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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Demetrius stood silently and walked over trying his best not to make noise with his armor, he grabbed his warhammer and stiod where Ryder ordered them to stand. He sighed, thinking of all the lives that could be lost today. Think positive. He told himself in his head. He tried his best to smile despite what might happen to him.
Cass came out of her room,the lights of the hotel shining lightly against the silver colored armor she was wearing. The fabric was very light,allowing movement instead of full protection,but that's exactly what she wanted. She had to be light in her feet.

Never did she look as much of a daughter of Zeus as she did now.

"Time for the show." She looked about to blow the entire California. Her hands' gripped tightly around Alec's,and she nodded to him. Turning around,she placed a kiss on Blair and Kara's cheek.


Nico was completely silent,but he smiled once he saw Cass. His own clothes were completely black and very simple,but that's exactly how he preferred it. He pulled Nitch's hand so he could kiss it,then focused on the preparation for travelling through the underworld.

Ryder made sure everyone was in the group before nodding at Blair. He closed his eyes, tightening his grip on the people to either side of him, and felt all of them slowly sink into shadows.

After what felt like an eternity, he was on his feet at the top of the mountain. He didn't hesitate, drawing his sword and sprinting forward. There were two guards, who looked stunned. He lunged, stabbing one in the stomach while he was surprised and parrying a strike from the other. In just a few moments, they were both dead, largely thanks to surprise. His hands were shaking, covered in blood.

"Nitch, Izzy, Jenna! Stay here and don't follow us inside!" He barked.
Nico turned around to grab Nitch's face,placing a deep kiss upon his lips. When he pulled back,his longsword materialized on his hands,reacting to the feeling of battle approaching.

"Wait for me,Nitch. I will be back."

He returned to Ryder's side,standing on guard and waiting for the order to strike.

Ryder stared through the entrance. From what he had heard about the fortress, it had changed drastically. Torches replaced by halogen lights, there was no Titan holding up the sky, and a shaft was cut down to the lower layers. From what he could see, there were a few more groups of guards.

"Two groups. I lead one, Alec leads the other. My group will attack head-on, Alec's will sneak around. Cass, Demetrius, Blair, and Alex with me, everyone else with Alec. Cass, come on." He hissed. He looked at Alec.

"Try not to die, drive as many as you can to insanity without making yourself too weak to fight." He ordered, not waiting for an answer. He charged forward, trusting Alec to find his own way.
Cass immediately went pale once she noticed that she wouldn't be in the same group that Alec and Nico were. She felt her hand sliding away from Alec's. That would probably be even harder on her boyfriend than it was on her,so she tried her best to appear confident as she looked up to him.

"It's going to be all right. Go kill some assholes."

"And if no one of us die,we will meet on the other side." She didn't voice those words,but the intention was there.
Demetrius charged forward, but not as fast as the others since he was wearing heavy armor. He approached one of the guards and parried its sword with his warhammer. He smashed the butt of the warhammer against the guard's helmet and took that opportunity to smash the guard's breastplate, right where the ribs were.

Ryder slammed his sword against one man's breastplate, knocking him down. With one fluid movement, he stabbed the guy through the throat, making him gag and choke on his own blood. He was almost too slow and was an inch from getting skewered.

"They're trained!" He shouted, swinging his sword at a female. He almost faltered when he saw his enemy, the Aphrodite girl who had been taken. "Kylie! It's me, Ryder!" He snarled, barely avoiding her knife. Last time he had seen her, the only thing she ever held was a mirror and makeup. "Death Boy!" He pressed, backing up, not wanting to hurt her.

"You are the son of a bastard son!" She yelled, managing to cut his hand. He grunted. She left him no choice. He lunged, stabbing her in the abdomen and getting another slash on his arm for his efforts.


As typically,Evan simply followed his own mind instead of the leader's rule. He was making an effort,of course. For the sake of the mission. But he had no idea how to sneak upon enemies,he only knew how to blast at them with full violence. And staying away from Blair wasn't something he could accept.

So he followed Ryder instead.

