Gotham City

Ronan landed on the building, and felt an I meditate buzz in his pocket. He lifted up his device, and noticed Ivy was calling him. He lifted the phone to be surprised by Harley! "Good evening Harleen, would you be a dear and pass the phone to Ivy?"
Harley turned around and grabbed the phone. "Sure thing Red" She scrolled down looking for the contact. "Hey lets go get some ice cream later !" She said before the calling the number, pushing the speaker button and holding in front of her face. 
She slouched down in the seat, sticking her feet on the dash getting comfy.
"Hey Doctorr~" She said in a sing song voice when he picked up.


Ronan landed on the building, and felt an I meditate buzz in his pocket. He lifted up his device, and noticed Ivy was calling him. He lifted the phone to be surprised by Harley! "Good evening Harleen, would you be a dear and pass the phone to Ivy?"


Ivy rolled her eyes at the girl, though a smile still on her face.  "You can get some.  Personally, I've had my fill of ice today."

She listened as the phone picked up, the Doctor on the other end.  "It's fine.  You're on speaker and I'm driving."
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He shakes her hand, "Glad you're somewhat warming up to me." He watched her dig through the box for what she wanted. "I'm surprised you dislike him, what was it? He too brutal? Take his batman ego too seriously?" He leaned against a desk, hands surpporting himself. He notices the new message, "Docter replied... 2 and a half mil for you and the Birdboy's location- Robin, sorry." The nicknames will probably always stick, well the not mean ones at least. 'Got it, see,you in a few hours' he sent it and turned his attention back to Batgirl. "So what did you do before..." He gestured to her outfit, "before Batgirl i guess."
Ronan decided to multi task while on the phone. He sat down on the cold, breezy rooftop, and flipped out his journal. "My bad dear, oh since I have you on the phone Harley I want to propose a offer to you. I'm what you can call an agent of Death, and I can bring your man back." He flipped to the page with his wife's picture, he wish he could do the same. He could do it, but the Lazaris Pit altered you, it changed you. Everyone he knew before his dip in the Pit say the same thing. He had an old friend of his, Dr. McKee say something about him that suck. "Ronan Beckett isn't the same man everyone once knew. His kindness was replaced for cruelness. His spirit replaced with the bitter cold. As a close friend I worry for him."  
Her eyes widened when she heard his offer, her grip on the phone tightened. "What do you mean" She sounded serious for once, with a hint of sadness. "What can you do?" Harley glanced at Red, than back at the phone.
She would do everything and anything to get him back. She missed him more than anything.

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They shook hands.  He asked about Batman.  "Let's just say that he doesn't play well with others.  Thinks he's the king of the sandbox, know what I mean?"  They were interrupted by a text on Deadshot's phone.  She wondered whether he was going to lie but he told her the truth.  "Hey, it's better than 'you f$%#ing bat b-tch!'" she joked as he sent a reply text, reading it aloud for her benefit.  He asked her what she did.  She thought for a moment.  She was highly protective of her real identity.  Her real life.  But Deadshot had been straight with her so far.  He at least deserved a little of that in return.  "I'm a lawyer.  Still am.  This," she looked down at her costume, "is just my night job.  Oh, before you clam up and get all tight-lipped, I'm not a prosecutor.  I'm a defense attorney.  I don't lock people up.  Well, when I'm not Batgirl.  I get them out.  Those that deserve it anyhow.  So...the next time you get caught, Floyd, that young woman with the evil look in her eye handling your case might be me."  She winked at him.

