Gotham City

Something hit the back of Dex's head. Hard. The ground rushed up to meet him, and he outstretched his hands to soften his fall. Still hurt. He looked up, saw Batgirl, and raised his gun. He shot three times. Each bullet swept past Batgirl, missing her narrowly and deflected off a scaly hide. Croc was unharmed.

"Dammit!" Dexter cursed weakly. His head hurt. "It won't die. Batgirl, behind you!"

Croc swung a massive claw aimed straight for Batgirl's head, mildly annoyed someone tried to shoot him. But no harm was done.

The warning came in the nick of time.  She ducked, the massive claw whooshing just over her head, nicking the ears off her cowl.  This close to Croc, he was sure to grab her and then rend her limb from limb.  She only had a couple seconds at the most!  She reached into her utility belt for something, anything...  Then her fingers wrapped around them.  "YES!"  Her last hope.  Her last two remaining flashbang pellets.  Whipping around, she flung them down the monster's gaping maw.  They wouldn't kill him.  But the pressure wave would give him a stomach ache he would never forget!
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Dex laughed as Croc started gagging, as Walylon started retching, and as the reptile stumbled away. That monster was wearing a look of defeat, and Dex knew it would be a while before he came back. 

Dex turned back to look at Batgirl. 

"I saved you. Will that help me at all? To be honest, I doubt I'm going to be locked up for killing Paulie. He was a col-blooded murderer. So there's not much else people can do to stop me walking away."

Dex had a hopeful look on his face. He didn't want to make an enemy of a Bat, but neither did he want to go back to Blackgate.
Dex laughed as Croc started gagging, as Walylon started retching, and as the reptile stumbled away. That monster was wearing a look of defeat, and Dex knew it would be a while before he came back. 

Dex turned back to look at Batgirl. 

"I saved you. Will that help me at all? To be honest, I doubt I'm going to be locked up for killing Paulie. He was a col-blooded murderer. So there's not much else people can do to stop me walking away."

Dex had a hopeful look on his face. He didn't want to make an enemy of a Bat, but neither did he want to go back to Blackgate.

There was one ginormous belch and then the sewer-loser stumbled off.  Only to be met by heavily-armed officers of the Major Crimes Unit carrying cold air cannons.  While the crocodile criminal was not cold-blooded, literally speaking, he possessed enough reptilian DNA that he proved more susceptible to cold than normal humans.  Barb was confident that the cannons would be more than enough to subdue the weakened crocodile man.  Now her attention turned to the man who had just saved her life.  Even now, he was attempting to use that fact to barter for his freedom.  And just when Barb was starting to like him...

"You...didn't have to do that," she told him as he continued to plea.  "Thank you."  She got him back on the ground.  Pulled his arms behind his back.  Firmly but noticeably less roughly than before.  "If you walk, you walk.  But that's a decision for a jury to make."  She tied his hands once more with another pair of flexcuffs.  Taking out another two pair, she looped them so they were long enough to use to bind his forearms.  Barb didn't know how he had gotten his hands in front of him before (she was impressed) but she was making absolutely sure he wasn't doing it again.  Pulling out two more pair, she looped them and used them to hobble his feet.  He would still be able to walk but only very small steps.  That done, she examined the cut her batarang had made to the back of his head.  She had a small first aid kit in her belt.  She applied antiseptic.  Added a bandage,  Her touch was surprisingly gentle.  He had saved her life after all.

Getting him to his feet, she walked Dex over to the cop he had choked,  Other than a fit of coughing, he was fine.  "Thanks, Batgirl," he said chagrined, "I owe ya one."  He was young.  Real young.  Maybe 18 or 19.  Barb noticed the brass name tag on his breast pocket on the opposite side of his badge.  "Officer McNally, tell you what.  See that he doesn't get roughed up on the way to the station and we'll call it square.  Deal"  There was a moment of silence and then he nodded.  "Well," she told Dex, "guess this is good-bye."  She handed him over.  "For now,"  she added to herself.
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Nightwing successfully bound Scarecrows arms behind his back with the rope and now stood him up.  He sighed hearing the response of the man, although he could have handled it better he thought the comment was justified.  "Apologies sir, you have done a great thing for the people of Gotham,  I was just making sure this bozo didn't get another chance at running, you know with three times the charm and all.  You would think they would just give up after so many times but they always seem to find a way out of again."  Nightwing paused before asking the question, he was slightly hesitant.  "Jason?  How do you know Jason?" He felt his grip tighten around Scarecrows shoulder out of instinct, something didn't feel right.