The mark of an skull started to appear in his face as he allowed the voice inside of his head to take over him. But this time,he was in command.

"Time to kick ass,children."

His first enemy was apparently expecting a guarded combat. Of course,he didn't exactly predict Evan jumping at him without any sort of care,screaming as he stabbed the guy's neck. Happily for Evan,he was apparently an Aphrodite camper instead of an Ares one.

Alec froze when he was separated from Cass. He didn't complain, a bit honored. He led his group past Ryder's, where he saw a staircase. His ax and dagger were drawn.

He saw an archer nearby and chucked his ax before he was seen, hearing the crunch as it broke through his chest plate. He ran forward, grabbing the ax and using it to continue attacking. He tried to keep quiet.
Nico slammed a wall of darkness upon two guards that were guarding one of their exits,watching them being dragged to the ground. Happily,death was always silent. Being part of the sneaking group was fitting for him,and he trusted Alec's commands.


Cass didn't want to spend her entire electricity in the first wave of enemies. It would be useful once they were deeper inside,but not now. The first camper attacking her was apparently an Hermes kid,considering she was as fast as Cassandra herself was. It was a good thing that he apparently didn't know to handle the warhammer he was holding,and Cass managed to jump over him and stab his back.

That didn't exactly prepare her for the mountain.

That...was an Ares camper. Definitely. And he looked to be twice her size. And also he apparently ate little children for his breakfast.


Cass dodged as well as she could from his launching towards her. He didn't only look like a bull,he fought like one. That meant that she had time to dodge,but any slip on her part would mean death. She kept slamming her daggers against him,but he didn't like he would stop.

Time seemed to slow around her as Cass saw him launching again. This time,she jumped to the side,remembering how Percy Jackson had killed the Minotaur. Her dagger went up towards the man's chest,tearing through it. She was thrown to the ground with the force of the impact,hitting her head backwards.


At least she was alive,or it seemed like it. Quickly pulling herself up,she ran to Ryder's side.
C took off his necklace, and squeezed it, muttering a quick prayer to Apollo under his breath. He pulled the bow figure off of the chain, and it slowly started to grow in size until he was holding a large golden bow. The arrows in the quiver on his back started to turn the same shade of gold, becoming infused with the power of his bow. He knocked an arrow and followed after Alec, trying hard to keep his hands steady. Nervous hands would only get him or someone else killed. He spotted an enemy archer higher up on the staircase, looking down at them. He hesitated for half a second, and an arrow whizzed by him, slicing a cut into his cheek. Realizing how close he'd come to death within the first ten seconds of battle, he shot without hesitation, and the archer went down with a burn hole in their chest.
A Apollo camper that Demetrius knew came at him with a axe. "Josh! It's me. Demetrius!" He tried to shout above the noise. As soon as he said that Josh came at him and smashed his armor into his chestplate. The force of the swing broke through his armor and sliced into his skin. He screamed in pain and swung his hammer at Josh's side, leaving him crippled. He looked at his old friend and smashed his hammer at his chest. How many more are we going to kill? He looked somberly at his friend and then the battlefield.

Ryder thrust his hand out, letting out a yell of rage. Immediately five skeleton warriors rose from the ground, fighting with the Demigods. At the same time, Ryder was fighting three Demigods. If he had to guess, two Ares and an Apollo. Any time he landed a hit, the Apollo camper healed them. He was getting pushed backward, face twisted with rage.

"No!" He snarled, lunging and stabbing the Apollo guy in the chest. He fell, dying too quickly to heal himself. He parried two strikes from the Ares guys before cutting one man's hand off and finishing his strike by cutting the other one's leg, making him fall. He killed them both quickly before running forward.

"Make some noise!" He bellowed. He needed to distract the people from Alec's group. He saw a hallway nearby, the pull of it overwhelming. "Evan, with me!" He called, not fazed that he had followed.
Evan listened to Ryder's request for noise,turning back to the battlefield. The insane guy with the skull mask was already gathering attention. He could make that better,of course. Placing his hands around his mouth,he screamed at the top of his lungs.


