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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Nitch winced at the obvious agony on Alec's face. He didn't take offense to it. Alec probably felt the same way Nitch himself would if Kara had been brought back, but not Nico. Happy, but agonized, and guilty as hell for feeling that way. It was understandable. It was how Nitch looked at every survivor. He had been thinking his awful thoughts for a week.

Why did you survive but not him...?
Cass looked completely numb. She followed Alec's suggestion because she didn't know what else to do,and she couldn't think for herself. She stood up,looking between him and Nitch like she was about to fall down. The pain in his face made her react a bit,and Cass leaned forward to give him a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry."

She turned around and ran towards the Athena cabin. If she hesitated she wouldn't have the courage,so she had to hurry up. It didn't take long for her to reach the Athena cabin,and she burst inside without hesitation.

Nico turned around to meet Cass' look,and the dialogue he had planned was lost in his tongue.

Cass herself felt tears go through her face. She hid her mouth between her hands before her legs lost their strength and she fell to her knees.

"N-Nico. By the gods...You..."

She felt herself being pulled from the ground,and suddenly tight arms were wrapped around her. Cass buried her face in Nico's shoulder,crying and laughing at the same time.

"Thank the gods..."

Nico kissed the top of her head,his face completely pale. The tight hold was making him disturbed,and he felt about to freak out. He started to shake wildly,and Cassandra pulled away with a worried look.

"Nico? Are you all right?"

"Y-yes. Don't worry about me."

Nitch hung behind, staring awkwardly at Alec.

"I'm sorry about your friend." He offered, knowing it wouldn't help. Emotions were not his strong point, he had no idea what to say to comfort the man.

Alec's eyes were dull, full of pain. "Yea. So am I." He muttered. "If Cass asks, tell her I'm training in the arena." He sighed, walking out of the cabin. He found himself in the Swordfighting arena, shirt off to the side, sprinting laps around the perimeter. Exercise had never been his favorite thing to do, but years at camp had given him a muscled body, not that anyone but Cass had really seen it.
A loud noise resonated on the outside of Athena's cabin,and Nico jumped immediately. He looked around the cabin,searching for enemies that weren't there.


Cassandra reached forward to touch Nico's face,but he jerked away from her. He suddenly slid to the ground,grabbing his head and shaking back and forward.

The images played in his head,over and over. The blood. The death. He made low sounds of pain,and could barely notice it when Cassandra called to him.


He didn't reply,still moving back and forth like he couldn't hear her at all. Cass did her best to reach him,but nothing helped.

"Oh my gods,Nico...what did you see when you were gone?"

She rubbed his arm gently,worry obvious in her expression. If she wasn't going to be able to reach out to him,she had to get someone who could. Cass quickly ran out if the cabin,calling out for Nitch.

"NITCH! N-Nico...I don't know what is happening to him. He won't listen to me. I...can't touch him,it scares him."

Nitch heard her and jerked into motion, sprinting to his cabin and kneeling beside his boyfriend. He was careful not to touch him. "Hey, look at me. It's me. You think either me or her would hurt you? We'd die for you. It's okay." He whispered fervently, terrified. He looked up at Cass. "Since we're looking out for partners, you might want to check on Alec. He seems... Pretty torn up." He said, remembering the haunted look in Alec's eyes.
Cass had a look of thorn despair in her face. She kept looking between the door and Nico,but eventually decided to go after Alec. He was alone...He needed her.


Nico seemed to listen to Nitch's words,although he wasn't able to reply. He nodded frantically,still unable to stop his rocking motion.

"Y-yes. Alive. And....you're here."

He fell sideways against Nitch's body,closing his eyes. The darkness helped. He relaxed a bit,stopping his motion and simply breathing heavily.


She didn't really need to ask Nitch where the man she loved was. Her path took her to the Arena immediately. Her eyes drifted towards something in the ground,and Cass picked the rock with surprise. Was it still there? It didn't seem like a few weeks. It felt like years. She almost wanted to laugh at the sight,everything had fallen apart and then came back together.

