Gotham City

She didn't give him the satisfaction of screaming or crying out in pain after the knife was stuck in her thigh.  She knew pain.  This was nothing.  He was quick though.  To be able to take her by surprise like that.  And quick-tempered.  He was already losing it.  Didn't like not being in control.  Babs could use that against him.  And she didn't believe that he would actually kill her.  Not when he thought that she knew the location of the Joker's body.  That was her trump card.  Or rather, her 'Joker'.  And she intended to keep it close to her vest.

"My friends call me Barbara.  You call me Batgirl.  And I'm not telling you shit until you tell me why you want his body.  Go ahead.  Stick another knife in me.  Torture me.  See what kind of condition I am in then to be able to tell you anything."  She figured there were two possible reactions from him.  Either he would strike her again, in which case she was ready this time, or he would give in, at least somewhat, and give her a crumb or two of info.  Maybe even try to smooth talk her.  She waited to see what he would do.

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Ronan hide his boiling anger inside, this bitch was a piece of work. He kicked her square in the center of her chest, and sent the chair toppling over on the ground. He took a deep breath, he needed to calm down. Tonight he was breaking his rule. He didn't hit women, and he felt aweful doing this. And he wouldn't tell her everything, he didn't like spoilers. He needed to give her enough to be satisfied, but not enough to get a grasp. He sat back down in the chair he sat in earlier, and looked at the floor. He would pick her up in awhile, for now she would stay there. "Think. Your smarter than Jason, so I know you can figure this out. Why would anyone, or I for the matter possibly need, or want the Joker's body. And I don't have a want for it, nor do I nessicarly need it. I'm not from here, you can tell from my accent, so there's another hint. And your final one. Bruce knows my employer, and good friend of mine." He put his first on his mouth, he was curious on what she would conclude to. "So, what do you think Gordan?"

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"OOFF!!!"  The kick sent her crashing to the floor, her head cracking against the floorboards.  "Son of a bitch!"  She stared up at the ceiling while her captor sat back down, leaned over in his chair, and looked down at her.  So, what?  Now he was giving her hints?  Like this was some audition and he was waiting for her to please him with her detecting skills?  "Screw that!"   Of course she had already deduced the clues that he had given her.  Jason.  The Joker's dead body.  The English accent.  His hint about Batman knowing his employer.  Lazarus Pit.  Ra's al Ghul.  It didn't take a Holmes to figure that one out.  So...the mysterious 'Doctor' was interested in bringing the Clown Prince of Crime back to life.  Not on her watch.  Joker had been bad enough.  They didn't need a Zombie Joker walking the streets.

She continued staring up at the ceiling, making it a point to not look at Ronan.  If he was waiting for her to impress him, like some schoolgirl, then he could keep on waiting til hell froze over.  She wasn't going to oblige him.  And the fact that he refused to call her by her crimefighting name needled her.  Not to the point where it would affect her judgement.  She didn't rattle like that.  Still, it bothered her.  Probably the creep's intention.  She decided to rattle his cage some more.

"What do I think?  Oh, lemme see.  You're British.  Boys and dead bodies...hmmm?  Oh, I got it!  Silly me, how could I have missed it?  Staring me in the face all this time!  You're a necrophiliac who likes teen boys! Brits have a word for it.  Err...what is it now?  That's right!  Buggery!  Why didn't you just say that?  Of course, I'll help ya!"  She turned her head on the floor and gave him a little 'wink-wink'.

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Nightwing sighed slightly, well at least one of them had a reason to be here, albeit a poor one, he didn't take Ivy to be the type of person to risk themselves for an unreliable nutjob.  "Thank you commissioner, I will have a look around, we will get to the bottom of this and when we do these criminals will be sent back to Arkham."  Nightwing spoke in a serious tone, they had taken it too far in attacking the GCPD.  As Nightwing surveyed the room once more, Tim had suddenly contacted Nightwings transmitter once more, telling him that Barbara had been taken and that he would try and get there soon.  He sounded hurt, Nightwing quickly responded in a worried voice, "Tim I am with Gordon now, where are you?are you okay?"

@The Great Catsby, @ByTheChesapeake
Ronan wasn't going to give her anymore satisfaction than he already gave her. He could see through her sarcasm, she had figured it out. He wouldn't let her know he did, but he gave a light smirk. He pulled his mask out of the coat, "Well I'm afraid I've gotta run Gordan. Ivy and Harleen will be here soon to deal with you." He set his signature card on the worn, splittered table, and picked up her mask off the floor. "I'll consider this a souvenir from Gotham. Now I'm know you'll probably end up beating the bloody hell out of the two girls, so I'll count on seeing you later?" He tucked her mask where his originally sat, and pulled his over his head. He then removed a detonator from his coat, it wouldn't do a ton of damage, just destroy a few floors. He was counting on the two girls to see it as a sign. He opened the one window the apartment had, and pulled a match from his coat. He striked it, tossing it inside the apartment on top of a moldy rug, and watched it catch ablaze. He gave a small wave, looking like a salute, and fired his hook across the street, heading to GCPD to find the Robins.

