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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Alec barely noticed the death around him. He stayed at Cass' side. Any time a person so much as looked at her wrong, they died. It didn't take long for it to become too much. Alec swung for a man that attacked Cass. His back became exposed.

In that same instant, someone shoved a sword through him. He cried out, barely staying on his feet. He turned with effort and struck the man down before looking at the wound. It was bleeding heavily, staining his hands.

"Cass." He whispered, falling to his knees.
"No! Alec!"

Cass let out a sound of pure pain as she grabbed Alec,holding him tightly so he wouldn't fall.

"Nononono. Alec,look at me. You're not dying. Please don't die."

She started to cry,but still frantically searched for nectar in her bag. Alec couldn't die,they still had a life together,right? They had decades. No,she wouldn't allow that.

"Please drink this." She gently held his face up,dropping the nectar into his mouth. But nectar didn't work so well on Alec,right? No,it had to work now.

Father,please. I never asked you anything. And I know you don't control these things. But please,don't let him die.

Alec knew the nectar wouldn't work. It just wasn't compatible. "It's okay. I'll be okay." His voice was steady. "I'm not going anywhere. We have decades, remember? We're going to have a daughter named Claire and a son named Gavin. I'm not dying." He promised. His smile was a bit bloody, and a bit gruesome. For the first time in years, he prayed.

Please, mother. Don't let me die. Cass will go down with me, and she deserves better. Please. I'll never ask for anything else....

His brain was already getting foggy.

Oh, no, my son. You will not die.

A spear of pure heat and pain arched through him, making his entire body curve. He grit his teeth, clenching his fists. After a few moments it faded. He sagged before lifting his shirt. The wound was gone, as if it never happened. The only evidence was the blood and his sweaty, bloody face. He was in perfect condition. His scars remained, but no wounds.
Cass looked about to have a breakdown,her eyes staring with unbelief at Alec's chest. It was...gone. And he wouldn't die.

She sobbed as she jumped into his arms,hugging him tightly.

"Alec,oh my gods. I love you. That's not happening again,I won't let it happen."

She pulled herself up,still wrapped around Alec. She didn't want to let him go. It took an extremely amount of self control for her to pull away slowly.

"We need to find Ryder. Nitch and Nico are with him,we need to see if they are okay."

Alec nodded, still looking a bit stunned. "Yea. Let's go." He managed, getting to his feet and running toward where Ryder had disappeared. He stabbed and slashed and punched anyone in his way, his main goal always to protect Cass.

Before they made it, Alec heard sounds of grief. Nitch's voice. "Cass, maybe I should go first." He said immediately. He peeked around the corner and froze. Nitch was sobbing over Nico, and Nico was... He was dead. "Cassandra..." He whispered. "Nico didn't make it." He finished, completely stunned.

How could Nico die? He was just... There. He had to be alive, this was a joke.

Arya whirled around, sinking her trident into a boy's stomach. Immediately, she yanked it out and used the other end, slamming it against the enemy behind her's face. He crumpled. She was unstoppable. She was supreme. She even laughed as she fought. And then she saw him.

"Austin." She said, almost dropping her weapon. The man looked up. She would've recognized his curly hair anywhere. "What are you doing here, Austin?" She whispered. He looked stunned.

"Arya. I.. I went to that Camp you told me about. When I got there... It was horrible. Nobody cares about the children of Hermes. I was ridiculed. In the end, I left. Found myself here. This place hates Camp Half-Blood. You'd fit in, Arya. Join us. Kill the bastards you came with. Please." Austin said, offering his hand. She didn't pause, stabbing him in the throat with her trident.

"I don't betray my friends. But thanks for the good lay." She scoffed.
Cass frowned when he asked her to go in first,trying to step around Alec.

"What do you mean? Did something happen with-"

The sounds of crying made her stop in her tracks. Something was wrong. Was that Nitch? Nitch wouldn't be crying like that for anyone besides...


Cass understood it,but she didn't want to think. She didn't want to see it. But she walked forward anyway,because she wouldn't believe in anything besides her eyes.

Alec's words barely registered as she stopped near Nico's dead body,feeling the tears go down her eyes. He was her best friend. A nice person who never actually fit in.

He didn't deserve to die.

Cass turned around,placing her daggers back at her waist.

