Gotham City

Batgirl remained calm as the gun was thrust in her face, looked Harley straight in the eye and said, "I'm telling you the truth, Harley."

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Continuing to look for her friend, she decided to tune out Floyd's talking.  That was until he said the last part about Batgirl being useful.  She looked over her shoulder back at him, giving him a judging look.  He wasn't wrong.  She was doing a number a number on Freeze when the Boy Blunder decided to step in.  "Well, pheromones can only do so much, and I wouldn't trust her if she wasn't under my control.  I'd have to kiss her, and that's something I'd really rather not do unless she dies in the end."

She looked around some more when she finally spotted the clownette talking to Batgirl and someone else?  It seemed weird until the clownette pulled a gun on Batgirl.  Much better.

She walked up to the three, pretty confident that whatever was going on in this meeting would have no real consequences on her life.

@LoneSniper87 @HarleyPuddin @BrainyGrrrrl @Lunarcat
"Quiet, brooding... got it." She nodded and grasped her hands behind her back to stop her picking at her claws. Batgirl was right, of course she was, Apple had always been too sensitive, too willing to let others walk over her. Of course, back home, that wasn't a problem, but, well, she had wanted to move to the big city. It was time to grow up and stand up for yourself, grow a thicker skin. Still, she smiles when Batgirl pointed to her heart, her family had always believed in being the bigger people, 'killing' with kindness as they say. You can't buck back when a horse starts bucking, that's what dad said. Sure it was long and unwieldy, but that silly stupid sentence stuck with Owl-Girl. It wasn't easy being a hero, even for a simple task like this, but Owl-Girl knew she had to believe in herself. If only it was easy as saying it was.

"Thank you Batgirl... that means a lot to me." And she really had meant it. When her ears picked up a third heartbeat, and a car engine. Owl-Girl took a step back and twisted her neck 270o to see who the newcomer in his, or her, car was. When Harley suddenly shoved a gun into Batgirl's face. "Batgirl!" Owl-Girl looked back and forth from Harley to Batgirl, looking for a signal, a sign, a lightning bolt from the heavens to come down and tell her what to do. She was still new, cripes, was she ever new, and she had no idea what to do in these situations, but all she knew was that she had to avoid making the situation WORSE. 
Harley stared at Batgirl, her angry expression turning into a sad one. If hes alive, shes been wasting all this time when she could of been looking for him!
She nodded "Thanks B Girl" She pulled the trigger and a flag popped out with the word BANG on it. She let the gun drop to the ground and she turned away from Batgirl. 
Thats when she saw Ivy, and she put on a fake smile. "Red, you took long enough!" She said trying to sound happy.
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Lawton trails Ivy by a few feet as he stares down Harl, his gaze passing over the half-owl half-human thing. "The gang is reunited at last." He says quietly, To nobody in particular. "So what's the plan? And don't Ivy, Batgirl won't be trying to attack you anytime soon." He said it normally, but with a begruding undertone, knowing this was forced upon him.

"For her sake, I hope you're right."  Ivy turned back around and continued walking towards the three people.  As she got closer, she realized that the third person was actually a half-owl creature.  Interesting.  Looks like someone drew the metagene short straw... 

"Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetie."  She called over to Harley.  "Deadshot and I had a little talk, and we've come to an agreement of sorts."  She turned around to look at Deadshot, giving a wink.  "Now, why are we all standing around out here anyways?"

@LoneSniper87 @HarleyPuddin @BrainyGrrrrl @Lunarcat
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So may heartbeats, so many new people, Owl-Girl simply stood next to Batgirl, quiet like, winding her head around like the girl from the exorcist, looking at each new person as they walked in. She felt surrounded, and one part of her just wanted turn into an owl and fly away. No no, stay calm! Owl-Girl balled her claws into a fist, if only to keep herself from biting at them. There's red head, Batgirl, her, Harley, and new guy who she thought was named deadshot, based on what red head said. "Hoo to to toot..."
She made no outward sign of flinching when Harl pulled the trigger.  Inwardly she did though, just a little bit.  But then she saw the sad expression on the clown girl's face and despite everything Harley had done to her in the past, she couldn;t help but feel sorry for her.  To love someone that much...  As the scarlet and white villain dropped the prank gun and ran off to Ivy, Batgirl turned to Owl Girl.  "I hope that didn't startle you.  I forgot that you haven't been around Harley Quinn much.  I'm just so used to how she acts by now that I forget that there are still people that aren't."

