Gotham City

Standing 10 feet behind Gordon, Deadshot shot a glare, "You should know me better, dear, im hurt." He said mockingly, "Honestly, if I could I'd let you go and give you a fighting chance, there is no fun in a trapped target..." He keeps his arms aimed toward Batgirl and the others, "So what brings everyone here? Surely not BatB*tch over here whining about being caught by you guys, right?" He looked at the group, 'Freeze, Ivy, Harley, Catwoman, along with some kid being held hostage, Batgirl and then Gordon.' He thought to himself, 'Quite the roomfull you'd never expect...'
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Ronan was just about to put his device away, until Ivy called him back. He picked up the phone, to immedianlty hear her voice. "You've got both in there? Ok so I'll rephrase my message dear, a ton of easy cash for a simple job. Tracing your signal I see Freeze, Harleen, and Selina, as well as Robin and Batgirl. Tell everyone of your friends, besides Robin and Batgirl that I will be willing to pay everyone a large sum of cash if they decide to do my job. Tell me their response."



Ivy hummed into the phone.  She looked around to see Mr. Freeze leaving the vicinity, off to somewhere.  Probably to go see how Croc was doing.  He was making such a ruckus down in the basement.  "I mean, I did come into quite a bit of diamond today.  It's pretty large, at least 140 carats.  I don't know.  I could just take that as a win and celebrate by kissing the Commissioner, letting Harley play over-sized croquet with Batgirl's head and her hammer, and feeding the bird boy to Gwen.  It's been three months since she's properly eaten."

The Doctor started to talk, probably to reason with her, but before he could get five words out, Ivy interrupted him.  "Look, I'm going to cut to the chase here,  I don't trust you.  I--." she looked over to make sure everything was going smoothly.  That's when he saw that one guy that walked in with Batgirl, pointing a gun at the back of Harley's head.  "Hold on," she spoke into the phone, sending her roots after the gun, pulling it so the barrel of the gun was facing outward and not towards anyone.  "Harley, honey.  Watch your head."  

She returned to the phone call.  "I saw you talking with Nightwing and Batgirl.  How do I know that if I do this job, it's not going to be a trap?  You better explain what your deal is.  You have thirty seconds before I hang up, and all of them are dead."  She waited for an answer.  She was done playing games today.  All she wanted was Harley freed and maybe that diamond, and every plan she made had gone to hell.  She was not happy.

@Rathalosa @HarleyPuddin @ManyFaces
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Ronan nodded on the other hand, she had a point. Honestly if they were dead he could track the bodies, so it was a win win situation. But there wouldn't be any fun in that! "I am currently in the process of playing the Bat Family, trying to get them to belive I am good. I need your crew to help me take them out. I have revived a past member of the Bat Family, ask Harley Quinn who Jason Todd is and she can prove it. And I can guarantee a payment to each and every person more than that damn diamond." He quickly looked down at hit watch, "28 seconds"

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Harley stopped hitting and Batgirl, and got up, blowing a strand of hair out of her face, her pigtails were falling out from all the fighting. "That's what you deserve Bratgirl" and give her one last kick to the gut. Ignoring Deadshot.
She smiled at her friends, she ran over to Ivy even though she was on the phone, she didn't care. She practically jumped on her giving her a tight hug. 
"Your the best Red!." She smiled up at her. "I missed ya". She give her another squeeze
"Thanks as well Kitty" Harley said leaning back, looking at Catwoman and sticking her tongue out.

@ByTheChesapeake @Smoaki @BrainyGrrrrl @LoneSniper87
Deadshot lowered his arms slowly, relaxing so he seems off guard, but he watches for anyone making a move on him. "Well... How's has life treated you guys? How's the family? Getting along with those you... Work with...?" He aksed the group. "I know life treated me well... Up until the whole right now thing." He said, his one visible eye giving off a light-hearted tone. And he was trying to be light-hearted. "So how'd you stop the BatChick? Was she begging for mercy? Ooh... Maybe you had her cowering like the B*tch she really is." He walked closer a few steps, still standing behind Gordon. "Commissioner. Mind if i ask a question? But don't move or I will shoot you."
"Ughhh..."  She took the kick to the gut as Harl walked off.  Her spirits had been raised when it looked like Dex had gotten the drop on Harley but they were quickly dashed when Ivy had used her vines to swipe the weapon from his hands.  She had been preparing to take out Harl, to swing her legs up in one last ditch effort of strength and K.O. her with the ice block around her legs, shattering the block and freeing herself in the process.  But she hadn't been quick enough.  She thought about throwing a flashbang from her belt.  Except that Deadshot had her father dead to rights.  Barb realized that one by one, all her options had been closed to her.  That left only one option remaining...

