Gotham City

Barb saw the look on Bruce's face and was having none of it.  "Situation's contained!  So, you and...Arrow-Boy can take off!  I'm handling things here!  Lawton's working for me!  So is..."  She looked over at Owl-Girl and immediately calmed down.  She didn't want the impressible crimefighter seeing Gotham's heroes fighting among one another.  What kind of example would that be setting.  "So is Owl Girl," she said in a more even voice.  She made the introductions.  "Owl Girl, Batman.  Batman, Owl Girl.  That's Green Arrow and the bloodythirsty brat is Robin.  Not one of the nice ones," she added.  She swatted Damian's sword out of Lawton's face.  "Easy there, Omen-Boy.  You're not paralyzing anyone."  She turned back to Bruce.  "Look, if you really want to help..."  She reached behind her and pulled out the metal card in the back of her belt.  "It belongs to this 'Doctor' character.  Use your big bad Batcomputer and see what you can find."  Barb wasn't losing much, she knew that both Deadshot and Ivy had similar cards.

@Lunarcat @LoneSniper87 @The Great Catsby
"That.... that's batman... And... Robin.... And... the-the car..." Said Owl-Girl, with a slight stammer. And suddenly she felt very very nervous. Batgirl, Batman, Deadshot, all these people... in one night? It was overwhelming, it was amazing, it was unfairly intimidating. She returned to her high school state of being shy and scared of everyone, and stammered out a quick "....oh...." before shutting up and letting the professionals take the lead. She went back on the defensive, but felt slightly safer now that so many Batfamily people were there with her. She looked down at Black Mask, watching him writhe in pain, and felt a twinge of pity for him. She never felt bad for the bad guys before in movies and tv shows, but up close and personal... suddenly stuff changed. She looked away quickly, back at batgirl, then at deadshot, then at no one in particular. She quickly transformed back into her human form, not wanting her first meeting with batman to be her fluffed up and puffy, eyes as big as saucers. She still felt like an owl though, an owl out of the air that is. "Hi Batman... Hi Robin... H-hi green... arrow... hoot..."

@Birdsie @BrainyGrrrrl @LoneSniper87
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Oliver Queen

"Got it Bruce, I see a few people up ahead." He said as he watched Bruce and Damian exit the car and look to take out Floyd. He quickly grabbed his bow off of his bike with one hand, as he skidded to a stop next to the batmobile with his other hand. He quickly tapped his neck, activating the voice alter, and quickly drew an arrow. "What makes you think we'll belive you. And you better talk fast Lawton."

Deadshot had the bead, but his rifle didn't have nonlethals, so she shot Sionis in the leg, bringing him down onto a knee, hoping Batgirl would take the opprotunity to take him down. "Sorry if he has nasty gunshot in his leg, this,rifle has no rubber bullets manufactured for it, well I don't have any of em if they do." She said

Roman Sionis

feeling the rifle round hit his lower thigh, close to the knee, his leg buckled, forcing him into a knee. He drew his .44 revolver again and fired into the cape, emtying the barrel for all but one shot. "Da*m you!" He yelled.

Bruce Wayne

"Well I don't know currently those answers but we think he is after Harley Quinn." He responded to Batwoman, rocketing out of the Batcave and into the streets of Gotham. "Oliver you may wanna stay close. May get tight." He warned. "Damian you know how I am with no-killing, but if it gets to a really, and I mean really drastic measure then you know what you have to do." He told Damian. He didn't like killing, but he didn't know how serious or powerful the Doctor was, and Damian probably understood how serious this was, and wouldn't resort to killing the Doctor unless it was absolutely necessary.


Kate listened to her communicator closely. Batman didn't know also who the Doctor was. But this Doctor was looking for Harley Quinn. For what would this person do with Harley? Kate had a smart though come from her brain. It was rather intelligent to Kate, thinking of an possible answer to this Doctor person. "That's unfortunate to hear, but do you require assistance on finding this Doctor. Or do you have enough backup already." Batwoman spoke into the comms softly, before she stopped for a response from Batman or anyone else who was also on the comms.
Barb saw the look on Bruce's face and was having none of it.  "Situation's contained!  So, you and...Arrow-Boy can take off!  I'm handling things here!  Lawton's working for me!  So is..."  She looked over at Owl-Girl and immediately calmed down.  She didn't want the impressible crimefighter seeing Gotham's heroes fighting among one another.  What kind of example would that be setting.  "So is Owl Girl," she said in a more even voice.  She made the introductions.  "Owl Girl, Batman.  Batman, Owl Girl.  That's Green Arrow and the bloodythirsty brat is Robin.  Not one of the nice ones," she added.  She swatted Damian's sword out of Lawton's face.  "Easy there, Omen-Boy.  You're not paralyzing anyone."  She turned back to Bruce.  "Look, if you really want to help..."  She reached behind her and pulled out the metal card in the back of her belt.  "It belongs to this 'Doctor' character.  Use your big bad Batcomputer and see what you can find."  Barb wasn't losing much, she knew that both Deadshot and Ivy had similar cards.

