Gotham City

Owl-Girl listened to all this, her eyes darting back and fourth like she was reading fro ma book or studying for a test, but she tensed up when Barb brought up the Lazarus Pit. "This pit... was is green and gloowing? Because... if it was... that's like the oone i goot my poowers froom. I feel in with loots oof oowl scratches all oover me..." It couldn't be, another 'power pit'? (that's what they called the one back in Llyn). Here, in Gotham? Maybe she'd finally get some answers. And it can bring back the dead? Owl-Girl could only think that this sounded like the beginning of ever zombie movie ever. "Dooctoor, Jooker... sound like bad duudes..." Owl-Girl shook her head. "Batgirl, I know we've only just met, but you're really nice and... and my animal powers, I like tooo think, give me the ability tooo sense stuff aboouut people. And I can sense you're a goood person... no matter what, I trust you-hoo, which means," Apple looked at Ivy and Harley "I trust them toooo..." 

"Of coorse I'll stay," she said with a nod. "I'll dooo whatever yoouu ask, and whatever it takes, birds, and well... bats i guess... flock together, noow and forever. I'm tooo far in tooo back out anyway." She said that last part with a small smile, despite the scary surrounding situation, Owl-Girl felt the familiar adrenaline rush and a smile tug at the sides of her beak. "Hooty hoo..." 

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Ronan nodded, following Nightwing inside. "I'll see what I can do. I'm a physics Doctor, not a physician. But I need your help on a case I'm trying to crack. Now where's the boy?" That was the truth. Everyone assumed he was a physician, his name was misleading, but there's doctors of lots of things. "So what happened here?"
Tim watched the CCTVs, making sure nothing suspicious was going on.  It seemed like a pretty standard conversation between two people.  Though, something still bugged him.  Who was this guy?  

That’s when Tim received a text message from Babs.  He read the text rather quickly, taking in every little bit.  The Doctor… The card!  The card was for him.  It all made sense now.  But, that terrified him.  That person that Nightwing was talking to… Who was that?  He looked down at the guard slouched down on the ground, and felt his heart give a painful jump.  

He was sure Babs would have sent the same message to Dick, but he didn’t seem to look at it yet.  At least he was being polite--?  No.  This was bad.  He spoke into his communicator to Dick once again.

“Nightwing…  If that…  man… Is named... the Doctor,... Don’t… Bring… Him… Up here…”  His breathing sounded much more labored than before.  He could tell it was getting harder to talk.  “I can’t… Defend myself… And… Babs… Said he’s… Dangerous… Don’t… Trust… Him…  I’ll find… A way… Out… Myself.”  He gasped, trying to get air to his one functioning lung.  After a few seconds of trying to get his breath, he spoke again “Be careful… Dick.”

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"Umm, I'm pretty sure he meant the Wayne Enterprises Building, not Wayne Manor."  She squinted her eyes at Batgirl, "You know, for being associated with the world's greatest detective, you sure do come to terrible conclusions."  Why would Wayne Manor even be an option?  It was strange, but Ivy just wrote it off as Batgirl actually being a blond rather than the auburn she claims to be.

Ivy was about to explain how she thought things should go down when Harley proclaimed that she was bored.  And then new girl interrupted, so she guessed they were going into this blind as bats.  She listened as Batgirl basically guilt tripping this girl into coming with them, and then the girl swearing her soon-to-be dying allegiance to Batgirl.  "What a birdbrain," Ivy muttered under her breath.  Reality will hit that girl quick when the doctor plucks out each feather one by one. Then she said she trusted Harley and Ivy, and she had to stifle a laugh.  She gave her ten minutes.

She turned to Harley, pretty much having enough of this.  "Whatever gets us away from this."

@BrainyGrrrrl @HarleyPuddin @Lunarcat
Harley looked around at everyone. She twirled her hammer and put the top end on the floor, leaning on the handle.

"So...what's the plan Red?" She said leaning backwards and forwards with the mallet.

