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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

C grimaced as he made himself stand, quickly picking up a bow that was half-underneath a former Apollo camper. His grimaced deepened when he recognized her. He hadn't known her all that well, but he had seen her around the Apollo cabin occasionally, and taking her bow like this felt wrong. It shouldn't have, since he didn't really have much of a choice. He'd lost his own bow in the chaos around him when he had gotten shot, and didn't want to sift through all the dead bodies to find it.

"Sorry." He muttered, turning away from her, only to immediately be punched in the face. He reacted without thinking, swinging the bow towards his head. He wasn't sure if it was the bow or his skull that made the sickening cracking sound. C ignored it, and walked as fast as he could manage towards Alec. He avoided thinking about the dead he was stepping over, sure it would be giving him nightmares for the next twenty years. "You guys look great." He said, trying to lighten the mood.
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Time Skip To Arrival At Camp
"They're back!"

"They're alive!"

"Get Chiron!"

The shouts that greeted the campers were far from comforting. Nitch was supporting most of Ryder's weight, the quest leader was nearly killed at the end of the battle with a stab to the chest. He refused to take nectar or ambrosia, instead wanting to survive like a mortal. The problem was that it was a wound that most mortals wouldn't survive.

Behind him, Kara's, Alex's, Jenna's, and Kasumi's bodies were all being carried. It had been impossible to allow anyone to carry Kara aside from Alec, despite his own injury, the stab wound to the gut.

There was no smile on Nitch's face, even as he viewed his home, his siblings. Because the only one that he wanted to be beside him was... Gone. Nico's body had just... Disappeared. The only evidence was the bloody picture of Nitch, which was tucked in Nitch's pocket. His eyes were emotionless, dead.

After a few minutes of waiting, the sound of hooves hit their ears, and Chiron appeared. The horse man's smile faded when he saw the group, the bodies they carried. "Oh, dear. Someone get me a medic!" He called, eyes on Ryder. The quest leader shook his head weakly.

"I'm fine. Prepare for a burial. We need shrouds. Até, Aeolus, Morpheus, and Demeter." He ordered, forcing himself to stand up straight. Unfortunately, the camp didn't have shrouds for Kasumi's mother, and she'd be burned in a Demeter shroud. "The highest respects, they died as heroes. Whether they were of the camp or not." For once, nobody whispered about Ryder, no insults exchanged. Even bloodied and bruised, the man looked terrifying, eyes hard as steel. "And we will pay respects to the son of Thanatos, Nico. He died to rescue Toni and Max." He ordered. Toni stood a bit separate, hands dug in her pockets. One of her brothers ran up to her and tried to hug her. Without hesitating, she punched him hard in the throat, flooring him.

"Don't touch me." She spat before looking around the assembled campers. "Those that were taken... Went willingly. They believed that the gods betrayed us, and they were right." She said. There was some shuffling and ashamed looks, as if they couldn't believe someone would speak against the gods. "This camp... It favors the strong and leaves the weak to rot. No more." She said quietly.​

Alec watched mutely as Ryder and Toni talked, not particularly caring. He didn't move until someone tried to take Kara from him. In an instant, his ax was out and pressed against the camper's neck.

"Touch her again. You'll find yourself missing an important limb. Like your head." Alec snarled. The camper backed off, hands raised.


Blair laid her hand on her friend's arm, frowning. "There's been enough killing, Alec. Let him take her. You need to get your stomach taken care of anyways." She murmured.

"I'm fine." Alec snapped, pushing her hand off and adjusting his grip on Kara. "I'll carry her." He said quietly, following the medics that carried the remaining bodies.
Cass had been standing next to Alec,no emotions in her face. She hadn't felt the full pain of Nico's death in the battle,mostly because she had been too focused on killing and getting revenge. But now that everything was over,the only thing left in her chest was emptiness. She wanted to curl into a ball and cry,but she had to be stronger than that. She could feel the glance of the campers in her back. She was the daughter of Zeus,after all. They expected her to be tough,perfect.

