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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Evan didn't seem to register Blair's words at first,keeping his glance down on her hands. It was only when her words actually made sense that he rose his eyes,paling lightly.

"I-I..." He wanted to say it back. He felt the same,he had to say it. Evan opened his mouth to reply,looking into Blair's eyes.
"No,Evan. You don't get to love anyone. NOT.WHILE.I.LIVE."

The words got stuck into throat,and so did breathing. Evan found himself falling sideways,grabbing his own neck as he struggled to breath. His face soon started to assume a purplish tone as he couldn't get himself to pull the air,black dots appearing in his vision.
"Until I run out of arrows," He said with a small sigh. "Or the enemy decides they've had enough of my cheap shots and close range me to death." He paused, his face reddening slightly. "I don't know if you could tell, but yesterday was-" He coughed. "-Kind of, maybe, my first time and I don't regret it either." He said quickly, almost embarrassed to admit it.
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Kara smiled. "And?" She murmured, small smirk playing on her lips. She didn't get embarrassed as easily. "Listen, you were good, okay? No need to be ashamed that you were a virgin. It's really not a big deal." She assured him. She couldn't offer much else, she hadn't been a virgin that night, although she wasn't that far off.


Blair looked over at Evan, confused at his sudden silence. When she saw his face, she gasped, grabbing him. The second her hand touched his chest, she recoiled. The darkness in him was consuming, all powering. She pressed her hand against him hard.

"Not this time." She growled, focusing hard. She tried to dispel the darkness, but she was too worried, too panicked. All she could do was subdue it enough for him to breathe again. "Come on..." She whispered, trying to do more and failing.

Kasumi leaned in to kiss the Alex's face,wiping the tears away from his eyes. Dreams were very meaningful things,specially in her culture. Should she lie to Alex? Should she say that everything would be all right?

"Maybe it was just a dream,Alex. You are very stressed,we all are. We will only know what actually happens during the actual battle."

She sighed before pulling him in for a hug. Of course she had to lie. She had to find a way to keep him focused,or he would end up dying in the quest.

"May the gods bless us..." She muttered in a low tone,hugging him tightly. It had been years since she actually missed Japan,but now...she just wished that she could see it again. With Alex and Jenna.
C shook his head slightly, though he was smiling. "Some people would've cared, but I guess I should've expected more from you." He looked up at her. "So, you want to go get breakfast or stay here and live a little longer?"
Evan gasped when a small quantity of air entered his lungs,but it soon disappeared when the darkness in his chest grew stronger,fighting against Blair's influence. The black dots in his vision started to grow,his ears buzzing loudly. Soon Evan's fight weakened,and he fainted against Blair's arms.

When he opened his eyes,he wasn't on his room anymore. He stood in the middle of a dark mist,barely able to feel his body anymore. The darkness was oppressive,infinite against his body. The only sound was the light beating of his heart,but even that was starting to fade away.

How could he fight all of that? Evan tried to convoke anything,any face. His mother. His first girlfriend. Nothing came to his mind. Only the voice.

"You threatened my rule for the last time,Evan. I was trying to be nice. But now you are my bitch."
He felt his body going deeper into the mist,starting to fade away. He didn't have anything to hold to. He was going...

"There are three people in this world that I love."

That was Blair's voice. Her face had been previously denied to him,but now he saw it clearly through the mist. She looked...pissed. Why was he giving up so easily?

The voice in his mind shrieked in anger of Blair's influence,but it couldn't push her away anymore. A new light started to grow,and Evan saw Melanie in his mind. She looked so much like her mother. Evan grasped through the mist,trying to reach out to them. He suddenly felt the hands of the two girls that he loved embracing him,and the dark force disappeared.


The voice's rant was a cut short by Evan's punch. He felt his hand reaching the thing's face,who now had a physical form. Evan was boiling with anger as he pulled a chain from the ground,wrapping it around the creature.

"No. You are small. You are pathetic. And you are my bitch."

The mist suddenly disappeared and Evan found himself going back to the real world. His heart started to beat again,and he coughed as the air entered his lungs.

"I...love...you too..." He closed his eyes,leaning against the ground weakly.

"I'm suicidal. Let's go eat. Worked up an appetite last night, somehow." She teased, sitting up and reaching for her clothes. She dressed quickly before waiting by the door for C


Blair wasn't really sure what was happening. She couldn't beat the darkness in Evan, as much strength as she put into it. Suddenly, it just... Faded. She almost passed out, the amount of effort she had put into it making her dizzy. She stumbled against the wall, barely stopping herself from falling.