But she could still see the cracks where everything had been broken.

She soon found Alec,her eyes following him. Soon she was by his side,following his path through the exercising.

"I'm sorry,Alec." There wasn't much else to say. He was hurting,and she was sharing on his pain. All she wanted was to take a break,to make the world move a bit slower so she could accompany it.

"Of course I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere." He promised, holding him close. "I love you. Okay? I always will, no matter what happens. I promise." Nitch murmured.

Alec didn't respond for a few moments, not sure what to say. Eventually, he stopped short and stared at her.

"Kara is the reason I'm here. She's the reason I ever got the guts to talk to you. She's the reason that I went on that quest. She's the reason that I'm not a wimpy little geek anymore." He paused for a moment. "She's the reason Blair doesn't hate herself every day, the reason why she doesn't think herself a monster. She was 16. Other 16-year olds worry about driving. She was on a quest that she knew she'd die on." He choked back a sob.

"How can the gods be that cruel? To take the life of... Of a child? Of a girl who loved them, and worshipped them, and was genuinely good? How is that, in any world, the right thing?" He whispered. The light in his eyes was extinguished, all his customary humor gone. He felt like he was twelve years old again, his entire life uprooted, and stuck in a camp with no friends. He could see Kara's 10 year old face in his mind.

"You must be new. I'm Kara. Consider me your bodyguard." She chirped, wicked grin on her face. Even as a child, she stopped people from messing with him.
"I love you too...more than anything in this world."

I came back for you.

breathing had calmed to the point where it was almost normalized. He turned sideways to place a soft kiss at Nitch's mouth,then ran one gentle hand through his hair.

"You're the best gift I ever received. And that's counting my second chance."

Nitch laughed breathlessly. "Well, keep talking like that, you might give a guy a big head. Some might say it's big enough already." Nitch said. It took him half a second to realize how that sounded, and his face went cherry red.
"We were all willing to die for this mission,Alec." Cass leaned forward,hugging his waist tightly. "She was a hero,just like everyone else who gave their lives in that battle. I really wish she had more time to live. And no,it's not fair. If I could...change this,I would."

She kept her face against her body,begging to the gods to give a way to lessen his pain. But she knew they couldn't do anything. He lost someone he loved. Even the gods couldn't work on this.
Nico ended up laughing out loud,and that surprised even him. He blinked for a moment,looking at Nitch. He was happy before,but now...he could feel the sentiment blowing in his chest,taking down any fears he had. He was alive. And so was Nitch. How could he ever deserve such a blessing?

Nico was still laughing with happiness as he jumped forward,grabbing Nitch and dropping them both to the ground. He kissed the son of Athena between his chuckles,holding onto him tightly.
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Alec pulled away from her, anger making him want to lose control. With one movement, his ax was out, and he threw it as hard as he could. It went straight through a training dummy's chest, across the arena, and slammed into the opposite wall.

"She didn't die a hero! She died like a human! Because of one choice! One person deciding to kill a little girl!" Alec shouted, falling to his knees.

"Next person to pick on Alessandro here will get their head beaten in by an eleven-year old!" Kara's small voice shouted. Alec blushed, eyes searching out one girl. Cassandra Delevigne. By far the prettiest girl at camp. A few minutes later, when Alec and Kara were alone, she spoke again.

"You have a crush on Cass, don't you?" She asked, smirking. Alec blushed again, saying nothing. "You should talk to her." Alec looked up.

"Yea?" He asked, looking up at the daughter of Zeus. "She'd never talk to me. I'm the crazy kid." He sighed.

"Hey, you never know. Some day, you might end up marrying her..."

Nitch laughed as he was bowled over, wrapping his arms around Nico and kissing him deeply. "I'm glad you're back. It's been... It's been hell without you." He whispered, remembering the hole that had been punched in his chest. After a few moments, he pulled a picture from his pocket and offered it to Nico. It was the picture that he had died with, washed free of blood.