@LoneSniper87 @ReverseWells
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Ronan snapped back into reality when Harley talked, "I can do what no one else can, I can bring him back. I just need the body, and I'd take him back across the pond with me for a few months, then he'd be good as new. But not for free of course."
She put her hands on her head trying to think, where was his body? 
Batman or one of his little baby brat bats must have taken it, they wouldn't have just left it. 
When Harley heard how long it would take she shook her head in disapproval "A few months! Can't you do it faster!" She was starting to sound noticeably desperate. "I'll do anything to get my Puddin back" she pleaded.
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Ronan could hear her exasperation for him. Which meant he could get her to do anything he wanted. "The process takes a short amount of time, but I need time to rehabilitate him. You can just wake up from being dead and do normal things. And here's how you can pay me back. For one if I ever need a favor in Gotham, no matter what it is you have to do it. Second, you and Ivy head to this location I send to you, Floyd Lawton will be there with Batgirl. You will take her, bind her good, and keep guard till I get there. Fair?"
"Duly noted, Defense Attorney Batgirl." He said with a grin. "Well my turn I guess. I was U.S. Military, served 2 tours In Afghanistan and 1 in Iraq." He told her. He thought nothing of it, it was as much as she had given him. "Think Ivy and Quinn will show up even without you?" There was a decent chance they might, but without Batgirl bound up and being delivered to him there was no point in the two showing up. "It's ironic, the crime fighting vigilante fighting for the accused's rights in court."
She smirked at the added title.  He told her his story.  So, he was a vet.  Three tours.  She had dealt with cilents, vets just like him, suffering from PTSD.  She wondered whether somehow, what we had witnessed, what he had done over there had traumatized him so much that the only way he could cope was to be a killer for hire.  She dismissed it.  That was just an excuse.  Lawton seemed steady enough.  Under control.  But then again, how could she know for certain?

He pulled her out of her thoughts with the mention of Harley and Ivy.  Asked whether she thought they might show up.  "I doubt it.  Ivy especially isn't one to be taking orders from some mysterious puppet-master.  Then again, hardly anything has gone as expected today.  So, we better be prepared just in case."  He mentioned the irony of her day job versus what she did in the dark.  "Not really.  The battlefield's different but I'm still fighting for justice, protecting those that need defending.  Well, I'm all set.  How about you?  Shall we then?" she asked, gesturing towards the outside.

@LoneSniper87  and @ReverseWells?
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"Follow me," he gestured to the door, walking down to the underground parking lot to the grey van from earlier, "So what do you plan on doing with me after we deal with this?" He asks, getting into the van, he tosses his rifle back, making room for her in the passenger seat. His mind wandered, to those days in service, to when he was younger and killed his brother on accident. Everything that led up to this moment, everything that mattered, went through his head in a sudden rush. His grip on the steering wheel tightens as he watches his brother fall from the fatal headshot into the grass as if he were there right then. His free hand slams onto the dash, cracking the material covering the meters. He funally came back to his senses and started the van. "Sorry... I... I had some memories come up... bad ones."
He led her and Dex to a grey van that Barb assumed he had used to bring her here earlier.  He wanted to know what she was going to do with him after this was all over.  "Honestly, I don't know.  I don't know whether I could just let you go free.  However much I want to, wouldn't be right."  She looked at Dex.  What were the chances that she would be in the company of these two men, both with criminal pasts, now trying to make amends for their mistakes.  She sighed.  "I don't know, Floyd.  But, I'll do everything I can for you...within the law.  You have my word on that."

They got in.  Deadshot in the driver's seat, her in the passenger seat and Dex in the back.  They were just about to leave when all of a sudden, the mercenary had a fit, crushing the wheel between his fingers and then slamming his fist down on the dash hard enough to crack it!  "Are you alright?!"  Barb motioned over to him, about to put her hand on his shoulder to calm him down but thought better of it.  She sat there silently, giving him room to deal with whatever he was struggling with.  After a few tense moments, he recovered.  He apologized but Babs would have none of it.  "It's okay.  Nothing to be sorry about," she told him in an understanding voice.  "We...all have our demons."  She knew that all too well.  Both from her own history and that of her costumed friends.  Deadshot started the van and they drove off in silence.

