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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Alec was shaking with fury as she spoke, blocking her blade with ease. "I could've tried to do something! I could've been faster! I was a SECOND. TOO. LATE!" He bellowed, he whipped around, slamming her ax against her defense. His ax flew out his hands, and her sword ended up at his chest. "Go ahead." He murmured, moving forward until it broke skin, making him wince. "You win. Fighting you doesn't help. You didn't kill Kara. I killed the man who did that. And it didn't do shit, either." He whispered.

Nitch groaned softly, arching his back. "I need you." He shot back, pressing himself against his boyfriend.

Cass lowered her sword,tossing it away. She kissed Alec chest in the place where she cut it,keeping her face in there before she rose it again. She rose her hand to his face,half-expecting him to push her away once more.

"I know. Revenge never actually helps. But time does. And so does being near the people you love." She held his hand,kissing it softly. "Let me help you,Alec. Let me stay by your side."

Alec stared down at her, wincing as she kissed his chest. "Promise you won't stab me again?" He tried for a smile, but it came out as more of a grimace. He leaned down and kissed her deeply, pressing her against the wall. "You think I'd let you go anywhere at this point? You're stuck with me, sweetheart. That RingPop on your finger proves it." He murmured.
"I wish the lollipop was still there as well." Her lips pouted lightly before she laughed and kissed him. "I'm sorry,I didn't want to hurt you. I just...knew it would help."

Cass smiled brightly before replying to his kiss,biting his lower lip gently.

"Is this the sequel to Elevator Attack?"

Alec chuckled lowly, sliding his hands coyly under her shirt and winking at her. "It's whatever you want it to be, sweetheart." He promised, not caring about the fact that they were in plain sight. Until he heard giggles behind him, and turned. A couple Aphrodite girls were cackling as they stared at the couple.

"Aw... Look, Zeus girl found someone to pity." The first one laughed.

"Think she slept with him out of sympathy?" The second shot back, and they both laughed loudly. Alec stiffened, clenching his fists. He turned toward them, shaking with rage once again.

"Yea. She did. You have a fucking problem with that?" He snarled.

"Oh, cool it, Maniac." Alec stared at the ground when he heard his old nickname. Maniac. How witty.
"So what,you whores? Are you little girls angry because you can't find a hot guy as well? Don't worry,you're eventually going to find someone blind enough to think that you bitches are attractive."

Cass pulled Alec to her arms,kissing him warmly for good measure. She wrapped her arms against his hips and pinned their bodies together in a completely inappropriate way. She smirked against his lips once she heard a few gasps of shock.

"She must be the blind one if she thinks he's hot..." One of the girls muttered as they walked away. Alec grit his teeth, but said nothing, returning Cass' kiss fervently. "Your place or mine?" He asked teasingly. It was kind of hard to take it seriously when they were talking about summer camp cabins. "Do we share cabins now that we're engaged and all?" He smirked.
Cass cringed lightly at the idea of going to her own cabin.

"Let's please go to your cabin. I swear to Olympus,my father watches my every step when I'm inside mine. I think he is waiting for me to...go on a quest for the glory of storms or something. Let's go to your cabin. And I can stay there if you'd like."

Alec laughed at the idea. "One quest is enough for me. No more." He murmured, wrapping his arm around her waist and leading her back to his cabin. For the first time, he was intensely grateful that he was alone in it. He closed and locked the door behind him, kissing her deeply once again. Maybe it wasn't the best time, but he didn't care. "You can stay wherever you want, baby." He promised softly.
"Less conversation,more touching my body." If someone had told her that she would love a guy as much as she loved Alec,she would have laughed. But now...all she wanted was to laugh of happiness for being close to him. "I want to be wherever you are. Always."

She kissed him deeply,using her free hands in a wild motion against the buttons of her blouse.

Evan didn't know how long it was before he rolled away from the top of Blair's body. But once he looked outside,the day seemed to be darkening already. He breathed against Blair's neck,smiling brightly.

"Round two?" He laughed against her body,pulling the girl to his arms.

Blair laughed, following his gaze out the window. "Now, that'd be wonderful. But the campfire will be soon." She murmured, kissing his neck lightly. Kinda tradition for the... Friends of the deceased to show up early." She choked out. She slid out from under him and reached for her clothes, dressing quickly. "Besides, Ryder will probably come back any minute. I like the guy, I'd like to get to know him. Not on that level." She shrugged, trying to bring some humor to the conversation without much luck.

