Gotham City


Lawton let Owl-Girl take him up, "You're ok. Even if I was allregic the suit blocks most of it out." He said to reassure her. He surpressed a laugh unsure if she was joking with some of the things she said, "You'll be ok, promise. I don't avian creatures anyway anymore." He said with a short laugh.

Bruce Wayne

Bruce welcomed his son's voice, "The help would be greatly appreciated. And don't think like that, sometimes it's good to have a lack of activity like crime-fighting, means you're doing a good job." He told Damion hoping that would ease him a bit. "Meet me at the Batcomputer as soon as you can." He said, ending the transmission after Damion would respond.

Roman Sionis

 Sionis stopped when he saw the unmarked grey van parked 3 blocks out from the Wayne Ent. building, the car stopped and him and the driver stepped out, handguns raised, "Well lookie here! A Bat, an Owl and... Deadshot? Wow, since when did you roll with the goodies?" He said with a laugh, leveling his .44 magnum revolver to Batgirl's chest, pulling back the hammer, his finger resting on the trigger like it was home. The driver aimed his 9mm to Deadshot, his hand quivering slightly. "What's the occasion, Batgirl? Bats run off on you, again?" Mask said with a grin.

Lawton let Owl-Girl take him up, "You're ok. Even if I was allregic the suit blocks most of it out." He said to reassure her. He surpressed a laugh unsure if she was joking with some of the things she said, "You'll be ok, promise. I don't avian creatures anyway anymore." He said with a short laugh.

Bruce Wayne

Bruce welcomed his son's voice, "The help would be greatly appreciated. And don't think like that, sometimes it's good to have a lack of activity like crime-fighting, means you're doing a good job." He told Damion hoping that would ease him a bit. "Meet me at the Batcomputer as soon as you can." He said, ending the transmission after Damion would respond.

Roman Sionis

 Sionis stopped when he saw the unmarked grey van parked 3 blocks out from the Wayne Ent. building, the car stopped and him and the driver stepped out, handguns raised, "Well lookie here! A Bat, an Owl and... Deadshot? Wow, since when did you roll with the goodies?" He said with a laugh, leveling his .44 magnum revolver to Batgirl's chest, pulling back the hammer, his finger resting on the trigger like it was home. The driver aimed his 9mm to Deadshot, his hand quivering slightly. "What's the occasion, Batgirl? Bats run off on you, again?" Mask said with a grin.

Damian said "That will be easy. I was just finishing a simulation." sitting down at the edge of a platform in the batcave, staring into the abyss for a few seconds. Damian jumped down, using his cape to glide across a chasm, and near the batcomputer. Damian sighed afterwards, saying "And I'm not really doing a good job. Not lately. I will make up for it." and waiting at the destined location for his Father. "Also. Something is going on lately. After the Joker died, I mean: Gotham has been awfully quiet. If I was superstitious I'd say something stupid. Like: 'The Joker's madness was the thing fueling all that's happening' but..." he paused, as he tried to keep balance on a railing. "But I'm not supersitious. Something is being cooked up. And it's not visible to us. Well, at least me. I suspect you already know the whole story, Father." looking into the abyss once again. Damian was done talking, and sat on the railing, waiting for Batman to arrive.
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"I really don't need this right now."  She sighed and looked up at Black Mask.  "Listen, dirtbag.  Tell ya what.  I'm sorta in the middle of something at the moment, else I would take that cannon you're pointing at me and make you eat it.  But, instead...I'm  going to make you a deal."  She thought about Ronan's metallic card in her belt.  The fact that the mysterious doctor seemed to be throwing money around left and right.  That meant he must have access to considerable funds.  Funds she might be able to access through that snazzy metal calling card of his.  "You're a business man, right?" she asked Sionis.  "A scumbag too but a businessman.  So...what if I offered you more money than you generate in an entire year through your"  Of course, she didn't indeed on keeping her bargain.  But he didn't know that.