"Good to know." She breathed before forcing herself to stand up straight. "We... We have to go." She managed.

Alex smiled at her, stroking her arm. "You're a terrible liar, you know that? You blush a little bit when you do." He sighed. "But thanks. I appreciate it." He looked over at his sister, who was looking with the utmost glee at the dessert area.

"If she dies, I die. It's that simple." He said softly. His voice was bleak, but calm. There was no doubt in his mind. He simply couldn't live without her.

Evan nodded,coughing against the pain in his throat. Ouch.

"Getting strangled sucks." He muttered before forcing himself to get off the ground. His breathing was starting to normalize,and his heart didn't feel like it would stop again any time soon. Reaching out for Blair,he gave her a quick hug. "Thank you."

He supported her weight in one of his arms,carrying his backpack in the other.

"I'm ready. Let's go."
C sighed at her for getting up and taking all the warmth in the bed with her, but got up and quickly put on the rest of his clothes. "Huh, I wonder how." He deadpanned, raising an eyebrow at her. He left the room and headed to the elevator, pressing the button. "What are you going to order for your last day on earth? You can get a birthday cake and make all the wait staff sing to you, even though it's not your birthday." He blinked at her. "...Probably."
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Blair smirked. "Trust me, I know exactly what it feels like. One second." She pulled away from him and grabbed her sword from the corner. Just being near it made most people's skin crawl, the poison imbued in it was incredibly powerful.

"One scratch with this baby, they'll be damn-near paralyzed with pain." She smirked evilly.


"Next week, not today." She laughed. "Not-so-sweet seventeen." She said, faking excitement. "And I'm going to order... Cheesecake. I love cheesecake and the camp only serves healthy shit. If I die, I die with cheesecake." She said firmly, nodding.

Kasumi couldn't help but smirk. That was true,she would never be able to be a poker player.

Her smile disappeared once he mentioned dying with Jenna. She shouldn't expect anything less,of course. Jenna was his only family. The person he loved the most in the entire world.

"I was hoping it wouldn't come to that." She admitted,rubbing her head where a headache had started. "But if it does...I can't move you away from that decision,Alex. She is your family. I understand."

Sighing,she played with the phone in her fingers.

"So...they say that in your last day in Earth you should wrap up all your business. I was thinking of calling my father. Although I don't know if I can do that without swearing at him."
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actually took a step away from the blade by reflex,chuckling when he realized what he was doing.

"Nice baby. I will keep mine closed until the battle. Don't want to scare the neighbors."

He winked to Blair before wrapping one hand around her should and pulling her out of the room. His glance caught C,standing outside. That made him sigh. Another person that he really wished that would stay alive.
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Alex looked at the ground. "I tried to call my mother this morning. My stepfather answered. He told me she died last year, car accident. Ever since, he's been sober, he was driving the car. He... Asked for forgiveness." He whispered, looking at Jenna once again.

"And she doesn't know yet. I don't know what to tell her." He sighed. "Our mother was batshit. Insane after both Aeolus and Morpheus left her. But she was the only parent we had." He muttered.

"Well, I enjoy terrifying people." She walked past a young mortal guy. The guy winked at her before seeing the sword, and immediately veered away. "Aw, no? Don't want to stick around? Come give me a hug." She called after him. The guy sped up, eyes terrified.

Kasumi felt sadness take over her. Was that the fate waiting for her as well? Did her father die without she being able to apologize to him?

"I'm sorry,Alex. I can't imagine how this feels. I've been away from my father for so long,I can't even remember his face well..." She rose her eyes to Jenna,then back at Alex. "Don't tell Jenna. Let her..."

She bit her lip,but the message was clear in her eyes.

It could be her last day alive. Let Jenna be happy.

Alex nodded. "I know." He whispered. "I need... I need a minute." He muttered, walking toward his sister and kneeling in front of her.

"Listen to me." He said softly. Her eyes were still bright, glued permanently to the dessert bar. "I love you, okay? I will do anything it takes for you to make it through this. But you have to do your part. Stay back. Please." He begged, gripping her hands.

