Gotham City


She looked through the window of the station just in time to watch the bodies drop.  She smiled as she sauntered down the alleyway, a spring in her step.  "Let's go," she said to Freeze. making her way to the front of the station  She reached the front door, staring at the locked door.  She smirked as two large roots shot through the glass doors, breaking the glass, and then receding back into the earth.  She ducked through the opening, and unlocked the door for Mr. Freeze.  He probably wouldn't be able to fit through the hole and held it open for him.

She took a minute to examine the quality of the air before texting Selina:

TXT: "Spores are gone.  Feel free to do what you do best~"

She smiled, tucking the phone back into her corset.  She looked around at the sleeping police officers.  They should be out cold for at least two hours.  It gave her plenty of time to get what she needed and get out.  She looked further back towards the holding cells.  "Harley, sweetie?  Are you in here?"  She walked down the row of holding cells, moving towards the back.  She looked into each one, noticing the bodies of goons were sprayed all around.  And, then she noticed them, Batgirl and Robin, their bodies side beside under a desk.  They looked like they were out cold, but-- no.

The first thing she noticed was how their arms had fallen (which gravity would have pulled to their sides or out, but never up) and the sickening smell that wafted from both of them.  She kept stepping towards the cells she believed Harley would have been in, walking backwards to keep an eye on both of them.  She looked up at Mr. Freeze, giving a silent signal to get ready. 

 The keys were almost in reach when she thought she heard Red's voice in the distance. Harley jumped up, giving up on the keys. "Red I'm in here!"  She shouted, rattling the bars again, trying to be as loud as she could. "Ya better hurry up and rescue me, its getting boring in here!" 
She thought about the last time she was waiting to be rescued by Mistah J...he never came. Hopefully Ivy wouldn't run into to much trouble. 
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She looked through the window of the station just in time to watch the bodies drop.  She smiled as she sauntered down the alleyway, a spring in her step.  "Let's go," she said to Freeze. making her way to the front of the station  She reached the front door, staring at the locked door.  She smirked as two large roots shot through the glass doors, breaking the glass, and then receding back into the earth.  She ducked through the opening, and unlocked the door for Mr. Freeze.  He probably wouldn't be able to fit through the hole and held it open for him.

She took a minute to examine the quality of the air before texting Selina:

TXT: "Spores are gone.  Feel free to do what you do best~"

She smiled, tucking the phone back into her corset.  She looked around at the sleeping police officers.  They should be out cold for at least two hours.  It gave her plenty of time to get what she needed and get out.  She looked further back towards the holding cells.  "Harley, sweetie?  Are you in here?"  She walked down the row of holding cells, moving towards the back.  She looked into each one, noticing the bodies of goons were sprayed all around.  And, then she noticed them, Batgirl and Robin, their bodies side beside under a desk.  They looked like they were out cold, but-- no.

The first thing she noticed was how their arms had fallen (which gravity would have pulled to their sides or out, but never up) and the sickening smell that wafted from both of them.  She kept stepping towards the cells she believed Harley would have been in, walking backwards to keep an eye on both of them.  She looked up at Mr. Freeze, giving a silent signal to get ready. 

Those last few moments she didn't have benefit of her smartphone because she had to pretend to be unconscious.  But, from floor level, she risked cracking her eyes open the slightest bit.  What she saw were feet.  First, the heavy, clomping boots of Mr.  Freeze.  And  after, the slender, bare feet of Ivy, covered only by a few strands of vines.  And what she saw were those feet pivot, walk backwards.  Inwardly, Batgirl smiled.  "Think you're clever, huh?"  Babs allowed them to pass her by.  She very slowly, so as not to attract any attention, at least from Freeze or Ivy, crossed her ankle over Tim's.  A secret message to wait.

She waited.  Waited while Harley's shrill voice filled the air.  Waited while the sound of Freeze's ice gun came to her ears, the quiet sound of him rending the bars free.  Waited while the heavy clomping of his boots passed them by again, heading back to the front door.  Now, while Ivy's attention was focused on her reunion with Harley!  They had coordinated their actions.  Tim would handle Freeze and she would take down Ivy and Harley.  Springing to her feet and onto the desk, she pulled off her gas mask and threw one of her over-sized batarangs at Ivy!  She knew about the eco-criminal's sympathetic condition that linked her to her plants.  Wondered what she would be feeling once her batarang released its virulent cloud of microbes that would immediately start to consume the vines covering her body.

