Gotham City

Dexter was headed to the GCPD, and took the stealthy route. Which, really, meant he stayed in dark alleys as much as he could. 

Once he reached the building, he found it still as wrecked as he had last seen it. 

"Ah memories." He said happily as he opened the doors.

"It seemed like only yesterday...oh."

Dex paused as he beheld another odd event. This is my life now...

Dexter made sure his brass knuckles were properly equipped, and stepped forward..
Harley walked infront of Ivy, looking around trying to spot Ronan maybe. She heard voices coming from one side of the building, she peaked around a corner. Yikes ! Thats alot of Bats. She pulled her head back and leaned against the wall, she tapped the wall thinking what to do, she looked over at Ivy and shrugged. 
Maybe they could just walk in the front door....not like it would be open. They would definitely hear her and Ivy. 
Harley walked infront of Ivy, looking around trying to spot Ronan maybe. She heard voices coming from one side of the building, she peaked around a corner. Yikes ! Thats alot of Bats. She pulled her head back and leaned against the wall, she tapped the wall thinking what to do, she looked over at Ivy and shrugged. 
Maybe they could just walk in the front door....not like it would be open. They would definitely hear her and Ivy. 

Damian stepped out of the corner and said "Scared of bats?" unsheating his sword and preparing to fight. "While I'd love to gut you like a fish, the moral code prevents it. Now, if you would kindly tell me what that Doctor of yours is planning maybe I will consider not turning your face into a punching bag." observing both Ivy and Harley. He wanted to handle it himself, but just to prevent Bruce from having a heart-attack later, he spoke into the communication channel and said "Quinn and the Weed are around the corner." to inform the rest of the bat-family about his discovery.

@ByTheChesapeake @Lancelot @BrainyGrrrrl @LoneSniper87
"Screw him!"  She wasn't sticking around for Omen-Boy to come back with an apology letter.  She fired her grappling gun and ascended to the roof to rejoin Owl-Girl.  She knew that Lawton had similar equipment and would be following close behind.  She thought about Dex again.  Seriously, where the hell was that guy.  Enough was enough.  She called his phone.  "Dex, this is Batgirl.  I don't know where the hell you ran off to, but if you're able, head over to my apartment and wait for me.  Okay?"  She hung up.  Wait!  What was happening across the street?!  In front of the Wayne Building.  "#@$%# DAMN IT!!!"  That brat was gonna be the death of her!  She shot another line to the lower floors of the building and sailed down, reaching into her belt for a batarang which she threw at the back of the boy's head.  Not hard enough to knock him out...however delightful the thought was.  No, just hard enough to get demon boy's attention.

@Rathalosa @HarleyPuddin @Birdsie
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Harley jumped when Damian came around the corner,she raised her mallet with a smirk. 

"Awwh look its a baby bat." She giggled and stepped back ready to swing at him. "I ain' telling you nothin. Why don't cha go ask Bratgirl." She winked at him. 
"She's working with us!" She grabbed her mallet with both hands and swung at him. "So play nice!"

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"Screw him!"  She wasn't sticking around for Omen-Boy to come back with an apology letter.  She fired her grappling gun and ascended to the roof to rejoin Owl-Girl.  She knew that Lawton had similar equipment and would be following close behind.  She thought about Dex again.  Seriously, where the hell was that guy.  Enough was enough.  She called his phone.  "Dex, this is Batgirl.  I don't know where the hell you ran off to, but if you're able, head over to my apartment and wait for me.  Okay?"  She hung up.  Wait!  What was happening across the street?!  In front of the Wayne Building.  "#@$%# DAMN IT!!!"  That brat was gonna be the death of her!  She shot another line to the lower floors of the building and sailed down, reaching into her belt for a batarang which she threw at the back of the boy's head.  Not hard enough to knock him out...however delightful the thought was.  No, just hard enough to get demon boy's attention.

@Rathalosa @HarleyPuddin @Birdsie

"Blood 'ell, what got you so worked up?" Dex grumbled, and walked away from the GCPD. 


