Gotham City


Ivy stopped her friend right there. "Wait, wait, wait.  I need to know, Doctor, what am I getting out of this, because like hell I'm going to do this for you.  Plus why would you even want the Joker back?"

Simultaneously, she used a nearby tree, to speak through to the Bats and Deadshot outside.  She listened to them bicker for a minute before speaking up.  "HEY!"  She shouted.  "Look, Batman.  I don't have time to fill you in, but the Doctor is in the CEO's office, and if you want a chance to stop him, you better get in here."

@ReverseWells @HarleyPuddin @LoneSniper87 @BrainyGrrrrl
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She didn't have time for this.  "Fine," she told the assassin as she ran into the lobby of Wayne Enterprises.  "Fall back and find a rooftop where you can maintain overwatch on the Wayne Building.  See if you can pinpoint Ivy's location and let me know.  I'm inside and heading for the elevators right now.  Batgirl out."  She was just coming up on the elevators when... "Is that...Arrow?!  Hmmm...seems I'm not the only one gunning for Ivy."  With a smirk she leapt on top of the elevator just after the doors slid shut.  The elevator was on an outside rail that allowed its occupants to take in the view of the building's spacious interiors as it ascended.  And it made it convenient for Batgirl to hitch a ride all the way to the top.  "Thanks, Bruce," she smirked to herself as the elevator went up.
Deadshot / Bruce Wayne

Bruce contacted his son while he left, "look," he said with a sigh, "I know you hate my decision and you think it is a waste of your talent, but I think you'd rather fight in peak condition, where you are sure-fire gonna surpass your enemies. So think of it as a brief respite before the real war begins." He said, looking at Barb, hearing what she said, "No!" He said forcefully, holding up his hand. "Batgirl, I'm letting you explain yourself, you know how he gets." He said, referring to Damian. Lawton raised his arms to fire but stopped at Batman's forceful tone. "Batgirl, give him a chance, he may not wanna lock you up for a misunderstanding." He offered.

Whilst he drove to the Batcave, he responded to his Father and said "I don't care. The fight with fat-girl gave me good intel. Now I know what to improve on..." as he started making sketches for stronger arm armour, additional anti-lighting and anti-chemical protective layer to his mask and something to protect against high amounts of decibels. As soon as he was in the Batcave, he walked towards the armory, greeting his pets on the way there. "Titus, Pennyworth, Batcow." he said their names in the order he passed by them. Damian sat down in the armory and continued his work. Damian wanted for all these adjustments to be made for him, as to improve his overall effectiveness. As he worked, Damian flipped on the radio and a random song started playing.

Titus, walked up to his master and observed his work. Damian continued his sketches, with his right arm still broken. He simply ignored the pain, but then Alfred came down the elevator to the Batcave. The old man made his way towards Damian and said "Good night. Broken arm, yes? Let's have a look at it." as Damian turned to him, still in his Robin suit, except all dirty and with his cape torn off. Alfred said "I think you will need to bathe, Master Damian. And change. I will meanwhile repair your suit and clean it--" to which Damian said "I don't have time. Just fix my hand, Pennyworth." Alfred was confused at first. "Oh?" he asked, and looked at Damian's sketches. Damian looked at them with Alfred, then the latter said "I believe you can finish tomorrow, Master Damian." Damian sighed, and said "Fine, Pennyworth. I'm tired anyway." and made his way upstairs, to take a shower, then possibly some rest.

Around 3 am on her night off Steph's communicator started to beep but Steph is already sound asleep. "That's my cookie!!! Give it back you little gremlin" she sleep talks after Damian stole her cookie her dream. (Sorry Tim but you will have to wait until 7 or 8 am for Steph to wake up before she can help you)
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“You’re not fit to be Robin.”

No.  Not right now.  This was not the time to get self-critical.  He needed to think.  He was still on the roof of GCPD and he needed a way to get to the hospital, and walking there in the clothes he was in, in the state he was in, was not an option.    He needed to rack his brain and think of something.  Pulling out his phone, he looked at his recent messages.  Babs was the first one.  He read it over again:

“I’m sorry.”

He knew she didn’t mean to do it.  She was under mind-control, being glamoured by Poison Ivy.  But, still her words rang through his head.  He took a deep breath (well, as deep as he could), and wrote out a short text.

TXT: “Don’t tell Bruce.”

He hit send and leaned back.  He knew that Bruce would find out eventually, but right now, he didn’t need to worry about him.  The last thing he needed was Bruce thinking he couldn’t do his job.  

He looked at his phone again, thinking for a moment.  He didn’t want to do it, but he felt like he had no other choice.  He did the calculations on his phone and dialed the Missouri number.  

“Yo!  This is Bart.”  Thank God.

“Hey Bart… It’s Robin.”

“Hey, man!  What’s up?” The sounds of video games were pretty distinct in the background.

“Nothing much… Hey, um... Where are you… Right now?”

“Central City.  Why?”

“Could I… Ask you… A huge… Big favor?”