@Lunarcat @LoneSniper87 @The Great Catsby

"That.... that's batman... And... Robin.... And... the-the car..." Said Owl-Girl, with a slight stammer. And suddenly she felt very very nervous. Batgirl, Batman, Deadshot, all these people... in one night? It was overwhelming, it was amazing, it was unfairly intimidating. She returned to her high school state of being shy and scared of everyone, and stammered out a quick "....oh...." before shutting up and letting the professionals take the lead. She went back on the defensive, but felt slightly safer now that so many Batfamily people were there with her. She looked down at Black Mask, watching him writhe in pain, and felt a twinge of pity for him. She never felt bad for the bad guys before in movies and tv shows, but up close and personal... suddenly stuff changed. She looked away quickly, back at batgirl, then at deadshot, then at no one in particular. She quickly transformed back into her human form, not wanting her first meeting with batman to be her fluffed up and puffy, eyes as big as saucers. She still felt like an owl though, an owl out of the air that is. "Hi Batman... Hi Robin... H-hi green... arrow... hoot..."

Oliver Queen

"Got it Bruce, I see a few people up ahead." He said as he watched Bruce and Damian exit the car and look to take out Floyd. He quickly grabbed his bow off of his bike with one hand, as he skidded to a stop next to the batmobile with his other hand. He quickly tapped his neck, activating the voice alter, and quickly drew an arrow. "What makes you think we'll belive you. And you better talk fast Lawton."


Kate listened to her communicator closely. Batman didn't know also who the Doctor was. But this Doctor was looking for Harley Quinn. For what would this person do with Harley? Kate had a smart though come from her brain. It was rather intelligent to Kate, thinking of an possible answer to this Doctor person. "That's unfortunate to hear, but do you require assistance on finding this Doctor. Or do you have enough backup already." Batwoman spoke into the comms softly, before she stopped for a response from Batman or anyone else who was also on the comms.

Damian heard Batgirl's words. How did she call him again? 'Bloodthirsty brat.' He turned to her and said "Just... how, did you call me, again?" very slowly, as if he was recovering after something traumatic. Speaking of Bloodthirsty, she just triggered that part of his personality. He continued talking. "I'll have you know that I could buy you." taking his sword back. "I am physically, mentally and intellectually superior than you! I am superior than you in every possible way. My speed, my stamina and my lineage are all above yours." with contempt, hatred and pure disliking in his voice. He sighed and sheathed his sword, saying "How unwise. Too bad that Lawton isn't really working for you." being completely sure of his words.

Then he heard Owl-Girl and heard her 'Hi's' responding. "Your lack of confidence is your weakness. It will be used against you. I don't like you. You can easily be corrupted, through many means. And too easily defeated." with a cold, calculating tone. He paused, just to let what he said soak into her head. "I can just feel the amount of damage I could deal to you via word abuse. Being like us is not for you." then turned around to Batman. "The Doctor isn't here. This was a huge waste of our time."

Damian turned to Batgirl and looked at the card in her hands. "Good job." he commented, knowing that it was definitely going to be a huge aid. He rarely complimented anyone else's work other than Nightwing's, or even his Father's. "The Doctor's not here, but driving here wasn't a waste of time after all. Perhaps human beings are not such a big liability after all?" with a sarcastic tone, then looked at Sionis.

Damian smiled. "Ah, if it isn't the only criminal in Gotham that's so ugly he has to hide it behind a black mask. Roman Sionis! Knife to meet you, my old pal. I said Knife, because I'd stab you if I could." but he didn't sound sarcastic. He was just apathetic and cold. Then Damian took out some cuffs, putting them around Sionis' hands.

