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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Blair shook her head, sitting up and looking at him. "You're right. You aren't average. You're a decent, caring, amazing guy. Who cares about your past? We all have one. The rest of us just keep ours buried as deep as we possibly can and never talk about it. Because we can't get just meet someone and get over it. We aren't as great and... And as good as you." She whispered, turning away from him to hide the pain on her face. "Some of us can't stop thinking about how fucked up we are." She muttered, picking up the dilapidated remains of her dress. "I should... Go give this back to the Aphrodite girls." She managed, instinctively looking for a pair of pants before remembering that she didn't have any.

"Damn it!" She snapped, standing up in nothing but Evan's shirt and walking out of the cabin, ignoring the laughter that followed her, the whispers about her 'Walk of Shame'. She'd had worse.

felt confusion at her words. He had never looked at himself and seen anything that Blair mentioned. He was just...common. Weird. Kinda of an anti-social asshoke,really.

And she was Blair. His notion of perfection.

He pushed himself from the bed,running after Blair. He was shirtless,and that awarded him a few stares. But an annoyed frown was enough to send the kids running away. Rushing to Blair,he turned her around and pulled her to his arms.

"Let's be fucked up together." He whispered against her ear,holding Blair tightly against his chest. "We're not perfect. And I don't expect us to be the cute couple that appears on television. But that's...fake shit. You are my idea of happiness. And I want to marry you. And have children with you. And spend the rest of my days being a weirdo by your side. There isn't other Blair in the world. I don't need anybody else."

(Weirdo puns? Really?)

Blair almost dropped the dress, and almost hit Evan when she was suddenly grabbed. Her first instinct was to punch him in the throat, which she thankfully did not do. "Jesus, don't do that!" She gasped, her heart pounding in her chest. That was the part that the movies didn't show. She had a damned heart attack when her 'knight in shining armor' ran after her. Her pulse slowed at his words, eyes widening.

She tried to think of a reason to say no. She tried to save him from the fucked-up-ness that was Blair Lillian. Instead, she shoved him against the wall of the nearest cabin and kissed him hard, throwing her arms around his neck. Almost immediately, she heard some wolf-whistles from nearby, which she blushed furiously at. After a few moments, she pulled away.

"I really need to give them their dress back." She said, smirking slightly.
Cass bit her lower lip,rubbing Alec's hair. She wanted to pull away his pain and pass it to her own mind. She wanted for him to he happy and forget his past. She would give up her life so he could be happy,but she knew that it wouldn't work. They needed each other.

"Alec...I want to know how many children you want. I want to know where you want to go to be happy. I want to hear every opinion your have. I know you always put me first,but I want you to think about yourself too. Because you are the person I most love in the entire world. And you deserve all the happiness that is possible for someone to feel."

Alec met her gaze evenly. "Here's the thing, baby. I want as many children as you want. I want to be wherever you're happy. I want to put you first. Because anything that makes you happy... It makes me happy. If you want to move to Alaska and have seventy children, then I'll go buy a parka. And some fertility treatments, probably, because I don't think you want to be knocked up seventy times." He frowned at his train of thought before continuing. "Or if you want to stay here and never have kids, fine. As long as you're happy. I'm happy." He promised, leaning in and kissing her deeply.

"And if you want me to walk out of this cabin and never look at you again... I'll find a way to do it. Because if I did anything, ever, that made you unhappy... I'd never forgive myself." He said bleakly.
Cass didn't seem happy with his answer,but she sighed in a defeated way. Pulling him a bit closer,she rested against his chest.

"If you want me to be happy,be happy too. And never mention leaving again. Because I can't imagine a happy future for me if you're not there. We're having as many children as we both want. And we are both going to be happy,because I wouldn't want it any other way. I need you to be happy so I can by happy too." She gave him a serious frown,something that made her look quite alike to Zeus himself. "Seriously. Don't mention leaving again."

Alec instinctively shrunk back at the look on her face. "Trust me, it's not what I want to do. The day you send me away is the day I have nothing left to live for." He chuckled, pulling her back into his arms and kissing her once again. "You want a straight answer? Fine... I'd like two kids. Boy and a girl. At least. And I want to stay. But as for my happiness... As long as I'm near you." He promised. "So, tomorrow... Do you think your father will make a personal appearance to walk you down the aisle? Which'll probably be in the training arena or in the woods, thinking about it now." He laughed,
Cass seemed happier now. She allowed Alec to pull her,laughing with glee.