But she wasn't taking any chances.  Just as the batarang reached it's target, she was on her feet, running.  Ready to finish taking down Ivy and Harl with her fists and feet.
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Selina Kyle


She heard Ivy and Harley's voices and was prepared to move out of her hiding spot when she heard other movement. Selina had been correct in assuming something was fishy about Robin and Batgirl. Taking out her rebreather as she heard it all, she slunk out of her hiding place and and behind the other side of the desk that the two had been laying near. Once the 'Boy Wonder' got up, well, he was in for a bit of a surprise. She knew for a fact that they hadn't estimated her being there, and while holding someone temporarily hostage wasn't usually her thing, she would have to do it to get Batgirl's attention. As soon as his head rose above the desk, she sprung forward and landed an inch or so behind him, rapping an arm across his chest to hold his arms still and held one of the long and knife-like claws of her suit to his neck.

"Batsy Batsy," she called out to Batgirl, grabbing her attention away from Ivy and Harley," You should really pay more attention to your surroundings."

Gripping the bird-boy tight, she made sure he couldn't move without his neck making contact with her sharp claw that was bound to do some damage if he moved too much. Her arms were steady and un-trembling as she smirked at the female bat over the boy's shoulder.

Mentioned: @ByTheChesapeake @BrainyGrrrrl

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She looked through the window of the station just in time to watch the bodies drop.  She smiled as she sauntered down the alleyway, a spring in her step.  "Let's go," she said to Freeze. making her way to the front of the station  She reached the front door, staring at the locked door.  She smirked as two large roots shot through the glass doors, breaking the glass, and then receding back into the earth.  She ducked through the opening, and unlocked the door for Mr. Freeze.  He probably wouldn't be able to fit through the hole and held it open for him.

She took a minute to examine the quality of the air before texting Selina:

TXT: "Spores are gone.  Feel free to do what you do best~"

She smiled, tucking the phone back into her corset.  She looked around at the sleeping police officers.  They should be out cold for at least two hours.  It gave her plenty of time to get what she needed and get out.  She looked further back towards the holding cells.  "Harley, sweetie?  Are you in here?"  She walked down the row of holding cells, moving towards the back.  She looked into each one, noticing the bodies of goons were sprayed all around.  And, then she noticed them, Batgirl and Robin, their bodies side beside under a desk.  They looked like they were out cold, but-- no.

The first thing she noticed was how their arms had fallen (which gravity would have pulled to their sides or out, but never up) and the sickening smell that wafted from both of them.  She kept stepping towards the cells she believed Harley would have been in, walking backwards to keep an eye on both of them.  She looked up at Mr. Freeze, giving a silent signal to get ready. 

Jim wasn't expecting this. He thought taking down Ivy would be a lot easier than this. But unfortunately, everything didn't come to plan. The commissioner was laying on the floor, seeing many of his men unconscious from Ivy's spores. Jim would to take down Ivy himself, but the pollen spread to him. He saw Ivy heading towards the holding cells, looking for Harley Quinn. Jim didn't want that to happen. Can't...let...this happen, he thought. The commissioner looked at his gun. It was far across the floor, but Jim needed it badly than ever in his life.

Before Jim could grab his gun, he got a Gas Mask from a drawer, in his office. Hopefully, this would be able to protect Jim from the pollen. He checked his surroundings to make sure no one would be watching him. Slowly, the commissioner crawled to his pistol trying not to get Ivy's attention. Quickly, James. Quickly!, those words kept running through Commissioner Gordon's mind.
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Selina Kyle


She heard Ivy and Harley's voices and was prepared to move out of her hiding spot when she heard other movement. Selina had been correct in assuming something was fishy about Robin and Batgirl. Taking out her rebreather as she heard it all, she slunk out of her hiding place and and behind the other side of the desk that the two had been laying near. Once the 'Boy Wonder' got up, well, he was in for a bit of a surprise. She knew for a fact that they hadn't estimated her being there, and while holding someone temporarily hostage wasn't usually her thing, she would have to do it to get Batgirl's attention. As soon as his head rose above the desk, she sprung forward and landed an inch or so behind him, rapping an arm across his chest to hold his arms still and held one of the long and knife-like claws of her suit to his neck.

"Batsy Batsy," she called out to Batgirl, grabbing her attention away from Ivy and Harley," You should really pay more attention to your surroundings."

Gripping the bird-boy tight, she made sure he couldn't move without his neck making contact with her sharp claw that was bound to do some damage if he moved too much. Her arms were steady and un-trembling as she smirked at the female bat over the boy's shoulder.

