Gotham City

Harley was silently making her way to the building from where she heard fighting, when she suddenly heard the creep speak to her on a microphone. She got dressed up for nothing?!

"Nu uh" she said as quiet as she could. "I was promised dessert."

She saw Deadshot run inside and she crept closer, almost inside, listening in on what they had to say, careful to not drop anything she had on her.
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Dick had received a call for backup from Tim, he said that he had a feeling something was about to go down at the GCPD.  Even though it was Tim, Dick was still reluctant to go.  His confidence had taken a dent since the Scarecrow encounter, he let a criminal get the better of him, and he was determined to never let that happen again.  Dick started to train even more than usual, he wasn't taking being solo serious before, but now he realised he couldn't rely on anyone now, he was supposed to be the person that others relied on to save them.

Dick hadn't found any leads on the mystery man from earlier, well except from the metallic business card that he gave Dick personally that was still in one of his gauntlets pouches, but he meant to track the man down his own way.  He already knew Dicks and Barbara's identities, and even Jason...  Dick had to find out how much more he knew, and where he got the information from, only then could he rest easy, even if the man had good intentions, he could potentially be a danger to his family.

Now Nightwing was once again setting out on his Wingcycle, although this time towards the GCPD rather than the Gotham Arms Hotel, "At least the cops won't be late to the scene this time".  When Nightwing arrived at the GCPD he wished he had arrived sooner, it had been more serious than expected.  Tables were overturned, unconscious cops on the floor, plants sprouting from the floors and a very abnormal cold in the room, shapes of ice scattered and even more still forming.  Even if Nightwing hadn't been trained by one of the worlds best detectives he would have at least been able to figure out two of the criminals involved.  "Who would have thought a crazy chick with a thing for plants would work with a guy who likes to freeze things?"

In the detective bullpen Nightwing found the Commissioner, Jim Gordon, more than a trustworthy man.  Nightwing called out to him, "Commissioner...  What happened here?"

@The Great Catsby  
Dick had received a call for backup from Tim, he said that he had a feeling something was about to go down at the GCPD.  Even though it was Tim, Dick was still reluctant to go.  His confidence had taken a dent since the Scarecrow encounter, he let a criminal get the better of him, and he was determined to never let that happen again.  Dick started to train even more than usual, he wasn't taking being solo serious before, but now he realised he couldn't rely on anyone now, he was supposed to be the person that others relied on to save them.

Dick hadn't found any leads on the mystery man from earlier, well except from the metallic business card that he gave Dick personally that was still in one of his gauntlets pouches, but he meant to track the man down his own way.  He already knew Dicks and Barbara's identities, and even Jason...  Dick had to find out how much more he knew, and where he got the information from, only then could he rest easy, even if the man had good intentions, he could potentially be a danger to his family.

Now Nightwing was once again setting out on his Wingcycle, although this time towards the GCPD rather than the Gotham Arms Hotel, "At least the cops won't be late to the scene this time".  When Nightwing arrived at the GCPD he wished he had arrived sooner, it had been more serious than expected.  Tables were overturned, unconscious cops on the floor, plants sprouting from the floors and a very abnormal cold in the room, shapes of ice scattered and even more still forming.  Even if Nightwing hadn't been trained by one of the worlds best detectives he would have at least been able to figure out two of the criminals involved.  "Who would have thought a crazy chick with a thing for plants would work with a guy who likes to freeze things?"

In the detective bullpen Nightwing found the Commissioner, Jim Gordon, more than a trustworthy man.  Nightwing called out to him, "Commissioner...  What happened here?"

@The Great Catsby  

Commissioner Gordon heard the voice who was speaking to him. Somehow, he was on the floor again. Looking so tired. "I don't know kid... All I remember is I was making an offer with Poison Ivy.," Gordon replied. "All of the other policemen were down unconscious, by Ivy's pollen. I was able to resist it when I grabbed my Gas Mask out in my office." The commissioner glanced at his office, with his scissors on his desk. He remembers cutting that Ficus plant with those scissors. "There were so many of them. Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, and Harley. Then, I was going to offer them a deal, which included Batman." James was really glad about faking his deal. If that didn't happen, he would have to give up fictional ideas about the Caped Crusader. "And then, I was knocked out in some way. And now we're here in the present." Jim continued as he picked up his chair. "So yeah. That's pretty much covers it, Nightwing. I don't where Batgirl or Robin is at this moment."

