Gotham City

"It doesn't matter David. Harvey can't control these--," Commissioner Gordon saw his office door opened by the boy. Jim was actually glad to see the kid come through his door to interrupt his meeting with Detective David. "Uh, Dave, will you mind leaving my office. This boy needs to speak with me." Gordon was being serious to the Detective after discussing for two long hours. "You got a week Gordon, and if you don't agree on Bullock's terms..." Jim was tired of David standing in his office. Saying over and over about Harvey's rules. "I said leave Detective. NOW!" Detective David walked out of the commissioner's workspace and didn't say a word. Which Jim appreciated. Now his focus was turn towards the boy. He needed his attention, so Jim wanted to know what's going on. "What do you want kid? I don't have all day". The commissioner finished with quite a rough tone.



Yikes!  Tim moved out of the way as the detective almost tried to bowl him over as he was leaving.  If everyone else was having a rough day, Gordon's must have been ten times worse.  For a split second, Tim felt a tiny bit guilty giving him more bad news, but that guilt didn't last long.  Lives were possibly at stake here, and he didn't have time to feel wishy washy.  

"Commissioner Gordon," he started, his tone clearly authoritative.  "I have reason to believe that Poison Ivy is planning something against the precinct.  With Harley Quinn in holding here, she's bound to show up to try to help her escape.  We need to do something about this.  She was spotted by a civilian in the area, scoping out the station."  Okay, so the last part was a lie, but he needed something to fuel his argument beside 'I have a bad feeling.'  

"We need to get Harley Quinn to Arkham and quickly.  Her being here is putting a target on all your mens' backs."

Yikes!  Tim moved out of the way as the detective almost tried to bowl him over as he was leaving.  If everyone else was having a rough day, Gordon's must have been ten times worse.  For a split second, Tim felt a tiny bit guilty giving him more bad news, but that guilt didn't last long.  Lives were possibly at stake here, and he didn't have time to feel wishy washy.  

"Commissioner Gordon," he started, his tone clearly authoritative.  "I have reason to believe that Poison Ivy is planning something against the precinct.  With Harley Quinn in holding here, she's bound to show up to try to help her escape.  We need to do something about this.  She was spotted by a civilian in the area, scoping out the station."  Okay, so the last part was a lie, but he needed something to fuel his argument beside 'I have a bad feeling.'  

"We need to get Harley Quinn to Arkham and quickly.  Her being here is putting a target on all your mens' backs."

Commissioner Gordon was listening to what the kid was saying. Poison Ivy coming to free Harley Quinn. It sounded unbelievable for Ivy to be doing such a thing. But Jim wondered if this boy was telling the truth or a lie. "And how do I know you're able to be trusted." Jim folded his arms together with his eyes looking straight into the kid's face. "What would Ivy want to do with Quinn anyway." The commissioner wanted an answer quick out of the boy, so if Ivy actually comes and invade the police department, Jim's men will be ready for any form of attack.

Yikes!  Tim moved out of the way as the detective almost tried to bowl him over as he was leaving.  If everyone else was having a rough day, Gordon's must have been ten times worse.  For a split second, Tim felt a tiny bit guilty giving him more bad news, but that guilt didn't last long.  Lives were possibly at stake here, and he didn't have time to feel wishy washy.  

"Commissioner Gordon," he started, his tone clearly authoritative.  "I have reason to believe that Poison Ivy is planning something against the precinct.  With Harley Quinn in holding here, she's bound to show up to try to help her escape.  We need to do something about this.  She was spotted by a civilian in the area, scoping out the station."  Okay, so the last part was a lie, but he needed something to fuel his argument beside 'I have a bad feeling.'  

"We need to get Harley Quinn to Arkham and quickly.  Her being here is putting a target on all your mens' backs."

Commissioner Gordon was listening to what the kid was saying. Poison Ivy coming to free Harley Quinn. It sounded unbelievable for Ivy to be doing such a thing. But Jim wondered if this boy was telling the truth or a lie. "And how do I know you're able to be trusted." Jim folded his arms together with his eyes looking straight into the kid's face. "What would Ivy want to do with Quinn anyway." The commissioner wanted an answer quick out of the boy, so if Ivy actually comes and invade the police department, Jim's men will be ready for any form of attack.

They made it to GCPD headquarters in under nine minutes.  "You should stay out here," she advised Dex, reaching down to her utility belt.  "This isn't your fight."  She had a thin canister in her hands which she proceeded to spray all over herself.  "Hold your breath.  Relax.  It's just a herbicide.  Heard of Agent Orange?  Same thing without the side effects.  Perfectly safe.  I promise."  Whether he was willing or not, he got sprayed.  She opened a storage compartment on her cycle.  Took out a half dozen, oversized batarangs.  Fixed them to her utility belt.  "Aerosol dispersal bombs" she offered by way of explanation.  "They release an aggressive, plant-eating microbe."

Suitably armed, she walked through the front door of the station, ignoring the stares that she got.  Walked up to Commissioner Gordon's office, straight past the secretary, and entered unannounced.  She heard the tail end of Tim's suggestion.  Instantly dismissed it.  Held a hand to his face to quiet him.  "Commissioner Gordon, have your men check in.  We need to fortify this building until we can safety transport Harley to Arkham by armored helicopter.  If we attempt to transfer her now by truck, in the middle of the night, through the Gotham woods to Arkham, we might as well be leaving the doors wide open."  She gave a condescending glance at Tim, as if saying, "I can't believe you actually suggested something that idiotic."  Then she noticed the ficus plant standing in the corner of her Dad's office.  "We should probably see about getting rid of all the office plants as well, don't you think?" she asked her Dad as if talking to a child.
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They made it to GCPD headquarters in under nine minutes.  "You should stay out here," she advised Dex, reaching down to her utility belt.  "This isn't your fight."  She had a thin canister in her hands which she proceeded to spray all over herself.  "Hold your breath.  Relax.  It's just a herbicide.  Heard of Agent Orange?  Same thing without the side effects.  Perfectly safe.  I promise."  Whether he was willing or not, he got sprayed.

