Gotham City

Barb left Dex at the hotel and headed home.  Once there, she quickly changed into Batgirl.  As she pulled the cowl and red wig over her short brown hair, she thought about Dex.  She smiled but then it disappeared, the expression replaced by one of grim determination and even a little sadness.  She buckled her utility belt, pulled out her smartphone.  She needed to warn Dick that Crane was free again.  No response.  She tried texting.  Nothing either.  A feeling of worry crept up but she quickly squelched it.  Dick was a big boy.  He could take care of himself.  He was probably busy tracking down Freeze and Ivy.  Now...there was a pair.  She had heard something about a jewelry heist while she had been busy with Dex.  So, he was probably all tied up with that.  No pun intended.  She called again, left a message this time.  "Dick, its Barb.  Crane's free.  Someone paid his bail and sprung him.  Don't know who yet but I'm working on it.  Also, I checked out this 'Doctor' character.  Nothing.  Just one big black hole.  Like the man doesn't even exist.  All I'm saying is be careful, Dick.  I get a really bad feeling about him.  Gotta go.  Got some 'business' of my own to take care of."

It took her five minutes on her custom Batbike to make it back to the Hidden View Motor Lodge.  She had reconned the entire hotel front to back.  Knew every egress and entry point.  2A.  She rapped loudly on the door.  To draw her target's attention.  She quickly disappeared behind the back.  To the small window inside the bathroom.  The one that she had silently unlocked just five minutes prior.  She leapt through, landing in a silent crouch on the tile floor.  She crept out, approached her target from behind.  "Shall we get started, Mr. O'Reilly?" she asked in an authoritative voice.


He was about to open the door to his room, but stopped when Batgirl spoke behind him. He sighed, and smiled grimly.

"Doors must be too civilised for a Bat to use. I take it you talked with Miss Gordon? Then what's the plan, if you do want to 'help' me?"

Dex turned around. "Hmm?"
She smiled as he was quick to accept her offer. "Of course, but we can talk about payment later."  She watched him walk back in, as she took another look around, making sure the vigilante's really were no where to be found.  Her sites on a the tall tree in front of the jewelry store, she walked over and lovingly touched it, looking up to the leaves above.  She grinned, saying "Thank you dear.  I think you'll come in handy soon."  She telepathically talked to the tree once more and after a few seconds, the tree began to shake, and leaves started to fall from the branches above.  Quickly, Ivy pieced together a satchel made of the fallen leaves, and walked into the jewelry store.

Looking around, Ivy deduced that Freeze had already taken the point about getting the jewels in the back to heart, as he was no where to be found on the main show floor, but the icy trail leading to the back gave away his position.  Looking through the cases, she saw that most of them had already been cleared out.  She sighed, her discomfort clear on her face.  Some plants maybe hardy to the cold, but she was certainly still uncomfortable with it.  She started taking the rest of the jewels that were left in the case, shoveling them into her leaf satchel.

Freeze watched as Ivy came in with her own bag to take the remaining jewels, he'd only been interested in diamonds so he took no interest in her taking the rest. His attention returned to the large vault that no doubt held what he was after. He stood back and fired his freeze ray at a 4 which quickly froze the vault solid, he then pressed his heat pick against the ice causing it to glow red and explode into icy door chunks. Ivy would be needed for the task after, he used his own hands to thinly mist the air revealing lasers which would no doubt trigger an alarm but it held a large diamond in center and other jewelry on the side. Freeze motioned Ivy over "Well Miss you think you'd be able to grab that diamond, and of course everything else is yours to take." He asked her in a mannerly voice but added on. "But migt I remind you that if you mess up we're both going to be put on ice and if you try to betray me you'll see just how cold I can be..." Freeze meant what he said and he doubted Ivy needed to be persuaded any more. He would keep to his word if the plant enchantress kept to hers.
Freeze watched as Ivy came in with her own bag to take the remaining jewels, he'd only been interested in diamonds so he took no interest in her taking the rest. His attention returned to the large vault that no doubt held what he was after. He stood back and fired his freeze ray at a 4 which quickly froze the vault solid, he then pressed his heat pick against the ice causing it to glow red and explode into icy door chunks. Ivy would be needed for the task after, he used his own hands to thinly mist the air revealing lasers which would no doubt trigger an alarm but it held a large diamond in center and other jewelry on the side. Freeze motioned Ivy over "Well Miss you think you'd be able to grab that diamond, and of course everything else is yours to take." He asked her in a mannerly voice but added on. "But migt I remind you that if you mess up we're both going to be put on ice and if you try to betray me you'll see just how cold I can be..." Freeze meant what he said and he doubted Ivy needed to be persuaded any more. He would keep to his word if the plant enchantress kept to hers.

She tapped her index finger to her cheek, pretending to think for a moment.  She was obviously wasting time, hoping to put the pressure on the frozen man.  "That is fine and all, Freeze, and again, I'm happy to help you..."  She bit her lip and furrowed her brow.  "But you know, I do have my concerns..."  She looked at the door more out of paranoia than anything.  She didn't want to be trapped indoors when Batgirl or Nightwing inevitably showed up, and it would be much easier to escape if she wasn't in the middle of stealing a hefty diamond.