@Hammy, @ReverseWells
Ronan watched him tie up Scarecrow, who honestly looked like he could care less, probably a normal routine for him. He had only been arrested twice, he mostly just shot and killed the people who tried and stopped him. Most people in London knew not to fuck with The Doctor, and Ra al Guel. 

Hearing the words Dick said to him made his skin crawl, Justice. Ew. He sounded so noble, like the night in shining armor every fairy tale had. But he soon relized he said the magic word, Jason. "I'm the man who fixed him" He said simply knowing his words would have power behind them.
Mr. Freeze had been in his hideout earlier, he needed to plan his next move. He had gotten a television for the purpose of the news alone, when he'd heard that Arkham had some escaped patients and then a brawl was going on near a hotel his plan was decided. Since his hideout was in a well secluded in a cold mountain near Gotham he was free to roam without his suit though as of now he would equip it along with some of his weapons including his freeze ray along with a bag. He looked back at Nora's cryogenic pod where she floated beautifully frozen in time and waiting for him to rescue her from her icy slumber.

He left and pathed an icy path to Gotham "Time to try and grab some ice." he said as he slid towards one of Gotham's well known jewelry stores to pillage it of its wealth. He would make sure the ice evaporated as he went as to leave no trail. Once he had gotten closer though he would walk towards the store, he was confident the crime fighters were busy and now only a fool would attempt to stop him.
Nightwing gave a hard shove to Scarecrows shoulder, pretty much saying to start walking without actually saying so, Nightwing kept close behind him just in case he tried to do anything.  "Fixed him?  What do you mean fixed him?  He died..."  Nightwing wasn't sure he could trust this man, either he was pulling some sort of twisted joke on him or he was just as insane as Scarecrow was.

@Hammy, @ReverseWells
Ronan kept his head down, staring at his feet as the two walked down the sidewalk. "He died, I brought him back. I threw him in the Lazaris pit, and wala. But I was the one who was there for him for the aftermath, because I've had the same experience as him. And mine was much worse, I wanted someone to guide me, and I knew Jason needed someone." He wasn't lying here, he would never lie about this story, even though he was going to betray this man later on. He honestly cared for Jason, and knew this guy did too.
Barb couldn't believe it!  Was that...Dick?!  She knew that he called himself Nightwing now, that he was trying to make a break from Bruce.  But this was the first time that she had actually seen him in...well, let's just say a very long time.  And that was Crane!  He had actually managed to nab Scarecrow!  She didn't recognize the other man he was with though.  He was older.  Barb pegged him as being in his early to mid 30s.  Craggy face, black hair.  Wearing a trenchcoat.  Her eidetic memory and detective mind made a note of all these details as they approached.  It seemed that Croc and Harley were well in hand and her mysterious hitman savior was in custody, so she could afford a couple minutes here.  First though, she recovered her cape from over Croc's body and reclipped it.  After all, this was a reunion of sorts and first impressions counted.  She walked over to the trio as they approached.  "It's been a long time...Nightwing," she said with a smile and a note of pride in the last word.

@Lancelot @ReverseWells
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Dex didn't struggle as the GCPD officer led him too car, until he saw what was happening over in front of the hotel. Another vigilante by the looks of it, some other bloke, and the scariest person around. Dex recognised Scarecrow. Nearly everyone in Gotham knew about the fear freak.

"Officer?" Dex asked innocently.

"What is it, scumbag?" The young policeman replied.

"Can we just stay, until that crowd-," Dex nodded towards the vigilantes and Scarecrow. "-clear off. This is very interesting. I'd love to see how it turns out."

The GCPD officer paused, thought a moment, then spoke. 

"Fine. A few minutes. If you try anything, you'll be in trouble."

"Now why would I even attempt an escape?" Dex muttered.
Nightwing grimaced, a sight very unusual to those who knew him.  "Yeah, your a good man.  But don't push too hard now." He said towards the man with a hint of disdain,  Nightwing was grateful for the help with Scarecrow but the way he was talking about Jason, and a Lazarus pit?  Whatever the hell he meant by that he did not know, but what he did know was Jason died.  And people don't just come back from the dead. 

