Gotham City

He was walked in.  He had a swagger to him.  Something in his eyes.  It was so arrogant but also...something else.  Babs was broken out of her reverie by his chauvinistic greeting.  Her look hardened.  "Let's get a couple things straight right off the bat.  It isn't 'dear' or 'honey' or 'babe'.  It's  Ms. Gordon."  She found herself looking into his eyes again.  "Or Barbara..."  She picked up her pen and opened the file on the desk.  "Dexter O'Reilly.  27.  Juvie.  In and out of jail a couple times.  Minor stuff.  Gets shot and sent up for armed robbery.  Eights years.  Knocked down to three for good behavior.  The man you're accused of murdering.  Paulie Saldano.  He was also involved in that little bank job you pulled.  Along with murder, assault, a whole list of other crimes.  Not a nice man.  What I think, is that you killed him not for money, not some job, but for revenge.  That's what I think.  And so does Batgirl.  That's why she called me about you.  I help her and she helps me on some cases.  You can say, we're sorta tight."  She twined her fingers together.  "Let me help you.  Not to get revenge but to get justice.  Help me track down the men responsible.  Not to kill them but to turn them in.  And I'll do my best to get you a deal.  And believe me, my best is pretty good.  So, what do you say, Mr. O"Reilly?"

"Hm." Dex pondered the thought of helping Batgirl turn in his old partners. Not as fun for him, he wouldn't get the satisfaction of seeing them die. Still, he might get out of Blackgate. He didn't want to go back there. Whereas gangs were hunted by vigilantes throughout Gotham, there was no one to fight them in prison. If Dex went there for killing on of Falcone's men, he would be dead within a week.

"Barb, I think I'll accept. But I have a few conditions of my own. First off, I want out of here sooner than until my old 'friends' are turned in. Much sooner. Then I want a talk with this Batgirl. I won't help without my conditions being met."

Dex grinned mischievously.

"Oh, and I want my stuff back. That gun of mine is very special to me. Now, those conditions won't be too difficult if you really try your 'best'."
"Hm." Dex pondered the thought of helping Batgirl turn in his old partners. Not as fun for him, he wouldn't get the satisfaction of seeing them die. Still, he might get out of Blackgate. He didn't want to go back there. Whereas gangs were hunted by vigilantes throughout Gotham, there was no one to fight them in prison. If Dex went there for killing on of Falcone's men, he would be dead within a week.

"Barb, I think I'll accept. But I have a few conditions of my own. First off, I want out of here sooner than until my old 'friends' are turned in. Much sooner. Then I want a talk with this Batgirl. I won't help without my conditions being met."

Dex grinned mischievously.

"Oh, and I want my stuff back. That gun of mine is very special to me. Now, those conditions won't be too difficult if you really try your 'best'."

Oh, that grin of his!  Her heart skipped a beat.  He thought he was being so clever.  Well...he was about to learn how clever she was.  She gave him a smile of her own.   Reached into her briefcase and took out his 10mm handgun.  Slid it across the table along with his wallet and cell phone.  She wondered how long it would be before he realized that it had neither bullets or the firing pin.  "Had to pull a lot of strings to pull that one off."  Actually, she had to call her father and ask him for the favor which she hated but if it helped her get some bad guys off the street, it would be worth it.  "Don't worry about Batgirl.  You'll be meeting her sooner than you think A lot sooner."  Her mouth formed a private, little smile.  "And as far as getting out, you're out.  As of this moment.  Is that soon enough for you?" she smirked.  "'s supervised bail though.  That means, technically, you're in my custody.  I'm responsible for you.  And just to make sure you don't go wondering off..."  She reached back in her briefcase for one last item.  Slid it across to him.  An ankle monitor.  "You don't have a problem with that, do you?" she asked sweetly.
Oh, that grin of his!  Her heart skipped a beat.  He thought he was being so clever.  Well...he was about to learn how clever she was.  She gave him a smile of her own.   Reached into her briefcase and took out his 10mm handgun.  Slid it across the table along with his wallet and cell phone.  She wondered how long it would be before he realized that it had neither bullets or the firing pin.  "Had to pull a lot of strings to pull that one off."  Actually, she had to call her father and ask him for the favor which she hated but if it helped her get some bad guys off the street, it would be worth it.  "Don't worry about Batgirl.  You'll be meeting her sooner than you think A lot sooner."  Her mouth formed a private, little smile.  "And as far as getting out, you're out.  As of this moment.  Is that soon enough for you?" she smirked.  "'s supervised bail though.  That means, technically, you're in my custody.  I'm responsible for you.  And just to make sure you don't go wondering off..."  She reached back in her briefcase for one last item.  Slid it across to him.  An ankle monitor.  "You don't have a problem with that, do you?" she asked sweetly.

