Gotham City

Harley was spinning herself around on the ice, blissfully ignoring of the things going on around her. 
She heard Ivy's voice and stopped herself from gliding around. "I think so Red!" She smiled. "We getting out of here?"
She screamed as she felt something under the ice she hadn't notice the trees coming up, she quickly crawled away from the sprouting trees, cutting her hands on the way. "Ow, ow, ow" She stood up and shook her hands, she did a little 'dance' stomping her feet trying to ignore the pain. 
She tried to brush the ice off but she was just making the cuts worse. 

Then Harley noticed Batgirl and started laughing, somehow forgetting the pain, laughter was the best medicine after all. "Nice one " She said to Ivy
Freeze was quick to realize what Ivy was suggesting. He coated the roads with black ice for this exact reason, but he wouldn't let them get that far. Harley seemed the most vulnerable at the moment so he set his freeze ray to a three and pointed it towards Robin before quickly darting to Harley and firing at her torso and legs. "I am no fool Ivy I see through your plan clear as ice..It really didn't have to be this way." he said shaking his head in disappointment now having the freeze ray trained on her now. His guard was up and he could shrug off anything she might think she could throw at him or id his shot failed. He was also well aware that his mistrust might have cost him a clean deal but he wasn't about to go about his day knowing he'd gotten cheated by a lady who didn't wear undergarments.


Harley was looking at Freeze, "Uh oh" She suddenly felt cold "Hey is it cold in here or is it just me?" That when she looked down at her body, she had a new ice suit!.  "Hey I didn't do nuffin' Mistah!" She hit at the ice trying to break it. "I don't think ice suits me"
"Come on! Red do somethin!" She shouted througgh shivers
Freeze was quick to realize what Ivy was suggesting. He coated the roads with black ice for this exact reason, but he wouldn't let them get that far. Harley seemed the most vulnerable at the moment so he set his freeze ray to a three and pointed it towards Robin before quickly darting to Harley and firing at her torso and legs. "I am no fool Ivy I see through your plan clear as ice..It really didn't have to be this way." he said shaking his head in disappointment now having the freeze ray trained on her now. His guard was up and he could shrug off anything she might think she could throw at him or id his shot failed. He was also well aware that his mistrust might have cost him a clean deal but he wasn't about to go about his day knowing he'd gotten cheated by a lady who didn't wear undergarments.



Half a dozen thermite orbs flew at the frosty villain.  "No one hurts my friend!"  Batgirl ran full force at him, following up her grenade attack with a flying kick aimed at knocking his freezing gun out of his hands.

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Freeze didn't even flinch he used his own hand and blasted the thermite orbs with a coating of ice before they had a chance to activate and defrost him. "You can blame Ivy for your cold fate if I dont get that diamons " he hissed in aggravation dropping the term Miss. At this rate he would have to use his defensive upgrade, but not now. Following Batgirl's attack Freeze didn't hesitate to swing the ray at her like a bat, hopefully it would send her straight into Ivy. If that were to happen he would quickly try and take position behind Harley and have his ray pointed at her head ready to fire. If she didn't suffocate the hypothermia would get to her instead.


She dodged the swinging weapon, gripped the top of the weapon and did a handspring off it, catapulting straight into the air over him.  She did a mid-air flip so she was aimed at him, flung the rest of her grenades directly at his helmet.  Still airborne, she pulled out a line and hook and as she descended past him, she shot it at the gun, landing in a crouch in front of him.  Once the line went taut, all she would need to do is yank and the gun would go flying from his hands.

@HarleyPuddin @ManyFaces @ByTheChesapeake
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Tim stood his ground against Catwoman, whom had seemingly surrendered.  He wasn't sure if she would pull anything funny, though he believed she sounded nervous enough.  He had more honor than someone who would just beat someone up who had just surrendered, but he sure as hell wasn't going to let her get away.  He felt a stinging in his neck.  He could tell there was blood dripping from the scratch Catwoman had given him while he was trying to escape her grasp, though he couldn't tell how bad it was, nor, did he want to take his hands off his weapon in case she decided to attack.

But, that's when Ivy's voice ran through the station, grabbing his attention.  He looked over at Mr. Freeze, who had his ice ray aimed right at him.  He was ready to tumble out of the way when Freeze did a turn and shot Harley Quinn instead.  Well, this was a shocking turn of events.  Now, he was firing at his own teammates?  Someone must have done something to piss him off.

And then, Babs?  Calling Ivy a friend?  And defending her?!  "Batgirl, what are you doing?!"  Though, by the time he realized she had her gas mask off which meant she was susceptible to Ivy's pheromones, he had already said it.  This.  This was not good.  He was so confused.  What was he supposed to do?!  Their were three teams fighting against each other now and one of them his teammate was forced to join.