She walked through the front door of the station, ignoring the stares that she got.  Walked up to Commissioner Gordon's office, straight past the secretary, and entered unannounced.  She heard the tail end of Tim's suggestion.  Instantly dismissed it.  Held a hand to his face to quiet him.  "Commissioner Gordon, have your men check in.  We need to fortify this building until we can safety transport Harley to Arkham by armored helicopter.  If we attempt to transfer her now by truck, in the middle of the night, through the Gotham woods to Arkham, we might as well be leaving the doors wide open."  She gave a condescending glance at Tim, as if saying, "I can't believe you actually suggested something that idiotic."  Then she noticed the ficus plant standing in the corner of her Dad's office.  "We should probably see about getting rid of all the office plants as well, don't you think?" she asked her Dad as if talking to a child.

Jim was surprised to see Batgirl in his office. He knew that if she also know about Ivy planning to invade the precinct and free Harley Quinn. Commissioner Gordon would now officially believe both of the two heroes. "Hmmm... I'll put the the building under lockdown as of now, so no one can get in or out," Jim was looking outside his office and glanced at the Officers. "Batgirl, you and your friend here can alert the whole police department about the emergency lockdown and Ivy's planned attack. Then, I can get a team to help you secure Harley out of here and into Arkham. The rest of the officers and I will defend the department from Ivy." Jim finished his statement before looking at his plant in the corner of the room. He took out a pair of scissors and began cutting the ficus plant. "Thanks for the heads up, Batgirl. Wouldn't want to give Ivy any ideas."

@BrainyGrrrrl @ByTheChesapeake
They made it to GCPD headquarters in under nine minutes.  "You should stay out here," she advised Dex, reaching down to her utility belt.  "This isn't your fight."  She had a thin canister in her hands which she proceeded to spray all over herself.  "Hold your breath.  Relax.  It's just a herbicide.  Heard of Agent Orange?  Same thing without the side effects.  Perfectly safe.  I promise."  Whether he was willing or not, he got sprayed.

She walked through the front door of the station, ignoring the stares that she got.  Walked up to Commissioner Gordon's office, straight past the secretary, and entered unannounced.  She heard the tail end of Tim's suggestion.  Instantly dismissed it.  Held a hand to his face to quiet him.  "Commissioner Gordon, have your men check in.  We need to fortify this building until we can safety transport Harley to Arkham by armored helicopter.  If we attempt to transfer her now by truck, in the middle of the night, through the Gotham woods to Arkham, we might as well be leaving the doors wide open."  She gave a condescending glance at Tim, as if saying, "I can't believe you actually suggested something that idiotic."  Then she noticed the ficus plant standing in the corner of her Dad's office.  "We should probably see about getting rid of all the office plants as well, don't you think?" she asked her Dad as if talking to a child.

Dex nodded, but he did not intend to obey. He was interested to see what a fight with a 'villain ' would be like. Probably fun. He opened the door to the GCPD, and walked in.

His first thoughts upon entering were I need another gun. There was a wide selection, but they were in the hands of police officers.

With no where to go, Dex just found a chair and sat down. He would wait around for the action to start.

Killer Croc punched the bars of his cell with all his might, but the metal was barely dented. He had no idea a cell like this was at the GCPD. They must have built this solely for him. Croc had to admit, that was smart. They could keep a better eye on him here, at least until it was time for Arkham. 
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Ronan gave a light shrug, "Well since you people can't seem to do it on your own, I was gonna give some people a chance to kill a Bat family member. Since you people probably have your own vendettas against them." He honestly couldn't give a fuck what anyone he hired did. All he needed was a contestant, and he would leave.

He was about to explain himself when Barb came storming in.  So, he was right.  Poison Ivy was a legitimate threat.  Though, the way she said what she said to him made him squint his eyes at her.  He wanted to give a smart comment back, like "I never said a truck," or "Actually, now would probably be the best time since she's at her weakest without the sun," but now was not the time to get into petty arguments, making them look unprofessional and like they couldn't work as a team in front of the commissioner.  He'd talk to her later about that along with some other concerns, but that was a conversation for another time.  For now, he and Babs needed to get the police ready for an assault. 

He stayed quiet as he walked out, hoping Babs would follow him.  Once she had exited, he looked at her.  "So, let's just go and announce this and hope for the best."  His voice was flat, feeling deflated and pretty cold towards her.  

@BrainyGrrrrl @The Great Catsby


She. Was. So. Close.  

She and Mr. Freeze were right there.  They could see the door from where they were.  All they had to do was run in, guns-a-blazing, and get Harley out.  But, as she was about to head over to the door, that Bat Bitch showed up.  Ivy could feel her teeth grit as she watched her spray herself and her companion down with something.  Something that made the plants around her flinch when the excess spray hit their leaves.  So, they were anticipating her arrival.  Well, the element of surprise was lost.  She groaned, speaking under her breath "Why do they have to make this so difficult?"