"Can we go? We are wasting time!" she said staring at Ivy, not interested in what anyone else had to say. 
"I heard that you know," mumbled Owl-Girl without even moving her head. She tried to bite her tongue after that, she didn't want any arguments what with Harley and Ivy hanging around. And she really didn't want to disappoint Batigirl. Owl-Girl already felt like she had made a fool of herself, and her heightened perception wasn't helping matters either, allowing her to notice everyone's tone of voice and facial expressions even from a side glance. Her feathers fluffed up and smoothed back down again. No, she was a big girl, and she was going to be a hero damn it! Or at least a helper to a hero, which, heck, is just about as good. Apple believed in helping others, in not being a bystander, in doing everything in her power to stay in the here and now and be the best she could be. Even if it was, again, easier said than done. But the more she thought about it, the more she thought this would be good for her, a chance to spread her wings and fly, a chance to really grow as a person. A chance to... aww heck, stop a bad guy from taking over Gotham! Not before she had her PhD you don't! 

She smiled again, wider this time, more confident, more self-assured after her mind pep talk. She flapped her arm wings to readjust her feathers in preparation for... well, anything! 
"I agree with mallet over there, Let's get something done and talk strategy on the way." He told the group, again remaining a bit quiet for too long. He cracked his knuckles and neck. "So where he heading out too, boss?" He said both referring to Ivy and Batgirl. "And also who is the Owl chick over there?" He said, nodding to Owl-Girl. "Haven't seen you around, I'm Deadshot, you?"
Owl-Girl looked back over at him, a little wary, but still wide eyes and bushy tailed. "I'm Oowl-Girl, goood to-hoo meet yoouu," she said with a nod. "Deadshhoot... that's...actually a pretty cooool name, heh..." She smiled a little, she didn't know much about this deadshot guy yet, but that didn't mean she couldn't appreciate a good code name. "I'll be your eyes in the sky today." She joked, she didn't know if she would actually get to use her pure owl form, but a little levity couldn't hurt, everyone was so tense. Of course, they had every right to be. Owl-Girl swallowed some nervous laughter and clasped her hands behind her back again. 
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Bruce arrived to Gotham from Central City about ten minutes ago. Stepping off his jet to an awaiting car, he stepped into the backseat, heading off to Wayne Manor, he had seen what was happening back in Gotham, and came back as soon as he could. He wondered how this many problems could be caused in the span of a week. When he arrived at Wayne Manor he went down to the Batcave and proceeded to cintact Barbara. "Barb, I'm back from Central City, What is going on?" he asked, leaning over the Batcomputer. "Is there someone new around? Are you alright?" He knew she was perfectly capable on her own, but he was worried none the less with everything that went down.

Ivy's arms were crossed as she turned her head to look at the Owl, keeping a perfect "resting bitch face" while raising her eyebrows toward her.  She turned back to Harley.  "Well, Harls.  The plan is that we show up to Wayne Enterprises and demand he give us our money, that's what."  She looked over at Batgirl and continued talking.  "Of course, we can't have them messing anything up, now can we?"

When she said that, roots emerged from the ground, wrapping around Batgirl and Owl-Girl.  She looked over at Deadshot. "You probably should just follow close behind.  After what happened between you and Ronan, he probably won't be too happy to see you."

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"I also have eidetic memory," she replied to Ivy, narrowing her eyes.  "Don't cover your mistakes by trying to lay the blame on others.  Okay, so he wants to meet you at the Wayne Enterprises Building.  Today's Sunday.  Minimal building and office staff.  Perfect time for a clandestine meet."  She bristled when Harl asked Ivy what the plan was.  "Let's get one thing straight.  Right here.  Right now.  I'm in charge here.  I'll be the one formulating our plan of UUURRRGHHH!!!"

Vines wrapped around them and Owl-Girl!!!  She struggled but there were too many, completing entwining the two from head to toe.  "IVY!!!  WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!!  WE HAD A DEAL!!!" 

Making matters worse, her phone took that moment to vibrate.  Not that she could reach her utility belt to answer it.  She was a little tied up at the moment.