Getting into this mess would be suicide.  Babs had already proven to him many a time that she was still the stronger fighter, and even if she did engage Babs, he'd have Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Harley to deal with as well.  Then there was Mr. Freeze.  If somehow he decided to fight with Babs, he'd still have to deal with Ivy, Harley, and Catwoman to deal with afterwards. The choice seemed clear.

He quickly grabbed a batarang (one of the R-shurikans ) and sent it flying through the taunt line that Babs had connected to Mr. Freeze's gun.  If helping Freeze meant stopping the Sirens, then he would choose the lesser evil. 

@ManyFaces @BrainyGrrrrl
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She saw a familiar R-shaped shurikan pierce the air inches from her face, snapping her line as she pulled it.  "YOU!" she hissed, whipping her head around and staring daggers at him.  "HOW...DARE...YOU!!!!"  She came streaking toward him, running in a zig-zag pattern to dodge his shurikan or whatever other projectiles he threw at her.  When she was within three feet of him, she slide on the ice that was still underfoot, intending to bowl him over, and doing a backward arch kick that would pivot her upright and bring her boot down on his chest.

Harley looked around "Can someone please get me out of this ice" She shouted her hands balled in a fist.
"I don't have plans to be an icicle any time soon!" She struggled some more, trying to kick her legs but to no avail.
She started punching down on the ice again to crack it, there was a tiny crack but that was about it. She sighed after a while and gave up. "This is it Harls, the end!" She zoned out completely not paying attention to the fighting again. "At least Mistah J woulda gotta laugh out of it." She imagined his laugh and it made her smile. She clasped her hands together thinking about him.
"At least if I become a popsicle, I'll be with my Puddin again" She put her hand against her forehead dramatically.
She had a random thought and giggled to herself. " hehe, Puddin pops" 
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Freeze felt his helmet dissolve into a puddle beneath his feet as the grenades at it away the freezing from earlier cooled down the area but it wasn't enough to keep him from weakening. Victor sank to his knees and breathed heavily trying to use his remaining strenght to roll over and freeze the door shut "No one... gets in... and... no one gets...out until I... get what I came here....for." he said weakly. Robin seemed to be defending him giving him enough time for a thinner helm to keep the cold inside, he could fix this later but it would have to make due. He went for his gun and slogged towards Harley in a gait similar to a limp even though he'd only been exposed to temperatures above zero temporarily, he felt weaker but was already in slow recovery.

Yet he still moved on with a frozen glint in his eye. "Now Ivy I hope you're not much of a pansy because the clown is about to become as cold as a cadavare!" He announced with a cold and blank expression. He would do it too, he wasn't one to joke around with life and death.

@HarleyPuddin @ByTheChesapeake @BrainyGrrrrl

Watched as this absolute chaos unfolded.  This was supposed to be a simple jail break.  At this point, with everything going to hell, Ivy needed to decide what she was going to do.  Staring down the barrel of a freeze ray.  She could only avoid it for so long, and Harley was going to be dead by that point.  Now, even the the boy blunder was fighting with Freeze, taking the only real ammo she had against him.  Nope things were not looking well.  And that's when she decided the Doctor's request was going to have to wait.

 Now that the station was full of trees, it made her just that much powerful.  The roots of several of the trees shot up through the ground, making a barrier around the ice man.  She wasn't sure how long it would hold, but it should give her enough time to get herself and Harley out of the station.  She smiled to herself.  My God she was smart.  "Sorry to spoil your plan, Freeze, but it's time for us to leave."  

She wrapped an arms around her friend and tipped her sideways, picking her feet off the ground while simultaneously sending the ficus roots out to grab the diamond off the floor.  The ice was cold on her arms and made Harley pretty heavy, but she couldn't give up now.  She had to get Harley out.  "C'mon.  Let's get you and your frozen patootie out of here."

She looked around frantically for a way to escape.  The door was frozen solid now, but that gave her an idea.  A root had burst through not the door, but the wall, creating a sizable hole in the building, and extended all the way to Ivy and Harley.  "Selina, get out of here!  I'll text you an address, and we'll talk later!"  She wasn't worried about Catwoman.  She was crafty and was sure she could get out of this situation relatively unscathed.  She grabbed onto the root as it pulled her across the ice and out of the hole in the wall. 

@ManyFaces @HarleyPuddin @Smoaki
Harley whooped and cheered for Ivy as her and her plants saved the day. "Ya did it Red" She smiled.

