Gotham City

Dex knew the guy with the wrist guns. Deadshot. Top hit man. Never missed a shot. When Dex saw the assassin take the unconscious Batgirl away, he followed. When the hitman took a van, Dex took a random motorbike. Some idiot had left it unattended.

Staying out of sight would be easy. Staying out of sight on a vehicle was another matter, but Dex felt like he did well. As Deadshot brought the unconscious Batgirl inside some underground parking lot,  Dexter left the bike and followed on foot.

By the time he was outside the office in a seemingly random building where Deadshot and Batgirl were, Dex was out of breath and clutching his handgun tightly. This was trying for him. He was risking death for a vigilante that had only punched him around? Strange thing to do, but it felt right. Odd.

Dex stayed behind the doors to the office, listening for any oppurtunity. 

"Bloody 'ell." He muttered. 
Lawton grabs a letter opener from a desk, cutting her down but leaving her hands tied together, "Wanna talk? Let's talk. And a higher bidder wants you alive, the reason no doubt horrible we're going in a few hours, anything you'd like to say?" He asked, sitting on a desk. He spoke a bit quieter, "Between you and me, but I don't like this... Midnight, abandoned warehouse... Sounds like an ambush, so i say we ambush him instead, you up for it? And I'm not going soft! I'm human! I'm not allowed to have morals now because im an assassin?" He asked. Hopefully she would go along and everything would go well like he plans, he gets his money and she gets to not be handed over to a no doubt psychopath.

Selina Kyle


She nodded as Batgirl sprang at Robin, dashing for the door she'd come through and onto the roof, skillfully heading off into the night. Whatever this... thing was that Ivy had been talking on the phone about, it would definitely play out interestingly.


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She twisted her hands within their bonds, trying to massage them, work some feeling back into them.  She leaned against the corner of a desk.  As Deadshot made his offer, she eyed him warily.  She had no reason to believe a word he was saying.  But there was something in the quiet sincerity of his voice that made her doubt her skepticism.  Made her want to believe.  "Tell me, why should I trust you?  You're nothing but a cold-blooded killer for hire?"

@LoneSniper87 @Rathalosa
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"And you're a woman who parades around in a bat costume beating up people. I don't see much of a difference." He says, "And do you want me to cut your hands free? But only if you promise me you won't attack me. I'm trying to be reasonable with you." He stands and walks around the room, "Y'know while I may be a killer I had a family... Wife, a daughter..." His voice trails off abit. "Well you probably get the point. I'm somewhat changing... Give me time I'll either give up, im practically rich with all these kills I racked up... Or I find out the woman behind the mask as I parade along with you."
Dec decided he'd listened enough. He casually walked in through the office door as if this was where he worked, slowly raised his gun, and spoke softly. He aimed directly at Deadshot.

"Freeze. Don't raise your arms, don't even twitch. Now step far away from Batgirl, or I will shoot your head off."
Ronan read the message, Ivy would have to wait. He was guessing Tim didn't know about him, like Dick and Barbara had, so he could woo him. He wasn't far from the station luckily, about a 10 minute roof run, if he'd hurry.

Once arriving to the rooftop of the building, he could see the chaotic mess that was taking place, there had been a recent spree of his hired help. But he could care less what they had done, he just needed Robin. He noticed a air vent hatch on the roof, he could climb down into the main room, and bust him out.

He quickly kicked the hatch open, and jumped down, landing into a vent. He landed hard, so there was a large dent in the metal sheet. He decided to see where that lead, and gave a hard kick, falling through. He appeared to land in the camera room, as a guard spun around. He pulled a gun from his coat, and quickly drew it, pulling the trigger as well, as the man stumbled, back landing on the keyboard. He shoved the man aside, and noticed the screen with Tim on it. He quickly pressed a few buttons, releasing the built in cuffs on the table and spoke into the nearby intercom. "I'm here to rescue you. Get your ass moving, I'm in the control room."