Dex's grin grew once he laid his hands in his gun, but it didn't last long. It wasn't in working order. His grin became a grimace. And that grimace became a scowl when he laid eyes upon the ankle monitor.

"...Fine...I'll wear the damn thing."

O'Reilly pocketed his wallet and phone, and holstered his gun. Then he stood up and looked at the door, and then back at Barbara Gordon. He smiled.

"You are devious... So, seeing as all seems to be going well, may I leave?"
Dex's grin grew once he laid his hands in his gun, but it didn't last long. It wasn't in working order. His grin became a grimace. And that grimace became a scowl when he laid eyes upon the ankle monitor.

"...Fine...I'll wear the damn thing."

O'Reilly pocketed his wallet and phone, and holstered his gun. Then he stood up and looked at the door, and then back at Barbara Gordon. He smiled.

"You are devious... So, seeing as all seems to be going well, may I leave?"

"I am," she grinned at him, making sure he had the monitor on.  "And yes you may, but you're leaving with me.  My car's parked outside."  She got up.  Grabbed her case.  "But before we begin our little partnership, let's stop at my place.  I wanna change into something more 'comfortable'.  And no offense, but you could use a shower.  And then after that, I'll buy you lunch.  I imagine that you must be hungry.  Don't worry, I'll add it to your bill.  Shall we?"  She gestured at the door, waiting for him to open it for her.
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"I am," she grinned at him, making sure he had the monitor on.  "And yes you may, but you're leaving with me.  My car's parked outside."  She got up.  Grabbed her case.  "But because we begin our little partnership, let's stop at my place.  I wanna change into something more 'comfortable'.  And no offense, but you could use a shower.  And then after that, I'll buy you lunch.  I imagine that you must be hungry.  Don't worry, I'll add it to your bill.  Shall we?"  She gestured at the door, waiting for him to open it for her.

Dex sighed. This looked like trouble already. Sonehow, he knew that he was going to get hit. If not by that Batgirl, then by one of the weird "villains" that fought the vigilantes. He did not look forward to it.

Dex took a few steps towards the door, and opened it.

"I'm going to regret this..." He muttered quietly to himself, and then spoke more clearly. 

"Let's go? Oh, and sorry in advanc if I may be a bit snappy. I think one of the nice GCPD officers broke my gun."

O'Reilly said the last line with as much sarcasm as he could muster. He was truly hurt for the state his gun was in. But he was basically free, so it wasn't too bad.
Dex sighed. This looked like trouble already. Sonehow, he knew that he was going to get hit. If not by that Batgirl, then by one of the weird "villains" that fought the vigilantes. He did not look forward to it.

Dex took a few steps towards the door, and opened it.

"I'm going to regret this..." He muttered quietly to himself, and then spoke more clearly. 

"Let's go? Oh, and sorry in advanc if I may be a bit snappy. I think one of the nice GCPD officers broke my gun."

O'Reilly said the last line with as much sarcasm as he could muster. He was truly hurt for the state his gun was in. But he was basically free, so it wasn't too bad.

"It's not broken," she smirked as she walked past him through the door.  "It's just missing this."  She opened her hand, revealing the firing pin.  Then quicker than he could react, she tossed it in the air.  Snatched it back.  "Let's go."

They drove back to her law office/loft.  In fact, she owned the entire building.  Which wasn't as impressive as it sounded, considering that it was in a seedy part of town.  But Barb never had any problems.  The less-than savory elements seemed to steer clear of her for some odd reason.  She unlocked the front door, led Dex to the back of the office where she unlocked a second door.  It was a stairwell leading up to her second story loft.  The place was simple, clean, and airy.  One could see a spacious living room, kitchen, bedroom.  What a guest wouldn't see was the hidden steel door in the bedroom closet.  The one with both a keyhole and keypad lock.

"Bathroom's over there.  There are clean towels inside.  And oh, gimme your clothes.  I'll run them through the 'quick clean' cycle in the washer.  They'll be as good as new.  Relax," she winked, "you can hand them to me once you're inside."
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"It's not broken," she smirked as she walked past him through the door.  "It's just missing this."  She opened her hand, revealing the firing pin.  Then quicker than he could react, she tossed it in the air.  Snatched it back.  "Let's go."

They drove back to her law office/loft.  In fact, she owned the entire building.  Which wasn't as impressive as it sounded, considering that it was in a seedy part of town.  But Barb never had any problems.  The less-than savory elements seemed to steer clear of her for some odd reason.  She unlocked the front door, led Dex to the back of the office where she unlocked a second door.  It was a stairwell leading up to her second story loft.  The place was simple, clean, and airy.  One could see a spacious living room, kitchen, bedroom.  What a guest wouldn't see was the hidden steel door in the bedroom closet.  The one with both a keyhole and keypad lock.