"Alec...you need to get help for that wound." Only speaking to him seemed to bring some life to her eyes,but it died soon afterwards. Cass didn't know if she would recover from this mission,at least not in an emotional state.
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Alec stared at her, numbed. "I'll take care of it myself later. Wait for me in your cabin?" He offered quietly, staring at the ground. He kissed her cheek lightly before continuing, ignoring the complaints from the medics.

Evan breathed with difficulty,holding his side. He had been hiding his broken ribs since the moment that he was thrown into the wall of the cave,but now his pain was becoming too obvious. When a doctor tried to approach him,he growled like an animal. That immediately made the man back off.

Parts of Evan's memory had been restored since the end of the battle,but he was still confused. That meant that he was being completely mistrustful of any stranger who approached him,sending death stares to anyone who crossed his path.
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Blair noticed Evan, and frowned. She waved away a medic, and earned a sigh. They seemed to be growing used to the fact that everyone was too stubborn to allow treatment. "Allow me, I'm his personal healer." Blair offered to the medic that approached Evan. He nodded without complaint. She stared at Evan.

"You either sit down and let me treat you like a good boy or I knock you the fuck out and do it either way." She said bluntly. Her patience was about as thin as a wafer. "Your choice."
The usual Cass would have complained and probably tried to drag Alec to the medical room as well. But now,she simply nodded and turned around. Heading straight for her cabin,Cass didn't react to any campers who tried to talk or ask her questions.

Once she was inside,Cass slid to the ground and hugged her legs. Tears slid through her eyes. Since the quest had started,she had avoided herself from completely breaking down. But now her sobs came loudly,and she didn't even care about the noise.
Demetrius stood, looking at his old camp mates. His body had been badly bruised, but he had no serious injuries, thanks to his heavy armor. He silently looked at a medic as she unwrapped his bandage and started to treat his shoulder. He sighed, glad that the quest finally was over, but silently wishing that the rest didn't die.

Arya stayed separate, not talking to anyone. She got a couple confused looks from the campers, but stayed silent. After a while, she walked away and entered the Poseidon cabin. It didn't feel like home, but she did feel the presence of her father. She walked over to the window and looked over the Sound, sighing.

"Thanks, Dad. You got me in this situation, and now you're going to make me stay, aren't you?" She scoffed. A ripple went across the water, which she took as a yes. "Thanks a fucking lot..."

It didn't take Alec as long as he thought it would to get Kara set up. He didn't stick around, unable to watch his bone white friend getting prepared to be incinerated. He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked into the Zeus cabin. The second he crossed the doorway, a rumble went through, and he had the feeling that Zeus wasn't pleased that a strange kid was in his cabin. Alec barely cared, sitting beside his girlfriend and pulling her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her.

"It'll be okay, baby." He whispered. He didn't feel like comforting anyone. He felt like crumpling beside her and sobbing, felt like mourning his friend. But, at least for then, he kept his face a mask. He'd grieve in private.

"We'll get through this. I promise." He murmured, stroking her hair.

Nitch didn't stick around for long. He waited until nobody was looking at him and slid away, making his way to his cabin. The second he was on his bed, he was sobbing, head buried in his hands. He couldn't do this. He wouldn't do this. Not without Nico. The first and only person he had ever loved, the closest he had ever had to family. And he was dead.

Any of Nitch's siblings that walked in immediately turned and left, giving him some much-needed privacy. Finally, people stopped coming, and he was left alone, tears streaming freely from his face.

"Why? Why you?" He whispered.
"No it's not. Of course it's not okay."

cried against his chest,holding him with her full strength. What if she let go and he disappeared as well? She wouldn't be able to stand someone else she loved dying. A sense of guilty went through her body,making her sobs more constant.

"I-I'm so sorry about K-Kara. I know you're grieving as well,but I just...I'm going to miss them both so much. A-and I don't even have his body to bury and say goodbye."

She just wanted to disappear,hide bellow a rock so now one would find her anymore.
Evan returned Blair's look,looking about as angry as she was. But that emotion seemed to diminish,and he sat on the ground with his back against a tree.

"I hate this place already. Look at all these...self-righteous children." He was sounding completely grump,his bad mood obvious. But he relaxed for Blair,rising one hand to rub her face gently. "I'm sorry about your friend. I...never really had a friend to lose. But I know it must hurt."