@BrainyGrrrrl @ByTheChesapeake @Lancelot
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THAT BASTARD!!!  He took her mask!  Barb vowed to make him pay for that!  She glared at him, not saying anything, while he saluted her and left.  She waited a full three minutes until she was as certain as she could be that he had left the building.  Then she got to work on the fire.  It was burning slow due to the moldiness of the rug.  Easy enough to extinguish.  Grunting, she managed to rotate her chair on its sides like a square wheel until she reached the rug.  Since her legs were completely immobilized, she had to use the right leg of the chair to fold one end of the carpet over itself, effectively smothering the fire and putting it out.

Next came her ropes.  The fire had charred the underlying floor boards to the point that they were brittle enough to snap off.  She snapped off a jagged little piece and began sawing at her bonds.  The fact that her hands were pinioned and the tightness and sheer number of her bonds made the work slow-going and difficult.  It would take her considerable effort and time to free herself.  But she was determined and therefore, she would get it done.  She only hoped that she'd finish freeing herself before Harl and Ivy arrived.  She wasn't worried about the bomb that Ronan had left behind for them.  He hadn't gagged her so she could shout a warning to them before they got close enough to trigger it.  No, what really worried her was  Harl and Ivy learning her true identity.  She didn't need that kind of aggravation in her life!  First, Ronan had decided on the moldy carpet.  Then he had left her ungagged.  Barb smirked.  For a criminal mastermind, he was anything but.

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Owl-Girl flew through the air with the greatest of ease, the cool night air brushing against her, hooting quietly. She loved flying free like this, on nights like these. Listening to the heartbeats of those below, watching everything with her super owl eyes, and her soft feathers rapped around her like a blanket. It had been one year since she had first moved to Gotham University and her parents were nice enough to get her an apartment instead of a dorm, somewhere she could have privacy for doing stuff just like this. At first she had been worried about people figuring out her secret identity, but now she was just happy to be so free. True, she missed Cali, the redwood trees, her folks, Llyn's famous waffle house, but when she looked down at the city, all the neon signs and people, she had to admit, this place was pretty beautiful too, a concrete jungle, as it were. 

Apple swooped down lower to the ground, searching for excitement, ducking and diving over and under signs, waving to the passing pigeons and laughing when they flew off. Oh yes, she was happy. Far from home, but we all have to leave the nest at some point right? 

@BrainyGrrrrl @ReverseWells @HarleyPuddin
Harley got bored and looked outside, she looked around. "Where did they go?"  She looked up and noticed a building was on fire, she gasped, they must be there! "Sorry Red but I got an appointment" She ran towards the building across the street. 
Hoping that Batgirl wouldn't be to much of a fight, he probably would of roughed her up a bit.
She was almost there it wasn't far, her mallet was slowing her down a bit though.
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Owl-Girl continued flying along, letting the wind take her along, when suddenly, with her eagle owl eyes she spotted a... girl with a giant mallet? That's not something you see everyday, not even in Gotham, and being an owl, she had seen quite a bit. Then again, this was the furthest out from campus she had traveled yet in her owl form, was all of gotham as crazy as they said? Apple swooped down and quietly flew behind the girl in red and black and... white... and she could have sword she had seen this person before... but who is she? 

Her owl feathers allow her almost silent flight, plus, they were pretty soft and cute to boot. 

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There!  Her hands were free!  But they were still trapped behind the chair due to all the ropes not only binding her arms but her upper body to the chair.  Still, it was a start!  And with more movement in her hands, she could work that much faster!  She began sawing at the thick knot securing her arms together.  While she labored away, she wondered what Ronan's next move was.  "He was trying to worm his way into Dick's trust."  She figured that's where he was headed.  Either him or Tim.  She had to hurry!  "UGHHH!!!"  She strained and the frayed knot snapped.  Her arms were still tied but there was just enough slack now that she might be able to slip one of them free.  She pulled with all her strength...FINALLY!!!  She was able to get her right arm loose and in front of her!  Hurriedly, she began yanking at the other knots and ties around her.  All she needed was maybe 10 more minutes! 

@Lunarcat @HarleyPuddin
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Harley couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched, she stopped and looked behind her, then started walking again and quickly looked again hoping to catch the guy off guard.  No luck.