"I can get you that diamond, no problem.  That's not an issue.  My concern lies in my trust of you.  How do I know you won't just take this diamond and run off when my needs haven't been met yet?  My help comes with a price, and I want insurance."
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He was about to open the door to his room, but stopped when Batgirl spoke behind him. He sighed, and smiled grimly.

"Doors must be too civilised for a Bat to use. I take it you talked with Miss Gordon? Then what's the plan, if you do want to 'help' me?"

Dex turned around. "Hmm?"

"Don't get smart with me, O'Reilly.  You may have convinced Barbara Gordon that you've gone legit but you haven't convinced me.  One wrong move and I'll see that you're sent up for life.  Now, as far as the 'plan' is concerned, why don't we start by you telling me where we might be able to find your 'associates'.
"Don't get smart with me, O'Reilly.  You may have convinced Barbara Gordon that you've gone legit but you haven't convinced me.  One wrong move and I'll see that you're sent up for life.  Now, as far as the 'plan' is concerned, why don't we start by you telling me where we might be able to find your 'associates'.

"Well, in the old gang, there were four of us. Me, Paulie, Arron, and Jerry. Jerry is an idiot and a coward , he probably just nodded to whatever the others told him. Paulie was dangerous, but not skilled. Arron however...nows he's a piece of work. Hard to believe I used to be friends with him since...well I was young. Arron would kill whoever got in his way. And he is as loyal to Falcone as anyone. He was the one that shot me all those years ago."

Dex tried to smile when he said the location of his old friends, but just couldn't.

"Jerry would be in some big  and expensive bar, drinking off all the money he stole from the bank. All I need to do is find the angry bar keepers. Arron would more difficult to find. Might still be at his apartment, packing up. Once he had heard aboutPaulie, Arrin will hightail it out of Gotham. That's all I know, at least I think. Now, you are going to object, but I'm going to join you. Either that, or I go hunting by myself. And then maybe after, or even during, I'm gonna go do something good. Surprising, right?"

Dex started smiling arrogantly. Maybe this time, she wouldn't throw him to the ground. So far, so good.
She tapped her index finger to her cheek, pretending to think for a moment.  She was obviously wasting time, hoping to put the pressure on the frozen man.  "That is fine and all, Freeze, and again, I'm happy to help you..."  She bit her lip and furrowed her brow.  "But you know, I do have my concerns..."  She looked at the door more out of paranoia than anything.  She didn't want to be trapped indoors when Batgirl or Nightwing inevitably showed up, and it would be much easier to escape if she wasn't in the middle of stealing a hefty diamond.

"I can get you that diamond, no problem.  That's not an issue.  My concern lies in my trust of you.  How do I know you won't just take this diamond and run off when my needs haven't been met yet?  My help comes with a price, and I want insurance, so that you'll help me."

Her response caused Freeze to glare at Ivy as if offended "I am a man of my word Miss Ivy and if you do not trust my word state your demands to me." He said not wanting to waste valuable time squabbling. He too worried of the arrival of the vigilante crime fighters but he hid it under his determination to get that diamond. She no doubt wanted something he wouldn't be too keen on helping her with but none less he would accept. He had plans for this diamond and the others he'd taken for a personal reason. Since he didn't exactly have pupils any more he faced Ivy but his gaze drifted between her and the door. He could practically hear sirens.
"Well, in the old gang, there were four of us. Me, Paulie, Arron, and Jerry. Jerry is an idiot and a coward , he probably just nodded to whatever the others told him. Paulie was dangerous, but not skilled. Arron however...nows he's a piece of work. Hard to believe I used to be friends with him since...well I was young. Arron would kill whoever got in his way. And he is as loyal to Falcone as anyone. He was the one that shot me all those years ago."

Dex tried to smile when he said the location of his old friends, but just couldn't.

"Jerry would be in some big  and expensive bar, drinking off all the money he stole from the bank. All I need to do is find the angry bar keepers. Arron would more difficult to find. Might still be at his apartment, packing up. Once he had heard aboutPaulie, Arrin will hightail it out of Gotham. That's all I know, at least I think. Now, you are going to object, but I'm going to join you. Either that, or I go hunting by myself. And then maybe after, or even during, I'm gonna go do something good. Surprising, right?"

Dex started smiling arrogantly. Maybe this time, she wouldn't throw him to the ground. So far, so good.

Barb smirked at his bravado.  She was doing her best to maintain her tough exterior.  She liked Dex.  She liked him a lot.  But she couldn't let down her guard as Batgirl.  If she did, she might lose control.  Even worse, he might see through the mask, through the wig, and see her for who she really was.  And allowing that would be dangerous.  For him.  And for her.  But still...he was so damn charming.