"Bathroom's over there.  There are clean towels inside.  And oh, gimme your clothes.  I'll run them through the 'quick clean' cycle in the washer.  They'll be as good as new.  Relax," she winked, "you can hand them to me once you're inside."

"Bloody 'ell." Dex grumbled. "What on earth happened?"

O'Reilly entered the bathroom, left his clothes out to be washed (though grudgingly), and showered. After that, he started looking at his face in the bathroom mirror. 

"No bruises, only a little cut, no broken teeth. I got off lucky yesterday." He said to himself. 

"Best hope I can dodge whatever comes at me next." 

Then Dex stopped. Talking to himself too much seemed like the actions of a crazy person.

He knocked on the bathroom door, and called out.

"I'm finished in here, thanks."
"Bloody 'ell." Dex grumbled. "What on earth happened?"

O'Reilly entered the bathroom, left his clothes out to be washed (though grudgingly), and showered. After that, he started looking at his face in the bathroom mirror. 

"No bruises, only a little cut, no broken teeth. I got off lucky yesterday." He said to himself. 

"Best hope I can dodge whatever comes at me next." 

Then Dex stopped. Talking to himself too much seemed like the actions of a crazy person.

He knocked on the bathroom door, and called out.

"I'm finished in here, thanks."

She opened the door a crack, handed the clothes through.  As much as she wanted to peek, she averted her eyes, her cheeks flushed.  She had finished changing.  She was now wearing a white, formfitting tee, black silk vest with jazzy, colored shapes, and a pair of comfortable jeans.  At her feet was her trusty black leather, designer backpack.  "Hey!" she yelled through the door.  As soon as you're dressed, I'll take you to this place I know.  The food's really good and the view's even better.  You'll love it!"
She opened the door a crack, handed the clothes through.  As much as she wanted to peek, she averted her eyes, her cheeks flushed.  She had finished changing.  She was now wearing a white, formfitting tee, black silk vest with jazzy, colored shapes, and a pair of comfortable jeans.  At her feet was her trusty black leather, designer backpack.  "Hey!" she yelled through the door.  As soon as you're dressed, I'll take you to this place I know.  The food's really good and the view's even better.  You'll love it!"

"No doubt it's expensive. I'm SO glad I'm paying for this." Dex growled as he dressed. When he finished, he opened the bathroom door and walked out.

"Ok, I'm presentable. And starving. Will we go?" O'Reilly asked impatiently. "Oh, and thank you, I guess. I would probably just be in some cheap hotel otherwise. Cheers. Now, I don't know about you-" Dex noticed the clothes Barbara was wearing. "Oh stylish. Now I do t know about you, but I need some air."
"No doubt it's expensive. I'm SO glad I'm paying for this." Dex growled as he dressed. When he finished, he opened the bathroom door and walked out.

"Ok, I'm presentable. And starving. Will we go?" O'Reilly asked impatiently. "Oh, and thank you, I guess. I would probably just be in some cheap hotel otherwise. Cheers. Now, I don't know about you-" Dex noticed the clothes Barbara was wearing. "Oh stylish. Now I do t know about you, but I need some air."

"See!  What I tell ya!  Good food, great view aaaand plenty of air!"  Barb took another bite of her hot dog, looking out at the lake in Grant Park.  "And you're only out $6.50.  Of course, since I'm a lawyer, I'm gonna bill you $18."  She gave him a mischievous smile.  "So, if it's alright, can I ask you something?"  she turned serious.  "You don't seem like a bad sort.  And trust me, I know some real scumbags.  How did you get mixed up in all of this?  I mean, a kid doesn't grow up wanting to be a criminal.  If you had a second chance, what would you do?  Who would you be?"  She studied him intently.
"See!  What I tell ya!  Good food, great view aaaand plenty of air!"  Barb took another bite of her hot dog, looking out at the lake in Grant Park.  "And you're only out $6.50.  Of course, since I'm a lawyer, I'm gonna bill you $18."  She gave him a mischievous smile.  "So, if it's alright, can I ask you something?"  she turned serious.  "You don't seem like a bad sort.  And trust me, I know some real scumbags.  How did you get mixed up in all of this?  I mean, a kid doesn't grow up wanting to be a criminal.  If you had a second chance, what would you do?  Who would you be?"  She studied him intently.

Dex smiled slightly, and when he answered Barbara's question, his voice was softer.

"If I wasn't a criminal...then I'd probably be some sort of soldier. Or maybe a policeman. Whichever job let's me fight. That's what I do best, and I like it. Fighting, not killing. But t whatever the job, it would be better than a gangster."

Dex stared out into the distance, but still talked.

lSk what's your story? I'm guessing you are related to Commissioner Gordon. Then why help a criminal like me? I killed someone. And what did you mean earlier, I'll be meeting Batgirl a lot sooner?"
Dex smiled slightly, and when he answered Barbara's question, his voice was softer.