Harl and Ivy weren't the only ones having a reunion.  "How'd you ever manage to convince Ivy to come along with you?" she asked Deadshot.  But before he could answer, she noticed what he was wearing and she smiled.  "Ha!  I didn't realize that you had such a girlish figure."  She took her utility belt off of him.  The familiar snap of the buckle, the feel of it hanging on her hips, she felt recharged.  Not to mention it had a spare cowl and wig compressed and tucked away inside one of the compartments.  Something the boys and girls at STAR Labs came up for her.

But before she got to that, she had to take care of something else first.  She was still holding the metallic card that Ronan had left behind for her.  She studied it for a sec.  Tilting it in the early morning light, she saw the glint of circuitry running across its surface.  Worried that it might possess some NFC tech that would allow it to hack into any device it came into close proximity with, she carefully placed it within a special compartment of her belt.  It was configured as a Faraday cage, designed to block any incoming or outgoing signal.  The card would essentially be dead and the Doctor would have absolutely no way of activating or communicating with it and vice versa.  That taken care of, she could finally get out of this pillowcase on her head!

 "Excuse me," she told Owl Girl.  That was another thing she liked about the girl.  Not for a moment did she smirk or laugh or show the slightest sign of derision at the fact that Babs had been wearing a pillowcase on her head all this time.  Quickly, she hurried back into the building and quick-changed, donning her trademark cowl once more.  Stepping back out, she went to thank Deadshot but noticed something strange about him. She knew exactly what that glassy look in his eyes signified.  She stormed over to Ivy.  "What did you do to him?" she demanded to know.

@ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87 @HarleyPuddin @Lunarcat
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"Oh we are having a hoot!" She walked towards Ivy standing next to her and watched Batgirl walk in and out. 

She put one had one her hip and tried to keep herself together, she wanted to run off right now and search high and low for Mistah J. But where would she even start? She shook the thoughts away, foccusing on what was happening right now.
She looked at Deadshot and then smiled knowing Ivy had something to do with this. "Say goodbye to your bf Bratgirl" Harley walked to him putting a arm around his shoulders. "Cowboy's with us now."
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" Oooh... sooo she ooften pulls fake guns oon peoople..." Owl-Girl sighed and shook her head, she defiantly was not used to it yet, maybe ever. And of course owl-girl couldn't laugh at bat girl's pillow mask, after all, whooo was the one with an owl beak for a face? She laughed at that internally as she watched batgirl rush inside and change. Owl-Girl only had some fake leather, jeans and a domino mask she got from a party store to save her secret identity hide. Owl-Girl tilted her head back and fourth at Harley and Ivy, not quite knowing what's going on, but making sure to try and look intimidating... it wasn't going well for miss Owl over here. Her fluffy feathers, her tufted ears, didn't exactly say 'scary', maybe odd and strange, but not... scary. Looked more like a person in a mascot costume lost on their way to a convention. She kept her pace behind Batgirl. Not too close not too close, don't look like a weirdo. 

She watched Batgirl walk in and out, taking off that ridiculous pillowcase and putting her cowl back on. When she emerged again, Ivy looked at her and gave a disgusted look.  "Really, you should put the pillow case back on."  She was still pretty bitter about the herbicides and she didn't mind letting it show.

Then, she mentioned Deadshot, she smiled, crossing her arms over her chest.  "What are you talking about.  We just had a little chat~"  She looked toward Deadshot.  "Isn't that right, Floyd?"