"Hey Ivy!  Stopping to take a phone call in the middle of a fight?  Sloppy, girl.  So, while we're all taking a chit-chat break here...tell me, who you got on the phone, babe?  And can I say hi?"

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She smiled as the Doctor explained himself.  She was still a bit skeptical about the whole thing.  "Alright, she said.  I'll bring them, but here's my condition.  We do the trade off in Gotham City Park.  That shouldn't be a problem, right?

Her smile only grew wider when Harley practically tackle hugged her.  She wrapped her one available arm around her.  "I missed you too, Peanut,"  she mused, placing a kiss on the clownette's forehead.  Honestly, despite how terrible this break out went, that moment made it all worth it.

And then, Batgirl had to go and ruin it.  She rolled her eyes at her.  "Oh, you're still talking?"  Her face hardened for a moment, but she smirked once again.  "Don't worry, hun.  You'll find out soon enough.  Now be a good girl, and let me finish talking, hmm?"

@ReverseWells @HarleyPuddin @BrainyGrrrrl
Ronan nodded, fair enough, he might need to use GPS but other than that no issue. "Pleasure doing buissness dear," He said simply before hanging up, and shoving the device in his pocket. He was golden, he'd get the contestant. He walked over to his bed, and picked up his mask that layed on it. Roarsarch symbols. He slid the mask over his face, and the hat on top, tonight wouldn't be boring for sure.
Harley's smile widen as Ivy kissed her forehead. She didn't realise how much she had missed her until now. 
She looked over at Batgirl, "Why don't cha just give up all ready bat brain." She made faces at her and laughed. 
Harley felt like she was on top of the world, as the Gotham Sirens were back. They were back and kicking ass!
She let go of Ivy and put her hands on her hips glaring at Batgirl with a smirk.
"Maybe we should rough her up some more!" she said glancing at Ivy then Catwoman.
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She smiled as the Doctor explained himself.  She was still a bit skeptical about the whole thing.  "Alright, she said.  I'll bring them, but here's my condition.  We do the trade off in Gotham City Park.  That shouldn't be a problem, right?

Her smile only grew wider when Harley practically tackle hugged her.  She wrapped her one available arm around her.  "I missed you too, Peanut,"  she mused, placing a kiss on the clownette's forehead.  Honestly, despite how terrible this break out went, that moment made it all worth it.

And then, Batgirl had to go and ruin it.  She rolled her eyes at her.  "Oh, you're still talking?"  Her face hardened for a moment, but she smirked once again.  "Don't worry, hun.  You'll find out soon enough.  Now be a good girl, and let me finish talking, hmm?"

@ReverseWells @HarleyPuddin @BrainyGrrrrl

Harley's smile widen as Ivy kissed her forehead. She didn't realise how much she had missed her until now. 
She looked over at Batgirl, "Why don't cha just give up all ready bat brain." She made faces at her and laughed. 
Harley felt like she was on top of the world, as the Gotham Sirens were back. They were back and kicking ass!
She let go of Ivy and put her hands on her hips glaring at Batgirl with a smirk.
"Maybe we should rough her up some more!" she said glancing at Ivy then Catwoman.

"What's the matter?" she taunted Ivy.  "Am I keeping ya from a hot and heavy date with the Green Giant?"  Her ribbing got the attention of Harley.  "Give up?  Why don't you make me?"  This was the opportunity she was waiting for.  She slipped her hand behind her, to the back compartment of her utility belt, and waited.

@HarleyPuddin or @ByTheChesapeake
"Harley let me stop you right there, if I may." He interjected, feeling he was quiet for a bit too long and would soon overstay his welcome. "I need her, so if you don't mind me snatching her off you guys so i can kill her, that'd be great. Unless you got plans?" He looked at the phone Ivy had. "Whos the bidder on the phone, Ivy? Planning on running off with your Bat-cube already?" He asked her, stretching his arms back.
@LoneSniper87 @BrainyGrrrrl

Harley clenched her fists and she was about to walk towards the Bat when Deadshot spoke. 
"Hmph do whatever ya want with her" she crossed her arms and stuck her nose in the air. "She's better of dead anyway" 
The Bats were the reason why her Puddin was dead, she was 100% done with them by now. They weren't fun anymore.
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Deadshot nods, walking over to Batgirl and kneels next to her, he speaks quietly so only she may hear, "if i broke the ice you were in right now what would you do?" He asked the Batgirl. "I'm curious." He looked over at the others. "Harley, wishing the problem away wont help... Confront it, you'll feel better. Yeah you beat the cr*p outta her but that was outta anger... Make her suffer." He told Harley.