Dick was happy too see that Gordon wasn't hurt too bad, he looked rough but nothing the old commissioner couldn't handle.  Dicks face may hide his identity but it more than likely didn't hide his surprise, "Was there some sort of psycho circus going on?" he thought to himself.  Why would they all be in the same place, and why at the GCPD?  He would have to find Batgirl and Robin, he couldn't let either of them get hurt.  "Thank you commissioner, do you have any ideas of why they all came here?  I know they might be a little bit loopy but they must have had a reason." Nightwing inquired, he had to gather all the information he could.  After questioning the commissioner he would have to properly investigate the scene, that's if the commissioner didn't have any leads of his own.

@The Great Catsby

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Tim groaned as he slowly came back into consciousness.  His eyes squinted as he breathed, felling a sharp pain in his chest and side.  This hurt a lot more than he remembered when he passed out.  His breath was labored as he squinted, trying to think through the pain of a rather large headache.  He opened his eyes and glanced around the dark room, not moving his head.  Tile floor. Desk with chairs on either side.  Two way mirror.  He was still in the police station in an interrogation room no less.  He tried to sit up, gripping his side while his head felt ten pounds heavier.  Damn.  Now that the adrenaline rush was gone, Tim could start to tell how brutal Bab's beating really was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]That's right!  What happened to Babs?  The last time he saw her, she had just reconsidered punching him in the face.  Now where was she?  As far as Tim was concerned, there were two possible answers.  The first was someone got the best of her, and took her out.  She might be dead, but Tim shook the thought pretty quickly.  The Sirens were retreating when he passed out, so that took out that threat.  Mr. Freeze was badly hurt, and she could have taken him if it meant defending herself and him.  That just left Deadshot, and let's be real: Babs could take him.  The second was that she just left him here.  Hopefully, that wasn't true either.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The first thing he wanted to do though was find out if she might still be in the building.  There was that chance that she was still here after all, and the best way to check all the rooms out at once was to go to the security office and look at the cameras.  He stood up and walked over to the door, holding his side.  He tried to turn the door knob, only to find it locked.  Of course.  No one could make this easy for him.  He pulled out his lock picking kit from his utility belt, kneeling down to get on the same level as the lock.  Within a minute, the lock had been picked, and he was out in the hallway.  He looked around making sure the hallway was clear, moving towards where the security camera footage was kept.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]After going up two floors, Robin eventually found the security office.  Twisting the door open, he saw the lights were on, the fluorescent lighting giving the whole room an eerie glow.  The security officer was still there, though judging by the bullet hole in his chest, he wasn't going to mind if he took a peek at the security footage.  He looked around at the montage of video screens on the wall, covering every inch of the GCPD.  There wasn't much going on.  Freeze was on his way out, and Commissioner Gordon was outside his office, but that was about it.  There was no sign of Babs or Deadshot or, now that he really looked, Killer Croc.  That wasn't good.  He looked at the hardware that was in front of him.  It was pretty basic, pretty easily hackable.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He was about to type, when he saw the card sitting on the keyboard.  He picked it up, and read it.  The information on the card was pretty basic.  What was interesting was the card itself.  It was some sort of technology that he had only seen a handful of times.  It was sophisticated stuff, used for collecting information of the magnetic-based devices around it.  Normally, it was used for credit card scams by basic criminals, though put in the wrong hands, this little card could access all sorts of information, especially if one placed it close to their cell phone.  He had no idea why it was here.  Was it a literal calling card for the murderer?  That’s what it was looking like.  But, if that were the case, why would they actually put their number on the card?  He flipped the card over in his hands and flipped it back to read the script again.  “The Doctor.”  The question though was “who was it for?”  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He felt another pain in his chest, bringing him back to reality.  He would have to wonder about this card later.  He made sure to place the card in a lead-lined pouch in his utility belt.  It was then that he began to focus on the keyboard of the CCTV wall.  It was easy to hack into it, pulling up the footage of what had happened earlier.  It started where Babs suddenly gained control over her actions again.  He watched as she grabbed his head and cried.  And, then something pierced her leg.  Tim zoomed in on the footage, realizing that they were in fact tranquilizer darts.  A few seconds passed and she fell over on top of him.  Now came, Deadshot.  The hitman carried him into the interrogation room.  He saw him come back for Batgirl, but he checked his phone, which seemed to have something he enjoyed on it.  He then replied back, and carried Batgirl out.  That’s where the footage stopped.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]So, Barbara did get taken out by Deadshot.  He had to let someone know.  Since Batman hadn’t been available all night, he turned to Nightwing.  Pressing the receiver on his communicator, he spoke, moving away from the CCTV, leaning against the far wall.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"Nightwing... It's Robin."[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  His voice was breathy as he took pauses to catch his breath.  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]"I'm in... GCPD.  Babs... is gone."[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  He tried to take a breath, though it was a labored one.  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]"Deadshot... Took her... I don't...,"[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] another labored breath.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] "... think he killed her... though.  He used... tranq darts...,"[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  Now, a pained cough.  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]"Gordon is ... Still here… In the detective bullpen... Help him...[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px],"[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  There was a long pause.  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]"I will... Try to get down there... Soon. "[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]He slid down the wall, as he tried to catch his breath.  That took way too much out of him.  By how hard it was to breathe and the pain in his chest, he figured his lung must have been punctured by his broken ribs. [/SIZE] "A collapsed lung was exactly what I need right now,"[SIZE=14.6667px] he did not think.  He looked at the security guard.  The man's eyes were still open, which Tim found disturbing.  He reached over, inhaling sharply as his abdomen muscle contracted, closing the man's eyes.  He seemed much more peaceful that way. Well, as [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]peaceful[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] as he could be with a gaping hole in his chest.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Now all he could do was wait and see if Dick answered.[/SIZE]