Ryder sat by the campfire, stabbing the ground lightly. Already, the bodies of the fallen campers were in their shrouds. Alex's was the closest to him, and one of the most painful to look at. The guy had seemed decent, kind. Surviving on his own with just his sister, it couldn't have been easy. Ryder could relate.

But it was nothing compared to the agony of Nico's death. The two hadn't been very close, but he had deserved more. Better than dying in a battle for people he barely knew.

"You should get some rest. Or at least get that wound looked at." A female voice murmured. He turned, forcing a smile onto his face when he saw Toni. She sat beside him, leaning his head against his shoulder.

"I'm fine." He assured her, staring at the ground. She looked up at the shrouds. "I can't believe they're all dead." He sighed.

"I know. You did the best you could, Ryder. They all knew that their chances were slim." She sighed, rubbing his back.

"Does it matter? All of them but Kara weren't even from camp. They died for strangers." He insisted, running a hand through his hair.

"They chose to follow you." Toni whispered.
Nico woke by Nitch's side,his face still completely tired from the happenings of the day. He struggled to sit down,not wanting to miss that bonfire. Today was special,in a completely depressing way. But maybe the news that he was alive would cheer some people.

"Love...we should go. I don't want to be late. And scare people to death." A tired smile crossed his face as he messed with Nitch's hair.

"Fair enough." Nitch smirked, reaching for some nicer clothes and dressing quickly. "You need to borrow a suit?" He offered, inspecting Nico. "We look about the same size, more or less." He paused for a moment, a frown crossing his face. "I bet Ryder's already down there... Blaming himself."
Nico nodded and picked the clothes,dressing up as quickly as he could. His dark hair combined with the suit and the pale tone of his skin made him look like the the perfect reaper of death. Which he was now...But that was a complicated story.

"It's not his fault." He glanced outside,following the path to the bonfire. "We all followed him willingly. But...maybe he will blame himself a little less once I appear."

He looked at himself in the mirror,checking his clothes.

"I hope nobody gets too scared to the point that they will try to hit me. I'm...not on the state for a battle."

That was an understatement. Nico had died and came back,and that destroyed the health of anyone. Even stepping outside was difficult,as he soon found out.

"Okay. I'm ready. Let's do this."

Nitch sighed at his words. "Of course it's not his fault. But a lot of people died, it's natural." He murmured before turning and seeing his boyfriend. His eyes widened slightly. "Wow. You look... Really handsome in a suit." He said, blushing darkly. He pulled himself together.

"Trust me, anyone tries to touch you, I hurt them. Come on." He chuckled, pulling Nico out of the cabin. A couple Athena campers outside wolf-whistled, which he tried to ignore. Not many people knew about the fact that Nico had died. They also hadn't known that Nitch was into guys, and probably the same for Nico.

He was just approaching the campfire when he saw Ryder and Toni staring at it, Ryder looking a bit numb. "Hey, Ryder!" He called. The man turned, and his eyes went as wide as coins.

"Nico...?" He gasped, lurching to his feet. Toni turned, frowning. Her jaw dropped when she saw the pair.

"You guys are together?" She asked curiously.

"You're alive?" Ryder pressed. Toni looked at him, confused.

"Was one of them not alive?" She muttered in his ear.

"Long story." He promised. "Later."
Nico stood there in a shy manner,trying to figure out what he should say right after coming back from the dead. He turned to Ryder and Toni,feelings his insecurities diminishing as he faced the two campers. A smile appeared in his face,shining to the two of them.

"I'm really glad to see you two okay as well."

He stepped forward so he could shake Ryder's hand,leaving it hanging in the air.

"It was an honor to fight with you,Ryder. And...thanks for speaking with your father about Elysium. He was surprised when I denied the offer,but I still wasn't ready to go."

Ryder inspected the boy, hesitating. Any other person would've just hugged it out, but Ryder wasn't that person. Instead, he took Nico's hand, shaking it firmly. Toni rolled her eyes, feeling self-conscious about her scarred skin. The cut on each cheek, her arms almost white with scars.

"Of course. I haven't spoken to him since, but I told him quite... Firmly that he'd give everyone who died in that battle, no matter which side they fought for, that they'd get Elysium." Ryder smirked, the gesture surprisingly dark and threatening. "He didn't appreciate that much."

Nitch looked at the son of Hades, shock and a bit of fear in his eyes. This guy was talking about ordering and basically threatening the God of the Underworld. It was the first time that Ryder looked scary. If Ryder noticed the look, he said nothing.
Nico rose one eyebrow at the look on Ryder's face. He was completely sure that he had seen that same look on Hades when he went down to the underworld. Not only that,but his own father seemed to smile like that from time to time.