Bruce Wayne

"We think this so-called Doctor is the source of our problems" he said, pointing to him from when he was at the GCPD, he let the rest of the video play out, when it ended he gave his theory, "I think he wants Batgirl, or the Bat Family in general and he is enlisting whoever he can with whatever empty promise catches their eye to get them to do his dirty work. For what I don't know, but whatever it is it must not be good." And no need for making it up, field work will do that, got it? And also you do realize you're still a kid, right?" He said, looking over to Damian, "You certainly don't act like one, but it may be good to, act like a normal kid sometimes, is the eaisest way to say it, I admire your commitment to this but you shouldn't commit to it fully, ok?" He didn't expect him to do as he suggested, but it would give his mind something to chew on for awhile.

Black Mask

Roman nor the driver lowered their weapons, not trusting any of the lot in thier corsshairs, "I'm listening, but one wrong move and I put six holes in your chest." He warned Batgirl, "Same with all of you!" He added.


Lawton went to fire on the two, being able to quickly dispatch them until he realized he had no lethals, he lowered his arms again to his own disasisfaction. They didn't really have the time, he talked quietly enough so only Batgirl and Owl girl next to him could here him, he was saying out a text message to Ivy. 'Ivy Black Mask has us in his crosshairs and we are in no position to fight, help?' The message said and was quickly sent.
Owl-Girl set Deadshot down nice and gentle. "Heh, well, alright, as long as yoouu don't mistake me for a clay pigeon, I think we'll be gooood." Owl-Girl hopped off his shoulders and stood next to him, feathers fluffed up, eyes wide. "With your and my eyes, nothin's gonna get past us." She nodded and hooted quietly. She blinked and twisted her head round and back again and sat down still eventually. "Wait... that's Batgirl! At gunpoint! Deadshot, what do we do?" She whispered. She really didn't want any of her new friends to be shot, obviously. 
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Bruce Wayne

"We think this so-called Doctor is the source of our problems" he said, pointing to him from when he was at the GCPD, he let the rest of the video play out, when it ended he gave his theory, "I think he wants Batgirl, or the Bat Family in general and he is enlisting whoever he can with whatever empty promise catches their eye to get them to do his dirty work. For what I don't know, but whatever it is it must not be good." And no need for making it up, field work will do that, got it? And also you do realize you're still a kid, right?" He said, looking over to Damian, "You certainly don't act like one, but it may be good to, act like a normal kid sometimes, is the eaisest way to say it, I admire your commitment to this but you shouldn't commit to it fully, ok?" He didn't expect him to do as he suggested, but it would give his mind something to chew on for awhile.

Black Mask

Roman nor the driver lowered their weapons, not trusting any of the lot in thier corsshairs, "I'm listening, but one wrong move and I put six holes in your chest." He warned Batgirl, "Same with all of you!" He added.


Lawton went to fire on the two, being able to quickly dispatch them until he realized he had no lethals, he lowered his arms again to his own disasisfaction. They didn't really have the time, he talked quietly enough so only Batgirl and Owl girl next to him could here him, he was saying out a text message to Ivy. 'Ivy Black Mask has us in his crosshairs and we are in no position to fight, help?' The message said and was quickly sent.

Damian said "Doctor, huh?" looking at the batcomputer and closely scanning all of it. He heard Bruce's followup theory and quickly disagreed. "I think he doesn't. You said 'So-called Doctor' meaning you did not fight him before. Meaning you did not encounter before. Therefore: He has no reason to want us." he got off of the railing, ceasing to try to balance himself on it. He walked up to Bruce and then continued with his thesis. "Anyway. While he may not want us, he may want something that involves us. If I was stupid I'd say he wants to avenge the Joker for what Todd did to him, but there is no one insane enough other than Harley Quinn to want revenge for that psychopath. Any ideas? I'm out, really."