"I could handcuff you to the radiator.  And as much as I'd enjoy doing that," she gave him a small, mischievous smile, "I'd imagine you'd just figure out a way to get free.  So, yeah, we're partnering up.  But don't any ideas.  It's only until we nab all your former partners.  So...why don't we drop by Arron's apartment and pay him a visit.  After all, I'm sure you wouldn't want him skipping town without a chance to say goodbye."

Giving him a sideways smile, she didn't wait for his answer but stepped past him and through the door to her waiting Batcycle.  She picked up an extra motorcycle helmet and threw it at his stomach, playful-hard.  "Well, don't just stand there.  Hop on."  She smiled. "And make sure to hang on tight."
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Her response caused Freeze to glare at Ivy as if offended "I am a man of my word Miss Ivy and if you do not trust my word state your demands to me." He said not wanting to waste valuable time squabbling. He too worried of the arrival of the vigilante crime fighters but he hid it under his determination to get that diamond. She no doubt wanted something he wouldn't be too keen on helping her with but none less he would accept. He had plans for this diamond and the others he'd taken for a personal reason. Since he didn't exactly have pupils any more he faced Ivy but his gaze drifted between her and the door. He could practically hear sirens.

No matter what this man said, Poison Ivy still did not trust him.  He was robbing a jewelry store; he wasn't that much of an upstanding guy.  Most men weren't.  "Let me hold on to the diamond.  I'll give it back when my half of the deal is fulfilled."  Ivy wasn't playing around as her face turned much more grave.  Her heart started to race as the time ticked on.  She was playing a dangerous game, and though she was a confident woman, even her confidence had its limits.

"And, if you're worried that I'll run with it, don't be.  I don't want it.  I have no need for it.  What I'm after is much more valuable, and I can't have you flaking on me."  She sighed and looked at the trail of ice leading up to Mr. Freeze.  "Plus, I'm not stupid.  I'm sure you'd win in that 'rock, paper, scissors' match, and I don't need winter coming any earlier." 

The Teen Wonder watched the classroom clock as it ticked down the seconds.  Though, Bruce had told him not to wear it during school believing it would cause a distraction, Tim couldn't help himself.  His mini-receiver had been going off for the last hour with word that the inmates and patients at Arkham Asylum had been set free.  Calculus could wait.  He needed to be there to help.  He needed to be there now.

He watched as the clock ticked down. 5...  4... 3... 2... 1... And he was out.  Having already packed up his things in anticipation for the final bell, Tim flew out of that classroom.  He needed to find a place to change into his costume, and head over to GCPD to help out as much as he could.  Rushing out of the building, he headed for one of the secret posts throughout the city where he could suit up and get whatever supplies he needed to get up and go.  Once he reached the bunker, he quickly did what he had to do and was out within ten minutes.

It didn't take him long to reach the Gotham City Police Department.  There were police loitering outside with Police cars all around

"We've captured maybe 25% of the criminals that escaped, and half of them were brought in by vigilantes."  One officer noted.  "How do they expect us to track down and capture the rest of 'em?"

Tim walked up to the Police, a serious look on his face.  "Well, that's why I'm here."  He looked between the two officers.  "Is Commissioner Gordon in his office?"

"He is..."  The two officers gave Robin suspiciously looks as he walked into the Police Department.  Tim ignored them, walking in and heading for the secretary's desk.  Her phone was ringing off the hook with papers strewn around her desk.  No doubt it had been a hellish day.  She almost didn't notice the teen standing in front of her.

"Oh! Jerry, hold on for one second.."  She exclaimed, finally noticing Tim.  Her accent hinted at a childhood in the Brooklyn.  Placing her hand over the phone's receiver, she address him.  "If your looking for Commissioner Gordon, he's currently in a meeting, but he should be getting out soon."

Tim gave the woman a nod.  "Thanks."  With that, he walked into the precinct.  Everyone was abuzz with news.  This was a nightmare.  He noticed Harley Quinn in a holding cell not too far from where he was.  From what he understood from the police radio, she was half the cause of this whole mess.  How they'd ever get everyone back where they were supposed to be--... Well, he was sure they could get most, if not all, of them back.  It was just going to be a pain.

He waited patiently for Gordon to finish his meeting, listening in on any tips he could pick up from the frantic police officers and detectives.

@The Great Catsby @HarleyPuddin
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Crane took the next while to feed Craw a slightly out-of-date packet of ham from his fridge and change into something a bit nicer. A decent shirt, decent pants, a jacket to hide his spindly form. He made a mental note to head over to a laundromat sooner than later; he was running out of clean clothes.

"I won't be too long," he said to Craw as he approached the door.

The bird turned and cocked its head at him before giving a squawk. Acknowledgement, Crane supposed. Though he doubted his friend could understand spoken word, he was almost certain that it had a perception of being spoken to. Or it could just been projection. Animal psychology wasn't his forte.

Jonathan brushed past his men and out onto the street. It was a fair walk over to the Belmont, but nothing Crane couldn't handle. He'd become quite adept at getting to and from wherever he needed to be on his feet in all his years. Physical endurance was a useful skill in evading the Bat and his lackeys.