"I don't know why you'd want to look at my ugly face, but this is technically yours." He said unwillingly.
Cass stood in silence for a moment,biting her lips softly. She suddenly pulled a sword that had been lying around,tossing it towards Alec and picking the other one.

"You're taking that anger out. But dummies won't help. So you're doing this with me."

She pulled Alec up,holding his face between her hands.

"Let it out,Alec."

Stepping back,she allowed him to take the first blow.
Nico picked the picture with surprise,softly running one hand through it. Of course he hadn't forgotten. You never forget the last thing you see before the afterlife.

He turned back to Nitch,eyes turning soft. He placed a kiss on Nitch's forehead,then went down to his neck.

"You're beautiful. You're intelligent. You're perfect. If I had to see one last thing,I was really happy that it was you."

He placed the picture back at the pocket of his shirt carefully.

"Thank you for this,love. But now that I have the real version again,I might not look at it as much."

He smiled and went back to Nitch's lips.

Alec caught the sword by instinct, inspecting it. At her words, he froze, staring at her with wide eyes.

"I'm not fighting you." He said quietly, looking down at the sword. The hilt felt unfamiliar in his hands, he hated using swords. He dropped it and walked over his ax, turning it back into a pen and tucking it in his pocket. If it were anyone but Cassandra, he would've taken up that offer in an instant. Because she was right. He was pissed, and he wanted to let it out. But the idea of hurting her was so repellent to him, it made him sick.

Nitch stared at him with shock. Compliments were not something he was used to. Not something he enjoyed. Kissing Nico, on the other hand...

He tried to have some common sense. They weren't in a motel room anymore. Anyone could walk in at any time. Besides, Nitch was... Uncomfortable with his own body. He was self-conscious. Even after years at camp, he didn't exactly have Ryder's muscles or good looks. He was lean, not buff. He was tall and lanky. Besides, Nico had just... Come back from the dead. There had to be a story behind that. But seeing him now, he didn't particularly care.
Cass felt the anger in his every motion,the need to blow out. Alec was going to explode,he was going lose himself inside that anger. And she was the only one who could help.

Well...time to get punched.

Instead of backing off,Cass disappeared. She was suddenly on top of Alec,the blade of her sword lowering. It was too fast,too sudden for him to be able to think.

Alec hears the whistling of the blade and reacted instinctively, drawing his ax and raising it in an instant, blocking the strike and staring in shock at Cassandra. "What the hell are you doing?!" He demanded, lowering his ax and keeping it in his hand, suspicion in his eyes.

"I'm not fighting you, Cass!" He snapped, trying to stop himself. It was just instinct. Someone attacked him, he fought back. But he couldn't.
Cass had the look of a lioness in her eyes. She positioned herself before jumping again,striking fast attacks against Alec's ax. She was willing to go at any lenghts to make him feel better,and she wouldn't stop now.

"If you don't,I might hurt you."

Alec tried to block the blows, but one slipped past him, and sliced his arm. "Ow!" He yelled, frowning. He was shaking with anger, with the sheer agony of not fighting back. In an instant, he lost control. He slammed a blow against her sword, as strong of one as he could manage, fire in his eyes.
Cass felt a moment of hesitation when her sword sliced Alec,but her resolve came back once she saw the fire in his eyes. She dodged the blow with her sword,only taking half of the strength against her blade.

"You feel guilty! You think you could have stopped her if you were faster!" With each word,Cass stepped forward,throwing another blow against his ax. "YOU COULDN'T HAVE DONE ANYTHING,ALEC!"

She rotated,sending a full blow against his blade.

"Don't blame the gods for what we did as mortals. You need to react!" She launched again with blinding speed.
Nico didn't share in any of Nitch's insecurity. He absolutely adored his boyfriend's body,having kept every inch of it close to his mind. He pulled Nitch's shirt over before kissing his chest. His fingers moved and the door to the cabin was slammed by his shadows,staying closed.

"I love you."

He went back to Nitch's neck,dropping his hands to his legs. All he wanted was in his arms now. He couldn't be happier.

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