Damian then heard Bruce's constant whining about him being a kid, and responded "And you're old enough to be aware that I'm not just a normal kid. I was trained an assassin since birth, then given to you to continue perfecting my skills. My goal is to overtake your mantle as protector of Gotham, Father. I want to be the perfect son you want me to be. I want to be worthy of being you. Maybe even better. And I will be better. I'll prove it one day. School? I can manage a company by myself. Friends? I have Titus, You, and the rest of these half-brained fools that you call the Batfamily." he heard his further words and said "Commit fully? I shouldn't? If I was younger I'd feel insulted, but I'd obey. My destiny is to be like you. I want, and will continue your work because It's what I was made for. It's what I was born for. It's what I was destined to do. You won't take it away from me, Father." and crossed his arms, scowling at Batman.

Damian sighed and said "As I said: I can manage perfectly without a childhood. It's not like YOU had one, and look at yourself. You're a perfectly healthy adult." with a tint of sarcasm in his voice. Then he continued his speech. "I don't need friends. I don't need school. I don't need a social life. And even if I do: I have them all prepared. Do not worry. This is what I'm made for. I wasn't made to have a normal life like Bruce Wayne. I was made to be your successor. Batman's successor." and paused, trying to let Batman sink in that he is indeed not a normal kid. Then Damian continued "At last: Back to business." he said, changing his focus and looking at the batcomputer and saying "Whatever the freaky doctor wants it may involve the Joker. It's worth looking into. Maybe we should look around for some quote-on-quote: backstory? We can figure out what he wants. If we figure out what he wants we can give him a false sense of satisfaction and security by falsely providing it. Then we can subdue him much more easily." 
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Bruce Wayne

Bruce didn't bother arguing his point further, Damian proved his all to well, "And I would never take away this from you," he said with a sweeping motion of his arm, "I won't live forever and that's why I built this group, this family of its own, so if I go down I have a group to continue my valiant efforts." He said, half-jokingly, then went back to seriousness, "Joker... But why? That psychopath would be more of a laibility than an asset." He sent out a message to all of the Batfamilys comms, "If anyone has a name on this Doctor character let me know, I'm going to try to trace a past profile. " he ended his comm, turning to Damian, punching his arm lightly, "I do agree with some points you make, but you make you make it sound like you came off an assembly line." Damian was in fact not the average kid, never would be, granted his mother was the daughter of Ra's and his father was Batman.  "So you ready to get back into action?"


"We sit and wait, nothing we can do without compromising our positions and getting her killed." He set up his rifle, making sure it was loaded and ready to go. "So... Where you from? You don't seem like you're from around here, being an Owl and not a Bat." He said as a joke.
Bruce Wayne

Bruce didn't bother arguing his point further, Damian proved his all to well, "And I would never take away this from you," he said with a sweeping motion of his arm, "I won't live forever and that's why I built this group, this family of its own, so if I go down I have a group to continue my valiant efforts." He said, half-jokingly, then went back to seriousness, "Joker... But why? That psychopath would be more of a laibility than an asset." He sent out a message to all of the Batfamilys comms, "If anyone has a name on this Doctor character let me know, I'm going to try to trace a past profile. " he ended his comm, turning to Damian, punching his arm lightly, "I do agree with some points you make, but you make you make it sound like you came off an assembly line." Damian was in fact not the average kid, never would be, granted his mother was the daughter of Ra's and his father was Batman.  "So you ready to get back into action?"


"We sit and wait, nothing we can do without compromising our positions and getting her killed." He set up his rifle, making sure it was loaded and ready to go. "So... Where you from? You don't seem like you're from around here, being an Owl and not a Bat." He said as a joke.