There was a pause, even the video game noises in the background seemed to stop.  “Robin, you sound terrible.  Are you okay?”

“I’ll explain… If you… Help me…”

“Sure.  I’ve got nothing better to do.  So, what do you need?”

“I need you… To come… To the roof… Of GCPD… I’m there.  Bring… Civilian clothes.”

“Already on my way.  Be there in ten.”

“Thanks… I owe you one.”

It wasn’t even nine and a half minutes later when the speedster appeared in front of him, the sound of him coming up the stairs right behind him.  Impulse grimaced at the sight of his friend.  “Wow, Tim.  You look like hell.  Did Bane find some venom plus or something?”

Tim gave a cocky smile.  “Please… Like I’d let… Any of… Those freaks… Touch me.”  There was a pause.  “It was... Batgirl.”

“Are you serious?!”  Bart look genuinely concerned, making Tim backtrack a bit.  “Was she trying to kill you, or--,”

“Poison Ivy… Had control… And had her… Fight me… It’s not her… Fault.”  Impulse still looked genuinely concerned, but sighed.

“So, what do you need me to do?”

“I need… Civilian clothes… I can’t… Walk around…,” Tim paused taking a labored breath, “Gotham… Like this… Go to… The bunker on… 11th and Broad street… And grab my… Extra set of clothes… Then--”

“Got it!”  Bart was gone for all of a minute and fifteen seconds before he was back with the clothes in a backpack.  “Got ‘em.  Sorry it took me so long.  I got lost.  Now what?”

Tim took the clothes, and stood up. “Get dressed… In your civilian… Clothes… And help me… To the hospital…”

“Got it.”  Before Tim could even open his backpack, Bart was already fully dressed and ready to go.  He, on the other hand, walked into the stairwell and changed.  Once he was finished, he walked back out onto the roof in the rain.  Still, Bart looked concerned.  “Robin, I might be fast, but I don’t think I can carry you.”

“That’s fine…” He replied, “Just… Walk me… To Gotham… General… Besides… The vibrations… Might injure… Me more…”

“Alrighty then.”  Bart slung Tim’s arm across his shoulders as they went down the fire escape to the street below.  “So, I’m curious.  Why did you call me?  Aren’t there, like, seven people in Gotham that could help you?”

Robin sighed.  “Well, Batgirl… And Nightwing… Are going after… A criminal… They don’t need… To worry… About me… Spoiler and Orphan… Don’t want them... To see me… Like this... Plus… I know… Spoiler wouldn’t let… Me live it… Down… I don’t know… Azrael or Huntress's... Numbers… And… It’ll be… A cold day… In hell when… I ask Damien… For help.”

“Okay, but what about Batman?”  Allen questioned.  Tim sighed, continuing to walk down the street.  “Isn’t he supposed to protect you or something?”

“Batman… Has been gone… For weeks… With the League… That… And he has… Me under a… Microscope… Ever since... Damien got… Here… I don’t want… To give him… A reason… To doubt me.”

“Well, this isn't going to help.  Do you really think you can keep a secret from the world’s greatest detective?”

“I’m going... to try…  Besides… I should… Be out… By the end… Of school… Tomorrow… He might… Not even know.”

“You clearly haven’t seen your face.  By the way, what’s the story?”

“You found me... In an alleyway.  I was just... mugged... I can make... Up the rest...  Oh.. and you’ll need... to make up... a name… It’s kind of… A huge red flag… If Bart Allen… Checks me in… To the hospital.”

A cheeky grin formed on Impulse’s face, “Way ahead of you.  How does ‘Art Ballen’ sound?”

Tim just rolled his eyes.  “Your creativity is astounding.”

Midway up, she felt her phone vibrating.  She pulled it out.  Checked the message.  Relief washed over her face.  Tim was conscious.  He was alright.  But then some maternal sixth sense kicked in.  Something didn't seem right.  She was so close, soooo close, to taking down the Doctor, Ivy, and Harl!  Ending the Doctor's evil scheme.  "Damnit!"  She leapt off the elevator as it passed a small, gardened terrace on the 15th floor.  Quickly shot off a text to Tim but got no reply.  She sent a text to Nightwing.

TXT: Where are you?  Is Tim with you?

No response.  She was getting really worried now.  Suddenly, she had another thought.  She sent another text.  This time to Dex.

TXT: Are you at my place?  Stay there.  I'm on my way now.

Bats and Arrow-Boy could handle Ronan.  She keyed her mic.  "Lawton, this is Batgirl.  Rendezvous with Owl Girl.  And Batwoman.  If she shows up," she added sarcastically.  "I want you to trail Ivy and Harl if they get away.  Find out where they're going and report back to me."  She thought it over.  Wasn't sure whether Deadshot was still under Ivy's control.  She opened a private line to Owl Girl.  "Apple, Batgirl here.  Deadshot's heading to you now.  Batwoman might be joining up with you too.  I want you all to follow Ivy and Harl if they manage to get out of the building.  Be aware, Deadshot might be under Ivy's mind control.  If it looks like he's turning on you, do whatever you need to do to protect yourself.  There's something...personal I need to deal with.  I won't be able to join you but if you need me, call."

