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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Evan had his arms around Blair,but his eyes were distant. Unfocused. He looked ahead of him,into the darkness of the forest. Despite the fact that he was standing right in front of her,his mind was further away.

"Then you succeeded,after all."

That was obviously his father,because no other voice made him so completely disgusted.

"Not thanks to you,asshole."

"Actually...yes. It was thanks to me. You used my powers to survive,after all. And you used my strength to...control Maniac. Not that he is actually controlled."

"Stop with the cryptic bullshit,Morpheus. He is inside of me now. And he isn't coming out again."

"Oh,he certainly will be reborn. But not into you. Just into someone you love. But the other one...he will be a good kid. Keep a close watch on them both."

Evan had a desperate look in his face as he reached forward,trying to grasp for Morpheus.

"What are you talking about?!"

But suddenly he woke up in the real world,still holding onto Blair. The shock and despair were marked on his face as he looked around.

"That...fucker of a father."

Blair frowned at him, running her fingers across his cheek lightly.

"What... What happened? Did I miss something?" She asked curiously, moving her hand from his face to his hair, stroking it. She could never stop herself from doing that, she loved stroking hair.

"Did you see your father?" She asked quietly, envy deep in her voice. She had never spoken to Erebus, he was far too important to care about her Demigod children. She would've loved to speak to him, even if he was being a dick. She had never even been claimed, although everyone knew that she was an Erebus-spawn. "What did he say?

He unconsciously leaned against Blair's hand,closing his eyes for a few moments. His breathing was ragged,uncontrolled. He just need to relax for a moment.

"He just...said a few cryptic things about my future. And about Maniac being reborn into someone. Nothing that I could understand,really. I swear,Gods can't speak English."

Evan rubbed his temper,fear rising through his chest. Someone he loved? There was about...three people in the world that he cared so much about. None of them could be touched by Maniac.

"Maybe he is just trying to screw my head. As if I need help." He was trying to convince himself of that,fear obvious in his eyes.

Blair stiffened at the words. Born... That could only really mean one thing. But she kept the idea to herself, not wanting to permanently scare him off of ever having kids. Of course she wanted kids someday, at least... At least two. Two boys, she hoped. Angelo, after her half-brother. And Leo, just because it was a great name. And if she told Evan what she thought Morpheus had meant, he'd never let that be a possibility.

"Maniac? I'm pretty sure Alec isn't being born into anyone." She said, trying to bring some humor into the conversation without much luck. Her voice was bleak, her eyes dull. She didn't want to hide anything from him. But she'd not risk a huge part of their future for... A guess.

Evan looked at Blair's eyes,and he saw something in them. In that moment,in that second,he knew. He knew that she was hiding something for him.

But he didn't push her,didn't insist. Instead,he gestured towards the camp.

"Let's go to the bonfire,it's probably close to now."

His heart sinked in his chest,going deep.
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Blair nodded guiltily, walking a few steps ahead of him. If she looked into his eyes again, she'd spill it, and... And she couldn't risk losing the possibility of that chunk of her future. So she kept her eyes glued to the ground, hands dug in her pockets.

No matter how bad she felt, it still felt amazing to be back home, as brief as it would be. Even with the nightmare of Kara in her mind, it felt... Perfect to be in her orange t-shirt, in jeans, her sword stowed in her cabin.

"I have to go to the campfire early. I'll see you later, Evan." She breathed, hiding tears. Without another word, she sped up, sprinting away from him and toward the campfire. She saw Chiron, but said nothing to him. Instead, she knelt beside the shroud with Ate's symbol, stroking where Kara's arm was.

Time Skip to Bonfire
Ryder was standing with Chiron at the head of the campfire, along with the close friends of the deceased. Blair and Alec were on either side of him. There was a spot for C, but it was beginning, and they weren't waiting. Chiron made a vague gesture, and a few guys came up, two to each shroud, and gently laid them in the flames. It was a bit strange that they burned, with as low as the flames were.

With each shroud, there was a sign from a different god. For Alex's, vague harp music played. Ryder knew that harps were a symbol of Aeolus, but was still a bit surprise. For Jenna's, a strong scent of poppies spread through the air. For Kasumi's, the smell of poppies was replaced by wheat, and other grains. And for Kara... There was nothing. As if there was no trace of her at all. After a few moments of watching the bodies burn, Chiron gestured Ryder to come forward, which he did.