Damian felt somewhat satisfied, but simultaneously bad for pushing it that far. Still, it was nice to feel appreciated by his Father. He continued "Exactly. Liability, not an asset. You could also tell that to Harley Quinn. I would love to see her response. Wait..." he paused. What if that was the key? "What if he's not after the Joker... but instead after Quinn? It's not a thing I'm sure of, but you could see the puzzles coming together. Joker died recently. Someone could manipulate that fact to manipulate Quinn. But how?" and heard his words, and felt his punch. He had to admit that his Father had a point. "True. But you know... there is some truth to that. After all: I was grown in a laboratory. In an artifical womb. And I was cloned to make replacement organs in case of severe inju-" and paused again. His past actually gave him an idea to what might be going on currently. "Wait. Clones. Severe injury. Laboratory. He's a doctor! Maybe he wants to REVIVE THE JOKER? And he's using Quinn to do his dirty work. Maybe the Joker could be a payment? Are Quinn and him working together? How would he do that? We have to check that out. It's worth a try, Father."
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"I'm from Llyn, California. It's a small town in the countryside, only like, 100 peoople live there. They have really gooood pancakes heh... heh..." She still seemed worried about Batgirl, but she had said to trust her, and that meant putting her trust in deadshot as well. She took a breath in and continued. "I got my poowers when I fell into this thing called a 'Lazarus Pit' apparently when a bunch of oowls scratched me, mom said that it was probably when that happened that oowl DNA became fused with mine. Now I'm a were-oowl, ecept aha, I don't change under the full moo-hoot-n, I can do it whenever I want! Were-Oowls are a little less scary than were-woolves anyway," She said with a sheepish smile.  "Hooty hoo." Suddenly Owl-Girl worried she said too much. But surely not, surely! Hopefully...

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She heard both Deadshot and Owl Girl whispering through her earpiece.  The girl sounded agitated, unsure.  Barb had to calm her down.  "Relax," she whispered back, her voice transmitted by her hidden throat mic.  "Deadshot and I have this under control.  And Deadshot, we can't wait on Ivy.  I've got this handled.  Don't do anything without my go ahead.  Lemme make a deal with Mask if I can make a deal.  He's total scum but he's greedy."  She smiled at Sionis.  "There's a metal card, about the size of a credit card, in the rear compartment of my utility belt.  It belongs to the mysterious mastermind behind all the recent chaos.  I'm sure it has access to his entire network.  Including bank accounts.  But you'll need an expert hacker to get at it.  Which is where I come in.  Lemme get it out so I can show you.  No tricks.  She smirked.   " I wouldn't even think of doing that to a man of your intellect," she added sarcastically.  "Then again, if you don't trust me, you can come on over and reach behind me and get it yourself."  She found the idea of the man pressing up against her repulsive but that close, he would be vulnerable."

Bruce Wayne

"Interesting... It is viable, ever since the Joker was killed, she has been even more unstable it seems. I agree, but wait... Lazarus Pit." He said, "It makes sense, there is one here in Gotham, maybe that is how the Joker is being revived, if he is." He looked at him, "And I think this Doctor is manipulating her, much less partnering up with her. You know as well as I do how much she cares for Joker." He walked to the Batmobile, the roof opening up gor him to step inside, "ready?" He asked Damian as he was about to step into the Batmobile.

Roman Sionis

"Toss it here." He told Batgirl. He wanted to make sure it wasn't some fake. "Is said mysterious mastermind going under the alias The Doctor?" Sionis asked, a grin creeping up his face. Watching for her reaction, "I hope you know I'm not dumb, I've been around you Bats long enough to see you all fly the same way." The driver aimed his 9mm at Batgirl as Sionis undid the hammer on his .44, tucking it into his suit.
Bruce Wayne

"Interesting... It is viable, ever since the Joker was killed, she has been even more unstable it seems. I agree, but wait... Lazarus Pit." He said, "It makes sense, there is one here in Gotham, maybe that is how the Joker is being revived, if he is." He looked at him, "And I think this Doctor is manipulating her, much less partnering up with her. You know as well as I do how much she cares for Joker." He walked to the Batmobile, the roof opening up gor him to step inside, "ready?" He asked Damian as he was about to step into the Batmobile.

Roman Sionis

"Toss it here." He told Batgirl. He wanted to make sure it wasn't some fake. "Is said mysterious mastermind going under the alias The Doctor?" Sionis asked, a grin creeping up his face. Watching for her reaction, "I hope you know I'm not dumb, I've been around you Bats long enough to see you all fly the same way." The driver aimed his 9mm at Batgirl as Sionis undid the hammer on his .44, tucking it into his suit.