The Blue Jay watched the building below. It was some sort of authorities building, but it looked a bomb site. A masked man walked out, but he wasn't known to her, so not a target. Sooner or later worthy prey would arrive. All it took was a little patience.
"Screw him!"  She wasn't sticking around for Omen-Boy to come back with an apology letter.  She fired her grappling gun and ascended to the roof to rejoin Owl-Girl.  She knew that Lawton had similar equipment and would be following close behind.  She thought about Dex again.  Seriously, where the hell was that guy.  Enough was enough.  She called his phone.  "Dex, this is Batgirl.  I don't know where the hell you ran off to, but if you're able, head over to my apartment and wait for me.  Okay?"  She hung up.  Wait!  What was happening across the street?!  In front of the Wayne Building.  "#@$%# DAMN IT!!!"  That brat was gonna be the death of her!  She shot another line to the lower floors of the building and sailed down, reaching into her belt for a batarang which she threw at the back of the boy's head.  Not hard enough to knock him out...however delightful the thought was.  No, just hard enough to get demon boy's attention.

@Rathalosa @HarleyPuddin @Birdsie

Harley jumped when Damian came around the corner,she raised her mallet with a smirk. 

"Awwh look its a baby bat." She giggled and stepped back ready to swing at him. "I ain' telling you nothin. Why don't cha go ask Bratgirl." She winked at him. 
"She's working with us!" She grabbed her mallet with both hands and swung at him. "So play nice!"


Damian's superior senses kicked in, and he heard a whistling sound coming up from above, about to hit the back of his head. He quickly turned around and cut the batarang out of the air with his sword. He turned back around to face Quinn and Ivy, to ensure they're not trying anything, then looked at Batgirl with the corner of his eye. He spoke, loud enough for her to hear him. "What is wrong with you?" but was caught off-guard by Quinn's words and her attack. He dodged the attack and put everything that happened togehter like puzzles. So Batgirl betrayed them? For what reason? That were Damian's thoughts. He thought Batgirl to be an intelligent person. An annoying, but intelligent person. Perhaps even loyal. His opinion on her reformed, as he spoke again. "Well, well, well. I always thought you were annoying. Intelligent, yet annoying." he said, decisively, looking up at the rooftop that Batgirl stood on. "But to betray your own family?" he added, with a sarcrastically hurt voice. Damian was completely sure that Batgirl betrayed them. It all made sense. Deadshot working with her. The attack. Harley's words. Maybe she was even working with the Doctor? Perhaps.

"Not today." Damian spoke, then threw a smoke pellet under his feet, trying to confuse and disorient Harley. Then Damian, deciding he was outnumbered, but not in cowardice used the grapnel gun to access one of the rooftops, and used his communication device to speak ONLY to Bruce. "Father, I know you may not believe me, but Gordon is a traitor. She's working with Quinn, Deadshot and Ivy. Why? I don't know. But I'm certain that I'm right. She tried to attack me."


Damian decided not to wait for support, instead grappling his way to where Batgirl was. He sheathed his sword, and instead put on his brass knuckles with spikes. This just got close, and personal. "Why, though?" he asked curiously, before engaging. "You have a reason, but I can't see it." he added shortly afterwards, entering a combat ready stance. "Why did you side yourself with them, betraying us?" he asked again, in the belief that Batgirl was a traitor.
Harley wobbled as her mallet missed and the weight and force of the swing cause her to fall with it. She yelped as she fell, as she got back up, the smoke pellet was thrown. God she hated bats, but at least he believed her she coughed and covered her mouth and nose and ran out of the smoke. She ran to the front of the building and smashed a window open, where was Ronan?! She took an elevator up to the top with Ivy, to wait for Ronan.
This had been to easy so fair, hopefully everything went to plan. She didn't want her Puddin's plans to be ruined, that wouldn't go well for her.  

@ReverseWells @ByTheChesapeake 
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"What?!?"  Was this kid bonkers?!  What the hell was he talking about?!  She landed on the pavement in front of him.  Couldn't believe it as the boy donned brass knuckles and prepared to face off against her.  "Hey kid, I know that you're psycho and all but seriously?!"  She stared behind him at Harley as she smashed her way into the building.  "Great!  Now Harley was getting away!"  Barb's voice became more forceful  "LOOK.  ROBIN.  I don't have TIME for this right now!  So, why don't you be a good little monster and go drooling back to daddy?"  Her left hand reached behind her.  Back into her belt for her CS gas pellets.  She hated to do it but maybe a little tear gas would knock some sense into him.  But she would let him make the first move here.