"If I wasn't a criminal...then I'd probably be some sort of soldier. Or maybe a policeman. Whichever job let's me fight. That's what I do best, and I like it. Fighting, not killing. But t whatever the job, it would be better than a gangster."

Dex stared out into the distance, but still talked.

lSk what's your story? I'm guessing you are related to Commissioner Gordon. Then why help a criminal like me? I killed someone. And what did you mean earlier, I'll be meeting Batgirl a lot sooner?"

She looked at him thoughtfully as he answered.  After he finished, she didn't say anything.  Remained quiet for a moment, just processing everything he had just said.  Then he asked her about her story.  "Not much to tell," she hedged.  "Commissioner Gordon's my father.  But we don't see...eye to eye on things.  Let's just say I'm more...idealistic."  She took a good hard look at him.  "Why am I helping you?  Yes, I know you killed someone.  I'm not saying that he didn't deserve to die but that's something for the law to decide.  Not you.  Not me.  But..." she stared into his eyes, "I see good in you, Dex.  Yeah, I know it sounds corny but I do." She turned away.  Threw a bit of her hot dog bun to the ducks in the pond.  "Sorry to get all somber on you."  Her mood lightened.  "Don't worry about Batgirl, like I said, you'll be seeing her before ya know it."  She smirked at him as if not sharing a private joke.  "Oh....about that cheap hotel you mentioned earlier...."

Barb opened the door to room 2A at the Hidden View Motor Lodge.  "It's not the Ritz but it's clean.  I have to go.  I imagine Batgirl will be coming around shortly.  I'll see you tomorrow Dex. Probably in the afternoon.  I'm usually up nights," she offered as way of explanation, somewhat enigmatically.
Crane had taken his sweet time getting back to the disused apartment building he'd picked as a "solid" base for his men to return to. Surely enough, the sheep and the dogs were, well, they were eased by his return. He had one of his overseers, Roberto if Crane remember right, fill him in on any happenings they might have seen. Not much substantial info, only that a few stragglers had stirred trouble and needed to be removed from the area. Such competent mindless fools.

Once he was back in his room, Crane took out the card Ronan had given him last night. Odd little thing. Metallic. He supposed it was less likely to bend that way. More importantly, there was a number on it and he figured that was what he was supposed to call.

With that in mind, he stepped over the phone on the wall and punched in the number. As he listened to it ring, Crane had a thought. He stepped over the nearby window and slid it open, allowing the stuffy room to ventilate a little.

Ronan was sitting in an office in his hotel room, sipping a warm cup of coffee, watching the rain fall from the sky. The rain had always soothed him since his Return, maybe it was the first thing he met after it, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. He noticed the small humm of his device in his trench coat, either it was Dick, or Crane. He stood up, walking over in no hurry to grab the device. It was similar to a phone, but his personal design, after all he was an inventor as well as a scientist. He picked up it up, tapping the button on the screen that didn't forward to the files, and lifted it to his ear.

"Well at least the lawyer did his job correctly. Glad to see your genuine intrest in my endeavor. Now he's the deal; meet me in my hotel room, it's at the Belmont, 6th floor, 614. Don't come in your costume, I'd like a face-to-face talk. But bring it with you for afterwards." He walked back over to the chair he had been sitting in, and took another sip of his coffee, waiting for Cranes reply. 

Just as the line picked up, Crane heard a rustle of feathers from the window. Surely enough, as he turned to look, a black, hunched form had appeared on the window sill. The bird tilted its head at him and he smiled affectionately at it. He would have loved to talk to his dear Craw, but Ronan didn't need any insight on this particular relationship. So instead he mouthed a quick "hello" at Craw before turning from him.

Not the wisest choice, it seemed, as once again he heard fluttering before a weight landed in his shoulder and a beak pulled at a lock of his hair.

"Stop that," Crane mumbled away from the speaker, giving the bird a light shove that only seemed to encourage the pulling further.

"Not one for pleasantries are you?" he said, finally speaking to Ronan just as he finished his little diatribe. "I suppose I'll see you-"

In the middle of his sentence, Craw broke in with a high-pitched, resounding caw-caw-caw! If Jonathan had had neighbors he would have been concerned about them hearing.

"Damn bird," Crane said through his teeth. "I'm afraid something needs tending to."

