Gotham City

Oliver Queen

Oliver studied each slide, trying to spot anything useful. And then he saw it. "He didn't want to kill Barbara, or at least he wasn't asked to. Whoever hired him wanted her alive. As well as Tim, but the employer didn't need Tim right away. He left him there for a pick up later." He also relized something else, but hadn't said it yet. Why would Deadshot leave her untied? "I think something changed Deadshot's mind to not restrain her. Most kidnappings the kidnapper will restrain the victim. And Deadshot has done it in the past, so he must not trust the employer. Or he wasn't paid enough."
As soon as Ivy and the others had left, the vines around her and Owl Girl receded.  As promised.  Batgirl took the opportunity to finally check her smartphone.  "Bruce.  Figures.  He pulls a disappearing act while Gotham burns and then picks the most inconvenient time to return."   She wanted to just ignore him.  But if she did that, undoubtedly, he would feel the urge to ride to her rescue and ruin everything she had gone to the trouble to set up.  She called him.

"Hey.  This is Batgirl.  I'm fine.  Glad of you to finally show up.  Nice to see you still give a damn about Gotham,  Ever since you joined the Justice League, you've been skipping town every chance you get.  What's the matter, Catwoman move to Central City or something?"  She couldn't resist twisting that particular knife.  "I've got things under control.  I'm working with Harl, Ivy, and Deadshot.   Don't ask.  Also, a new girl called Owl Girl."  She filled him in on eveything she knew about the Doctor and his plan.  "I'm only gonna ask you one time- Is there a Lazarus Pit under the Batcave?"

After hearing his answer, she grimaced and turned to Owl-Girl.  "I need you to fly me to Wayne Enterprises.  I'll give you directions on the way.  Are you up for it?"

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Harley was walking away with Ivy, when she got a sudden itch on her head, which quickly turned painful.

The sudden pain cause her to throw her hands up to her head, dropping her mallet in the process. She gritted her teeth.

God that hurt, she leant down to pick up her mallet when a familiar voice rung out in her head and her eyes widened.

Her face turned white behind her already white face paint.

"...Mistah J...?" She said to her self, she looked around frantically, Was she just hearing things? 


"In the flesh kiddo, well not quite HAhaha, but you get the idea... But you need to stay mum about this!" Joker's voice laughed but the ending sentence was more of an order towards Harley. He wanted to stay hidden while he planned his next move but he also needed Harley for his upcoming operation. He wanted to make sure it would be a Blast for his reappearance. Joker knew Harley had her uses but he didn't need her spoiling his plans with a mess up.
"Good catch, but I've never known him to capture alive, his pay must've been exceptionally high. So we need to find him to find Batgirl, if-" he stopped as convienently enough Batgirl responded. He grimaced as she made the comment about Selina. "Well I have Oliver Queen here to help with this problem..." At the mention of the Lazarus Pit he tensed, only because of how interconnected it was to everything nowadays. But he didnt know of any Lazarus Pit under the Batcave. "No Barbara, if I knew of a Lazarus Pit under the Batcave you think I'd hide it? I'd tell all of you then shut it down. The Lazarus Pit changes people, you know that." He said, but he didn't feel like lecturing her, she probably has had a rough past couple days. "And I know I've said this before, but sorry." He ended the transmission and turned to Oliver, "So where should we start?"

The plant woman stayed focused on her plants, making sure they still held until the three reached the car like she said.  She was so concentrated, she actually jumped from surprise when her best friend fell to her knees in apparent pain.  The minute she had was when she lost concentration and control over the roots holding Batgirl and Owl-Girl  "Harley?"  She knelt down next to the clown, placing her hands on the woman's shoulders.  "Harley, sweetie, What's wrong?"

Harley nodded and responded quietly "okay..." It was practically a whisper. How could he even hear could she hear him?! Was she imagining it, hallucinating? She was about to ask him a question, when Ivy spoke to her.

Harley quickly turned her head to Ivy. "Huh? Oh, um just a headache Red" She smiled weakly at Ivy. Her head throbbed like crazy. She stood up slowly, holding her head.