Damian agreed, nodding his head. "Yes. It actually disgusts me to an extent. A skilled psychiatrist with a bright future... turned insane by one of her patients. This sounds like a cheap romance novel for teenagers." then seeing his father walk over to the Batmobile. Damian smiled, happy to get into the action with his Father. "Always." he responded and jumped into the armored tank-car, sitting beside Batman, on his right. It was one of those moments that his apathetic, realistic, anti-social and very cold, calucating attitude was thrown away for the friendly child that Damian has very deep inside of him. These moments were rare though. He looked forward, putting on his mask and preparing for a night of freshly-served justice. Whether it was his fist, or his sword serving it. Damian was ready, he was anticipating this moment for the past week. This was going to be truly amazing. Soon after, the rush of adrenaline and happiness wore off and he returned to his neutral face, trying to control his emotions. Inside, he was still a bit excited, trying to conceal it.
Babs watched as the mob boss reset the hammer on his hand cannon and tucked it back into his pants.  "Probably nothing in there to worry about shooting off,"  she smirked to herself.  "Oh, don't worry, Sionsis, I know you're not dumb. You're an absolute moron."  Putting away the gun was his first and last mistake.  The driver's gun hand was shaky.  She spoke one word through her mic.  Directed at Deadshot.  "Now."

Lightning fast, she ducked underneath the driver's hand, snatched it in a vise-like grip, breaking his wrist and forcing him to drop the gun which went off, the shot going wild.  She sent her other hand crashing into his face, a devastating right hook that would knock him out immediately.  She counted on the fact that Deadshot had a bead on Black Mask.  Had taken the shot.  But at this range, she couldn't expect the rubber bullets and knock-out darts to be completely effective at taking down Sionsis.  So, she pivoted, her cape fanning out in front of her as she crouched and prepared to finish off the mob leader if he still had some fight left in him.

Oliver Queen

Oliver had forgotten that Bruce had a biological son, and when he can down he decided to stop talking. He listened intently on the conversation though, and agree with Bruce. This guy had a vendetta he wanted completed. "I'm linked into your call already, so I'll be able to keep in contact while on the bike."  

Ronan Beckett

Ronan listened to Dick explain the situation, which was like the image he had in his head. But he suddenly stopped a burly to read a text, his guess. Barbara. He wasn't sure, but he had a bad feeling. He looked down at his watch, 11:45. Shit he was late. "Listen Nightwing, I have a special appointment to take care of with a criminal I've been tracking for the past months. If you would kindly excuse me." He sent a quick jab to his temple, wanting to knock him out.
Bruce Wayne

Bruce didn't bother arguing his point further, Damian proved his all to well, "And I would never take away this from you," he said with a sweeping motion of his arm, "I won't live forever and that's why I built this group, this family of its own, so if I go down I have a group to continue my valiant efforts." He said, half-jokingly, then went back to seriousness, "Joker... But why? That psychopath would be more of a laibility than an asset." He sent out a message to all of the Batfamilys comms, "If anyone has a name on this Doctor character let me know, I'm going to try to trace a past profile. " he ended his comm, turning to Damian, punching his arm lightly, "I do agree with some points you make, but you make you make it sound like you came off an assembly line." Damian was in fact not the average kid, never would be, granted his mother was the daughter of Ra's and his father was Batman.  "So you ready to get back into action?"


"We sit and wait, nothing we can do without compromising our positions and getting her killed." He set up his rifle, making sure it was loaded and ready to go. "So... Where you from? You don't seem like you're from around here, being an Owl and not a Bat." He said as a joke.


Hanging from a statue gargoyle, Kate Kane was above of Gotham. Watching crime spread everywhere throughout the streets. Kate was looking over the city. She had intense feeling about the city and its crime. Ever since the Joker died, Kate hasn't been fighting crime lately. After her breakup with Metropolis police officer, Maggie Sawyer, Kate has been heartbroken lately. Wondering if she should still be Batwoman.