With that, he shoved the phone back onto its base and gave Craw a muted glare. Craw stared back at him with one eye, cocking his head back and forth. Jonathan didn't think much of most people, but sometimes the bird gave him the impression that more was going in his head than one might think. Or perhaps he simply wanted food.
Ronan heard an odd quarrel in the backround of the call, he knew Crane was probably crazy, but who the hell was he talking to? He heard a cackle, similar to a crows, and a loud flutter. He was talking to a fucking crow. What a fucking fruit cake. He didn't say anything though, keeping his opinions to himself. He shut the phone off immediately after hearing his response. He didn't want to stick around for everything else.  (Ronans current face  ¬¬ )

Sirens rang in her ears as Poison Ivy looked up at the flashing lights above her.  The door to her containment cell creaked open, and a smile spread across her face.  Getting up from her spot on the ground, she sauntered out into the hallway, watching as the asylum fell into absolute chaos.  There were too many criminals for all the guards to take on, making for an easy escape.  Of course, there was that one guard that just had to get in her way.  He looked young, inexperienced.  He must have been fresh out of high school.  There was a determined look on his face as he raised his baton at the plant woman.  She gave a smirk as she looked him dead in the eyes.  "You wouldn't want to hurt me would you?"  Her voice was smooth and tantalizing, as she saw her pheromones going to work on the young guard's brain.  The boy's eyes seemed to daze a bit, and she gave a small internal chuckle as she closed the distance between them, getting extremely close to him.  "What's your name boy?"

"Alex.  Alex Reading, uh, ma'am."  She gave a smirk as the boy gulped. This was too easy.  She leaned into him and whispered into his ear

"How about this, Alex?  You help me get out of here, and I'll give you a little reward,"

"Uh, sure, ma'am!  I'd be happy to help."

Her smirk faded as her facial expressions turned more serious. "Good.  Now get me out of here."  The boy lead the woman out, Poison Ivy making sure to protect him as criminals lounged at him.  "He's with me, boys." she'd say, and then give another small internal chuckle when Alex would swing his baton into another guards stomach.  By the way she walked, one wouldn't think she was trying to escape Arkham.  She wasn't in any big of a hurry, just strolling down the corridors until she finally found her exit.  "So, Alex.  Did anyone tell you how this happened?"

"I don't know the specifics, ma'am.  But, they say the drug lord, Moriarty, and The Joker's bitch had something to do with it."  

She mused to herself, trying not to show the disgust she had for this kid right now.  Though the feeling was a bit conflicted, considering she was happy Harley had something to do with her escape.  She'd have to thank her when she met up with her again.  That's when they reached the rooms with her belongings.  Her cell phone and clothes were there, which she promptly slipped into, but something was off.  She felt metal press up against her stomach.  Taking off the corset of once more, she revealed a business card of some sort.  The Doctor, huh?  She didn't need a doctor, but something told her she should probably hold on to the card.  Tucking the business card between her breasts, she put her clothes back on and walked out the door, ready to leave.

When she finally reached the exit, she gave a small smirk.  "Thank you, Alex.  You've been a big help."  She feigned as if she was about to walk away, when she turned around to face the guard again.  "A little tip though: don't you ever call my friend a bitch again."  Before he could even react, Poison Ivy grabbed his face, planting a lethal kiss on his lips.  The boy fell to the ground.  She looked at him, a disgruntled look on her face, stepped over the body, and started walking towards center city.

After hearing a few rumors, Poison Ivy made her way to the Gotham Arms hotel, where apparently Harley was holing up.  Unfortunately though, she had gotten there much too late.  Her and what looked like, was that Croc?  Harley and Croc were being taken away by police officers.  She looked around for anything she could use, but was largely unsuccessful.  All the trees that had been planted around the area were too young to properly use and grass would also be pretty useless.  Her friend would just have to wait a little longer until she could properly repay her for her own escape.  

She snuck away undetected to find Scarecrow being beaten up by... who was that?  She narrowed her eyes as she watched the man be reduced to nothing more than a straw punching bag.  Great.  Another bat-wannabe was going to "clean up the city of Gotham."  Just what this town needed.  She watched into the exchange between the new man, Batgirl, and Nightwing, though the lack of flora around her was causing her a lot of trouble hearing the conversation all that well.  This concrete jungle was the worst.  If she had her way, this place would be blooming with plant life.  But she did hear something strange.  He called himself "The Doctor."  Thinking back to the card she had received, it all clicked.  But, there were still so many unanswered questions.  

That's when the Doctor replaced his mask and started to walk away.  Curiosity overtook her judgement and the plant woman stated to follow him.  He was mysterious, that was for certain.  She did not get far though, before she lost the man in a sea of people.  They seemed to have been rushing away from something, or as Poison Ivy would come to find out, someone.  It seemed everyone was out and about today.  Even Mr. Freeze seemed to want to come out and enjoy the sunlight.  She watched as Mister Freeze entered one of the many jewelry stores that lined the street and leaned against the wall of the building, waiting for the frozen man to emerge.

When he finally exited the building, Poison Ivy gave the man a smirk and stood straight up.  "Seems a little warm for you to be running around causing havoc, don't you think, Freeze?"

Harley stretched and yawned, she rubbed her eyes and sat up. She looked around confused. Wasn't she just in the hotel. Oh right...Batgirl. 
Harley stood up, realizing she was in the GCPD, she held onto the bars and looked around to see if there was anyone around she knew. 