Quickly, she searched for any kind of plant life that could be used to hear what was going on-- Well, that wasn't hard.  There had to be a dozen ficus' in that building.  She searched for one that had any kind of conversation near it, more specifically Batgirl's.  She tried three different plants before finding one that had the least background noise.  "...attempt to transfer her now by truck, in the middle of the night, through the Gotham woods to Arkham, we might as well be leaving the doors wide open."  Though the piece of intel was practically useless, it at least told her that Harley was inside.  She continued to listen: "... We should probably see about getting rid of all the office plants as well, don't you think?"  This made Ivy chuckle a bit.  That was cute.  She was thinking so small~

Then it was the Commissioner's turn to speak.  "Hmmm... I'll put the the building under lockdown as of now, so no one can get in or out.  Batgirl, you and your friend here can alert the whole police department about the emergency lockdown and Ivy's planned attack. Then, I can get a team to help you secure Harley out of here and into Arkham. The rest of the officers and I will defend the department from Ivy."  Ugh!  Again, why did they have to make things so difficult?!  Why couldn't she just rescue her insane, homicidal best friend without a hitch?  That's all she wanted.  At least this gave her more information: 1). they planned on moving Harley soon, and 2). Batgirl had someone else with her.  Who that was, she didn't want to assume.  It could have been just the man that arrived with her, or it could be someone much worse.  For now, she wanted to be prepared for anything, so she assumed the worst possible scenario: the Bat.

She felt a sharp pain as the commissioner cut up the plant, making her jump back a little and out of the conversation.  She knew it would happen, but she was hoping it wouldn't be so soon.  She looked over to Mr. Freeze.  "They are putting the place on lock down, they are going to move Harley Quinn, and Batgirl has a friend with her.  Whether it's that guy that walked in after her, or someone of more consequence, I don't want to assume."  She looked back out at the police station. 

"Well, I guess we're going with plan b, then."  She was really hoping he didn't ask her exactly what plan b was (or plan a for that matter).  "You're going to be more useful than I thought."  It was clear they expected her, but she didn't see anyone walking in with parkas.  At least, she still had that going for her.  She looked around for something, anything she could use.  That's when she saw the two officers on the ground, which gave her an idea.  "We don't have a lot of time, but I think I can slow them down.  I need you to help me find an air duct."

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He was about to explain himself when Barb came storming in.  So, he was right.  Poison Ivy was a legitimate threat.  Though, the way she said what she said to him made him squint his eyes at her.  He wanted to give a smart comment back, like "I never said a truck," or "Actually, now would probably be the best time since she's at her weakest without the sun," but now was not the time to get into petty arguments, making them look unprofessional and like they couldn't work as a team in front of the commissioner.  He'd talk to her later about that along with some other concerns, but that was a conversation for another time.  For now, he and Babs needed to get the police ready for an assault. 

He stayed quiet as he walked out, hoping Babs would follow him.  Once she had exited, he looked at her.  "So, let's just go and announce this and hope for the best."  His voice was flat, feeling deflated and pretty cold towards her.  

"Listen, Robin," she began once they were outside her father's office, "sorry for back there."  She could tell that he was upset.  "I didn't mean to show you up or be dismissive to you.  It's just that we don't have much time and every second counts.  Are we cool?"  She gave him a smile, wanting to make peace.  Suddenly, she had an idea.  "Why don't you make the announcement to everyone here?  I'll just stand behind you.  I won't say a word.  Promise.  After all," she gave him a tender look, "you're growing up fast.  You ought to be taking the lead on things."  She paused for a moment, then added, "Now, you know what you're going to say?"
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"You people." Crane could have laughed. This fellow seemed to be under the impression that he was particularly special within the Gotham crime world. A terribly, even fatally naive belief to hold. He almost felt bad for Ronan; sympathetic at his delusions of uniqueness. It would be interesting to see him run with his ill-fated plan.

"Oh, plenty do," Crane confirmed with a nod. "I've little interest in seeing them dead personally. My primary motivation for killing their ilk would be, quite simply, convenience. I'd rather not get my hands dirty in that business, too much potential for retribution, but employing someone else who would? A wise enough idea." He tilted his head at Ronan, blinking slowly at him. "Is that all you wanted?"

"You people." Crane could have laughed. This fellow seemed to be under the impression that he was particularly special within the Gotham crime world. A terribly, even fatally naive belief to hold. He almost felt bad for Ronan; sympathetic at his delusions of uniqueness. It would be interesting to see him run with his ill-fated plan.

"Oh, plenty do," Crane confirmed with a nod. "I've little interest in seeing them dead personally. My primary motivation for killing their ilk would be, quite simply, convenience. I'd rather not get my hands dirty in that business, too much potential for retribution, but employing someone else who would? A wise enough idea." He tilted his head at Ronan, blinking slowly at him. "Is that all you wanted?"

Croc stopped roaring once new scents reached him. His teeth bared once he realised who the scents belonged to. Batgirl, Robin, Commisioner Gordon. That was a lot of people Waylon hated. Then more. Others, not so...hated. The smell of trees, flowers and grass was strong. Must be Ivy. As for the clean, cool scent, that was a mystery, but maybe Croc would find out. 
Ronan nodded, thinking about Cranes words. "Since you don't seem to eager about my plan, I'll leave you out of the actual battle, but I need you for recruiting. I don't care about your opinion of my plan, just get what needs to be done done. And you'll get your payment, fair?" Crane was getting on his nerves, he could simply kill him now where he was defenses. But he still needed the man. He knew the criminals here, well better than he did.
"Fair enough," Crane said, not bothering to met Ronan's eyes anymore. "I'll have a word around town. See who would interested in this-"  Insanity. Improbable success. Fool's errand. "-project of yours."