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"Um... Wh-what? I'm sorry? That was...." Rude  she thought to herself. Why would he say something like that? She didn't even know him, they'd never met before, why was batman hanging around with a kid like this? Why was he so violent? Owl-Girl wondered, she thought Batman was supposed to be a good guy, and batgirl was so nice, but... Robin? Why? She could feel tears begin to well up behind her mask and was suddenly very VERY glad she had that mask on in her human form. "I was... only trying to help..." She shook her head, whipping her blonde hair back and fourth. She took comfort in it's softness, and backed away behind batgirl. She didn't like Damian as much as he didn't like her. And that made her sad, and his swords made her scared. 

@Birdsie @LoneSniper87 @BrainyGrrrrl @ReverseWells
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Blah, blah, blah.  Psycho-Kid droned on and on about how he was superior this and superior that.  She looked down at him.  "Well, you know one thing you're not superior in?  Inches.  You know...they say that if you don't get your growth spurt by the time you turn 13, you never do.  So, I guess that means you can look forward to shopping the children's department for your clothes for the rest of your life there, Short Stack.

And then he went after Owl Girl and her look hardened.  "Deadshot, you still got rubber bullets in those wrist guns?  Good.  Because I want you to shoot this little bastard where it'll hurt the most."  Almost immediately, she looked up at Bruce and added, "Just kidding."  She knew she had crossed a line with that last remark.  Damian was Bruce's son.  His flesh and blood.  For better or worse,  In this instance, worse.  Much worse

The boy went to take the card from her but she held it out of reach.  Taunting him for a minute before flicking the card at Batman, her eyes never leaving the cruel, cold-blooded child in front of her.  That was one mistake she wasn't going to make.  "It's okay," she comforted Owl Girl.  "He's an a-hole.  He can't help it." As she continued to comfort the girl, her eyes steadfastly remained on the boy.  They never left him.

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Owl-Girl Didn't even care how young or short he was, she knew kids could be just as cruel as adults, and sometimes were even better at pushing people's buttons. She quickly wiped at her eyes and gave Batgirl a weak smile. "I'm ok." she lied. Having her feelings hurt always sucked, having been taken down by a kid with a mean streak was kind of embarrassing. She could feel herself turning back into an owl, as she always did when stressed, feathers began sprouting from her chest and upper arms, her leather jacket disguising them, but not for long. She tried to hide it, tried to calm back down, focused on the cool night air. Yes, the air... just breath kiddo, breath in and out, like you do when you're flying, filling the lungs all the way to the top.... "Thank you Batgirl..."
Roman Sionis / Deadshot / Bruce Wayne

Deadshot quickly gave run down of his past few days, how he took Batgirl, how he realised he had a bloody conscious and he decided to help her take down Doctor, and hiw Ivy has him under her spell for god knows how long, "so yeah, thats my story." He takes his card and tosses it to the kid, "there ya go, mister. And a word of warning, don't do what you did to them with me cause you will regret it." Batman caught the card between his fingers, maneuvering it to get a full look at it. "Hmm..." He thought. Sionis grumbled in his cuffs, "How nice, the Assassin's got a conscious, has morality. Go f*ck yourselves, all of you." He sayed, Batman knocked him out with a swift downward kick to the jaw. "So, do I still get brought in for helping out Batgirl over here or do I get a chance?" Lawton asked, raising his arms in a defensless manner.
"Um... Wh-what? I'm sorry? That was...." Rude  she thought to herself. Why would he say something like that? She didn't even know him, they'd never met before, why was batman hanging around with a kid like this? Why was he so violent? Owl-Girl wondered, she thought Batman was supposed to be a good guy, and batgirl was so nice, but... Robin? Why? She could feel tears begin to well up behind her mask and was suddenly very VERY glad she had that mask on in her human form. "I was... only trying to help..." She shook her head, whipping her blonde hair back and fourth. She took comfort in it's softness, and backed away behind batgirl. She didn't like Damian as much as he didn't like her. And that made her sad, and his swords made her scared. 

@Birdsie @LoneSniper87 @BrainyGrrrrl @ReverseWells

Blah, blah, blah.  Psycho-Kid droned on and on about how he was superior this and superior that.  She looked down at him.  "Well, you know one thing you're not superior in?  Inches.  You know...they say that if you don't get your growth spurt by the time you turn 13, you never do.  So, I guess that means you can look forward to shopping the children's department for your clothes for the rest of your life there, Short Stack.