"I'm giving you a boy and a girl. Claire and Gavin. And Zeus? Here in camp? I really doubt it. He doesn't care enough to show up. But honestly,I don't really care." She wasn't saying the truth,and that was clear in the shine of her eyes. Of course she wanted her father to be there. Besides marrying Alec,that's the thing she most wanted. "We should do it in the training area,give a big show...let everyone see how hot we are." She chuckled,biting his arm.

"No you don't."
Evan pulled Blair to his arms,already carrying her back to the cabin. "Let's have round two. Screw that dress. I will steal something for the Aphrodite kids later."

He kicked the door open,dropping Blair on the bed and rolling around with her. He was probably going to get slapped. Which would be great.

Alec laughed along with her. "I'll make you a deal. I'll do my best to bring Zeus in. If you promise you won't leave me at the altar." He said quietly, sobering slightly at the idea. Just the thought was enough to send a stab of pain through his chest.

"And you aren't allowed to show anyone how hot you are. That dress/jeans stays on. I'm the only one that gets to see what's under it from here on out." He chided before laughing again. "Oh, that's unfair. You are the only one who's seen me without clothes. How many other guys have there been? Or do I not want to know?" He asked. "I warn you... If you give me names, I will have to go beat them up to protect my manly pride."
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Blair let out a squeal of shock, gripping his neck tightly to avoid falling. The second they were on the bed, she pulled him back to her, kissing him greedily. "You have a very one-track mind." She said with a grin, twining her fingers in his hair and pulling it slightly, already breathless. "Forget the Aphrodite kids. They probably have four others just like it. I have no intentions of letting you out of my sight." She chuckled.
Cass winced at the question,pulling away from Alec. Her arms dropped to her legs and she hugged herself tightly,closing her eyes as a familiar pain came back to her. She considered not bringing those memories back at all,mostly because they were well buried inside her heart. But the words came slightly rough when she finally decided to reply.

"You were the first guy,Alec. And before you ask,no. I wasn't virgin. But the other person who saw me without clothes wasn't a boy. She...her name was Aline. I meet her in high school and...well. She was really sweet. Sorry I gave her name,but if you want to go protect your pride you might have to dig through a grave."

Alec's teasing smile faded, and he struggled to find a response. What could he say? There was nothing. His mouth opened and closed about thirty times before giving up completely. There were no words. There were so many things he should've asked, but he couldn't bring a voice to any of them.

She had slept with a girl? She preferred girls? Did she find Alec... Feminine? Probably not the most important thought, but it was certainly up there. And she was... Her first partner was dead?

He sat up slightly, blinking rapidly. He looked like he had just been slapped, and he felt like he deserved to have been. "Maybe I should... Do you want..." He couldn't finish his thought. He buried his face in his hands, trying to straighten out his mind. "Do you want me to go?" He asked, voice rough with agony and confusion.
Desperation immediately blinked into Cass' face once he mentioned leaving. She jumped forward and hugged his waist tightly,feeling tears wet his chest.

"N-no. Please don't leave me. I-I need you." She saw he agony in his face and blinked with confusion,feeling like she had been stabbed. "Did that...bother you? I didn't mean...Alec,I love you. You're the only one that I care about. That's only my past. Please don't get mad at me."

She sobbed with confusion,not knowing what to say or how to react. She always wanted to tell the truth to Alec,but should she have lied?

Alec barely noticed her. He felt like an asshole. He had asked the question as a joke, nothing more. He hadn't even expected an answer, better yet that one.

"I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry." He managed. The sound of her crying made him turn, and he pulled her immediately into his arms. "Don't cry. Please." He whispered, squeezing her to him and burying his nose in her hair. The feeling of tears on his bare chest made him shiver slightly, but he held her. "I'm not mad. I could never be mad at you, especially not for this." He tried for a smile. "You know, it's not even as bad as I thought. One girl. I mean, it's more girls than I've slept with aside from you... But I'll live." He teased.
Cass kept sobbing softly for a while,the fear of disappointing Alec still strong in her heart. She held onto him like he could leave at any time,disappear from her grasp if she turned away.