Suddenly, Kate's communicator ringed. A familiar voice came through the comms. It was none other than Bruce. He was wanting if anyone had a name on this Doctor character. Batwoman didn't understand what Bruce was talking about this mysterious Doctor. She had never heard of a name before. Was this Doctor a former foe of Batman? Kate had many ideas of who this Doctor could be. But more information needed to be told.

Batwoman wasn't going to let this message go to waste. She was going to respond rather quickly, in a satisfying way. "Bruce, are you there? This is Batwoman," Kate replied. "I heard your message about this unknown Doctor. Who is this person, and what do they want?" Batwoman finished her response to Bruce. Hopefully she could get a quick answer from him, hanging from a gargoyle can really give a headache.

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Deadshot had the bead, but his rifle didn't have nonlethals, so she shot Sionis in the leg, bringing him down onto a knee, hoping Batgirl would take the opprotunity to take him down. "Sorry if he has nasty gunshot in his leg, this,rifle has no rubber bullets manufactured for it, well I don't have any of em if they do." She said

Roman Sionis

feeling the rifle round hit his lower thigh, close to the knee, his leg buckled, forcing him into a knee. He drew his .44 revolver again and fired into the cape, emtying the barrel for all but one shot. "Da*m you!" He yelled.

Bruce Wayne

"Well I don't know currently those answers but we think he is after Harley Quinn." He responded to Batwoman, rocketing out of the Batcave and into the streets of Gotham. "Oliver you may wanna stay close. May get tight." He warned. "Damian you know how I am with no-killing, but if it gets to a really, and I mean really drastic measure then you know what you have to do." He told Damian. He didn't like killing, but he didn't know how serious or powerful the Doctor was, and Damian probably understood how serious this was, and wouldn't resort to killing the Doctor unless it was absolutely necessary.
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Hanging from a statue gargoyle, Kate Kane was above of Gotham. Watching crime spread everywhere throughout the streets. Kate was looking over the city. She had intense feeling about the city and its crime. Ever since the Joker died, Kate hasn't been fighting crime lately. After her breakup with Metropolis police officer, Maggie Sawyer, Kate has been heartbroken lately. Wondering if she should still be Batwoman.

Suddenly, Kate's communicator ringed. A familiar voice came through the comms. It was none other than Bruce. He was wanting if anyone had a name on this Doctor character. Batwoman didn't understand what Bruce was talking about this mysterious Doctor. She had never heard of a name before. Was this Doctor a former foe of Batman? Kate had many ideas of who this Doctor could be. But more information needed to be told.

Batwoman wasn't going to let this message go to waste. She was going to respond rather quickly, in a satisfying way. "Bruce, are you there? This is Batwoman," Kate replied. "I heard your message about this unknown Doctor. Who is this person, and what do they want?" Batwoman finished her response to Bruce. Hopefully she could get a quick answer from him, hanging from a gargoyle can really give a headache.



Deadshot had the bead, but his rifle didn't have nonlethals, so she shot Sionis in the leg, bringing him down onto a knee, hoping Batgirl would take the opprotunity to take him down. "Sorry if he has nasty gunshot in his leg, this,rifle has no rubber bullets manufactured for it, well I don't have any of em if they do." She said

Roman Sionis

feeling the rifle round hit his lower thigh, close to the knee, his leg buckled, forcing him into a knee. He drew his .44 revolver again and fired into the cape, emtying the barrel for all but one shot. "Da*m you!" He yelled.

Bruce Wayne

"Well I don't know currently those answers but we think he is after Harley Quinn." He responded to Batgirl, rocketing out of the Batcave and into the streets of Gotham. "Oliver you may wanna stay close. May get tight." He warned. "Damian you know how I am with no-killing, but if it gets to a really, and I mean really drastic measure then you know what you have to do." He told Damian. He didn't like killing, but he didn't know how serious or powerful the Doctor was, and Damian probably understood how serious this was, and wouldn't resort to killing the Doctor unless it was absolutely necessary.