@LoneSniper87 @HarleyPuddin @BrainyGrrrrl @Lunarcat
Floyd was pretty mum on the subject.  "Wonder why that is?" she wondered sarcastically.  She turned back to Ivy.  Jabbed a finger in her face.  "You used your pheromones on him, didn't you?  Kissed him.  You're a real piece of work, aren't you?"  She continued to fume for a moment.  But realized that it wasn't the worst thing in the world.  The effects were temporary; Floyd would be back to normal...eventually.  None the worse for wear.  And if Barb was being honest with herself, she found the prospect of a brainwashed Deadshot, at the mercy of his mistress' every whim...tempting.  Well, not if that mistress happened to be Ivy of course.  She dismissed the thought out of her head.  There were more urgent issues that needed to be resolved at the moment.  "I need to speak to you," she told Ivy.  "Alone."

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Harley watched Batgirl with a smirk, she giggled. "I think someone jealous" She stuck her tongue out at her. 
Hmph what business did she have with Ivy. She eyed her suspiciously. "Hey Red, lets get what were here for" She got ready to strike Batgirl with her mallet.

Ivy blinked a couple times at the finger in her clearly unamused face, eventually pushing the finger away from her.  That was rude.  She looked at Harley when she said that they should get what they came for.  "Just one minute, sweetie.  We should at least let her have some last words."  She started to walk away to give them some distance between the others, turning around to give Batgirl a look that said "are you coming or what?" 

Once they were at least halfway away from where she wanted to be, she started talking.  "Seems like a bit of an over-reaction, don't you think?  I mean, what could go wrong with some harmless mind control?  Oh!  I mean, besides him flying of the handle and almost killing one of his teammates.  That would be unfortunate."  She gave a smirk, looking over her shoulder at Batgirl.

@HarleyPuddin @BrainyGrrrrl
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Harley watched them talking and her mind wandered off, she walked away from Deadshot, and looked up at the sky. Just far enough so he couldn't hear her. She didn't know what to think, is Mistah J dead or not? Maybe this was all part of one of his plans, she just wished he had told her.
Maybe he thought she would spoil the joke if she knew. 
If he was alive where would she even start to look for him, and if he wasn't then she was just wasting her time. Her eyes started watering. 
"Where are you Puddin?" She said staring up at the sky. Harley just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. 
But Batgirl was here and she wasn't planning on looking weak. 
Barb's eyes widened.  She was too shocked to say anything.  Her hands tightened into fists.  When she was finally able to speak, her words were filled with venom.  "" she spat.  It took all of her effort to remain in control.  To keep from ripping this woman apart.  Only after taking several deep breaths was she able to continue.  "The Doctor wants to bring back the Joker.  This cannot be allowed to happen.  I know you, Ivy.  I know that we're in absolute agreement about this."  She looked at her steadily, her fists still clenched.  She was still burning from what Ivy had said earlier.  "I need you to help me.  I need to find that second Lazarus Pit.  And the only way I can do that is if he thinks that he's won.  That everything's going according to plan.  And once this is all over and I've shut down that Pit for good, I'll take all the blame.  Harley hates me already.  So, it doesn't really matter if she hates me for this as well.   Just remember, when all of this over, you and I are gonna settle up for what you did to me.  What you made  So, do we have a deal?"

@ByTheChesapeake @HarleyPuddin

By the venom in the other's voice, Ivy knew she had struck a nerve.  She hit below the belt on that one, and she didn't even feel bad about it.  All she wanted was to get under the girl's skin, which she could confidently say she accomplished.  She turned around fully to look at her as she explained her deal.  "Good to hear we're on the same page, then."  Why she offered to take the fall for the whole thing was a mystery to her.  Maybe to bring honor to the Bat family name or something.  She didn't know.

Ivy gave a smirk hearing the conditions of the help Batgirl was offering.  "We have a deal."  Of course, that end part would never happen, but it was best to agree for now.

"Hmmm," she shrugged and then looked down at her fingernails.  "If I knew it was going to be this easy, I wouldn't have had to kiss Floyd."

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She neither smiled nor showed any other sign of pleasure at Ivy's agreement.  They were neither friends nor partners nor comrades in arms.  They had a deal.  That was it.  While they were still away from everyone else, Barb took out her phone and sent the same text to both Dick and Tim.