She laughed as Ivy carried her away. "My patootie thanks ya" She said holding on to Ivy's shoulders as she was carried. "But first it needs a seriously warm bath and some tlc" She said sticking her tongue out.

Harley shivered "Red ya think you can do something about this ice, I'm gonna freeze to death here" She looked back at the building. "Whats with people attacking me no reason lately! I've just been minding my own business" She said with a pout
She saw a familiar R-shaped shurikan pierce the air inches from her face, snapping her line as she pulled it.  "YOU!" she hissed, whipping her head around and staring daggers at him.  "HOW...DARE...YOU!!!!"  She came streaking toward him, running in a zig-zag pattern to dodge his shurikan or whatever other projectiles he threw at her.  When she was within three feet of him, she slide on the ice that was still underfoot, intending to bowl him over, and doing a backward arch kick that would pivot her upright and bring her boot down on his chest.



He stood straight up.  He knew that this would be coming.  He stood his ground watching as she zig-zagged towards him.  He grabbed his bo.  When she started sliding towards him, he tried to dodge her, hoping she would slide into the desks around them, but that didn't work considering he found a boot on his chest.  Without missing a beat, he threw his legs up, tightly wrapping around the girl's leg, and turned to the side hard, forcing her off her balance and onto the ground.

"Batgirl!  Wake up!  This isn't you!  You can fight it!  You have to fight it!"
Harley whooped and cheered for Ivy as her and her plants saved the day. "Ya did it Red" She smiled.

She laughed as Ivy carried her away. "My patootie thanks ya" She said holding on to Ivy's shoulders as she was carried. "But first it needs a seriously warm bath and some tlc" She said sticking her tongue out.

Harley shivered "Red ya think you can do something about this ice, I'm gonna freeze to death here" She looked back at the building. "Whats with people attacking me no reason lately! I've just been minding my own business" She said with a pout


Poison Ivy looked around the street, for something, anything that could be of use to warm Harley up.  "Honey, if I could you'd be thawed out by now."  The night was still warm though so that was a plus.  Fortunately for her, it seemed someone didn't get the memo that there was a brawl going on at the police station.  A red car was headed their way.  She smirked.  "I've got an idea."

Once it was within 150ft, a tree sprung from the ground right in the cars path.  The red car slammed on their breaks, bringing it to a screeching halt.  Ivy wasted no time running around the car, pulling the man out, and giving him the kiss of death.  Dropping him to the ground, she ran back around, opening the passenger side door and placing Harley in the seat.  She ran around to the other side, and got in.  Once the door was closed, She turned on the heat full-blast, hoping it could warm both of them up.  "This will have to do for now."

Now, putting the car in gear, she backed the car up, and went around the tree, feeling the prominent bump in the road.
The onslaught of blows diminished to a casual blow every couple minutes or so.  The clown girl must be getting tired, Barb thought.  Not that she could take advantage of it.  Not just yet anyhow.  She was still stunned, her entire body aching, her feet now numb from the ice shackle around them.  But her strength was coming back.  She could feel it.  Just another minute or so.  That's all she needed.  Through bleary eyes, she stared at Tim.  Could tell that the young crimefighter had something in mind.  "Do it," she urged him in her mind.  Barb knew that Selina Kyle had the greatest liability that a criminal could have.  A heart.  That's why Barb had felt safe enough to throw a batarang at the costumed cat.  Barb knew that Selina would die before murdering a 15 year old boy in cold blood.  But just as it looked like Tim was about to make his move, Ivy's phone rang.

"Titanium, seriously?!"

Deadshot also took that moment to make his appearance known, shoving one of his wrist guns in her face.  She noticed that his other wrist gun was pointed at the group of supervillains.  So, he wasn't with them.  "Mexican standoff."  Barb could definitely use this to her advantage.  Harley was the wildcard.  Easily excitable.  Freeze was completely cold-hearted.  He wouldn't hesitate for a moment to kill both her and Tim.  But only if it furthered his agency.  He wasn't sadistic.  And he didn't get along with others.  No, he wasn't the leader.  He wasn't the one that Barb had to worry about that. 

That would be Ivy.  She would be the one that Batgirl would need to defeat if they were to have any chance here.  And right now, it looked like she was distracted by her phone call.  Barb decided not to make it easy for her.  It was time to heat things up.  And she knew exactly how to do that!

"How muuuch am I worrrrth dead?" she asked the assassin, her words slurred.  "Why don't youuuu shooot me and find ouuuutttt?  Thisss is a new low, even for you.  Ssshooting a woman who can't even fight back.  I always knew you were a p%ssy, Floyd." 