The Doctor hung up the phone.  She was about to stuff the phone back into her breasts when she realized she was still naked.  Whoops!  Leaves started to shed off of the trees outside and form a corset around her body.  Once the suit had been made, then she stuffed the phone back where it belonged.  She smirked at the bat.  "Oh, are you trying to tease me?  That's cute."

Looking over to Harley, "Harley, let's not be too hasty, though I won't stop you if you want to take another swing."   She looked back over to Batgirl.  "Maybe she'll learn when to stop talking."

She batted her eyelashes at Deadshot, making sure her mind-controlling pheromones were in full affect.  He might have had a mask on, but he had to breathe somehow.  "Wouldn't you like to know~"  

@BrainyGrrrrl @HarleyPuddin @LoneSniper87
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Harley wanted to put Batgirl out of her misery, but she wanted to go home as well. She looked and Ivy then walked slowly to Batgirl.
She eyed Deadshot, wondering why he didn't didn't just shot her.
"I don't even have any of my toys!" She said looking down at Batgirl. "Not even my whoopie cushion!, that was Mistah J's favourite" She said with a mischievous giggle. Lots of fun was had with that whoophie cushion, who knew it could have so many different uses! She sighed then looked down at the Bat, shaking her head of the memories. 
"So Batsy, what'll it be!"
Deadshot nods, walking over to Batgirl and kneels next to her, he speaks quietly so only she may hear, "if i broke the ice you were in right now what would you do?" He asked the Batgirl. "I'm curious." He looked over at the others. "Harley, wishing the problem away wont help... Confront it, you'll feel better. Yeah you beat the cr*p outta her but that was outta anger... Make her suffer." He told Harley.


The Doctor hung up the phone.  She was about to stuff the phone back into her breasts when she realized she was still naked.  Whoops!  Leaves started to shed off of the trees outside and form a corset around her body.  Once the suit had been made, then she stuffed the phone back where it belonged.  She smirked at the bat.  "Oh, are you trying to tease me?  That's cute."

Looking over to Harley, "Harley, let's not be too hasty, though I won't stop you if you want to take another swing."   She looked back over to Batgirl.  "Maybe she'll learn when to stop talking."

She batted her eyelashes at Deadshot, making sure her mind-controlling pheromones were in full affect.  He might have had a mask on, but he had to breathe somehow.  "Wouldn't you like to know~"  

She waited for a moment while he was talking to the others and then lifted her ice-encrusted feet in a maneuver that would bring them crashing down on his head.  Hopefully, it would work perfectly, especially since he appeared more distracted than usual.  Then she remembered Ivy's pheromone control.  Ha, perfect!  Getting hit by a block of ice over his head ought to knock him out or at the very least, stun him severely enough to take him out of action.  And it would free her feet.    If it worked, then she could use the flashbang that she had been hiding in her hand, throw it at Ivy and Harl and then rush them.  Hopefully, her Dad, Dex, and Tim would see what she was doing and back her up.  The three of them working together should be able to keep Catwoman occupied long enough for her to deal with Ivy and Harl.  And Freeze was nowhere to be seen.  Even better.  If it all went according to plan...

@LoneSniper87 @HarleyPuddin @ByTheChesapeake
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"You're clever Ivy, but God forbid you try intoxicating me." He glared at her. "And I'd prefer that you told me." He stopd slowly, his filtration systems kicking on the mask, it was basic, but hopefully enough to keep that stuff out of his system. "So out with it girl, I ain't got time for bull at the moment." He scanned the room again, making sure it was just who he saw, he glanced to Gordon, praying he didn't screw up his plan. "If you won't talk ill make you, just so you know." He said, being menacing.
Harley gasped as Batgirl dropped the flashbang. She tried to cover her eyes from the light. 
It was useless she couldn't see anything, she starting moving backwards trying to get far away from the Bat as she could.
She waited for a moment while he was talking to the others and then lifted her ice-encrusted feet in a maneuver that would bring them crashing down on his head.  Hopefully, it would work perfectly, especially since he appeared more distracted than usual.  Then she remembered Ivy's pheromone control.  Ha, perfect!  Getting hit by a block of ice over his head ought to knock him out or at the very least, stun him severely enough to take him out of action.    If it worked, then she could use the flashbang that she had been hiding in her hand, throw it at Ivy and Harl and then rush them.  Hopefully, her Dad, Dex, and Tim would see what she was doing and back her up.  The three of them working together should be able to keep Catwoman occupied long enough for her to deal with Ivy and Harl.  And Freeze was nowhere to be seen.  Even better.  If it all went according to plan...