Her responsibility to Gotham accomplished, she could now focus on her responsibility to her family.  Because that's what Tim was to her.  She had friends, people who owed her.  Both as Batgirl and Barbara Gordon. They included nurses and doctors at every hospital in Gotham.  She group texted them all.  With Tim's description.

It took her 20 minutes by hookline to make it home.  She walked in, pulling off her cowl. She was battered, beaten, the wounds on her forearm and thigh still sore.  But seeing Dex standing there lifted her spirits.  She went over and hugged him.  After a long embrace (not long enough for her though) she let him go.  "I need your help., a close friend of mine, a kid I helped out in the past is hurt.  His name is Tim.  I need to find him.  We have to track down which hospital he went to."  She walked into her bedroom.  Peeled off her costume.  She showered, changed and was ready to go again in under ten minutes.  This time as Barbara Gordon.  If Tim had changed back into his civilian identity, she didn't want to expose him by arriving as Batgirl.  So, now, instead of her distinctive black and gold outfit, she had on a long sleeve cotton blouse, jeans, and a jacket.  Her short brown hair still damp from the shower, she threw her car keys to Dex.  Grabbed a 'go-bag' already packed with a new costume and fully equipped utility belt. 

She got into her Honda.  Passenger side.  Tossed her backpack in the backseat. Synced her smartphone to the car's system.  Now, any incoming messages from her eyes and ears at Gotham's hospitals would be broadcast through the car's speakers.  She let Dex drive, take the lead, while she slumped in her seat.  She was so tired.  She fell asleep.

@Rathalosa @Lunarcat @LoneSniper87 @Lancelot @ByTheChesapeake
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Midway up, she felt her phone vibrating.  She pulled it out.  Checked the message.  Relief washed over her face.  Tim was conscious.  He was alright.  But then some maternal sixth sense kicked in.  Something didn't seem right.  She was so close, soooo close, to taking down the Doctor, Ivy, and Harl!  Ending the Doctor's evil scheme.  "Damnit!"  She leapt off the elevator as it passed a small, gardened terrace on the 15th floor.  Quickly shot off a text to Tim but got no reply.  She sent a text to Nightwing.

TXT: Where are you?  Is Tim with you?

No response.  She was getting really worried now.  Suddenly, she had another thought.  She sent another text.  This time to Dex.

TXT: Are you at my place?  Stay there.  I'm on my way now.

Bats and Arrow-Boy could handle Ronan.  She keyed her mic.  "Lawton, this is Batgirl.  Rendezvous with Owl Girl.  And Batwoman.  If she shows up," she added sarcastically.  "I want you to trail Ivy and Harl if they get away.  Find out where they're going and report back to me."  She thought it over.  Wasn't sure whether Deadshot was still under Ivy's control.  She opened a private line to Owl Girl.  "Apple, Batgirl here.  Deadshot's heading to you now.  Batwoman might be joining up with you too.  I want you all to follow Ivy and Harl if they manage to get out of the building.  Be aware, Deadshot might be under Ivy's mind control.  If it looks like he's turning on you, do whatever you need to do to protect yourself.  There's something...personal I need to deal with.  I won't be able to join you but if you need me, call."

Her responsibility to Gotham accomplished, she could now focus on her responsibility to her family.  Because that's what Tim was to her.  She had friends, people who owed her.  Both as Batgirl and Barbara Gordon. They included nurses and doctors at every hospital in Gotham.  She group texted them all.  With Tim's description.  As Robin and just as normal, everyday Tim Drake.

It took her 20 minutes by hookline to make it home.  She walked in, pulling off her cowl. She was battered, beaten, the wounds on her forearm and thigh still sore.  But seeing Dex standing there lifted her spirits.  She went over and hugged him.  After a long embrace (not long enough for her though) she let him go.  "I need your help.  Robin is hurt.  I need to find him.  We have to track down which hospital he went to."  She walked into her bedroom.  Peeled off her costume.  She showered, changed and was ready to go again in under ten minutes.  This time as Barbara Gordon.  If Tim had changed back into his civilian identity, she didn't want to expose him by arriving as Batgirl.  So, now, instead of her distinctive black and gold outfit, she had on a long sleeve cotton blouse, jeans, and a jacket.  Her short brown hair still damp from the shower, she threw her car keys to Dex.  Grabbed a 'go-bag' already packed with a new costume and fully equipped utility belt. 

She got into her Honda.  Passenger side.  Tossed her backpack in the backseat. Synced her smartphone to the car's system.  Now, any incoming messages from her eyes and ears at Gotham's hospitals would be broadcast through the car's speakers.  She let Dex drive, take the lead, while she slumped in her seat.  She was so tired.  She fell asleep.

@Rathalosa @Lunarcat @LoneSniper87 @Lancelot @ByTheChesapeake

For once, Dex didn't think of saying anything sarcastic or funny or mean. He stayed silent as he drove, occasionally looking worryingly at Barbara. She looked exhausted and troubled.