Mentioned: @ByTheChesapeake @BrainyGrrrrl


She spun around in mid-air, aimed, and threw a batarang at Selina's head.  All in one fluid motion.  This left her vulnerable to Ivy and Harley but so be it.  She'd always place Tim's life over her own.  Her new situation wasn't totally hopeless.  Ivy would have her hands full with the microbes.  And even now, Barb was able to shift her body, mid-flight, so her back was aimed squarely at the clown girl.

Selina Kyle


Dodging to the side of it just slightly, Selina let out a low chuckle.

"I'm afraid you shouldn't have done that batsy," Selina said in an almost sorrowful tone. Tightening her grip on the bird boy, she moved the claw closer to his neck that would cut it open if he moved at all.
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It all happened so fast.  The spores and grabbing his rebreather.  Dropping to the ground and waiting.  Waiting as Ivy and Mr. Freeze, walked past them.  Barbara signaling for him to wait and then the three moving quickly past him.  Then it was time.  He jumped to his feet, but before he could even pull out his bo, he was grabbed from behind.

Catwoman.  He hadn't expected that.  But then again, what kind of cat burglar would she be if he heard her coming?  With a claw to his throat, Tim knew he had to think quickly.  She had him in such a way that he couldn't move without slicing his neck, and with the added force thanks to Babs throw, his situation was looking stickier than even.

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After entering the police station and passing by Batgirl and Robin, Freeze was not at all surprised that Joker didn't come to save Harley but something felt off well multiple things. It happened quite quick but it was to be expected that the vigilantes were playing opossum, he would have warned the girls about this but he enjoyed letting learning happen hands on. "Unless you want to become a frozen clown sicle move away from the bars Harleen." He said calmly despite the chaos ensuing around him. Victor made sure that the clown girl backed up before firing his freeze ray in a sweeping motion across the bars. With the bars frozen his suit gave him the strength to easily snap the bars out of place leaving Harley to reunite with her friends. Now all he needed to do was get rid bat brat one and bat brat two.

Cat Woman appeared to have things under control with the boy wonder but Batgirl was still up. He would remedy that, Victor set the gun to a three capable off heavily freezing things and fired at Batgirl's feet.


After entering the police station and passing by Batgirl and Robin, Freeze was not at all surprised that Joker didn't come to save Harley but something felt off well multiple things. It happened quite quick but it was to be expected that the vigilantes were playing opossum, he would have warned the girls about this but he enjoyed letting learning happen hands on. "Unless you want to become a frozen clown sicle move away from the bars Harleen." He said calmly despite the chaos ensuing around him. Victor made sure that the clown girl backed up before firing his freeze ray in a sweeping motion across the bars. With the bars frozen his suit gave him the strength to easily snap the bars out of place leaving Harley to reunite with her friends. Now all he needed to do was get rid bat brat one and bat brat two.

Cat Woman appeared to have things under control with the boy wonder but Batgirl was still up. He would remedy that, Victor set the gun to a three capable off heavily freezing things and fired at Batgirl's feet.



Harley was finally free, she took a deep breath as she stepped out of the cell. 
"Thanks Mistah F!" She said with a smile and she skipped out towards the fighting.!Now lets kick some bat ass" She said with a smile and giggle.
She noticed Batgirl with her back faced to her. 
She took the opportunity to try run and jump on Batgirl's back trying to throw punches at her. "Leave my friends alone!" she shouted in her ear.
Harley was finally free, she took a deep breath as she stepped out of the cell. 
"Thanks Mistah F!" She said with a smile and she skipped out towards the fighting.!Now lets kick some bat ass" She said with a smile and giggle.
She noticed Batgirl with her back faced to her. 
She took the opportunity to try run and jump on Batgirl's back trying to throw punches at her. "Leave my friends alone!" she shouted in her ear.

She fell into Harley just to be met by a flurry of punches to the small of her back as the clown girl leapt onto her.  "UHHHGGRR!!!" It felt like icy knives being driven into her feet as Freeze's blast encased her lower legs in a shackle of sub-zero ice! She crashed to the floor in a heap.  Stunned and in pain, she desperately tried to reach her utility belt.
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Harley was finally free, she took a deep breath as she stepped out of the cell. 
"Thanks Mistah F!" She said with a smile and she skipped out towards the fighting.!Now lets kick some bat ass" She said with a smile and giggle.
She noticed Batgirl with her back faced to her. 
She took the opportunity to try run and jump on Batgirl's back trying to throw punches at her. "Leave my friends alone!" she shouted in her ear.