@Deadshot @HarleyPuddin @ByTheChesapeake


Tim had been watching the scene intently, watching Batgirl's movements and expressions.  From how she held herself, he knew she had something up her sleeve.  When she started taunting Harley, he knew it was about to go down.  He got ready, waiting for the perfect moment.  And then, flashbang!

He grabbed the hand that was being held to his throat, and rolled the arm downward, pinning it to his chest.  He raised his right arm, keeping her arm from going anywhere near his chest.  He pivoted to the left, under Selina's arm, his right arm finding it's way onto her upper arm.  Once he was in back of her, he was officially free and gave her a shove away from him.  He tumbled backwards, giving himself more space between them.  He grabbed his bo off his back, having it extend in his hand.  

Now, he can actually get something done.

Selina Kyle


She had been watching with the bird in her grasp the whole time until the flashbang went off. Yelling out in annoyance at the blinding light, she felt her grip loosen on the boy and him flip her off. She had managed to nick some part of his skin as he moved, but it was nothing lethal and she was slightly glad for that fact. Catching herself on the desk from before, she blinked away the after-effects of the blinding light and noticed Robin holding his bow in her direction. Holding her hands up in a semi-surrender position, she glanced to where Ivy and Harley were.

"Ivy, I don't know where your cold friend is," she called out loud enough that she knew that the girls would hear her," but I think we should be getting out of here."

She didn't want to leave her friends, but if they kept loitering around near Batgirl, she might consider it. The only reason she'd done this was because of the fact that Harley had been incarcerated. Now that the clown girl was out, she had the strength to get out of the building on her own, and so did Ivy. Hopefully though, the three of them could make an escape together. Their best escapades had seemed to happen together.

Mentioned: @ByTheChesapeake @HarleyPuddin
Victor grew impatient with the hulking reptilian man and decided it would be best to return with the others. He couldn't hear anything besides muffled speech up from above. But he still froze the bars to Croc's cage leaving them brittle enough to let him break free with ease. Freeze himself left, Croc's pungent smell was starting to get to him. He came back to see the girls were enjoying their reunion. The next thing he noticed though was Batgirl about to slam her ice encased feet into Deadshot's head. But before he'd gotten time to react Robin had escaped from Catwoman's claws, Freeze sighed and his suit hissed along with him. "If you want something done you have to do it yourself." he said out loud. He suspected that Ivy might try double crossing at this point and raised his freeze ray to the flooring and switched it to a two and let the floor get covered in ice, he'd have the advantage with this.

@ByTheChesapeake @Rathalosa
Harley slipped and wobbled on the ice, she tried her best to keep her balance, but she fell right on her butt. 

She slid around on the ice, ignoring the fighting going on. 

"Wheeeeee!" She squealed as she slid across the ice, she threw her hands in the air, giggling to her self
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[SIZE=11pt]"YES!"  [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Tim had followed her lead and had broken free of Catwoman!  Now the pair were facing off against one another.  Babs was confident that he could beat her.  Harl was...doing whatever it was that Harl did.  Now, Batgirl turned all her attention to Ivy.  The herbicide she had sprayed on herself had worn off by now.  Neither did she have any of her special batarangs.  (She had lost them when she had collided with Harley)  Fine.  Bare knuckles.  Babs preferred it that way.  "Come on, let's do this!"  She shot a right hook to the vine lady's face, followed by a spin kick.  Suddenly she lost her footing!  The floor had slicked over with ice!  "Freeze!"  She quickly recovered, saved herself from falling.  She used the momentum of her slide to knock into Ivy.  She switched to close quarters fighting, sending blows towards Ivy's corseted midsection while sending short jabs at her knees with her feet. [/SIZE]

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Her smirk turned into a frown when Deadshot called her out on the pheromones.  She rolled her eyes.  Whatever.  "Well, let's just say--"  

Before she knew it, the flashbang went off, causing Ivy to stumble backwards.  She hadn't expected that, and it only angered her more.  She heard Selina talking, and she looked over to see that Robin was no longer in her hands.  "Dammit," she muttered under her breath, trying to dodge Batgirl's moves.  There was always the chance that all three could subdue Robin again once Ivy's pheromones hit Batgirl, but then...

