Gotham City

Harley tilted her head, eh she seemed nice and hey owls were pretty cute!
She smiled at Owl Girl and reached out her hand. "Harley Quinn pleased to meet ya!" 
She would act nice for now, until Batgirl came out to play. "And that is Batgirl" She said pointing at the door. She leaned close and whispered "She's a bit looney" She said twirling a finger at the side of her head and going cross eyed. She let out a small laugh. 

As Batgirl came out she put her hands, including her mallet, behind her back and gave her a innocent smile. She'd have to play it nice for now, as she didn't know what side Owl Girl would be on.
It took her a moment to realise what Batgirl had on her head and she burst into laughter pointing at her. Tears streaming down her face
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She gave another internal chuckle, moving even closer to Deadshot.  She was now a few inches from his face.  She looked up into the taller man's eyes, and bit her bottom lip.

"I don't really shake hands."  She smirked as she reached up for his mask.  She didn't care about who was under the mask, she she didn't roll it up all the way.  Once the mask was clear of his mouth, she went for it, taking his face in her hand and planting a kiss on his lips.  The toxin in her lips went to work immediately, though it wasn't the lethal kind.  From the moment her mind-control toxin touched his lips, he was under her control.  Though, she decided to give him some freewill.  He could do what he wanted so long as it did not involve hurting her or Harley.  In fact, he would protect them from anything anyone threw at them.  She made it so the toxin would wear off in three days, but until then, Ivy would enjoy her new bodyguard.

She took a stepped back and started to let the ivy recede from Lawton's person.  "I think we have a deal then." 
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apple shook her hand quickly, for having talons, she had kind of a shaky handshake. "I'm Ap-Ooowl-Girl! Ooowl-Girl! Nice to uh... meet you!" Owl-Girl looked over Harley's shoulder at Batgirl. "... Hi Batgirl... hehe..." She had heard of batgirl before, but she never thought she'd be face to face wit her one day, and suddenly it was like meeting a celebrity. "I'm Ooowl-Girl! Oooh, well, uh, I said that already... uh... I'm nooot... from.... arooound here....doooes this happen... oooften?"  She smiled sheepishly and went back to fiddling with her talons. She was so confident back home in Llyn, even back on campus, but suddenly it was like every word she used to know ran out of her mind. "....hi..." 
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Lawton pulled the mask back down, "Odd, but agreed." He stretched out his arms, taking a few steps, "After you." He said with a sweeping gesture toward the exit, "I'm guessing I ride with you or no?" He put the safetys on his wrist guns again, not wanting to accidentaly shoot her or himself. His eyepeice was reading the toxins, but due to it being non-lethal his suit could do nothing against it. He smirked, "Ivy you're clever, ensuring loyalty. I like that." Well all he could do know was whatever Ivy told him.
Ronan arrived at GCPD a few minutes later, and spotted Dick and Gordan outside. Tim was pretty injured when he saw him on the cameras, and he figured he wasn't doing to well. He quietly hopped down into the shadows, about 15 feet from the two men. He tucked his hands in his coat casually, and spoke up. "Evening gentlemen, nice to see you Nightwing, Comissioner. Now I had stopped by earlier when I saw the commotion, and I released the cuffs on Robin. I didn't have time to help him, as Freeze was pushing in on my location, but I'm here now. I'm The Doctor by the way Commissioner."

"Oh...your name's Owl-Girl? Pleased to meet you.  I'm Batgirl."  She returned the handshake.  She already liked this girl...A LOT.  There was just something completely ingratiating about her tone.  It's sincerity.  Barb was so used to the grimdark demeanor of most of Gotham's heroes (herself included) that hearing that sense of optimism and 'oh gosh' heroics again, it was like a bright burst of sunshine on a perpetually cloudy day.  Speaking of clouds...

"So, Harley, are we gonna do this again?  Because, frankly, I'm getting tired of hauling your as...,"she paused, looking at the new girl, "your butt to jail"  Impressionable minds and all.  She locked eyes on Harley, giving the girl her hardest staredown through her pillowcase.  " I don't know what you've got hidden behind your back."