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Ivy didn't stay on the side of the road long.  She knew she had to follow Harley now.  She couldn't let her go into this without back up.  If Selina answered, she'd text her the address, but there was no way she was waiting.  Though she knew Harley could handle herself, she felt guilty not giving her back up.  She would never be loyal to this Doctor fellow, but to Harley.  She had to go.

She rolled up a block from the address and parked the stolen car.  By the time she arrived, Harley was already there.  How she managed to beat her was a mystery, but that didn't matter now.  She stayed out of range of the cameras as she watched Harley talk to Deadshot.  If he tried anything funny, and somehow, Harley got the disadvantage, she'd step in, but for now she was fine.

Then the voice of the doctor rang over the intercom.  She felt chlorophyll start to tint her skin as the Doctor spoke.  So, he wanted the word out that he was giving people money for helping him.  Seemed like the right kind of bribe, though.  She was sure a bunch of desperate goons would love to get their hands on one million dollars.

But, Harley didn't leave after that.  She actually walked into the doorway of the building.  Curiosity was getting the best of Ivy, wanting to hear what she was listening too.  She looked at the door frame as a vine of ivy started creeping up and around it.  Perfect.  The voices were still faint, but she could sort of hear the conversation between Deadshot and the Doctor.

@HarleyPuddin @ReverseWells @LoneSniper87
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Dick was happy too see that Gordon wasn't hurt too bad, he looked rough but nothing the old commissioner couldn't handle.  Dicks face may hide his identity but it more than likely didn't hide his surprise, "Was there some sort of psycho circus going on?" he thought to himself.  Why would they all be in the same place, and why at the GCPD?  He would have to find Batgirl and Robin, he couldn't let either of them get hurt.  "Thank you commissioner, do you have any ideas of why they all came here?  I know they might be a little bit loopy but they must have had a reason." Nightwing inquired, he had to gather all the information he could.  After questioning the commissioner he would have to properly investigate the scene, that's if the commissioner didn't have any leads of his own.

@The Great Catsby

Jim heard Nightwing's response. It surprised him when he said, Why did they all come here? "Batgirl neither Robin told you about the criminals appearance," The commissioner looked at Nightwing in a weird and strange. "Well since you've asked. Poison Ivy planned an attack on the precinct. She was going to break Harley Quinn out of her cell. Which she accomplished easily. But I don't know why Ivy wanted to do this. That's all I know, Nightwing. That's all the info I have." Commissioner Gordon felt empty, as which he should have done something, but he couldn't succeed that goal. 