He follow the messages the smartphone blared out, and after a while, made it in front of Gotham General, but didn't wake Barbs. He was still fazed about how she looked, like the past few days had hurt her personally, and then she had given him a hug. She had been through something bad. She deserved rest.

Then he decided against that, figuring if he didn't wake her, he would get shouted at later on. He shook Barabara's shoulder.

@BrainyGrrrrl @ByTheChesapeake
Elizabeth looked at her clock, putting on her mask and releasing herself from the wire of the grappling hook, retrieving it. She prepared her gas tanks for all of her equipment and quickly swift trough Gotham's dark alleys towards Wayne Manor, a building in the far woods with a motorcycle. As soon she arrived, she pressed a button on her wrist, and a air-seal sealed on the serum's vials all hidden under her suit. She swiftly launched a grappling hook at one of the house's windows and got trough an open one. She sneakily made her way trough the main room, walking into Bruce's office. "Now...let's see here." Elizabeth whispered to herself, as she began searching trough the closets and stashes of the office.

@Birdsie @LoneSniper87
Bruce Wayne / Deadshot

Bruce saw an alert saying the silent alarm was tripped, he radioed Damian, "Hey, the silent alarm was tripped at the Manor, what was it?" He asked, turning to Deadshot as he nodded and ran to meet up with Owl-Girl. "Arrow, go stop the Doctor, I will catch up if I can, something has come up at the Manor. Deadshot came up next to Owl-Girl, "Hello again." He said, holstering his grappel. "So let's hunt down some baddies."
Elizabeth looked at her clock, putting on her mask and releasing herself from the wire of the grappling hook, retrieving it. She prepared her gas tanks for all of her equipment and quickly swift trough Gotham's dark alleys towards Wayne Manor, a building in the far woods with a motorcycle. As soon she arrived, she pressed a button on her wrist, and a air-seal sealed on the serum's vials all hidden under her suit. She swiftly launched a grappling hook at one of the house's windows and got trough an open one. She sneakily made her way trough the main room, walking into Bruce's office. "Now...let's see here." Elizabeth whispered to herself, as she began searching trough the closets and stashes of the office.

@Birdsie @LoneSniper87

Bruce Wayne / Deadshot

Bruce saw an alert saying the silent alarm was tripped, he radioed Damian, "Hey, the silent alarm was tripped at the Manor, what was it?" He asked, turning to Deadshot as he nodded and ran to meet up with Owl-Girl. "Arrow, go stop the Doctor, I will catch up if I can, something has come up at the Manor. Deadshot came up next to Owl-Girl, "Hello again." He said, holstering his grappel. "So let's hunt down some baddies."

Alfred heard some ruckus on the upper floor. Some metallic sound, like a grappling hook attaching to something. He knew this sound all too well, but had no idea what room it came from. Was Master Damian training instead of sleeping? But why? Alfred didn't hear any footsteps afterwards. This lowered his suspicion, but he decided to check into Damian's room just in case. Alfred walked upstairs and went into Damian's room. He opened it up, flipping the lightswitch and called out "Master Damian?" to which the boy opened up his eyes, and cleaned them with his left hand in annoyance. "Ugh. What? I'm sleeping, Pennyworth. Just like you requested." to which Alfred said "I heard some sounds. Perhaps-- No. I would be informed if someone returned."

Alfred turned around, and Damian got up. That was when the two of them knew someone was in the Manor. Damian said "I'll deal with this. You stand back, Pennyworth." as Alfred hurried down with all haste. Damian heard his Father's voice and said "I have no idea. Alfred said he heard some noise. Might be an intruder. Might not be. I'll check it out and tell you, Father." then walked through the building. Damian looked at the door to his Father's office and opened it up, seeing Elizabeth inside. He pointed the sword at her and with a harsh frown asked "Who are you? What are you doing here? You have 10 seconds to answer, then I will attack." sounding deadly serious. The child's voice sounded as if fighting was a daily thing for him, and he did not have the slightest fear when looking at the woman.
Alfred heard some ruckus on the upper floor. Some metallic sound, like a grappling hook attaching to something. He knew this sound all too well, but had no idea what room it came from. Was Master Damian training instead of sleeping? But why? Alfred didn't hear any footsteps afterwards. This lowered his suspicion, but he decided to check into Damian's room just in case. Alfred walked upstairs and went into Damian's room. He opened it up, flipping the lightswitch and called out "Master Damian?" to which the boy opened up his eyes, and cleaned them with his left hand in annoyance. "Ugh. What? I'm sleeping, Pennyworth. Just like you requested." to which Alfred said "I heard some sounds. Perhaps-- No. I would be informed if someone returned."