Jim was getting close enough to his pistol. Holy smokes...they didn't notice me!, Gordon was in relief after neither Ivy, Harley, and what assumed to be to Mr. Freeze and Catwoman. There were too many criminals in action! The cat has the Boy wonder, and Batgirl is stuck in cold ice by Victor. Where's Batman where you need him, Jim wished the Dark Knight would arrive in the precinct and take down those dangerous villains! But Gordon knew he wouldn't be showing up at any chance now. Jim knew he had to something, this might be his only chance to take at least some of bad guys.

Jim finally grabbed his gun. He quickly reloaded the pistol with an intense look, rather a fierce one. Jim was ready to aim his weapon. Before he would choose his target, he had something to announce to the villains. "Listen up you animals! Before you take your friend, Harley, I would like to propose an offer you all might be interested in," Commissioner Gordon stood up and looked at Batgirl and Robin. "I can't believe I'm saying this but... It involves Batman." Jim said it. Hopefully, the criminals would want to hear about the details of Gordon's deal. They've must accept, thought Jim.

@BrainyGrrrrl @HarleyPuddin @ManyFaces @ByTheChesapeake @Smoaki
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Croc heard something faintly. He could smell it better. Ivy must have broken in. What was that other smell. Some plant-related thing most likely. 

Croc tried furiously to punch the bars to his cell one last time, but they were made out of a very tough metal. The hatch above his cell was just out of reach, and that too was made from metal. However, as Waylon just realised, the walls on his cell was brick. Croc smiled, and started attempting to punch a wall down

A smile grew on Ivy's face when she saw Harley jump on Batgirl's back, sending her down onto the ground.  It almost overshadowed the fact that her skin felt like it was on fire from the microbes Batgirl had thrown at her.  It ate her vines.  It ate her clothes, causing her to drop her phone and the metallic business card from her breasts.  It even ate the satchel that the diamond was in, and now it was attacking her chlorophyll-filled skin.  It was the most excruciating half a minute of her life.  Her immune system was soon able to combat it, but it was hell.  Whatever pain she just felt, she wanted to make sure that Bat bitch felt it ten fold.

She looked over to the corner where she saw a a ficus.  This place was littered with them, and though they weren't the best resource, it would have to do for now.  She was too weak to summon any other plant life and she needed it at the moment.  The spindly roots crept out of the pots, wrapping around her being.  She walked over to Batgirl.  She looked down at her as Harley continued her assault, and gave a sly smirk.  Grabbing the girl's wrists with one hand, she used the other to pull off her re-breather. She quickly let go though before whatever herbicide she sprayed on herself before entering the building did too much damage to her hands.  

Before she could make any remarks though, the commissioner decided to draw everyone's attention to him.  She looked over, tossing the re-breather across the room.  Seriously?  Batman.  That seems kind of like a last ditch effort to get us to comply.  "What about Batman, old man?  You going to tell us he's on his way?  That we should scram if we want to stay out of Arkham?

@BrainyGrrrrl @The Great Catsby
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A smile grew on Ivy's face when she saw Harley jump on Batgirl's back, sending her down into the ground.  It was almost overshadowed the fact that her skin felt like it was on fire from the microbes Batgirl as thrown at her.  It had eaten her vines.  It ate her clothes, causing her to drop her phone and the metallic business card from her breasts.  It even ate the satchel that the diamond was in, and now it was attacking her chlorophyll-filled skin.  It was the most excruciating half a minute of her life.  Her immune system was soon able to combat it, but it was hell.  Whatever pain she just felt, she wanted to make sure that Bat bitch felt it ten fold.

She looked over to the corner where she saw a a ficus.  This place was littered with them, and though they weren't the best resource, it would have to do for now.  She was too weak to summon any other plant life and she needed at the moment.  The spindly roots creeped out of the pots, wrapping around her being.  She walked over to Batgirl.  She looked down at her as Harley continued her assault, and gave a sly smirk.  Grabbing the girl's wrists with one hand, she used the other to pull off her re-breather. She quickly let go though before whatever herbicide she sprayed on herself before entering the building did too much damage to her hands.  

Before she could make any remarks though, the commissioner decided to draw everyone's attention to him.  She looked over, tossing the re-breather across the room.  Seriously?  Batman.  That seems kind of like a last ditch effort to get us to comply.  "What about Batman, old man?  You going to tell us he's on his way?  That we should scram if we want to stay out of Arkham?