"It's very wise, y'know? I could have GCPD swarm the building? Or maybe the girl you took out was a decoy and Batigrl is actually standing ten feet behind you." He got ready to fire at the doctor, noting his wounds, "You know something funny? You probably won by luck." He fired his rubber bullets as him, they streaked toward him, some missing and others hitting, causing a good bit a pain at each hit and most likely a welt with it. He targeted joints and vitals, hoping to shut him down rather than brute force him. "I hope you find steel bars welcoming cause thats what you'll see for the rest of your life!" He yelled, one rubber bullet nailing him uncovered face in the jaw, sending black creeping into his vision. "For a Doctor you don't seem to keep yourself looking well!" @ReverseWells
Harley listened careful, when she heard shots she peaked round the corner watching the rain of bullets hitting of the other guy.
When she heard the name doctor her eyes widened, that was him!. She couldn't let Deadshot take or kill him, that was her one way ticket to Mistah J.

She crept up behind Deadshot, raising her a finger up to her mouth signalling the Doctor to be quiet if he saw her. She tapped Deadshot of the shoulder and grabbed her rubber chicken, getting ready to hit him square in the face. "Hey Deadeye. sorry for the foul play" Emphasis on foul 
((The chicken has a brick it btw))
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Deadshot turned, instinctivly hitting Harley with part of his wrist gun, then ducks to avoid to avoid the chicken, "Jesus you're more of a chicken then the Bat!" He yelled at Harley, making a poor joke. He turned to face Harl, "Id prefer you not get in my way. All I want is Batgirl, I promise you. I will leave your Doctor to save your J, ok?"
 She stumbled back, wiping some blood from her mouth. "Ready for some slapstick Cowboy?" She said grinning reaching for her mallet, she starting swinging at him, slapping him about with the mallet. All while laughing. 
"Sorry but I need the bats!"
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Ronan noticed the man wasn't joking around, he would shoot at him. And he was right. One bullet hit his left shoulder, luckily not his dominant arm, and the other hit his chest. He fired a few more missing, but he misjudged the bullet, as it hit him in the face. That would bruise. He stumbled back, and giving a small laugh at Deadhshot's efforts. "Guessing Barbara turned you over huh?" He said placing a gloved hand on his jaw, and placing another in his coat pocket. He noticed Harley out of the corner of his eye, as she began to distract him. He quickly made his way back into the office, and slung Barbara over his shoulder. There was a back door to the office, leading to the alleyway.

He left through the back door, and pulled out his hook, firing it across the street to another building. Once landing there, he decided to head north towards the city for awhile. 

Eventually he found an abandoned, and old apartment, and set Barbara down in a chair that was left behind. He tightned her restraints, and tired a few to the chair for good measure. He pulled a chair for himself to wait for her to wake up. He left the belt. God damnit. Well if Floyd had it, she wouldn't so it was a better alternative.
Lawton stumbled everytime he was hit with the mallet, his armor taking most the blow, he fired a quick shot at her wrist holding the mallet, hitting square in the wrist, "Last I checked I look nothing like the Test Your Strength machines! Speaking of the carnival called and they want the mallet back!" He slid under the mallet, popping back up and giving a swift jab to her nose, using his training from Army Rangers, he tackles Harley, holding her arms down with his knees,"Games over, Quinn, I'm gonna give you a choice. You can head back to your lovely GCPD cell or you can help me get the Bat back and I let you go."
Freeze had since evacuated from the police station as to avoid more conflict. His black ice trap had failed him and he was no tracker. Though he could make a call to the Ronan fellow who was on the card now didn't seem the time. "If I ever see those wretched women again it'll be too soon..." he said in a bitter tone. What he wouldn't give for a cold refreshing glass of revenge. He couldn't do much with the police on their guard now but he could enjoy freezing the rooftops as he walked across. Victor actually had a good view as unfortunate citizens suffered from his icy grasp.

Ivy heard a gun shot and was ready to jump into action, though she wasn't sure what was going on.  She stretched her ivy further in, not caring anymore if anyone saw.  And then she heard Floyd tell her "Game over."  Guilt filled her. What was going on?  She stretched the ivy further into the warehouse.

Soon enough though, she found herself creeping to the outside wall of the warehouse.  She looked in through a window to see that Deadshot had Harley pinned.  Nope.  Not happening.

"Actually, she won't be doing either, Floyd."  From the ignorant onlooker's perspective, the voice was coming from nowhere.  Though, some would notice it was actually coming from the ivy vines, wrapping themselves around the hit-man's  ankles.  