About a half hour of walking later and Crane was walking into the hotel. He held his head high and walked like he had somewhere to be, a method he'd found very effective in deflecting any unwanted attention. Crane made his way over to the elevator from there and pressed for the sixth floor. One, two, three, four, moments of waiting and the door opened back up. 614, he reminded himself. He headed down the hallway and counted the room numbers until he came to 14. Crane approached the door and gave it a couple solid knocks.

Ronan flipped to the back of the notebook, where a small picture of his wife, Tess, sat pressed to the last page. He picked the picture up carefully, not wanting to tear it, and bit his lip. He missed her. She had supported his work with Ra Al' Guel, knowing he was a nice man once you got to know him, and knew he was making a breakthrough. But his thoughts were intrurupted by a knock on the door. Crane. He snapped the notebook shut, along with the picture, and hurried to his coat. He tucked the book away, not wanting it to be seen, and once done with that he made his way to the door. "I'm surprised that bloody lawyer did his job," He said holding the door for him. Damn it! He used the word bloody! Living in London for as long as he had, he hated using their slang. He was an American, just living there.
No matter what this man said, Poison Ivy still did not trust him.  He was robbing a jewelry store; he wasn't that much of an upstanding guy.  Most men weren't.  "Let me hold on to the diamond.  I'll give it back when my half of the deal is fulfilled."  Ivy wasn't playing around as her face turned much more grave.  Her heart started to race as the time ticked on.  She was playing a dangerous game, and though she was a confident woman, even her confidence had its limits.

"And, if you're worried that I'll run with it, don't be.  I don't want it.  I have no need for it.  What I'm after is much more valuable, and I can't have you flaking on me."  She sighed and looked at the trail of ice leading up to Mr. Freeze.  "Plus, I'm not stupid.  I'm sure you'd win in that 'rock, paper, scissors' match, and I don't need winter coming any earlier." 

Freeze stepped closer to Ivy enough to feel his aura of cold, his facial expression remained passive though he already knew he was more then a match for her plant powers. He gritted his teeth in frustration, he wanted to get this over with quickly. His suit hissed in a longer more drawn out sigh "I agree but remember if you betray me-" he formed a snowflake in his palm then crushed it "That will be the result." He finished. Though now was not the time to really threaten but he wanted his point made. Now all that was needed was that diamond, it would be a fine piece of ice to get for his project. He would watch the entrance and her at the same time, if he needed her trust to get what he wanted he would act trustworthy.
Deadshot waited on a rooftop, his rifle already set up on it's bipod and he looked through the scope, watching the streets for his target, Batgirl. he had noticed Freeze and Ivy robbed a jewlery store, so he set up, and watched the show about to unfold. 'And here i am without popcorn' He thought as he kept scanning the streets for a fool in a cape. To him any would do, but the money was for the girl, at the moment. And that was what mattered to him, the money. He quickly checked his wrist handguns and made sure the surpressors were on correctly and then went to continue his wait for his prey.
Harley sat on her cell floor, humming to her self. She was in her own little world. 
She thought about having adventures with the Joker and Ivy. Separate adventures of course...they didn't get along well.
She wonder why she hadn't been transferred to Arkham yet but she didn't question it, this was better then Arkham, although she had many happy memories there. Harley sighed thinking about then she meet the Joker she layed down and reminisced 
Freeze stepped closer to Ivy enough to feel his aura of cold, his facial expression remained passive though he already knew he was more then a match for her plant powers. He gritted his teeth in frustration, he wanted to get this over with quickly. His suit hissed in a longer more drawn out sigh "I agree but remember if you betray me-" he formed a snowflake in his palm then crushed it "That will be the result." He finished. Though now was not the time to really threaten but he wanted his point made. Now all that was needed was that diamond, it would be a fine piece of ice to get for his project. He would watch the entrance and her at the same time, if he needed her trust to get what he wanted he would act trustworthy.


A knowing smirk spread across her face.  "Understood."

She turned her attention towards the vault, motion sensors in the way.  Looking for the best way to go about this.  She could use the tree outside.  It's roots would be long enough, and it was the sure fire way to get the diamond.  The only downside was that if this place had a basement, the strain might be too much on the poor thing.  Instead, she opted for the riskier option.  The ivy on her arms and legs suddenly began to unwrap from her limbs and began to stretch through the vault.  They meandered through the lasers, finding the best possible way to get through with a diamond in tow.  Soon enough, they reached the diamond and wrapped themselves around it.  "That's it.  Good job~"  Ivy crooned to the vines.  "Now, just bring it back the way you came."  The process was slow and the diamond was heavy, but after a half of a minute, the vines finally reached her again.

Now with the diamond in hand, Ivy turned towards Victor with a smirk.  "Now that that's settled, lets go."  She had a saunter as she walked out of the jewelry store, placing the rather large diamond in her satchel.  "If you would follow me, Freeze.  We have a clown to rescue~"
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"Hello to you too," Jonathan said as the door opened, his tone a light reminder of manners in itself.