@BrainyGrrrrl @The Great Catsby

Jim was glad to see one of the villains heard what he said about his proposed deal. He knew if this is messed up, trouble will stirring Jim's way. "So I see you're interested in my deal. Good to hear. Well let me discuss the info on my offer," Jim quickly went into to his office and carried his chair into the room of the criminals. "Have you ever wanted to know where the Batman is? Where he lives? Well I can tell you right now the Dark Knight's current location, Ivy. And if you want to know, all you have to do is ask." Gordon was growing a smirk on his face, hoping for Ivy to ask where Batman is. Since it's very valuable to know. Especially to villains.


A smile grew on Ivy's face when she saw Harley jump on Batgirl's back, sending her down into the ground.  It was almost overshadowed the fact that her skin felt like it was on fire from the microbes Batgirl as thrown at her.  It had eaten her vines.  It ate her clothes, causing her to drop her phone and the metallic business card from her breasts.  It even ate the satchel that the diamond was in, and now it was attacking her chlorophyll-filled skin.  It was the most excruciating half a minute of her life.  Her immune system was soon able to combat it, but it was hell.  Whatever pain she just felt, she wanted to make sure that Bat bitch felt it ten fold.

She looked over to the corner where she saw a a ficus.  This place was littered with them, and though they weren't the best resource, it would have to do for now.  She was too weak to summon any other plant life and she needed at the moment.  The spindly roots creeped out of the pots, wrapping around her being.  She walked over to Batgirl.  She looked down at her as Harley continued her assault, and gave a sly smirk.  Grabbing the girl's wrists with one hand, she used the other to pull off her re-breather. She quickly let go though before whatever herbicide she sprayed on herself before entering the building did too much damage to her hands.  

Before she could make any remarks though, the commissioner decided to draw everyone's attention to him.  She looked over, tossing the re-breather across the room.  Seriously?  Batman.  That seems kind of like a last ditch effort to get us to comply.  "What about Batman, old man?  You going to tell us he's on his way?  That we should scram if we want to stay out of Arkham?

@BrainyGrrrrl @The Great Catsby

Harley's punches continued to rain down on her head, each blow like a jackhammer.  She could hardly see.  Too dazed to fight back.  Suddenly, she felt her hands being violently yanked.  Her re-breather being grabbed out of her mouth with such force that the metal cylinder banged against her teeth.  Her arms were released.  She tried to fend off Harley but the clown girl's mania gave her superhuman strength.  In between the blows, she could hear very vaguely, as if a world away, her father's voice and much nearer, that of Ivy's.  But she was in such a world of pain, that she had no sense of what was being said.
Lawton watched what was going down through a set of windows that overlooked the scene, with Batgirl in ice, his job just got eaiser for him... "I could end it now... But where is the fun in that?" He said with a short laugh, setting the rifle to to a remote controled setting he went into the GCPD building to finsih the job up close and personal. He slowly walked the halls, arms raised ready to fire. He stepped around the unconscious cops among other things.
Ronan walked over to his coat, and pulled out a pistol. He spun over to Crane, who was just about to open the door. "Thank you for your service Johnathan Crane," he said before pulling the trigger. The gun had a silencer, so the rest of the hotel wouldn't hear it. He quickly walked over to the body, heeving it over his shoulder, and walking outside to his balcony. He tossed the man over the edge, and went back inside before it hit the ground. He wouldn't have to worry about DNA, he wouldn't be found anywhere, his job had perks. 

Some time had passed after the shooting, and he was growing a little antsy. He needed to do something, wait. He could call Ivy. Perfect idea. He quickly got dressed in the trench coat, tucking the scarf under the jacket, and added the rest of the details. He didn't put on the mask or hat yet, since he wasn't sure if he'd actually be leaving. He picked up the device in his jacket, and searched for the card number of the card he had stuck in her belongings, then he found it. He lifted the phone to his ear, ring, ring, ring, beeeep. Damn voicemail.  He decided to leave an message.

"I am The Doctor, and I'm the one who gave you the card. Now I have given one to all of your friends, some how or another, and you can ask them, they'll have one. Now I need you to do these things for me, before we all meet up as a big happy family. I need you kidnap Batgirl for me. Get your friends to help you, cause I know it won't be an easy job. Take her to this address, 547 Wakoma Avenue, it's a warehouse in the industrial district. You can hurt her, but I want her alive.

Next thing, tell your friend Selina Kyle to call me, I have a job for her to do. Oh, I forgot to add that the payment for every job I offer of very high."