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She held out her tied hands.  "No promises but I'll listen.  At least for a little longer."  She was intrigued by his talk about a family.  She knew that he had one.  She had studied Batman's files on him but there was little beyond the basics.  Names and dates.  She wanted to hear more but the assassin didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it and she wasn't going to push him.  He seemed like he genuinely wanted to change.  But then he had to ruin it with that last part.  Still...Barb was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. 

"Was that a threat, Floyd?  I don't take kindly to threats.  But I haven't kicked your a** yet so I'm still game.  You can start off my telling me who hired you, why they want me, and want your plan is?"

And that's when Dex walked in, pointing a loaded gun at Deadshot...

@LoneSniper87 @Rathalosa
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Deadshot's eyes widened in surprise, "im taking my wrist guns off, ok?" He said as he slowly took them off, setting them on the table then backing away from Batgirl. "So who must you be? And by the way I am not killing her." He keeps his hands to his sides, not wanting to tick off the gunman. "I was actually talking to her about taking down the man who wants her, wanna help?" He asked, trying to get the gun out of use, he'd rather not have his plan ruined because of some self-righteous punk with a handgun. "And to answer the nice lady," he tosses her the letter opener, it lands with a clatter next to her. "The current one I don't know who they are. He never said why he wanted you. But the plan..." He thought about it a second, "I was thinking we fool him by heading over there, you sneak in and watch for others, then we get the drop and hopefully apprehend him. Not elaborate or fancy, but sure as h*ll it's effective."
Freeze broke free of the roots Ivy had encased him in and looked around. Deadshot had left with Batgirl and left Robin. He didn't know what the assassin was playing at but he didn't care as long as it didn't involve him. Commissioner Gordon wasn't a threat and neither was Robin but he wanted something for his troubles. "What a wonderful waste of my time..." he grumbled. He decided if he left Croc might eat them both and if Robin had as much worth as Batgirl he wasn't sure if he needed that happening. But they weren't going anywhere so he might as well fix himself up, he caused the area around him to get colder as he used it tov make his helmet repair to its former glory.


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"Dex!  It's alright!  I'm fine!  Put down your gun!"  She quickly used the tossed letter opener to cut the rest of her bonds.  She placed herself between the two until she was certain everything was calm again.  "Okay, I'll go along with your plan.  For now..." she told Deadshot, confiscating his wrist guns off the table.  "But I have a couple conditions."  She checked the wrists guns, saw that they were loaded with lethal rounds.  Dumped the ammo.  "Non-lethal rounds only," she told him, handing him the empty guns.  "You dump everything else.  And you do what I say.  Deal?"

@Rathalosa @LoneSniper87
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"Hey Red, who were you on the phone with earlier?" Harley said while staring out the open window, her chin resting on her hands. 

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"Fine by me. And the safety was on by the way." He said, leaning against a different desk, he nodded toward Dex, "First who is he and second how will we fit him in?" He took the guns and fit that back onto his wrist. "And I'd feel better being able calling you by a name other then Batgirl. You know mine no doubt... And Dex, right? You will not boss me around, got it? You being the new kid in the block here, you will never order me around unless you'd like to be in extreme pain."
Freeze broke free of the roots Ivy had encased him in and looked around. Deadshot had left with Batgirl and left Robin. He didn't know what the assassin was playing at but he didn't care as long as it didn't involve him. Commissioner Gordon wasn't a threat and neither was Robin but he wanted something for his troubles. "What a wonderful waste of my time..." he grumbled. He decided if he left Croc might eat them both and if Robin had as much worth as Batgirl he wasn't sure if he needed that happening. But they weren't going anywhere so he might as well fix himself up, he caused the area around him to get colder as he used it tov make his helmet repair to its former glory.



Croc was just...bored. A lot of things had happened at the GCPD, but not one of them interested him. He didn't care about killing a Bat. Not yet. He just wanted to be free. And he had no intention of helping Freeze. That would not be wise. The Iceman was just too...cold.