@LoneSniper87 @HarleyPuddin
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Harley stumbled back when she got hit, she tried to fight back but he was too fast and she found herself meeting the ground.
She wasn't really fazed by him, she had taken worse and his jokes were horrible. "Hey Cowboy when did you become a goody goody?" She said wiggling underneath him. She started thinking out her options, she was about to speak when she heard a familiar voice and grinned.
"Ya have a thing for the baby bat brat?"  She turned her head slightly. "Deadpan, your really pulling my leg here."  
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Deadshot glares, feeling the ivy wrap around his legs but did nothing, "Y'know I figured Ivy'd show up sooner or later. And I don't have a thing for her, even if I did at least she'd be alive!" He flicked out a small knife and severed the ivys, getting off Quinn, but not before quickly socking her a last time in the jaw, for good measure. "Hey Ivy you're smart! You know this guy is playing you! He's trying to play all of us!" He said, backing and nearly tripping over a utility belt, he picked it up, not stopping. "I think you'd prefer this psycho behind bars anyway rather then in your home!" He stopped near a window that overlooked the van. "Think about it!"
The first thing she felt were the ropes.  They were tight.  Tied all over her body.  She flexed her arms, tried to bring them in front of her.  Couldn't.  She was still weak, Dazed.  Her head felt like mush.  Like it had been shot with novacane.  "Uhhhh...pull it together, Babs.  Concentrate."  She willed her mind to focus.  Looking around, she saw that she was in a small, cheaply-furnished room.  Maybe an apartment or old hotel room.  Then she saw him.  He was sitting in another chair.  Turned away from her.  Preoccupied with something else.  Or maybe he was dozing.  It was hard to tell with that stupid mask of his.  He was hurt.  She could tell that at least.  Smiling at that thought, she attempted to get his attention.  "Hey!  Doctor Blotch-Face!  What's the matter?  Hurt yourself?  Haven't you heard- 'Physician, heal thyself'?  Some doctor you are," she snorted.

Ronan had been sitting in the silence for awhile, a dangerous place he fell captive to often. He could've had a much easier, saner life if he hadn't been involved in the accident that fatally killed his wife. 

Bur he snapped back to reality hearing Barbara's slurred words coming together. He turned his face to her, and stood slowly, making his way to her. "I'm not a physician, which my name implies. I'm a physicist. But no matter, I think we should be speaking face to face no?" He removed Barbara's mask, tossing it aside. He already knew her identity, so it wasn't a surprise to him. And she knew his face, not a name. He removed his mask, tucking it in his coat pocket. "So I need two things from you dear. I'll get to the first topic; where's is the body of Jack Naiper?"


The woman flinched when Deadshot cut her vine.  The plant seemed to recede as if in pain, moving away from Floyd.  He'd pay for that, especially after that hit Harley took.  What an ass.  Still the woman wanted to avoid fighting.  The lack of sunlight was really starting to take a toll on her, and after the fight with Freeze, all she wanted to do what go home.  But, she knew she couldn't leave Harley alone.

She gave a quiet inside chuckle, as the ivy stood up like a snake about to strike.  "You must be new here.  I want no part of the Doctor's plan."  The ivy started to move from side to side, slowly and lackadaisically, as if it were trying to hypnotize him.  "He's already offered to bring the Joker back for Harley in exchange for her freedom.  Though Harley here is all for it, I can't stand the Doctor or the Joker and would rather my friend have a choice in what she does with her life.  And, we all know Gotham needs the Joker back like Superman needs kryptonite."

As she talked the ivy began to spread.  It was starting to wrap around the the door frame, across the entire inside wall of the warehouse.  It started to creep across the floor towards Floyd and Harley, moving slowly but steadily.  "Unfortunately, my distaste for both of them are overruled by my loyalty to that girl you just decided to hit.  I'll be honest with you though, Deadshot.  I'm so tired.  I've had a long day.  I broke out of Arkham, broke my best friend out of jail, robbed a jewelry store, had herbicide spayed on me, almost watched Harley and I wither away from the cold, and now you decide to punch my best friend.  With no sunlight to photosynthesize, all I want to do is go home, tend to my babies, and sleep.  I'm not looking for a fight.  No.  I want to end this now."