She was almost set.  She just hoped that Tim would be ready,  And where the hell was Dex?!

Freeze felt the building shake as something large roared and rammed into the bars of a cell close by. He would have to make this trip quick since the girls appeared to be distracted quite easily. The fact that Ivy's phone went off in the middle of a fight was by his standards unacceptable, he wasn't fond of interruptions. It appeared that his distaste was shared by the boy wonder. Freeze doubted the commissioner would tell the truth about the whereabouts of the Batman, he doubted anyone actually knew who he was besides the sidekicks he'd recruited. Victor didn't take his eyes off the showdown as he straifed off towards the sound, "I'll be back!" was the only thing he said leaving the others to fight.

Immediately after walking in the direction of the sound he caught a pungent odor of sewage mixed with some other elements that he could smell even through the icy shell that protected his head. He immediately knew who it was "Killer Croc how ice to see you." He said and continued on "You look like you could use some help, I'm feeling rather generous today so i'll spring you from the cooler in return for an IOU." He said offering his assistance while not mentioning the details. If Ivy had bribed him into helping her surely he could do the same to Croc.


Dex looked at the new guy with the...wrist things. This was getting confusing. Should he shoot Harley or this guy?

Finally Dex had enough. He pointed the gun up at the ceiling and fired, before aiming back at Harley. 

"Ok, what the hell is happening? The only thing I am sure of, is that you two-" He motioned to Harley and the wrist-gun guy. "-should back off. Now."

Croc would have rather have Penguin or Two-Face or even Joker break him out of his cell. Well, maybe not Joker, but Freeze wasn't someone Cric would be happy to see. Still, didn't look like he had a choice.

"Fine." He growled. "Just get me out of here. Then I'"
Deadshot stumbled back and fell over from the impact of the ice, "You f*ching b*tch!" he yelled out to her. He was caught in a daze for quite a few minutes, near oblivious to the fight overhead. He caught sight of Freeze, and Robin got out of the Cat's grasp. He stood back up, wondering who he needed to shoot. His cybernetic eyepeice ran over some data as he wqtched the fight play out. 'Nonlethal' was the best option for those people was his response, he dismissed is and aimed at Freeze and shot his wrist, hoping he would penetrate the armor and force his weapon to the ground, not noticing the line on it. He quickly whirled to the girls and Robin, firing shots low toward there legs.
Ronan could tell from the phone call that Ivy was currently occupied with something. So he wasn't going to leave right now. He pulled out his notebook from his coat, and flipped a few pages, until he came upon the page.

SUBJECT- Jack Napier

ALIAS- Joker

COD- Shot in head, side note by Jason

The rest of the page was littered with crazy calculations, and probably unreadable material to other people. But the madness on the paper was important, it was determining how long the Joker would need to stay in the Pit. Yes he had a backup plan, and it was solid. If he didn't come up with a Bat, he'd take the Clown Prince of Crime instead, which he wasn't so sure about. He knew the Pit reversed the person psychology, and with the Joker's state of mind he wasn't sure how he'd turn out. 
Batgirl heard Robin's words through a haze.  "Ugh!"  She fell on her left side as the Boy Wonder trapped her left leg and pivoted.  But the teen hero had trapped her wrong leg.  Her inside leg based on the direction of his turn.  It left her outside leg do this!  She delivered a snap kick to his jaw.  She rolled toward him, elbowing him in the stomach and breaking his hold.  Rolled on time of him.  Struck him across the face.  "Didn't Batman teach you better?  Or maybe you just weren't listening!  You don't deserve to be his Robin!"  What are you doing, Barb?!  She shook her head.  Hesitated.  She raised her fist.  Pulled it back to deliver the killing blow.  She had to do it for Ivy!  Ivy was her friend!  The fist stood frozen in mid-strike.  Began trembling.  Shaking!  NO!!!!!


She looked down at the barely conscious boy.  What had she done?! 
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 Harley sighed with relief as she warmed up, a puddle was forming in the car now, but at least it was a warm one.
She smiled and hugged Ivy "Ya saved me twice now Red" She gave her a big kiss on the cheek then let go "I owe ya one" she said fiddling with the radio and once she found a song she liked, she turned it up all the way. Doing a little dance to the song, a victory dance I guess.
"Lets go before anyone else shows up!"


Shit shit shit

He knew as soon as he did it what mistake he made it.  He felt her boot connect with his jaw and then the elbow to his ribs.  He felt the cracks in in torso causing, enough of a distraction that let her get the best of him.  His whole being hurt as he took a hard hit to the face.  Though, despite all of this, nothing hurt worse than what she said next.