He strode into the room with ease and glanced about. It was nice enough. Certainly fancier than anywhere he'd ever lived or cared to live. Growing up in a rotting farmhouse, one was bound to grow an attachment to the dregs of housing, Crane supposed.

"I'm as surprised as you," he said, giving Ronan a subtle smile. "The fellow was a brute and the entire hearing, I wasn't sure if he actually knew what he was talking about or not." Small talk, avoiding the matters at hand. Not easily maintained and Crane wasn't interested in making that effort. "Now, you wanted to speak with me on this little project of yours?"

Ronan nodded politely along with Crane's words, which he wasn't paying to close of attention to. He wanted business, and could tell Crane had the same mindset. "Oh yea my science project. So I'll put it very simply; Im trying to gather Gotham's worst to go up against Gotham's finest, and I'm not talking about that shit police system you have here. I've been in contact with you, and have left my contact with Poison Ivy, and Freeze, the others around town I couldn't do in one night." He slowly walked back and forth, then pointed at Crane before carrying on. 

"That's where you come in. I need your help gathering the rest of this cities baddies. Croc, Bane, Harley, ones that can be reliable and do damage. Our goal is to take out anyone in the Bat Family, I don't care who. I just need a contestant."

A knowing smirk spread across her face.  "Understood."

She turned her attention towards the vault, motion sensors in the way.  Looking for the best way to go about this.  She could use the tree outside.  It's roots would be long enough, and it was the sure fire way to get the diamond.  The only downside was that if this place had a basement, the strain might be too much on the poor thing.  Instead, she opted for the riskier option.  The ivy on her arms and legs suddenly began to unwrap from her limbs and began to stretch through the vault.  They meandered through the lasers, finding the best possible way to get through with a diamond in tow.  Soon enough, they reached the diamond and wrapped themselves around it.  "That's it.  Good job~"  Ivy crooned to the vines.  "Now, just bring it back the way you came."  The process was slow and the diamond was heavy, but after a half of a minute, the vines finally reached her again.

Now with the diamond in hand, Ivy turned towards Victor with a smirk.  "Now that that's settled, lets go."  She had a saunter as she walked out of the jewelry store, placing the rather large diamond in her satchel.  "If you would follow me, Freeze.  We have a clown to rescue~"

Freeze was almost impressed with how easily Ivy had gotten the diamond and watched as she took it with her. He stared at the crystal longingly but he was indeed a man of his word. But when he heard what the deal was he instantly regretted it, if he could feel cold he would have felt a chill down his spine. He was definitely not a fan of Joker and Harley was about just as aggravating. He would help but he would not enjoy it, since he knew Ivy wasn't a Joker fan either she must have been going for the other clown. Was this an attempt to get The Sirens back together again, he wondered? "Well lead the way Miss Ivy!" He jeered seeing if she had a plan for getting in and out of Arkham or not.
Crane listened with interest and had to resist the urge to fidget. He wished he'd brought some needlework. Or some tea. Something to keep himself busy throughout the boredom of listening to more words than needed to be said.

"How many others do we really need for such a job?" Crane asked as Ronan finally finished his diatribe. It was a legitimate concern. He'd always found that doing things with as few hands involved as possible was the cleanest, easiest ways to get anything done. "I'm aware we'll need help maintaining our grasp on whoever we take, but I doubt the crocodile would have much long-term use. Far too brutish. I have, however, had good experiences with Bane previously. I certainly wouldn't mind reaching out to Harley, but she's also very volatile. Being discerning in who we contact could work to our advantage is my point."


Selina Kyle


Admittedly she'd been rather bored lately, after the Sirens had been disbanded, and had been doing jobs such at the one she was currently working on. Smashing the glass case coving the last and largest diamond in the place, she pulled it out gently before spooking as the alarms began blaring. Stuffing it into her large bag less gracefully, she rushed out of the place before the police got there. Returning to her less-important jobs was at least something to do. When she returned to her 'base' of sorts, she stashed her loot away and looked around with a slightly-depressed sigh. Frowning, she noticed a news story with the face of one of her friends being flashed from all sides by police lights and that of reporters' cameras. Harley. She'd been caught after an escape attempt. They were covering it with footage of her first arrest of course, since cameras weren't allowed in for entertainment use. The girl had been caught again during her attempt to escape, and Selina got an idea. Ivy would most likely be going after Harley to get her out, and the Bat's team probably knew that. Knowing Ivy, she had probably already put together a plan, but if Selina could help, she was all for it.


Turning to the mask she'd taken off for the night, she replaced it and looked at herself in the mirroring glass of the turned-off screens near the one that had been playing the news story. She had to admit, this suit had always made her look good. Walking off out of the base, her heels made a satisfying click every time she stepped. It was still night, and Selina was thankful for that. She did her best work in shadow.


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Robin listened to the voices around him, trying to make a mental list of who exactly broke out of Arkham earlier and was still at large.  There were a number of goons, but the names that stuck out more included the Riddler, Two-Face, Solomon Grundy, Poison Ivy, Victor Zsasz, and Mad Hatter. Though, wait... Poison Ivy?  He quickly looked over to Harley Quinn once more.  They considered themselves partners, didn't they?  Maybe not so much as the Joker and Harley Quinn, but the two were pretty fond of each other.