"These people died as heroes. They died doing the right thing. Alexander, Jenna, and Kasumi were not from this camp. But they still risked and gave their lives for people they didn't know. How many people here would've done the same?" Ryder asked, his voice carrying no matter how low it seemed to be. "We cannot honor the dead without honoring the living. The entire group of questers showed great bravery, and it was no small pride to be the one that led them!" He paused for a moment before looking at Blair and Alec. "Alex, Jenna, and Kasumi had each other, the only ones that truly knew them. But Kara was loved and befriended by everyone here. She was a friend to all and was able to bring a smile to anyone's face. She was brave to the end. That being said, I have no right to be the one talking about her." He said, stepping back and gesturing for Alec and Blair to go forward.


Nitch leaned against Nico, infinitely grateful that he wasn't up there, that he was right beside him. A few feet to his right, Toni was sitting alone, hugging her knees and staring dully at the ground. She hadn't been quite the same since the battle. Too jumpy, too nervous. Very unlike her...

Demetrius was sitting on the front row, watching Ryder with admiration. He clapped at the end of the cheer and went up the spear he had planted, he closed his eyes and focused, finally a blue ball of flame appeared on his hands. He touched the tip of the spear which he made wooden and watched as the fire burned without burning the log. He then quietly walked back to his seat and watched the vampers look at the blue flame in awe.

Alec watched Ryder dully, no tears in his eyes. He couldn't summon one if he tried. He'd thought that he would be able to keep it together, to at least pretend to be strong. But even looking over at Cass could bring no more than a weak smile to his pale, gaunt face. When Ryder invited him and Blair forward to talk, his heart sunk. Public speaking. About his dead friend. Just what he'd always wanted. He was going to let Blair do it, stay back, but she grabbed his wrist and pulled him unwillingly forward. Unlike him, she was crying nonstop, tears following a path down her cheeks and onto the ground.

"Kara was... Like nobody else. She wasn't just the daughter of a minor god who was the daughter of another minor god. She was Kara. She was good, and always happy. She would've given anything for her friends." She looked over at Alec, squeezing his hand lightly. "She was my first friend at Camp. I still barely knew what was going on. I was only five when I made it here. They just told a toddler that her father was the god of darkness, and expected me to be fine with it, to fully understand. But I had nobody there. For years. Everyone was scared of me. For years. And finally, this... Little girl, just ten years old, joined camp. And the second she saw me, she defended me, she understood that I couldn't control my parentage if I wanted to. She made me feel proud to be the daughter of Erebus, like less of a monster." She stared at the ground for a moment, unable to continue. Alec, rather unwillingly, stepped forward.

"And she turned me from a little pre-teen who was terrified of his own powers, who was picked on because of his powers... Into a slightly less awkward teenager. And she helped me come to term with what I was. She treated me like a brother, like the family that I no longer have. She never, not once, acted afraid of me because of what I can do. She was my best friend. She didn't deserve to die, but she died because she chose to. And, knowing her, she'll be back in a few years because there's no way in hell she's done causing trouble." His voice was a bit cold, a bit distant. Nobody that really knew him would believe that he was okay, that he could handle what was happening. But to everyone else, he was being the strong friend that Blair needed. After a few moments, he pulled his hand free and walked over to sit by Cassandra, hunched over. For once, there were no whispers about 'Maniac', no idiots who couldn't keep their mouths shut. The dead got the respect they deserved.
Arya Chiari

Arya watched Demetrius, barely paying attention to either Blair's or Alec's speech. She hardly knew the Kara girl anyways. Sure, she was pissed that she died, but... That was about as far as it extended. Instead, her eyes remained on Demetrius, narrowed slightly. After a few minutes of silence, she stood up and left, feeling like an outsider. What right did she have to intrude on their funerals?

She found herself at the canoe lake, staring wistfully into the water. After a second's hesitation, she yanked off her shirt and jeans and walked into the water until she was shoulder-deep, and then until there was a few feet of water below her. She wanted to just submerge, spend hours in the water, relax. She allowed the water to soak her, not wanting to concentrate hard enough to keep dry. She wanted to stop thinking.