@Lunarcat @HarleyPuddin
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Harley was still laughing her ass off at Batgirls cowl "Going through budget cuts Batsy?" She said through her laughter. She held her stomach, this was too much. "Your killing me here" She wiped away her tears and tried to compose her self. "Awh come on, ya don't need to arrest me. Maybe I'm here to rescue ya." She winked at Batgirl.
Harley kept a tight grip on her mallet just in case.
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"Oooh, uh! Same to youu. I'm a were-oowl, but uh! I just came acrooos the scene and wanted toooo make suure noo ooone gooot huurt." She nodded happily, wow! Two new friends in one day! Even if one did try to squish her with a hammer. She transformed into a more human form, all the way to getting rid of her beak and feathers. The mask still covers her eyes, but she now looks like a typical college age girl. Soft blonde hair, fair skin and a few freckles across her face. She has neon green nail-polish and lipstick on. Her eyes were still wide with excitement and... some fear to be perfectly honest. It's not every day you're part of a bomb scare. "This is what I uh... usually look like." She nodded again, to reassure herself mostly. 

Ivy took the lead, walking towards the door that Harley had left through.  "Sure," she said.  "I don't care.  We should probably find Harley first though since I promised her a ride as well."  She looked over her shoulder back towards him.  "Well, University of Washington didn't give me my PhD. for nothing."  She flipped her hair as she walked through the exit.  She looked around tapping her index finger to her mouth.  "Now where could that cute little clown be?"

As the feathered hero transformed back into her human form (A college-aged girl.  Pretty too!), Barb continued to stare down HarlAt the mention of her wardrobe change, she narrowed her eyes.  "I have your friend to thank for that.  The one in the paint mask.  Rescue me?  That's the funniest joke you've told all week, Harl."  She was all set to bust the harlequined criminal when an idea suddenly occurred to her.  "But...if you really mean that, about rescuing me and all, tell ya what?  Take me back to Ivy and we'll talk.  Truce?"  Of course, a handshake was out of the question. Joy buzzers and all.  And if push did come to shove, well, she had her new friend and fellow hero for help.

"Listen, Owl-Girl, how about tagging along.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.  You've already saved me once today.  I would be proud to have you as a partner on this case."

@HarleyPuddin @Lunarcat
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She sighed as Owl Girl talked, why is everyone a goody two shoes nowadays? 

She listened to what Batgirl had to say, glancing at Owl Girl every now and again, rolling her eyes when batgirl praised her. 

"Hmmm alrighty Bratty, last time I saw her she was talking to your new best friend" she said sticking her tongue out. Truce, hmm yeah right once Ivy got here, Batgirl was toast.

She turned around to walk down the stairs "You know what Batgirl?" She said holding back a laugh, snorting. "Your turning into a real head case" She started howling with laughter again. 
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"Me? Partner? Oh this is totally rockin!" Huh, some bits of a California accent came out with that sentence. "What do you need? Full owl? Halfsies? Uh, that's what I call my were-owl form, or do you want all human? I can do whatever!" She's so excited batgirl! And really does seem like she wants to help out. 

"Oh, and uh... who's Ivy? Another super hero?" Apple tried her best to not bite her lips or pick at her nails in nervousness. A REAL partnership with Batgirl? This is awesome, terrifying, and amazing all at the same time! Even if it was a small job, she wasn't gonna let batgirl down at all. 

"So you, me and harley huh? Sounds like fun! Or uh... serious, job-like... fun.."  
"Haha, calm down," she told the girl who was freaking out.  "Uh, Halfsies?  Sure.  Actually, that would probably work out the best."  The girl would still be disguised and have some of her abilities.  Without going full-on owl,  Because frankly, that was a little creepy.  Like Gigantor Owl.  She answered the girl's question.  "No.  Poison Ivy.  Eco-terrorist.  Believes that plants should rule the earth.  Not  a nice person.  But a necessary evil for now.  Like this one."  she jabbed a finger at Harl.

"Hardy, har har," she gritted at Harley as she made yet another pillowcase joke.  "I really need to get my cowl back."  So, Ivy was still at the warehouse.  She motioned to Harley to lead the way.  "After you.  No way am I letting you walk behind me."

@HarleyPuddin @Lunarcat
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She slowly stopped laughing as she walking down the stairs.