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"I guess PTSD finally caught up with me..." He said, weakly smiling, a futile gesture due to the mask. He focused on the road, "What're your deamons? I don't want names, just... Enlighten me of your hellish past." He tapped the steering wheel, breathing slowly. He didn't even know what had caused all of his past to resurface enough for him to take it out in a spedometer. Every so often he glanced at the crack, how it fans out like a spider web. He stops and turns off the engine. He gets out, leaning against the hood, "We got about an hour's time till the meeting, so go do whatever you need to and meet me back in at least half that."
She grew quiet for a minute when he asked her about her own history.  Her heart trembled for a moment, her breathing quickened.  She thought about telling him some story, making something up.  No.  She would tell him.  It might help him keep it together.  Hellish past?  He had no idea.

"My mother got lung cancer when I was six.  Funny thing is, she didn't even smoke.  It started in her lungs but it metastasized.  Spread to her brain.  The worst thing about cancer.  It's slow.  And mom was a fighter." She stopped for a moment, couldn't go on.  She got a hold of herself, held back her tears and continued.  "She lasted for 18 months.  As the cancer slowly ate away at her mind.  In the end, she couldn't even talk.  All she could do was look at me.  And there was nothing I could do."

She couldn't go on.  Luckily, they had arrived,  They got out.  They went over their plan one last time, made sure they were all on the same page, and then Batgirl took off.  She disappeared into the night, the shadows covering her as she headed for the warehouse.

Ronan grumbled, "Nevermind, just meet me at the location to go over the details. Both of you." He hung up the phone, but only leaving the signal of the warehouse. He needed to get there fast, he knew Barbara's skills, and if Floyd didn't cooperate, he'd be in deep shit.

After traveling to the warehouse, he sat on the roof of the building, there was a skylight looking down into the warehouse. But he could still control the mechanics of the building from his device. He spun two cameras to where the car was parked, he spotted Floyd. He had heat sensors around the building just in case. "Your money will not be delivered until I have Ms. Gordon." He said, the device manipulated his voice into a much deeper, and darker verison. 
He dwelled on what Batgirl had said, and it was quite sad. Maybe if they got out he'd tell her, but that sould be a bug maybe, then his thoughts we drawn to the deep voice talking about his money, "If I don't see the cash I'll leave right now and go collect that other bounty." He was hoping his barganing skills were still good enough to pass. It clicked for a second he didn't say Batgirl, "Wait who are you talkin about?"
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There was a wire fence surrounding the perimeter.  Electrified for sure.  Barb knelt in front of it and unclipped one of Deadshot's nifty little gadgets from her belt.  It was a silver rod.  About half a foot long with a small, boxy, LED readout attached.  She depressed a button and the slender rod expanded to about three feet in length with sharpened edges.  She drove the spike into the ground next to the fence.  Retracted two alligators clips from the top of the LED box and very carefully attached them to the chain link.  From all appearances, nothing happened.  And that was the whole point.  The LED display started fluctuating, showing the current from the fence being safety diverted to the ground.  All the while, it would send a false signal so that anyone monitoring the fence's output would think nothing amiss.

Batgirl scaled over the fence.  Landed in a crouch inside the empty parking lot in front of the warehouse.  There were light poles but none of them were working.  They were spaced roughly 25 feet apart and each was approximately 30 feet tall.  Barb assumed that there were both heat sensors and motion detectors.  The former would be defeated by her cape, its matte black coating being heat absorptive.  The latter would be in the form of pressure plates in the concrete paving, sensitive enough to register a car or a person.  Then again, she didn't plan on taking the ground route.  She pulled out one of Deadshot's grapnel guns and shot a line at the nearest lamp pole.  She activated the gun's ascender and it reeled her up to the top of the pole.  From there, it was a matter of leapfrog.  Shooting out her cable and hopping from pole to pole.

