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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

C stayed just long enough to hear about the burial, and then he snuck away to his cabin. He didn't want to be celebrated for killing former campers, and he didn't want anyone congratulating him for living through that nightmare when others had died. The Apollo cabin was luckily empty, as all of his half-siblings had joined the rest of the camp in greeting the sucessful quest. He dropped Sarah's bow on her empty bed. She wouldn't be celebrated. She was a traitor and she'd fought against them, but it was still her bow and it shouldn't just be thrown away. He dropped the rest of his stuff on the floor, and slid down against the wall. He wished he was dead. Kara had died, and they were supposed to die together. Why did she die when he got to live?
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Evan reached out into the darkness,trying to find Blair's body. He couldn't lose her,not now that they were finally safe. The air had been pulled from his lungs by the huge amount of underworld energy,but he didn't care. He stumbled forward,grabbing Blair into his arms and hugging her tightly.

The darkness wrapped around him,completely suffocating. Evan tried to find the light again,but he couldn't. No person that wasn't a child of the underworld would be able to take so much dark energy. His heart weakened,and Evan slid away from Blair's hold.

His limp body hit the ground. For the last time,his heart sounded with a weak beat. And then it stopped completely.
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When Blair felt Evan fall away, the darkness dissipated, and she searched for him desperately. When she saw his limp body, she gasped, lurching forward and checking for a pulse. Her heart lurched when she felt nothing, and she immediately start pumping her hands against his chest. After a few moments, she leaned in and blew a lungful of air into his mouth.

"No. Not you. Not allowed." She grunted when she resumed pumping his chest. "No." She snarled.

Evan didn't react to Blair's pumping on his heart,already starting to look pale and cold. His heart didn't come back to life,and he remained completely unresponsive.

It was a bit of a surprise once he found himself looking at Blair from above. Was that...always how dying felt? Was he a soul out of his body now? He kept his glance on Blair's face,fear going through his chest.

Blair...don't give up on me.

Blair's chest grew tighter by the instant, every second that Evan remained motionless causing agony to hit her.

"Please, please." She whispered, continuing CPR frantically. "Not you. I didn't kill you. I couldn't." She breathed, looking at him with tears in her eyes. "Gods, please, not Evan."

He didn't know whether that was
actually a weird,ethereal experience or if he was having hallucinations. But this was starting to piss him off. Evan,or whatever was left of him,dropped to his knees by Blair's side and placed his hands above hers. He was going to fuck survive. And if he had to fight,so be it.

A small movement came from Evan's chest,and then his heart started to beat at full speed. He coughed and moved on the ground,opening his eyes slowly to look at Blair. His face was torn with confusion once he realized that he was holding her hands that were in his chest.

"What...what happened? Are you okay?"

Blair gasped when she saw him breathe again. She wanted to jump in his arms. Instead, she wrenched her hands free, and scrambled away.

"No! Don't touch me!" She whispered, tears streaming from her eyes. "I don't want to hurt you." She breathed, making sure that there was at least a foot between them. "Not again."

Evan reacted with confusion,obeying Blair's order by pure reflex. He took a step back,but then shook his head and walked forward again.

"You...didn't hurt me. Blair,I'm okay." He tried to reach out to her again,the hurt obvious in his eyes. "You don't...want to be with me anymore?"

He frantically searched his mind,trying to remember what happened. Nothing. Like always,his mind was completely confused. When that was combined with the hurt in his body and Blair's words,Evan lost it. He started to sob,completely ignoring any shame he would have usually felt from that act. He didn't care that she had hurt him. He needed her.


Blair jerked away, sobbing. "No! I... I killed you! I don't want to be the reason you die!" She insisted. Her entire body was shaking violently. She tried to get away from him, but fell, scraping her knees and hands on the ground. She didn't try to get back up, instead sobbing desperately on the ground, defeated.

Evan fell by Blair's side on the ground,hugging her tightly. He wrapped his arms with enough strength that she wouldn't be able to pull out without hurting him.

"I don't care,Blair. You can hit me,torture me,kill me. I will still love you more than I loved anything in this world. I was dead before I met you,and you gave me my life back. So don't talk to me about killing me,because if you didn't exist I would have killed myself a long time ago."

His words showed a rare trace of Scottish accent,mostly because of his complete distress. Evan was still having a breakdown,but he tried to control himself for her.

"I care! I already lost my best friend today because I was too slow and too stupid to stay near her! You think I can live with killing you, too?!" She cried, struggling to get free of his arms. But she was too weak, and could barely move.

"I can't be responsible for your death. I've killed enough people in my lifetime. I can't lose you, too." She whispered, her voice breaking, as well as her heart.