Selina Kyle


Dodging to the side of it just slightly, Selina let out a low chuckle.

"I'm afraid you shouldn't have done that batsy," Selina said in an almost sorrowful tone. Tightening her grip on the bird boy, she moved the claw closer to his neck that would cut it open if he moved at all.

Jim was glad to see one of the villains heard what he said about his proposed deal. He knew if this is messed up, trouble will stirring Jim's way. "So I see you're interested in my deal. Good to hear. Well let me discuss the info on my offer," Jim quickly went into to his office and carried his chair into the room of the criminals. "Have you ever wanted to know where the Batman is? Where he lives? Well I can tell you right now the Dark Knight's current location, Ivy. And if you want to know, all you have to do is ask." Gordon was growing a smirk on his face, hoping for Ivy to ask where Batman is. Since it's very valuable to know. Especially to villains.


He stood there with Catwoman’s claw to his throat.  He went through the maneuvers in his head, trying to figure out a way to escape from Selina’s grasp without causing his to bleed out from a punctured jugular.

And that’s when the Commissioner spoke up, grabbing everyone’s attention.  He lured all of them in with the allure of knowledge on Batman.  Honestly, if he had any knowledge on Batman, now would be a great time let them know.  Maybe even get him here somehow.  That would be great.

That’s when he realized: this was the distraction he needed.  The commissioner had everyone’s guards lowered.  It was genius honestly.  He took a millisecond to measure the risk of slitting his throat, but realized he could probably get out with minimal damage.  He was ready to reverse the situation on Selina, when--

"♪♫I’m bulletproof, nothing to lose/ Fire away, fire away/ Richochet, you take your aim/ Fire away fire away-♪♫”

Wait, what?  Who even--?  And, then Poison Ivy walked over to what was probably her phone.

Excuse me, everyone.  I have to take this.

He didn’t even think about it.  All of a sudden he blurted out.  “You’ve got to be kidding me right now.
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Jim was glad to see one of the villains heard what he said about his proposed deal. He knew if this is messed up, trouble will stirring Jim's way. "So I see you're interested in my deal. Good to hear. Well let me discuss the info on my offer," Jim quickly went into to his office and carried his chair into the room of the criminals. "Have you ever wanted to know where the Batman is? Where he lives? Well I can tell you right now the Dark Knight's current location, Ivy. And if you want to know, all you have to do is ask." Gordon was growing a smirk on his face, hoping for Ivy to ask where Batman is. Since it's very valuable to know. Especially to villains.

Ronan walked over to his coat, and pulled out a pistol. He spun over to Crane, who was just about to open the door. "Thank you for your service Johnathan Crane," he said before pulling the trigger. The gun had a silencer, so the rest of the hotel wouldn't hear it. He quickly walked over to the body, heeving it over his shoulder, and walking outside to his balcony. He tossed the man over the edge, and went back inside before it hit the ground. He wouldn't have to worry about DNA, he wouldn't be found anywhere, his job had perks. 

Some time had passed after the shooting, and he was growing a little antsy. He needed to do something, wait. He could call Ivy. Perfect idea. He quickly got dressed in the trench coat, tucking the scarf under the jacket, and added the rest of the details. He didn't put on the mask or hat yet, since he wasn't sure if he'd actually be leaving. He picked up the device in his jacket, and searched for the card number of the card he had stuck in her belongings, then he found it. He lifted the phone to his ear, ring, ring, ring, beeeep. Damn voicemail.  He decided to leave an message.

"I am The Doctor, and I'm the one who gave you the card. Now I have given one to all of your friends, some how or another, and you can ask them, they'll have one. Now I need you to do these things for me, before we all meet up as a big happy family. I need you kidnap Batgirl for me. Get your friends to help you, cause I know it won't be an easy job. Take her to this address, 547 Wakoma Avenue, it's a warehouse in the industrial district. You can hurt her, but I want her alive.

Next thing, tell your friend Selina Kyle to call me, I have a job for her to do. Oh, I forgot to add that the payment for every job I offer of very high."