She watched the police go about their business, "So boring" she said with another yawn. 
Killer Croc was more than just angry when he found himself in some kind of cell. There was a bed...that was it. There was only a bed.

Croc growled and roared, but nothing happened for a while. He didn't see anyone pass by his cell or even hear anyone. At least, not until they opened some sort of hatch above the cell. Light streamed in, and something dropped.

The item thrown in by the police was a slab of raw meat. Disappointing, but Waylon was quite hungry.
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Sirens rang in her ears as Poison Ivy looked up at the flashing lights above her.  The door to her containment cell creaked open, and a smile spread across her face.  Getting up from her spot on the ground, she sauntered out into the hallway, watching as the asylum fell into absolute chaos.  There were too many criminals for all the guards to take on, making for an easy escape.  Of course, there was that one guard that just had to get in her way.  He looked young, inexperienced.  He must have been fresh out of high school.  There was a determined look on his face as he raised his baton at the plant woman.  She gave a smirk as she looked him dead in the eyes.  "You wouldn't want to hurt me would you?"  Her voice was smooth and tantalizing, as she saw her pheromones going to work on the young guard's brain.  The boy's eyes seemed to daze a bit, and she gave a small internal chuckle as she closed the distance between them, getting extremely close to him.  "What's your name boy?"

"Alex.  Alex Reading, uh, ma'am."  She gave a smirk as the boy gulped. This was too easy.  She leaned into him and whispered into his ear

"How about this, Alex?  You help me get out of here, and I'll give you a little reward,"

"Uh, sure, ma'am!  I'd be happy to help."

Her smirk faded as her facial expressions turned more serious. "Good.  Now get me out of here."  The boy lead the woman out, Poison Ivy making sure to protect him as criminals lounged at him.  "He's with me, boys." she'd say, and then give another small internal chuckle when Alex would swing his baton into another guards stomach.  By the way she walked, one wouldn't think she was trying to escape Arkham.  She wasn't in any big of a hurry, just strolling down the corridors until she finally found her exit.  "So, Alex.  Did anyone tell you how this happened?"

"I don't know the specifics, ma'am.  But, they say the drug lord, Moriarty, and The Joker's bitch had something to do with it."  

She mused to herself, trying not to show the disgust she had for this kid right now.  Though the feeling was a bit conflicted, considering she was happy Harley had something to do with her escape.  She'd have to thank her when she met up with her again.  That's when they reached the rooms with her belongings.  Her cell phone and clothes were there, which she promptly slipped into, but something was off.  She felt metal press up against her stomach.  Taking off the corset of once more, she revealed a business card of some sort.  The Doctor, huh?  She didn't need a doctor, but something told her she should probably hold on to the card.  Tucking the business card between her breasts, she put her clothes back on and walked out the door, ready to leave.

When she finally reached the exit, she gave a small smirk.  "Thank you, Alex.  You've been a big help."  She feigned as if she was about to walk away, when she turned around to face the guard again.  "A little tip though: don't you ever call my friend a bitch again."  Before he could even react, Poison Ivy grabbed his face, planting a lethal kiss on his lips.  The boy fell to the ground.  She looked at him, a disgruntled look on her face, stepped over the body, and started walking towards center city.

After hearing a few rumors, Poison Ivy made her way to the Gotham Arms hotel, where apparently Harley was holing up.  Unfortunately though, she had gotten there much too late.  Her and what looked like, was that Croc?  Harley and Croc were being taken away by police officers.  She looked around for anything she could use, but was largely unsuccessful.  All the trees that had been planted around the area were too young to properly use and grass would also be pretty useless.  Her friend would just have to wait a little longer until she could properly repay her for her own escape.  

She snuck away undetected to find Scarecrow being beaten up by... who was that?  She narrowed her eyes as she watched the man be reduced to nothing more than a straw punching bag.  Great.  Another bat-wannabe was going to "clean up the city of Gotham."  Just what this town needed.  She watched into the exchange between the new man, Batgirl, and Nightwing, though the lack of flora around her was causing her a lot of trouble hearing the conversation all that well.  This concrete jungle was the worst.  If she had her way, this place would be blooming with plant life.  But she did hear something strange.  He called himself "The Doctor."  Thinking back to the card she had received, it all clicked.  But, there were still so many unanswered questions.  

That's when the Doctor replaced his mask and started to walk away.  Curiosity overtook her judgement and the plant woman stated to follow him.  He was mysterious, that was for certain.  She did not get far though, before she lost the man in a sea of people.  They seemed to have been rushing away from something, or as Poison Ivy would come to find out, someone.  It seemed everyone was out and about today.  Even Mr. Freeze seemed to want to come out and enjoy the sunlight.  She watched as Mister Freeze entered one of the many jewelry stores that lined the street and leaned against the wall of the building, waiting for the frozen man to emerge.

