Gotham City


It was so worthless.  It was a lot like talking to a brick wall.  Harley wasn't going to listen to her, her words falling on deaf ears.  "Fine, Harley.  Have it your way."  She slowed the car down as she pulled over to the side of the road.  When she finally stopped, she wouldn't look at her friend.  She just stared forward through the windshield.

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Harley fiddled with the phone in her hands. She opened the car door ready to go, then stopped and held out the phone to Ivy, showing her the coordinates. "Whats the address?" She said looking at her with desperate eyes, they were starting to water but she wouldn't cry, she wouldn't.
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Poison Ivy took her phone and looked at the coordinates.  She entered them into google coming up with an actual address (who seriously gave coordinate?  Just another reason to hate this pretentious douche).

She looked around the car for a pen, eventually finding a blue one.  She looked back up at Harley, who's eyes started to look glassy with tears.  Oh no.  She blinked as her mouth turned into a frown.  She bit her bottom lip, reaching out to take Harley's hand.  She wrote the address down on the girl's palm.  She looked back up at Harley, giving a sympathetic look.

"Please be careful, sweetie."

She watched as Ivy wrote on her palm, looking back up when she was done. 
She paused for a second, stopping herself from bursting into tears."Thanks Red" she gave Ivy a strong short hug, before getting out of the car.

It took her a minute to realize where exactly she was, Harley made her way down the street, planning on stopping at one of the main hideouts the Joker and her had, to get some equipment and a change of clothes. She took a deep breath, as she picked up the pace. "I wish ya came with me Red" She said to herself, wiping a tear from her cheek, she hadn't realize she was already crying.

Harley looked down at her palm, she said the address in her head over and over again,just in case it came off. 

After 20 minutes of walking she was close, she could see it at the end of the street. It was an old abandoned building, she wondered if any of the Jokers old gang would be there. Maybe not, there was so many hideouts, even she lost count. 
When she got there, she pulled out a brick from the side of the building and got the spare key. When she got in she didn't find anyone, but there was playing cards at the table near the front door and empty cans, someone must of been here. She shrugged and headed straight for the shower, hoping the water was at least warm.
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She sat in the car for a while, contemplating what to do next.  Seeing that look in Harley's eyes shot a stake through her heart.  She couldn't believe this was happening.  Did she really just send Harley to fend for herself?  Not that the girl couldn't protect herself; she just chose not to.  She had learned a long time ago that no matter how much she reasoned with the girl, reasoning wouldn't work.  She was blinded by shadow that was "Mistah J."  Yet here she was, still stuck on this carousel with Harley at the controls. 

Ivy let her head fall on the rim of the steering wheel, defeated.  She turned her head to look out the window.  At this point, the clownette was out of sight.  Poison Ivy gave a sigh, knowing what she had to do.  She picked up her phone and opened up the messenger.  She quickly typed out a message addressed to Catwoman:

TXT: "Selina, I'm sorry to say, but Harley needs our help again.  I don't know if you know, but there is some jackass out there calling himself the Doctor.  He told Harley that he could bring the Joker back to life, and now she's so blinded by the chance to see him again, that she didn't read the fine print.  He wants her to work for him.  I don't trust him.  Earlier today, I saw him talking to Batgirl and Nightwing just after beating up Crane.  He told me he was trying to play the Bat Family.  I believe that part, but he's trying to do it by manipulating the cities criminals to meet his demands.  This man is trying to play us for fools.  That and we all know everyone is better off without the Joker around.  We need to do something about him.  He gave me coordinates to his location.  I can send them to you, and we can talk more about it there before anyone shows up."

She read over the message, hoping everything made sense and then hit send.  She watched out the window of the car, slightly hoping to see Harley walk back down the road.

Ronan sat on the roof, and watched Barbara sneak her way through. She could've just walked through the gate like a normal person, but Hell he was sitting on the roof. After awhile he noticed Harleen, good, he wasn't surprised Ivy didn't come. She wasn't one to take lightly, she had a bullshit sensor, and she used it. He looked down, seeing Barbara walking around, taking in her surroundings. No matter, he'd have Harley wait outside, and deal with this presistent bitch himself. He stood up, placing a foot on the skylight, then quickly jumping down into the depths of the warehouse. He landed smoothly, about 5 feet away from Batgirl. "Well I can see Floyd didn't do his job."
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Lawton hears the glass break, but was unsure of what it was. He took awalk around the perimeter fence, looking for shards or said broken window. He walked back to the van, this time noticing Harley, "Harley why are you here?" He asked raising both his arms.
Dex waited by the van Deadshot took, and pondered what had happened. Batgirl just gave him a key her apartment, and told him about something he never thought to hear. A secret metal door, and how to open it. Now he was starting to piece together who Batgirl truly was. She say something about that "second chance".