"I will, Alex. I promise." She smiled.
"Hm, cheesecake it is. I think I'll go with... plain toast." He kept a straight face for almost ten full seconds before he laughed. "I might steal my own idea for myself, but convincing everyone that it's my birthday seems like a lot of work, and-" He caught Evan's eye, and his humor immediately vanished. He suddenly didn't know what to say. He had successfully avoiding thinking about how other people would feel about his death until now.

"Eh. You aren't the most social person, you could pull it off..." She trailed off when she saw Blair and Evan. The two girls met eyes, and Kara felt like she was slowly dying. They both moved forward at the same time, meeting in the middle and hugging each other tightly.

"You aren't allowed to die. I'll kill you if you die." Blair whispered, shaking her head.

"Back at you." Kara shot back.

Evan looked at C for a moment,but his glance eventually lowered towards his feet. He didn't know what to say. He had asked C not to die,but he knew that wasn't his choice. A lot of people would day today,and one of the few people that he actually would miss could be on that list.

With a deep breath,he stepped forward and tapped C's shoulder lightly.

"Thanks for being there for me when I needed you. You're a good friend. I know I said this before but...don't die."

That was a weird friendship,but he didn't mind it. C was his friend,and that's all he needed to know.
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Kasumi followed Alex with her glance,sighing. He loved his sister. Would that cloud his eyes to the fact that Jenna also couldn't lie well?

She looked once again at the phone in her hands. It was quite literally now or never. They would soon be leaving for the battle that would probably take her life away. And she could call her father or not.

Her finger rested upon the screen. Taking her grudges to the grave wouldn't do her any could. Actually,they could make the passage with Charon more difficult.

She blinked with surprise once she noticed that she had pressed the button to call him. A panic started to surge in her chest,but Kasumi pushed it back down her throat.


The polite tone in the other side of the line made her freeze. Her father must have thought that she was one of his business partners,or he wouldn't be so polite. She had to be quick,and she couldn't hesitate.

"Chichi wa,watashi wa anata ga kono chikyū-jō de watashi no saigo no hidearu koto o shitte iru yō ni yonde iru,to watashi wa kowaidesu.Shikashi,watashi wa saishūtekini anata ga watashi ga naritakatta hito ni narimashita.Dakara...Sayonara. Watashi wa anata o ketsujō suru to omoimasu."

The other side of the line was silent for a long time. Enough that Kasumi was starting to consider turning the phone off. But a low reply came from the her father,and she heard the pain marked in it.

"Kasumi...you make me very proud."

She had wanted to hear those words for years. But now...now she didn't know how to react. For the first time in that day,she wanted to run away from this mission. She wanted to survive. If her father said anything else,she would make a run for it.

So she quickly replied to him,then turned the phone off.

"Thank you,father."

Kasumi couldn't run away. She was taking this to the end.

Ryder walked back inside, feet heavy. He didn't hesitate when he got in.

"It's time to go. I'm going to shadow travel is to the top of the mountain with Blair's help. The second we're there, expect a fight. Some of us might not make it. I'm no friend of my father's, but I will not rest until those who die make it into Elysium!" He said firmly.

"Let's go!" He snapped. Nitch was just making it down, gripping Nico's hand tightly. "Huddle up, Blair, other side of me." He ordered. Nitch took his position beside Ryder, gripping his shoulder.
"Hey, I needed you too. If you weren't there I would've overdosed on coffee." C couldn't even manage a smile. He looked away, unable to meet Evan's gaze. "Yeah, I know, but if... if I do die, just know I'm glad we're friends, and I'm sorry that we just became friends only for me to die." He turned away, gritting his teeth "And maybe you shouldn't pick shitty friends like me that'll die on you." He said with barely any humor, jogging towards Ryder.

Kara was right next to C, Blair at her heels. As per Ryder's orders, Blair stood across from him, already looking stressed. Kara stood beside her, taking her hand and breathing heavily.

"See you on the other side." She offered.

"Not today." Blair shot back.


Alec walked down a little late, shirt askew and hair messy. He stood beside Kara, leaving Blair's other side open for Evan, and took his friend's hand, extending his other to Cass.

"No goodbyes. None of us are allowed to die." His voice was steady, no hesitation.

Evan stood in complete shook for a moment,watching C turn away. He followed Apollo's son,not really trusting himself to speak without getting emotional and making a scene. He gripped C's shoulder as a form of saying goodbye,trying to ignore the pressure in his chest. His other hand was wrapped around Blair's fingers,and he gave her a hesitant smile.
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