She landed atop the final pole.  Hunkered low, her cape spread over her, covering her.  She was about 10 feet away from the building's third floor.  She pulled out what looked like a telescoping glass cutter.  It shot and clamped to the large glass window in front of her.  But instead of cutting a hole, it melted one through a chemical solution that broke down the glass' silicon structure on a molecular level.  The liquified glass silently dripped down the side of the building.  She retracted the melter.  Not only did she now have an entry in the building but the fact that the corners of the window were still firmly affixed to the side of the building meant that any attached alarms wouldn't be tripped.  Tightening into a ball, she springboarded off the top of the pole, hurling through the hole in the window and landing lightly in a crouch just inside the warehouse.  Everything was gloom, the only illumination from the moonlight streaming through the skylight.  It was enough to see by without needing her night vision lens.   She began to stealthily make her way into the depths of the building, alert for any and all dangers.

@ReverseWells @LoneSniper87
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Poison Ivy sat in silence listening to the man over the phone.  She was so angry she couldn't get a word out, her fingers shaking as she gripped the steering wheel tighter.  She sat there in complete silence, listening to her best friend become absolute putty in this man's hands.  She couldn't blame her though.  Harley was hopeless, melting at the mention of her "Puddin'."  This guy knew the tricks.  If what he was saying was true and he really was trying to play the bat family, from the looks of it, he wanted to play everyone in Gotham.  All Ivy heard was how he wanted to make Harley essentially an indentured servant, a slave.  She felt the toxin burning in her lips.  Who did this guy think he was?  He might as well have been fertilizer because he reeked of bullshit, and Ivy would be happy to turn him into just that.

She said nothing as her phone dinged with the coordinates of the warehouse, her tense silence filling the cabin of the car.

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Harley pulled her knees up onto the seat and hugged them. She knew Red would never want to go along with this, but even if Ivy didn't help her she had do it!. She thought about what she could say, nothing seemed right, she guessed she'd have to wing it.
"Red..." she said glancing at her careful. "I know you don't like Mistah J...but we have to do this! I miss him so much." She turned to face Ivy she clasped her hands together, basically begging Ivy. She looked at the coordinates on the phone. "See its not that far away." She said pointing nervously at the phone.
She hoped Ivy would give over, but she doubted it. If she wouldn't help her, Harley would go alone.


She side-eyed Harley and the phone with the coordinates, but immediately looked back towards the road.  More than anything she wanted to snap that screen in half.  "Do you not realize what he's doing, Harls?  You're giving this man your freewill."  There was no need to hide her feeling.  This was her best friend and she needed to realize the trap she was falling into.  "He wants  you to lick his boots, and for what?  A chance that the Joker can come back to kill you?"  She found her voice was escalating as she continued talking, but noticed and brought it back down.

"Harley.  This this through.  Please." 

Harley glanced down, most of what Ivy said passed over her head. All she could think about was seeing her Puddin again, his eyes, his laugh...his smile. 
She loved him more than anything, she didn't care what she had to do to get him back. 
"Red, all we have to do is capture Batgirl, easy" She frowned. "Once Mistah J's back everything will be fine."  Harley chose to ignore the part were Ivy mentioned the Joker trying to kill her. 
"Everything will go back to normal!" She shook her head. "I don't want to think about it, I want to go right now"  She was ready she just jump out the car at this point, she was getting way to impatient. Her starting tapping her feet impatiently.


She didn't mean to yell, but this.  This was ridiculous.  She needed to have Harley see what she was getting into, and honestly, this was so frustrating.  She took a deep breath.

"Harley, let's just go home.  We can get ice cream.  Just, please."

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Harley leaned back in her seat as Ivy shouted at her. She stared back at her with sad eyes, confused eyes. Why couldn't Red just help her with this? She looked at down and nodded her head. 
"Okay Red" She glanced over at Ivy. "If you wont help me...let me out."  She crossed her arms looking away from Ivy. "Let me out of the car or I'll jump out." Harley said with a determined but shaky voice, holding back tears, she refused to cry right now.

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