And then he went after Owl Girl and her look hardened.  "Deadshot, you still got rubber bullets in those wrist guns?  Good.  Because I want you to shoot this little bastard where it'll hurt the most."  Almost immediately, she looked up at Bruce and added, "Just kidding."  She knew she had crossed a line with that last remark.  Damian was Bruce's son.  His flesh and blood.  For better or worse,  In this instance, worse.  Much worse

The boy went to take the card from her but she held it out of reach.  Taunting him for a minute before flicking the card at Batman, her eyes never leaving the cruel, cold-blooded child in front of her.  That was one mistake she wasn't going to make.  "It's okay," she comforted Owl Girl.  "He's an a-hole.  He can't help it." As she continued to comfort the girl, her eyes steadfastly remained on the boy.  They never left him.


Owl-Girl Didn't even care how young or short he was, she knew kids could be just as cruel as adults, and sometimes were even better at pushing people's buttons. She quickly wiped at her eyes and gave Batgirl a weak smile. "I'm ok." she lied. Having her feelings hurt always sucked, having been taken down by a kid with a mean streak was kind of embarrassing. She could feel herself turning back into an owl, as she always did when stressed, feathers began sprouting from her chest and upper arms, her leather jacket disguising them, but not for long. She tried to hide it, tried to calm back down, focused on the cool night air. Yes, the air... just breath kiddo, breath in and out, like you do when you're flying, filling the lungs all the way to the top.... "Thank you Batgirl..."

Roman Sionis / Deadshot / Bruce Wayne

Deadshot quickly gave run down of his past few days, how he took Batgirl, how he realised he had a bloody conscious and he decided to help her take down Doctor, and hiw Ivy has him under her spell for god knows how long, "so yeah, thats my story." He takes his card and tosses it to the kid, "there ya go, mister. And a word of warning, don't do what you did to them with me cause you will regret it." Batman caught the card between his fingers, maneuvering it to get a full look at it. "Hmm..." He thought. Sionis grumbled in his cuffs, "How nice, the Assassin's got a conscious, has morality. Go f*ck yourselves, all of you." He sayed, Batman knocked him out with a swift downward kick to the jaw. "So, do I still get brought in for helping out Batgirl over here or do I get a chance?" Lawton asked, raising his arms in a defensless manner.

Damian heard her initial reaction and responded "That was rude? You're predictable. Yet another reason you don't fit in here. Predictable, soft, easily broken. That's my opinion on you." as he turned back to Sionis, continuing to cuff him up. Then he rose his head back to her and said "And I could make it in less than a minute after meeting you."  not feeling much, if any guilt after what he said, as Damian was a surprise-surprise; Borderline Sociopath by the age of 8. Now he was a full Sociopath. Or so everyone thought. He gave her a harsh frown and hearing her words about helping said "Oh, you are... I bet you are. Batgirl is intelligent. If you were a nuisance she'd leave you behind. I never said you didn't help. I'm saying you're weak. You're easily corrupted. Easily broken. Weak and fragile. Your current mental state leaves so much to be desired." and simply continued on with his harsh insultive-tone.

His attention was suddenly drawn away by Batgirl that continued to mock him by his size, but he responded with. "Well, that's just perfect! Maybe I want to be short? I can fit into these vents that YOUR fat, obese body can't get into. Because ring-ring! I actually excercise, compared to you: eating d--" he was about to say 'donuts like your father' but he realized that would compromise Batgirl's identity. Damian obviously deciding that duty was more important than personal hatred didn't finish and took a deep breath. He heard her request to Deadshot and said "Bring it. I'll deflect them right into her face with my sword." looking at Lawton. He grabbed the card, putting it in a storage box in his utility belt.