He heard Batwoman and Batman's response. It was rather vague. He didn't mention the part about the Doctor possibly wanting to revive the Joker. Damian wasn't going to answer for him, but he decided to tease his Father. "You couldn't possibly be more vague." then hearing his speech about killing. Damian nodded. Killing was much easier, and more effective. Nonetheless he completely agreed and abided with Batman's no-killing rule, and wouldn't use Bruce's words as an excuse to kill the Doctor. He would indeed only kill the Doctor if it's completely neccessary. "Yes, Father." he said with a compilant voice. Damian wasn't sure where they were going, so he decided to ask. "Where are we heading exactly? You didn't share your brilliant plan with me, Father. I can only figure we're going after the Doctor."
"Ohohohho grody!"  Said Owl-Girl quickly covering her eyes. It was a reflex, she knew that if she was gonna be a hero she'd have to get used to the sight of blood. She'd had to put down a horse once, surely a little blood would be nothing compared to that lethal injection of drugs and the lights going out of it's eyes. She had to get used to it, yet she couldn't pull her wings away from her face. It's just red, it's just red, its in the meat you eat you idiot! She thought yelled at herself. 
Bruce Wayne

"Well, I have tracked Barbara to the Wayne Enterprises building, which my guess is where the Doctor will be, currently she near the building, about 3 blocks out. So that's where we head first." He informed Damion, "Oliver you catch that?" He asked, making a tight turn and closing in on Barbara's location. "Barbara, I'm closing in on you now with Oliver and Damion, what is your current situation?" He asked.
The heavy .44 caliber rounds impacted her cape.  It was bulletproof as was the skintight micro-mesh of her bodysuit.  So, protected by two layers of ballistic armor, the rounds didn't have a chance of penetrating.  Still, this close-in, she didn't stand a chance of dodging them.  Four of the five shots impacted, hitting her in the upper body.  It felt like getting punched in the gut by Killer Croc.  But she didn't have time for pain right now so she buried it deep down inside her.  At the moment, the only thing she was focused on was taking down the black masked man in front of her.  "Owl Girl!" she snapped through her mic.  "Get Deadshot down here NOW!  So he can back me up!"  Loaded with only lethal rounds, his rifle wasn't much help.  But she knew that his wrist guns were loaded with non-lethal so the most effective place for the assassin right now was down here in the middle of the fight.

Then, she heard Bruce's voice through her earpiece.  "Great F-ing timing!  Kinda busy right now!"  She cut him off.

Crouched low, she kicked out at the thigh wound for maximum pain effect.  Followed with a snap kick to the thugs' gun hand with the hope of disarming him.  She rose and leapt, holding to get her legs around his throat so she could flip him and throw him into the brick wall behind him.

@Lunarcat @LoneSniper87
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"Y-you got it Batgirl!" Owl-Gril could have been nervous, she could have been scared, and somewhere in the back of her mind, she was, but was right now was determined. It was an emergency, it was a tough situation and when the going gets tough, the tough become owls! Owl-Girl snatched Deadshot up in her talons and dove down towards the street, all the while transforming into her were-owl body in the air. Her beak sharp, her wings powerful, and her talons barred and ready to go. She made a 10 point landing with Deadshot before standing back up and getting into a battle ready stance. She screeched and flared her feathers out wide, trying to trick any would be attackers into thinking she was bigger than they were. 
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Roman Sionis

Roman yelled out in pain as his leg was kicked, falling over, the gun clattering a few feet away from him. He stood, his arms reflexivley blocking her legs, he limped over to his .44, falling as his fingers wrapped around the grip, he turned to face Batgirl, firing his last shot without aiming, prwying it hits as the barrel was in her general direction. "Die!" He yelled as he shot. Pain shooting up and down his leg as he stood, ran, fell and fired. He grimaced but held back any more yells, he quickly loaded in 3 shots, pulling back the hammer, aiming at Batgirl's head, "Move and you die, b*tch!" He yelled.
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Bruce Wayne

"Well, I have tracked Barbara to the Wayne Enterprises building, which my guess is where the Doctor will be, currently she near the building, about 3 blocks out. So that's where we head first." He informed Damion, "Oliver you catch that?" He asked, making a tight turn and closing in on Barbara's location. "Barbara, I'm closing in on you now with Oliver and Damion, what is your current situation?" He asked.