"N-no. I'm glad you asked. You had to know. I don't want any secrets between you and me." She closed her eyes and leaned onto him by reflex once he touched her. She wanted to be like that forever. His comment about girls made her chuckle softly. "Yeah...and you better keep this score like this. I don't want anyone else. Just you."

"You have nothing to worry about, baby. I don't... See other girls. There's just you." He murmured, looking up at her. "Now I'm not going to go so far as to say that I haven't ever been with other girls... But none even compared to you." He chuckled quietly. "I mean, if you don't want any secrets, I could tell you exactly how far we went, but I have a feeling that nobody wants that. I'd like to keep breathing until our wedding, at least. And that won't happen if you kill me." He admitted, imagining her reaction.

Oh, gods.
Cass frowned at him,then ended up snickering. Man had a incredible way to ruin the mood. She was happy that she only loved one of them.

"I would die too,love. And please...no details. I like to imagine that I was the only one to touch that amazing body. Let me live my dreams,please. And talking about touching...we still have a few hours."

She smirked wickedly,biting his shoulder softly. Cass felt happy again. Only Alec seemed to have this ability to rise her mood no matter what happened with her. As long as they were together,Cass would be complete.

Alec smirked at the idea. Just because he'd been a virgin before her didn't mean that he hadn't done... anything. But he had a feeling that she definitely didn't want to know that. "I mean, you're the only one to... Yea, I'm going to stop there. I value my life." He snickered, leaning in to kiss her once again, groaning softly.

"Well, I'm a greedy man, baby. I'm going to have to demand every second of that time." He chuckled, pulling her closer.


"Okay, so what are you going to wear?" The question jerked Alec out of his revelry.

"Uh... My nice--" He began, stopping when a finger pressed against his lips. He frowned.

"If you finish that sentence with the word 'jeans', I swear to all the gods, Alec, I'll kill you." She sighed, closing her eyes. He smirked.

"You know me so well. Yea, I was going to say jeans. I'm 18! I don't exactly have a wedding-worthy tuxedo in my closet, Blair!" He groaned, burying his face in his hands.

"You are so lucky that I love you. Because I pooled my life savings, and by that I totally mean I took a leaf out of my kleptomaniac boyfriend's book, and bought you, I mean stole you, a suit!" She squealed, pulling the expensive suit out of the bag in her hands. He looked at it.

"He is a terrible influence on you." He noted.

"But he is so hot!" She shrugged. "And I love him, that's a thing too. But seriously. Hot. Now go get dressed while I do the same." She ordered. Immediately, the two separated and changed quickly before turning back to face each other. Blair was wearing a rather simple blue dress, while Alec wore the fancy tux. "Speaking of hot, you look decent for once. Are you going to do anything with your hair?" She offered. He winced at the idea, touching his messy hair.

"Uh... She likes it messy." He admitted. "I think I'm good. I don't think she expects anything big. We're at a summer camp getting married." He sighed. She noticed the exhaustion in his eyes.

"Did you not sleep at all last night?" She asked, her voice softening slightly.

"Spent all night praying to her father to make an appearance. Didn't get an answer, of course. If he doesn't show... She'll be heartbroken. He's a god. They tend to be shitty parents. I could care less if Mania shows up. In fact, I'd rather if she didn't. But Cass wants to see her father. And I promised her that I'd get him here." He explained.

"You promised her that... A god would show up to her wedding?" Blair asked disbelievingly. "Oh, thank the gods you're pretty, because there is nothing smart behind those blue eyes. Now go. Chiron's waiting in the arena, and I have to go make sure Evan isn't wearing... Well, his nice jeans." She pushed him out the door, rushing to the Mania cabin and knocking on the door.

@Rukia @KaalysBR

A few shouts could be heard inside Mania's cabin just as Blair knocked on it.


The shouting stopped once he heard the knocking. Evan ran to the door with a completely calm smile,completely ignoring the fact that he just had a fight with himself. He had cut his hair,but was still wearing only his undies. Evan stood at the door with a smirk,half-naked as he gestured for Blair to come in.

"Hi. I don't know what to wear."
Demetrius went in his closet and looked for his vest."Now where is that damn vest?" He rustled tgrough his clothes for a couple minutes until he found it."Now, I'm ready." He fixed the tie on his shirt and then waited for Arya by the bed.

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