Sorry for leaving you in the lurch like that.  I had, personal matter I needed to take care of.  Should be back in a little bit."  The girl mentioned school, making Barb suddenly guilty.  Too often, she forgot that the people she worked with had separate lives of their own.  If was selfish of her to expect Owl Girl to drop everything just so she could go on "some damn fool crusade" with her to quote one of her favorite films.  "Hey, listen, Owl Girl.  You've already helped me more than you can possibly know.  I think the situation's starting to get under control here.  So, why don't you take a breather?  God knows you've earned it.  If I need you anywhere, I'll call you back.  Okay?"

@Lunarcat @Rathalosa
"You sure? Alright Batgirl, As long as you're doing ok, I know Damian really seemed to get under your skin, I just wanted to check in since we hadn't talked in a while." Owl-Girl dove under another neon sign and around a few more buildings, this was her afternoon exercise after all, you'd be surprised just how good of a work out flying was. "I was gonna hear on down to the university coffee shop, work on some homework, I do most of my classes online now. Like you said, call me if you need me." She signed off with a familiar hoot and did a u-turn in the air, heading back towards her apartment. "Oh, and if you want any coffee or anything, just ask, I can fly it over there, literally." That last part made her smile a little, seems like she was in a better mood than the last time you saw her Batgirl, maybe this hero stuff is good for her. 
Bruce Wayne

Bruce looked at the girl as she stood, clutching her mask. He walked over and lifted her by her neck, "You're lucky I found you before one of Mr. Wayne's 'assosciates' came and gunned you down for breaking and entering. I will jive you a chance to leave, but you must actually leave, got it?" He said sternly, dropping her, counting that Damian would have his back.

She gasped at the mimicked voice of the Batman. She walked back and bumped into the wall. "...I'm...The Sleep Reaper...I came here to find out if Bruce Wayne is the Batman..." She spoke firmly, as she held onto her mask. Her pale skin was clearly visible in the darkness.

Damian felt that what Bruce was doing was unreasonable. 4th Robin's identity as 'Damian Wayne' was kept a secret from the public for all this time, and she had seen a child trained in swordfighting and ninja techniques at large. Damian felt that either they should kill her, but he knew that was impossible, or that they should... regretfully, fill her in on everything, the third option was to ensure she doesn't talk, and that couldn't be ensured at all. If he talked openly, however, it would also be a huge compromise. Damian slowly walked up to his Father as he intimidated Elizabeth, and then with a stern, but quiet tone whispered into his Father's ear. "This is a bad idea. She's seen me without the costume. She's seen me fight. She's seen me at all." reminding him that she had seen Damian Wayne who was a secret from the public so far, and she had seen him fighting no less.

Damian, however was very intelligent and was intelligent enough to know that his Father was FAR more intelligent than him. Afterwards, Damian took a few steps back, to leave the situation to his Father's superior judgement. Damian always knew his Father's judgement in any situation was not exactly clouded, but rather more extensive. A good example was Tim Drake. Technically he was just the normal Gotham civillian, but after training he had proven to be a worthy addition to the family... but of course, lesser than me. Damian thought. There was nothing else to do now, just to stand aside and observe what his Father would choose to do and how the Sleep Reaper would respond.
Elizabeth stayed frozen in place in fear. The caped crusader was the person she feared and respected the most, and she didn't dare to take a single step. But her theories were confirmed, or maybe not. She stood silent in the darkness, as her only visible eye was looking everywhere in the room, to find a way to escape. But fear locked her in place.
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Tim sat on the edge of his bed, trying to kill time before Damian's birthday party.  Sitting up straight, he took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.  His doctor had assigned him breathing exercises to help him recover from his broken ribs.  He was in the hospital three days before they finally let him go.  Though since then, he was actually healing quite nicely.  His lung had pretty much healed up, making breathing much easier.  His concussion had just about cleared up as well, but his ribs were still broken and a bit painful.  Though that was nothing some painkillers couldn't fix.  The only real noticeable signs that he had gotten his ass kicked a week before were the bruises under his eyes from when Babs broke his nose.  Though they didn't look as horrific as when it first happened (and though it pained him to do it), he ended up buying concealer and to cover up his black eyes.  He needed to at least put up the illusion that he wasn't a failure, and maybe, just maybe, Bruce might believe it.