Alfred turned around, and Damian got up. That was when the two of them knew someone was in the Manor. Damian said "I'll deal with this. You stand back, Pennyworth." as Alfred hurried down with all haste. Damian heard his Father's voice and said "I have no idea. Alfred said he heard some noise. Might be an intruder. Might not be. I'll check it out and tell you, Father." then walked through the building. Damian looked at the door to his Father's office and opened it up, seeing Elizabeth inside. He pointed the sword at her and with a harsh frown asked "Who are you? What are you doing here? You have 10 seconds to answer, then I will attack." sounding deadly serious. The child's voice sounded as if fighting was a daily thing for him, and he did not have the slightest fear when looking at the woman.

Elizabeth gasped at the kid's voice. She immediately tried to punch Damian in the belly, as her glove ejected the serum's needles. Whether her punch landed or not, she jumps back and grabs the first weapon she can find, that meaning an ancient-looking sword in Bruce's office.
Elizabeth gasped at the kid's voice. She immediately tried to punch Damian in the belly, as her glove ejected the serum's needles. Whether her punch landed or not, she jumps back and grabs the first weapon she can find, that meaning an ancient-looking sword in Bruce's office.

Damian's eyes widened up at her actions. He was still a bit sleepy, and with his dominant hand broken this might have been a challenge. Never fighting the woman before, he was unsure what to expect, so he'd try to approach the case carefully, but aggressively. Damian, having a small body and being very athletic managed to avoid the attack by performing an aerial cartwheel, avoiding touch with his right arm, as it was still weak. He held onto his katana and landed a bit back. He saw she grabbed a sword. Damian decided she already knew too much and had to be eliminated, therefore he could also use the radio. He spoke to his Father again. "I confirm. There is an intruder, possibly dangerous. Engaging."

Damian quickly approached Elizabeth, then tried to deliver a fast kick from the side, more of a disabling\distracting move than anything to hurt her. If the kick was successful, he'd try to follow it up by an attempt at stabbing her with his sword in a highly lethal way, trying to pierce through her whole body, not stopping and not hesitating. He aimed for just above the waist. If the kick was however unsuccessful, he'd start trying to move back to give her less attack space.

Damian's eyes widened up at her actions. He was still a bit sleepy, and with his dominant hand broken this might have been a challenge. Never fighting the woman before, he was unsure what to expect, so he'd try to approach the case carefully, but aggressively. Damian, having a small body and being very athletic managed to avoid the attack by performing an aerial cartwheel, avoiding touch with his right arm, as it was still weak. He held onto his katana and landed a bit back. He saw she grabbed a sword. Damian decided she already knew too much and had to be eliminated, therefore he could also use the radio. He spoke to his Father again. "I confirm. There is an intruder, possibly dangerous. Engaging."

Damian quickly approached Elizabeth, then tried to deliver a fast kick from the side, more of a disabling\distracting move than anything to hurt her. If the kick was successful, he'd try to follow it up by an attempt at stabbing her with his sword in a highly lethal way, trying to pierce through her whole body, not stopping and not hesitating. He aimed for just above the waist. If the kick was however unsuccessful, he'd start trying to move back to give her less attack space.


Elizabeth rolled past him and used her sword to try and slash trough his ankle, to neutralize him temporarily and lay him down to sleep. She tried to punch him once again with the needles, as she pressed a button on her wrist quickly before engaging again in the fight. A small heater underneath her suit was heating some of the serum, ready to be ejected as a gas.
Mara studied what seemed to be a confrontation between her prey and an unknown woman. Odd, but it did make things easier.

The Blue Jay was standing on the branch of a tall tree just outside the Wayne Manor. Her target:Bruce Wayne's son. She wanted to show her worth to the League, so killing this child would definitely grant her a spot.

Mara clambered down, started to make her way in to the estate and towards the Manor. Bruce Wayne was not home, so this should be easy. Though to be sure, Mara would watch the confrontation first rather than running in knifes slashing. It was very odd that a thief would come all the way out to the estate, but it didn't matter. All Mara cared about, was killing her target.
Elizabeth rolled past him and used her sword to try and slash trough his ankle, to neutralize him temporarily and lay him down to sleep. She tried to punch him once again with the needles, as she pressed a button on her wrist quickly before engaging again in the fight. A small heater underneath her suit was heating some of the serum, ready to be ejected as a gas.

Mara studied what seemed to be a confrontation between her prey and an unknown woman. Odd, but it did make things easier.

The Blue Jay was standing on the branch of a tall tree just outside the Wayne Manor. Her target:Bruce Wayne's son. She wanted to show her worth to the League, so killing this child would definitely grant her a spot.

Mara clambered down, started to make her way in to the estate and towards the Manor. Bruce Wayne was not home, so this should be easy. Though to be sure, Mara would watch the confrontation first rather than running in knifes slashing. It was very odd that a thief would come all the way out to the estate, but it didn't matter. All Mara cared about, was killing her target.

While she rolled and slashed, Damian jumped, or rather leaped forward, creating a gap between the two. While she was now closer to the door, which would be a viable escape route, she instead tried to continue fighting. This was weird, as she instead of engaging started doing something. Did she have gadgets of her own? Damian wanted to handle this on his own, and was very confident he could beat her. There were little criminals in Gotham that could defeat him in combat, especially close quarters. Damian took another step back, getting onto his Father's desk. He jumped into the air then kicked the chandelier with all force, while cutting it off of the ceiling at the same time with his katana. This made the chandelier drop down from the ceiling, as it was sent flying towards Elizabeth with all force. The chandelier was merely a distraction. Damian jumped at Elizabeth just after it, with his sword above his head, trying to make a horizontal cut.