TXT:  I'm alright.  The Doctor kidnapped me.  He needed me out of the way because I discovered that he plans to bring the Joker back to life.  He's found a second Lazarus Pit somewhere in Gotham.  I don't know why but he needs the two of you.  For some insidious purpose.  We need to play along with his plan until we discover the location of that Pit.  Harley and Ivy are working with me.  Along with Deadshot and a reformed con, Dexter O'Reilly.  Dex knows my secret identity.  You can trust him.  I'll keep in touch if possible but I might not be able to given the situation.  I have faith in the two of you.  That you'll look out for one another and do the right thing.  I need to go now but remember this above all else- DO NOT TRUST THE DOCTOR.  DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING HE SAYS OR DOES.  NO MATTER HOW CONVINCING HE IS. 

To Tim's text, she added- "I'm sorry."

After she sent the message, she looked back up at Ivy.  "So, what exactly did he ask you two to do?"

And come to think of it, where the hell was Dex?!

@ByTheChesapeake @HarleyPuddin @Rathalosa@Lancelot
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Ivy just looked around as Batgirl decided to send the world's longest text message, her eyes finally settling on Harley.  She just seemed to be looking up.  Ivy hadn't even noticed how beautiful the sky looked tonight.  It had been so crazy, she hardly had a chance to enjoy herself.  She'd have to treat herself to a beach day after all this Doctor nonsense was all said and done. 

That's when Batgirl's question woke her from her daze.  "He asked a lot of us," she started.  "First, he wanted us to capture you and bring you to him for an apparently large sum of money.  You probably already figured that that's who was calling me.  Then, he found out Robin was there, and suddenly we had to take both of you.  That was the plan until both you and Robin got out of our grasps.  I scratched the Robin part because he wasn't going to let us take his re-breather off without a fight.  That, and I don't particularly care for enabling pedophilia.  I already took yours off, so there would be no problem getting you to come with me.  Then, once he figured out Deadshot had actually taken you, he told us to come here and have Deadshot hand you off to us.  Since that didn't work, he told Harley to 'gather up her friends' for a party at the Wayne building, and that's it."

Poison Ivy rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms in front of her.  "He thinks we're all so desperate to have you guys dead that we'd just become his pawns against Batman.  He's an idiot.  His narcissism is absolutely astounding."

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She knew pretty much everything except that last part.  "Why is he interested in Wayne Manor?"  She knew of course that the Doctor knew that Bruce was Batman.  Was he interested in capturing Batman?  She didn't even know whether he was even there right now.  Gotham's Dark Knight hadn't been seen for almost a week.  That was hardly cause for alarm though.  Given his responsibilities to the Justice League.  "He might be on another planet for all I know."  Did he want to get into the Batcave?  Was that it?  Was...that where the Lazarus Pit was?!  Underneath the Batcave?!  "Impossible!  Bruce would know?  Wouldn't he?"  Then an even more disturbing thought popped into her head,  "Or...he knows!  He knows and he didn't us!"  That would be a monumental betrayal.  Something that couldn't be forgiven.  No.  As much as Barb disliked Bruce, she couldn't imagine him being capable of such a treachery.  No, there must be some other reason that the Doctor had his eyes on Wayne Manor.

Of course, she could tell none of this to Ivy.  "Hmm...Wayne Manor.  Bruce Wayne is this city's leading industrialist.  Not to mention its wealthiest citizen.  Maybe he's interested in some tech that Wayne possesses.  Or perhaps he just wants to hold him for ransom."  Well, there was one way to find out for certain.  "Ivy, you still have the calling card that the Doctor (she hated calling him that) gave you?  Call him.  Tell him you collected me from the hotel and that you're on your way to Wayne Manor.  See if he'll give you any more details about why he wants you to go there."

After she finished, she looked over at Harley and Owl Girl.  Wondered what she had gotten the new hero involved with.  Her first mission and already she could be facing one of the most dangerous villains to ever plague Gotham City.