@HarleyPuddin @Birdsie
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"What?!?"  Was this kid bonkers?!  What the hell was he talking about?!  She landed on the pavement in front of him.  Couldn't believe it as the boy donned brass knuckles and prepared to face off against her.  "Hey kid, I know that you're psycho and all but seriously?!"  She stared behind him at Harley who had her mallet in her hand, good and ready to come at the both of them.  Barb's voice became more forceful  "LOOK.  ROBIN.  I don't have TIME for this right now!  So, why don't you be a good little monster and go drooling back to daddy?"  Her left hand reached behind her.  Back into her belt for her CS gas pellets.  She hated to do it but maybe a little tear gas would knock some sense into him.  But she would let him make the first move here.

@HarleyPuddin @Birdsie

Harley wobbled as her mallet missed and the weight and force of the swing cause her to fall with it. She yelp as she fell, as she got back up, the smoke pellet was thrown. God she hated bats, but at least he believed her she coughed and covered her mouth and nose and ran out of the smoke. She ran to the front of the building and smashed a window open, where was Ronan?! She took an elevator up to the top with Ivy, to wait for Ronan.
This had been to easy so fair, hopefully everything went to plan. She didn't want her Puddin's plans to be ruined, that wouldn't go well for her.  

@ReverseWells @ByTheChesapeake 

Damian said "Seriously? You tell me to be serious? Look at yourself. You're working with Deadshot. Working with Quinn. You just tried to give me a concussion. What else do I need to see to know that you're obviously not on my side?" then he heard her request. He frowned harshly and asked "Time for what? You're as suspicious as you can be. You're not telling everything. I'm not talking about me. You're not telling everything to Father. You're against us." noticing her hand movement with his keen sight. She was planning something. Planning what? Damian turned the detective mode on and saw a CS gas pellet. He head to be ready to pull on the gasmask as fast as possible in case a fight broke out. "Prove to me that I can trust you." he demanded, moving a step back. Damian didn't want to pointlessly fight with her. It was inefficient, and a huge waste of everyone's time, but he had to be sure she didn't betray them.
"Are you $#@%ing KIDDING ME?!"  She clutched the orbs in her hand.  She lowered her voice, spoke tersely.  "Damian,  You're being delusional.  Think for a moment, will you?  I know that you don't like me.  Don't trust me.  But why would I be working for Harley and Ivy?  It makes no sense.  You have to believe me here when I say its all part of a plan to take down the Doctor."  No, he wasn't going to believe her.  She already knew this in her heart.  So, just as she finished saying "Doctor" she threw the pellets at his feet, pulled on her own gasmask and rushed in.  She needed to end this fast.  She didn't want to hurt Damian, especially after what happened with Tim.  And Damian was a much more dangerous opponent.  If she allowed him to prolong the fight, there was a very good chance she could lose.  No, she really needed to end this fight quick!  As if things couldn't get any worse, it started to rain.

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"Are you $#@%ing KIDDING ME?!"  She clutched the orbs in her hand.  She lowered her voice, spoke tersely.  "Damian,  You're being delusional.  Think for a moment, will you?  I know that you don't like me.  Don't trust me.  But why would I be working for Harley and Ivy?  It makes no sense.  You have to believe me here when I say its all part of a plan to take down the Doctor."  No, he wasn't going to believe her.  She already knew this in her heart.  So, just as she finished saying "Doctor" she threw the pellets at his feet, pulled on her own gasmask and rushed in.  She needed to end this fast.  She didn't want to hurt Damian, especially after what happened with Tim.  And Damian was a much more dangerous opponent.  If she allowed him to prolong the fight, there was a very good chance she could lose.  No, she really needed to end this fight quick! As if things couldn't get any worse, it started to rain.


Damian's mind was in conflict. She was right. Why would she be working with them? She had no personal reasons. She doesn't want money. Revenge. From the other side, why would she not tell them about the plan? He started talking "You know wh--" and was about to tell her that he believes her, but then she threw the tear gas. Damian closed his eyes, tried not breathing, covered himself with his cape and quickly stepped back. Anything to cover himself from the gas, but it still affected him. He coughed, pulling out his own gasmask and putting it on his face. As soon as he thought everything was good, he saw Batgirl rushing at him. He used the Brass Knuckles for less tactical situations, or when he didn't want to hurt someone too badly, but this was out of the question. Damian put them back on his utility belt, then performed a back handspring to move away (Shown in picture below), 