Croc shuffled at cross the wreck of a police station, and reached the doors leading to freedom. He opened them, and took a step out.

Deadshot's eyes widened in surprise, "im taking my wrist guns off, ok?" He said as he slowly took them off, setting them on the table then backing away from Batgirl. "So who must you be? And by the way I am not killing her." He keeps his hands to his sides, not wanting to tick off the gunman. "I was actually talking to her about taking down the man who wants her, wanna help?" He asked, trying to get the gun out of use, he'd rather not have his plan ruined because of some self-righteous punk with a handgun. "And to answer the nice lady," he tosses her the letter opener, it lands with a clatter next to her. "The current one I don't know who they are. He never said why he wanted you. But the plan..." He thought about it a second, "I was thinking we fool him by heading over there, you sneak in and watch for others, then we get the drop and hopefully apprehend him. Not elaborate or fancy, but sure as h*ll it's effective."

Dex narrowered his eyes on Deadshot, and nearly pulled the trigger. He didn't like murderers. Seems hypocritical, but the assassin killed for money, whereas Dex killed one person for revenge. There was a difference, albeit a small one. He lowered the gun.

 "What's happening?" Dex asked. "Should I know anything about this, or will I just tag along and be helpful?"
It looked like Dex was going to pull the trigger for a moment.  Barb tensed, reaching down to her utility belt.  But then he lowered the gun.  Barb relaxed.  Sighed and smiled to herself.  "Thank you, Dex."  She answered Deadshot's question.  "He's my...partner.  And he's coming with us.  When we get there, he'll stay outside.  Back us up.  Don't worry.  I trust him with my life.  And as far as what you can call me, Deadshot, you can call me Batgirl.  We might be working together.  I might even believe you're getting righteous.  But we're not friends yet.  And word of advice, if you think about double-crossing us, even for a moment, I will not hesitate to take you down.  Are we clear?"

She walked over to Dex.  Stepped right up to him.  Looked up in his eyes.  She paused, thought for a moment, and then decided to do it.  "If you had a second chance, what would you do?  Who would you be?  Now I know.  Thank you, Dex."  She pulled out something from her utility belt.  Handed it to him.  "Just in case.  The steel door in my bedroom closet.  The code is 0167."  When Dex looked down at his hand, he would see that he was holding the keys to her apartment.

@Rathalosa @LoneSniper87
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Deadshot nodded, the thought never crossing his mind to betray her. "Okay Batgirl, call me whatever you feel that is easy to say." He walked into a supply closet, pulling out a box of rubber bullets and knockout darts incased in shells. He started loading his wrist guns."So the warehouse is nearby, he said midnight to meet him. Time?" He asked.
Lawton felt that Batgirl was,still being cautious of him, and with good reason. "Well Dex, I'll fill you in. I originally was planning in killing Batty here, got word of double the price for her alive. But it didn't sit right, not because it was an alive contract... It just didn't feel right. So I'm deciding to help her and try to apprehend this guy." He finished loading his guns, made sure the safety was still on. "Well I'm set, anything you guys need? Oh wait!" He popped back into the supply closet, tossed Dex a face mask and Batgirl 3 military grade 9-bangs, "Dex if he ecsapes better you not show your face, and Batty, hope these tickle your fancy, they ain't small but they will sure blind him."
"Thank you," she told the mercenary grudgingly.  She gladly took the 9-bangs.  Her utility belt was so depleted at this time that anything she could get her hands on was a help.  They were a lot stockier than she was used to carrying.  None of her belt compartments were big enough so she just clipped the three grenades to her belt.  She pulled out her smartphone and checked the time.  "9:15.  We've got a little under three hours to get where we're going and get ready.  I always like showing up early to the party."  She gave Deadshot an evil, little grin.  "Gives us the chance to set a few 'party favors' of our own."