When he finally exited the building, Poison Ivy gave the man a smirk and stood straight up.  "Seems a little warm for you to be running around causing havoc, don't you think, Freeze?"


Freeze was still putting diamonds and jewelry in the bag he'd brought when he heard a farmiliar voice. As he suspected, Poison Ivy though he remembered her real name when she was going to be a promising student. He wasn't too enthusiastic about seeing her though, cold made plants wither "It's always cold for me Ivy and since I know ice isn't really your thing you'd best state your business" he responded following up with giving her an icy glare. He would be quick to draw if she tried anything involving any of the surrounding flora. One of the seemingly unseen rules the top dogs followed was usually to not interfere with buisness. He waited for her next move not allowing the fleeing citizens distract him in the case Ivy decided to attack.
Freeze was still putting diamonds and jewelry in the bag he'd brought when he heard a farmiliar voice. As he suspected, Poison Ivy though he remembered her real name when she was going to be a promising student. He wasn't too enthusiastic about seeing her though, cold made plants wither "It's always cold for me Ivy and since I know ice isn't really your thing you'd best state your business" he responded following up with giving her an icy glare. He would be quick to draw if she tried anything involving any of the surrounding flora. One of the seemingly unseen rules the top dogs followed was usually to not interfere with buisness. He waited for her next move not allowing the fleeing citizens distract him in the case Ivy decided to attack.

His response was, so... cold, although that was to be expected from a man shrouded in ice.  "You'd be surprised.  Some plants can be exceptionally hardy when faced with dire conditions."  She smirked walking a little bit towards him, but not too close as to be intimidating.  No, she did not need that at all.  She was playing with fire (or, well ice) on this one, but something told her she would need help during her future endeavors.  Especially if she wanted to get Harley back any time soon.  At this point, the GCPD probably skipped a holding cell all together and decided to ship her straight back to Arkham, and if she waited too long, possibly to Belle Reve.  It was one thing breaking out of Arkham.  That was easy.  Breaking into Arkham was a totally different thing, and she was sure even she might need a bit of help on this one.

She raised her hands in the air.  "Actually, I come in peace,"  She looked around at the surrounding area and then back at the man in the suit.  "I don't know if you've noticed, but we're only a few city blocks over from where Batgirl, Nightwing, and some new vigilante are wrapping up the arrests of a bunch of street thugs, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, and Scarecrow.  You know, some of the bigger criminals of Gotham.  It's no big deal, but I'd say you have about." she thought to herself for a moment, "five minutes until they arrive here with the rest of GCPD.  They seem really on their game today.  I don't know about you, but unless you plan on being another notch on these bat brats' utility belts, I'd hurry up and finish what you're doing.  Oh, and don't forget the backroom.  They'e got cases full of diamonds they haven't set yet."  

She gave a small smirk, her hands still raised.  "Of course, if you need help, I'd be more than willing to put my friends to work."
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His response was, so... cold, although that was to be expected from a man shrouded in ice.  "You'd be surprised.  Some plants can be exceptionally hardy when faced with dire conditions."  She smirked walking a little bit towards him, but not too close as to be intimidating.  No, she did not need that at all.  She was playing with fire (or, well ice) on this one, but something told her she would need help during her future endeavors.  Especially if she wanted to get Harley back any time soon.  At this point, the GCPD probably skipped a holding cell all together and decided to ship her straight back to Arkham, and if she waited too long, possibly to Belle Reve.  It was one thing breaking out of Arkham.  That was easy.  Breaking into Arkham was a totally different thing, and she was sure even she might need a bit of help on this one.

She raised her hands in the air.  "Actually, I come in peace,"  She looked around at the surrounding area and then back at the man in the suit.  "I don't know if you've noticed, but we're only a few city blocks over from where Batgirl, Nightwing, and some new vigilante are wrapping up the arrests of a bunch of street thugs, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, and Scarecrow.  You know, some of the bigger criminals of Gotham.  It's no big deal, but I'd say you have about." she thought to herself for a moment, "five minutes until they arrive here with the rest of GCPD.  They seem really on their game today.  I don't know about you, but unless you plan on being another notch on these bat brats' utility belts, I'd hurry up and finish what you're doing.  Oh, and don't forget the backroom.  They'e got cases full of diamonds they haven't set yet."  

She gave a small smirk, her hands still raised.  "Of course, if you need help, I'd be more than willing to put my friends to work."

Freeze held his ground as Ivy made her way closer to him and he stopped glaring, his expression was that of a professional poker player. Her statement about plant life was rather accurate, she might use seduction as a weapon but at least she was still intelligent. Freeze glanced at his right hand which held the stolen jewels he'd gotten and felt that he could in fact fit more within it. But Ivy was right, he'd taken much too long looting without care on how long it took and now the bats and bird could be on them in a matter of minutes as she'd warned. The best stuff was usually in the back and he'd failed to check the heavy safe that no doubt lead to a prized diamond guarded heavily.