She looked around suspiciously, then shrugged "Eh probably just some creep"

When she finally got to the building, she tried pulling the door open, is was so heavy. "Open damn it" She was pulling as hard as she could, she let go for a second putting her mallet down, then used both hands pulling as hard she could.
"Awh come on you stupid thing!" She kicked it with full force and it swung open making a loud crash, it was a push door? Who could of known. She grabbed her foot hopping up and down, wincing in pain.
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Apple laughed a little at that, whoever this familiar girl was, she wasn't exactly the brightest bulb on the tree. "H-hoo" he said, as quietly as she could, trying to stifle her laughing with her feathery wings. She quickly ducked behind a trash can, and kept one ear to the ground. She heard the Harlequin's heartbeat for sure but then she heard... what sounded like a second one as well... She peaked her head out a little bit from behind, and watched the girl intently, either was either something really bad or someone's idea of a really weird good time. Quietly now, quiet quiet... 

"hoot hoo..."

Poison Ivy rolled her eyes at Deadshot as her face turned hard.  She waited until Harley was clear of the building to talk.  "I think you missed my point.  I fucking hate the Joker.  I don't want him back.  He's not good for the world and he sure as hell isn't good for Harley.  I want him to rot and feed my babies like he was intended to do.  So since your deal sucks, I'm going to give you a counter deal."  The ivy that had wrapped itself around Floyd began to constrict slowly crushing his body.

"You help me kill the Doctor, and I won't kill you."  Lethal toxin began to fill her lips in case he tried anything funny and she needed to kill him quickly.  Why was today so much work?

Someone was banging at the front door! Then, with a terrific crash, it SLAMMED! open! Babs knew only one person alive that could make such an ungodly ruckus!  "HARLEY!!!  STOP!!!"  She yelled at the top of her lungs, hoping the idiot clown girl could hear her over the din she was making.  There was the loud POUND!POUND!POUND! of feet clomping there way up the creaky stairs!  "That idiot's gonna blow us all up!"  Barb inhaled as much as her ropes would allow and bellowed, "HARLEY!!!  STOP!!! THE DOOR TO THE ROOM IS WIRED!!!  DON'T OPEN IT!!!"

@HarleyPuddin @Lunarcat
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Apple heard batgirl's shouts and leapt into action! She flew over to who she assumed was Harley and began tugging on her with her talons, trying to pull her away from the door. "Hoot too too hoot!" she.... hooted, I guess, as she dug her talons into harley's shoulder, not meaning to hurt her, but it was an EMERGENCY! She pulled with all her owl might on Harley! I'm so sorry I'm so sorry imsosorry she thought to herself.

@HarleyPuddin @BrainyGrrrrl
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"Ok... Yeah. I'm with you, like I said I could care less." He told Ivy, "Now I would shake your hand but I'm kinda stuck." He motioned to the vines. If he could get out and find Batgirl his chances would up tenfold in taking down both the Doctor and Ivy. But for now he would roll with Ivy. "Just sayin I'm packing nonlethal, so bear with me."
"Nice going Harls" she said to herself. She grabbed her mallet and heard a faint voice, she grinned and ran up the stairs.

She was almost at the door ready to burst through it, when she heard the warning, she was going to open it anyway.

"How do I know yo-" she was interrupted by something digging in her shoulders, an owl?! 

"OUCH! Get off me!" she started flailing about, almost falling through the door in the process.

She started swinging her mallet blindly, hoping to hit the damn thing. 
The mallet gazed Apple's wing, sending her spiraling off course, and she bashed into a wall. It hurt her pride more than anything. Real graceful Owl-Girl, reeeal graceful. She shook her head and began to puff up like uh... this 

Not SUUPER attractive, but if that door really was rigged to explode, and the person on the other side sure sounded serious, she had to keep Harley from opening it. She shook her body and spread out her wings hoping to draw attention to herself. At the very least she could say she had tried. 

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Tim didn't have to wait very long for Dick to answer back, breathing a shallow breath of relief.  "Good...  As long as... He's alright..."  He looked around the room and then straight at the company he had made.  "I'm in... Security... Right now."  He tried t take a breath.  "And... I could... be better..." he gave a weak laugh that pained him as his diaphragm contracted.  "Does Batman... Have a... Special healthcare... plan?  Because... I'm pretty sure... I need... A hospital."  He really hoped he didn't have to Gotham general.  How would he even explain that to his dad?  They'd surely call him since Tim was a minor.  This one really wouldn't be easy to explain.