As they made their way back to the hotel he spotted Batgirl, a welcome sight after current events.  Smiling in response to Batgirls greeting he cheered up a little, "Likewise, it's good to see you Batgirl."  Nightwing looked towards Scarecrow, "We caught this one trying to make a break for it from the hotel... And since you are here I assume everything is under control right?"

@Hammy, @ReverseWells, @BrainyGrrrrl, @Rathalosa
Nightwing grimaced, a sight very unusual to those who knew him.  "Yeah, your a good man.  But don't push too hard now." He said towards the man with a hint of disdain,  Nightwing was grateful for the help with Scarecrow but the way he was talking about Jason, and a Lazarus pit?  Whatever the hell he meant by that he did not know, but what he did know was Jason died.  And people don't just come back from the dead. 

As they made their way back to the hotel he spotted Batgirl, a welcome sight after current events.  Smiling in response to Batgirls greeting he cheered up a little, "Likewise, it's good to see you Batgirl."  Nightwing looked towards Scarecrow, "We caught this one trying to make a break for it from the hotel... And since you are here I assume everything is under control right?"

@Hammy, @ReverseWells, @BrainyGrrrrl, @Rathalosa

"Of course, it wouldn't be otherwise," she replied with a smirk.  "Caught myself Croc, Harl, and that guy."  She pointed at Dex who was starring at them from not too far away.  "But it looks like you've got the prize catch," she complimented him.  "So, Crane, looks like the only fear you'll be spreading is the fear of body odor in a crowded prison cell."  But as she looked at him, she noticed the way he was bent over and the bruises on his face.  "Dick, what happened?"  Her tone was even, controlled, but there was just the slightest hint of accusation.  Yes, Crane was a skilled martial artist (little known fact.)  But he wasn't a physical type of supervillain.  And Barb couldn't imagine a situation that would warrant such a beating.  Barb knew that Dick would never go overboard on someone like that.  Which left his new companion.  Call it sixth sense, but there was something about him she didn't like.  "I don't believe we've met," she addressed the older man.  "I'm Batgirl.  And you are?"
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Crane allowed himself to be directed and held himself with pride, even as he was shoved about by He had a very vivid image of shoving another needle into Nightwing's exposed neck. Something more potent, a larger dose even. Something that would make him squirm and writhe and suffer properly. Nothing was quite like seeing the mind of his enemy visibly break down in front of him. Yes, that was a goal to work towards.

He glanced around with little interest as he was directed back towards the hotel. The GCPD had arrived, late as ever, and a few other criminals, some he recognized and some he didn't, were gathered around. It made little difference to him either way. Crane turned his head toward Batgirl as he was addressed, but he made no indication that her words had had any effect..

"You've no idea what happens in my mind, girl," Crane muttered to her, as though anything she had said was utterly asinine. And it was. She clearly didn't have the intelligence to understand anyone's mind but her own. Just like most everyone else in the city. It was almost sad, really, but it was quite the exploitable weakness.

Almost as exploitable as Arkham's very structure. It wasn't a good prison at all and he had his connections. He'd be out again very quickly, no doubt there. The benefits of being technically insane.
Ronan didn't expect for Nightwing to belive his story, ignorance, many don't know of the Lazaris Pit. And that's the way they kept it. He didn't reply to his comment, he wasn't a good man, but he played the act of one, a facade. He looked up from the ground to see the one Nightwing called Batgirl. He could notice the look in her eyes, she was studying his face. One the three were in a more private area, he would make the same fact known to them like he did to Scarecrow, no notes. "The Doctor,"  he said simply, he had an off feeling about this girl. She was to curious.
Crane allowed himself to be directed and held himself with pride, even as he was shoved about by He had a very vivid image of shoving another needle into Nightwing's exposed neck. Something more potent, a larger dose even. Something that would make him squirm and writhe and suffer properly. Nothing was quite like seeing the mind of his enemy visibly break down in front of him. Yes, that was a goal to work towards.

He glanced around with little interest as he was directed back towards the hotel. The GCPD had arrived, late as ever, and a few other criminals, some he recognized and some he didn't, were gathered around. It made little difference to him either way. Crane turned his head toward Batgirl as he was addressed, but he made no indication that her words had had any effect..

"You've no idea what happens in my mind, girl," Crane muttered to her, as though anything she had said was utterly asinine. And it was. She clearly didn't have the intelligence to understand anyone's mind but her own. Just like most everyone else in the city. It was almost sad, really, but it was quite the exploitable weakness.