Evan did not belong in that place.

He felt like an intruder,trying to share on a pain that wasn't his. His chest was empty,hollow. Nothing. Much like he felt before he met Blair.

More than once he had glanced over to the border of the camp. And more than once he had considered running away.

Born into someone you love.

He was going to ruin Blair's life. He was going to bring tragedy to her and he didn't even know exactly how. His eyes were like those of a wounded animal as he stepped back into the shadows,looking over at the border.

If you love her,run away.

He did love her. He should go.
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Blair wasn't looking at Evan. She had no idea what came over her, convincing her to look over at him sitting. Or... Where he had been sitting. She watched him leave, and it felt like her heart was crushed. For a second, she was tempted to just let him leave, if that was what he wanted. She always let people walk over her, as long as they were happy. But it didn't last long. Anger flowed through her, and she jumped to her feet, following him. It didn't take her long to catch up. She grabbed his shoulder and made him turn. Without a second's hesitation, she reached out and slapped him as hard as she could across the face.

"You're an ass, you know that?" Tears were flowing freely down her face. "That's it? You're just going to go, without a word? Was it all just a damned game to you? Sleeping with me, proposing to me?! Good for you, you found a girl just naive enough to believe you. You win, Evan! I'm not playing! Fuck you." She was just so sick of it, so sick of being hurt. "You win." She repeated quietly, trying to hide her tears. She turned away from him, cradling her stinging palm. "I hope you got what you wanted." She said softly, starting to walk away. If he wanted to leave, he could. But damn it if she'd let him go without speaking her mind.
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Evan blinked to Blair,completely shocked at her reaction. He barely felt the pain in his face,standing there in a stiff position.

And then he came back to the world.

Anger burst through Evan,and he grabbed Blair in his arms. He pinned her against a tree,obliging her to look at her eyes.

"Do you have any idea what you're talking about?! I'm doing this for you! You deserve better,Blair! I'm going to bring tragedy for you,you will never be the same. If I walk away I will never be happy again,and I'm doing this for you. Because I love you. And I won't survive without you by my side but I'm still willing to do this. Because you deserve a fucking better person."

He was crying now,dividing it between tears and the complete rage he was feeling. How could she say something like that? How could she doubt his love? He let her go,turning around and cleaning his eyes with anger.
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Blair shoved him away from her, wincing at her back pressed against the wood.

"Don't I get a fucking choice in the matter?!" She screamed at him, shaking with anger. "How can you pretend you give a shit and then just walk away?! Don't act like you care. You're doing this for you. Not me." She spat, not caring about his tears, his anger. She was crying. She was pissed. And he didn't care. "Don't tell me what I deserve. Don't tell me what my future will be like without you. You don't get to make that choice." She growled, glaring at him. She wouldn't listen to excuses, she'd heard enough for a lifetime.

"Go. If that's what you want, go. But don't say it's for me. Just don't." She whispered.

Evan replied to her look,the same anger mirrored in his face. With his fingers,he tapped the black ring that was around his hand. The one that was exactly like the one she had on her finger now.

If he had been a completely selfless person,he probably would have walked away.

But instead,he asked her that question.

"Do you want me to stay?"

His finger pressed against the ring. He wanted her to say yes. He wanted to have a life by her side. But would that be the right thing for her?
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Blair stared at him, hands shaking. Her eyes flickered down, glued to the black ring on her finger for half a second before moving back up to him.

"I can't answer that for you, Evan. What I want is for you to decide. Because I can't. If you are so stuck on the idea that you're bad for me, and you don't care about what I want, then go. Leave me alone on the night of my best friend's funeral. It'd be better than leading me on. But if you can open your eyes long enough to realize that I wouldn't have agreed to marry you if I didn't want you..." She trailed off, squeezing her hands until the ring caused her pain. "Then come back with me and hold me and say stupid things that don't help anyone that's grieving because that's what I want and that's what I need right now." She insisted. She didn't wait for a response, turning on her heel and returning to the campfire.

She sat down heavily in the middle of a group of empty seats, hugging her knees.