Meanwhile, Alfred went down to the Batcave and using the Batcomputer activated the safety protocols in the Manor. All doors, windows and exits were slowly being covered by metal slabs, while alarms turned on. The metal slabs were going down slowly, so anyone that wanted to enter would have to run for it. The only way to open them would be to know the security protocols, or to enter the mansion via the batcave. He saw someone else on the camera. Two assassins? Were they working together? He had to alarm Master Bruce. "Master Bruce. The Manor is being overran. We have several armed, possibly dangerous hostiles. They are not a typical attacker." he informed Batman via communication devices on the batcomputer. "I don't know if Master Damian can hold it on his own."

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While she rolled and slashed, Damian jumped, or rather leaped forward, creating a gap between the two. While she was now closer to the door, which would be a viable escape route, she instead tried to continue fighting. This was weird, as she instead of engaging started doing something. Did she have gadgets of her own? Damian wanted to handle this on his own, and was very confident he could beat her. There were little criminals in Gotham that could defeat him in combat, especially close quarters. Damian took another step back, getting onto his Father's desk. He jumped into the air then kicked the chandelier with all force, while cutting it off of the ceiling at the same time with his katana. This made the chandelier drop down from the ceiling, as it was sent flying towards Elizabeth with all force. The chandelier was merely a distraction. Damian jumped at Elizabeth just after it, with his sword above his head, trying to make a horizontal cut.

Meanwhile, Alfred went down to the Batcave and using the Batcomputer activated the safety protocols in the Manor. All doors, windows and exits were slowly being covered by metal slabs, while alarms turned on. The metal slabs were going down slowly, so anyone that wanted to enter would have to run for it. The only way to open them would be to know the security protocols, or to enter the mansion via the batcave.

As the Chandelier fell, and the door was slowly being closed, she rolled out of the Chandelier's way and raised her sword above her head, blocking the cut. "I don't want to harm you!" She exclaimed, as she tried to punch him again in the belly, or even better, in the chest.
While she rolled and slashed, Damian jumped, or rather leaped forward, creating a gap between the two. While she was now closer to the door, which would be a viable escape route, she instead tried to continue fighting. This was weird, as she instead of engaging started doing something. Did she have gadgets of her own? Damian wanted to handle this on his own, and was very confident he could beat her. There were little criminals in Gotham that could defeat him in combat, especially close quarters. Damian took another step back, getting onto his Father's desk. He jumped into the air then kicked the chandelier with all force, while cutting it off of the ceiling at the same time with his katana. This made the chandelier drop down from the ceiling, as it was sent flying towards Elizabeth with all force. The chandelier was merely a distraction. Damian jumped at Elizabeth just after it, with his sword above his head, trying to make a horizontal cut.

Meanwhile, Alfred went down to the Batcave and using the Batcomputer activated the safety protocols in the Manor. All doors, windows and exits were slowly being covered by metal slabs, while alarms turned on. The metal slabs were going down slowly, so anyone that wanted to enter would have to run for it. The only way to open them would be to know the security protocols, or to enter the mansion via the batcave. He saw someone else on the camera. Two assassins? Were they working together? He had to alarm Master Bruce. "Master Bruce. The Manor is being overran. We have several armed, possibly dangerous hostiles." he informed Batman via communication devices on the batcomputer. "I don't know if Master Damian can hold it on his own."


The Blue Jay heard something start to close on all the windows and doors, so she stopped being stealthy and started all out sprinting. When she reached the front door, she smashed through it, knifes already in hand.

Once readied for a fight, Mata started running. If the thief was this much trouble, then the Blue Jay should be quick about killing  the boy, before someone else did.

@Birdsie @Gabriel97
As the Chandelier fell, and the door was slowly being closed, she rolled out of the Chandelier's way and raised her sword above her head, blocking the cut. "I don't want to harm you!" She exclaimed, as she tried to punch him again in the belly, or even better, in the chest.

The Blue Jay heard something start to close on all the windows and doors, so she stopped being stealthy and started all out sprinting. When she reached the front door, she smashed through it, knifes already in hand.

Once readied for a fight, Mata started running. If the thief was this much trouble, then the Blue Jay should be quick about killing  the boy, before someone else did.