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"OH MY GOD!  WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING OUT THERE?!"  Barb had to get free...NOW!!!  The final knot on the ropes around her chest finally came free and the ropes went slack.  She didn't have time to waste on the ropes around her legs.  More drastic measures were called for!  She lifted the bottom half of the chair up with her legs and brought it crashing down on the floor!  The chair splintered and she was able to slip her legs free.  She had to hurry!  But there was still the issue of what to do about her cowl.  She looked around frantically.  Her eyes settled on the single pillow on the bed.  It would have to do!  She yanked the pillow case off.  Ripped eye holes in it, tied it around her like a bandit mask.  She fanned it behind her to give the appearance of a flowing mane of hair.  "Man, this is embarrassing."

The detonator was attached to the inside of the door, a thin wire strung through the door crack and looped around the outside handle.  "HEY!!!" she yelled to whoever was out there.  "I NEED TWO MINUTES!"  It was a standard detonator.  Simple enough to disarm.  She used her gloved fingernail to unloosen one of the screws.  There!  Now all she needed to do was disconnect the green, blue, red wires in sequence.  Then carefully un-clip the wire.  Easy enough.  As long as there were no sudden jolts to the door.

@HarleyPuddin @Lunarcat
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"You Bratgirls pet or somethin!?" Watching it puff up.

She swung down hard to try and squash the thing. "Leave me alone will ya!" She shouted at the bird. It was like the world was against her
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Apple quickly flew backwards, but she knew she couldn't keep this up in her owl form, he would have to go halfsies. "Partem Hominum!" She cried, although it sounded strange due to her beak, more like 'partem hoominum'. In a flurry of feather she began shifting, changing... transforming! 

She grew larger and larger, human sized! Her hands were talons, her feet too, but she was wearing a one size too large faux leather jacket and denim jeans as a human...well... half human. She still had talon hands of course, and a beak where her mouth and nose should be, on her face was a domino mask, like the ones Riddler would sometimes wear. Her arms and legs were covered with feathers, father which also covered her chest, all the way up to her neck, and she still kept the horned owl 'horns' (ears really).

"You... hoo... yooou need to back away from that door..." She said between pants of breath, the transformation took more out of her than it usually did, most likely due to that flying she did before.  "I'm noot gonna let anyoone get hurt..."
Harley watched in awe as the bird transformed, she stepped back, her mouth was wide open. What the hell, that was new. She stared the owl-girl up and down.  She walked towards her.
"Lady whoooo are you" She laughed at her own joke. "Owl listen to you for now" She laughed again, slapping her leg. She was finding her own jokes way to funny. "Your a real HOOT lady" She started laughing, wiping away some tears from her cheek.
She had forgotten about Batgirl for the minute.
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Like she hadn't heard those a million times back home in Llyn. Owl-Girl just sighed quietly at the old (but harmless) jokes. "My name is ooowl-girl, I want to help youuu. I don't know whooo, whooo, whooo! Urg... WHO! Is behind that dooor, but my oowl earsss heard seriousness in her vooice. I dooon't want anyoone getting hurrrt. Please Harley...?" She tilted her owly head back and fourth hopefully. She really did want to protect people, she didn't want to have to hide her owl powers and she had helped others on her campus in her owl form, but now, now was time to extend her reach beyond Gotham U. Her feathers puffed up and flattened with every breath in and out. She fiddled with her claws nervously.  
Harley watched in awe as the bird transformed, she stepped back, her mouth was wide open. What the hell, that was new. She stared the owl-girl up and down.  She walked towards her.
"Lady whoooo are you" She laughed at her own joke. "Owl listen to you for now" She laughed again, slapping her leg. She was finding her own jokes way to funny. "Your a real HOOT lady" She started laughing, wiping away some tears from her cheek.
She had forgotten about Batgirl for the minute.

Now there was the sound of...laughter?!  Hahaha, despite herself and everything that was happening, Babs couldn't help but start chuckling.  Harl's jokes were actually pretty funny!  Not that she would ever admit it to the psychotic clown girl.  "Damnit!"  She had been laughing so hard, her fingers had almost slipped and cut the wrong wire!  That sobered her up real fast.  "There!"  Now all she had to do was unclip the tripwire.  "Carefully...carefully...THERE!"  It was disarmed!

She picked up the metallic card that Ronan had left behind and opened the door.   And got an even bigger shock than if the bomb HAD exploded!  Standing there was a giant owl girl, her arms/wings outstretched.  And standing in front of her was Harl, bent over, belly laughing.  Then again, she remembered that she was wearing a pillowcase over her eyes.  "Hmmm...good thing no one's around to take a picture."  She cleared her throat.  Tried to sound as authoritative as she could.  "Ahem, mind tell me what's going on?"  she asked the owl girl.  How about starting with your name?"

@Lunarcat @HarleyPuddin
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