"Son of a-" Now, Mr. Freeze was back and before she knew it, the ground was covered in a layer of ice.  He was making this harder than it had to be, and it was starting to look like running off with the diamond might be harder than she thought.   But, then the thought hit her.  "Freeze, if you want your insurance policy back, freeze the Robin!"  She didn't expect him to actually be able to freeze him.  She had seen the boy move, and though he wasn't as agile as Nightwing, he could still move faster than Freeze in that clunky suit.  And, hey.  If he did manage to freeze him, that was one less person to mess up the deal.  Even if she could have gotten more with both of the bat family members, the look of the diamond in her possession at the moment was all too tempting.  The Doctor would just have to deal with having just Batgirl.

That's when she saw Batgirl coming at her again.  Perfect.  She needed Batgirl to breath in the pheromones she was producing and hopefully then she could control her mind, making exiting much easier.  "Just a little while longer, sweetie!"  She yelled towards Selina, trying to dodge Batgirl's punches, all while raising trees through the floor, breaking through the ice.  Shards of the glassy ice littered the ground making walking with bare feet difficult.  She grew a layer of moss on the bottom of her feet, hoping that would help the chill and protect her from the ice.  

And then her focus centered on Harley who was-- Oh, for Pete's sake!  "Harls," she said, trying not to be so loud that Mr. Freeze could hear. "Do still know how to hot wire a car?" 

@LoneSniper87 @Smoaki @BrainyGrrrrl @ManyFaces @HarleyPuddin
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Her smirk turned into a frown when Deadshot called her out on the pheromones.  She rolled her eyes.  Whatever.  "Well, let's just say--"  

Before she knew it, the flashbang went off, causing Ivy to stumble backwards.  She hadn't expected that, and it only angered her more.  She heard Selina talking, and she looked over to see that Robin was no longer in her hands.  "Dammit," she muttered under her breath, trying to dodge Batgirl's moves.  There was always the chance that all three could subdue Robin again one Ivy's pheromones hit Batgirl, but then...

"Son of a-" Now, Mr. Freeze was back and before she knew it, the ground was covered in a layer of ice.  He was making this harder than it had to be, and it was starting to look like running off with the diamond might be harder than she thought.   But, then the thought hit her.  "Freeze, if you want your insurance policy back, freeze the Robin!"  She didn't expect him to actually be able to freeze him.  She had seen the boy move, and though he wasn't as agile as Nightwing, he could still move faster than Freeze in that clunky suit.  And, hey.  If he did manage to freeze him, that was one less person to mess up the deal.  Even if she could have gotten more with both of the bat family members, the look of the diamond in her possession at the moment was all too tempting.  The doctor would just have to deal with having just Batgirl.

That's when she saw Batgirl coming at her again.  Perfect.  She needed Batgirl to breath in the pheromones she was producing and hopefully then she could control her mind, making exiting much easier.  "Just a little while longer, sweetie!"  She yelled towards Selina, trying to dodge Batgirl's punches, all while raising trees through the floor, breaking through the ice.  Shards of the glassy ice littered the ground making walking with bare feet difficult.  She grew a layer of moss on the bottom of her feet, hoping that would help the chill and protect her from the ice.  

And then her focus centered on Harley who was-- Oh, for Pete's sake!  "Harls," she said, trying not to be so loud that Mr. Freeze could hear. "Do still know how to hot wire a car?" 

@LoneSniper87 @Smoaki @BrainyGrrrrl @ManyFaces @HarleyPuddin

The fight was going her way.  She had Ivy on the ropes.  "Wait?  Why was she fighting Ivy again?"  Her punches slackened.  She tried to clear the fog of confusion descending over her mind.  Something wasn't right...Ivy's pheromones!  That was it.  Part of her mind told her to resist.  Resist?  Why did she want to do that?  Ivy was her friend.  Wasn't she?  Yes...she was.  "I'm sorry.  I don't know what got into me, Ivy.  Are you alright?"  she asked, concern in her voice.
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