He turned and headed for the door, pondering who to approach first. It was a good idea in theory, bringing together so many of Gotham's criminals, but, if there was one thing Jonathan knew, people would be people. They were liable to end up tearing each other apart along with the Bat and his family in the end. And, honestly, Jonathan had no issue with that. Things would be quieter all around and he'd have an easier time with his own work if there was less competition. What did it matter if Ronan paid him or not? Put Gotham's most volatile in close quarters and there was a much more gratifying reward waiting to happen.

Selina Kyle


Watching the police station go into full lockdown and panic mode made Selina growl in annoyance. She had planned to sneak inside and help Ivy inside, but this would make it so much harder than it needed to be. Looking the top of the building over a few times, she noticed only five men on the roof where her closest entrance was. They were all wearing bullet-proof vests and carrying guns which would make things complicated, but she could do it. Letting out a long breath, she stood up from her crouched position on the roof of the building next door and ran forward, leaping off of the edge and rolling to a landing on top of the police station. One of the men noticed her and began shooting, causing her to slide to the side before leaping over him and using his bullet-proof chest as a shield as one of the others shot at her. Dropping the now pain-caused unconscious man, she ran at the one whom at shot at her, dodging underneath his shots and leaping at him as he reloaded, knocking him out with a hook to the side of his head. The other three ran at her and she managed to get two to shoot at each other before taking down the third easily. None of them would be found dead in the morning because of her, just with some serious headaches and some broken bones. She killed henchmen, not policemen.

Unlocking the entrance into the building from the roof, she prepared for the flood of policemen that were most likely waiting inside. At least she'd killed those on the roof that might be snipers of sorts. Sighing, she left the door closed for a moment, looking over the front edge of the building, trying to spot where Ivy must be. Her friend had always been one for a more obvious attack, where as Selina preferred something more subtle and small. Hopefully, Ivy knew that she had an ally standing by.

Mentioned: @The Great Catsby
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Ronan turned around, knowing Crane would see himself out. He put his hands behind his back, staring out his window, sinking into thought. "If you get any contacts, we'll have a meeting tonight. You can pick the location, you know the city better than myself." He was the orcas tractor of this project, he just guided the group to the goal. Then once he got what he needed, he'd bail. Knowing if he killed a bat, the crime would rise, to an amount the GCPD couldn't handle. It would be a perfect opportunity for quick cash, and Ra Al' Guel more than likely would realize that as well. Ra Al' Guel knew Batman, so he wouldn't be surprised in seeing the opportunity, and taking it.

He was about to explain himself when Barb came storming in.  So, he was right.  Poison Ivy was a legitimate threat.  Though, the way she said what she said to him made him squint his eyes at her.  He wanted to give a smart comment back, like "I never said a truck," or "Actually, now would probably be the best time since she's at her weakest without the sun," but now was not the time to get into petty arguments, making them look unprofessional and like they couldn't work as a team in front of the commissioner.  He'd talk to her later about that along with some other concerns, but that was a conversation for another time.  For now, he and Babs needed to get the police ready for an assault. 

He stayed quiet as he walked out, hoping Babs would follow him.  Once she had exited, he looked at her.  "So, let's just go and announce this and hope for the best."  His voice was flat, feeling deflated and pretty cold towards her.  

@BrainyGrrrrl @The Great Catsby


She. Was. So. Close.  

She and Mr. Freeze were right there.  They could see the door from where they were.  All they had to do was run in, guns-a-blazing, and get Harley out.  But, as she was about to head over to the door, that Bat Bitch showed up.  Ivy could feel her teeth grit as she watched her spray herself and her companion down with something.  Something that made the plants around her flinch when the excess spray hit their leaves.  So, they were anticipating her arrival.  Well, the element of surprise was lost.  She groaned, speaking under her breath "Why do they have to make this so difficult?"

Quickly, she searched for any kind of plant life that could be used to hear what was going on-- Well, that wasn't hard.  There had to be a dozen ficus' in that building.  She searched for one that had any kind of conversation near it, more specifically Batgirl's.  She tried three different plants before finding one that had the least background noise.  "...attempt to transfer her now by truck, in the middle of the night, through the Gotham woods to Arkham, we might as well be leaving the doors wide open."  Though the piece of intel was practically useless, it at least told her that Harley was inside.  She continued to listen: "... We should probably see about getting rid of all the office plants as well, don't you think?"  This made Ivy chuckle a bit.  That was cute.  She was thinking so small~

Then it was the Commissioner's turn to speak.  "Hmmm... I'll put the the building under lockdown as of now, so no one can get in or out.  Batgirl, you and your friend here can alert the whole police department about the emergency lockdown and Ivy's planned attack. Then, I can get a team to help you secure Harley out of here and into Arkham. The rest of the officers and I will defend the department from Ivy."  Ugh!  Again, why did they have to make things so difficult?!  Why couldn't she just rescue her insane, homicidal best friend without a hitch?  That's all she wanted.  At least this gave her more information: 1). they planned on moving Harley soon, and 2). Batgirl had someone else with her.  Who that was, she didn't want to assume.  It could have been just the man that arrived with her, or it could be someone much worse.  For now, she wanted to be prepared for anything, so she assumed the worst possible scenario: the Bat.

She felt a sharp pain as the commissioner cut up the plant, making her jump back a little and out of the conversation.  She knew it would happen, but she was hoping it wouldn't be so soon.  She looked over to Mr. Freeze.  "They are putting the place on lock down, they are going to move Harley Quinn, and Batgirl has a friend with her.  Whether it's that guy that walked in after her, or someone of more consequence, I don't want to assume."  She looked back out at the police station. 