@LoneSniper87 @ReverseWells
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"That would be a bad idea I bet... Can you go in alone? I bet the place is bugged and on a live feed." He told her, "But if you wanna go tell me what you need if I have it it's yours." He told Batgirl, noting the grin. "So you do have a dark side." He said with a laugh. "Three hours is plenty of time, place,is withing walking distances, like 15 minute walk and a few minute drive."
Despite herself, she was beginning to like this guy.  And he had a point about the place being wired.  Anyone sophisticated enough to get through to Poison Ivy's personal phone was sure to have a lot of tech at his disposal.  She told Lawton what she needed.  All the counter-surveillance gear that would fool the cameras and whatever other tripwires he had and allow her to get inside unseen.  Noting his comment, she gave him another grin.  "Ohhh, trust me, you haven't seen my dark side."

Lawton laughed as he walked back to the closet, pulling out everything counter-surveillence, which was in a box. He set down the box and cleared off the desk, pulling out what exactly she needed. "There you go. Want anything else? Gas mask, stun gun, flashlight..." He looked at Batgirl. "You know actually talking to you you aren't bad at all." He was probably voicing both thier thoughts by saying that, but in truth whoever Batgirl is under that mask is a fairly cool person. "Batman will probably f*cking flip out for more than one reason for doing this."
Ronan heard some commotion from downstairs, and he didn't want to stick around to find out. He slipped out his signature metal card, laying it on the keyboard, and quickly made his way to the open hatch. He shot his grappling hook up, hearing it lock onto the roof right before he was pulled up. 

Once on the roof, he pulled out his device, he figured to reply to Floyd's earlier message.*Just a reminder, 2mil, plus a bonus 500K for the bonus. And I have the cash with me*

He didn't wait for the response, as he shot his hook off towards a random building.
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 Harley sighed with relief as she warmed up, a puddle was forming in the car now, but at least it was a warm one.
She smiled and hugged Ivy "Ya saved me twice now Red" She gave her a big kiss on the cheek then let go "I owe ya one" she said fiddling with the radio and once she found a song she liked, she turned it up all the way. Doing a little dance to the song, a victory dance I guess.
"Lets go before anyone else shows up!"


"Hey Red, who were you on the phone with earlier?" Harley said while staring out the open window, her chin resting on her hands. 



She smiled stepping on the gas.  Honestly she wanted out of the area before Freeze reared his head again  "Please, you helped me today too, you know?  I'd probably still be in Arkham had you not helped the break out."  She smiled at the clownette.  "As far as I'm concerned, we're even."

Then Harley mentioned the phone call.  Right, she almost forgot!  "Oh, just some schmuck calling himself the Doctor.  He wanted us to bring him Batgirl and Robin alive."  The plant woman rolled her eyes.  "Mostly I think he just wanted us to do all the work.  That, and I saw him talking with Batgirl and Nightwing earlier, so most likely we were heading for a trap.  I don't like him, and I don't trust him."

She pulled her phone out of her cleavage, and handed it to Harley.  "Could you be a dear and give him a call for me?  It should be the last number I talked to in my recents.  Put it on speaker, too."  
Harley turned around and grabbed the phone. "Sure thing Red" She scrolled down looking for the contact. "Hey lets go get some ice cream later !" She said before the calling the number, pushing the speaker button and holding in front of her face. 
She slouched down in the seat, sticking her feet on the dash getting comfy.
"Hey Doctorr~" She said in a sing song voice when he picked up.

Her eyes lit up when she saw the box of goodies.  "Anything else?  Ohhhh...I'm good."  She began snatching up the items, attaching them to her belt.  Did he just...compliment her?!  She turned away from the gear.  Looked at him.  "You know, the jury's still out on you, Lawton, but I'm beginning to think I might have misjudged you.  And I'm sorry."  She held out her hand.  "And don't worry about Batman."  She gave him another grin.  "Just between you and me, I can't stand the a%*hole.  What a pr-ck!"

@LoneSniper87 @ReverseWells

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