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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Arya Chiari

Arya manipulated the water from a nearby kid's goblet, making it converge on the flames in Demetrius' hand. "Says the one who got a crowd when he walked in. You aren't allowed to get jealous. Besides, that kid looked like 14. I'm not a pedophile." She paused, thinking. "Wait, you're 17, right? Damn it! I am a pedophile!" She laughed, finishing her wine quickly.

"Nothing wrong with being admired, sweetheart. But, as long as we're the center of attention, might as well give them a show, hmm?" She winked at him, kissing him deeply.​
Cass paled a bit at his words,tightening her grip around Alec's shirt. He was...right,of course. But it hurt to think that the world was so black and white. Kill or be killed. No reasoning. No walking around it and finding another solution.

"I know. I will get around that idea eventually. It's just...celebrating it is a bit too much. I don't know if I can eat and laugh and pretend to be happy in front of the entire camp."

She smiled at his words,leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his lips.

"You're a handsome,sweet guy. And you love me,just like I love you. I was the one who won the lottery here. I have you as my future husband,I don't need anything else." She frowned a bit once she noticed his expression. "Remember what I told you about the pull in your lips when you're hiding something for me? You're doing that now. What do you want to tell me?"



"Then we won't go. If that's what makes you happy." He shrugged. He would die for her without a second thought. Giving up a feast that he didn't want to go to in the first place was no big deal. "But if we're agreeing on that, then my gods, I'm dying." He said immediately, undoing a couple of the buttons on his shirt and untying the tie completely, letting it hang from his neck(See picture of beauty). He flinched at her words.

"I really need to work on that, don't I?" He asked awkwardly. "It's nothing important. Especially not right now." He shrugged, reclining on her bed and staring at her, hands folded behind his head. "Just thinking... I mean, when the time comes... Chiron could be the one that marries us. It could be an easy, in and out affair. If you want." He managed.

Tomorrow. That was when he wanted to do it. And only because that night was taken. He wanted to have Cass as his right then. He wanted to call her his wife. He wanted to be completely and totally hers, as he wanted her to be completely and totally his. But they were teenagers. There was no way she was as impatient as him.​
Cass leaned forward so she could help him with the buttons,a playful smirk taking her mouth once he mentioned working on his expression.

"Don't. I like to know what you're thinking. I also like everything else about you,but that's another subject." She pulled the zipper of the back of her dress,which allowed her to move more freely. "Can people start wearing T-Shirts in formal meetings? Not you tho,you look hot in a suit."

She had already been leaning in to kiss him once he mentioned Chiron. Pulling back,Cass had a slightly guilty look in her eyes as she tried not to smirk.

"I...may have spoken with Chiron already. And I may have asked if he would have time for weddings soon." She kissed him softly in the neck. "I want to be married with you right now. In this room. But the night is taken,and the girls from camp would die if they didn't get to see me in a wedding dress. Oh,and they probably think I'm pregnant. Not that I really care. There is nothing I want more than being your wife."

She chuckled,leaning against him.


"I have to keep wearing this monkey suit?" Alec's eyes widened when she unzipped her dress, and he quickly averted his eyes.

Not a priapic monster, not a priapic monster, not a priapic monster, not a priapic monster...

He lurched forward, kissing her deeply. "I love you." He whispered fervently, holding her close to him. "I was so innocent before I met you. Gods, I was boring." He groaned, kissing down to her neck.

A bit of a priapic monster, a bit of a priapic monster, a bit of a priapic monster, a bit of a priapic monster...

"Let's get married tomorrow. You can borrow a dress from the Aphrodite campers, I can wear jeans, it'll be great." He chuckled, finishing the unbuttoning of his shirt and yanking it off hurriedly, moving his lips back to hers. "I'm greedy, I want you to be mine." He admitted.​
"Did I murder your inner child? I'm a horrible person." She chuckled against his mouth,tasting the lips that were so well known to her already. "Although I do like how you're getting experienced in all the right subjects."

She pulled the upper part of her dress off,jumping back to Alec's mouth soon afterwards.

"I'm all yours already,I was yours from the moment you said hi to me. But I want the entire world to know that I belong to you completely. So let's do this tomorrow."

Cass leaned forward,dropping on top of Alec's body.


"You're a great teacher." He chuckled, pulling her closer. "And I definitely like the sound of that." He chuckled lowly. "And I said hi to you years ago, and you ignored me. So... Bullshit." He said, poking her nose lightly. "Nice try though. It was romantic until I destroyed it." He chuckled.


Ryder Miller

The banquet went by quickly. A lot of honor given for 'saving the camp', a lot of food, a lot of girls throwing themselves at him. He didn't show interest in any of them. He was the first one out the door when it was announced to be over, but Chiron quickly caught up to him.

"Ryder." Chiron said, and Ryder paused. "Will you be doing anything tomorrow?"