"Well, I guess we're going with plan b, then."  She was really hoping he didn't ask her exactly what plan b was (or plan a for that matter).  "You're going to be more useful than I thought."  It was clear they expected her, but she didn't see anyone walking in with parkas.  At least, she still had that going for her.  She looked around for something, anything she could use.  That's when she saw the two officers on the ground, which gave her an idea.  "We don't have a lot of time, but I think I can slow them down.  I need you to help me find an air duct."


Though Freeze did not like the thought of being spoken of as if he were a tool but he would comply with Ivy's instruction. Nor did he appreciate being sprayed, since nothing seemed to effect him though he let it slide. "One bat and her friend will not be a problem especially since they don't know we're here." he said in a tone frosted with malice. He saw a vent near the alleyway between the police department and another building, it was out of reach but that wouldn't be much of a problem. "There is a vent up there I believe your spores can travel through easily" he said motioning for her to carefully follow him. Though his cryo-suit was not meant to be the stealthiest he managed to make it to the alley.

Freeze pulled out his freeze ray and began making a few stairs to allow Ivy to easily interact with the air duct. He moved out of the way "If I freeze the safety bars off you can probably fit through as well but you'd need to let me in through the front door." he said not wanting to have to deal with the police, batgirl, and her friend at the same time, that might be a problem. He would try to avoid that happening.
Harley watched as guards rushed around, she was laying on the ground again, her head in her hands. She had a feeling something was about to go down, but she wasn't sure what. She sat up and shuffled up against the bars, she was ready in case something happened.
Maybe she was just going to get transferred, but she'd normally be gone by now.
She wondered what happened to Croc and Charlize. Eh who cares, Charlize was the reason the was in her in the first place! They were probably in here anyway.
She shouted out at some guards asking what was going on, only to be ignored. 
"Listen, Robin," she began once they were outside her father's office, "sorry for back there."  She could tell that he was upset.  "I didn't mean to show you up or be dismissive to you.  It's just that we don't have much time and every second counts.  Are we cool?"  She gave him a smile, wanting to make peace.  Suddenly, she had an idea.  "Why don't you make the announcement to everyone here?  I'll just stand behind you.  I won't say a word.  Promise.  After all," she gave him a tender look, "you're growing up fast.  You ought to be taking the lead on things."  She paused for a moment, then added, "Now, you know what you're going to say?"


Tim was still feeling pretty bummed about the whole situation, but now was not the time to dwell on it.  "We're cool," he said, though really he probably only half meant it.  There was still the whole "undermining his authority in front of the commissioner," but it would probably be best to push aside his feelings aside at this point for the greater good.  He needed to get his head in the game.  And she was absolutely right: every second counted.

He was pretty surprised Babs handed him the mic though.  Making announcments seemed to be her thing, but he was grateful for the opportunity.  Taking the lead is kind of what he wanted to do all along.  "I do," he said not hesitating as he moved forward so he was in a place where everyone could see him.

"Attention, everyone.  Can I have your attention, please."  Most of the officers and detectives turned to face him.  This was weird and he was a bit nervous, but he took a deep breath and continued. "As some of you may know, yesterday an inmate from Arkham Asylum, Poison Ivy, escaped and still remains at large.  We have reason to believe that she is heading this way as we speak.  For those of you who don't know, Poison Ivy is a wanted criminal, known for her eco-terrorism and her plant like properties.  She is extremely dangerous, and this threat should not be taken lightly.  As of right now, the precinct is on lock down.  Please remain calm as each of you await word from Commissioner Gordon on your station.  Thank you."

As expected the room was a buzz with anxious and nervous chatter.  Tim took another deep breath.  He looked over to Babs.  "Alright.  Let's do this."

Though Freeze did not like the thought of being spoken of as if he were a tool but he would comply with Ivy's instruction. Nor did he appreciate being sprayed, since nothing seemed to effect him though he let it slide. "One bat and her friend will not be a problem especially since they don't know we're here." he said in a tone frosted with malice. He saw a vent near the alleyway between the police department and another building, it was out of reach but that wouldn't be much of a problem. "There is a vent up there I believe your spores can travel through easily" he said motioning for her to carefully follow him. Though his cryo-suit was not meant to be the stealthiest he managed to make it to the alley.

Freeze pulled out his freeze ray and began making a few stairs to allow Ivy to easily interact with the air duct. He moved out of the way "If I freeze the safety bars off you can probably fit through as well but you'd need to let me in through the front door." he said not wanting to have to deal with the police, batgirl, and her friend at the same time, that might be a problem. He would try to avoid that happening.

Selina Kyle


Watching the police station go into full lockdown and panic mode made Selina growl in annoyance. She had planned to sneak inside and help Ivy inside, but this would make it so much harder than it needed to be. Looking the top of the building over a few times, she noticed only five men on the roof where her closest entrance was. They were all wearing bullet-proof vests and carrying guns which would make things complicated, but she could do it. Letting out a long breath, she stood up from her crouched position on the roof of the building next door and ran forward, leaping off of the edge and rolling to a landing on top of the police station. One of the men noticed her and began shooting, causing her to slide to the side before leaping over him and using his bullet-proof chest as a shield as one of the others shot at her. Dropping the now pain-caused unconscious man, she ran at the one whom at shot at her, dodging underneath his shots and leaping at him as he reloaded, knocking him out with a hook to the side of his head. The other three ran at her and she managed to get two to shoot at each other before taking down the third easily. None of them would be found dead in the morning because of her, just with some serious headaches and some broken bones. She killed henchmen, not policemen.

Unlocking the entrance into the building from the roof, she prepared for the flood of policemen that were most likely waiting inside. At least she'd killed those on the roof that might be snipers of sorts. Sighing, she left the door closed for a moment, looking over the front edge of the building, trying to spot where Ivy must be. Her friend had always been one for a more obvious attack, where as Selina preferred something more subtle and small. Hopefully, Ivy knew that she had an ally standing by.