Ivy watched as Gordon walked back into his office, carrying out a chair.  She squinted her eyes at the older man, preparing to have a root from one of the nearby trees bust through the floor and grab him if he tried anything funny.  She didn’t want to fall for another trap.  She did not need that right now.  “Okay, Gordie.  Tell me where is the--

“♪♫I’m bulletproof, nothing to lose/ Fire away, fire away/ Richochet, you take your aim/ Fire away fire away-♪♫”  

Ivy's thoughts were interrupted by the noise coming from her phone.  Not the best message she wanted to be giving the commissioner right now, but there wasn’t much she could go about it now.  Though the Batman was an important matter, she half felt like he was lying.  "Hold on one minute commissioner."  She used the phone ringing as sort of an unintentional intimidation tactic, putting the Gordon on hold, and walking over to the phone.  Though by the time she got there, it had already sent the caller to voicemail.  She recognizing the number as the one on the business card, and a half a minute after she picked up the phone, it dinged, signaling a voicemail.

Um, no.  Absolutely not.  She was not going to let some mysterious "Doctor" just leave her a voicemail on a number she never gave him.  She didn't even listen to it.  She hit callback, looking back over at the scene behind her.  "Excuse me, everyone.  I have to take this."

The phone rang a couple times when the other end picked up.  Before the person had a chance to talk, Ivy went off.  "What do you want, and make it quick.  I've got a bat, a bird, and the police commissioner to murder, and I'd like to get out of here before S.W.A.T. arrives."
Lawton made his way over to where Gordon, Ivy, Catwoman, and most notable Batgirl among others in some sort of standoff. "Well Well, looks like Batgirl cant handle herself after all!" He said as he trained one of his wrist guns on her, the other trained on the others' direction. "So Batgirl... Tell me something, would you? How much do you think your worth dead?" He asked her, watching her face for a reaction.
Ronan was just about to put his device away, until Ivy called him back. He picked up the phone, to immedianlty hear her voice. "You've got both in there? Ok so I'll rephrase my message dear, a ton of easy cash for a simple job. Tracing your signal I see Freeze, Harleen, and Selina, as well as Robin and Batgirl. Tell everyone of your friends, besides Robin and Batgirl that I will be willing to pay everyone a large sum of cash if they decide to do my job. Tell me their response."

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Dex stumbled to his feet, head dizzy from...whatever just happened. The GCPD were lain where they had just been standing or sitting before they were knocked out. The handgun of one policeman was only a few feet away...

Dex grabbed the gun, and started striding over to the only other people standing. Roars and bashing could be faintly heard coming from below. The people standing consisted of Batgirl, Commissioner Gordon, and some other odd people. Oddly, Poison Ivy (it was obvious what she looked like) was talking on her phone.

Dex took up position behind Harley Quinn, and aimed the gun right at her head, but didn't fire. This wasn't personal, so he needed a reason to kill someone he had never met. Or...he could just help out. From a he looks of things, Batgirl had taken a beating. That wasn't good. The vigilantes would need all the help they could get.
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Selina Kyle


She watched as Harley beat the crap out of Batgirl for a while before Ivy's phone went off. Chuckling at Robin's response, she figured that this... impasse would do them no good. Turning her face to Harley, still keeping a firm grim on the bird boy, she called out.

"Harley darling if you kill her now, you won't be able to do it later," she mentioned silkily," and I know how easily you get bored. What would there be to do if she were gone now? The Bat hasn't been around for a while now, so we wouldn't have him for an almost fair fight."

This whole situation was a bit funny to her, considering the original plan had probably gone off much smoother in Ivy's mind. This... this was just interesting. Selina didn't even know how to describe it to herself.

Mentioned: (briefly) @ByTheChesapeake @HarleyPuddin (briefly) @BrainyGrrrrl
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Ivy watched as Gordon walked back into his office, carrying out a chair.  She squinted her eyes at the older man, preparing to have a root from one of the nearby trees bust through the floor and grab him if he tried anything funny.  She didn’t want to fall for another trap.  She did not need that right now.  “Okay, Gordie.  Tell me where is the--

“♪♫I’m bulletproof, nothing to lose/ Fire away, fire away/ Richochet, you take your aim/ Fire away fire away-♪♫”  

Ivy's thoughts were interrupted by the noise coming from her phone.  Not the best message she wanted to be giving the commissioner right now, but there wasn’t much she could go about it now.  Though the Batman was an important matter, she half felt like he was lying.  "Hold on one minute commissioner."  She used the phone ringing as sort of an unintentional intimidation tactic, putting the Gordon on hold, and walking over to the phone.  Though by the time she got there, it had already sent the caller to voicemail.  She recognizing the number as the one on the business card, and a half a minute after she picked up the phone, it dinged, signaling a voicemail.