@ManyFaces @ByTheChesapeake
Owl-Girl brushed herself off and nodded to Batgirl. "Im pretty strong in my owl form, shouldn't be a problem." She tried on a smile, but her bones still hurt from the vine strangulation. Still... She made it! She survived! And daft punk was playing over and over in her head! But she knew, she knew she could do it. "Not so good with directions though... But if you say left i garuntee I'll know which direction to go in! Heh, i thought birds were supposed to have a good sense of direction..." 
Oliver Queen

Oliver listened to Bruce's conversation, the Lazaris Pit. He grumbled at the word, he had fought Ra's, and knew his daughter Nyssa. The Al Guel's were people not to mess with. But Ra's wasn't in town, if so Malcom would have made a b-line to Gotham. But then it hit him. "I say we trace Barbara's call, and follow them. But hold on. If the Lazaris Pit is in play, and we both know Ra's isn't in town. He would've contacted a associate of mine, and probably would've talked to you. But I think I know who the man is. When you went to London and met Ra's at the Pit, you know he isn't the one who runs everything. He just uses it. I think that man is the guy who runs the Pit." He said as he pressed his gloved finger on the screen at the man.
"You're doing great!" Babs encouraged as they flew over Gotham.  This bird's eye view was fantastic!  Despite everything that was happening, Barb couldn't help but have a sense of elation.  "If this is what its like, no wonder she's so chipper all the time!"  Barb pointed to the tallest skyscraper in the Gotham skyline.  "There it is!  Wayne Enterprises!  Come down over there!"  She pointed to a spot three blocks away, leading to the parking garage where they were to rendezvous with Ivy, Harl, and Deadshot.  Now all they had to do was wait.


Ivy gave her friend a concerned look.  She had never seen a headache so bad.  She heard the girl whisper quietly to herself, but didn't think anything of it.  "Okay.  I'll take your word for it." She helped her friend up as they continued to the car.  "If it still hurts after this meeting, I have some lavender oil in my apartment.  That normally helps me." 

Once they got to the car, Ivy got into the driver seat, and once they all got in, she started heading towards Wayne Enterprises.

Bruce Wayne

Bruce took all this in, tapping in a few keys to trace Batgirl's communicator. "And we are tracking." He looked at the man in the mask. "If he is the man running the Lazarus Pit, we bag him we could end the Lazarus pit for good." He said, he walked to his suit and suited up. Fitting his cowl in place he did a quick check of his gear. Once that was over he walked back over to Queen. "So how has your company been?" He asked, trying to pass the time.
Oliver Queen

Oliver nodded lightly, he knew ending the Pit would be near impossible. Ra's had been around for thousands of years, and faced people 10x more powerful than two guys from Gotham and Sterling. This wouldn't be a walk in the park. "It's fine, Felicity has done most of the work right now. I've been busy with another endeavor." He looked back at the computer, this guy was going to be trouble. He remembered meeting this guy once, with Malcom. They had intercepted his car, and Malcom took it to far by killing the man's wife. They had gotten the information, but Malcom had killed him anyway. There was a chance it was the same man, he did run the Pit after all.
"I see little miss mother nature is with you tch the throbbing should die down or you'll get used to it, ahh well Harl I need you to keep all the vigilantes busy and get them to well revive my doppleganger so they can get their party invitation. Easy job and i'd hate for you to disappoint me.."  Joker said with an exaggerated sigh at the end. Even as they spoke he had thugs working around Gotham and planting party accessories in buildings. He wanted to make sure the guests would enjoy the show he'd worked on. Their minds would be blown at the marvellous display!

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When Harley got in the car she resting her against the window.

Was Mistah J really alive? She wanted to speak to him again, but would he even reply, was he real? 

She was unusually quiet, half because her head was throbbing and half because she listening out for Mistah J. 

Thats when he spoke again. SHE WASNT CRAZY...well she was, but ya get the idea. She listened intently 

"Yes sir, Mis..." she was speaking quietly but she didn't want to use his name incase Ivy or Deadshot heard. "I won't let ya down. Where's the body?" She asked eagerly waiting his response. 