Mentioned: @The Great Catsby


"It's not the girl I'm worried about.  I don't know if you've noticed, but this place is surrounded by police.  We could take them, but it would be much easier if we leveled the playing field a little."  

Ivy followed Freeze into the alley.  That's when she saw something move over head.  It was one of those "blink-and-you'll-miss it things" which made a smile creep on her face.  Selina.  Man, was she a sight for sore eyes.  She must have heard about Harley, too.  Ivy would have called her if she found she needed back-up, but having her here was much more convenient.  "Hold on one minute, Freeze."  she stopped to pull a cell phone out of her cleavage, shooting a quick message to Cat Woman:

TXT: "I'm sporing the place.  Don't go in until I clear you."

TXT: "Unless you have a gas mask."

TXT: "Or you haven't had a good night's sleep in a couple of days."

She replaced her phone between her breasts, suddenly remembering that metal card she found.  It wasn't time to think about that, but soon enough, she'd call it.  She put her focus back on Freeze, who had made some pretty convenient stairs for her.  "I can do that."  She gestured for him to do what he suggested.  
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Selina Kyle


The phone on her belt buzzed and she pulled it out, seeing a message from Ivy. Smirking at her mention of a gas mask or a good night's sleep, she messaged back.

TXT: "Don't worry about me V, this cat knows when not to be too curious. Just do you thing."

Tucking her phone back into its spot in her belt, she leant against the walled edge of the roof and watched the nervous scramble of men below. All she could see was shadows from here, but they were all crammed in one area of the building, which made her curious. Leaning over the edge, holding on with her strong forearms like a gymnast, she peaked into the window and noticed the 'Boy Wonder' and Batgirl giving some kind of speech to the officers. Pushing herself back up onto the roof and frowned, thinking for a moment. If they were here that meant they were expecting Ivy, but probably not her. Once Ivy had used her 'sleeping potion', Selina had a plan of her own. Ivy, and whatever men she had with her, would come in from the bottom, but Selina could be their 'sniper'. Finding Harley from the top of the building going down. She was probably centralized because of her 'danger' level, so there would be guards all around her. Those would most likely be prepared for Ivy, with gas masks and more, so Selina would have some fun with them herself. The Sirens were getting back together, and she couldn't be more excited to see what came next.

Mentioned: @The Great Catsby @HarleyPuddin

Tim was still feeling pretty bummed about the whole situation, but now was not the time to dwell on it.  "We're cool," he said, though really he probably only half meant it.  There was still the whole "undermining his authority in front of the commissioner," but it would probably be best to push aside his feelings aside at this point for the greater good.  He needed to get his head in the game.  And she was absolutely right: every second counted.

He was pretty surprised Babs handed him the mic though.  Making announcments seemed to be her thing, but he was grateful for the opportunity.  Taking the lead is kind of what he wanted to do all along.  "I do," he said not hesitating as he moved forward so he was in a place where everyone could see him.

"Attention, everyone.  Can I have your attention, please."  Most of the officers and detectives turned to face him.  This was weird and he was a bit nervous, but he took a deep breath and continued. "As some of you may know, yesterday an inmate from Arkham Asylum, Poison Ivy, escaped and still remains at large.  We have reason to believe that she is heading this way as we speak.  For those of you who don't know, Poison Ivy is a wanted criminal, known for her eco-terrorism and her plant like properties.  She is extremely dangerous, and this threat should not be taken lightly.  As of right now, the precinct is on lock down.  Please remain calm as each of you await word from Commissioner Gordon on your station.  Thank you."

As expected the room was a buzz with anxious and nervous chatter.  Tim took another deep breath.  He looked over to Babs.  "Alright.  Let's do this."


"It's not the girl I'm worried about.  I don't know if you've noticed, but this place is surrounded by police.  We could take them, but it would be much easier if we leveled the playing field a little."  

Ivy followed Freeze into the alley.  That's when she saw something move over head.  It was one of those "blink-and-you'll-miss it things" which made a smile creep on her face.  Selina.  Man, was she a sight for sore eyes.  She must have heard about Harley, too.  Ivy would have called her if she found she needed back-up, but having her here was much more convenient.  "Hold on one minute, Freeze."  she stopped to pull a cell phone out of her cleavage, shooting a quick message to Cat Woman:

TXT: "I'm sporing the place.  Don't go in until I clear you."

TXT: "Unless you have a gas mask."

TXT: "Or you haven't had a good night's sleep in a couple of days."

She replaced her phone between her breasts, suddenly remembering that metal card she found.  It wasn't time to think about that, but soon enough, she'd call it.  She put her focus back on Freeze, who had made some pretty convenient stairs for her.  "I can do that."  She gestured for him to do what he suggested.  

"A little wordy but not bad.  Not bad at all."   She gave the boy's shoulder a light squeeze, both to get his attention and to note her approval.  "Nicely done."  She concurred with his call to action.  Since he was on a roll, she decided to allow him to take charge.  "So, what's your plan, Robin?  Where do you want me?"  As she was asking, she saw Dex.  He had deliberately defied her instructions.  But secretly, part of her was pleased that he had decided to risk his life to help her out.  "I was right about him."

She turned back to the Boy Wonder, but before he could relay his plan to her, she found herself becoming woozy.  "Whaaaaa..."  She recognized that thick, flowery scent instantly!  Ivy's anesthetizing spores!  Sleeping gas!  The officers and detectives around her were already feeling the effects, swaying and collapsing to the floor.  She had to get Robin and Dex's attention, fast!  "Robin, we have to..."