Alec leaned his head back, not releasing her. "I know, baby. You won't, I promise." He murmured. Her words about Kara hit him hard, and he lost his fragile grip on his emotions. A single tear escaped his eye, and he choked back a sob.

"Having a body to bury doesn't make it easier. I just get to watch her go twice." He whispered, clenching his fists tightly.

Blair followed his gaze before kneeling beside him, lifting his shirt to inspect his ribs. After putting a little bit of pressure, she identified which were broken, and quickly bound them.

"I know. I thought being here would help, would make it easier to be without her. But... I keep seeing her everywhere." She looked over at the rock wall, which had been Kara's favorite place in camp, she had been one of the few who mastered it. "I can't stay here, Evan. It's just a living nightmare." She whispered, holding back tears with sheer willpower.

Any sound coming from Athena's cabin disappeared out of sudden,leaving a dim nothingness in it's place. The light from the outside world seemed to diminish,only the faint brightness of the lights inside keeping everything from going black. The shadows moved slowly through the place,taking forms that weren't natural or even possible in the real world.

A gift.

The shadows behind Nitch's bed grew,taking the height of a human being. They eventually took form as well,and the hooded figure looked down at the crying boy. His pale hands trembled lightly with the memories flowing through his now lively body. The feelings of the swords were so real,they could be happening now.

Second chance.

But as soon as he heard the sobs,any memories disappeared from his mind. And the man on robes walked forward,kissing Nitch's neck before wrapping his arm tightly around his waist.

"I'm sorry I made you wait."
Demetrius walked silently to his cabin after the cut on his shoulder was bandaged. He went in the cabin and saw some of his friends holding a banner saying 'Welcome Back'. Demetrius silently walked past them and went inside the forge, where he lit up the fire and stood by it, holding a rod of silver and dipping it in the fire.

Nitch froze when he heard footsteps behind him... But the door was in front of him. He felt pressure against his neck and whipped around, unable to believe it. That voice. It had to be.

"Nico." Nitch whispered. He didn't pause, throwing himself at the figure and wrapping his arms around him. "Is this another dream?" Nitch whispered. Ever since Nico died, Nitch had been plagued with nightmares.

Evan nodded,pulling Blair so he could place a kiss on her forehead. He embraced her body against his chest,running one gentle hand through her hair.

"I know. I'm really sorry. I would have stayed in this place for you,but if you want to leave I'm very happy to go." He tightened his grip around her. "Just say the word when you are ready."

His eyes rose to the arriving campers,and he felt a pain against his heart. Where was C? Was he okay? He lost sight of his only friend during the battle,and if something had happened...he wouldn't forgive himself.

Blair felt dull, unable to breathe.

"Let me pack a bag. I can't be here. I'll stay for Kara's funeral, then I'm leaving. Meet me at the entrance of the camp right after the burial." She murmured, pulling herself away and walking to her cabin, unable to keep the appearance of being happy.

The second she was out of sight, she screamed, darkness surrounding her, blocking her from sight.
"Not this time. But if I could see you in all my dreams,I would be the happiest person in the world."

hugged Nitch with all his strength,almost not believing his own luck. He had been given another chance to live with the person that he loved more than anything in the world. How lucky could a person be?. He kissed Nitch with a desperate need,fearing that he could be dragged back to the Underworld at any moment.

"I-I denied Elysium. There is no...heaven for me if you're not by my side. F-father heard me..." He couldn't speak anymore. He simply needed to make sure that this was real as he held Nitch tightly.

Evan heard Blair's scream and lost any control of his movements. In the blink of an eye he was standing,a look of desperation in his face as he ran to the source of the noise.


His eyes detected the darkness,and Evan didn't hesitate. He jumped against it,ignoring what it could be.

Nitch held Nico with the same desperation, unable to believe his eyes. "If this is real, I'll never doubt the gods again." He whispered fervently, eyes tightly closed. He'd be crushed if his eyes opened again, and Nico was gone, and it was just some sick joke from the gods.

Blair didn't notice Evan. She couldn't breathe. Not Kara. Not Kara. She felt like she was losing it, her brain, her heart was imploding. Not Kara. Not Kara. She couldn't lose Kara.

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