"Awwh ya don't trust me Batsy? I'm so hurt" she put a sad voice and turned her head speaking to Owl Girl "She's so mean, I don't know why you like her so much" 

Harley jumped down when she reached the bottom step. 

She starting swinging her mallet around, pretending to be a ninja. 

Making strange noises as she did.

Hopefully she would find Ivy pretty soon.
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"On it. Partem Hominum." She mumbled to herself, and just like that she began regrowing her feathers and beak, turning back into her were-owl form. It looked painful, but Apple felt no pain, it felt more like getting into and out of a wet swim suit, some sticking and stucking, but eventually she did it, and pretty quickly too. Owl-Girl looked back at Harley. "Oooh... but yoouu boooth seemed pretty nice... besides the part where youuu tried to hit me with a hammer. I thoought we coould all be friends?" Another sheepish smile. "Coome oon Harley, it's an adventure! Ooone of us is a bat, ooone is an owl, and oone is a harlequin, were the best team! ....Pleaseeee?" Oh god Harls, she's using her big owl eyes on you. 
"Hey you attacked me first!" She side eyed Owl Girl from the bottom of the stairs. "Hey I already agreed to help! But I'll never be friends with this wacko!" She said pointing at Batgirl

Stupid big eyes, she was the cute one around here not some Owl! 

"She killed my Puddin!" She said sticking her nose in the air and walking outside.

"Don't talk bad about Red, what's so bad with plants ruling! She said with a big hand gesture 
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"I knoow, I'm really soory, I didn't want yoou to get explooded. I'm suure it will heal soooon." She sighed, and half friends wasn't bad. Maybe more like one and a quarter friends... She looked back at batgirl when harley mentions 'puddin' and she looked very very confused. "Yooou killed her.... pudding? Rice puuding? Choocolate puuding? I'd be mad toooo if it was chocolate.... althoough I'm more ooof a ice cream gal, hoot hoot too hoot!" She giggled a little, of course, the giggling sounded more like hooting. But Harley seemed upset so she tried to disguise her hoots as coughs. "Sooory... feather in throoat, hoot hoot! Soooo uhh... shall we gooo see this poooison ivy?" 
"Possibly off to find the Bat?" He suggested. "He did leave with her." He followed her to the stolen vehicle, he snapped on utility belt since it was better than carrying it. "You know Batgirl would probably be useful." @ByTheChesapeake
Hmmm...maybe she was mistaken.  The girl was laying on the sweetness just a little too much.  Like eating a bag of sugar all at once.  Barb could see how after a little time with the girl, she would seriously want to strangle her.  "Come on, it's just her nature.  She's a good kid."  Babs sighed inwardly.  Luckily, Harl was around.  (That was something she'd never thought she say!)  To balance the sweetness with her own unique blend of sourness!

She brushed off the clown girl's 'wacko' remark.  "You should know, Harl.  You're the expert.  And no, I didn't kill your Puddin."  As little miss psycho began to storm off, Barb yelled, "Hey!  I'm the only chance you have of bringing him back!  So, if you ever want to see your Puddin alive again, quit wasting time and take me back to Ivy!"

@Lunarcat @HarleyPuddin
She clenched her first at all the pudding remarks. Not funny. Maybe she didn't like this new girl after all.

Harley stopped outside knowing Batgirl was right.

"Well hurry up then Bratgirl, let's get moving" she said with clear agitation in her voice and put her mallet over her shoulder looking around for any signs of Ivy. No luck yet. 

She couldn't keep it in anymore and turned to face Batgirl "If you didn't kill him then who did?!" She shouted at her.

The question had been burning in her mind and at least it would pass the time. 
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"I get the feeling she doooesn't like me toooo much..." Owl-Girl mumbled to Batgirl. Down to one friend now.... maybe one and a seventh. She felt bad, she truly didn't know who or WHAT puddin was, but she could tell that Harley perhaps wasn't the most... stable, person around, although she probably could have guess that with the explosive door and the hammer incident. Apple sighed, great first day being a hero off campus Owly. Hopefully she'd at least be able to keep batgirl around, maybe... possibly. She cast her eyes downward for a moment before bringing them quickly back up to look at batgirl. Maybe she should lay off the talking for a while just listen to these two for a while, she already felt a little bit like she was going to be a burden for batgirl, but she didn't want to tell her that and invite more self doubt upon herself. Owl-Girl quickly fell in line behind batgirl and motioned for her to go first. "I'll watch yoour back Batgirl, oowls have gooood hearing and eyesight." Another nervous nod.  More unconscious fiddling with her talons. 
Oliver Queen