But the air was already thick with pollen...

Moments later...

The precinct station floor was littered with unconscious bodies.  But there were two bodies in particular sure to attract the attention of Ivy and anyone with her.  They were slumped together, side by side, their upper bodies partially hidden by the desk that they had collapsed behind.  They were directly in front of the hallway that led to the holding cells containing Harley and Killer Croc so Ivy would have to pass directly by them.  When she did, she would notice that both Batgirl and Robin had their heads facedown on the floor, their arms splayed over their heads, covering either side of their faces.  She would also see the smartphone just out of reach of the female crimefighter.  The eco-criminal's image and anyone she happened to be with displayed on its screen from the CCTV cameras that the phone was tapping into....
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Tim was still feeling pretty bummed about the whole situation, but now was not the time to dwell on it.  "We're cool," he said, though really he probably only half meant it.  There was still the whole "undermining his authority in front of the commissioner," but it would probably be best to push aside his feelings aside at this point for the greater good.  He needed to get his head in the game.  And she was absolutely right: every second counted.

He was pretty surprised Babs handed him the mic though.  Making announcments seemed to be her thing, but he was grateful for the opportunity.  Taking the lead is kind of what he wanted to do all along.  "I do," he said not hesitating as he moved forward so he was in a place where everyone could see him.

"Attention, everyone.  Can I have your attention, please."  Most of the officers and detectives turned to face him.  This was weird and he was a bit nervous, but he took a deep breath and continued. "As some of you may know, yesterday an inmate from Arkham Asylum, Poison Ivy, escaped and still remains at large.  We have reason to believe that she is heading this way as we speak.  For those of you who don't know, Poison Ivy is a wanted criminal, known for her eco-terrorism and her plant like properties.  She is extremely dangerous, and this threat should not be taken lightly.  As of right now, the precinct is on lock down.  Please remain calm as each of you await word from Commissioner Gordon on your station.  Thank you."

As expected the room was a buzz with anxious and nervous chatter.  Tim took another deep breath.  He looked over to Babs.  "Alright.  Let's do this."


"It's not the girl I'm worried about.  I don't know if you've noticed, but this place is surrounded by police.  We could take them, but it would be much easier if we leveled the playing field a little."  

Ivy followed Freeze into the alley.  That's when she saw something move over head.  It was one of those "blink-and-you'll-miss it things" which made a smile creep on her face.  Selina.  Man, was she a sight for sore eyes.  She must have heard about Harley, too.  Ivy would have called her if she found she needed back-up, but having her here was much more convenient.  "Hold on one minute, Freeze."  she stopped to pull a cell phone out of her cleavage, shooting a quick message to Cat Woman:

TXT: "I'm sporing the place.  Don't go in until I clear you."

TXT: "Unless you have a gas mask."

TXT: "Or you haven't had a good night's sleep in a couple of days."

She replaced her phone between her breasts, suddenly remembering that metal card she found.  It wasn't time to think about that, but soon enough, she'd call it.  She put her focus back on Freeze, who had made some pretty convenient stairs for her.  "I can do that."  She gestured for him to do what he suggested.  

Harley was fiddling with her hair not noticing the first guard drop, she only noticed after a bunch dropped at the same time. 
She shot up,looking around to see if she could see who was behind this. 'This is gotta be Ivy' she thought with a smile.  
Harl shook the bars "Hey over here!" She shouted as loud as she could. She jumped up and down excitedly, she noticed a guard close to the cell, he had keys on him! She kneeled down and tried her best to reach the keys. "Come to Harley" she said straining as she tried  to reach.
So close but so far away. "Awh come on!" She stuck her tongue out as if that would help her reach further, but no luck. 

Lawton overheard some GCPD radio chatter of fortifying the police building. 'So,ething important is going on, maybe ill get lucky and find a bat to hunt.' He thought as folded the bipod of his smiper and jogged by rooftop to the GCPD building. He sets down his rifle and sees Catwoman. He grins. "Guess you heard of the big GCPD lockdown? Whats up Cat?" He asked Catwoman as he finished setting up the rifle.

Selina Kyle


She turned her head while leaning against the edge of the roof and smiled when she spotted Deadshot jump onto the roof and begin setting up his equipment.

"Well you know me," she replied in her usual sultry tone," If there's something interesting going on, I'll always be there. This kitty's curiosity gets her into everything."

Bowing low as she stood off of the wall, she headed towards the door inside she couldn't help but stop and watch him for a moment. He was the most dangerous assassin in the world and she was able to have a casual conversation with him before he 'did his job'. Chuckling, she ducked inside. Slipping her rebreather into her mouth just in case, she looked around, making her way into the main office of the precinct where she noticed the door to where Harley was being held and two familiar figures slumped rather... suspiciously on the ground. She wasn't sure if they were faking it or not, but she didn't want to take her chances, and so far she'd been silent and invisible. Choosing to instead find a spot to hide just inside one of the glass doored and walled offices, she waited for Ivy. The two of them could take the Bat's duo of kids, and she imagined that Ivy had brought some backup as well. For now, it was just a waiting game. Hearing Harley yell impatiently, she couldn't help but silently laugh to herself. She'd missed the clown and her antics.

Mentioned: @The Great Catsby @HarleyPuddin @BrainyGrrrrl @LoneSniper87
"A little wordy but not bad.  Not bad at all."   She gave the boy's shoulder a light squeeze, both to get his attention and to note her approval.  "Nicely done."  She concurred with his call to action.  Since he was on a roll, she decided to allow him to take charge.  "So, what's your plan, Robin?  Where do you want me?"  As she was asking, she saw Dex.  He had deliberately defied her instructions.  But secretly, part of her was pleased that he had decided to risk his life to help her out.  "I was right about him."