"Didn't Batman teach you better?  Or maybe you just weren't listening!  You don't deserve to be his Robin!"

Tim felt a shock go through him as his his own thoughts rang with the harsh words he found himself thinking all the time.  He wasn't good enough to be Robin.  Batman could find someone so much better.  He was never going to fill Dick's shoes...

No.  He would not let those thoughts get to him.  Get the hell up.  This wasn't Babs talking, and he wasn't dying today.  Not here.  He wasn't going to be another Jason Todd.

He watched her pull back as he thought quickly, his hand moving for the taser in his utility belt.  It might have been a last-ditch effort, but if it kept him alive, he knew Barbara could take the shock, but it would give him enough time to try to keep fighting.  He gave her one last chance.  "Babs, don't do this."  his voice was quiet as his face began to swell, black eyes starting to form around his broken nose.  He watched her for a few moments before realizing that her fist was trembling.  Not long after that, her expression changed to a softer, scared one.  She uttered his name, which helped him relax a little.

He smiled up at her.  "It's good to have you back," he uttered before spitting blood from his mouth.  Closing his eyes, he seemingly passed out.

He smiled up at her.  "It's good to have you back," he uttered before spitting blood from his mouth.  Closing his eyes, he seemingly passed out

"Robin!"   she cried as soon as the boy passed out.  What had she done?!  She bent over, cradled his head tenderly in her arms.  She checked his vitals.  They were strong.  Tim was strong.  So much stronger than her.  She fought back the tears as she whispered in his ear.  "I'm so sorry, Tim.  I'm so sorry."  She continued repeating it over and over, rocking the boy's head ever so gently.

Just then, she felt a sharp pain in her left leg.  "Huh?"  She pulled out three small darts.  She turned around and saw Deadshot.  She reached to her belt for a batarang but she was already feeling woozy.  "Have to protect Tim."  She managed to get a hold of it.  Raised it.  But then it fell out of her fingers.  "Have to...have to...haaaaaaa...."

@LoneSniper87 @ManyFaces @Rathalosa @The Great Catsby
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Deadshot watched Batgirl pass out over Robin, he pushed the girl of Robin and picked him up, locking him in an interrorgation room. When he came back he picked up Batgirl, seeing a message from an unknown user to take Batgirl to a warehouse, he got curious as the price was double than her dead. He grinned and replied back 'Send over a time, I'll be there with the girl you want, but i warn you: no cash upfront, no deal.' He sent the message and carried the Batgirl over a shoulder to the rooftop his rifle was at, then went to an unmarked grey van, he set Batgirl in the back, arms and legs ziptied together in the back, but she was also secured so she had no chance of rolling around and hitting her head. He set the rifle in the passenger seat and set off toward a place he was set up in, an abandoned, cleared out factory in an industrial complex.
Ronan's device buzzed as he was walking on top of some rooftop. Send over a time, I'll be there with the girl you want, but i warn you: no cash upfront, no deal. Weird, most wanted cash upfront, guess Floyd Lawton was different. He quickly sent a text to Ra's Al Guel, saying to transfer the money into digital form. He didn't have time to do it now, plus he was using Ra's money. *Midnight. Money is no issue. Where is Robin, I don't need him just a location. Bonus will be added for his location.* He sent the message to Deadshot
'Got it. Robin is locked in Interrogation room, Major Crimes Unit area room 2-105.' He replied back, stopping in a underground parking lot, retreiving Batgirl from the van, he hauled her up three flight of stairs to an uncleared area of the building, a bunch of office supplies and desks, he hangs her by her arms to what he thinks to what used to be a divider screen. He taps her on the face with his gloved knuckles, the handguns having the safteys on, "Wake up, Batty."
"Uhhhhh...."  She felt something tapping against her forehead.  Hard.  Her arms were aching.  She cracked open her eyes.  Saw a bleary image of Deadshot standing up against her.  Her vision focused.  She was still groggy from whatever Lawton had shot her up with but her head cleared enough for her to be able to concentrate.  "Lawton...I killed people.  Must be...slipping."  Groaning, she craned her neck up and saw that her arms were suspended above her to one of those cubicle divider partitions.  Her hands zip-tied.  In fact, taking a look around, she saw that she was in some abandoned office building or maybe an office warehouse.  Either way, it looked decrepit and unused for some time.  Her arms were killing her.  It felt like they were gonna pop out of their sockets.  She looked down and saw that her ankles had been tied with zip-ties as well.  She looked at Deadshot again.  "So...are ya getting soft or did ya just bring me here because you're all misunderstood and need someone to talk to?"

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