"They all deserve a second chance on happiness. I hope they get it in Elysium."

The look on his eyes was starting to look exhausted again,and Nico had to lean against Nitch so he wouldn't fall down. He touched their foreheads together for a second before heading to sit by Ryder's side. He kept his hand locked tightly around Nitch's.

His eyes drifted to Toni,and he felt his stomach sink. What happened to her? She looked liked she had been tortured.

"Toni...are you all right? Your arms..." He hesitated,imagining how many pain she must have endured.

Toni's eyes looked haunted for a brief moment. "I don't... I don't really remember." She admitted quietly, voice breaking slightly. Ryder wrapped an arm around her.

"Apollo campers think she must've blocked it out, it was too traumatic. They also think that... It will start to come back to her. In fragments." He explained. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, T. You... You were stronger than anyone else could've been. You kept your sanity." He assured her softly.

"I don't feel like I did." She replied, digging her nails into her arms until she drew blood, and Ryder pried it free. She took a couple of soothing breaths before forcing a smile onto her face, as if trying to forcibly pull her old self back into existence. "I should... Go talk to Max." She mumbled, stuffing her hands into her pockets and walking away.
C never left his cabin. When the first of his siblings came back, he had only pulled his knees up to his chest and tilted his head back against the wall so that he was staring at the ceiling. He ignored curious questions, and only shuddered when he was asked to tell them all about the battle as if it had been all fun and glory, as if they hadn't been fighting for their lives. He didn't move when a few of the younger kids tried to help by healing his lingering chest wounds, though it didn't do anything to help him mentally. It surprised him how little time it took for the Apollo cabin to stop calling him 'C the hero' and start calling him 'C the coward' when he didn't recover fast enough.

He shouldn't have been surprised. They didn't get it. He'd tried to mentally prepare for the battle, but nothing could have prepared him for
that. He laughed bitterly, startling those around him. He was never really a fighter, and all that nonsense about him trying to 'change' himself? Who was he kidding? The only time he'd ever held a sword or done any sword fighting was to learn he was bad at it, and Apollo kids didn't exactly have to 'practice' with bows.

He knew the burial was starting soon, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't go out there and face Kara's body. Besides, he never claimed not to be a coward.
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Kara... Was dead. She knew she was. But she was in the Apollo cabin, staring down at C with a soft smile on her lips. She tried grab his arm, but her hand went straight through. She let out a sigh. She knew that he'd be able to hear her, somehow. But he couldn't see her. Still, she sat beside her and pretended to stroke his hair, pain causing her chest to shrink in on itself.

"Oh, C." She murmured. She focused, willing her voice to be heard by him. "You'll get through this, C. I'm sorry that I left you, but I'm not sorry I died alone. You have a chance, now. To live. Get married. Have kids. Live on, without me." She pleaded, swallowing a sob. No matter what she said, no matter how amazing Elysium was... She didn't want to be dead. "I'm going to be reborn, C. I'm too stubborn to stay in Elysium. Maybe I'll see you again. Maybe I'll recognize you." She paused for a moment, pulling herself together. "Either way... You're one of the best... You're the best guy I've ever met. You're genuinely good. Thanks for making my last night memorable. I don't think I would've been able to stand being alone." Another pause. "The second I joined that quest, I knew I'd die. I made that choice. I made the choice to die with my friends. To see my family again. But you made it... Bearable. Worth it. Thanks for that." She leaned down and kissed him softly, not sure if he'd feel anything.

"Goodbye, C." She breathed, standing and leaving the cabin. She saw Blair leaving the Hades cabin with Evan, and smiled. She could... Feel Alec's presence in his cabin, along with Cass', and was fairly certain she didn't want to intrude on that. Either way, she forced her voice to exclude C, and speak directly to Alec and Blair instead. "You guys will make it through this. I promise. I toughened you up enough to make sure that you could. Don't let me down. Just keep breathing. Please. If I see you down there any time soon, I will be so beyond pissed." Tears were streaming from her eyes, and she noticed the camp entrance. The place where she had met Alec and Blair for the first time. "I have no regrets. I chose my fate. Bye, guys." She whispered, feeling herself fade into nothingness, her last thoughts of her best friends.


Alec was just re-dressing when he heard the voice, and froze, looking up. He made sure he was mostly covered before sprinting out of the cabin, eyes wide. Blair, a few cabins down, looked like she'd been slapped across the face. Their eyes met, and it was obvious they had both heard her. Kara. Somehow, their friend had given them her final goodbyes.

(Yep, I'm mushy, I accept it.)

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