After he was a good distance away, he pulled out his sword and said "I don't want to fight you, but..." he rose his head and looked Batgirl in the eyes. "I will if I have to." then rushed back at her, trying to slice her with his sword vertically. He did his best to make the attack harmful, but not lethal. Damian had no intention to accidentally chop off her arm, or anything like that. As he performed everything above he kept coughing, and his eyes were releasing tears, as an effect of some of the tear gas affecting him. It didn't do much to disable him, but it was surely a major discomfort.
Harley sat down in the elevator humming to herself, as Ivy leaned against the wall. She hummed to herself, she hadn't realised how tall the building was until now. 
She wished Mistah J would speak to her again, although she still didn't know how he was speaking to her...
She pulled her hood off and started feeling through her hair, she stuck her fingers in and around her ears. Maybe it was inside her head! She shook her head from side to side violently, trying to listen for anything moving around. Hm no luck, eh oh well. She shrugged, looking at what floor they were on and sighed.
She whipped out her tactical baton and used it to block his sword strike.  The fact that he was even using his sword meant that he was out for blood.  Barb couldn't afford to go easy on him.  She noticed his eyes tearing.  That was it!  Her way in!  "Let's see if we can't make it worse."  She swiped a cylinder off her belt and sprayed him directly in the eyes from less than three inches away.  It was chemical mace.  Only 10 times stronger.  While he was hopefully distracted for a moment by the incredible pain and blindness, she swung the metal baton at the knuckles of his hands, hard enough to cause him to lose the sword.  After that, she tucked down and took a shot at his feet, hoping to use the baton to knock him over.

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Gliding across the skies of Gotham, Kate arrived at Wayne Enterprises. Unfortunately, she now had to wait for Batgirl. Kate was fine with patient for Barbara to come. Hopefully, she won't take forever in whatever she's currently doing. That girl must have a lot of errands to do, thought Kane. Batwoman grappled on to building next Wayne Enterprises. She crouched down and looked at the streets. Kate took out her MP3 and turned it on. She shuffled some pop songs to listen, while Barbara finishes up whatever she's doing. Listening to pop songs for Kate keeps her focus away, from her tragic breakup.
She whipped out her tactical baton and used it to block his sword strike.  The fact that he was even using his sword meant that he was out for blood.  Barb couldn't afford to go easy on him.  She noticed his eyes tearing.  That was it!  Her way in!  "Let's see if we can't make it worse."  She swiped a cylinder off her belt and sprayed him directly in the eyes from less than three inches away.  It was chemical mace.  Only 10 times stronger.  While he was hopefully distracted for a moment by the incredible pain and blindness, she swung the metal baton at the knuckles of his hands, hard enough to cause him to lose the sword.  After that, she tucked down and took a shot at his feet, hoping to use the baton to knock him over.


Gliding across the skies of Gotham, Kate arrived at Wayne Enterprises. Unfortunately, she now had to wait for Batgirl. Kate was fine with patient for Barbara to come. Hopefully, she won't take forever in whatever she's currently doing. That girl must have a lot of errands to do, thought Kane. Batwoman grappled on to building next Wayne Enterprises. She crouched down and looked at the streets. Kate took out her MP3 and turned it on. She shuffled some pop songs to listen, while Barbara finishes up whatever she's doing. Listening to pop songs for Kate keeps her focus away, from her tragic breakup.

Damian, while they were in a lock muttered out "You damned traitor..." in disbelief of her actions. Now he was COMPLETELY sure that she was a traitor, and all of his previous wishes to believe her were clouded away. While his mask provided major protection against hostile gasses, the strong release of the chemicals into his eyes blinded Damian. He growned in pain, and quickly took several steps back. His eyes were out. Useless. Fortunately, his perception was far above normal humans. His hearing allowed him to fight even in his hood. "Damn you!" Damian yelled at Batgirl in anger, but was then attacked by her once again. He heard the baton whisting through the air towards his hands, but was hit by her, making him drop the sword. He didn't get caught by the second attack, instead taking several careful steps back. Damian took a quick breath. He could hear some music far away, but thought it was not important. He had to listen to any footsteps that Barbara could make, or any weapons she was about to use.