It gave him a nervous feeling.  No, it was a feeling of dread.  What if Ivy came looking for Harley?  It was a possibility, and it was giving him such a terrible feeling.  He looked around, before turning on the walkie in his ear.

"Batman, Batgirl, Nightwing."  He tried to speak softly, hoping the clown couldn't hear him.  She was the last person who needed to know he was nervous.  "Um, I think I might need someone on stand by.  I'm in GCPD where-," he paused making sure Harley Quinn wasn't listening. "H.Q. is being held.  It's just a feeling, but... P.I. hasn't been located yet, and if she has any plans to break the clown out, she's going to do it while she's either here or on route to Arkham."  He paused again.  "I'm not going to say it's going to happen, but it might be wise to keep an eye out over here.  Over."

He ended the call, hoping someone would confirm anything for him.  Taking on Poison Ivy was something he wasn't sure he could do alone, but if he had to, he would.

@BrainyGrrrrl @Lancelot

Freeze was almost impressed with how easily Ivy had gotten the diamond and watched as she took it with her. He stared at the crystal longingly but he was indeed a man of his word. But when he heard what the deal was he instantly regretted it, if he could feel cold he would have felt a chill down his spine. He was definitely not a fan of Joker and Harley was about just as aggravating. He would help but he would not enjoy it, since he knew Ivy wasn't a Joker fan either she must have been going for the other clown. Was this an attempt to get The Sirens back together again, he wondered? "Well lead the way Miss Ivy!" He jeered seeing if she had a plan for getting in and out of Arkham or not.


She gave an eyeroll at the frozen man's taunt.  "Gladly."  Her tone was flat, clearly not amused with Mr. Freeze.  She was really hoping she wouldn't regret this pair up.  As she walked down the street toward her first stop, she didn't look back.  The diamond in her purse was like a carrot on a stick.  She started to speak.  

"Look, I wouldn't need your help normally.  If I had the time to waste, I'd plan everything out and bust her out myself.  Unfortunately, I hardly think we have that kind of time."  She took a small pause, giving an tired sigh.  "After her little escape plot that went on today, she'll be lucky if she's in Arkham three days before they ship my dear friend down to Belle Reve.  You and I both know how hard it is to pry anyone out of Amanda Waller's grasp once she has her tendrils around your throat."  The last thing Harley needed was to get herself caught up in another Suicide Squad mission, and that's exactly what that bitch would have her do.  Though Ivy was sure the girl could handle herself, it wasn't worth the worrying.

As for plans on how exactly they would bust her out... They'd figure that out as they went along.  At least the precinct wasn't too too far away.  That would be the first place they checked before heading to Arkham.  There was no sense heading all the way there if there was a chance Harley was still in holding.
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Robin listened to the voices around him, trying to make a mental list of who exactly broke out of Arkham earlier and was still at large.  There were a number of goons, but the names that stuck out more included the Riddler, Two-Face, Solomon Grundy, Poison Ivy, Victor Zsasz, and Mad Hatter. Though, wait... Poison Ivy?  He quickly looked over to Harley Quinn once more.  They considered themselves partners, didn't they?  Maybe not so much as the Joker and Harley Quinn, but the two were pretty fond of each other.

It gave him a nervous feeling.  No, it was a feeling of dread.  What if Ivy came looking for Harley?  It was a possibility, and it was giving him such a terrible feeling.  He looked around, before turning on the walkie in his ear.

"Batman, Batgirl, Nightwing."  He tried to speak softly, hoping the clown couldn't hear him.  She was the last person who needed to know he was nervous.  "Um, I think I might need someone on stand by.  I'm in GCPD where-," he paused making sure Harley Quinn wasn't listening. "H.Q. is being held.  It's just a feeling, but... P.I. hasn't been located yet, and if she has any plans to break the clown out, she's going to do it while she's either here or on route to Arkham."  He paused again.  "I'm not going to say it's going to happen, but it might be wise to keep an eye out over here.  Over."

He ended the call, hoping someone would confirm anything for him.  Taking on Poison Ivy was something he wasn't sure he could do alone, but if he had to, he would.

They were enroute to intercept the more dangerous of Dex's two accomplices that were still at large when the call came through.  Barb heard the young, worried voice through the built-in earpiece of her cowl.  "Oh my god.  He's using initials.  That's so adorable."  She would have been seriously annoyed if any of her other fellow crime-fighters were as obtuse but who could get mad at Tim.  I mean seriously.