Oliver leaned against the cool metal of his bike, as he sped down the highway towards Gotham City. Felicity had heard on the news of some major villain problems taking place, and by the looks of it Bruce needed an extra pair of hands. He was surprised that he didn't have enough, with all of his pupils running around the city, he knew Tim was young, so he gave him a break. Barbara was fairly good though, reminded him a lot of Laurel... He figured Dick had come to town to help, and he had the whole GCPD behind him. He had a few friends back in Sterling City to help, and a few world wide, but this was getting out of hand. 
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The boy wonder leaned his head back against the wall he was sitting against.  He closed his eyes trying to focus on making the headache go away.  He figured that he must have gotten a concussion sometime while Babs was beating the shit out of him.  He squinted hard, but it was no use.  Opening one eye, he looked at the guard.  He was starting to give him the creeps, actually.  That's when he caught it...

On the CCTV, Robin noticed that there was something different.  There was a man talking to Dick and the Commissioner now.  One Tim didn't recognize.  He sat up and then got up to look at the TV.  He tried getting up, and with much pain, he got a closer look.  The man had a strange mask on, like one from an urban myth he had heard a while back.  It looked like a Rorschach ink blot, which honestly was a really cool concept if thought about.  

Though, the CCTVs could capture the visual in the room, there was no audio to it.  Curiosity was starting to get to him.  He wanted to know what they were all talking about.  He didn't want to take his eyes off the TVs, though in case whoever this was tried to come in with back up.  That way he could warn Nightwing.  If this person was bad news, Dick would also have a tactical advantage of he needed to get out of there fast.  He'd just have to live with the curiosity.

He walked over to the door and locked it from the inside for good measure. 

@Lancelot @ReverseWells
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"Don't worry," she reassured her new friend, Owl Girl, "the people that Harley likes aren't the kind of people you want for friends."  The girl grew quiet, cast her eyes down for a quick moment.  Anyone else wouldn't think anything amiss but in her line of work, missing the smallest detail could be deadly.  And Barb was an unusually perceptive person.  Always was.  So she immediately picked up on the young hero's feelings.  "Hey.  Don't worry.  You'll do fine.  You know the most important part about being a hero?"  Rather than answering, she simply pointed at the girl's heart and smiled.  "Just, you know, maybe calm down a little bit.  I know you're nervous.  But the trick is to hide it.  Not let your enemies see it.  Okay?"  She paused, thought for a moment and added, "And...maybe, and this is not a criticism, but maybe, cut down on the chit chat.  I mean, after all," she chuckled, "this is Gotham.  Home to the brooding, silent hero type."

She wanted to say more but was interrupted by the obnoxious clown girl.  She was demanding to know who killed her Mistah J.  Batgirl hedged, gritted her teeth, and lied her ass off. "Actually, Harley, I wasn't there.  By the time I arrived, the Joker was already gone.  But you know, funny thing.  There was this monkey, toy monkey with cymbals, where his head ought to have been, so who knows.  Maybe he isn't dead after all."  She knew it was false hope but Barb needed to throw her some bone to keep her in line.

Just then, she spotted a familiar gray van  approaching them.  "Was that...Deadshot?!"

@HarleyPuddin @Lunarcat @ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87
Harley froze when she heard that he might not be dead after all. After all of this he might not be dead? And nobody told her?! She had more right to know than anyone. Especially the Batfreaks. How dare Batgirl not tell her !? Harley put her hand to one of the guns on her belt.
"You knew this whole time and you didn't tell me!?" She wanted to know if she was being lied to or not. Ofc course she was there when her Puddin died. She told her ...right? Maybe not, she couldn't remember well. She stepped back from Batgirl and raised it in front of her. "Are ya telling me the truth Bats?" She kept an eye on Owl Girl also. "Don't lie to me, I have a right ta know" 
If she was satisfied with her answer Batgirl would be fine....for now.

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