@Birdsie @Gabriel97

Damian felt the punch on his chest, but it did next to nothing. He was quite sure she wasn't the toughest, or strongest of Gotham's criminals judging by the fact that her punch was extremely weak compared to what he was used to. He heard the door being broken down on the lower floor. "Oh, really? You're assassins, or at least criminals." Damian took an aggressive, open, but very offensive stance.  He remained in place and stood his ground, then tried to deliver a quick, disciplined series of slices at her. He was trying to break her defense and exhaust her stamina, knowing that as she didn't have too much combat training he should be able to break through. He had to quickly deal with one of them, as his arm was broken it would be difficult to take two of them on. Furthermore that he didn't have his utility belt and equipment with him.
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Damian felt the punch on his chest, but it did next to nothing. He was quite sure she wasn't the toughest, or strongest of Gotham's criminals judging by the fact that her punch was extremely weak compared to what he was used to. He heard the door being broken down on the lower floor. "Oh, really? You're assassins, or at least criminals." Damian took an aggressive, open, but very offensive stance.  He remained in place and stood his ground, then tried to deliver a quick, disciplined series of slices at her. He was trying to break her defense and exhaust her stamina, knowing that as she didn't have too much combat training he should be able to break through. He had to quickly deal with one of them, as his arm was broken it would be difficult to take two of them on. Furthermore that he didn't have his gadgets with him.

She tried to deflect his slashes, but his stamina was much greater than hers, and she fell on the ground at the final slash. She heard a sound in her mask. "This is my last chance..." She said, as she pressed another button on her wrist. A yellow gas began ejecting from her gauntlet, as she stood on the ground, with her eyes closed. If this didn't work, this was her last moment of life. A tear ran down Elizabeth's covered eye of the mask, but she took a deep breath, which was muffled by the mask, and sighed. She tossed away the sword, which was now broken. "We'll meet again...don't know when...don't know where...we'll meet again...some sunny day..." She whispered to herself, smiling under the mask as she hoped the gas would work.
Harley huffed, she was getting sick of waiting, Mistah J had a party to throw and she didn't want him waiting for long. She slid her chair all the way back towards the elevator. "I'm getting sick of all this waiting!" She stood up putting her hands on her hips. "Red, lets go do this ourselves." She said impatiently. 
If Ivy didn't want to come she'd go alone, the Bat freaks would be up here any minute, she didn't plan on being caught.
Harley hoped Mistah J wouldn't mind if she did it herself.

@ByTheChesapeake @ReverseWells @ManyFaces
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Mara made her way to the sounds of combat, and once she laid eyes on the boy, she laughed cruelly. Just as she did, she threw two knifes towards the child, and started to run forward with another pair in hand.

She saw the gas at he last second, and stopped in tracks, before stepping back and rummaging around her equipment. All she needed was a cloth to tie around her head. Not very good at keeping out gasses, but better than nothing.
She tried to deflect his slashes, but his stamina was much greater than hers, and she fell on the ground at the final slash. She heard a sound in her mask. "This is my last chance..." She said, as she pressed another button on her wrist. A yellow gas began ejecting from her gauntlet, as she stood on the ground, with her eyes closed. If this didn't work, this was her last moment of life. A tear ran down Elizabeth's covered eye of the mask, but she took a deep breath, which was muffled by the mask, and sighed. She tossed away the sword, which was now broken. "We'll meet again...don't know when...don't know where...we'll meet again...some sunny day..." She whispered to herself, smiling under the mask as she hoped the gas would work.

Mara made her way to the sounds of combat, and once she laid eyes on the boy, she laughed cruelly. Just as she did, she threw two knifes towards the child, and started to run forward with another pair in hand.

She saw the gas at he last second, and stopped in tracks, before stepping back and rummaging around her equipment. All she needed was a cloth to tie around her head. Not very good at keeping out gasses, but better than nothing.

Damian thought it was over... initially. She fell over, and he pointed his sword at her. Damian's keen sense of hearing allowed him to hear her words, then saw her body movement. She wasn't planning on anything good, and the only thought he could have was to move back as fast as he could. Damian tried to perform a Back Walkover to avoid whatever she was about to do, but she released the gas sooner than he could move away, resulting in him breathing in some of it, before he entirely stopped breathing to avoid getting more of it. He dropped to the floor, wanting to cough, but instead he had to hide from the gas that started flooding the space before him. Damian quickly got up. He saw an assassin who just entered the room, then leaped across the room, above the desk, which was the best piece of cover in the room. He hid behind it, resulting in the knives missing him.

Damian released his breath, but felt very weak. Whatever she injected him with, stimulated sleep. It was a strong sedative, and he was about to succumb to it. Damian briefly closed his eyes, but then re-opened them in realization he can't go to sleep or he's dead. Damian hit the floor with his broken arm with all strength he had, to cause himself pain, as a way of waking himself up. He needed to wait behind the safety of his cover until she was out of the gas. He had the same tactic as the Assassin in order to prevent the gas from affecting him in one hundred percent. The only, best thing he could do was to tie cloth around his head. He ripped off his shirt, then made it into a 'do-it-yourself' clothmask. He didn't have any equipment, and couldn't move out from behind the desk, or he was done for. He took out one of the shelves, trying to find something like a weapon.