Um, no.  Absolutely not.  She was not going to let some mysterious "Doctor" just leave her a voicemail on a number she never gave him.  She didn't even listen to it.  She hit callback, looking back over at the scene behind her.  "Excuse me, everyone.  I have to take this."

The phone rang a couple times when the other end picked up.  Before the person had a chance to talk, Ivy went off.  "What do you want, and make it quick.  I've got a bat, a bird, and the police commissioner to murder, and I'd like to get out of here before S.W.A.T. arrives."

Lawton made his way over to where Gordon, Ivy, Catwoman, and most notable Batgirl among others in some sort of standoff. "Well Well, looks like Batgirl cant handle herself after all!" He said as he trained one of his wrist guns on her, the other trained on the others' direction. "So Batgirl... Tell me something, would you? How much do you think your worth dead?" He asked her, watching her face for a reaction.

Dex stumbled to his feet, head dizzy from...whatever just happened. The GCPD were lain where they had just been standing or sitting before they were knocked out. The handgun of one policeman was only a few feet away...

Dex grabbed the gun, and started striding over to the only other people standing. Roars and bashing could be faintly heard coming from below. The people standing consisted of Batgirl, Commissioner Gordon, and some other odd people. Oddly, Poison Ivy (it was obvious what she looked like) was talking on her phone.

Dex took up position behind Harley Quinn, and aimed the gun right at her head, but didn't fire. This wasn't personal, so he needed a reason to kill someone he had never met. Or...he could just help out. From a he looks of things, Batgirl had taken a beating. That wasn't good. The vigilantes would need all the help they could get.

The onslaught of blows diminished to a casual blow every couple minutes or so.  The clown girl must be getting tired, Barb thought.  Not that she could take advantage of it.  Not just yet anyhow.  She was still stunned, her entire body aching, her feet now numb from the ice shackle around them.  But her strength was coming back.  She could feel it.  Just another minute or so.  That's all she needed.  Through bleary eyes, she stared at Tim.  Could tell that the young crimefighter had something in mind.  "Do it," she urged him in her mind.  Barb knew that Selina Kyle had the greatest liability that a criminal could have.  A heart.  That's why Barb had felt safe enough to throw a batarang at the costumed cat.  Barb knew that Selina would die before murdering a 15 year old boy in cold blood.  But just as it looked like Tim was about to make his move, Ivy's phone rang.

"Titanium, seriously?!"

Deadshot also took that moment to make his appearance known, shoving one of his wrist guns in her face.  She noticed that his other wrist gun was pointed at the group of supervillains.  So, he wasn't with them.  "Mexican standoff."  Barb could definitely use this to her advantage.  Harley was the wildcard.  Easily excitable.  Freeze was completely cold-hearted.  He wouldn't hesitate for a moment to kill both her and Tim.  But only if it furthered his agency.  He wasn't sadistic.  And he didn't get along with others.  No, he wasn't the leader.  He wasn't the one that Barb had to worry about that. 

That would be Ivy.  She would be the one that Batgirl would need to defeat if they were to have any chance here.  And right now, it looked like she was distracted by her phone call.  Barb decided not to make it easy for her.  It was time to heat things up.  And she knew exactly how to do that!

"How muuuch am I worrrrth dead?" she asked the assassin, her words slurred.  "Why don't youuuu shooot me and find ouuuutttt?  Thisss is a new low, even for you.  Ssshooting a woman who can't even fight back.  I always knew you were a p%ssy, Floyd." 

She was almost set.  She just hoped that Tim would be ready,  And where the hell was Dex?!
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Freeze felt the building shake as something large roared and rammed into the bars of a cell close by. He would have to make this trip quick since the girls appeared to be distracted quite easily. The fact that Ivy's phone went off in the middle of a fight was by his standards unacceptable, he wasn't fond of interruptions. It appeared that his distaste was shared by the boy wonder. Freeze doubted the commissioner would tell the truth about the whereabouts of the Batman, he doubted anyone actually knew who he was besides the sidekicks he'd recruited. Victor didn't take his eyes off the showdown as he straifed off towards the sound, "I'll be back!" was the only thing he said leaving the others to fight.

Immediately after walking in the direction of the sound he caught a pungent odor of sewage mixed with some other elements that he could smell even through the icy shell that protected his head. He immediately knew who it was "Killer Croc how ice to see you." He said and continued on "You look like you could use some help, I'm feeling rather generous today so i'll spring you from the cooler in return for an IOU." He said offering his assistance while not mentioning the details. If Ivy had bribed him into helping her surely he could do the same to Croc.


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