She turned back to the Boy Wonder, but before she could relay his plan to her, she found herself becoming woozy.  "Whaaaaa..."  She recognized that thick, flowery scent instantly!  Ivy's anesthetizing agent!  Sleeping gas!  The officers and detectives around her were already feeling the effects, swaying and collapsing to the floor.  She had to get Robin and Dex's attention, fast!  "Robin, we have to..."

But the air was already thick with pollen...

Moments later...

The precinct station floor was littered with unconscious bodies.  But there were two bodies in particular sure to attract the attention of Ivy and anyone with her.  They were slumped together, side by side, their upper bodies partially hidden by the desk that they had collapsed behind.  They were directly in front of the hallway that led to the holding cells containing Harley and Killer Croc so Ivy would have to pass directly by them.  When she did, she would notice that both Batgirl and Robin had their heads facedown on the floor, their arms splayed over their heads, covering either side of their faces.  She would also see the smartphone just out of reach of the female crimefighter.  The eco-criminal's image and anyone she happened to be with displayed on its screen from the CCTV cameras that the phone was tapping into....


She looked through the window of the station just in time to watch the bodies drop.  She smiled as she sauntered down the alleyway, a spring in her step.  "Let's go," she said to Freeze. making her way to the front of the station  She reached the front door, staring at the locked door.  She smirked as two large roots shot through the glass doors, breaking the glass, and then receding back into the earth.  She ducked through the opening, and unlocked the door for Mr. Freeze.  He probably wouldn't be able to fit through the hole and held it open for him.

She took a minute to examine the quality of the air before texting Selina:

TXT: "Spores are gone.  Feel free to do what you do best~"

She smiled, tucking the phone back into her corset.  She looked around at the sleeping police officers.  They should be out cold for at least two hours.  It gave her plenty of time to get what she needed and get out.  She looked further back towards the holding cells.  "Harley, sweetie?  Are you in here?"  She walked down the row of holding cells, moving towards the back.  She looked into each one, noticing the bodies of goons were sprayed all around.  And, then she noticed them, Batgirl and Robin, their bodies side beside under a desk.  They looked like they were out cold, but-- no.

The first thing she noticed was how their arms had fallen (which gravity would have pulled to their sides or out, but never up) and the sickening smell that wafted from both of them.  She kept stepping towards the cells she believed Harley would have been in, walking backwards to keep an eye on both of them.  She looked up at Mr. Freeze, giving a silent signal to get ready. 
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Tim was still feeling pretty bummed about the whole situation, but now was not the time to dwell on it.  "We're cool," he said, though really he probably only half meant it.  There was still the whole "undermining his authority in front of the commissioner," but it would probably be best to push aside his feelings aside at this point for the greater good.  He needed to get his head in the game.  And she was absolutely right: every second counted.

He was pretty surprised Babs handed him the mic though.  Making announcments seemed to be her thing, but he was grateful for the opportunity.  Taking the lead is kind of what he wanted to do all along.  "I do," he said not hesitating as he moved forward so he was in a place where everyone could see him.

"Attention, everyone.  Can I have your attention, please."  Most of the officers and detectives turned to face him.  This was weird and he was a bit nervous, but he took a deep breath and continued. "As some of you may know, yesterday an inmate from Arkham Asylum, Poison Ivy, escaped and still remains at large.  We have reason to believe that she is heading this way as we speak.  For those of you who don't know, Poison Ivy is a wanted criminal, known for her eco-terrorism and her plant like properties.  She is extremely dangerous, and this threat should not be taken lightly.  As of right now, the precinct is on lock down.  Please remain calm as each of you await word from Commissioner Gordon on your station.  Thank you."

As expected the room was a buzz with anxious and nervous chatter.  Tim took another deep breath.  He looked over to Babs.  "Alright.  Let's do this."


"It's not the girl I'm worried about.  I don't know if you've noticed, but this place is surrounded by police.  We could take them, but it would be much easier if we leveled the playing field a little."  

Ivy followed Freeze into the alley.  That's when she saw something move over head.  It was one of those "blink-and-you'll-miss it things" which made a smile creep on her face.  Selina.  Man, was she a sight for sore eyes.  She must have heard about Harley, too.  Ivy would have called her if she found she needed back-up, but having her here was much more convenient.  "Hold on one minute, Freeze."  she stopped to pull a cell phone out of her cleavage, shooting a quick message to Cat Woman:

TXT: "I'm sporing the place.  Don't go in until I clear you."

TXT: "Unless you have a gas mask."

TXT: "Or you haven't had a good night's sleep in a couple of days."

She replaced her phone between her breasts, suddenly remembering that metal card she found.  It wasn't time to think about that, but soon enough, she'd call it.  She put her focus back on Freeze, who had made some pretty convenient stairs for her.  "I can do that."  She gestured for him to do what he suggested.  

He agreed in leveling the playing field and nodded. Right after he saw a feminine shadow pass over head, no doubt cat woman here to help her friends. Freeze had nothing to say when Ivy pulled a phone out of her cleavage, he just tried to get a view of what she was texting. It had since occurred to him that Ivy might try and double cross him once she got her gang together, but the texts didn't seem to involve him so he focused on the task at hand. Victor lined up his ice ray and froze the bars solid then easily pulled them off and tossed them on a pile of garbage to avoid making noise. "Ladies first Ms. Ivy, i'll be waiting to be let in."  he said dismissively. Freeze left and walked to the front door, in case any police on duty tried to come help he slickened the road up with some black ice. Satisfied with his work all he needed was Ivy to get him in.

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