Evan watched Blair go,still feeling the hollowness in his chest. His glance fell once again on the border of the camp. He felt his ring sliding from his finger,falling on the ground.

He took a step forward. But instead of being directed to the outside of the camp,the step went towards the ring. He picked it up and placed it back at his finger,then turned to head for the campfire. He sat down by Blair's side,wrapping his arms around her and kissing the top of her head.

"It's going to be okay."

And the hollowness was gone from his chest. How could he be empty,if his heart was filled with Blair?

Blair leaned against him, trembling slightly. "Thanks." She whispered, watching her best friend go up in smoke. Unlike him, she felt completely hollow, like if she was pricked by a needle, there'd be nothing inside of her but air.

She reached over and touched the ring on his finger, smiling weakly. "We should probably ask one of the Hephaestus kids to size that for you, it's loose. But it looks good on you." She murmured, squeezing his hand. She wanted to forget that he had ever tried to leave.

"We can leave here tomorrow. Just give me tonight to say my goodbyes, I'll have my bags packed tonight." She promised, burying her face in his chest and trying to block out Chiron's funeral rite. She didn't want to listen to him pray to the gods for Kara to have safe passage. It was too late for that. She was already dead.

Evan gently pulled Blair's hand,looking at the ring on her finger. He kissed it softly before setting it down again,their fingers now locked together.

"That...used to fit my mother really well. And it fits you,too. But the one I'm using is from my father,the immortal ass. It's no surprise that it doesn't really fit."

He chuckled lightly,not much humor in his face. He was exhausted. And at this moment,he hated anyone that wasn't Blair. Or maybe C,too.

"I have a friend to say goodbye to as well." He frowned lightly. That sounded weird even for him. Evan didn't have friends. "But I'm going whenever you want me to. I will follow you anywhere."
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Demetrius looked back to see Arya leaving. 'Something must be troubling her'. He though. He stood up and followed her quietly and stopped when she jumped in the water, he hid behind a large oak and watched her, worried to see if something might happen to her.

"I don't care when we leave, as long as it's soon. I can't stay here." She shrugged, staring calmly at the flames as the shrouds turned to smoke. "I can't be here and not constantly think about her. It kills me." She admitted, tearing her eyes away.

"As long as you're happy, I'll go anywhere. Do anything. Even stay. I just won't be as happy as you about it." She looked up at Alec, who looked just as scarred and gaunt as he had the instant Kara had been stabbed. His eyes were dead, more than they had been ever.


Alec stared into the flames. He couldn't stop thinking that he wished he was the one burning. He wished that Cass hadn't done the damned empathy link so he could die without guilt. He wished that the 16-year old girl burning in front of him was mourning him instead of the other way around. It was selfish to think, to wish that pain upon someone else. But he couldn't stop it. He hung his head, sighing heavily.
Arya Chiari

Arya turned, feeling someone's eyes on her. "It's rude to stare, you know! And a bit creepy!" She shouted, half-wishing she was wearing more than just her underwear, and half not caring in the least. She pushed some of her wet hair out of her face, looking around. The shore looked empty, but that didn't faze her. "Come on out!"

Cass sat by Alec's side,leaning her head against his shoulder. She allowed one arm to be tightly wrapped around Alec,hoping to offer some comfort. It was a lost battle. She couldn't really make Alec feel better. Her eyes lowered to the ring shining in her hand. Guilty washed over her when she realized that she was still feeling happy. Happy because Alec was alive. Happy because Nico came back. Happy because they were going to get married. And yet the sadness of so many lost lives also pressed against her chest.

"We'll get through this,I promise." She had no doubts of that,but also no doubts of how painful that ride would be. "She gave you to me. I own us to her." She whispered a soft prayer,hoping Kara could listen to it.

Thank you,Kara.
Demetrius meekly waved his hand out."Don't worry it's just me." He slowly walked out of his hiding place."I just came to see how you were doing." He kicked a rock into the water.

@Graecus Scum
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Alec nodded silently, unable to stop the agony in his chest. "I know." He whispered, holding her close. "I owe everything to her." He squeezed his temples, trying to stop his migraine. Every second made him feel like he was dying, more and more painfully. He tried to hide it, not wanting to cause a scene at a funeral of all places.

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