He was alive!! ...well it seemed that way. She tried to contain her excitement, it was hard but she managed as she didn't want to blow Mistah J's cover. Although she did have a smile on her face. 

@ByTheChesapeake @ManyFaces @LoneSniper87
Owl-Girl flapped her wings and let the night air sink into her feathers, she was so happy up here, so free. This feeling of being up high, far away from the world and all it's problems, is what drove her to get up every day. She loved being a 'night owl' being able to fly like this. She swooped left and right and dived on command, like a trained circus bird. She felt bad for all the other 'normal' people whoo never got a taste of flight like this. "You see it? Ok I'm diving down!" She cried over the wind. She laughed and hooted and dove down towards the streets below. 

Lawton started driving to the Wanye Ent, building. "This'll be good fun, no? Where should I park?" He asked Ivy, keeping his eyes on the road ahead. "Just give me an order and I'm obligated to follow I guess." He said, again peeved he was under her spell. "I mean specific to the driver under your thumb." He tapped the steering wheel out of boredom, waiting for her response. He wondered how Batgirl was get outta this one, sure that Ivy would take her out as soon as she was no longer useful, as was her nature. He grinned inwardly at his pun.
They landed, Owl Girl setting Barb down light as a feather.  Deadshot was waiting for them.  She reached into her utility belt and  pulled out three sets of earpieces and throat mikes.  "Just so we all stay on the same page.  And oh, Deadshot, make sure you bring your rifle."  Barb couldn't get over the strangeness of talking to a person under mind control like they were just another member of the team.  It was just...unsettling.  She wondered how dependable he would be when everything went down.  Now, all they could do was wait until Ivy was ready for them.  Barb hated being dependent on another person, especially when that person happened to be a crazed supervillain.  But she really didn't have a choice, did she?

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"Now now Harley contain your excitement for the final event starring your's truly! I'll be listening in on you so no need for alarm we shall reunite in person soon enough oh yes and the hyenas say hi as well!" He said and barking laughter could be heard followed by happy whining. Now the throbbing went away and the voice of Joker was gone from inside Harley's head. He'd stopped his end of the transmission but he could still hear her end. Now where was he, oh that's right still prepping for his comeback. It was astonishing how just watching some of their fellow thugs turn into hyena chow for complaining snapped everyone straight into line and caused them to work twice as hard.


Deadshot nodded, walking to grab his rifle from the van, coming back with it slung acorss his back. "This has no nonlethal so im shooting to incapacitate, as far as I know." He said, glancing to Owl-Girl, "You guys may want to set up across the way, on the other side in case I'm compromised." He said, knowing having there forces split was a good and bad idea, but a worthwhile tradeoff.

Roman Sionis

 Sionis sat in his safehouse, watching the news, seeing the h*ll Gotham was going through, which would make some cititzens resort to his protection at offer. More money for his ever-growing criminal empire. He heard word of a new arrival to Gotham, self proclaimed Doctor, seen talking to both Ivy and Quinm as well as the Bat Family, "What is he playing at? Is he playing a side or for himself?" He wondered aloud, seeing if he can get an appoinment with this Doctor and perhaps talk buisness with him. If he has Gotham, in this much of a panic, with him by his side he couldn't lose. He walked out of his safehouse, .44 hidden in his suit, and decided to drive in his all black sedan, windows tinted to be black as well. He say in the back seat as one of his mobsters drove him around, looking for a sign of where everyone is scrabbling to find him.

The drive was deathly quiet for some reason.  After Ivy was off in her own world, nursing her headache and talking to herself.  It wouldn't have been so bad if she didn't just randomly smile.  She knew her friend had her many quirks, but that was just weird.  Ivy felt a lot of concern for the clownette but didn't say anything.  Maybe it was best for the mission if she stayed like this though, kind of out of it.  She won't even realize what was happening.

Then Floyd spoke up.  Ivy looked over to Lawton and then pulled her phone out of her cleavage.  She started to type something out, half looking at the road.  All the while she started talking. "Yeah, Lawton.  That's how this works. The plan is, I'm going to park three blocks away.  Harley and I will go collect our money.  I'll give you a plant so I can communicate with you.  How does that sound?"  