Almost as exploitable as Arkham's very structure. It wasn't a good prison at all and he had his connections. He'd be out again very quickly, no doubt there. The benefits of being technically insane.

Ronan didn't expect for Nightwing to belive his story, ignorance, many don't know of the Lazaris Pit. And that's the way they kept it. He didn't reply to his comment, he wasn't a good man, but he played the act of one, a facade. He looked up from the ground to see the one Nightwing called Batgirl. He could notice the look in her eyes, she was studying his face. One the three were in a more private area, he would make the same fact known to them like he did to Scarecrow, no notes. "The Doctor,"  he said simply, he had an off feeling about this girl. She was to curious.

She was used to Crane's condescension.  He was nothing if not a patronizing bastard.  But this new man, he was an unknown quantity.  And his abrupt, standoffish reply didn't do anything to quell her suspicions.  "The Doctor, huh?" She asked with a bit of mockery in her voice.  "Seems like someone who's not willing to give his real name has something to hide.  So, tell me, do you have something to hide?"
Ronan held a steady, cold gaze with the woman. She was digging, he knew it. She was trying to get something, didn't have to be the whole truth, just a sliver. "If your so keen on knowimg my true name, why don't you share yours? But I'm one step ahead of the two of you. Dick and Barbra." Jason had told him the names of everyone, through stories of course. Bruce, Barbra, Dick, Alfred, and one he spoke of very rarely, Tim.
Nightwing grinned as he spoke, "Yeah that's enough of your yapping Scarecrow, you will be doing plenty of that during your appointments with the shrink.  Maybe they will have a better chance figuring out what goes in your head than us eh?"  He said as he handed him over to the GCPD officers before returning to Batgirl and the mysterious man.

As the man blurted out the identities of both Nightwing and Barbra, Nightwing wasn't sure if he was stupid or trying to make a point.  "Haha, maybe we should go somewhere more private to continue this conversation?"  Nightwing said looking at the too of them, slightly worried.

@Hammy, @BrainyGrrrrl, @ReverseWells 
Ronan held a steady, cold gaze with the woman. She was digging, he knew it. She was trying to get something, didn't have to be the whole truth, just a sliver. "If your so keen on knowimg my true name, why don't you share yours? But I'm one step ahead of the two of you. Dick and Barbra." Jason had told him the names of everyone, through stories of course. Bruce, Barbra, Dick, Alfred, and one he spoke of very rarely, Tim.

Nightwing grinned as he spoke, "Yeah that's enough of your yapping Scarecrow, you will be doing plenty of that during your appointments with the shrink.  Maybe they will have a better chance figuring out what goes in your head than us eh?"  He said as he handed him over to the GCPD officers before returning to Batgirl and the mysterious man.

As the man blurted out the identities of both Nightwing and Barbra, Nightwing wasn't sure if he was stupid or trying to make a point.  "Haha, maybe we should go somewhere more private to continue this conversation?"  Nightwing said looking at the too of them, slightly worried.

@Hammy, @BrainyGrrrrl, @ReverseWells 

"First thing, it's Bar-bar-a."  She ignored Dick, turning her entire focus to this creep.  She hide her shock at him knowing their secret identities.  Refused to give him either the satisfaction or advantage of knowing how much he had gotten to her with that revelation.  She jabbed a finger in his face.  "I know that it was you that beat up Crane!  But I can't prove it.  Consider yourself lucky on that point because, otherwise, I'd be hauling your $#@ to jail along with these other losers!"  She turned to Dick.  "I have to get Harl, Croc, Crane, and new guy processed.  I don't trust the cops to handle it on their own.  But, believe me," she turned back to Ronan, "I plan to find out everything about you.  This isn't over by a long shot!"  She turned one last time back to Dick.  "We'll talk later.  Just the two of us.  Be careful around this guy...and don't trust a word he says."
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Ronan smirked, as she waved a finger in the air. "Looking forward to it" he said with a wave to her furiously walking away. "Had to do that Dick, if you don't belive a word I said, please type this number in on any computer and it'll prove everything I just said." He pulled out a thin piece of metal, like a buissness card, and handed it to Dick. It was the same he gave to Scarecrow, but he could transfer the number either to his contact, or a few files explaining the basics of the Lazaris Pit. He turned around, no longer intrested in the man, and pulled his mask out of his coat pocket. He slid it on, only revealing the white back of it to Dick, and slid his fedora on top. He was going to do some recruiting tonight.
Ronan smirked, as she waved a finger in the air. "Looking forward to it" he said with a wave to her furiously walking away. "Had to do that Dick, if you don't belive a word I said, please type this number in on any computer and it'll prove everything I just said." He pulled out a thin piece of metal, like a buissness card, and handed it to Dick. It was the same he gave to Scarecrow, but he could transfer the number either to his contact, or a few files explaining the basics of the Lazaris Pit. He turned around, no longer intrested in the man, and pulled his mask out of his coat pocket. He slid it on, only revealing the white back of it to Dick, and slid his fedora on top. He was going to do some recruiting tonight.