Meanwhile, he thought about any weapons he could use. Fortunately, he still had the gift from Dick. The Escrima Stick. He desperately patted through his utility belt, trying to find it, and pulled it out, then turned the electricity on. Again; being completely blind wasn't as much a disability for Damian as just a major discomfort. He could easily fight without seeing, but he first had to know where Batgirl was, by listening in.
She gritted her teeth when she saw him pull out the escrima stick.  "That's Dick's, you little shit!"  Little bastard probably stole it!  She knew what the stick could do.  That it was electrified.  That a quick jab to a limb and it would go instantly numb.  Become dead and useless.  Even with the surge protection that her suit afforded.  And if he hit her with anything longer than a one second strike, she'd be knocked out cold.  No way was she gonna give him the chance!  Even though Damian was blinded, she knew that his hearing was uncanny.  She had to level the playing field.  She activated her protective visors, the lens making a barely audible "snickt" as they snapped in place, just before she threw a flashbang at his feet.  She had ear protection in her cowl and with the lens she was protected as she charged at the boy, sliding in the slick, rain-soaked pavement to strike at his knees with the heel of her boot.

She gritted her teeth when she saw him pull out the escrima stick.  "That's Dick's, you little shit!"  Little bastard probably stole it!  She knew what the stick could do.  That it was electrified.  That a quick jab to a limb and it would go instantly numb.  Become dead and useless.  Even with the surge protection that her suit afforded.  And if he hit her with anything longer than a one second strike, she'd be knocked out cold.  No way was she gonna give him the chance!  Even though Damian was blinded, she knew that his hearing was uncanny.  She had to level the playing field.  She activated her protective visors, the lens making a barely audible "snickt" as they snapped in place, just before she threw a flashbang at his feet.  She had ear protection in her cowl and with the lens she was protected as she charged at the boy, sliding in the slick, rain-soaked pavement to strike at his knees with the heel of her boot.


Damian said "He gave it to me as a gift!" with a voice of anger. He was constantly thinking of what else he could do. Then he heard a pin being pulled out of something like a grenade??? "No!" he yelled, as she threw the flashbang at his feet. He was not aware what type of grenade it was. It was either going to be a lethal, or a flashbang. Damian performed an aerial cartwheel, trying to get away, but the Flashbang already exploded, disorienting him and causing him to lose all balance. He dropped to the cold, watery ground, his cape soaking in water and his suit getting dirty in the mud. He was completely disoriented and blinded, sitting on the pavement. All that he could hope for in his completely senseless state was to try to attack blindly with all he had. Damian took LOTS of explosive and smoke pellets off from his belt and randomly threw in them in front of himself as a defense while Batgirl ran towards him. Meanwhile, he slowly tried crawling away and getting up, but it was hard due to the liquids in his ear constantly moving after the flashbang exploded. Damian continued trying to escape, while explosions went on and on behind him, unsure if Batgirl was closing in.

Ivy took the elevator with Harley, staying quiet the whole way.  Everything would have gone to plan if the little bat-gremlin hadn't of shown up.  At least Batgirl was handling it.  She had to think.  Once she got up there, she had to think about how she was going to go about this.

The reached the top floor, and grabbed Harley's hand, pulling her into the CEO's office.  Her anxiety was building as she entered into the dark room, the only light coming in was from the wall of windows.  She walked over to the wall and looked out, anticipation making her heart race.  It had started raining, making Ivy wish she was outside.  The bats were fighting, making Ivy wish she had taken control of Babs again.  Maybe then she wouldn't hold back and take out the little ankle-biter like she did the other Robin.

She turned back to Harley and leaned up agains the wall.  Her sight did not stay focused on her friend long though, turning her attention back to the fight below.

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Harley was knocked out of her daydream of being reunited with Mistah J when Red pulled her out of the elevator. She looked around at the dark room, spooky. When Red let go, she peered out the window then looked back at Ivy. 
"Hey Red, how come your being so quiet?" She said cocking her head to the side, walking away from the window.

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She rolled sideways on the pavement as she threw explosive and smoke pellets right and left.  She had on her gas mask, ear and eye protection so she was well protected against the gas and flashbangs.  But she was blown back by the concussive force.  She did a backward hand spring to right herself and landed on her feet several feet away.  She switched to enhanced vision but the smoke that the boy had thrown was designed to specifically thwart it.  So, she couldn't see where the boy was within the dense cloud of smoke.  Whether he was wounded or waiting for her.  It was too dangerous, not to mention foolhardy, to just go charging back in.  No...she needed to take the high ground.