He checked himself one last time in the mirror.  Blue jeans with an open, dark grey button down with the sleeves rolled up and a muted orange graphic tee underneath.  He figured he ought to look a little nice since he was going to a party, even if it was Damian's.  He honestly dreaded the thought of going.  It was no secret the two of them couldn't get along.  Putting them together was like bleach and ammonia.  Still though, he couldn't not go.  He had to at least try to play nice tonight.  That's why he had picked up a present for him on the way home from school today.  The hard part was trying to find something that Damian wouldn't use to make an attempt on Tim's life.  The thing he ended up coming up with was a paperback copy of The Fellowship of the Ring.  Tim had read it a while back, and he thought it was a pretty good read.  Did Damian even read?  Who knew?  At least he got something for the brat.

That's when he heard his phone go off.  It was a text from Babs saying she would be there in five minutes to pick him up.  Tim lived close enough to Wayne Manor that he could probably just walk there with no trouble, but Barb had insisted.  He didn't mind though.  With his broken ribs, it might be a good idea to take a car anyways.  Now, he just had to wait.

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Alfred knocked on the door and strenly said "Master Damian. Are you suited up for the party? Guests are about to arrive." but heard no response. Alfred knocked once again, to which Damian yelled "I'm coming, Pennyworth! Calm yourself!" and the doors opened up to Alfred, who rose an eyebrow seeing Damian's attire. Damian wore a black suit with a tie, and pants, all of them in black. The reason for wearing so much was so that Damian could conceal weaponry inside. Alfred looked at the young one's tie and said "What's that sticking out there?" taking a knife out of it. Damian said "That's just for self-protection. You never know what may happen." Alfred said "I assure you that I quite do know that it is your birthday and our security is on a high enough level for you to feel safely." Alfred and Damian exchanged a moment of negative stares, as then Alfred said "Why do you have to be so negative on such a special day, Master Damian?"

Damian took a deep breath, turned around and said "You see, Pennyworth..." turning his head back at Alfred and pausing. Alfred's eyebrows rose once again, as Damian continued "Birthday, is just a cruel way of reminding someone they're one year closer to kicking the bucket, and cheering them up with gifts." Alfred said "If so then your mood should improve today." Damian said "Whatever. I still have lots of knives." Alfred said "I will report that to Master Bruce, right away." Damian cringed and halted his march suddenly. His facial expression shifted to one filled with unpleasantry and some fear. "The last thing I need is Father knowing I have knives." and started taking out all weapons he had and giving them to Alfred. Just when he was done, Alfred's hands were filled with shurikens, knives, smoke pellets and even a small hand grenade. As Damian was about to walk away again, Alfred said "Ah- Aren't you forgetting something?" Damian turned around, giving Alfred an aggressive frown, as he laid another knife on his already overloaded hands. Alfred looked down at his hands filled with weaponry and counted. "Seems about correct. You may go."

Damian walked around the mansion, looking for his Father.

Bruce Wayne

Bruce was in his room, getting dressd in a charcoal grey suit, same colored pants, black shoes, white undershirt and a black tie. He quickly made sure everything looked nice and stepped outside, heading to the Main Hall. He stopped Damian with a hand gesture, "You look nice. Who put you up to this?" He said with a small teasing grin. "Guests should be arriving soon, do you have any weapons on you?" He asked. Alfred probably had it covered, but he had to be sure.
Bruce Wayne

Bruce was in his room, getting dressd in a charcoal grey suit, same colored pants, black shoes, white undershirt and a black tie. He quickly made sure everything looked nice and stepped outside, heading to the Main Hall. He stopped Damian with a hand gesture, "You look nice. Who put you up to this?" He said with a small teasing grin. "Guests should be arriving soon, do you have any weapons on you?" He asked. Alfred probably had it covered, but he had to be sure.

Damian saw his Father and hearing his question, he responded with a dismissive voice. "Eeeh. I wore whatever I could find... so long I could fit more weapons. And, no, I don't. Pennyworth took all of them." then whistling with a not-suspicious tone. "Alright. Alright." he said, giving his Father a submissive look. Damian reached with his hand into his suit and took out a knife he hid, knowing that his lie wouldn't work on Bruce. He gave it to his Father and said "Now I have completely nothing. Swear."
Bruce Wayne

Bruce took the knife and put it into an inside coat pocket to save the time of walking it up to a drawer or other thing. He eyed Damian suspisciously, then decided to believe him. "We won't have any problems, right? No attacking the nice guests who came, ok?" He said. He glanced at his watch, "Guests should be here any minute, look like this is the best day of your life, Damian. You're 13 now, congrats." He added.
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