The heavy .44 caliber rounds impacted her cape.  It was bulletproof as was the skintight micro-mesh of her bodysuit.  So, protected by two layers of ballistic armor, the rounds didn't have a chance of penetrating.  Still, this close-in, she didn't stand a chance of dodging them.  Four of the five shots impacted, hitting her in the upper body.  It felt like getting punched in the gut by Killer Croc.  But she didn't have time for pain right now so she buried it deep down inside her.  At the moment, the only thing she was focused on was taking down the black masked man in front of her.  "Owl Girl!" she snapped through her mic.  "Get Deadshot down here NOW!  So he can back me up!"  Loaded with only lethal rounds, his rifle wasn't much help.  But she knew that his wrist guns were loaded with non-lethal so the most effective place for the assassin right now was down here in the middle of the fight.

Then, she heard Bruce's voice through her earpiece.  "Great F-ing timing!  Kinda busy right now!"  She cut him off.

Crouched low, she kicked out at the thigh wound for maximum pain effect.  Followed with a snap kick to the thugs' gun hand with the hope of disarming him.  She rose and leapt, holding to get her legs around his throat so she could flip him and throw him into the brick wall behind him.

@Lunarcat @LoneSniper87

Damian heard Bruce's words and feeling more informed, nodded. He heard Batgirl's voice and said "So she's in trouble." preparing his gadgets for a fight. Damian wasn't sure whether they are going to fight the Doctor, but he was ready to either incapacitate, or kill anyone in his way to ensure that his Father's will is carried out, and that Gotham is protected.
Deadshot / Black Mask / Bruce Wayne

Lawton rolled as he landed on the ground, coming back up crouched and firing two shots, one into Sionis' temple, the other in his leg wound. He stood and moved closer, "Batgirl, you ok?" He asked after Sionis was down, in pain, spots dancing around his eyes. Lawton watched the Batmobile stopped on a dime and Batman himself stepping out and his heart sunk. He noticed the familiar green motorcycle railing behind, 'Arrow too? Well F*ck me...' He thought. Batman saw Lawton, rushing out and throwing a Batarang him, which Lawton dived out if the away of, barely. "Hey hey I'm friendly Bats!" Lawton yelled. "Batgirl..." Bruce said with a 'tell me what the h*ll is going on now or I will be p*ssed' tone.
Deadshot / Black Mask / Bruce Wayne

Lawton rolled as he landed on the ground, coming back up crouched and firing two shots, one into Sionis' temple, the other in his leg wound. He stood and moved closer, "Batgirl, you ok?" He asked after Sionis was down, in pain, spots dancing around his eyes. Lawton watched the Batmobile stopped on a dime and Batman himself stepping out and his heart sunk. He noticed the familiar green motorcycle railing behind, 'Arrow too? Well F*ck me...' He thought. Batman saw Lawton, rushing out and throwing a Batarang him, which Lawton dived out if the away of, barely. "Hey hey I'm friendly Bats!" Lawton yelled. "Batgirl..." Bruce said with a 'tell me what the h*ll is going on now or I will be p*ssed' tone.

Damian walked out after his Father, and saw Deadshot and Black Mask. He unsheathed his sword and rushed at Deadshot, but then heard his words. Damian stepped back to his mentor and asked "Can I paaaralyze him? Just temporarily." with a VERY sarcastically sweet voice. He still held his sword out towards Lawton, prepared to dodge or even slice down any bullets he may shoot. Damian didn't trust Deadshot. Whatever he was doing - He was in it for himself.


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