"A-hole? How vulgar. Allow me to remind you that YOU started this, not me. I can stay in line, so long that you're not a complete irritation. Why are you so annoying? That can't be answered. But I can mathematically prove that you're a piece of--" and once again restrained himself from going out. "And unlike you: I may need anger management, but at least I'm not a nerd." trying to annoy her as humanly as possible.
"You... you..." Feathers sprouting, eyes widening, beak growing back in. "You absolute JERK! How the heck can you even work alongside batgirl or, heck, Deadshot, when you act like this!? You don't even know me! I don't even know you!" Tears fell from here eyes now. Real, actual tears. She squawked and squeaked at him, feathers shed from her wings. She left her low self-esteem take hold, she was backed into a corner. And suddenly, she realized it. She decided to fully turn into a owl, accepting her natural sate of stress. "No hero talks to people, sane, NORMAL people, like that. You're, you're such a NOTHING! You're only power comes from hurting other people's feelings! Batgirl is way better than you ever will be! You're no hero!" She flew up, up and away, onto the rooftop of a nearby building, to be alone. She liked being alone, it was natural for an owl to do so. Robins were prey birds anyway, owl's and robins they shouldn't work together. At least not with that one. She didn't want to be near any of the bat-family right now. 
DID HE JUST CALL HER FAT?!!  THAT LITTLE S.O.B.!!!  She was about to let him have it when suddenly Owl Girl burst into tears and flew away!  "Oh great."  She bent down and stuck a finger in the little runt's face.  "SEE WHAT YOU DID!!!!!  WHAT THE F#@% IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!  YOU KNOW, I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU RIGHT NOW!  WE'RE DONE HERE!"  She backed off, turned to Lawton.  "Relax, Lawton, you're not going anywhere.  You're with me, remember?  Give Ivy a buzz and find out what's taking that green-skinned harpy so long."  She spoke into her mic, hoping to reach Owl Girl.  The line was quiet.  She spoke anyway.  "Hey.  I know you're upset.  But don't leave.  I really need you.  I'm not just saying that.  I don't...I don't take on partners too often.  So when I do, it's because I think they're something really special about them."

@Birdsie @ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87 @Lunarcat
"You... you..." Feathers sprouting, eyes widening, beak growing back in. "You absolute JERK! How the heck can you even work alongside batgirl or, heck, Deadshot, when you act like this!? You don't even know me! I don't even know you!" Tears fell from here eyes now. Real, actual tears. She squawked and squeaked at him, feathers shed from her wings. She left her low self-esteem take hold, she was backed into a corner. And suddenly, she realized it. She decided to fully turn into a owl, accepting her natural sate of stress. "No hero talks to people, sane, NORMAL people, like that. You're, you're such a NOTHING! You're only power comes from hurting other people's feelings! Batgirl is way better than you ever will be! You're no hero!" She flew up, up and away, onto the rooftop of a nearby building, to be alone. She liked being alone, it was natural for an owl to do so. Robins were prey birds anyway, owl's and robins they shouldn't work together. At least not with that one. She didn't want to be near any of the bat-family right now. 

DID HE JUST CALL HER FAT?!!  THAT LITTLE S.O.B.!!!  She was about to let him have it when suddenly Owl Girl burst into tears and flew away!  "Oh great."  She bent down and stuck a finger in the little runt's face.  "SEE WHAT YOU DID!!!!!  WHAT THE F#@% IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!  YOU KNOW, I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU RIGHT NOW!  WE'RE DONE HERE!"  She backed off, turned to Lawton.  "Relax, Lawton, you're not going anywhere.  You're with me, remember?  Give Ivy a buzz and find out what's taking that green-skinned harpy so long."  She spoke into her mic, hoping to reach Owl Girl.  The line was quiet.  She spoke anyway.  "Hey.  I know you're upset.  But don't leave.  I really need you.  I'm not just saying that.  I don't...I don't take on partners too often.  So when I do, it's because I think they're something really special about them."

@Birdsie @ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87 @Lunarcat

Damian's attention was caught by Owl-Girl whining and trying to insult him. He smiled and laughed. "I care very little about your personal opinion." he continued, then frowned when she started talking about being a hero. She was like the rest of the bat-family. "Lawful good doesn't mean 'lawful nice.' You won't be half the hero I will ever be. I've broken you with a few words. How do you actually plan on fighting someone?" he accussed her further. Then he saw her leaving. 'Maybe I went to harsh on her?' was his initial thought, but then he tried to justify his actions... 'No. She doesn't fit in with us. If I broke her with a few words, then she'll be scarred for life by trying to be a hero.' and continued having conflicting thoughts for some time. For some reason that is unknown to him, Damian felt something he rarely ever felt before. He felt it on several occassions, but could never explain what it exactly was. It was similar to anxiety.

He heard Batgirl's sudden burst of outrage and said "But what I said was truthfull! I'm being realistic. She's like a little girl, not an adult. I actually made her cry, and made her run away with simple insults. Me: a person she knows for about 2 minutes. And you want her going around, busting criminals? You're irresponsible. I can't believe you're doing this. You're being outrageous!" trying to control his emotions, but anger was slowly igniting inside of him, like a can full of gasoline, slowly heated up to a violent temperature that may cause it to explode. His blood was boiling, and his skin was red. "You know what? Screw you!" and slowly made his way towards the batmobile. On his way, he stopped by Batman and said "This is why I don't intend on having sidekicks. I'll be waiting in the car." then continued to walk.