@ByTheChesapeake @HarleyPuddin @Lunarcat
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Harley snapped and out of her thoughts and turned around looking at Ivy and Batgirl. She sighed, and wiped her eyes, careful not smudged any facepaint.
"Hey are you two done yet! " She yelled, this was getting boring.
She walked towards them dragging her mallet across the floor lazily.
"The Doctor?" Owl-Girl asked no one in particular, she honestly didn't have a clue what was going on, but she knew one thing, she was on batgirl's side no matter what. Batgirl was nice, smart, pretty and haden't even tried to hit her with anything yet. But that didn't mean she felt no pity for Harley. Poor Harley, she must have really missed this puddin guy. She seemed like a good person deep inside, but was clearly going through some really tough psychological problems. Apple wondered if it was low self esteem like she had that pushed Harley to the brink. Self hatred can be so damaging... Owl-Girl turned her neck back around to ivy and deadshot, wondering just what batgirl's plan was to deal with these two.

@HarleyPuddin @BrainyGrrrrl @ByTheChesapeake
Nightwing chuckled "I'm sure Batman can fix you up if he bothers to show, no one has seen him the past few night... Hold tight Tim, I am coming to you." As Nightwing chuckled a man entered the GCPD, it was the same man who saved him from the Scarecrow, calling himself the Doctor... "Talk about a coincidence."  "I suppose I owe you one once again... Tim escaped but he is still hurt, I suppose you could maybe help us out with that one Mr Doctor?"  As Nightwing spoke he stared at the mans mask, he now recognised the blobs of ink that he saw when injected with Scarecrows fear toxin... "Odd."

@ReverseWells, @The Great Catsby, @ByTheChesapeake
Barb saw that the heroic owl girl looked perplexed.  Thought she'd better go over and explain everything.  Give her a chance to back out if she wanted.  "Sorry, Owl Girl.  I'm so used to working by myself, that sometimes I forget what I need to do when I'm working with a partner."  With Dick and Tim and especially Steph, it was easy.  With them, she had developed such a tight bond that she didn't need to communicate through words.  It was like they shared a telepathic link.  But with someone as new and inexperienced as Owl Girl, Barb knew she had to spell things out.  As clearly and completely as she could.

"So, here's the deal.  There's this evil scientist/mastermind type.  Calls himself 'The Doctor'.  Mid-30s.  Craggy face.  Wears a trenchcoat and fedora and a full face mask that's covered in paint splotches.  He has something called the 'Lazarus Pit'.  It's exactly how it sounds.  A pit in the earth that can bring back the dead."  For some reason, Barb saw the girl tense up.  "Hmmm...interesting."  She queried her.  "Do you know about the Pit?"  Barb listened to her response and filed it away for later.  She continued.  "So, Doc here, he wants to bring back The Joker.  I know you're not too familiar with the supervillain scene around here, but Joker is especially...infamous.  He's a whole magnitude of order level higher when it comes to evil.  Absolute sociopath.  Mass murderer.  Even worse than the worse of the worst.  He's Batman's arch-nemesis.  Joker was allegedly killed recently and now the Doctor wants to dig up his corpse and bring him back to life.  Suffice it to say, we can't let this happen.  And that's why we're here.  Make no mistake, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy over there, they're bad.  But they're cupcakes when compared to the Joker.  So...we're gonna have to trust them for the time being."

Of course, Barb didn't trust them.  But given Owl Girl's skittish nature, Barb figured it would only be counter-productive to clue her in on this.  It would just make her unnecessarily nervous, even paranoid.  And the young hero already had enough to worry about.  No, for now, it was for the best if the girl put her complete faith and trust in the villainous vixens.  "God help us." 

"I can't ask you in good faith to go along with all of this.  To do anymore than you've already done..  And believe me, you've done plenty.  For starters, you saved my life.  If it weren't for you, we'd all be cinders right now.  And honestly, I could use your help here.  But what I'm asking is more dangerous than anything I have the right to ask of a new hero on her first time out.  So, if you just want to walk away, I completely understand.  It's the smart thing to do.  I won't hold it against you.  But, if you decide to stay, despite it being colossally foolhardy and stupid, I would appreciate it...greatly."

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Harley watched as Batgirl filled in Owl Girl. She was annoyed by the lack of response she got, but whatever, they must be done by now.

"Well? Are we gonna go save Mistah J or what?" she said, hand on her hip.

She was getting impatient, why did no one else want to hurry along with this. They all had their own little plans, but hers was the most important.

No doubt Batgirl wanted to ruin her plans to get Mistah J back, but she'd kill her before that happened.

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