"Blair...if you stay away from me,I'm going to definitely die. No questions about that. I can't live without you." He buried his face in her hair,breathing in her scent. "I don't know what happened and it doesn't matter. You're not losing me. That's...not happening again. I promise."

He gently turned her around so he could look upon her face.

"Stop fighting me,Blair.You know I wouldn't change anything about you. I did horrible things in my life,I killed people before this mission even launched. But you can still accept me and love me. Please let me do the same."

Blair surrendered, pressing herself against him and sobbing into his chest. After a few moments, she reached up and kissed him desperately, twining her fingers in his hair. "I love you." She breathed, holding him close. "You're a fucking idiot, but I love you."

"Yes I am. But I'm a fucking idiot that really,really loves you." Evan rolled on his back,placing Blair on top of him. He kissed her back with the same passion,holding her face between his hands. "Blair Darrow..."

If he could,he would have rolled with her on the floor for the rest of the day. But that was probably not very polite.

Yeah...as if I care.

Blair didn't hesitate, keeping a tight grip on him and shadow traveling to the Hades cabin. More specifically, to her bed. "Blair Darrow." She agreed, kissing him once again. Luckily, the door to the cabin was closed, because there was no way she was getting up.
Nico felt Nitch's grip tightening around him and suddenly started to hyperventilate. He jerked back and away from Nitch,having to lean against the wall to regain his calm.

"I-I'm sorry. This is hard." He breathed deeply,trying to reach a steady pace. "I-I can still feel...the s-swords..."

He slid to the ground,trying to find a way to relax,but it was hard. His eyes rose to Nitch,desperation marked in them.

"Please hold me again. Don't let me go."

Nitch was only too happy to oblige. He wrapped his arm around Nitch and held him close. "I swear to all the gods, if you leave me again." He whispered, his grip probably too tight.

"It's been the longest week of my life, and I've only known you for two." He breathed.
Nico leaned against Nitch,breathing deeply against his chest. He felt completely exhausted. Everything had changed in this week,he had died. If it weren't for Nitch's hold against him,he probably would have been freaking out. And if anyone else tried to touch him,he probably would try to kill them.

"I...didn't have much fun either." He tried a weak smile. The ritual to become Thanatos' servant was beyond painful. "Nitch...did anyone else die after me? I-I should have struggled more. I went down too easily."
"I don't know the exact timeline of deaths. But a lot of people died. Kara, Jenna, Alex, Kasumi... You." Nitch's voice broke at the last words, and a choked sob escaped before he pulled himself together. "The burial is tonight. After that.... I heard that Blair and Evan are leaving. Ryder is injured, so's Alec." Nitch murmured.
"We should check on Ryder." His voice was barely more than a whisper. Nico was obviously terrified of stepping into the real world,terrified of anything that wasn't Nitch. He shrinked into himself,hiding his face between his hands. "I don't know if I'm ready to be alive again."

"Ryder will be fine. It's you I'm worried about." Nitch assured him, sitting down on his bed and pulling Nico to be sitting beside him. "But you should talk to Cassandra. She's... Pretty messed up." Nitch advised.
"Cass..." He whispered,allowing Nitch to pull him to the bed. His eyes looked lost for a second before they focused back on his boyfriend. "I should...I should have thought of that. You and her are the people I love the most in this world..."

He took another glance at the door,fear clouding his vision.

"I-I can't. Can't go. Can you call her? But let her see me first,don't say I'm here. If you just say it she might get angry and she's...electric and all."
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Nitch hesitated, but nodded, getting to his feet and walking to the Zeus cabin. He froze when he saw Alec and Cass sitting together on the ground, both crying. Oh, gods. Emotions. His breathing accelerated slightly. The words just came out.

"Nico is alive." He blurted out. "In my cabin."
Cass slowly rose her eyes to Nitch,completely and fully shocked. Her face seemed frozen into that expression,and she stared at Nitch for what seemed like minutes. If it had been anyone else saying that,Cass would have killed them. But she was still rational enough to know that Nitch,from all people,wouldn't lie about the death for her best friend. He loved Nico too.

She didn't know what to do,what to do feel. Was this some nightmare? Some sick hallucination? She gave Alec a desperate look,begging him to tell her what to do.

Alec's eyes widened at the words, and his chest tightened. Nico was... Back? How? How was that possible? Of course he was happy, but... Why not Kara? He got to his feet, feeling numb. "You should go talk to him." He muttered quietly, hands dug in his pockets. "I'll wait here, you guys deserve a moment together, alone." He shrugged, trying to hide the pain in his eyes without success.
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