That's when the ivy on the floor started to quickly converge, crawling up Deadshot's legs, around his torso and his arms, and midway up his neck.  The layers of ivy grew thicker and thicker as more ivy  quickly found it's way onto the hit-man's body.  That was when Poison Ivy decided to show herself, strutting in and up to Floyd.  She turned towards Harley and gives a small smile.  "Harley.  If you want, I'll take you to the Doctor.  The car is about a block from here, but I'd like to talk to Deadshot privately first."

@HarleyPuddin @LoneSniper87
Harley felt quite dizzy after that last punch, she sat her self and crawled backwards, trying to shake away the dizziness. He hit hard almost as hard as Mistah J, but not quite. She smiled at Ivy through the pain, something she used to doing by now. Ivy was such a badass. She silently cheered for Ivy as she spoke to Deadshot.

"I knew I could count on you Red!" She stood up a little wobbly but fine, she grabbed her mallet swinging it over her shoulder again. "Looks like your a bit tied up Deadpan, I'll tell Bratgirl you couldn't make it to the Doctors appointment"  She put a hand on her hip and stuck her tongue out at him. She turned around and skipped off in the direction the Doctor went hoping to find him and Batgirl.
Ivy would find her when she was done with Deadshot.
Deadshot tried jumping out the window, only to find how quickly the vines spread to root his legs in, them the rest of him. "Well I least I find herbicide distasteful." He told Ivy as she walked up, not showing any fear, for there was none to show. "So If you and I both hate this so called Doctor, I'll strike a deal, you help me get the Batb*tch out, And I will help you with  getting him to bring back the Clown Prine of Crime, I could care less if he came back, he wasn't too bad." He really,wished Dex would show up soon, he had no chance of winning, even if Ivy had no sun, cause no doubt Catwoman would soon be on her way.
She gritted her teeth and fought him, thrashing her head to get out of his grip as he sought to unmask her.  Even though she knew that he knew her secret identity, she still thought of it as a violation.  But in her current situation, she was no match, and eventually he was able to peel the distinctive black cowl with its flowing red hair off her face.  But not without some effort she was satisfied to say.

Now she sat there, her face unmasked with its short brown hair, and glared at him.  Watched him as he took off his own mask.  As she suspected, she was staring at the same craggy, middle-aged face she had seen earlier.  Albeit one with more bruises at the moment.  She grinned at that.  Then he started asking his questions.  So, he was a direct, to the point, kinda supervillain.  None of the usual preening or gloating.  Fine.

"First.  Call me dear again and the next time you reach over to my face, expect to lose a couple fingers.  Second.  Touch me again, you'll get your face bashed in.  Or your fingers bitten off.  Or both."  With that out of the way, she responded to his query.  Jack Naiper?  Who's that?  Is he like The Accountant?  Or maybe he's The Chiropractor?"  She did a mock gasp.  "Oh no!  You''re trying to start a supervillain league of medical professionals?!  A new reign of terror descends on Gotham!"

She smirked and sat back, silent.  Underneath the levity though, her thoughts were deadly serious.  "Why is he interested in Napier?"  She knew that 'Napier' was one of the Joker's old aliases.  What possible reason could he have for wanting to know where the Joker's body was?  Whatever the reason, it couldn't be good.  She decided to try and elicit more info out of him.  "Hey.  Splotchy-Face!  Why don't we begin by you telling me your real name.  Seems you know everything about me but I know nothing about you.  Unless of course, you like being called 'Splotchy-Face'.  Frankly, I'm kinda partial to the name so its fine by me."

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Ronan really didn't like her attempts at humor. He ignored her as she rambled about his answer, and as she continued, the more it annoyed him. "Why don't you just answer my question and shut the fuck up," He said before he quickly turned around, stabbing a knife he had in his coat into her thigh. He pressed his hand down on the handle, hard. He wanted her to get the message. Once he was satisfied with where it was, he stepped back before she could bite him, and he knew she couldn't remove it. "I seem to be the one in control here Barbara, so I wouldn't try anything. I'm not like any of the guys around here, I actually have the balls to kill you." He crossed his arms, looking sternly down at her. "You can call me Doctor. Once you actually do something noteworthy, then we'll talk about introductions. But I'll try again. Where is Jack Naiper?"

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Harley looked around the building. Where did this guy go, he couldn't have far, when she felt like she'd checked everywhere.
"Come on Doc, what can ya fly or something!?" She sighed and slumped on the floor waiting for Ivy to finish up. 
She played with her mallet, imagining she was hitting all the Bats on the head.
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