"Hey... batgirl..." Owl-Girl mumbled into her speaker. She had heard every word Damian had said, even from so far away, sometimes, being an owl really sucked. "I... I really think you don't think you want me down there... with that little brat... I cannot belive A) That little punk made me cry, and that B) I just.... sigh... i just yelled at batman's sidekick.... can't believe he'd want that guy hanging around though.... can't believe how.... Urg! Who does he think he is? He doesn't even know me! And THAT'S who batman....." She swallowed her words, and sighed again. She stifled a sob, and continued. "Batgirl, I am so so sorry, but he's totally right... I don't want to admit it, but he is... if I stay here, what if I end up like harley or ivy? I just yelled at a 12 year old, maybe I'm halfway there, they say self-esteem is so important you know.... I can help you from above but now... now I'm not so sure on the ground... could I really, really... hurt someone if I needed to? Would I know what to do? Batgirl, I'm so not... sure... can't believe a kid did this to me, how embarrassing is that? I think Gotham just doesn't need another super hero running around...." Apple leaned back against a chimney and sighed, she wanted this night to start over again, she wanted to go home to Llyn, she wanted a doughnut with rainbow sprinkles, and she REALLY wanted to punch that kid in the face. 
Barb stood silently and watched as Damian walked away.  His words had finally gotten to her.  Not the insults.  Not the anger.  Was he right about Owl Girl?  Owl Girl.  She didn't even know her real name.  Then again, Owl Girl didn't know hers.  And here she was willing to risk the young hero's life.  No.  Damian was wrong.  Being cruel, ruthless, that wasn't made someone strong.  It was the exact opposite.  Compassion, selflessness.  Love.  That made you a hero.  Like her mom.  And like the young hero sitting above her on the rooftop, crying, doubting herself.

"He can't help it," she reiterated over her mic.  "Neither can Batman..."  She bit her tongue, thought it over.  Then decided to go ahead and do it.  "He's...he's Batman's son.  And as for me, I don't know what I can do to convince you of my faith in you.  My believe that I think you have the makings of a real hero, maybe the best, inside of you.  But, maybe I can start by telling you my real name.  It's Barb, Barbara Gordon.  And all I can ask, is that you stay and help me.  And start believing in yourself.  Will you do that for me?"

She allowed the girl a moment to think.  Switched the channel.  "BW.  If you're still listening, I could use your help about now.  I'm about three blocks due east of the Wayne Enterprises building.  Home in on my signal."

@Lunarcat @The Great Catsby
The line was silent for a long while. Owl-Girl bit down on her tounge, brushed away the last of her tears, and finally, began to speak once more, a little more smoothly now. 

"Batgirl.... Barbra... First I wanna say... thank you for, for trusting me. I've always had self confidence issues, and I thought.... Let me start from the top. My name is Apple Seed, yes...yes really.... I study Zoology at Gotham University, and... and I just want to help people, and animals. I-I love animals, and I love people, and... I'm not going to let.... Batman's kid... or anyone else, take away that love. You're a good person Barbra... and I promise I won't give away your secret identity." 

She laughed a small laugh at that, it was fake, but, well, fake it till you make it. "You really think I can be a hero? .... alright.... I-I'm going to force myself to believe you. I have self doubt problems, but... but... F#@%, I'm so so over feeling bad about myself. I'm a bird of prey, I'm a dinosaur, and I'm not gonna let some punk 12 year old, or a clown with a hammer take that from me." She sighed, nodded, shook her head, laughed, and coughed as sobbing cough.  Finally, when she had worked it out of her system, she said one last thing. 

"You and me Batgirl, we're gonna make it. So... what do you need your eyes in the sky to do next?" 
Barb stood silently and watched as Damian walked away.  His words had finally gotten to her.  Not the insults.  Not the anger.  Was he right about Owl Girl?  Owl Girl.  She didn't even know her real name.  Then again, Owl Girl didn't know hers.  And here she was willing to risk the young hero's life.  No.  Damian was wrong.  Being cruel, ruthless, that wasn't made someone strong.  It was the exact opposite.  Compassion, selflessness.  Love.  That made you a hero.  Like her mom.  And like the young hero sitting above her on the rooftop, crying, doubting herself.

"He can't help it," she reiterated over her mic.  "Neither can Batman..."  She bit her tongue, thought it over.  Then decided to go ahead and do it.  "He's...he's Batman's son.  And as for me, I don't know what I can do to convince you of my faith in you.  My believe that I think you have the makings of a real hero, maybe the best, inside of you.  But, maybe I can start by telling you my real name.  It's Barb, Barbara Gordon.  And all I can ask, is that you stay and help me.  And start believing in yourself.  Will you do that for me?"