"Come on," she barked, walking over to Crane and giving him a shove to the police van.

One hour later...

Barb walked into Central Booking, showered and dressed in a black jacket, dark navy blouse, and black dress pants, clutching her briefcase.  "WHAT?!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"  There was Crane!  On his way out!

"Am I amazing or am I amazing?" a smarmy voice whispered in her ear.  She spun around to see Connor Wentworth standing over her in an Armani suit. 

"I'm amazed that Crane could afford such a high-priced sleaze like you," she responded to the lawyer.

"Ohhhh....I love it when you talk sexy to me, babe."

Ignoring him, she glared at Crane.  "Got yourself a mob lawyer, I see.  Wonder what it cost you?"

Wentworth got between them, blocking her view of the supervillain.  "Counselor, you know better than to badger my cilent.  Now, if you want, we can discuss this my bed."

Barb didn't bother to dignify that with an answer.  She turned around.  Began walking away.  Connor glanced down at her backside, reached out his hand..."OWWWWWWW!!!"  Found it gripped in a Kyusho-Jitsu nerve pinch.  It would be so easy, Barb thought.  Just a fraction more pressure to break the wrist.  She sighed.  Satisfying but not worth it.  She released her hold.

"Where the $#@ did you learn that?!  What the $#@ is that?!  Karate?"

"I learned it...just for you," she said smiling and walked away.

"Stuck-up b$#@," he muttered.  But taking a glance at her walking off, he had to admit, Barbara Gordon was an incredible piece of a#@!"  He turned to his cilent.  "Dr. Crane, there's a limo waiting for you outside.  My employer has instructed me to assist you in any way I can.   Is there anything or anyone you need?"

Barb was let into an interrogation room.  There was nothing except a metal desk and a couple of metal chairs.  She sat, removed her files from her briefcase, brushed her short brown hair out of her eyes and waited for her cilent.  Dexter O'Reilly.
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Crane didn't bother responding to the girl, only rolled his eyes as Wentworth dealt with her like the brute he was. If she was so frustrated, it was her own fault for sticking around despite the obvious outcome. He had his connections and that shouldn't have been surprising at all. Listening to her moaning was almost as bad as listening to Wentworth's blabbering jargon to the officials. What was really amazing was that he hadn't even been required to stay at Arkham at all. For a while there, he'd thought he'd be doomed to that at the very least. Not to say he wasn't at all grateful. He truly didn't belong at Arkham, not as a patient or an inmate, no, so his lawyer's efforts were appreciated.

He brushed his recently re-acquired mask off, praying that it hadn't been through too many filthy hands while it was confiscated with his briefcase. He could sew himself another costume if absolutely necessary, but the mask was important. Sentimental even.

"Assist me. Hm." Crane stifled a smile at the idea. This idiot was only good for legal nonsense and heavy lifting.

"Anyone? Not for now." His eyes within the Bat and his fellows wouldn't have had nearly enough time to accomplish any real work. He'd seek him later. "Anything? Oh, goodness no. You've done your part, now if you'll excuse me, my fold will be missing me by now and I'd much rather walk."

Nightwing took his card, the man knew his identity, he was going to keep a close eye on him.  He was going to find out who this guy was and why he was here.  Not to mention how he knew his and barbaras names.  As the man walked away Nightwing placed the card in one of the pouches on his gauntlet before sighing heavily, "Well that was an eventful night." he thought as he made his way back to the Wingcycle that was carefully hidden.
"Come on," she barked, walking over to Crane and giving him a shove to the police van.

One hour later...