Still, with all the events that happened, Dex was quite bored. The mask Deadshot gave him was a little cool, but it wasn't long before he lost interest in it. Being backup was boring, Dex decided.
Harley got out the shower forgetting she hadn't gotten out a towel, she ran around trying to find one. When she found one she dried her self quickly and ran to the cupboard in their room, she pulled on her red and black jumpsuit and shoes. 

She pulled her hair into pigtails and rummaged around trying to find white face paint and lipstick.

When she found them she finished getting ready, pulling on her cowl.

"Now for the fun stuff" She said pulling open a box revealing her weapons, she pulled out two guns, a grenade and a heavy rubber chicken.

"Where is it ?!" She said throwing everything else behind her hoping nothing exploded. 

She went back to the closet and rummaged around "Ah hah!" she said pulling her mallet out. "There you are"

She got an idea, grabbed a belt and made her self a makeshift utility belt, luckily she didn't have much to carry. 

She slung the mallet over her shoulder and headed out running towards the address which she had memorised by now. 

Harley was creeping around, not so stealthily, when she heard a voice and froze. She looked over to voice and rolled her eyes. "Ugh it's not any of your business Deadeye" she purposely said his name wrong she had no time for him.

"Doctor send for you?" He said Harley. It made sense, or maybe she just came for fun, then it hit him, 'She is his failsafe' he thought. So this Doctor did come prepared after all. "Well I'll stay outta your hair as long as you don't screw up my plans." He told her, as he lowered his arms. "You have fun Quinn." He ignored the fact she said the name wrong, but it was most likely purposeful.
Batgirl looked up as her opponent came crashing through the skylight!  Panes of broken glass rained down on the floor.  The man landed just five feet in front of her, lightly getting up as if the drop meant nothing.  He was wearing a mask but by the trenchcoat and the way he moved she knew exactly who it was.  The Doctor!  So...she was right all along.  She readied herself, fists clenched, crouched in a  battle stance.

"Floyd had a change of heart.  Seems he doesn't like working for pretentious dirtbags like you. man enough to take me on your own or do you wanna make a phone call and whine for help from another one of Gotham's lowlifes?  I think Gypsy Moth might be available.  He's  not doing much these days I hear."

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Ronan was looking forward to getting some blood on his hands.  He stood his ground.  He would let her make the first move. 

"Ready when you are, Ms. Jordan."
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That's Ms. Gordon, scumbag!  But a**wipes like you can call me Batgirl!  She activated the lens in her cowl, throwing a flashbang at him, followed by two rope lines, one at his ankles and one at his chest, to tangle him up.  They were just cover, she fully expected that neither would take him down as she charged him, preparing to launch into a Flying Crane kick strike aimed squarely at that stupid masked face of his.

Ronan lifted his arm to his face for protection, as his ears began to ring from the flash bang. But the good thing about the damn Pit was it heightened his senses. He turned his body, avoiding the first rope, but didn't realize she had sent a second to his ankle. Smart. He noticed her coming at him, she was going to kick him. Even though he mostly hired people to do his work, it was because he didn't want to waste his talents first. He sensed the move, and crossed his arms into a X pattern, catching her foot inches away from his face.

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He was good.  She had to give him that.  But she was better.  She kicked up with her other foot.  Not only would it nail him under the chin, getting under his crossed-arm block, but it should free up her captured leg, the momentum carrying her over into a backward flip that would give her the added foot or two of space away from him to open up with a three shuriken (more of Deadshot's goodies) strike.

Ronan forgot to deal with his other foot, oh well. He felt the kick coming up his chin, as it made him release her foot, and stumble back some. He heard the clean shriek of a knife or some small metal object soar through the air. He quickly removed his hat, placing it in front of his chest where they were aimed, as they took the hat as a target. "Your not half bad, your fighting how Jason used to, quick, but always with flaws." He pulled out his device, pressing a button as he ducked. He had tranq darts built in the wall behind him, and heard them soar above his head towards Batgirl.
She sensed more than saw the darts streaking toward her.  She spun around, using her cape as a shield to deflect the pointed missiles.  "Nice try but you're gonna have to do better than that!"  She would worry about how the hell he knew Jason later.  She did a sideways leap off the stack of crates to her left, propelling her several feet into the air.  It should bring her down right on top of her foe.  She drew back her fist, ready to deliver a knock-out blow to the top of his head as she came flying toward him in what she hoped was his blind spot.