The best thing he could find was a pair of sharp scissors. He took them apart, creating two sharp pieces of metal that could be used as knives. Damian already had a plan to take out Mara, and perhaps Elizabeth. "Alfred. Lower the window in Bruce's office." Damian ordered. Alfred heard the young Master's voice and did as ordered. The metal slab that covered the room's window opened up.  He leaned out of cover and tried to throw one knife towards Elizabeth, trying his best to aim it for the tank with the gasses, hoping that it would explode resulting in at least the Assassin being taken out by it. Elizabeth lying on the floor without motion was definitely a help in this.

If the throw was successful, Damian would depart by jumping out the window with one part of the scissors and his katana in hands, and aiming for the bushes. If it wasn't, then Damian would stay in cover.
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Mara could barely see the outline of the child, her eyes stung. Even so, it was enough.

As she stalked forward, completely ignoring the other intruder, she started to speak clearly enough for the boy to hear.

"Damian, it's alright. I thought you were an assassin, so I threw those knifes. I'm sorry, I'm just here to protect you." The Blue Jay said sweetly. "Your mother sent me, Talia. It's alright."

She twirled one of her knives, ready to throw or stab at any part of the child within range.
Damian thought it was over... initially. She fell over, and he pointed his sword at her. Damian's keen sense of hearing allowed him to hear her words, then saw her body movement. She wasn't planning on anything good, and the only thought he could have was to move back as fast as he could. Damian tried to perform a Back Walkover to avoid whatever she was about to do, but she released the gas sooner than he could move away, resulting in him breathing in some of it, before he entirely stopped breathing to avoid getting more of it. He dropped to the floor, wanting to cough, but instead he had to hide from the gas that started flooding the space before him. Damian quickly got up. He saw an assassin who just entered the room, then leaped across the room, above the desk, which was the best piece of cover in the room. He hid behind it, resulting in the knives missing him.

Damian released his breath, but felt very weak. Whatever she injected him with, stimulated sleep. It was a strong sedative, and he was about to succumb to it. Damian briefly closed his eyes, but then re-opened them in realization he can't go to sleep or he's dead. Damian hit the floor with his broken arm with all strength he had, to cause himself pain, as a way of waking himself up. He needed to wait behind the safety of his cover until she was out of the gas. He had the same tactic as the Assassin in order to prevent the gas from affecting him in one hundred percent. The only, best thing he could do was to tie cloth around his head. He ripped off his shirt, then made it into a 'do-it-yourself' clothmask. He didn't have any equipment, and couldn't move out from behind the desk, or he was done for. He took out one of the shelves, trying to find something like a weapon.

The best thing he could find was a pair of sharp scissors. He took them apart, creating two sharp pieces of metal that could be used as knives. Damian already had a plan to take out Mara, and perhaps Elizabeth. "Alfred. Lower the window in Bruce's office." Damian ordered. Alfred heard the young Master's voice and did as ordered. The metal slab that covered the room's window opened up.  He leaned out of cover and tried to throw one knife towards Elizabeth, trying his best to aim it for the tank with the gasses, hoping that it would explode resulting in at least the Assassin being taken out by it. Elizabeth lying on the floor without motion was definitely a help in this.

If the throw was successful, Damian would depart by jumping out the window with one part of the scissors and his katana in hands, and aiming for the bushes. If it wasn't, then Damian would stay in cover.

The gas invaded the whole room, and Elizabeth sighed. She grabbed the Blade flying at her, resulting in her cutting her glove. The other one, however, hit her shoulder, resulting in her being incapacitated.
Mara could barely see the outline of the child, her eyes stung. Even so, it was enough.

As she stalked forward, completely ignoring the other intruder, she started to speak clearly enough for the boy to hear.

"Damian, it's alright. I thought you were an assassin, so I threw those knifes. I'm sorry, I'm just here to protect you." The Blue Jay said sweetly. "Your mother sent me, Talia. It's alright."

She twirled one of her knives, ready to throw or stab at any part of the child within range.

The gas invaded the whole room, and Elizabeth sighed. She grabbed the Blade flying at her, resulting in her cutting her glove. The other one, however, hit her shoulder, resulting in her being incapacitated.

He heard Mara's voice and said "Liar." with a calm tone. "I'm not stupid." he added, then heard the gas pumping out of Elizabeth's tank as the direct result of one of the 'knives' he threw at it. As the sedative gas filled the room, and would quickly result in everyone inside being knocked unconcious, Damian said "Now close the door to his office, and close the window!" to Alfred. The door of the room closed with a metal slab, so anyone inside would be unable to enter, or exit it. Before the window was closed with one such slab, Damian jumped out of it, breaking the glass and aiming for the bushes. He hit into them, somewhat softening his fall. They were not however enough to keep him from being completely injured.

He slowly got up, then spoke via radio to all members of the batfamily. "D-Damn... it. I need help. This is Damian... I'm at the Manor. Someone attacked." he repeated, getting up. While the bush broke his fall for some part, his hand was still badly hurt and he was still injured. "I think the attackers have been dealt with, but I'm not sure. Anyone, come in as fast as you can." looking up at the window again. Damian slowly limped towards the main door.

@LoneSniper87 @BrainyGrrrrl @Lancelot @ByTheChesapeake
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