Father,you are the king of Olympus. Give me your strength now. I need your help.

Cass started to float,hair flying around her face. Her eyes were completely white,full of electricity.


Cass barely sounded like herself as a wave of immense power fell down on the top of mountain,exploding against the surface. She laughed once or twice,but didn't care.


The energy affected anyone that wasn't her friend,blowing them away. Cass could feel smoke coming out of her body from the overuse of powers,but she wasn't going to stop. She would get revenge,whether she died or not.

Alec nearly fell. He knew what he had to do, and he knew Cass would hate him for it. He tackled her, making sure his body was below hers so he got most of the impact. The electricity coming off of her crippled him, but he didn't let go.

"Cass, look at me! He wouldn't want you dead!" He yelled, grabbing her and kissing her. He lost his sense of direction, his fingers were going numb. He had hit his head on the rock on the way down, and felt blood trailing down his neck.
C squeezed his eyes shut as he pulled the arrows out of his body, almost passing out from the pain. He heard shouting and yelling and crying from farther away, and knew that someone else had died, but he could barely move. He slowly inched backwards to get away from all the chaos around him, quietly praying for his wounds to heal faster so that he wasn't saved just to immediately die.
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Cass wouldn't have listened to anything,but being tackled against the ground was a quite compelling argument.

Blood was coming out of her nose and mouth from the overwork in her brain,and once the adrenaline was gone she couldn't get it back. The wave of electricity stopped,leaving a pile of corpses behind.

Cass leaned weakly against the ground,closing her eyes and passing out for a short time.

"Sorry..." She muttered against Alec's lips,unable to gather the energy to get up. She knew that if she was attacked now,she wouldn't have the strength to fight back.

"Don't apologize. Come on. Let's get you out of here." He ordered. A few enemies walked in, but with one look from him, they started bashing their own heads against the walls until they were dead, a pool of blood around them. He felt sick at the abuse of his powers, but he couldn't help but be impressed. Gone were the days where he made cops lick their arms. He could kill with one glance now.

"Come on." He murmured, lifting her easily and beginning to carry her out.

Blair looked at her bleeding arm with dissatisfaction. It's slow her down, but not enough to stop her from killing these motherless bastards. She noticed the largest man she'd ever seen nearby. She charged toward him, blinding him at the last minute. She jumped and slammed her feet into his chest, knocking him over. She fell hard against the ground, scraping her bad arm, but was up in an instant. She didn't see Evan. She didn't care.

"For Kara!" She snarled, grabbing her friend's daggers and slamming them into each side of the brute's neck. He died instantly, and she smiled gruesomely with satisfaction.
Evan was starting to pant,the sword in his hands feeling like it weighted more than the entire earth. He wasn't used to the frantic pace of war,and nothing in his life had prepared him for that. He fought by Blair's side,fending off any enemies that tried to strike at her back. He knew that he would take a wrong step eventually,but he would fight until that happened. He made more demigods sleep,and managed to disarm another huge Ares camper.

That's where the slip happened.

Evan didn't move around fast enough to dodge the man's hands,and suddenly his feet left the ground. He didn't realize that he was being grabbed until he flew through the room,hitting the rock wall with a sickeningly sound of breaking bones.

He slid to the ground,staying limp against the floor.

Blair turned a second too late. Her dagger hit the neck of Evan's attacker the second after he released Evan. Blair didn't pause, sprinting after her... Something. She knelt beside him and dropped nectar into his mouth.

"You are not allowed to die on me." She muttered. "I lost my best friend, I'm not losing my boyfriend on the same day." She said fiercely.
Demetrius looked around at the remaining enemies, there were still a few there. He then looked and saw that most of his friends were badly injured."Time to prove myself." He cleared his mind and slowly conjured fire on his palm. He kept foming it until it was the size of a bowling ball."This is for killing my friends." He muttered before chucking the bowling sized fireball at some enemies close to him. The fireball burst on impact and made a huge sound which he was pretty sure anyone could hear. The place was now getting hotter. He decided to take off his heavy armor one by one and ran his way to the group.
Evan opened his eyes when he felt the nectar being dropped into his mouth. The pain in his head made him groan,but it barely compared to his right arm. He couldn't feel anything in there but pain,and he apparently couldn't move it either.