"Listen, Chiron, I respect you, but I don't see you that way. Going on a date is not a good idea." Ryder said sarcastically.

"Alessandro Bianco and Cassandra Delevigne are... Getting married. Tomorrow. Perhaps you'd care to at least drop by?" Chiron said patiently. Ryder hesitated. It didn't surprise him that they were tying the knot, the two were perfect for each other.

"Not sure I'd be welcome at a wedding, Chiron." He sighed wearily.

"They are your friends. I'm sure they'd want you to come." Chiron countered.

"I'm not their friend. They stuck with me because they had to. Nothing more." Ryder said quietly.

"Are those your words or theirs?" Chiron shot back, already walking away.​

Blair reached for Evan's shirt and pulled it on, grateful and a bit amused by the fact that it covered more than the dress did. She reclined back beside Evan and wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. "Hi." She said meekly, peeking up at him. She felt so nervous around him, she always did. Was it really just because they slept together? It had to be something more, she wasn't some innocent, pure angel when she met him.

Alec looked up at the statue of Zeus. "I can see what you meant about your father. That is a bit creepy. I don't lik the way he's looking at me, I think I need an adult." He noted, arms wrapped securely around Cass. "How do you think this will work after the whole wedding thing? Do we get our own place in camp? Do we leave?" He asked curiously.
"Creepy old man." Cass tossed her jacket in the face of the statue,which made a thunder resonate somewhere. She chuckled,holding onto Alec tightly. His question made her think,and she gently played with his hair before answering. She would never get tired of the feeling of his hair under her fingers. "Do you want to leave? Honestly...I don't have any reason to go. The camp is my home,even if I disagree with a lot of things that happen in here. But if it's painful for you,we can go. Home for me is wherever you are."


Alec smiled at her, the idea hitting him hard. Leaving camp. Being alone, just the two of them. "No. You're right, camp is your home. You're happy here. That's what matters to me. Besides... Kara would kick my ass if I considered leaving camp with the daughter of Zeus. After all, it's not like I'm some macho, macho man." He smirked, kissing her lightly. "Wherever you are, that's where I am. Unquestionably." He promised quietly. There was no hesitation, no doubt in his eyes. The idea of being without her was the most painful thing in his world. What did he care about where they were, as long as they were together?​

smiled when he felt Blair's arms around him. He pulled her a bit closer,kissing her lips softly.

"Hi. I'm the happiest guy in the world."

He ran one finger through her face,gently rubbing her cheek. She was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen,and it wouldn't take long for them to belong to each other completely.

"Are you okay? You look nervous. Are you afraid that I'm gonna tear another one of your dresses?" He smirked,leaning against her neck.

Blair ducked her head, cheeks flaming. "Not my dress. I'll have to pay the Aphrodite campers for that, though." She muttered, burying her face in his chest to hide her blush.

"I'm okay. Just... I don't know. Still not used to all of this." She peeked up at him once again. "Unlike you, I don't invite just anyone into my bed. I have to know them for at least... A month. You're making me break all the rules." She murmured. She did kinda wonder what had made her fall for him so fast. Part of it, of course, was the time limit. They had been on a death quest, there had been a huge chance of one of them dying. She didn't want any regrets. But still... It wasn't like her to just jump into bed with the first guy that showed the slightest interest.
Cass smiled and rolled into Alec's arms,turning to face him directly. She kissed his forehead,feeling the love ever growing inside of her. Would this feeling ever be smaller? She doubted it. Even looking at Alec send a flutter through her stomach.

"I can't wait to be your wife. And use a long dress so I trip and ruin my own marriage." she laughed,burying her face into his chest. "And Zeus will be watching from up there with that grumpy face of his. But I bet he is happy because I chose the best guy in the world to be my husband."

"Right... Instead of choosing some strong, brave guy or maybe the son of an important god, you chose... The son of Mania. I bet he's thrilled." Alec scoffed. His voice was, as usual, heavy with sarcasm. After a moment, he turned to kiss her lightly. "Gods, I have nobody to invite. Blair. That's it." He admitted.

Of course he had nobody else. Because of his fucked up past, which he hadn't even told Cass about yet. They really had gotten right down to it. He just didn't want to deal with the questions, the pitying looks... Or worse, the accusatory ones. Just the thought made him feel sick.

pouted,looking legitimately hurt.

"Did you just call me a whore?" He seemed to sober a bit as he looked at her finger,the one who showed the dark ring. Unlike Blair,he had no questions. No doubts. He loved her absolutely,and no other person would ever be able to even make him look sideways. No other women in the world existed to him,not while he had Blair. He played with the ring in her finger,sighing through his nose. "Do you think we're going too fast? I didn't mean to rush you. I just don't have any doubts. If it's not you,it's no one else. There is no Evan without Blair."