That,of course,did the trick. An arrow flied by Evan's side,cutting his arm. He cringed at the pain,but turned in time to make the Apollo camper fall asleep and hit the ground with a loud bump. From the noise it made,he probably broke his neck.

He saw the attention being turned away from the sneaking group and nodded to Ryder,turning to face another camper. He was happy that he didn't know either of them. This girl was small but really fast,almost managing to cut Evan's neck in the first attack. But his powers made her slow down enough that his sword was able to go through her dodging,being buried into her chest.
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Cass turned back to battlefield,although Evan's shouting made her amused. She had meant to keep the storms for later,but they needed to hold their attention now. So she pointed towards the sky,making a wave of electricity fall down and send campers flying through the room.

She heard the sharp sound of a knife being directed towards her neck,and ducked in time to avoid. Kicking the camper away from her,she turned to face them...

And felt her words get stuck in her tongue.

Lilly was one of her favorite campers until she suddenly disappeared. She was pretty,clever...and a really good kisser. But now the smile she held was full of despise,and she launched forward to strike against Cass' leg.

The blade found only air as Cass launched across the room,grabbing Lilly along with her. Her flying was always weird,but this time it worked. She kicked the girl away from the mountain side,unable to meet her eyes as she fell to her death.
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Ryder froze when he saw his next enemy. "Carlos! Don't do this!" He pleaded, holding his sword up and backing away. He couldn't hurt him.

"Nico's here. Your friend. Nico." He whispered. The hatred in Carlos' eyes flickered before returning.

"Nico is no better than the rest of you. He deserves to die." Carlos said in a low voice. Ryder swallowed hard. Carlos lunged, and Ryder made no move to stop him. The knife took Ryder in the shoulder, making him snarl with pain.

"I won't kill you, Carlos! You were my friend." He insisted. He and Carlos hadn't been the closest, but Carlos had treated him like an equal, which was more than the other campers.

"You're a monster, Michael Miller. I never cared about you. I always thought you deserved to die." Carlos hissed. Ryder swallowed hard.

"Then kill me. Because I won't kill you." Ryder whispered. He lowered his weapons, standing in front of the boy. The second Caros lunged, Ryder moved like a snake. He didn't kill him, but he did slam the hilt of his sword against his head, knocking him out.
Nico turned around in time to see Carlos fighting against Ryder,his face becoming the color of a sheet of paper. He froze in place,unable to tear his eyes away or even move until he saw Ryder slam the hilt of his sword against Carlos' head. That pulled him out of his stupor,and Nico was suddenly by Ryder's side,having teleported without even noticing it.


There were tears on his eyes as he lowered down by the campers side,holding his shirt. An Apollo archer took the chance to hit an arrow against his arm,but Nico didn't even notice the deep wound in his arm.

"W-we need to k-kill him. He is tough. If he w-wakes up..."

He felt the warm tears go down his face as he pulled his sword up,the weapon shaking wildly as it stood in the air,but he couldn't bring himself to lower it.

Ryder caught his arm. "I got it." He managed. "Go back." He ordered, voice deceptively calm. He blocked Nico's view and pressed his sword against Carlos' chest.

"I'm sorry, friend." He breathed, bringing the sword down. He felt his death, and fell to one knee, grunting. He didn't let it last long, pure rage flaming in his eyes.

"NO MERCY!" He screamed, his voice not sounding like his. "Don't let anyone live! These are not our friends!" He bellowed, anger fueling him. He cut down three more former campers with ease. Every camper that had left the camp in the past year had ended up here, it seemed.

Arya attacked with her trident, fighting like a serpent. She was evasive and disarming until the moment she struck.

Unlike the others, she had no problem slaughtering them. These weren't her friends. These were strangers with weapons that were threatening her friends.

She threw her trident at one guy's chest, grabbing a guy next to her's shoulder and using him to catapult herself, feet-first, into a girl's face. She fought as much with her hands and feet as she did with her weapon.

Kara fought like a demon with her twin daggers. She tried to stay near C, but it didn't take her long to get separated. She felt like she was doing fantastically. And then a chill ran down her spine. She only heard one word.