"Robin, this is Batgirl," she spoke in a reassuring, even motherly voice.  "I'm about 10 minutes out.  Just hold the fort until I get there.  I seriously doubt that Ivy would be stupid enough to attempt something.  There are more than 100 cops on duty.  All of them armed.  You're probably in the safest place in all of Gotham right now.  So...just relax."  She ended the connection and turned to Dex.  "We're making a slight detour.  Poison Ivy's planning to free Harley Quinn.  She's going to hit the GCPD."  Everything she had just told the boy was just to calm him down.  Ivy was absolutely hitting police headquarters.  She knew the eco-criminal's MO all too well.  She was going to free her friend and partner in mayhem.  And both Robin and her Dad, along with a whole station house of cops, would be in the crosshairs.  She gunned the motor on her bike and hoped she would make it there in time.

@ByTheChesapeake @Rathalosa
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Robin listened to the voices around him, trying to make a mental list of who exactly broke out of Arkham earlier and was still at large.  There were a number of goons, but the names that stuck out more included the Riddler, Two-Face, Solomon Grundy, Poison Ivy, Victor Zsasz, and Mad Hatter. Though, wait... Poison Ivy?  He quickly looked over to Harley Quinn once more.  They considered themselves partners, didn't they?  Maybe not so much as the Joker and Harley Quinn, but the two were pretty fond of each other.

It gave him a nervous feeling.  No, it was a feeling of dread.  What if Ivy came looking for Harley?  It was a possibility, and it was giving him such a terrible feeling.  He looked around, before turning on the walkie in his ear.

"Batman, Batgirl, Nightwing."  He tried to speak softly, hoping the clown couldn't hear him.  She was the last person who needed to know he was nervous.  "Um, I think I might need someone on stand by.  I'm in GCPD where-," he paused making sure Harley Quinn wasn't listening. "H.Q. is being held.  It's just a feeling, but... P.I. hasn't been located yet, and if she has any plans to break the clown out, she's going to do it while she's either here or on route to Arkham."  He paused again.  "I'm not going to say it's going to happen, but it might be wise to keep an eye out over here.  Over."

He ended the call, hoping someone would confirm anything for him.  Taking on Poison Ivy was something he wasn't sure he could do alone, but if he had to, he would.

@BrainyGrrrrl @Lancelot


She gave an eyeroll at the frozen man's taunt.  "Gladly."  Her tone was flat, clearly not amused with Mr. Freeze.  She was really hoping she wouldn't regret this pair up.  As she walked down the street toward her first stop, she didn't look back.  The diamond in her purse was like a carrot on a stick.  She started to speak.  

"Look, I wouldn't need your help normally.  If I had the time to waste, I'd plan everything out and bust her out myself.  Unfortunately, I hardly think we have that kind of time."  She took a small pause, giving an tired sigh.  "After her little escape plot that went on today, she'll be lucky if she's in Arkham three days before they ship my dear friend down to Belle Reve.  You and I both know how hard it is to pry anyone out of Amanda Waller's grasp once she has her tendrils around your throat."  The last thing Harley needed was to get herself caught up in another Suicide Squad mission, and that's exactly what that bitch would have her do.  Though Ivy was sure the girl could handle herself, it wasn't worth the worrying.

As for plans on how exactly they would bust her out... They'd figure that out as they went along.  At least the precinct wasn't too too far away.  That would be the first place they checked before heading to Arkham.  There was no sense heading all the way there if there was a chance Harley was still in holding.

Freeze kept close to Ivy to let her know he wasn't trying anything he kept himself in her line of sight but still had his eyes on the diamond in case she were to do anything with it. He was already switching his freeze ray to 3 for a nice freezing dosage. It was a relief to know that they were definitely going for Harley Quinn, he'd hate to have to free Joker, in fact he would have refused most likely a diamond wasn't worth the trouble Joker might cause for him. Poison Ivy's remark about Amanda Waller was not untrue "Mrs. Waller is not known as The Wall without a reason Ms. Ivy..." He said, he was fully aware of the reputation The Wall had gotten through the way things were handled. Since they were moving at a good pace he supposed he should ask what he was to actually do once they got there "What do you need me for in this prison breakout?"  He said cutting to the chase.
They were enroute to intercept the more dangerous of Dex's two accomplices that were still at large when the call came through.  Barb heard the young, worried voice through the built-in earpiece of her cowl.  "Oh my god.  He's using initials.  That's so adorable."  She would have been seriously annoyed if any of her other fellow crime-fighters were as obtuse but who could get mad at Tim.  I mean seriously.

"Robin, this is Batgirl," she spoke in a calm, reassuring voice.  "I'm about 10 minutes out.  Just hold the fort until I get there.  i seriously doubt that Ivy would be stupid enough to attempt something.  There are more than 100 cops on duty.  All of them armed.  You're probably in the safest place in all of Gotham right now.  So...just relax."  She ended the connection and turned to Dex.  "We're making a slight detour.  Poison Ivy's planning to free Harley Quinn.  She's going to hit the GCPD."  Everything she had just told the boy was just to calm him down.  Ivy was absolutely hitting police headquarters.  She knew the eco-criminal's MO all too well.  She was going to free her friend and partner in mayhem.  And both Robin and her Dad, along with a whole station house of cops, would be in the crosshairs.  She gunned the motor on her bike and hoped she would make it there in time.