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Ronan cursed in his mind, how did she know? No matter. She was diving right for him, he rolled out of the way to her left, and charged at her, tackling the woman. Now he could beat her here, he was stronger than the woman, he could easily beat her with brute force. He pinned her to the ground, "Show me what you can do!"

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She kneed him in the crotch.  HARD.  Pulling back her leg, she drove her boot into his ribs with enough force to send him hurling away from her.  She did a handspring to get to her feet, facing off against him once more.  "How about that?" she replied with mocking sweetness.  "You know, considering how much of a man you are, I'm surprised that you even felt it.  Oh, what's the matter?  It couldn't have hurt that much."

Ronan stumbled back, damn that didn't feel good! He coughed from the kick in the ribs, the woman's armor was hard, and by the blood on his mask he could tell it caused something inside him to bleed. As he put his hand on the ground, he felt a metal cylinder, it was a dart! He removed his mask, due to the blood, and it was also making his jaw hurt from earlier. He wiped his mouth with his glove, then smirked. "Well what are you waiting for?"
She knew he was taunting her.  Hoping to provoke her into doing something stupid.  Like she had tried with her earlier insults at his manhood.  Oh...she still planned to take him up on his challenge.  But she was going to do it her way.  Surreptitiously, behind her back, she un-clipped one of the 9-bangs.  Then, in one swift motion, she threw it!  It landed at his feet, exploding in a deafening flash and bang.  She didn't wait.  She charged, protected by the lens and earplugs in her cowl.  While he was blinded, his ears ringing, stunned, she intended to finish it.  She shot a devastating palm strike at his nose.  Followed up with a right cross and then a left.  She jabbed at his knee with her foot.  Used her other leg to sweep his ankle from behind, sending him to the floor.  She dropped, slid behind him and got him in a choke hold.  "You're through," she declared as her forearm pressed down on his throat.

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Ronan shielded his face once again when she threw a bang, careful not to lose his grip on the dart. He flew back when kicked in the nose, releasing another cough as he layed on the ground. Sooner than he thought, he was in a choke hold, his face bleeding, and he smirked. "Oh am I?" He said before jabbing the dart into Barbara's neck, the weaker part of the suit. He held it there for a few seconds, until the dart clicked, signaling the medicine was released. He pushed her of of him, and stood up, catching his breath. He chuckled, circling Batgirl slowly, then wiped his face of blood. "Have a nice nap dear," He said calmly watching her drift into haziness.

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Just as she almost had the villain completely subdued, she felt the sharp jab to her neck!  A wave of dizziness washed over her.  Her hold on Ronan weakened as she fell back, her limbs going numb.  She fumbled with her utility belt but her fingers felt thick, clumsy.  Whatever he had hit her with was powerful, fast-working.  "Move!" she screamed in her head but she couldn't concentrate.  Couldn't will her arms or legs to obey her.  It took all her effort to roll her head, stare up at the mastermind of it all who was circling her.  Like a vulture.  "'re'll...nev..."  Her words slurred into silence.  The last thing she saw was Ronan's face before she drifted off into oblivion.

Ronan smirked at her attempt to talk, it was a horse tranquilizer, it would be very hard to not be subdued to that. He picked up his hat, placing his mask inside it as well, and setting it on a crate nearby. He made his way back to Barbara and slung her over his shoulder, carrying her to the back room of the warehouse. He set her down in the chair, and removed her utility belt. He walked to the other side of the room, and picked up a roll of thin metal cable, enough to keep her trapped. He rolled it over, and began to wrap the cable around her.

Once he was done, he sat down in a chair across the room from her, and sighed. He didn't suffer major damage from the fight, bloody nose, bruised jaw, and the coughing had seemed to stop for now. But for now he pulled out his device from his coat, and looked at the cameras. Floyd was talking to Harleen, not much of a surprise. He decided these two would be his messengers. He hacked into the microphone in the cameras, and spoke. "Glad to see you made it Harley. Now here's the deal. I took care of some buisness earlier, and I don't seem to need you here right now, but I do need this. Spread the word of me, The Doctor, I will pay each of your friends 1 million dollars if they decide to help me. Meet me with your friends at the Wayne building."

He cut the audio, not intrested in her response. He needed to leave now. But after he thought that, he heard someone bust through the warehouse door. Floyd. He walked slowly out of the office, damn his mask was at the other side of the room. At least his face couldn't be traced. "I don't think that's a wise idea Floyd." He said hoping his secret weapon would show.
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Lawton heard the sounds of fighting, he ran up to where Batgirl had entered, finding the Doctor and an unconscious Bat. He raises his arms and aimed at the man, "I see you got my package. I'd prefer to have her back. Try anything and i will not hesitate to shoot you."

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