"No!!" Alec screamed. She saw him look at her, eyes wide. She whipped around, and gasped as the sword entered her abdomen. In the same instant, Alec flew past her, beheading the guy with his ax. Kara fell to her knees, yanking the sword from her gut. Alec was beside her, trying to stop the bleeding. "No, no, no. Not you. No!" His last word was loud enough to reach the first group, but he didn't seem to care.

"Kara, no, please." He sobbed, tears running down his face.

"It'll be okay. After all... It's not like I could've pranked people off the mountain." She smiled weakly, thankful that she could die with her best friend. Her eyes unconsciously searched for C. "Sorry I was the first to go." She said hoarsely.

"You aren't going anywhere. Please. Kara." Alec choked out. They were ignoring the battle around them completely.
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Cass turned around to see Kara fall down,the crimson color of the blood getting stuck in her line of vision. Kara...

They were vulnerable at this time,and she ran towards them. She was clumsy enough that she nearly died a few times,but it didn't matter. She had to make sure that Alec and Blair would be safe. She kicked the legs of one demigod,making him fall straight towards her dagger. A quick slash against his neck did the job,but more people were gathering around those three. Once she was close enough,Cass started to shield them against the demigods.

"Alec! We need to-"


That was the only way to describe the sensation she felt when the arrow slid through her forehead,nearly killing her. It was like the rock from the first day of camp,only more deadly. She cringed at the pain once she fell to the ground,holding her bloody head.

No,not this time.

A camper was surprised by the sudden motion of Cass pushing herself up. She grabbed him by the neck,tossing his body against the ground and stabbing him in the chest. They were
not going to take Alec from her. They both fell against the ground and she fought with the camper,taking the last breath away from him.
C's arrow went wildly off target at the shout, bouncing off the wall and disappearing out of sight. He quietly mourned the loss. He was running out of arrows. He had four, or five left, if that, and he would be practically defenseless once he ran out. He turned, searching for Kara. His eyes widened in shock when he saw her, and he ran towards her, using his bow to knock a former camper away from him. C dropped to his knees next to her. "No!" He looked at the sword cutting through her, and then at his useless, unable-to-heal hands. "Dammit!" He punched the ground. "This-This isn't how this was supposed to happen!" Even as he said he, he wasn't sure how it should've happened. She was a close range fighter, and he... wasn't. He grabbed her hand. "We were supposed to fight through this together." He said quietly, bowing his head.
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Blair heard Alec's voice, and knew it could only mean one thing. She didn't spare a single glance for Ryder, she was off. She sprinted down the stairs, not caring who saw her or if an enemy stabbed her in the back.

She didn't make it down the stairs before she saw it. Alec, cradling Kara's dying body. The howl of agony that escaped her lips was inhuman. She shadow traveled beside him, stroking Kara's hair.

"Hey. You promised you wouldn't die." She said, tears flowing freely down her face. "You've never broken a promise before."

"Guy who did it didn't get to regret it for long. Alec made sure of that." Kara gestured to a headless body nearby. Blair barely noticed.

"You're lucky I wasn't around. I would've busted some heads." Blair whispered. She noticed that Alec was crying, something he never did. Kara had been both of their first friends at camp, the one that introduced them. The one that turned Alec from a shy little kid to a great guy, the one who made Blair feel like less of a monster.

And now, a week before her birthday, the teenager was shaking and dying in their arms. And yet, incredibly, there was still a small smile on her lips.

"I see my dad." Kara whispered, eyes misty. "He died when I was seven, but he's here." She was laughing slightly, blood trailing from her mouth. That was how the girl died.


Arya felt like the battle had barely begun when the first casualty on their side hit. She heard the howls of grief, the agony. She allowed herself to turn, and faltered. The second youngest one on the quest, just 16. She was... Dead? She had been so happy, so carefree. And she had died. Arya sprinted toward them, killing two guys that tried to do the same.

"Get her out of here. We don't want the..." She couldn't force herself to say the word body. "We don't want her to get anymore hurt." She finished softly.

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