She allowed the girl a moment to think.  Switched the channel.  "BW.  If you're still listening, I could use your help about now.  I'm about three blocks due east of the Wayne Enterprises building.  Home in on my signal."

@Lunarcat @The Great Catsby


At last, Batwoman was needed somewhere. Her comms ringed as a transmission came from Batgirl. Kate wasn't going to let the message go to waste. A response from Batwoman was coming. "What's at Wayne Enterprises that I'm needed for," Kate answered. "Does it involve with this Doctor character?" Somehow the Doctor became important to Batwoman. This person must be familiar for some reason, now that Kate thinks of it. I am dying to know who this Doctor dude is. Kate seemed it didn't matter anymore. All she cared about is what does Batgirl need with Batwoman at the Wayne Enterprises building.

Barb stood silently and watched as Damian walked away.  His words had finally gotten to her.  Not the insults.  Not the anger.  Was he right about Owl Girl?  Owl Girl.  She didn't even know her real name.  Then again, Owl Girl didn't know hers.  And here she was willing to risk the young hero's life.  No.  Damian was wrong.  Being cruel, ruthless, that wasn't made someone strong.  It was the exact opposite.  Compassion, selflessness.  Love.  That made you a hero.  Like her mom.  And like the young hero sitting above her on the rooftop, crying, doubting herself.

"He can't help it," she reiterated over her mic.  "Neither can Batman..."  She bit her tongue, thought it over.  Then decided to go ahead and do it.  "He's...he's Batman's son.  And as for me, I don't know what I can do to convince you of my faith in you.  My believe that I think you have the makings of a real hero, maybe the best, inside of you.  But, maybe I can start by telling you my real name.  It's Barb, Barbara Gordon.  And all I can ask, is that you stay and help me.  And start believing in yourself.  Will you do that for me?"

She allowed the girl a moment to think.  Switched the channel.  "BW.  If you're still listening, I could use your help about now.  I'm about three blocks due east of the Wayne Enterprises building.  Home in on my signal."

@Lunarcat @The Great Catsby

Damian got out of the Batmobile, holding something in his hand. Something that was freshly printed, probably in the Batmobile. He walked up to Batgirl then said. "Give it to the Owl and say it's from me. I refuse to do anything more. Got it?" then giving her the document in his hand. It had the smell of fresh print, and was very rough in touch.

Barb's heart was gladdened when she heard the self-confidence return to Owl, Apple's voice.  "Hey, sit tight for now.  I'll be coming up to join you in a minute."  She would have said more but just at that moment, Kate checked in.  Babs switched channels.  Kate wanted to know what was going on.  "I'll tell ya when you get here.  Let's just say that there's a supervillain confab that's about to take place and I might need some BW back-up.  She switched off the channel, pulling out her grappling gun, all set to shoot a line to the roof of the parking garage and ascend her way to the top to join Owl Girl.  But she was interrupted by the return of Demon Boy.  "I wonder what he wants now."  Damian handed her something.  She looked down in surprise to see what was given to her.  Her surprise growing into bewilderment and then rage as she read it.  "Unbelievable!  UN-FRICKIN-BELIEVABLE!!!"   She crumpled the paper in her hands at threw it at the back of his head.  "Come back when you're ready to apologize for real!"  she yelled at him.

@Birdsie @The Great Catsby @Lunarcat
Barb's heart was gladdened when she heard the self-confidence return to Owl, Apple's voice.  "Hey, sit tight for now.  I'll be coming up to join you in a minute."  She would have said more but just at that moment, Kate checked in.  Babs switched channels.  Kate wanted to know what was going on.  "I'll tell ya when you get here.  Let's just say that there's a supervillain confab that's about to take place and I might need some BW back-up.  She switched off the channel, pulling out her grappling gun, all set to shoot a line to the roof of the parking garage and ascend her way to the top to join Owl Girl.  But she was interrupted by the return of Demon Boy.  "I wonder what he wants now."  Damian handed her something.  She looked down in surprise to see what was given to her.  Her surprise growing into bewilderment and then rage as she read it.  "Unbelievable!  UN-FRICKIN-BELIEVABLE!!!"   She crumpled the paper in her hands at threw it at the back of his head.  "Come back when you're ready to apologize for real!"  she yelled at him.