"Got it.  Thanks, Batgirl."  Robin replied.  He knew Barb's words were just trying to put her at ease, but if anything, it just made him more anxious.  As much as he wanted to believe what she was saying, something told him she wasn't being completely honest.  His reflexes were on edge, ready to grab his bo if a quick draw was needed.  He took another look around.  Everyone was so caught up with what was going on outside, and none of them had any idea what might be coming.

He needed to let someone know.  He walked up to the Commissioner's door and rapped a few times.  "Commissioner Gordon." he spoke loudly with a serious tone.  "I need to speak with you.  It's urgent."

Freeze kept close to Ivy to let her know he wasn't trying anything he kept himself in her line of sight but still had his eyes on the diamond in case she were to do anything with it. He was already switching his freeze ray to 3 for a nice freezing dosage. It was a relief to know that they were definitely going for Harley Quinn, he'd hate to have to free Joker, in fact he would have refused most likely a diamond wasn't worth the trouble Joker might cause for him. Poison Ivy's remark about Amanda Waller was not untrue "Mrs. Waller is not known as The Wall without a reason Ms. Ivy..." He said, he was fully aware of the reputation The Wall had gotten through the way things were handled. Since they were moving at a good pace he supposed he should ask what he was to actually do once they got there "What do you need me for in this prison breakout?"  He said cutting to the chase.


Poison Ivy looked back at the man, while walking forward.  She already saw that there wasn't anything that could pop up and send her face planting on the ground, so there wasn't that to worry about.  "Your job, Mr. Freeze, is to back me up.  I haven't scouted the area, but I can tell you that there are probably more police and detectives on duty than normal.  I'll need you to make sure I haven't missed anyone, and if I do, I need you to take care of them for me.  I just got out of Arkham, and I don't plan on going back anytime soon."

She turned back around as the two were closing in on the station.  Ivy could see the a couple of police officers outside talking.  She ducked into an alley way and peaked out around the corner.  They couldn't have been more than a few hundred feet from the station doors.  There were a few large trees that had been planted around the police station, giving her the perfect ammo for later.  She looked over to Mr. Freeze.  "Get ready to go."  As soon as she said that, she lifted the palm of her hand to her face.  She watched as spores grew in her hand, and as soon as she felt she had enough of them, she blew them into the direction of the officers.

At first, nothing happened.  The officers seemed normal but after ten seconds, one started to wobble while the other held his head in his hand.  Then, both of them hit the pavement.  A smile spread on Poison Ivy's face.  She looked back at Mr. Freeze once again.  "Let's move."
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"Got it.  Thanks, Batgirl."  Robin replied.  He knew Barb's words were just trying to put her at ease, but if anything, it just made him more anxious.  As much as he wanted to believe what she was saying, something told him she wasn't being completely honest.  His reflexes were on edge, ready to grab his bo if a quick draw was needed.  He took another look around.  Everyone was so caught up with what was going on outside, and none of them had any idea what might be coming.

He needed to let someone know.  He walked up to the Commissioner's door and rapped a few times.  "Commissioner Gordon." he spoke loudly with a serious tone.  "I need to speak with you.  It's urgent."


Poison Ivy looked back at the man, while walking forward.  She already saw that there wasn't anything that could pop up and send her face planting on the ground, so there wasn't that to worry about.  "Your job, Mr. Freeze, is to back me up.  I haven't scouted the area, but I can tell you that there are probably more police and detectives on duty than normal.  I'll need you to make sure I haven't missed anyone, and if I do, I need you to take care of them for me.  I just got out of Arkham, and I don't plan on going back anytime soon."

She turned back around as the two were closing in on the station.  Ivy could see the a couple of police officers outside talking.  She ducked into an alley way and peaked out around the corner.  They couldn't have been more than a few hundred feet from the station doors.  There were a few large trees that had been planted around the police station, giving her the perfect ammo for later.  She looked over to Mr. Freeze.  "Get ready to go."  As soon as she said that, she lifted the palm of her hand to her face.  She watched as spores grew in her hand, and as soon as she felt she had enough of them, she blew them into the direction of the officers.

At first, nothing happened.  The officers seemed normal but after ten seconds, one started to wobble while the other held his head in his hand.  Then, both of them hit the pavement.  A smile spread on Poison Ivy's face.  She looked back at Mr. Freeze once again.  "Let's move."

"It doesn't matter David. Harvey can't control these--," Commissioner Gordon saw his office door opened by the boy. Jim was actually glad to see the kid come through his door to interrupt his meeting with Detective David. "Uh, Dave, will you mind leaving my office. This boy needs to speak with me." Gordon was being serious to the Detective after discussing for two long hours. "You got a week Gordon, and if you don't agree on Bullock's terms..." Jim was tired of David standing in his office. Saying over and over about Harvey's rules. "I said leave Detective. NOW!" Detective David walked out of the commissioner's workspace and didn't say a word. Which Jim appreciated. Now his focus was turn towards the boy. He needed his attention, so Jim wanted to know what's going on. "What do you want kid? I don't have all day". The commissioner finished with quite a rough tone.

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