He snapped out of his inner thoughts and appeared to sigh, his suit hissing cold air outwards. "Well you're no doubt expecting something in return for this but I could indeed use an extra appendage... There is glass and ice on the floor so i'd suggest avoiding that." He said, leaving her to return inside the jewelry store filled with frozen people left in states similar to that of a sculpture, their features were frozen in horror. Freeze wasted no time getting to the back of the jewelry store and now all he required was a little push from the help promised.
Ronan pulled out a notebook from his coat, which layed on his bed. He flipped to a page with a list of Gotham's criminals, curtosy of GPD files. The list had these names;


Poison Ivy- possible

Mr. Freeze- possible

Croc- hopefully

Bane- hopefully

He had only given cards to the three civilized people on the list, and hoped they'd soon find them. He had paid a loser guard at Arkham to stick the card in her belongings box, and with the recent escape, she had more than likely found it. Freeze wasnt that much more challenging, he had found on of his guards last night heading to a jewelry store, and had paid him a little. People in Gotham were so easily persuaded, it was pitiful.
Freeze held his ground as Ivy made her way closer to him and he stopped glaring, his expression was that of a professional poker player. Her statement about plant life was rather accurate, she might use seduction as a weapon but at least she was still intelligent. Freeze glanced at his right hand which held the stolen jewels he'd gotten and felt that he could in fact fit more within it. But Ivy was right, he'd taken much too long looting without care on how long it took and now the bats and bird could be on them in a matter of minutes as she'd warned. The best stuff was usually in the back and he'd failed to check the heavy safe that no doubt lead to a prized diamond guarded heavily.

He snapped out of his inner thoughts and appeared to sigh, his suit hissing cold air outwards. "Well you're no doubt expecting something in return for this but I could indeed use an extra appendage... There is glass and ice on the floor so i'd suggest avoiding that." He said, leaving her to return inside the jewelry store filled with frozen people left in states similar to that of a sculpture, their features were frozen in horror. Freeze wasted no time getting to the back of the jewelry store and now all he required was a little push from the help promised.

She smiled as he was quick to accept her offer. "Of course, but we can talk about payment later."  She watched him walk back in, as she took another look around, making sure the vigilante's really were no where to be found.  Her sites on a the tall tree in front of the jewelry store, she walked over and lovingly touched it, looking up to the leaves above.  She grinned, saying "Thank you dear.  I think you'll come in handy soon."  She telepathically talked to the tree once more and after a few seconds, the tree began to shake, and leaves started to fall from the branches above.  Quickly, Ivy pieced together a satchel made of the fallen leaves, and walked into the jewelry store.

Looking around, Ivy deduced that Freeze had already taken the point about getting the jewels in the back to heart, as he was no where to be found on the main show floor, but the icy trail leading to the back gave away his position.  Looking through the cases, she saw that most of them had already been cleared out.  She sighed, her discomfort clear on her face.  Some plants maybe hardy to the cold, but she was certainly still uncomfortable with it.  She started taking the rest of the jewels that were left in the case, shoveling them into her leaf satchel.
Barb left Dex at the hotel and headed home.  Once there, she quickly changed into Batgirl.  As she pulled the cowl and red wig over her short brown hair, she thought about Dex.  She smiled but then it disappeared, the expression replaced by one of grim determination and even a little sadness.  She buckled her utility belt, pulled out her smartphone.  She needed to warn Dick that Crane was free again.  No response.  She tried texting.  Nothing either.  A feeling of worry crept up but she quickly squelched it.  Dick was a big boy.  He could take care of himself.  He was probably busy tracking down Freeze and Ivy.  Now...there was a pair.  She had heard something about a jewelry heist while she had been busy with Dex.  So, he was probably all tied up with that.  No pun intended.  She called again, left a message this time.  "Dick, its Barb.  Crane's free.  Someone paid his bail and sprung him.  Don't know who yet but I'm working on it.  Also, I checked out this 'Doctor' character.  Nothing.  Just one big black hole.  Like the man doesn't even exist.  All I'm saying is be careful, Dick.  I get a really bad feeling about him.  Gotta go.  Got some 'business' of my own to take care of."

It took her five minutes on her custom Batbike to make it back to the Hidden View Motor Lodge.  She had reconned the entire hotel front to back.  Knew every egress and entry point.  2A.  She rapped loudly on the door.  To draw her target's attention.  She quickly disappeared behind the back.  To the small window inside the bathroom.  The one that she had silently unlocked just five minutes prior.  She leapt through, landing in a silent crouch on the tile floor.  She crept out, approached her target from behind.  "Shall we get started, Mr. O'Reilly?" she asked in an authoritative voice.

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