@ByTheChesapeake @Lunarcat @HarleyPuddin @LoneSniper87 @ReverseWells
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She ignored Deadshot and Owl Girls greetings to one another Harley nodded ay Ivy and smiled "and we demand to get Mistah J back!" She throwing her hands in the air with excitement.

She laughed as Ivy's vines wrapped them selfs around the two heroines. "That's more like it!"
Oliver Queen

Oliver already had his costume on, due to the green bike he was riding. He figured if he wasn't in costume, then it would give it away. He sped past the infamous Gotham City sign. (Welcome to Gotham City, hope you stay awhile!) It had always gave him the creeps when he came here, giving an off put feeling. Shit! He hadn't told Bruce he was coming. The two were just together with the Justice Leauge yesterday, helping out Barry with a problem. To put it simply; speedsters are a pain in the ass. He quickly taped the earpiece he had in his ear that he typically used to communicate with Felicity, and it began to call Bruce. "Hey Bruce, I probably should've told you this, but I just arrived in Gotham. I saw on the news when I got home what was going on, and figured you needed a little help. Also, don't you have like 5 apprentices to deal with this stuff?"
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Bruce caught the message, smiling a small bit, then his face became serious again, "Ah, Mister Queen, glad to see you care about Gotham as much as Sterling City. And well... One of them is in high school and the others have thier own agenda, guess it takes an army to take down an army." He said, watching the news over the Batcomputer, "Well Oliver, meet me at my Manor and we can talk face-to-face." He walked back to the elevator leading up ti the manor, giving Alfred a quick nod and wave as he exited. He walked to the main hall to a side room. "I'll see you soon." He said, exiting the call.
Owl-Girl struggled against the vines, scrawing and squaking. Her feet and hands lashed out, slashing at the vines violently. Suddenly the once innocent girl looked far more leathal, at least when cornered. Her talons ripping out chunks of plant matter, her feet digging in deep, and her beak tearing apart leaves and cellulose. 

"Let us go! I thought we could trust you!"
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Oliver Queen

Oliver grumbled one Bruce hung up, he didn't like being called Mr. Queen. He wasn't the man his father was. But he wasn't surprised with his dark, and upset tone once he had mentioned his help. He honestly didn't approve of how young some of these kids were, like the high schooler! Arsenal was his sisters age, maybe a bit older so he wasn't in school anymore. That would be to much on a teenagers plate. 

He pulled through the Manor gates, they reminded him of those creepy haunted houses in movies. He sped towards the lake, knowing the cave was located there, and leaned closer to his bike to avoid the splash. Once inside, he skidded to a stop when reaching the main area of the cave. He spotted Bruce arriving at the same time as him, as he gave him a nod. "
Harley smirked as they tried to struggled. 

"Come on we gotta make it look convincing !" She teased them. 

She walked over to batgirl pinching her cheeks. "Don't ya trust us?" She stuck her tongue out at her and laughed.

she stepped back and looked at Owl Girl. "Stop ya squawking will ya!"
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As if on cue Harley would feel an itching in her scalp followed by a sharp pain that dulled down to a throb. Someone cleared their throat and a farmiliar voice rang out in her head "Testing, testing one two can you hear me Harley?" the voice asked. Joker had finally decided to reach out to his ever so faithful Harley through a little microchip implant he'd installed on her.

Bruce Wayne

"Welcome Oliver, I hope the drive over wasn't too bad for you." He said, walking over to shake his hand. "So since you decided to help, I think we should find Barbara, she would know more than us on the current situation." He sat down at the Batcomputer, watching security feed of the GCPD from the break in event. "Hmm... Harley and Ivy, but Freeze? That's interesting." He switched to a different camera, revealing Deadshot. "Him too? Wonder what the occasion is..." He said to nobody in particular. 

The plant woman gave a small laugh as she heard  scream from being constrained.  "You think I'd actually make a deal with you?  Please!  God, you Bat kids are so gullible!"  She looked over at Harley.  "Now Harls, Deadshot, let's go."  She took the two by the arm and started rushing away, but before they got too far, she turned back to look at the two girls.