Blair touched his pouting lips lightly. "Don't think I forgot about that waitress in... Was it Kentucky? Or Pennsylvania? I have a very good memory. And if you think I'm stupid enough to believe that she's the only one, then you're severely underestimating my intellect." She noted, pulling him closer and resting her head on his chest.

"No. It's not that. The last thing I want is to slow down. I'm just still trying to adapt. It's been a long time since I've been in a serious relationship. And that guy..." She winced slightly at the memory. "Didn't end well. I'm not some faux-traumatized girl because she had a bad experienced with that boyfriend that one time, but I haven't exactly been engaged before. I don't know how to act, what to do. You have more experience with people of the opposite gender than I ever will." She sighed.
Cass scoffed loudly,chuckling as she shook her head.

"No one is an important God to oh,so mighty dad. He only considers himself important." The thunder came again,louder this time. "I'M SORRY! you know I love you,father. Anyways,I do remember a certain Alec saving my life when I nearly blew myself with my own powers. And I do remember him getting hurt several times for me. If that's not what a brave guy is like,I don't want a brave guy. I want you."

She leaned her head against the pillow,considering that.

"Well...I have Nico. And I think the other kids are too afraid of me to come." She chuckled,although her face turned serious as she bit her lip. "There is also my mother. That's...not an option,I think. She probably still hates me."

"I'm not going anywhere. And I'm not going to lie, I was blacked out for most of that battle. I saved your life?" He teased, kissing the tip of her nose lightly. "And getting hurt isn't a token of bravery, sweetheart. It's a token of not being a very good fighter."

He sobered slightly at her words. "At least she's alive. That counts for something. My mother is an immortal bitch." He winced at a sudden headache. "Deal with it." He growled lowly, rubbing his temples as he struggled to get back in focus. "And they aren't afraid of you. Afraid of Maniac." He paused again, swallowing hard. "I don't really have any family left. After Mania, my father never really... Recovered. Probably my fault. It is my fault." He managed, staring at the opposite wall as the memory plagued him unbidden.

"Papà?" Alec's small voice asked quietly, shaking his father. "Papà! Wake up!"

Alec cringed, shaking his head slightly. He had driven his father insane when he was no more than a child. And he had never recovered. He had spent the next several years in a mortal mental hospital, where he had died.
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sighed,hugging Blair against his chest.

"No,she wasn't the only one. But you are. You are the only one that I asked to marry me. You are the only one that I love. You are the only one that made me turn my life around so we could be together. You are responsible for a lot of "only ones" in my life."

He kissed her head as she finished talking,playing with her hair.

"I do,but this is all new to me as well. No relationships in my life. Everything I did was a one night fling,nothing else. But you...well,I want to be a good person for you. I don't know if I'm managing but I'm giving you everything I have. And that's all I ask of you too."

"Evan, I don't have anything to give. What you see is what you get. You get a fucked up girl who barely knows what she's doing. Why would you want me? What about me is worth any amount of effort?" Her voice was agonized, already expecting him to leave her alone.

"Without you... There's nothing. I can't live without you. But I have nothing to offer. You deserve better than... This." She breathed, blinking back tears. She wouldn't cry. She'd done enough crying over the past week and a half. She wouldn't cry.

winced at the pain she saw in Alec's face,pulling her into her arms and hugging him tightly. She ran her fingers through his hair in a comforting manner,hating to feel the pain from someone she loved.

"I'm really sorry about how you feel about your mother,Alec. It's...not your fault. Many of us can't control our powers as a child. And what you said isn't true. You do have a family. I'm your family. And we're going to make this family grow bigger together."

She bit her lips,hoping she wasn't being too forward. But she had no doubts about wanting to have Alec's children.

"I'm okay. My mother doesn't have lightning powers, so she fucks with my head instead." He grunted, squeezing his eyes shut as the pain continued.

"My mother isn't my problem. I can deal with her. My father is my problem. And I appreciate the gesture, but it... Is my fault. I knew what I was doing. I just didn't think about the repercussions." He looked over at her at her last words.

"Of course we are. A girl named Claire, remember?" He murmured, kissing her lightly. "Boy named Gavin. And you. That's the only family I need. And since the process of expanding our family is incredibly enjoyable, we can have as many kids as you want. I'm not picky." He murmured quietly, stroking her arm.
Evan looked at Blair,a completely incredulous look crossing his eyes. He frowned deeply,not even believing that she was serious.

"Blair. Have you ever looked at you and me? You...you are a goddess. And
I'm a completely average guy. Actually,no. I'm not average because I'm an insane guy with violent tendencies. One of my friends is a voice on my head that told me to stab my mother." He almost seemed angry as he bit his lip,looking into her eyes. "Everything I am today is thanks to you. If I'm not...dead in some dark alley,it's thanks to you. So please don't tell me that. You are perfect. You are my entire world. I don't want anything else."

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