Barb walked into Central Booking, showered and dressed in a black jacket, dark navy blouse, and black dress pants, clutching her briefcase.  "WHAT?!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"  There was Crane!  On his way out!

"Am I amazing or am I amazing?" a smarmy voice whispered in her ear.  She spun around to see Connor Wentworth standing over her in an Armani suit. 

"I'm amazed that Crane could afford such a high-priced sleaze like you," she responded to the lawyer.

"Ohhhh....I love it when you talk sexy to me, babe."

Ignoring him, she glared at Crane.  "Got yourself a mob lawyer, I see.  Wonder what it cost you?"

Wentworth got between them, blocking her view of the supervillain.  "Counselor, you know better than to badger my cilent.  Now, if you want, we can discuss this my bed."

Barb didn't bother to dignify that with an answer.  She turned around.  Began walking away.  Connor glanced down at her backside, reached out his hand..."OWWWWWWW!!!"  Found it gripped in a Kyusho-Jitsu nerve pinch.  It would be so easy, Barb thought.  Just a fraction more pressure to break the wrist.  She sighed.  Satisfying but not worth it.  She released her hold.

"Where the $#@ did you learn that?!  What the $#@ is that?!  Karate?"

"I learned it...just for you," she said smiling and walked away.

"Stuck-up b$#@," he muttered.  But taking a glance at her walking off, he had to admit, Barbara Gordon was an incredible piece of a#@!"  He turned to his cilent.  "Dr. Crane, there's a limo waiting for you outside.  My employer has instructed me to assist you in any way I can.   Is there anything or anyone you need?"

Barb was let into an interrogation room.  There was nothing except a metal desk and a couple of metal chairs.  She sat, removed her files from her briefcase, brushed her short brown hair out of her eyes and waited for her cilent.  Dexter O'Reilly.

Dexter was brought to the...well he didn't know what the room was called, but it was where he was supposed to meet his lawyer or something. One of those would have been handy last time he was arrested. This lawyer was odd. A woman, beautiful Dex didn't fail to see, though looked familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He put on an easy smile.

Dex sat sat down on the chair opposite the lawyer.

"Well, hello dear. I guess this is where I tell you how I got here?" Dex waved a hand around.

"All I want is to get out of here."
Dexter was brought to the...well he didn't know what the room was called, but it was where he was supposed to meet his lawyer or something. One of those would have been handy last time he was arrested. This lawyer was odd. A woman, beautiful Dex didn't fail to see, though looked familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He put on an easy smile.

Dex sat sat down on the chair opposite the lawyer.

"Well, hello dear. I guess this is where I tell you how I got here?" Dex waved a hand around.

"All I want is to get out of here."

He was walked in.  He had a swagger to him.  Something in his eyes.  It was so arrogant but also...something else.  Babs was broken out of her reverie by his chauvinistic greeting.  Her look hardened.  "Let's get a couple things straight right off the bat.  It isn't 'dear' or 'honey' or 'babe'.  It's  Ms. Gordon."  She found herself looking into his eyes again.  "Or Barbara..."  She picked up her pen and opened the file on the desk.  "Dexter O'Reilly.  27.  Juvie.  In and out of jail a couple times.  Minor stuff.  Gets shot and sent up for armed robbery.  Eights years.  Knocked down to three for good behavior.  The man you're accused of murdering.  Paulie Saldano.  He was also involved in that little bank job you pulled.  Along with murder, assault, a whole list of other crimes.  Not a nice man.  What I think, is that you killed him not for money, not some job, but for revenge.  That's what I think.  And so does Batgirl.  That's why she called me about you.  I help her and she helps me on some cases.  You can say, we're sorta tight."  She twined her fingers together.  "Let me help you.  Not to get revenge but to get justice.  Help me track down the men responsible.  Not to kill them but to turn them in.  And I'll do my best to get you a deal.  And believe me, my best is pretty good.  So, what do you say, Mr. O"Reilly?"
Ronan sat in his hotel room, the rest of his night was fairly uneventful. He had paid a local Gotham lawyer to take care of Scarecrow, who's name he recently learned as Crance. He was going to set a meeting with the man once he called him, without costumes. He currently was dressed in a black long sleeve shirt, jeans, and black shoes, nothing flashy. He stared at his reflection, and frowned, Scarecrows vendetta was always fear. Wanting to know fear. He sighed, his greatest fear already came true. He shook the thought away, not wanting to spiral down that road.

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