@Birdsie @The Great Catsby @Lunarcat

Damian said "Oh, then what was I supposed to write? A bunch of crappy lies, about how:" his tone changed to a sarcastically sweet one. "I'm so sowwy, mizz owl, pweeze accupt mai apologi? Is that what an apology looks like to you? A bunch of lies? How unwise. You're the last person I'd expect to think so illogically. Fine: You want me to write a sweet little letter filled with lies for your stupid friend? So I'll write a letter full of lies. I bet even she will see through all the crap on it. Wait for me here. Give me 2 minutes tops." and returned to the batmobile, with a harsh frown on his face.
Barb's heart was gladdened when she heard the self-confidence return to Owl, Apple's voice.  "Hey, sit tight for now.  I'll be coming up to join you in a minute."  She would have said more but just at that moment, Kate checked in.  Babs switched channels.  Kate wanted to know what was going on.  "I'll tell ya when you get here.  Let's just say that there's a supervillain confab that's about to take place and I might need some BW back-up.  She switched off the channel, pulling out her grappling gun, all set to shoot a line to the roof of the parking garage and ascend her way to the top to join Owl Girl.  But she was interrupted by the return of Demon Boy.  "I wonder what he wants now."  Damian handed her something.  She looked down in surprise to see what was given to her.  Her surprise growing into bewilderment and then rage as she read it.  "Unbelievable!  UN-FRICKIN-BELIEVABLE!!!"   She crumpled the paper in her hands at threw it at the back of his head.  "Come back when you're ready to apologize for real!"  she yelled at him.

@Birdsie @The Great Catsby @Lunarcat


Kate listened once again to her communicator. Batgirl responded saying there's a villain confab going to happening, and she needed BW backup. She didn't understand why Barbara had to say BW. It just didn't have the feel to it, for Kate. "Alright. I'll be arriving to the building shortly," Kate said as she began to glide-n-grapple her way to Wayne Enterprises. "Also, don't say BW. It doesn't sound right to me." Batwoman finished before she focused onto her "needed" location. The night has officially began for Batwoman, and Kate Kane as well.

Owl-Girl waited for batgirl to reach her, arms wrapped around her knees. "Batgirl... Theres a lot of stuff I could say, so I'm gonna say it real fast before i forget anything... I'm sorry I yelled at Robin, I shouldnt have let him get to me, and, I'm sorry that... I'm apologising all the time. He is right about that, I do have self-esteem, and I let it get to me. But I really really want to help out, I gotta put my powers to use, I can't just sit around on my wings, I gotta fly. And... I really wanna show that love is stronger than hate. Im gonna help protect people in a city I barley know, on the other side of the country from my home, and... I belive in love. Its so stupid and cheesey but its true." 

She began to tear up again, but why? She figued it had just been a very emotinal night. Maybe she really belived what she was saying, she hoped and prayed that that was true. She wanted it to be true.  And she wanted batgirl to belive her, no matter what, she'd never abandon batgirl, her friend. 
Oliver Queen

Oliver decided to not shoot Lawton, seeing his story somewhat made sense. He released the tension on the bow, and stuck the arrow back in the quiver. But then the drama erupted. Damian going at everyone who talked to him, what a little piece of shit. Maybe he'd talked to Bruce about sticking him on the island for 5 years.  "Robin, if you don't like it here Lin Yo has your name on it." It wasn't a threat, just a warning to cut the crap, and Bruce would probably agree.

Ronan Beckett

Ronan sat on a nearby building, watching the scenes take place. He was defiantly outnumbered, and there wasn't much he could do about it. Was that Mr. Queen? Funny, he'd met him once and vice versa. But he needed to plan this out, he couldn't just waltz in, he needed a distraction. And that kid was doing a perfect job.
Damian decided to stop wasting time, and instead took out the card that Deadshot gave him. It looked rather menacing for a card, but it was only because Damian knew that it would probably have some creepy stuff on that whole Doctor on it. He put it into the batcomputer in the Batmobile and tried to see what's on it. Maybe working by himself would prove that he is better after all? Whatever, teammates were an irritation anyway.

@ReverseWells (He's reading one of the cards that they supposedly got from you. I have no idea what he's gonna find out, so help me out a little.)
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Nightwing had prepared to throw the first punch, but before he knew it The Doctors fist was heading straight for his temple.  Narrowly Nightwing ducked under the man's blow and positioned himself to push his palm hard against the mans chest, hopefully creating space between the two of them.


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