She shot a cable to the top of the Wayne Building and reeled herself up.  She stopped about 10 stories up, gripping her cable gun in one hand.  She was still close enough to the ground that she could engage Damian but from the safety of a higher position.  So...the boy liked playing with electricity?  "Lets see how you like this!She threw a shock orb at the ground.  The electric charge released by the orb would travel across the rain-soaked pavement, hopefully shocking the boy into submission.

@Birdsie @HarleyPuddin @ByTheChesapeake
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Ivy was snapped back into reality when Harley spoke to her.  "Sorry, sweetie.  I'm just thinking."  She looked back out the window for a moment, but then back at Harley.  

"Harley, I know this man says that he can bring back the Joker, but how do you know that you can trust him?  He might just be saying that."  She looked back out the window again.

"Harley, who's Jason Todd?"

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Batwoman was enjoying her current pop song, Fireworks. It had that good strong feel with its cool beat. Man, I have to listen to music more often now. Kate was at the last few seconds before something went BOOM! She wonder where that sound was coming from. She took off her earbuds and stood up to look for where the noise came. "That sounded like a explosion by a grenade. If only I know where it truly detonated." Kate began her search for that interesting sound. Until she probably knew where it came from.

Kate couldn't believe it. Batgirl was taking on Robin, which was Damian. Why are they fighting, kept coming into Batwoman's mind. "Either Barbara threw the grenade," Kate whispered. "Or Damian blinded himself." She didn't know who had threw grenade. The only way Kate was going to understand if she give Batgirl a message real quick. She pulled out her communicated and spoke, "Barbara what are you doing to Damian?" 

She rolled sideways on the pavement as she threw explosive and smoke pellets right and left.  She had on her gas mask, ear and eye protection so she was well protected against the gas and flashbangs.  But she was blown back by the concussive force.  She did a backward hand spring to right herself and landed on her feet several feet away.  She switched to enhanced vision but the smoke that the boy had thrown was designed to specifically thwart it.  So, she couldn't see where the boy was within the dense cloud of smoke.  Whether he was wounded or waiting for her.  It was too dangerous, not to mention foolhardy, to just charging back in.  No...she needed to take the high ground.

She shot a cable to the top of the Wayne Building and reeled herself up.  She stopped about 10 stories up, gripping her cable gun in one hand.  She was still close enough to the ground that she could engage Damian but from the safety of a higher position.  So...the boy liked playing with electricity?  "Lets see how you like this!She threw a shock orb at the ground.  The electric charge released by the orb would travel across the rain-soaked pavement, hopefully shocking the boy into submission.

@Birdsie @HarleyPuddin @ByTheChesapeake

Damian got up. His eyes slowly recovered from both the flashbang and the chemicals, as he opened them up with lots of tears soaking out. His hearing returned just a few seconds after, as he got up, returning to balance. He picked up the Escrima Stick and his Sword, amongst the smoke and looked around for Batgirl. He then heard something flying towards him, and looked up to see Barbara on the Wayne Enterprises building, with an orb, probably some explosive gadget flying in his direction. Just before it neared him, Damian threw a birdarang at it, knocking it away and breaking it. Whatever remanants of the shock orb hit the ground, if they were still working they would do very little thanks to Damian's suit, albeit it was still a bit wet, especially the cape.

Damian wasn't sure what weapon to use, but settled for the Sword. He wanted to show mercy at first, but now he was mad. He took the sword, placing it in his right hand, and in his left he took the grapnel gun. He shot it up to where Batgirl was and it winded him up. He stood on the edge of the rooftop, not so far away from her and tried to slice her horizontally, aiming just below the waist, to make the attack extremely hard to dodge by either ducking or jumping. His fighting style changed. He was faster and clearly put more effort into fighting. He changed from the 'I don't want to hurt you mode' to 'no remorse.' whilst keeping a harsh frown on his face. Batgirl still had a minor advantage, as his vision wasn't very clear after the chemicals she sprayed into his eyes, and he saw afterimages after the flashbang.
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Harley watched Red intently. "Well gee Red, I gotta trust him. You know I'll do anything to get Mistah J back" She said with a smile. "And if hes lying, we double cross him!" She pretended her hand was a gun and pointed it at Ivy.  
She played with her hair, twirling it with her fingers. "Ooo! He was one of the Robins that Mistah J offed" She wasn't there when it happened, but the Joker had told her about it in great detail. "That was aaagess agooo.... why do ya ask?" She sat down on a office chair and spun around on it. 

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