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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Arya Chiari

Arya wasn't sure what possessed her to speak. But something obviously did. "I'd be a lot better if you came in here. I could use the company." She offered, blushing a bit. She tried to avoid looking at her pile of clothes, trying to avoid thinking about the fact that she was wearing very, very little.
Cass kissed Alec's forehead. She couldn't feel his pain,but he couldn't hide anything from her. She gently rubbed his head,imagining how much agony he was going through. Cass hugged him very tightly,making her arms into a sort of lifesaver. The soft humming that came out of her lips was something very old to her,but also comforting. It probably wouldn't help much,but Cass would do everything she could.
Demetrius looked at her in surprise, he expected her to tell him to leave or something. He shrugged, taking off his shirt and pants. He went into the lake as slow as he can, as to not to make noise. "I have to ask, is there anything troubling you?" He looked at her with concern.
Arya Chiari

Arya swam over to him, looking up at him. "I don't belong here. This is your home, not mine." She explained quietly. "It feels... Alien. I should be here, and yet every one of my instincts is telling me to run as fast as I can, and put as much distance between me and these strangers as I possibly can." She whispered, just a foot in front of him.

Alec leaned into her embrace, fists tightly clenched. Something pinched his finger, and he looked down. The ring he had kept for years, the one he had grabbed before the funeral, after Cass accepted his actual proposal. His father's. Made of tungsten, it was black and very simple. But it had signified his father's 'marriage' to Mania. Or, rather, his undying loyalty to her. He had never met anyone else that made him forget her.

"I love you." He whispered, kissing her lightly.
Demetrius looked at her , pondering on what to say."If you feel like yoy should be here, stay here then. I was always told to trust my feelings, you should trust yours too." He smirked, swimming a bit closer to her.
Arya Chiari

Arya mirrored his movement, swimming closer to him. "Maybe I will... If I find something worth staying for." She said hesitantly, resting her hands on his shoulders. Very hesitantly, and kind of expecting him to push her away, she leaned in and kissed him gently, pulling herself closer to him. The fact that they were both wearing next to nothing... She didn't exactly forget. More like she didn't care anymore.
Demetrius stood or rather swam frozen, he didn't know what to do when she kissed him. " Perhaps what is worth staying for is right in front you." He chuckled before pulling her in for another kiss.
Arya Chiari

"Maybe." She breathed. She took a moment to make the water under them solidify so they didn't have to constantly worry about staying afloat before deepening the kiss. "Sorry I blew up on you. Just didn't expect you to say... That. I'm not used to things like that." She admitted. She felt a bit guilty. There was a funeral going on a few hundred yards away, and she was making out with a guy in her underwear. Yea. She respected the hell out of the dead.
Demetrius looked at her sincerely."We all have unexpected things that happen to us." He paused a bit." It takes time to get used to things. I don't expect you to say you love me after a hookup." He though back to what he had said in Kentuchy."Yeah, I should've known better."
Arya Chiari

Arya met his eyes. "I'm not good at that word. I'm probably never going to be. But I'm willing to try. If you want." She took a deep breath, staring up at him. She was frozen, waiting for his words. "I'm not trying to pressure you into anything, I just..." She took a step back, feeling foolish.

Can you do anything right? Just one thing?!
Demetrius looked deeply into her eyes and held her hands."I'm just glad that you're trying." He smiled." You gave me a second chance, I should give you one too." He walked closer to her, hugging her.
Arya Chiari

"Good, because I have a cabin all to myself now. Unlike you, I don't have siblings." She murmured, kissing him hard. "Wow, we're really terrible, aren't we? Hooking up during a funeral? Not my best moment." She noted.
Demetrius snickered." I guess we really are. Now, about that cabin, we should go now before anyone sees us." He looked to see if the funeral was over, but thankfully, it wasn't.
Arya Chiari

Arya nodded, pulling him in the opposite direction. "So... My cabin overlooks the lake. And I happen to have control over water. Walking is overrated." She smirked, making the water pull them toward her cabin. The second they were near the cabin, a spout pushed them into the cabin. Immediately, that familiar-unfamiliar feeling washed over her, and she flinched. She ignored it immediately, pushing him against the wall and kissing him deeply, yanking him down by the front of his shirt. He was so damned tall, and she was so damned short, it made it rather difficult.

"You happen to have a stepstool handy?" She said, a bit aggravated.
Demetrius stood mesmerized when the water took them all the way to the cabin. He lifted her level to his face."Who needs a stepstool when you've got me." He smirked, below him, he heard the sound of waves. Her dad must not be happy with me being in his cabin. He though, before wrapping his hands around her.
Arya Chiari

She paused when she heard waves, staring at the ground. "Fuck off." She muttered toward the water before kissing him again, leading him to her bed.

Fade To Black For Sexy Times?
Demetrius let her pull him onto the bed and covered the blanket over them,waiting a bit to see the waves disappear. He kissed her before completely covering the blanket over themselves.

Fade To Black for Sexy Times.

Toni watched the proceedings with dull eyes. Ryder looked so... Brave. Whole. As he spoke, everyone listened for once. Her eyes flicked over to Izzy. Was that... Jealousy in her gut? No way. Ryder was her best friend, basically her brother. She didn't want a relationship with him, it'd just be weird between them. Besides... She looked over at Max, thinking of her previous words.

"Max, if we get out of here, I'll marry you."

Yea, right. Marriage. What a sham. Sure, if he was stupid enough to pursue her, then she'd try. But every dagger she saw at someone's waist made her flinch. The fire made her cringe. Every one of the numerous scars on her body stung, made her feel like she was dying. She closed her eyes, feeling the brand on her skin and wincing. Even in the hot weather, she was wearing a jacket, jeans, and kept the hood up. As much of her body that could've been covered was, trying to hide the scars. She felt stupid, she felt like every look toward her was accusatory.

"Stop. Please." She breathed, shrinking in on herself.

Arya Chiari

ARYA heard the commotion as the funeral ended, but hardly cared. She pulled on her shirt before looking back at Demetrius, smirking.

"Maybe I will stick around for a while. Can't hurt." She offered with a shrug. Of course it could hurt. It could rip her apart. She just didn't care. "We should probably... Separate before your siblings get back to your cabin. Would want people to... Get the wrong idea." She chuckled, leaning in and kissing him deeply.

Nitch waited until the funeral was over before grabbing Nico's hand and pulling him away. "I need to talk to you." He murmured in the boy's ear. "Meet me in my cabin." He didn't wait for a response, walking away quickly. His siblings knew of his plans and knew to stay away for a while. Before Nico could get there, Nitch made sure everything was perfect, more nervous than he cared to admit.

"You can do this. You're the son of Athena. You can do anything. This is no big deal." He whispered to himself, staring into the mirror. "Come on, Nishan."

"Yeah." He replied awkwardly, before putting on his jeans and his shirt."I guess I'll see you later."He slowly made for the door and left.
Nico reacted with obvious confusion,following Nitch with his eyes. As soon as he was left alone,he could feel the eyes of the other campers around him. That brought up memories of the mission,so he rushed after Nitch and ignored any person that was around him.

He arrived at the cabin,breathing unevenly.

"Is something wrong?" Nitch's serious tone had made him a bit too aware.

Nitch looked up from his desk, and stood in front of the boy. His eyes scanned their surroundings, nervousness clear on his face. After a moment, he pointed to a book on his nightstand, right next to Nico.

"Could you hand that to me, please?" He asked quietly, hands shaking slightly.
Nico was starting to feel scared already,his eyes looking between Nitch and the bookcase. Why was he so nervous? Trying to control his own breathing,he grabbed the book and handed it to Nitch.


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