"I think I dislocated my shoulder." He murmured with a grimace,turning back to Blair. His face was completely pale with what he had to do,but he tried to put up a front with a smile. He gently pulled Blair's hands with his good arm,placing it above his shoulder. "We should...set it back on place before it heals. Are you still applying to be my personal healer?"

He closed his eyes and turned his face away,biting his lower lip as he waited for the pain.

Blair nodded, determination in her eyes. Making sure that nobody was nearby, she tightened her grip on his shoulder and jerked it back into place with a grunt of effort. The crack that it made was enough to make her cringe, but it didn't last long. She noticed a man trying to creep up on them and smiled.

"We have a guest." She noted. She ran forward, hitting the deck at the last second. She slid feet-first into the guy, making him fall flat on his face. She didn't pause, getting him in a headlock and breaking his neck with another grunt.
Evan bit his lower lip hardly,determined not to scream. The pain made his vision all blurry for an instant,but at least he managed to remain quiet. He followed the new with his eyes but was too slow to react. Blair was faster to him,and the guy was dead on the ground in an instant.

He struggled to get up,ignoring the pain in his arm as another camper attacked them. He was pissed enough with his arm,the fact that they
still had people to kill only pissed him more. Instead of making this guy sleep,he pulled his sword and buried it against the kid's knee,making the screaming stop once he pulled it out then pushed the blade now the kid's mouth.


He would pay for that power overuse later,which meant that his hallucinations would get much worse for a while.Not that he cared.
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Blair forwent weapons. She didn't need them. Something, probably fury, was fueling her strength. With every punch, bones broke, people went flying. She had never considered herself a warrior, but nothing escaped her now...

Alec waited until his floor was clear of enemies before speaking.

"Next floor, let's go!" He ordered, voice echoing slightly on the stone wall. He led the way down until he hit the next floor. This one was much fuller. He didn't hesitate. Being quiet was impossible.

He sprinted forward, tackling one of the lead guys rugby-style. The entire group fell, scrambling up as fast as they could.

"For Kara." He snarled softly, axing someone in the neck before rolling to the side and slamming his dagger in a woman's chest. He retrieved his weapons and threw himself into battle.

Arya followed Alec down. She had her emergency plan there. She ripped two bottles of water from her bag and dumped them onto the ground. Immediately, she brought it up and forced it into spikes, freezing them individually. With a grunt, she forced them forward, impaling a dozen or more people. Most survived with weakening wounds, a few died. And she had more water bottles, quite a few in her bag.

"For Jenna!" She cried, sprinting forward. She swung her trident like a bat, slicing open a throat.

Ryder knelt beside Nico's body, eyes shadowed. Beside him, Toni had the most guilt-ridden expression he had ever seen on her. She blamed herself, probably for everyone who'd died, he had no doubt.

"I... Why would he die for me?" She asked softly. She wasn't the girl who had been taken. That girl had been cocky to the point of foolhardiness. This girl was... Jumpy. Scared looking. Any touch made her flip out.

"I don't think he meant to." Ryder ducked his head, touching Nico's forehead and murmuring a soft prayer. "He will go to Elysium. I swear." He whispered.

Nitch's eyes were dull. He stared down at Nico's body with the most heartbreaking gaze that Ryder and Toni had ever seen. There was... Nothing. No life. The knowledge that Nico would be in Elysium did nothing.

"He's gone." He whispered. Ryder, shockingly, laid his hand on Nitch's shoulder, squeezing lightly. "He's dead."
Demetrius followed everyone else and plainly just attacked any enemy that got close. His muscles were starting to feel weary and the bruises on his arms and chest were starting to ache. He grunted in pain as he blocked a overhead strike from a Ares camper who had a warhammer like him. He quickly kicked the camper on the chest and took that chance to swing his hammer sideways and placing a solid hit on the campers chest. It sounded with a crack. He was too slow to notice a dagger go past him and stab his shoulder.

He yelled in pain and quickly swung his hammer at the camper that threw the dagger right on the chest."That should teach you not to mess with me." He ripped off the sleeve of his shirt and wrapped it around the cut.

I know the RP has paused briefly. One of our Co-GM's has taken an unexpected break without telling anyone, so... We're just continuing without him. The RP will continue as normal tomorrow, all people are encouraged to post if they've been accepted.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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