Once she was sure Harley was far enough away from the girls, Ivy started to focus and talk through the plants:

"First off, Owl-Girl.  You hurt any more of my babies, you'll be lucky if your feet are the only things I rip off.  Calm down, or I won't let you go.  in fact, I'll start to make things much tighter for you."  Ivy started to remotely squeeze the owl harder as the seconds went on, hoping to get her point across.  "Second, Batgirl.  People have been following your lead all day and look where it's left them?  Consider this a coup.  We're doing things my way, and you're going to go along with it.  Now, before you say something stupid in front of Harley or even hint that I was going to double cross her, here's the plan:  I'm taking Deadshot and Harley to the car I stole earlier.  Once we're in the car, the roots will recede and you both can follow us from a distance.  You'll meet Deadshot in an area out of sight from security cameras.  I'll grow a small plant to give you guys the go ahead.  After that, you'll ambush.  Got it?"
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"URRRRR..."  She strained with all her might but the vines held, constricting her like some giant thorny snake.  She saw Owl Girl valiantly hacking away at the tendrils with her talons and her claws.  But it  was useless.  The more she tore at the vines, the more that sprang forth from the ground to smother her.  "It's alright," she told the girl.  "Save your energy."  She had planned on becoming a prisoner again in order not to tip off the Doctor.  She just hadn't anticipating on becoming one again so soon.  The same went for Ivy's treachery.  She thought the green-skinned siren would wait until they at least got to Wayne Enterprises.  Okay, she would just have to adapt to the accelerated timetable.  "Okay, Ivy, so what?  You think that you can just walk into there?  Is that your brilliant plan?"

Then Ivy explained her plan.  It was actually a good plan.  It didn't mean she had to like it though.  She scowled at Ivy.  "Fine.  Whatever."

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Oliver Queen

Oliver stared at the computer, watching Bruce flip through the footage. "So let's retrace their steps. Tim would've gotten out of school soon after the GCPD spree started. I'm guessing your eldest, Dick, would've made his way down to help out Tim. Barbara probably thought she was strong enough on her own to take care of everything else. She's just like Felicity." He stopped talking once he saw Deadshot, the two had more history than Bruce did. His best friend, Diggle's brother, was killed by the mercenary. "Deadshot doesn't prove as a immediate theat like Ivy or Freeze. The only thing I could possible see is that he could've killed Cran..." He cut himself short, spotting an unfamiliar masked man in one of the footages. The man was going for a noir detectice vibe. "Who is that guy?" He said pointing him out to Bruce.
Owl-Girl wanted to struggle, fight back, but as the vines tightened around her, and ivy's warning, she knew that was a stupid idea. She stopped struggling and lay there, limp. Taking in only the shallowest of breaths. "And I used tooo think yoou had cuute hair..." She mumbled. 

She looked over at Batgirl, poor batgirl, now she had to babysit Apple AND deal with this crazyness, what's a flying mamal to do? Owl-Gurl gave a sympathetic look she dubbed the 'I'm so sorry' look. 
Bruce Wayne

Bruce looked up to the screen, spotting this new person, "Probably the source of the problem. And..." He cut to later camera footage, "Dick hadn't showed up until later, a good time after the fight." He flicked between camrea shots of importance, "Ivy took out for phone to intercept a call, possibly from this new guy." He went to footage of when Lawton shot Barb and Tim, "He didn't shoot to kill them when he had the perfect opprotunity, what is he playing at? Also he carted off with Barbara and Tim, but he left with just her..." He watched over the tapes again, hoping to pick up anything and for Oliver to watch fully. "Tell me if you spot anything useful."
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Harley was walking away with Ivy, when she got a sudden itch on her head, which quickly turned painful.

The sudden pain cause her to throw her hands up to her head, dropping her mallet in the process. She gritted her teeth.

God that hurt, she leant down to pick up her mallet when a familiar voice rung out in her head and her eyes widened.

Her face turned white behind her already white face paint.

"...Mistah J...?" She said to her self, she looked around frantically, Was she just hearing things? 

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