Around the time she finished speaking, she had also finished typing.  She discretely handed the phone over to him to read the text.  It said:

"Find Batgirl and Owl Girl and meet up with them.  Go in together." 

Ivy parked the car three blocks away.  "You ready to go," she asked, looking back at Harley.  When the girl responded, she got out of the car and walked toward Wayne Enterprises with Harley.  They were silent for a few minutes (Harley still seemed pretty preoccupied with her headache).  That was until Ivy spoke up.  

"Harley... Are you really sure you want to do this?"

Harley wiggled around in her seat. She was so happy, her Puddin was alive! The headache was only minor now compared to her excitement. 

While she was getting out the car, Joker spoke again, she waited for Ivy to get out first so she could respond quickly. She nodded along with what he was saying "Alright Puddin. Ya can count on me!" She said with a huge grin. "Give the babies a kiss from me" 

She quickly got out catching up to Ivy, she sighed with relief when her head cleared up.

She was caught up in thoughts of seeing Mistah J again when Ivy spoke.

"Huh? Of course Red!" She smiled at her. "I gotta do this for Mistah J." Nothing was going to stop her now. 

@ManyFaces @ByTheChesapeake
"I'm on it." Said Apple, swooping over to Deadshot in her owl form and landing on his shoulder. She turned her head towards him "You're not allergic tooo feathers are yoouu? I promise I don't have tooo much dandruff." She said. It was strange, talking to a 3 foot tall horned owl, but she seemed... nice. Odd but nice.  Her feathers were pretty soft too, she looked like a striped flying tiger in the night. Graceful, mostly, it was clear even for all her years of flying, she was still getting used to landings. But she was strong, fast, and starting to build up some self-esteem. Perhaps she'd make hero yet.
Dexter O'Reilly smiled as he looked over the items on the table in his hotel room. It had taken

a while to gather and make them, but these would make him much more effective. A pair of brass knuckles, a mask with the likeliness of a skull on it, and his 10mm gun, loaded with rubber bullets. Nothing lethal, but very painful.

Donning the mask, holstering the gun, and equipping the brass knuckles, Dex then opened the window to his room, and jumped out. It helped that he was only on the second floor, so nothing hurt when he landed. Dex started walking, ready to start his duties as a vigilante. Life is weird, Dexter thought, Never had I expected to become...this.
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Damian spent the whole day either training in the batcave, or bonding with Titus. Then he heard about his Father's return. Not for a second did Damian think about reminding him about the upcoming birthday, as Damian wasn't extremely excited for it, and knew that a person like his Father would not forget even about trivial things. Nevertheless, Damian spoke to Batman via communication gear. Damian actually enjoyed crimefighting, despite what one might think, so he spoke about it first of all things. "You're back, Father. I presume you've already gotten so busy that me talking to you is a nuisance. I will be quick: The odds are high that during the time you were gone crime in Gotham rose to an extent. If you want me to: I will make sure Pennyworth takes care of my pets, and I will join by your side. Unless you want me to sit in the batcave all day, wasting my potential."


Nightwing sighed, just when he thought luck struck him, "A group of criminals assaulted the GCPD, presumably to rescue a crazy chick called Harley Quinn, notable names among them are Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Mr Freeze... A lot of people got hurt.  I will track them down and send them back behind bars... but first my friend is hurt, I need to make sure he is safe." Dick rubbed his chin, maybe Batman would finally answer if he found out Tim was hurt, if not then he would take him to the Batcave himself, Alfred would likely know what to do.  Suddenly he felt a buzzing in one of the pouches on his gauntlets, it was the small flip phone he used to keep in contact while crime fighting, it seemed Barbara had sent him a text.  He opened it and glanced at it quickly, Bab's must of been having quite the freak out because she sent a wall of text.  But it got the message across, the man who he was talking to wasn't a friend, Dick tried to hide his discovery the best he could as he continue to speak.  "He's in security, we better hurry there now." Dick spoke as if nothing happened, but he was really planning to turn on the man, give him a surprise heel kick right in his gut nobody hurts Babs and gets away with it.

@ReverseWells, @ByTheChesapeake, @The Great Catsby

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